SOPY 3085 - Lecture 05

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SOPY 3085

Policy Processes and Politics

Lecture 5
Implementation of Policies

1 March 2019

Dr. CHAN Bing-Kwan

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 1
1. What is implementation?
1.1 Definition
Implementation is the process by which policies enacted by the
government are put into effect by the relevant agencies.

In other words, implementation is the process of carrying out policies.

1.2 Who are the agencies of implementation?

• Policies are often implemented by the administration, including the civil
servants and administrative officials at various levels who deliver and
manage the necessary actions.
e.g. police officers, government clerks, etc.
• In some cases, however, quasi-government & non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) are involved in implementation activities.
e.g. non-government social service organizations, contractors of
cleaning service, etc.

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 2

Birkland 2010: 263-4; Howlett et al 2009: 160-1
2. Why study policy implementation?

For researchers:
• Implementation studies provides researchers a better understanding
of policy processes which demonstrate not only how policy is
carried out but also how political actors at various levels interact
with one another.

For policymakers:
• Implementation studies provides advice to policymakers as to learn
about a better way to design policies which can be implemented to
achieve the effects that the policy designers desire.

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 3

Howlett et al 2009: 160-1
3. How to study policy implementation?
3.1 Why perfect implementation is unattainable
Obstacles to implementation are outside the control of administration.
The unexpected sudden change in physical or political environment create
obstacles to policy implement.
Physical obstacles:
E.g. Climate change and new disease (such as SARS).
Political obstacles:
E.g. Sudden change in public opinion become the obstacle to the
implementation of national education policy.

Too much is expected too soon.

e.g. people expect the resolve the problems poverty in a short period.

Failure in providing or managing combination of resources required at each

stage in implementation process.
e.g. man power, money, land, equipment, etc.
,又指當時資源不足,令他們無法逐層搜救…(TVB News, 2013 Mar 4)

始則承認醫管局人手緊張。 (, 2018 Jan 1)
SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 4
Hogwood and Gunn 1984:198-206
3.1 Why perfect implementation is unattainable (Cont.)
Inadequate understanding of a problem, its causes, its nature, and what is
need to resolve it.
增加供應才能紓緩樓價升勢。(am730, 24 May 2012)

The intervening links among causes and effects.

The effects of new policy create other problems (i.e. side effect of policy).
徵SSD後 投資者大炒商舖 (HKET, 14 Apr 2012)

Dependency relationships and disagreements among agencies of

implementation. 地皮頻流標 2萬供應未達標 (HKET, 5 Apr 2013)

Disagreements of the objectives of policy:

Some groups agree the objective of the 政府早前突然決定向住宅物業交易加徵5%至
policy while some do not. As a result, the 15%「額外印花稅」,又收緊按揭成數…措
opponents always highlight the negative 施即時令二手物業成交大幅急降,地產代理
impact of the policy. 生意顯著萎縮,代表近八成地產代理從業員
Poor communication & coordination 對樓市問題治標不治本…擔心最終會導致超
among participants. 過三成從業員及後勤員工,佔近1萬人會失
業…(Oriental Daily, 30 Nov 2010)
SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 5
Hogwood and Gunn 1984:198-206
3.2 Theoretical way to study policy implementation

• Who are the policy formulators?

• Who are the decision makers?
• Who are the implementers?
• If they are not the same group of actors, who have more power?

Hill 2013: 207-8

Two classical approach to answer these questions?

• Top-down approach
• Bottom-up approach

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 6

4.Top-down Approach
4.1 Definition
• It is an approach to study policy implementation that considers the
goals of the top-level policy designers, and traces the design and
implementation of policy through the lowest-level implementers.
• In other words, this approach is based on the assumption of stage
model in which there is a clear distinction between policy formulation
and implementation. It also assumes that actions of implementers are
directed by objectives decided in prior stage of policy (policy

4.2 Key assumptions

Descriptive assumption:
• Decision are made at the top level (central government or legislature)
and carried out at the bottom (by implementing organizations)

Prescriptive assumption:
• Decision should be made at the top and carried out at the bottom.

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 7

Birkland 2010: 265-6
4.3 Other key assumptions of top-down approach

• Policies contain clearly and consistently • The only goal is to cool down the
defined goals against which performance property market.
can be measured.
• Policies contain clearly defined policy • Introducing new taxes and others
tools (policy instruments).
• New law is proposed by the
• There is a single authoritative statement government and is passed by the
of policy LegCo.
• There is an implementation chain that
starts with the message at the top, and • The government designs the new
sees implementation as occurring in a policy and all organizations at
chain. In other words, there is a lower levels, such as the
sequence of policy stage. Monetary Authority, developers,
banks and property agents will
• Policy designers have good knowledge
take appropriate actions to
needed to effectively implement policies, implement the policy.
•Policy implementers’ availability of • The top-level of government
resource knows how far the implementers
•Policy implementers’ desire to carry can implement the new policy
the goals of the top-level policy and all implementers are willing
designers. to implement the new policy.

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 8

Birkland 2010: 265-6
4.4 Criticisms of top-down approach
• Clear goals of policy do not always exist. Sometimes there is no
consensus on the goals as different parties have different goals.
• It is questionable to assume that there is a single authority that can
successfully structure and direct policy implementation. In most cases,
however, most policy made by the central government requires local
governments’ cooperation. Similarly, policy made by a local government
also relies on the cooperation of other public and private agencies.
• Policy usually contains a wide collection of separate and sometimes
contradictory programs. e.g. free economy vs. housing policy

觀塘重建流標 標價遠遜下限
涉1700伙 市建局9月捲土重來
Ming Pao, 30 July 2014
SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 9
Birkland 2010: 265-6
5. Bottom-up approach
5.1 Definition
Bottom-up approach, or “backward mapping” is a way to study policy
design and implementation that considers the abilities and motivations
of the lowest-level implementers, and tracks policy design from that
level to highest level of government. (Birkland 2012: 268)
5.2 Key assumptions
• Goals are ambiguous rather than well-defined.
• Goals may conflict not only with other goals in the same policy area,
but also with the norms and motivations of implementers. Thus,
implementation can be considered to be the continuation of conflicts
and compromises throughout the policy process.
• Groups are active participants in the implementation process.

Descriptive assumption:
• Thus, decision and implementation are the continuation of conflicts and
compromises among groups at various levels throughout the policy
Prescriptive assumption:
• Decision should be made by compromises among various groups from
the top to the bottom-level of political actors involved.
SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 10
Birkland 2012: 268-9
5.3 Criticisms of bottom-up approach

• Bottom-up approach overemphasizes that ability of the implementers but

downplays the goals of the top policy makers. Actually, implementers such
as civil servants are constrained to act in a particular way based on the legal
status, code of practices and professional norms, etc.

• Not all groups are active participants in implementation process. There are
actually power differences of groups. Those, including implementers and
target population, with greater power can have greater influence on policy.

How powerful are the civil servants

Apple Daily, 28 July 2012
SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 11
Apple Daily 4 June 2013 Birkland 2012: 268-9
6. Insights
6.1 Variation of administrative structure across states and policy areas
• Implementation involves complex inter-organizational interactions
among groups with different interests and different structure.
• In this case, it is necessary to study the variations in administrative
systems across different states and different policy areas.

• In some states, power is relatively centralized in the central

government or its departments (e.g. North Korea). In this case, top-
down is relatively applicable, though bottom-up approach should
be taken into account.
• In contrast, since the rise of the New Right in the 1980s, most
western states have decentralized their power to various agencies.
In this case, bottom-up approach is useful while the governments
still play a key role in managing policy.

• In the US, military policy is highly controlled by the White House,

State Department and the Pentagon.
• However, other social policies rely on numerical public and private

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 12

6.2 Towards a mixed approach
Both top-down and bottom-up approaches have their own strengths
and weaknesses.

• Top-down approach highlights the goals of top-level policy

makers but downplay the role of the lower-level agencies.
• Bottom-up approach focuses on the interactions among the
agencies and policy designers. However, the power difference
of agencies may be over-estimated and over-simplified.

Mixed approaches, with triangulation between these two approaches

can be applied.

• Both approaches are applied. Findings from these two approaches

are then combined in order to identify the role of various political
actors and factors in implementation process.
• e.g. How top-level government manage its policy and how bottom-
level agencies resist or distort the policy.

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 13

Hill 2013: 216-8
膠樽暗堆填 回收旅程太荒謬


Singtao Daily 28 Jun 2013

• Are there consistent goals of policy?

• If so, what are the common goals?
• If not, what is the difference, and why are they inconsistent?
• How useful are the top-down and bottom-up approaches to the study
of implementation in this case?

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 14


• Who are the policy formulators?

• Who are the decision makers?
• Who are the implementers?
• If they are not the same group of actors, who have more power?
• Who define how good a policy is?
• Who decide how good a policy is?

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 15

Which side is more powerful?

Over 900 US career diplomats protest Trump order

A memo signed by 900 State Department diplomats that opposes President

Donald Trump's temporary ban on refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-
majority nations from entering the US has been delivered to top officials, State
Department officials familiar with the memo told CNN Tuesday.

The "memo of dissent" warns that not only will the new immigration policy not
keep America safe, but it will harm efforts to prevent terrorist attacks. The ban
"will not achieve its stated aim of to protect the American people from terrorist
attacks by foreign nationals admitted to the United States," the memo notes.
CNN first reported that a draft memo of dissent was being circulated for
signatures on Monday.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer, when asked about the memo at a
press briefing Monday, told the federal employees who backed it to “either get
with the program or they can go.”, 1 Feb 2017

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 16

• Who implement the policy? Who decide the success of the implementation of this policy?
• What is the goal of this policy? To what extent will this goal be achieved?
• What are the difficulties in implementation of policy? What made these difficulties?
• How can we smoothen the implementation this policy.
膠袋4月全面徵費 街市拆招
倘同買徵稅免稅品 顧客自行入袋不違法

除新鮮冷凍食品 不能免費索平口袋

索取膠袋毋須收費0.5元。 Ming Pao 23 Feb 2015

• How can the civil servants resist the policy

made by the ministers?
• What empower the civil servants to bargain with
the ministers?
自通知各部門不要實施某某政令。(, 3 Oct 2012)
SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 19
What made policy change?

強推煤改氣捱轟 官急轉軚准燃煤
責問責。Sky Post 2017 Dec 8

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 20

【派錢4000蚊】申請程序擾民港府終放寬 無住址證明郵費欠資也接受


計劃網頁(下載申請表格。 2019 Jan 23

What made policy change?

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 21


Cairney, P. (2012) Understanding public policy: Theories and issues.

Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Birkland, T.A. (2010) An introduction to the policy process: Theories, concepts, and
models of public policy making (3rd ed.). New York: M.E. Sharpe.

Hill, M. (2013). The public policy process (6th ed.) Essex: Pearson Education

Hogwood, B. W. and Gunn, L. A. (1984) Policy analysis for the real world, Oxford:
Oxford University Press.

Howlett, M. Ramesh, M. & Perl, A. (2009) Studying public policy (3rd Ed.) Don Mills,
Ont. : Oxford University Press.

SOPY 3085 - Lecture 5 22

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