Circular Dated 30.06.2015

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Godard: 22341691 Baers Aeord (daha AOdegerWod) Boal, dudd/Idasavady \ 8 /2015-16 aoa, daha Sodegd seeO #22/1-2, Baloet eaiate, ame bBB, SXour 0s, dorived - 560 001 amos. 30 16] J )- “maaes” ddad; avg dzOayVob, ded tym, Lait adqut ada Ook dacate ahaiafod oBadd addds doysirdad umndd aed dchyat ahedsmddd maven, / ri, dose Bommedd damOri aba) ddye rbartadd addmwAmA xOxearbs wberivah, dOridaide adds arf. Barus (days atmdd adawwA aa dchst aedendsd, dod Bommdd dace es) Dodabriv 2012 F Dade 12(1)(0), 1913), 213), ada 26(2) d eBabd d S¥dod delabrioMMA wdeondd Bq Ioysesobay, arid sascdaCs, 1. Dada 12()'O)d eBobYddod aos Idyar rbgrtaadd ddA alae o Svdodod BexenAdad. “Rutet2(i)(b):- The applicant must have attained the age of 21 years as on the date of application and has passed TENTH standard examination". 2, Aadad 19(9)8 wBabY alow dala aheQendsc mand, dead acfaben or Bvsodos SOaADSS. “Rulet9(3):- must be holding bachelor degree or Diploma in Electrical Engineering discipline or any other educational qualification which is recognized as equivalent to the above by the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore. For grant Electrical Supervisor (General) permit Grade 1 in Form 1 and Electrical Supervisory certificate of competency in Form I", 3, dabad 23(3)}3 BOQ aad Anjo adedunddd nef damwd addabew o Bvdodod Besenfdsd. “Rule2a(2)-10 grant Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Grade 1 permit in Form 3 and Electrical Supervisory certificate of competency in Form K, the applicant shall be a Graduate or Diploma in Electrical Engineering discipline or any other educational qualification which is recognized as equivalent to the above by the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore. The Applicant may be exempted for appearing written examination but shall pass the practical and oral examination conducted by the Board" 1 4, dobad 26(2}3 eBabQ aos sode doairadd daw achabev & svdoriod Sexenhdsd, Rule26(2):-For grant Electrical Wireman Grade 1 permit in Form 5, in addition (a) and (b) above the applicant, shall hold Wireman or Electrician or Electrical Trade Certificate issued by the institutions recognized by the State Government or shall hold a Job oriented pre-university Diploma certificate in the vocational course of Electrical Wiring and Servicing of Electrical Appliances granted by the Karnataka State Council of Vocational Education or shall hold any other certificate which is recognized as equivalent by the Directorate of Employment and Training, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore" Br Bed ded OA AAdcds Amysiedad emdd ced AOsewd wxerivah, e808, wows waerivah, SOROS Aobainabad sowod’d ada edd damOrva ahotedd and wéerival, devemO ardw ederd adsd. aosted, Bmired Tea Hadad JB or, THY exfOerivs, ead med s038 go abou? / d¥, DeyDucbrived adcdeockdhs sr088 IoysirGab ched soviodsc GamOieraA wBrobay, SOQLaer, Cosme wderivay {e804 JO edroaddriw BdOds Ioagiesab arf sr03s Bgo ado / dzfex,ah, sv038 dx, dow,doads, Sans gavo geal swhd SO aenairidod vod sdGobay ddmsA som aba) SOeEp dowoh Aut aoBS, oda Seaoeaicod slag Sad sloywards. ed asehs Barve edremdd ide Bdrisobay avg dz, daa,duab, dad tyo dag, balst alae egas Ogf doar eBadd ovstaraehds condrivad, aba dom wePerivd dng dz, Ooadeod eda ded bko dag wBobd acdc Bnolds avégor aoddabborf SQ Adelee waa woddabOorf aiddabal, adcddeckdd mandriva, AOmIdacd socwoddsd. eoss doysiesob madriva sgdnd dine dgeh mo0¥s byo aes’, dorivedd eae dzee,doh, B038 Bgo dx doy,duab, dvred aot swbkeA, AIO wenaladaich avg d%, dowjdead edao ded go qaq§ wBadd adcddecBds z2038 Amgrdow modmoddd 038 deo eens wala dziesdah, m038 ago dxdeyvabOod deievrdd dmyseat sgrinamAdsdy oocd kovdasay, eocend, orbade onda Aeardd anad Aosaey wdaQ seavobd, was Bge menatain JeAcha wd Sear JIB wo. D.0 No.6-7/2009 DL New Delhi Dated 29-07- 2009, & Bvdodos bad. The matter regeiding recognition of B.Tech degtee awarded by UGC recognized Universities through Distance Mode was examined in the Ministy. After a detalles 2 examination of the subject matte referred above, the following course of action has been approved at the highest level inthe Ministry; (i) DEC should immediately withdraw permission given to various institutions to conduct B.Tech/ 8.E progarmmes through Distance Mode and no student should be admitted in the current year also those who have already been admitted wit have to pass both practical and writen examination as may be prescribed in this regard, so as to give valdiy to the B.Tech/ B.E degree acquired by them through distance education In view of the above, | would request you Kindly to take futher necessary action to implement the action mentioned at para (i) above immediately and also further evolve @ broad policy and guidelines to give elect to the action 2s mentioned at para () above. This being @ very important end sensitive issue, an early action in the matter will be highly appreciated’ aarie 350 dalabe arf aobue Maoh vad,ead ang dvdaadvad (Bxat, owsedat B20) dd daddebcd Sza wo.DEc/2009/2513-2729 Sad dad dated 13.08.200908 atodBach ucteda) ot Svdoulod echaid, ‘Tis hes reference to the MHRD letter No.6-7/2009-DL Dated 29th July 2009, vide which MHRD has diected the DEC to immediately vithdraw permission given to various institutions to conduct B.Tech/8.€ Programmes through distance mode and also ensure that no student ere edited in the current year. ln this connection the Joint Commitee of UGC-AICTE end DEC has not yet ‘ccorded any approval to BE/B.Tech programme of any University offered through distance mode. Any such programmes offered by @ University are hence egal and are ‘ot approved by the DEC. ‘Thus itis noted thatthe above notification ofthe MID is to be sticly adhered to and no University should offer any BE/B.Tech programme through distence mode. Any deviation trom this poly may invite de-recogntion of the concerned University by the vec’ Br OeS Aeviehs ade deriva) werle wos Bgo eundl, eloried aba d8,¢8,dah, S038 bya Ix Dea,duab, SwraddaOod &e8OAd asrivah, Oavod 28- 04-2015 aba 27-05-201sdoch Add Sabah 24 ward 25 Ae adaVaA Sowa ada SOeqp aboriWad agit aboBs eealuah, wal, dood ang dz, dmaduad eda ced aga Bay edadY Accdtoodeds avs,sor aoddabOonf SO Agelee esa woekIabOort Bddad doagesad eqndd aks aes daar aedsndsd midna, hea 3 demo edd od oO ads dabat dmagedad egadd ade dose sumdd Gaim Orwah era 10 de BONS ( Ouf doen og Lda alge eudearoadd empdd Bed des arie-2d achat rhSrlendd adawAmA edrabs, Bd sods, wodm doagiedabay radrt srickdoyeerbady ocd usemeGrt 30d eva daha dOdeged aye wSeriva Sd4,Odw Bab s,lovysod Sededdendds meres (days rogrtmdd adaah aa Inet aeQenddd, god Bosmedd dao des) Dobebriw oz J Anda wdOdbdod aod daar reriaadd SdawdA, Aobab edOddod wos Dayal dYendsd may, dao’, Aabed 23 DOddod alow Achat dOeunded ried deka ad Dabed aedOdaow Bode surmdd ddd ddobw edrobay AQadd wdeoadd rote sod mugenroahchs url donresd Toei, wad wed Orel Seardd Be bge chocdvod Recs Baine By, deers owed Toss Bx cdodWdbod decend ovasor woddabOort Jd Odeiee dana 3, eda Ideyda, 52038 Bg d¥Daq,dvab, BumBddaOod decked ads, woddabOorf addad gaia az, wda smorwsd cat wabadd debs Beng dx, dow,duad eed ana dz, doydvabBod debs 2d8,8u' wosdobdorf addod gana dg aay daveud woe, Bahay soesed wenaidvod embed ddd maadOdd ainaide o 8 0 madeenrivod add ave dabat Bainm BA /Provisional National Trade Certiicate / National Trade Cenificate)rivel, BOA Ans, wows warrivay A804, HOBOS Aas deietatoobrt eos, sekeOrt Banda, ange. woced, edroadch avg dz, doadvab, dad bgp aig, Laat caer wegen Oxf dear eBobd evsearanAds wf caciival, AQodd woas eedeoadot BG0 doygiesoin ako dobebrive And aBd Aaddds dogged Bg andmMdsoY oot SA wadriv edeabay, SdgOxe aed gad sytoyen Heed . eords aay, Hartel, doridead ayScbal, aabdrah aba ated gabe, 1. 203 ed sony dyer aOegse, 2. ou oud ay deat dodge, 2, 003 Sedyar dege, 4.003 eu Skye Beg,

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