September 29th, 2011 Prepared by Makenzie Mastrud Senate Chair Sidney West called the Senate meeting of the 2011-2012 Senate to order at 4:00 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call The following Senators were not present at the meeting: -Anthony Buchta Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Lee move to approve the minutes from last weeks meeting on Thursday September 22nd, 2011 Second: Senator Walton Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous Number on council: 12 Number present: 11
Call to the Audience None Unfinished Business None New Action Business a. Motion: Senator Niemann move to vote on item f, Bill 24-8: ASNAU to sponsor students to attend the Conference of Arizona Student Leaders Second: Senator Woodhouse Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, congratulations C.A.S.T.L.E you have received your funding Motion: Senator Niemann move to add $5 to Line 155 Second: Senator Alcorn Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, there is now $245 in Line 155 a. Motion: Senator Libby to approve items a through d, Club Recognitions for Student American Dental Hygienist Association, Le Carde Francais, Chess Club, Weatherization Community Building Action Team Second: Senator Walton Discussion: None
Vote: Unanmious, congratulations to Student American Dental Hygienist Association, Le Carde Francais, Chess Club, Weatherization Community Building Action Team you are all now officially clubs on campus Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to approve item e, Bill 24-7: Fall Fling Carnival Second: Senator Villa Discussion: Senator Libby: Last year, did we do an open bull and then start making contracts or did we have a budget? Sidney West: Last year we over spent, so they had to make a new bill for that amount spent Chloe Olson: We will work with this budget and if we need more we will come to the senate. Vote: Unanimous, congratulations Fall Fling you have received your funding for $25,000 Motion: Senator Bingham to vote on item g, OA: NAU Forestry Club Second: Senator Libby Discussion: None Vote: Congratulations NAU Forestry you have received your funding for Executive report
a. President- Blaise Caudill -On Monday I attended the presidents campaign on sustainability, meeting twice a month to increase sustainability -I launched a committee on sustainability, please attend if you are interested -Also launched presidents council, includes major representatives from clubs and organizations on campus -Right after this I will be holding a meeting regarding tabling events on September 15th b. Vice President of Student affairs- Sammy Smart - Thank you to every one who came out for tailgating especially sally, went really well -Next tailgate is on October 8th, think pink game, athletics has give aways for that -Chloe and I are attending a meeting with athletics on how to benefit tailgating -I am going to a snow jack express meeting to get that going, and I will frind out when it is starting -I got Starbucks vouchers for the students who were on the broken down bus to UofA -Mary Lou was out of office today and will be tomorrow c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Sidney West - Senate meeting on October 20th is on same day as carnival, we are canceling it so we might re schedule but I will let you all know Hours are due today so get them to me today Respond back about email I sent about meetings and let me know if you like the agenda or not
d. Chief of Staff- Chloe Olson -October 20th meeting if you could help out with fall fling carnival that would be great -Waiting for Homecoming royalty packets to come in Also there is a packet for Homecoming floats
- C.A.S.T.L.E is coming up the 14th-16th of October and we want as many ASNAU members there as possible, really good workshops so come please, $65 for any one that wants to go - Next week is total cost of attendance week, every day we are doing a different day of what something costs, sign up and help us table B. Public Relations- Julia Lesniak - Making posters for Carnival and Homecoming, thinking about a shirt for Homecoming that would say I got 99 problems but a crown aint one on the back C. Special events- Caitlin Heck, Rachel Rogala - Doing a walk through -Survey is going out to residents who own r3 permits because we have a yes from Erin but they want a 50% response from survey saying we can have their parking spot for carnival -Also not to late to send suggestions for people you want for concert for spring D. NSO- Erick Gonzalez, Heather Reeves -in our meeting on Tuesday our public relations committee made t shirt designs, special events committee is working on making a float, and for social events they are planning on having a retreat once a month with nso and once a month with clubs and orgs Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Changed OA format and please let me know about any OAs before meeting so I can look over them B. Legislative: Finished revision on election packet and now we are working on the constitution Senator Reports A. Nate Alcorn No announcements B. Hal Bingham No announcements C. Anthony Buchta Not Present D. Samantha Cortez No announcements E. Samantha Cross No announcements F. Ryan Lee Working on a bill for criminology club, meeting with College of Arts and Letters doctor, meet over phone with textbook committee on costs,
representing ASNAU at Teacher Evaluation Committee, got e-mail from director of undergrad admissions and wants to encourage clubs from College of Business server G. Zach Libby Meeting with College of Business dean, please save bills to
H. Annsley Niemann Working with Safe Club on a bill, talked at RHA meeting about what ASNAU can do for them J. Matthew Villa No Announcements K. Gavin Walton Meeting with Womens Soccer Club, meet with my colleges dean about future of college and what ASNAU can do to help- talked a lot about how much money each college is given and what it is being used for L. Shayla Woodhouse Meet with Gavin and dean- discussed technology in classrooms and how much we use, M. Sally Barnes: Working with To Write Love On Her Arms- bill and OA Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel Gold Jacks award for seniors dead line is coming up so if you want to nominate some one get that down soon Art Farmer Thank you so every one who helped out at halftime with the family give aways Discussion Items Chloe Olson: For budget handed out last meeting- generators cost les that we thought, here is a wish list of things they want to purchase with extra money, line 720 has money we could use, with extra money we could do stuff on the wish list, what is something that you guys would want? Senators: Photobooth. Senators: How are carnival booth prices working? Chloe: They come with prizes and we could staff them or clubs who need hours could staff them. These are wish list things so we would have to allocate more money Senator Lee: wants to keep it within the 25,000 Chloe: Last years total was about $35,000 had five rides and a rock wall
Announcements Heather: 90s movie night in the office tonight Adjournment Motion: Senator Bingham Second: Senator Gavin Unanimous 5:00 P.M.