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Code No. Bag, 87 BALLB. (5 ypc) / BB, aN 1 00) acon. LL.B (6 YDC) II Year li Semester Bee tion, April / May 2022 Law Paper — Heat) of Contract “1 Max. Marke, 4 Time: 3 Hours - cet A PART (Sx 6 = 30 Mag, Note: Answer any five questions, Offer and !NVitation to offer Provisional acceptance Undue Influence - Wager agreement Novation » Accord and satisfaction Finder of lost goods Duty to mitigate ON DO RWN ' PART-B Note: Answer any two questions. © (2x15 = 30 Marks) 9 Define consideration and “an agreement without consideration is void". Explain this Statement with exceptions. ~~ 10 Who has the capacity to enter into ann agreement? Discuss the effects of mino’s agreement./ . ~ 11 Write @ note on appropriation of payments with the help of decided cases, 12 Explain the conditions under which the specific performance may be granted, PART -C Note: Answer'any two questions. ~ (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) 13 Awrote a letter to B stating he wants to sell his house to B for 1 iakh rupees. Before ~ receiving this letter B also wrote a letter to A, Stating that he wants buy the house of A for Rs‘4 lakh. Explain whether these letiers form an agreement. 14 A Hindu window was forced to adopt a boy of a close relation of her deceased husband. Unless she accepts the adoption, the dead body of her husband was not allowed to take Gut. She accepts the adoption of the boy. However, she denies her free consent for that adoption . 15 A promised to supply goods to ‘B' on or before @ particular data. But before that expected delivery data itself. A expressed his inability to supply the goods to B. . What are the remedies, available to B? 16 A post man by mistale delivered a parcel to Mr. x, thinking thathe is Mr. Y. Decide the consequences. No. D-12688 FACULTY OF LAW B.A. LL.B. (5 YDC)/B.B.A, (5 ait B.Com LL.B. (5 YDC) Ill - Semester Examination, April / May 2022 Subject: Law Paper: V— Family Law — I (Hindu Law) 23 he Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Note: Answer any five question, PART-A Kartha - Doctrine of Cy-press . Coparcener / Factum Valet, . Desertion // . Pious obligation . Ashrama Dharma . Manu smrithi {5 x 6 = 30 Marks) PANONRWNa . PART-B Note: Answer any two questions “ (2 x 15 = 30 Marks) 9. Explain the ancient sources of Hindu gir go anole on “Narada Smriti”./ 10.Explain the grounds of divorce under ibtrau Marriage Act, 1955. 11. Elucidate the general principles of succession of a female Hindu. 12. Who is a natural guardian? What are his powers? , PART-C Note: Answer any two questions (2x 10 = 20 Marks) 13. Husband trie: ito marry second time. Wife, apprehending of herhusband taking a secy fd Wife;"Wwants to approach the court. Can she succeed? Give reasons. ta.Hustand his sisters and parents are longing to have a child in the family, But the wife always dashed their hopes by resorting to termination of pregnancy twice. Can husband claim divorce? 18.Padma is working as a teacher in @ Government School. Her husband who is an unemployed filed a suit for maintenance against his wife. Is she liable? aie, ~ . 16.4 Hindu dies leaving behind his daughter, son, father and mother in the year 2010. Distribute the joint family Property of the deceased among survivors.‘auljuorluRLUsO MMAy/:sdny, r FACULTY oy B.A. LL.B. (5 YDC)/ BBA LLB (8¥0c) 1) J F LAW Code No. 5257 ~ Year ty nary 2020 1” S°™28I0r Examination Subject: Law Paper. y Time: 3 Hours Fanaty Law 4 PART ~ A (5x6 = 30 My " =30 Mints a Marks: a0 Convention Answer any Five Of the following Sapinda felationshyy . Pious obligation Dependents When divorced person remarry? Section 13-8 of HM. Act Section 10 of HM Act Restitution of conjugal nights. BVEMewns PART ~ B (2x15 = 30 Marks) swer any Two of the following. 8 Explain in brief the sources of Hindu law, owns 10 Explain the “Cruelty” as a ground for divorce under Hindu Marnage Act, 1955, 11 Who is Karta? Under what circumstaz.ces he can alienate joint famity propeny 12 State the general rules of succession under the Hindu Succession Act, 1956. PART ~ C (2x10 = 20 Marks) Answer any Two of the following, 13. 'A’dies in 2014 leaving his wife, Mother, two daughters, two sons and his father Distribute the estate among them 14 AHindu widow inherits property from her husband in 2010 and adopts a son in 2012. Can the adopted son inherit the property. 15 AHindu inate residing at Warangal died on 2™ January, 2015 surviving his wie, three sons and two daughters of whom one was married in 2016. He left ancestral property worth Rs. 5 lakhs and separate property worth Rs. 8 lakhs, Divide the property among the heirs. 16 ‘R’ dies instestate leaving behind his son who converted to Christianity, a daughter and father. Distribute R's property in accordance with Hindu Succession Act. Whatsapp @ 9300930012 Send your old paper & get 10/- ray Wa aad sre ste 10 waa ara, Paytm or Google Pay & wos ouTUORTURUISO: MMMy//:sdnYy,FACULTY OF Law Code No. 5256 BALL. (5 YDC)/ BBA LL.B (5 YOC) I1-Year tH1-Semoat -Semostor Ex wos‘auljuoRlURLsO MMAY//:Sdny, amination, Subject: LAW ton. January 7020 Papor ~1v Time. 3 Hours. Law of Contract - PART ~ A (5x6 = 30 Marks) Max Marks: 00 An: 1 Vals Contract swer any Five of the following 2. Free Consent 3° Wagenng Contract 4 Actual Breach 5 Quasi Contract 6 Duty to Miugate 7 Specific Performance 8 Pemectual Injunction PART - B (2x15 = 30 Marks) Answer any Two of the following. 9 ‘Agreements in restraint of trade are void" - Explain, Elucidate the exception to it 10 Explain the Doctrine of frustfation and its effect with suitable examples. 14 Explain about “Certairrelations resembling to the contracts” with suitable examples 12 Elucidate the ssential conditions of valid acceptance of an offer with suitable examples. PART - C (2x10 = 20 Marks) Answer any Two of the following. 13x! owes money to "Y' under a contract, later it is agreed that ‘X’ has to marry Z sister of “¥- and °X’ will not the liable. 'X’ agreed to do so but Z died in an accident Discuss the liability of x 14 A promises to his son 'B’ to buy for him a new motor cycle if 'B secure first class in his degree examinations ‘B’ works hard, spends sleepless nights and secures first class “A fails to Keep up his promise. ‘B' wants to legally enforce the promise of A’. Advise A 45 ‘A’ voluntanly renders services to 'B' later unilaterly promises to pay ‘A’ Rs_ 10,000 for the services rendered by ‘A’ 'B' fails to keep up his promise. ‘A’ sues ‘B' for the recovery to the promised amount ‘B’ pleads lack of consideration for his promise Decide 16 A’ promises ‘B' to promises to restore drop a prosecution which he insituted against 'B' for robbery and ‘B” the value of things taken. Is this agreement enforceable? wos ouTUORTUEUISO: MaMM//:sdnYy,wos‘auljuoRlURLsO MMAY//:Sdny, Facu Code No BA... 65 Yor) ABA Lies vooyry ota “arin Boom tn 5 Examination, July 7s ‘Auta eo M-Year i. Semostor Subject: Law j Paper. v Time : 3 hours Family Lawl (Hindu Law) Max. Marks 30 Answer any Five of the toll nt” * (8 #8 = 30 Marks)’ lowing : 1 Hindu ° 2 Conugal ngnts 3 Re-union 4 Maintenance of Wite 5 Resiauary tegacy 6 Prutigea wit 7 Distant kinared 8 Limited estate PART - B (2 «15 = 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following 8 Discuss the different schools of Hindu Law 19 Discuss the provisions of vold and voldavle marriages under the Hindu Mamage Act 1955 , 11 Whats separate property? Explain the incidents of separate property 12 Explain the salient features of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following : 13 A female Hindu dies mtestate leaving behind her father in law, a step son father and mother She inhented the property fram her husband assign their shares 14 Mother, acting as the guardian of minor san, has effected the partition son. after attaming the age of majority, filed a suit of setting aside the partition on the ground of fraud Can he succeed 15 The immovable property of a Hindu Minor is sok’ by the father for the benefit of the minor without the permission of the court Is the sale valid? Give reasons 16 x’ owes if a debl guaranteed by ‘2’ “Y’ does note sue ‘X' for a year after the debt has become payable and in the meantime 'X' becomes insolvent Is Z discharged from his hability wos ouTUORTUEUISO: MaMM//:sdnYy,wos‘auljuoRlURLsO MMAY//:Sdny, FACULTY OF LAW Code No 15256/8L BALLB (5 YDC)/ BBA LL.B. (5 YDC)/B.Co m {5 YOC) Wt -Year tit . Examination, July August 2019 Part Semaste Subject: LAW Paper. IV: - ime: 3 Hours per Law of Contract ~ | Max Marks 20 PART - A (5x6=30 Marks) nswer any FIVE of the following: Impied offer Revocation of acceptance Minors lability for necessanes Voidable contracts Accord and Satistaction Canceliation of instrument Mandatory and prohibilory injunctions Coercion PART — B (2x15 = 30 Marks) Swer any TWO of the following questions: “A contract without consideration is void" — Convent Expiain the meaning of a contingent contract What are the rules relating to conungent contracts Discuss the doctrine of frustration as a parallel concept of supervening impossibility under Indian Law ‘What remedies are available to an aggrieved party on the breach of a contract? PART - C (2x10 = 20 Marks) nswer any TWO of the following questions: 3A a trademan sends some goods ordered by 'B’ The servant of A delivers the goces by mistake at the house of ‘C’ C uses the goods Can A recover the price of the goods from C7 . 4 Charies advanced Rs 2 00,000/- to Mrs. Neeli to enable her to obtain a divorce from ner husband Neel agreed to marry Charles as soon as she obtained a divorce Nee! obtained the divorce from her husband but refuses to marry Charles Is Charles entitled to claim the amount with penalty. +5 Kumar buys from Yousf a painting which both believe to be the work of a fine arts master and for which Kumar pays a high price The painting turns oul to be only a moder copy Discuss the legal position to advise the buyer and seller 16 X. a political leader made application to the concerned authonites fot issuance of a caste cerification The authorities denied his status of the caste Adwse X to get the certficate and specify the sutt relief wos ouTUORTUEUISO: MaMM//:sdnYy,Wios’aul[UORIURUISO: MALAK//:SdNY, " 8, po) ALB (6 YDE)/ OMA LLB eoUL ry Of, or A th sii Mirai ay Boijoot LAW “marks 49 Tim awel mex 3 Hours Paper y pymiy 230 marks) ANSWor any FIVE of the follow mnt A Conethanon Dayabhaga Schoo! Vatidity of Adoption Hindus Maintenance Adultery Conditions for Hindu marsiage OnNOeeaun os PART ~ 0 (2x18 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following questions: 9 What are the powers and functions of Natural Guardian? 10 Detine Marriage. What are the essentials fora Mindy marriage? 4% Oifferentiate between Judicial separation and Divorce, rite a brief account on the mportance of Kindy succession (Amendment) Act, 2005. PART =€ (2310 29 any TWO of the following questions; Marks) fe mutually Agreed dB husbar and waif han get avoren tne wos ouTUORTUEUISO: MaMM//:sdny,wos‘auljuoRlURLsO MMAY//:Sdny, Time : 3 hours Code No. 9592/ BL FACULTY OF LAW B.B.A. LL.B. (5 YDC)/ B.A. LL.B. (5 YDC) / B.Co, Il Semester Examination, Ma ‘Subject: Law Paper : 1V Law of Contract - | LLB. (5 y1 - Y/ June Broo) N~Year Max. Marks : 80 PART -A (5 x6 = 30 Marks) Answer any Five of the following : eVOMLONS Cross offers Exceptions to the privity of contract Persons incompetent to contract Wagering agreement Anticipatory Breach of Contract Kinds of damages Rectification of instruments Standard form of contract PART —B (2x 15 = 30.Marks) Answer any Two of the following : * 9 How can an offer be accepted? What/are the rules relating to the communication of acceptance? 10 What is misrepresentation? Distinguish it from fraud rv 11 “Quasi-contracts rest onthe gfoynd of equity that a person shall not be allowed to enrich himself Unjustiy’at the pense of another’. Explain. 42 Explain the contrach Wich cannot be specifically enforced under the provisions of Specific Relief Act. PART—C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any[w9)of the following : 13 Anafith prot Bald. promises to pay two lakh rupees to Anath. !s the agreement between Anantivand Balu valid? Discuss. 's to obtain for Balu on employment in the government office and 14 Mohan is employed for one year on a monthly salary of Rs 1800/, it is agreed that the whole salary to be paid at the end of the year. Mohan wrongfully leaves the service after three months. 1s Mohan entitled to claim salary? TI 15 ‘A’ executed a promissory note in favour of 'B' while he was a moor The ined the f promissory note was renewed by A in favour of ‘8’ when be stained ihe 962 of majority ‘B’ files a suit against ‘A on the basis of the seco! Will 8’ succeed? In X gest 16 'P’ conveys land to 'Q’, who bequeaths it to ‘Rand dies. Thereupon © ae possession of the land conveyance was made to action against X. iment stating that the and produces forged rene rights of 'R’ to bring Q in trust for him. Dis sateee wos ouTUORTUEUISO: MaMM//:sdnYy,wos‘auljuoRlURLsO MMAY//:Sdny, FACULTY oF Code wy, (8 Yoo; Law fo, ‘VBBA ie. (5 YOC); 5. Com. tLe. (§ YOC) 11 -y, amination, March ‘April 2018 1M Year tt-Semess, | Subjoy rLAW Time : 3 Hours Paper - WV: Law of Contract 1 Mar. Marks : 66 Answer any FIVE of PART - = the following ~ A 5x6=30 Mara) ' Vodable contract 2 Communication of acceptance 3 Standard form of contract 4 Coercion S$ Wagenng agreements & Appropriation of payments 7 Quantum meruit 8 Declaratory Deciees 10 Discuss various heads of piiblic Policy 11 Explain the discharge of contract by breach. "2 Discuss the conditions under which specific performance may be granted Ne x a, = PART - C (2x10 = 20 Marks) Answer any;TWO of the following questions: 13 A profes to pay B, Rs. 500 iB beats C Afterwards A refuses to pay Can 8 recover amount. 14 An auctioneer displays a refri 'gerator before a gathering in an auction sale Is t a vaia offer 15 Altells his wife that he would commit, she does not transfer her Personal assets to him She does so under this threat Is ita good contract? Can the wile avoid the contract? 16 The wie of a person died from tin poisoning caused by the tinned salmon bought from a Gealer. What damages can the husband claim? wos ouTUORTUEUISO: MaMM//:sdnYy,Wwos‘auljuorluRLUsO MMAy/:sdny, Code No 630 FACULTY OF LAW Prcom.. eS YOC)/ 8.8.4 ULB.(5 YDC)/ B.A. LL. ‘ear til Sema: Examination, J3% Fob. 2017 “1 Subject: LAW Paper : 1 Law of Contract. Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 60 PART — A (51 6=30Marka) Answer any Fi + Otter a0Y Five of the fottowing, d invitation f Counter ‘0 ofte Standarg Coercion 2 04 3 posal 4 é Remission r 8 Form of contract ‘agenng agreement Finder of lost goods Specific retiet PART-B ({x 18-30 Marks) nswer any Two of the following, Define contract and distingul voidable contract 10°An agreement “So fogsigeration is vows". Discuss the statement with ween void agreement, void contract and exceptions if any, 11 Explain vanous metf lischarge of a contract 12 Discuss the iaw relalingyo injunction in india # — PART=C (2x10 = 20 Marks) Answer any Two of the following, 13 A tells Bin the course of conversation thal he will give Rs. 10,000 to any person whoymarries his daughter with his consent. B marries A's daughter with A's consent: Is he entitled to recover this amount? hitps:// 14 A's uncle in a sudden display of generosity promises him a watch as a gift on his next birthday. If the uncle fails to give the watch. Can A legally clam it? 15 A and B each deposit Rs.1000 with ‘C’ to abide by the result of a bet between them. A wins the bet. C refuses to pay the amount to A. Can A recover the bet amount from °C’? 16 A supplied nce and wheat to the wife and children of B, who is a lunatic B has assets worth of one lakh rupees. On non-payment. can a proceed against the assets of B? wos ouTUORTURUISO: MMMy//:sdnYy,
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