Abbassi (2018) Effects of Magnetohydrodynamics On Natural Convection and Entropy Generation With Nanofluids

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Effects of Magnetohydrodynamics on Natural Convection and

Entropy Generation with Nanofluids

Mohamed Ammar Abbassi∗

Université de Gafsa, Gafsa 2112, Tunisia
Jamel Orfi†
King Saud University, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia
DOI: 10.2514/1.T5343
The paper presents a numerical study of the magnetohydrodynamic natural convection heat transfer of a heated
block situated on the bottom wall of an enclosure filled with nanofluids. The transport equations for a Newtonian fluid
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are solved numerically using the lattice-Boltzmann method. The effective thermal conductivity and viscosity of the
nanofluid are calculated by the Koo–Kleinstreuer–Li correlation. The influence of pertinent parameters such as
Rayleigh number, solid volume fraction, Hartmann number, magnetic field inclination angle, nanoparticle volume
concentration and aspect ratio of the rectangular heated block on the flow, heat transfer characteristics, and entropy
generation has been investigated. It is found that the total entropy generation is an increasing function of the Rayleigh
number, whereas it is a decreasing function of the Hartmann number. Moreover, the numerical results demonstrate
that the average Nusselt number increases steadily but nonlinearly by the augmentation of the nanoparticle volume
fraction. Also, the results show that the magnetic field with an inclination angle of γ  π∕2 has the maximum heat
transfer coefficient and total entropy generation.

Nomenclature xx; y = lattice coordinates, m

B0 = magnetic field, TN∕A ⋅ m2  α = thermal diffusivity, m2 ∕s
c = lattice velocity, m ⋅ s−1 βT = thermal expansion coefficient, K−
ci = discrete particle speed, m ⋅ s−1 γ = magnetic field inclination angle
cp = specific heat at constant pressure, J∕kg−1 ⋅ K−1  Δt = time increment, s
cs = speed of sound, m ⋅ s−1 Δx = lattice spacing, m
dp = diameter of particle, nm θ = nondimensional temperature
Fi = external forces, N μ = dynamic viscosity, kg∕m−1 ⋅ s−1 
f = density distribution functions, kg∕m−3 ν = kinematic viscosity, m2 ⋅ s−1
feq = equilibrium density distribution functions, kg∕m−3 ρ = density, kg∕m−3
g = internal energy distribution functions, K σ = electrical conductivity Ω∕m−1
g = gravity vector, m ⋅ s−2 τν = relaxation time for temperature, s
geq = equilibrium internal energy distribution functions, K τα = relaxation time for flow, s
H = height of cavity, m ϕ = solid volume fraction
Ha = Hartmann number ψ = nondimensional stream function
k = thermal conductivity, W∕m−1 ⋅ K−1  ψ = stream function, m2 ∕s−1
kb = Boltzmann constant, J∕K−1 ω = vorticity, s−1
Ma = Mach number
m = number of lattices in y direction Subscripts
Nu = local Nusselt number
c = cold
n = number of lattices in x direction
f = fluid
P = pressure, Pa
h = hot
Pr = Prandtl number
nf = nanofluid
qw = heat flux density, W∕m−2
p = particle
Ra = Rayleigh number
Sgen = entropy generation, J∕K−1
sgen;h = dimensionless entropy generation due to heat transfer
sgen;ν = dimensionless entropy generation due to fluid friction I. Introduction
T = temperature, K
velocities, m ⋅ s−1
uu; v =
importance in various aerospace technologies such as the
cooling of propulsion reactors and electronic devices, as well as
power generation, among others. Computational MHD is a useful
design tool for aerospace vehicle design and manufacturing of
Received 26 August 2017; revision received 31 January 2018; accepted for advanced aerospace materials. MHD natural convection with
publication 1 February 2018; published online 13 April 2018. Copyright differential heated obstacles has been the subject of several
© 2018 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. investigations in the past few decades. Also, it can be useful in the
All rights reserved. All requests for copying and permission to reprint should field of phase change material, passive insulation of ships, as well as
be submitted to CCC at; employ the ISSN 0887-8722 other frequent applications applied in the field of renewable energies.
(print) or 1533-6808 (online) to initiate your request. See also AIAA Rights
and Permissions Experimental and numerical works were reported in [1,2]. It was
*Matériaux, Energie et Energies Renouvelables (Corresponding Author). demonstrated that the height of a strip had an important effect on the
† velocity fields, and therefore heat transfer efficiency. An increase of
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering,
P.O. Box 800. the block height had a negative effect on heat transfer.
Article in Advance / 1
2 Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI

Paroncini and Corvaro [1] experimentally analyzed the convective ratios, the Rayleigh number, and the Prandtl number on heat transfer
heat transfer generated by a hot source located in the middle of a square and entropy generation were analyzed.
enclosure with three different heights. The experimental analysis was Al Amiri et al. [13] investigated natural convection in a square
carried out using holographic interferometry and a two-dimensional enclosure with a heated block at the bottom of the enclosure. The
(2-D) particle image velocimetry (PIV) system. Holographic finite element formulation based on the Galerkin method was used for
interferometry was used to analyze temperature fields and PIV was the numerical resolution. The effects of the heater height, width, and
used to visualize flowfield distributions. The study showed how the location were studied. The Rayleigh number effect was also
natural convective heat transfer worsened with the increase in the investigated. Their results showed that an increase of heater height,
source height. In another related work, Corvaro et al. [2] presented PIV width, and location augmented heat transfer due to the increase of the
and holographic interferometry measurements on natural convection heater surface area.
in a square cavity filled with air. Two strips were applied on the vertical Sarris et al. [14] numerically studied natural convection in
sides of the enclosure for three different configurations. For each rectangular tanks heated locally from below using a high-Prandtl-
configuration, measurements were performed with different temper- number fluid. They showed that, for shallow tanks with symmetric
atures of the hot strip. They investigated the relation between dynamic heating, increasing the Rayleigh number resulted in an increase of the
and temperature fields, and they described how the flow and the heat thermal penetration length from the symmetry plane to the sidewall.
transfer inside the cavity were influenced by the temperature of the hot However, the increase of the Rayleigh number Ra caused a local
strip and the position of the cold strip. The velocity, streamlines, and increase of the temperature above the heated strip without a noticeable
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interferograms were presented. increase of the temperature in the colder regions of the tank. They also
Esmaeil [3] used the finite difference method to numerically study demonstrated that increasing the tank aspect ratio and the heated strip
the thermophysical properties effects on laminar natural convection width intensified the fluid flow and increased the temperature of the
inside a cavity filled with nanofluids. Brownian motion and fluid. The position of the heated strip also played a role on the flow
thermophoresis were considered as the physical transport mechanisms currents, the temperature distribution, and the thermal penetration.
for the nanoparticles. He conducted a parametric analysis and showed A recent review of natural convection in enclosures under localized
that the heat transfer effectiveness of nanofluids was highly dependent heating was presented in [15]. Besides, one of the important methods
on the nanofluid viscosity, whereas the nanofluid thermal conductivity for heat transfer enhancement was the use of nanofluids. Nanofluids
had a secondary effect. Hoseinpour et al. [4] used the lattice- are a mixture of nanoparticles in a base fluid that has superior thermal
Boltzmann method (LBM) to study entropy generation in a porous properties as compared to the initial fluid. A good number of studies
cavity saturated with a copper (Cu)/water nanofluid. They concluded have focused on the use of nanofluids in natural convective flows
that, when increasing the nanofluid volume fraction, the total entropy [15–18].
generation was reduced and the average Nusselt number was On another side, entropy generation minimization has been the
increased. When the porous medium porosity was augmented, the total subject of great interest as a design tool in many fields where the heat
transfer and fluid flow were involved. Review studies on entropy
entropy generation was increased. Gorla et al. [5] numerically
generation in nanofluid flows can be found in [16,17].
investigated MHD natural convection in a porous cavity filled with a
Mukhopadhyay [18] numerically investigated entropy generation
hybrid nanofluid (copper/aluminum oxide/water); then, they presented
due to natural convection in an enclosure heated locally from below
heat sources for heating and sinks for cooling purposes. Their results
with two isoflux sources. The effects of the Rayleigh number, heater
showed that heat transfer decreased for hybrid nanoparticles when the
spacing, length, and strength ratios of heaters were investigated. He
location of the heat source was changed. They also concluded that the
concluded that the configuration that produced minimum temper-
highest rate of heat transfer was obtained by adding Cu nanoparticles ature generated minimum values of the entropy.
as compared to other suspensions. Another finding of their study was Zhang and De [19] studied nanofluid magnetohydrodynamic flow
that, in the case of higher values of the Hartmann number, the hybrid and heat transfer in a two-dimensional inclined geometry with four
nanofluid streamlines intensity was diminished. Esfahani and Alinejad heat sources. They used the double multiple-relaxation-time thermal
[6] analyzed two-dimensional entropy generation due to conjugate lattice-Boltzmann method as a numerical tool. They demonstrated
natural convection. The lattice-Boltzmann method was used as a that the effect of the addition of nanoparticles was more pronounced
numerical tool. They concluded that, when increasing Rayleigh on the flow fields than on the temperature distributions. The average
number, the Bejan number was decreased, heat transfer was enhanced, Nusselt number was an increasing function with the nanoparticle
and the total entropy generation rate was increased. They also showed volume fraction for all Rayleigh number values. The inclination
that, when the thermal conductivity ratio was increased, the Nusselt angle had a significant effect on the streamlines, isotherms, and the
number and the total entropy generation rate were increased, but the local Nusselt Number.
Bejan number was decreased. MHD mixed convection and entropy generation of a non-
Selimefendigil et al. [7] and Selimefendigil and Öztop [8–10] Newtonian power-law fluid inside a partially heated cavity with an
numerically studied the MHD mixed convection of nanofluid in adiabatic rotating cylinder under the influence of an inclined
different geometries (lid driven, backward-facing step, triangular magnetic field were studied numerically by Selimefendigil and
cavity with an adiabatic rotating cylinder, and cavity with oscillating Öztop [20]. In their study, the governing equations were solved
lid). They used the Galerkin weighted residual finite element method numerically using a finite element method. They found that the mean
for the resolution of governing equations. It was shown from their Nusselt number for the pseudoplastic fluid increased with the
studies that heat transfer diminished when the Richardson number increase of the Richardson number and decreased for the dilatant
and Hartmann number increased. On the contrary, heat transfer fluid. Also, it was found that, when the cylinder rotated in the
increased as the nanoparticle solid volume fraction increased. The counterclockwise direction, the averaged Nusselt number was
presence of a magnetic field had a retardation effect on convection. decreased in the case of Newtonian and pseudoplastic fluids.
Their studies also showed that the maximum total entropy generation Mahmoodi and Sebdani [21] investigated nanofluid natural
depended on the magnetic field orientation and the studied geometry. convection inside a square cavity having an adiabatic block at its
Mussa et al. [11] numerically studied natural convection in an center. They used the finite volume method in conjunction with the
enclosure using the cubic interpolated pseudoparticle lattice- SIMPLER algorithm to couple velocity and pressure fields. The
Boltzmann method. The studied medium was filled with air heated by obtained results showed that the heat transfer rate was an increasing
a localized source at two different positions on the bottom wall. It was function with the increase of the nanoparticles volume fraction with
shown that natural convection increased with the Rayleigh number the exception of Ra  103 . For this last case, the heat transfer rate
and heat source position changing. Biswas et al. [12] experimentally decreased if the nanoparticle volume fraction was increased. Whereas
and numerically investigated natural convection in an enclosure with for the case of low Rayleigh numbers (103 and 104 ), the mean Nusselt
a hot block by using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry and number decreased if the size of the adiabatic square body was
the finite volume method. The effects of heater perimeters, aspect increased.
Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI 3

Esfe et al. [22] numerically studied mixed convection in a square The physical properties are assumed to be constant, except density,
cavity filled with an Al2 O3 –water nanofluid using the finite volume which is treated according to the Boussinesq approximation in
method. The geometry was a lid-driven cavity with an interior buoyancy terms of momentum equations. Furthermore, the mixture
rectangular heated obstacle. The right wall had a constant low of the base fluid and suspended nanoparticles is treated as a single
temperature, whereas the top, bottom, and left walls were adiabatic. By phase with homogeneous effective properties. The magnetizing force
increasing the Richardson number, the main flow direction changed due to the weak magnetic dipoles moment is neglected as compared
from the top to the bottom of the obstacle. It was observed that the to the Lorentz force. Furthermore, it is assumed that the viscous
average Nusselt number for all ranges of the solid volume fraction dissipation and Joule heating are neglected. The radiation effects
increased with a decrease in the Richardson number. Furthermore, are also neglected. The nanoparticles are supposed to be of
increasing the volume fraction also increased heat transfer. spherical shape.
Moumni et al. [23] numerically investigated two-dimensional By employing the aforementioned approximations, the governing
mixed convection fluid flow and heat transfer of water–nanofluids in equations of mass, momentum, and energy for natural convection
a two-sided facing lid-driven cavity. Two discrete heat sources were flow in the studied geometry filled with nanofluid can be written as
located on the bottom wall of the enclosure. The governing equations follows [10]:
were solved using a second-order-accurate finite volume approach.
The addition of nanoparticles decreased the fluid motion and ∂u ∂v
increased the heat transfer rate considerably. The location of the two  0 (1)
∂x ∂y
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heat sources also affected the average Nusselt number: the latter
increased as the location of the two heat sources moved, respectively,    2 
toward the left and the right walls. ∂u ∂u ∂p ∂ u ∂2 u
ρnf u  v −  μnf 
Ögüt [24] studied natural convection heat transfer in an inclined ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x2 ∂y2
square enclosure containing water-based nanofluids. The left vertical
side was partially heated with a constant heat flux. The polynomial  σ nf B20 v sin γ cos γ − usin2 γ (2)
differential quadrature method was used for the solutions of the
governing equations. She demonstrated that the average Nusselt    2 
∂v ∂v ∂p ∂ v ∂2 v
number increased significantly as the particle volume fraction and ρnf u  v  −  μnf   ρβT nf gT − T c 
Rayleigh number increased. Also, she showed that the length of the ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x2 ∂y2
heater was a key parameter affecting the flow and temperature fields. − σ nf B20 u sin γ cos γ − vcos2 γ (3)
Baïri et al. [25] performed a research review on natural convection
in parallelogram-shaped cavities. They examined an exhaustive type  2 
of configurations with different shapes and inclinations, thermal ∂T ∂T ∂ T ∂2 T
u v  αnf  (4)
boundary conditions, initial conditions, heat source distributions, ∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y2
natures of the fluid, and radiative properties. The review also
consisted of a critical study of the different experimental, numerical, where vf is the kinematic viscosity, αf is the thermal diffusivity of the
analytical, and inverse methods used for the investigation of this nanofluid, and βT is its thermal expansion coefficient; g is the
subject. gravitational acceleration; and ΔT  T h − T c refers to the
The lattice-Boltzmann method has emerged as a powerful temperature difference between the hot source and the cold wall.
numerical technique, based on kinetic theory, to simulate fluid flow, Governing Eqs. (1–4) are made dimensionless using the following
heat, and mass transfer. It has become a novel alternative to variables:
conventional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers [26]. The
advantages of the LBM include simple calculation procedures and x y uL vL T − Tc pL2
ease in implementation of boundary conditions. It is well suited for X ; Y ; U ; V ; θ ; P
L L αnf αnf Th − Tc ρnf α2nf
parallel computation, it is robust in the handling of multiphase flow, r
and it can be applied for complex geometries [27–30]. More details ν gβ T − T c L 3
σ nf
Pr  ; Ra  T h ; Ha  HB0 (5)
can be found in the reference books published on the LBM [31,32]. α να μnf
Standard benchmark problems have been simulated by the LBM,
and the results were shown to agree well with the classical CFD Based on the preceding dimensionless variables, Eqs. (1–4) can be
solvers [33]. The LBM has been recently used in some works on written as follows:
coupled MHD/natural convection [34–36].
The main aim of the present paper is to numerically investigate the ∂U ∂V
MHD/natural convection heat transfer interaction in a nanofluid-  0 (6)
∂X ∂Y
filled cavity heated locally from below and cooled from above. The
other walls are maintained as adiabatic. A heated block is situated  2 
on the bottom wall of the cavity, whereas the vertical walls are ∂U ∂U ∂P ∂ U ∂2 U
U V −  Pr 
considered cold and the top wall is supposed to be adiabatic. The ∂X ∂Y ∂X ∂X2 ∂Y 2
lattice-Boltzmann method is applied to solve the coupled mass,  Ha2 Pr V sin γ cos γ − Usin2 γ (7)
momentum, and energy equations. The effects of the main parameters
(Rayleigh number; Hartmann number; solid volume fraction;  2 
inclination angle; and hot source width, height, and position) on flow ∂V ∂V ∂P ∂ V ∂2 V
and thermal fields, entropy generation, and heat transfer coefficients U V −  Pr   Ra Pr θ
∂X ∂Y ∂Y ∂X2 ∂Y 2
are presented and discussed.
− Ha2 Pr U sin γ cos γ − Vcos2 γ (8)

II. Physical Model and Mathematical Formulation  2 

∂θ ∂θ ∂ θ ∂2 θ
A. Governing Equations U V   (9)
∂X ∂Y ∂X 2 ∂Y 2
The physical domain under investigation is a two-dimensional
cavity filled with Al2 O3 –water nanofluid, as illustrated in Fig. 1a. where
The hot block is located at the bottom wall and maintained at a high
temperature. A uniform magnetic field of magnitude B0 is applied as μnf Cpnf kf ρβnf kf ρCpnf μf
shown in Fig. 1a. The flow is considered to be incompressible, Pr  Pr; Ra  Ra (10)
laminar, and two-dimensional. The fluid is assumed to be Newtonian. μf Cpf knf ρβf knf ρCpf μnf
4 Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI

sgen,h sgen,v

u=v=0 H

u=v=0 and Basak [46]


x u=v=0
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Present results
f6 f5

f3 f1


f7 f8

Lai and Yang [47] and Basak [46]
8 Present results Al2O3-Water (4%)
Nusselt number


2 Ra=103

Present results
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
Ordinate Y

c) Ra=105

Fig. 1 Representations of a) geometry of the problem; b) boundaries and direction of streaming velocities; c) comparison of local entropy generation due
to heat transfer and fluid friction sgen;ν for Ra  103 and 105 ; and d) local Nusselt number along the hot wall for Ra  103 –105 and ϕ  4% [47].

B. Nanofluid Thermophysical Properties μstatic  μf 1 − ϕ−2.5 (15)

The nanofluid behavior is assumed to be similar to a single phase
fluid. The effective density ρnf , the heat capacitance ρCp nf , the h ih i−1
thermal expansion coefficient βT nf , the thermal diffusivity αnf , the kstatic  kf kp  2kf − 2ϕkf − kp  kp  2kf  ϕkf − kp 
static dynamic viscosity μstatic, and the static thermal conductivity
kstatic of the nanofluid are defined as follows: (16)

ρnf  1 − ϕρf  ϕρp (11) The effective electrical conductivity was studied by many
researchers [37–39]. Konakanchi et al. [37] developed empirical
ρCp nf  1 − ϕρCp f  ϕρCp p (12) models for three nanofluids to express their electrical conductivity.
They determined the electrical conductivity as a function of
temperature, volumetric concentration, and the size of the
ρβT nf  1 − ϕρβf  ϕρβp (13) nanoparticles. Cruz et al. [38] simplified the Maxwell’s model and
made assumptions based on the conducting nature of both the particle
  and base fluid. Three special cases can be considered. In the first case,
αnf  knf ρCp nf −1 (14) where σ p ≪ σ f , the effective electrical conductivity can be simplified
Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI 5

as σ p ∕σ f  1–1.5ϕ. In the second case, where σ p ≈ σ f , the effective Table 1 Effect of the grid density on the average Nusselt
electrical conductivity is given by σ p ∕σ f  1. Finally, in the third number of the hot walls of the cavity with HB  1.5 × W B ,
case, where σ p ≫ σ f , the effective electrical conductivity is Ha  10, γ  0, and filled with nanofluid (ϕ  0.04)
σ p ∕σ f  1  3ϕ. Recently, Selimefendigil and Öztop [39] used 40 × 40 60 × 60 80 × 80 100 × 100 120 × 120
three different electrical conductivity models to study nanofluid Ra  103 3,657 3,770 3,835 3,878 3,909
MHD mixed convection in a lid-driven trapezoidal cavity. They Ra  105 7,986 8,141 8,206 8,241 8,265
showed the effect of the electrical conductivity model on heat and
fluid flow for the different controlling parameters.
In the present study, the Maxwell’s model for the electrical
conductivity is used as follows: III. Lattice-Boltzmann Method
  The lattice-Boltzmann method is based on Ludwig Boltzmann’s
3σ pf − 1ϕ
σ nf  σ f 1  (17) kinetic theory of gases. The fundamental idea is that fluids can be a
σ pf  2 − σ pf − 1ϕ large number of small particles moving with random motions. The
main variable in the LBM algorithm is the density distribution function
where σ pf  σ p ∕σ f . fi x; t of the fluid pseudomolecules that have lattice velocity ci at
The effective thermal conductivity of nanofluid is calculated by location x and at time t. The two-dimensional nine velocity LMB
the Koo–Kleinstreuer–Li (KKL) model (see [40]), which considers model (D2Q9) as shown in Fig. 1b is used. The lattice-Boltzmann
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the nanoparticle Brownian motion. This model takes into account the equation with the Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook (BGK) approximation, for
effects of nanoparticle volume concentration, particle size, and incompressible problems, uses two distribution functions (f and g) for
nanofluid temperature: the flow and temperature fields, respectively. For the flow field, the
discretized LBM equations can be written as [31]:
keff  kstatic  kBrownian (18) For the flowfield:
The static thermal conductivity of the nanofluid for spherical 1
nanoparticles kstatic is as follows [41]: fi x  ci Δt; t  Δt  fi x; t − f x; t − feq
i x; t  Δtci Fi
τν i
kP  2kf − 2ϕkf − kP  (25)
kstatic  kf (19)
kP  2kf  ϕkf − kP  For the temperature field:

The enhanced thermal conductivity by microscale convective heat 1

gi x  ci Δt; t  Δt  gi x; t − g x; t − geq
i x; t (26)
transfer of a particle’s Brownian motion kBrownian is given by the τα i
s where Δt denotes the lattice time step that is set to unity; and τν and τα
kb T 0 are the relaxation times for the velocity and temperature fields,
kBrownian  5 × 10 ϕρf Cp;f
g T; ϕ; dp  (20)
ρp dp respectively. Note that feq i and geqi are the local equilibrium
distribution functions that have an appropriately prescribed
where the function g 0 T; ϕ; dp  is given by the following: functional dependence on the local hydrodynamic properties, and
Fi is an external force term. The left-hand side of Eq. (25) is often
g 0 T; ϕ; dp   a1  a2 ln dp   a3 ln ϕ  a4 ln ϕ ln dp  called streaming or propagation, and it accounts for the migration of
the fluid molecules from one grid point to its neighboring nodes. The
 a5 ln dp 2 ln T  a6  a7 ln dp   a8 ln ϕ right-hand side is the collision part, which models the relaxation
 a9 ln ϕ ln dp   a10 ln dp 2  (21) process of the molecules toward the local equilibrium distribution
i , namely, the truncated Boltzmann distribution when using the
where the coefficients ai i  1; : : : ; 10 are constants that depend BGK collision model:
on the type of nanoparticles.
3ci ⋅ u 9ci ⋅ u2 3u2
The effective viscosity of the nanofluid containing a dilute feq
i  ωi ρ 1   − 2 (27)
suspension of small rigid spherical particles is given by the c2 2c4 2c
following [42]:
ci ⋅ u 9ci ⋅ u2 3u2
k μf geq 0
i  ωi T 1  3  − 2 (28)
μeff  μstatic  μBrownian  μstatic  Brownian × (22) c2 2c4 2c
kf Prf
where u and ρ are the macroscopic velocity and density, respectively;
where μstatic is the viscosity of the nanofluid, as given originally by c  Δx∕Δt is the lattice speed; Δx is the lattice space (and, similar to
Brinkman [41]. the lattice time step, is equal to unity); ωi is the weighting factor for
The dimensionless stream function ψ and vorticity Ω are defined as flow; and ωi0 is the weighting factor for temperature. The double-
follows: population D2Q9–D2Q9 thermal model is used in this study. Thus,
∂ψ ∂ψ ∂V ∂U the weighting factors and the discrete particle velocity vectors are
U ; V− ; Ω − (23) given as follows:
∂Y ∂X ∂X ∂Y
For D2Q9:
so that Eq. (6) is satisfied identically:
4 1 1
ω0  ; ωi  for i  1; 2; 3; 4 and ωi  for i  5; 6; 7; 8
∂2 ψ ∂2 ψ 9 9 36
  −Ω (24)
∂X 2 ∂X 2 (29)

> 0 i0
ci  cosi − 1π∕2; sini − 1π∕2c i  1; 2; 3; 4 (30)
> p
: 2cosi − 5π∕2  π∕4; sini − 5π∕2  π∕4c i  5; 6; 7; 8
6 Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI

The kinematic viscosity ν and thermal diffusivity α are, hH

respectively, related to the relaxation time by Eq. (31): Nul  (39)
1 2 1 2 Therefore, the heat transfer coefficient is computed from the
ν  τν − c Δt; α  τα − c Δt (31)
2 s 2 s following:
p qw
where cs is the lattice speed of sound, which is equal to cs  c∕ 3. h (40)
In the simulation of natural convection, the external force term Fi is Th − Tc
given by Eq. (32):
The thermal conductivity of the nanofluid is expressed as follows:
ω qw
Fi  2i F ⋅ ci (32) knf  − (41)
cs ∂θ∕∂x
with F as the total external body force. And, using the dimensionless quantities, the local Nusselt number
The macroscopic quantities ρ, u, and T can be calculated, along the left wall can be written as follows:
respectively, by Eqs. (33–35):  
k ∂θ
X Nul  − nf (42)
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ρ fi (33) kf ∂X Hot block

The average Nusselt number is obtained by integrating the local
X Nusselt number along the hot block:
ρu  f i ci (34) Z   Z  
i 1 D knf ∂θ 1 E knf ∂θ
Nul  − dY − dX
X W B C kf ∂X XL−a∕2 H B D kf ∂Y Yb
T gi (35) Z  
1 E knf ∂θ
i − dY (43)
W B E kf ∂X XLa∕2

A. Boundary Conditions
C. Entropy Generation Equations
Regarding the boundary conditions of the flow field, the solid
walls are assumed to be at no slip conditions. In the case of magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid natural convection
When applying the bounceback scheme at the boundary nodes flow, the associated irreversibilities are due to heat transfer, viscous
(Fig. 1b), the outer distribution functions from the domain are known dissipation, and the magnetic field. For the present case, the
from the streaming process and the inner ones are determined as dimensional local entropy generation Sgen can be expressed by the
follows for the flow boundary conditions: following equation:
 2  2  2  2
k ∂T ∂T μ ∂u ∂v
AB; EF: f1  f3 ; f5  f7 ; f8  f6 sgen  nf2   nf 2 2
T0 ∂x ∂y T0 ∂x ∂y
AH: f4  f2 ; f8  f6 ; f7  f5  
∂u ∂v 2 σ nf B20
   u sin γ − v cos γ2
CD; GH: f3  f1 ; f7  f5 ; f6  f8 ∂y ∂x T0
and BG; DE: f2  f4 ; f5  f7 ; f6  f8 (36)  sgen;h  sgen;ν  sgen;M
T 0  T h  T c ∕2 (44)
For the thermal boundary conditions, we have the following:
Equation (44) is composed of three terms: the first one (sgen;h ) is the
AB: g1  −g3 ; g5  −g7 ; g8  −g6 local entropy generation due to heat transfer; the second is the entropy
AH: g4;n  g4;n−1 ; g7;n  g7;n−1 ; g8;n  g8;n−1 generation due to fluid friction (sgen;ν ); and the last one (sgen;M ) is the
local entropy generation due to the magnetic field. The entropy
GH: g3  −g1 ; g7  −g5 ; g6  −g8 generation is nondimensionalized using the following parameter:
DC: g3  2∕9 − g1 ; g4  2∕9 − g2 ; g7  2∕9 − g5 ; T 20 H 2
Sgen  sgen (45)
DE: g1  2∕9 − g3 ; g2  2∕9 − g4 ; g5  2∕9 − g7 ; kf T H − T C 2
EF: g2  2∕9 − g4 ; g5  2∕9 − g7 ; g6  2∕9 − g8 The entropy generation averaged on the total studied medium is
and BG: g2;1  g2;0 ; g5;1  g5;0; g6;1  g6;0 (37) given by the following:
S S dV (46)
B. Nusselt Number Calculation V V gen
In the LBM simulations, the Rayleigh number, Prandtl number,
Here, V is the total volume of the studied geometry.
and Mach number are assigned constant values; therefore, the
viscosity and thermal diffusivity are calculated from the definition of
these nondimensional parameters: IV. Grid-Independence Study and Validation
r For validation of the house-written computer code in the
Pr considered geometry, the present numerical approach has been
ν  n × Ma × cs × (38)
Ra assessed by grid independence and by comparisons with previous
results in the literature. At the first part, the grid-independence study
where n is the number of lattice nodes in the y direction. To ensure an is carried out by using the five uniform grid lattice sizes of 20 × 20,
incompressible flow, the Mach number is chosen as Ma < 0.1. The 40 × 40, 60 × 60, 80 × 80, 100 × 100, and 120 × 120. Table 1 shows
overall heat transfer rate on the heat source is described by the local the variation of the average Nusselt number with the grid size for the
Nusselt number Nu, which is given by the following: geometry parameter H B  1.5 × W B filled with the Al2 O3 –water
Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI 7

Table 2 Average Nusselt number of the hot walls of the cavity nanofluid (ϕ  0.04) at Ra  103 and 105 , whereas the inclination
for various Rayleigh numbers Ra with published results angle of the magnetic field is kept constant at γ  0. It is seen that a
de Vahl Davis [43] Wan et al. [44] Present simulation grid size of 100 × 100 ensures a grid-independent solution. At the
second part, the comparison of the present results for the average
Ra  103 1.118 1.117 1.083
Ra  104 2.243 2.254 2.221
Nusselt number in an air-filled square cavity for Ra  103, 104 , 105 ,
Ra  105 4.519 4.598 4.689 and 106 with those of de Vahl Davis [43] and Wan et al. [44] show a
Ra  106 8.799 8.976 8.894 very good agreement (Table 2). Also, the results for the average
Nusselt number computed for five values of the Hartmann number
(Ha  0, 15, 30, 45, and 60), the Rayleigh number (Ra  105 ), and
Table 3 Average Nusselt number of the hot walls of the for a solid volume fraction of ϕ  0.04 are in excellent agreement
cavity with Ra  105 and ϕ  0.04: comparisons of the with those of Ghasemi et al. [45] (Table 3). Figure 1c shows the
present results with the results of Ghasemi et al. [45] comparison of local entropy generation due to heat transfer sgen;h and
Ghasemi et al. [45] Present simulation Error, % fluid friction sgen;ν in the case of Ra  103 and Ra  105 .
Comparisons are made with the results published by Anandalakshmi
Ha  0 4.896 4.821 1.5
Ha  15 4.211 4.138 1.7
and Basak [46], and good quantitative and qualitative agreement is
Ha  30 3.124 3.194 2.1 found. Figure 1d shows the comparison of the local Nusselt number
Ha  45 2.317 2.383 2.7 along the hot wall with results by Lai and Yang [47] for Ra 
103 –105 and a solid volume fraction of ϕ  0–4%. Here, a good
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Ha  60 2.415 2.467 2.1

agreement is also found. Based on the aforementioned comparisons,
the developed code is reliable for studying MHD natural convection
Table 4 Average Nusselt number of the hot walls of the of a nanofluid confined in the considered geometry.
cavity with Ra  105 and ϕ  0.04: comparisons of the
present results with the results of Ghasemi et al. [45]
V. Results and Discussion
Ghasemi et al. [45] Present simulation Error, %
In this section, the numerical results of isotherms, streamlines, and
Ha  0 4.896 4.821 1.5 entropy generation contours for different values of Rayleigh number
Ha  15 4.211 4.138 1.7
(Ra  103 , 104 , 105 , and 106 ), solid volume fraction (ϕ  0, 0.01,
Ha  30 3.124 3.194 2.1
Ha  45 2.317 2.383 2.7 0.02, 0.03, and 0.04), magnetic field inclination (γ  0, π∕6, π∕3,
Ha  60 2.415 2.467 2.1 π∕2, 2π∕3, 5π∕6, and π), and Hartmann number (Ha  0, 20, 40,
and 60) in the considered geometry are displayed and analyzed. Also,

CASE 1 (AR = 0) CASE 2 (AR = 1) CASE 3 (AR = 2) CASE 4 (AR = 2.5)

Fig. 2 Isotherms, streamlines, and entropy generation for different AR (0, 1, 2, and 3) at Ra  105 at γ  0, Ha  10, and ϕ  0.01 (Al2 O3 –water
8 Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI

the effect of the aspect ratio (AR  HB ∕W B ) of the heated block is in these regions. More precisely, for case 1, case 2, case 3, and case 4,
investigated by considering four values: AR  0 (where the heated the total entropy generation rates equal 4.93, 7.54, 9.81, and 12.33,
block is replaced by a localized heated source), and AR  1, 2, and 3. respectively. Therefore, the influence of the aspect ratio of the
rectangular heated block on the total entropy generation is more
A. Effect of Rayleigh and Hartmann Numbers significant at high aspect ratios (AR  3).
For fixed values of the Rayleigh number (Ra  105 ) and the Figure 3 illustrates the effect of the Rayleigh number on the
Hartmann number (Ha  10), the isotherms, streamlines, and isotherms, streamlines, and entropy generation contours of the
entropy generation for ϕ  0.01, in the different considered nanofluid (ϕ  0.01) for AR  2.5. As can be seen from
geometry parameters H B , are illustrated in Fig. 2. As can be seen, for the isotherms in this figure, at a low Rayleigh number (Ra  103 ),
the basic case (case 1) considered in this study (H B  0, AR  0), the isotherms are parallel to the enclosure walls, indicating that the
the isotherms are crowded around the active location on the heated thermally induced buoyancy effect is weak; the conduction
source of the enclosure. The low value of the heat source length W B mechanism dominates the heat transfer effect. Therefore, the strength
causes a drop in the temperature gradients and accordingly increases of the flow streamlines is low (jψ max j  10). The local entropy
the boundary-layer thickness. The results corresponding to a heated generations due to the fluid friction irreversibility, the heat transfer
block (AR is non zero) show that the thermal boundary-layer irreversibility, and the magnetic field are low. Consequently, a low
thickness decreases with the increase of the aspect ratio. This total entropy generation is obtained. When increasing the Rayleigh
increases the heat transfer of the nanofluid. Such a phenomenon is number Ra, the isotherms become more distorted. They are not
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI COLUMBIA on April 22, 2018 | | DOI: 10.2514/1.T5343

attributed to the existence of a small gap between the rectangular vertical, except in the regions adjacent to the walls. Thermal
heated blocks and the cold walls, which increases the heat transfer of boundary layers are formed near the vertical walls of the heated block
the nanofluid, especially for AR  3 (case 4). Also, two flow and near the upper side of the cooled walls of the enclosure (AB and
circulation structures with opposite rotating directions are observed HG). This would enhance the heat transfer mechanism in these
for the four considered cases. The intensity of these cells, measured regions. As a result, the strength of the flow streamlines is high walls.
by the value of jψ max j, increases with the AR when AR < 1 (cases 1 It is equal to 0.45 for Ra  103, 10 for Ra  104, 80 for Ra  104,
and 2) and then decreases for higher values of AR > 1 (cases 3 and 4). and 200 for Ra  106. The effects of fluid friction irreversibility and
In fact, as the AR increases, the heated sections of the block become heat transfer irreversibility on the local entropy generation are
larger, which will strengthen the natural convection motion. increased. Consequently, the total entropy generation is higher. For
However, the available space for such a motion is reduced. This instance, from Ra  103 to 106 , the values of the total entropy
situation may explain the observed behavior of jψ max j. On the other generation are equal to 3.75 and 14.71, respectively.
hand, the development of boundary layers in the faces of the For fixed values of the inclination angle of the magnetic field
rectangular blocks causes an increase in the total entropy generation (γ  0) and the AR  2, the isotherms, streamlines, and entropy

3 4 5 6
Ra = 10 Ra = 10 Ra = 10 Ra = 10

Fig. 3 Isotherms, streamlines, and entropy generation for different Rayleigh numbers Ra at γ  0, Ha  10, AR  2.5, and ϕ  0.01 (Al2 O3 –water
Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI 9

Isotherms Streamlines Entropy generation

+ -

|ψ|max, (-) Nanoparticle=81.87 ST, (-) Nanoparticle=7.86

|ψ|max, (+) Nanoparticle =66.77 ST, (+) Nanoparticle =8.61
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+ -

|ψ|max, (-) Nanoparticle=25.31 ST, (-) Nanoparticle=4.88

|ψ|max, (+) Nanoparticle =17.83 ST, (+) Nanoparticle =5.23
Fig. 4 Isotherms, streamlines, and entropy generation for Ra  105 , AR  2, and γ  0 at Ha  10 and 40 and for ϕ  0.04 (solid lines) and ϕ  0
(dashed lines).

generation for Ra  105 at different values of the solid volume

fraction (ϕ  0 and 0.04) are illustrated in Fig. 4. As seen, the cavity 16 Ra=10 3
is heated by the rectangular blocks and cooled by the left and right Ra=10 4
walls; the fluid rises from the hot block walls and then falls along the 14
Ra=10 5
Average Nusselt Number

left and right walls of the cavity. It is observed that the isotherms are
concentrated near the heated and cooled walls. These regions Ra=10 6
experience high-temperature gradients, resulting in the formation of
active regions for local entropy generation. Also, two flow circulation
structures with opposite rotating directions appear and grow in the 10
cavity. Equation (8) shows that, when increasing the Hartmann
number, the magnetic force acts on the flow field in the direction 8
opposite to the gravitational force. Therefore, the strength of the flow
current inside the cavity is reduced. The intensity of these cells, 6
characterized by jψ max j, is decreased by increasing the Hartmann
number. Also, the effect of the magnetic field on the isotherms is
noticed by the reduction on the temperature gradients near the cavity
wall. This is an indication for approaching of the quasi-conduction 0
40 20 60 80
regime within the enclosure. Introducing the nanofluid (ϕ  0.04), Hartmann Number
the strength of the flow circulation structures reduces. It is equal to Fig. 5 Average Nusselt number on the hot walls for different Rayleigh
81.87 for ϕ  0 and 66.77 for ϕ  0.04 at Ha  10. This is because, Ra and Hartmann Ha numbers at γ  0, AR  2, and ϕ  0.01
when the solid volume fraction increases, the viscosity effect (Al2 O3 –water nanofluid).
increases, which causes a reduction of the flow circulation intensity,
and then the convection effect starts to diminish. In other words, the
presence of the magnetic field reduces the heat energy transport of the at Ra  106 . The effect of the magnetic field on the average Nusselt
nanofluid because the local entropy generation can be decreased. For number is more noticeable when the convection mechanism dominates
instance, when the magnetic field is considered, at ϕ  0, the at Ra  106 . For example, at Ra  103 , the difference between Num
difference between ST (Ha  10.0) and ST (Ha  40.0) is about (Ha  0) and Num (Ha  80) is about 0.2%, whereas it decreases by
37.91%, whereas it is increased by 39.25% for ϕ  0.04. 85% for Ra  106. This is because the predominance of the
Figure 5 shows the variation of the average Nusselt number with the conduction mechanism on the convection effect (which reduces the
Hartmann number as a function of the Rayleigh number. Examining heat transfer in a nanofluid and, as a result, the magnetic field effect)
Eq. (8), the sign of the Rayleigh number is opposite to the Hartmann begins to diminish. Globally, increasing the Rayleigh number causes
number one in the source term. Therefore, there is an opposite effect of an increase of the buoyancy force effect and leads to an important
the Rayleigh number Ra and the Hartmann number Ha on heat contribution of the convection heat transfer, especially at higher
transfer. For all Hartmann numbers, the maximum heat transfer occurs Rayleigh numbers. On the contrary, by increasing the Hartmann
10 Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI

Ra=10 3
Ra=10 4 8.0

Total Entropy Generation

Total Entropy Generation

12 Ra=10 7.5
Ra=10 6
Region 1 Region 2

6 5.5

0.01 0.00
0.02 0.03 0.04
400 20
60 80
Hartman Number Solid Volume Fraction ( )
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Fig. 6 Total entropy generation for different Rayleigh Ra and Fig. 8 Total entropy generation for different ϕ and Hartmann numbers
Hartmann Ha numbers at AR  2, γ  0, and ϕ  0.01 (Al2 O3 –water Ha at AR  2, γ  0, and Ra  105 .

mechanism in the entropy generation. The range of the solid volume

number, the effect of the conduction heat transfer becomes more
fraction is divided to two regions: the first region (0.0 ≤ ϕ < 0.02),
significant and the convection heat transfer contribution is neglected.
and the second region (0.02 < ϕ ≤ 0.04). In the first region, the
Figure 6 shows the variation of the total entropy generation with
augmentation of the solid volume fraction ϕ has a positive effect on
the Hartmann number as a function of the Rayleigh number. Because the average Nusselt number and the total entropy generation. For this
the conduction mechanism dominates the heat transfer performance case, the effect of the effective thermal conductivity on the heat
under the condition of a low Rayleigh number (Ra  103 ), the transfer dominates the effect of the effective viscosity of the nanofluid
strength of the fluid flow is low and a low-temperature gradient is in the cavity. Consequently, the total entropy generation inside the
presented. Consequently, a low total entropy generation is obtained. cavity increases. In contrast, in the second region, a reduction of the
But, the entropy generation increases by increasing the Rayleigh heat transfer is observed. The average Nusselt number and the total
number because increasing the buoyancy force causes a total much entropy generation decrease gradually with the increase of the solid
larger friction. However, given a high Rayleigh number, the heat volume fraction. This behavior is due to the greater effect of the
transfer effect is dominated by the convection effect. On the other effective viscosity as compared to that of the effective thermal
hand, the presence of a magnetic field is associated with a decrease in conductivity of the nanofluid. Generally, the effect of nanoparticles
the entropy generation total. This is due to the magnetic damping on the enhancement appears more significant at a low volume
effect that reduces the heat transfer mechanism in the enclosure. For fraction of the nanoparticles. For high values of the solid volume
instance, by increasing the Rayleigh number Ra from 103 to 106 , the fraction, this effect is slightly reduced.
total entropy generation inside the cavity increases; its value changes
from 3.76 to 14.88 at Ha  0. When varying the Hartmann number B. Effect of the Inclination Angle
Ha from 0 to 80, an opposing effect occurs. The entropy generation
For a selected case (AR  2), the results present the influence of
goes from 14.88 to 7.67 for Ra  106.
the angle of the magnetic field. Figure 9 shows the isotherms,
Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the effect of the solid volume fraction ϕ
streamlines, and entropy generation for four selected angles (γ  0,
on the average Nusselt number and the total entropy generation for π∕8, π∕4, and 3π∕8). For γ  0, the confined natural convection
different Hartmann numbers at γ  0 and Ra  105 . As can be seen results in two flow circulation structures with opposite rotating
in those figures, an optimum value for ϕ can be found that results in directions and with the same strength (jψ max j  18). As γ increases to
the maximum Num and the total entropy generation ST . It is worth π∕8, π∕4, and 3π∕8, the natural clockwise circulation that exists in
noticing the similar behaviors of the average heat transfer coefficient the left vertical portion of the cavity expands. Its maximum strength
and the entropy generation rates. This can be attributed to the rises at higher rates than for the case of right-hand circulation. The
importance of irreversibility associated with the heat transfer latter becomes confined in a smaller region as the angle increases.
When the angle of the enclosure rises from γ  0 to π, the thermal
field seems to be slightly affected. Similarly, the entropy generation
contours are just slightly influenced by the angle variation,
8.0 illustrating the strong impact of the heat transfer mechanism on the
overall irreversibility rates.
Average Nusselt Number

7.5 Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the effect of the Hartmann number and
inclination angle on the heat transfer coefficient and the total entropy
generation. Similar behaviors are observed. For instance, Figs. 10
6.5 and 11 indicate that, for all Hartmann numbers, a maximum value of
Region 1 Region 2 the heat transfer coefficient and total entropy generation occurs at
6.0 0 < < 0.02 0.02 < < 0.04 γ  π∕2. The intensity of this maximum is just slightly affected by
the Hartmann number Ha. In fact, Num equals to about 8.6 and 9
when the Hartmann number Ha equals 10 and 40, respectively. Here,
5.0 again, increasing the Hartmann number tends to reduce the heat
transfer mechanism, which also reduces the entropy generation rates.
4.5 The effect of the inclination angle of the magnetic field on the Num
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 and the total entropy generation is more significant when the
Solid Volume Fraction ( ) Hartmann number is high. For example, at Ha  10, the difference
Fig. 7 Average Nusselt number on the hot walls for different ϕ and between Num (γ  0) and Num (γ  π∕2) is about 6%, whereas it is
Hartmann Ha numbers at AR  2, γ  0, and Ra  105 . 9% for Ha  40. The same observation applies for the difference
Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI 11
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Fig. 9 Isotherms, streamlines, and entropy generation for different γ at AR  2, Ra  105 , Ha  10, and ϕ  0.01 (Al2 O3 –water nanofluid).

Total Entropy Generation

Average Nusselt Number


7 6,3

5,6 Ha =10
6 Ha=10 Ha =40

0 30 60 90 120 150 180

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Inclination Angle
Inclination Angle Fig. 11 Total entropy generation for different γ and Hartmann
Fig. 10 Average Nusselt number on the hot walls for different γ and numbers Ha, at ϕ  0.01, AR  2, and Ra  105 .
Hartmann numbers Ha at ϕ  0.01, AR  2, and Ra  105 .

can be seen from Fig. 12, where the Nusselt number with relatively
high values varies almost smoothly, mainly for high Hartmann
between the total entropy generation γ  0 and γ  π∕2 for numbers Ha, on the CD side. A closer inspection of Fig. 12 shows
Ha  10 and 40. that, for low Hartmann numbers, the Nusselt number is higher in the
Finally, the variation of the local Nusselt number along the side CD bottom region adjacent to C than that close to D. Again, the local
for different values of the Hartmann number, at γ  0 for ϕ  0.01 Nusselt number decreases as the Hartmann number increases. The
and Ra  105 , is illustrated in Fig. 12. According to Fig. 2, maximum value of the heat transfer coefficient falls from 4.6 to 3.8 to
corresponding to Ra  105 and γ  0, the isotherms are parallel and 2.65 to 1.75 when the Hartmann number Ha increases from 0 to 20 to
close to the CD side, indicating high heat transfer rates. This is what 40 to 80, respectively.
12 Article in Advance / ABBASSI AND ORFI

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