Multiplexing & Demultiplexing

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© December 2015 | IJIRT | Volume 2 Issue 7 | ISSN: 2349-6002


Dronacharya College Of Engineering , Gurgaon

Abstract- In telecommunications and computer

networks, multiplexing (sometimes contracted
to muxing) is a method by which multiple analog Multiple variable bit rate digital bit streams may be
message signals or digital data streams are combined transferred efficiently over a single
into one signal over a shared medium. The aim is to
fixed bandwidth channel by means of statistical
share an expensive resource. For example, in
multiplexing. This is an asynchronous mode time-
telecommunications, several telephone calls may be
carried using one wire. Multiplexing originated domain multiplexing which is a form of time-division
in telegraphy in the 1870s, and is now widely applied in multiplexing.
communications. In telephony, George Owen Squier is Digital bit streams can be transferred over an analog
credited with the development of telephone carrier channel by means of code-division multiplexing
multiplexing in 1910. techniques such as frequency-hopping spread
I. INTRODUCTION spectrum (FHSS) and direct-sequence spread
spectrum (DSSS).
Multiplexing is the process in which multiple Data In wireless communications, multiplexing can also be
Streams, coming from different Sources, are accomplished through
combined and Transmitted over a Single Data alternating polarization (horizontal/vertical or clockw
Channel or Data Stream.In Electronic ise/counterclockwise) on each adjacent channeland
Communications, the two basic forms of satellite, or through phased multi-antenna
Multiplexing are Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) array combined with a multiple-input multiple-output
and Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). communications (MIMO) scheme
In Time Division Multiplexing, Transmission Time
on a Single Channel is divided into non-overlapped III. SPACE-DIVISION MULTIPLEXING
Time Slots. Data Streams from different Sources are In wired communication, space-division
divided into Units with same size and interleaved multiplexing is the use of separate point-to-point
successively into the Time Slots. electrical conductors for each transmitted channel.
In Frequency Division Multiplexing, Data Streams Examples include an analogue stereo audio cable,
are carried simultaneously on the same Transmission with one pair of wires for the left channel and another
medium by allocating to each of them a different for the right channel, and a multi-pair telephone
Frequency Band within the Bandwidth of the Single cable, a switched star network such as a telephone
Channel. access network, a switched Ethernet network, and
Multiplexing is done by an equipment called a mesh network.
Multiplexer (MUX). It is placed at the Transmitting In wireless communication, space-division
End of the communication link. At the Receiving multiplexing is achieved with multiple antenna
End, the Composite Signal is separated by an elements forming a phased array antenna. Examples
equipment called Demultiplexer (DEMUX). are multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO),
Demultiplexer performs the reverse process of single-input and multiple-output (SIMO) and
Multiplexing and routes the separated signals to their multiple-input and single-output (MISO)
corresponding Receivers or Destinations. multiplexing. An IEEE 802.11n wireless router
with k antennas makes it in principle possible to
communicate with k multiplexed channels, each with
a peak bit rate of 54 Mb/s, thus increasing the total


© December 2015 | IJIRT | Volume 2 Issue 7 | ISSN: 2349-6002

peak bit rate by the factor k. Different antennas from each other. These techniques may also be
would give different multi-path propagation (echo) utilized for space diversity (improved robustness to
signatures, making it possible for digital signal fading) or beamforming (improved selectivity) rather
processing techniques to separate different signals than multiplexing.


Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM): The television. Only one cable reaches a customer's
spectrum of each input signal is shifted to a distinct residential area, but the service provider can send
frequency range. multiple television channels or signals
Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) is inherently simultaneously over that cable to all subscribers
an analog technology. FDM achieves the combining without interference. Receivers must tune to the
of several signals into one medium by sending appropriate frequency (channel) to access the desired
signals in several distinct frequency ranges over a signal.[1]
single medium. A variant technology, called wavelength-division
One of the most common applications for FDM is multiplexing (WDM) is used in optical
traditional radio and television broadcasting from communications.
terrestrial, mobile or satellite stations, or cable


Time-division multiplexing (TDM).

Time-division multiplexing (TDM) is a digital (or in was used to serve another logical communication
rare cases, analog) technology which uses time, path.
instead of space or frequency, to separate the Consider an application requiring four terminals at an
different data streams. TDM involves sequencing airport to reach a central computer. Each terminal
groups of a few bits or bytes from each individual communicated at 2400 baud, so rather than acquire
input stream, one after the other, and in such a way four individual circuits to carry such a low-speed
that they can be associated with the appropriate transmission, the airline has installed a pair of
receiver. If done sufficiently quickly, the receiving multiplexers. A pair of 9600 baud modems and one
devices will not detect that some of the circuit time dedicated analog communications circuit from the
airport ticket desk back to the airline data center are


© December 2015 | IJIRT | Volume 2 Issue 7 | ISSN: 2349-6002

also installed.[1] Some modern web proxy is still in its early research phase, with small-scale
servers (e.g. polipo) use TDM in HTTP pipelining of laboratory demonstrations of bandwidths of up to 2.5
multiple HTTP transactions onto the same TCP/IP Tbit/s over a single light path.[4]
Carrier sense multiple
access and multidrop communication methods are Code division multiplexing (CDM), Code division
similar to time-division multiplexing in that multiple multiple access (CDMA) or spread spectrum is a
data streams are separated by time on the same class of techniques where several channels
medium, but because the signals have separate simultaneously share the samefrequency spectrum,
origins instead of being combined into a single and this spectral bandwidth is much higher than the
signal, are best viewed as channel access methods, bit rate or symbol rate. One form is frequency
rather than a form of multiplexing. hopping, another is direct sequence spread spectrum.
In the latter case, each channel transmits its bits as a
coded channel-specific sequence of pulses called
chips. Number of chips per bit, or chips per symbol,
Polarization-division multiplexing uses is the spreading factor. This coded transmission
the polarization of electromagnetic radiation to typically is accomplished by transmitting a unique
separate orthogonal channels. It is in practical use in time-dependent series of short pulses, which are
both radio and optical communications, particularly placed within chip times within the larger bit time.
in 100 Gbit/s per channel fiber optic transmission All channels, each with a different code, can be
systems. transmitted on the same fiber or radio channel or
other medium, and asynchronously demultiplexed.
Advantages over conventional techniques are that
variable bandwidth is possible (just as in statistical
Orbital angular momentum multiplexing is a multiplexing), that the wide bandwidth allows poor
relatively new and experimental technique for signal-to-noise ratio according to Shannon-Hartley
multiplexing multiple channels of signals carried theorem, and that multi-path propagation in wireless
using electromagnetic radiation over a single communication can be combated by rake receivers.
path.[3] It can potentially be used in addition to other A significant application of CDMA is the Global
physical multiplexing methods to greatly expand the Positioning System (GPS).
transmission capacity of such systems. As of 2012 it

Telecommunication multiplexing

Application areas separate messages to travel in opposite directions

simultaneously, first using an electric battery at both
ends, then at only one end.
The earliest communication technology using  Émile Baudot developed a time-
electrical wires, and therefore sharing an interest in multiplexing system of
the economies afforded by multiplexing, was multiple Hughes machines in the 1870s.
the electric telegraph. Early experiments allowed two


© December 2015 | IJIRT | Volume 2 Issue 7 | ISSN: 2349-6002

 In 1874, the quadruplex telegraph developed a statistical multiplexer or muxer. A demuxer is

by Thomas Edison transmitted two messages in software that extracts or otherwise makes available
each direction simultaneously, for a total of four for separate processing the components of such a
messages transiting the same wire at the same stream or container.
 Several workers were investigating acoustic
telegraphy, a frequency-division In digital television and digital radio systems, several
multiplexing technique, which led to variable bit-rate data streams are multiplexed
the invention of the telephone. together to a fixed bitrate transport stream by means
of statistical multiplexing. This makes it possible to
transfer several video and audio channels
X. TELEPHONY simultaneously over the same frequency channel,
In telephony, a customer's telephone line now together with various services.
typically ends at the remote concentrator box, where In the digital television systems, this may involve
it is multiplexed along with other telephone lines for several standard definition television (SDTV)
that neighborhood or other similar area. The programmes (particularly on DVB-T, DVB-
multiplexed signal is then carried to the central S2, ISDB and ATSC-C), or one HDTV, possibly with
switching office on significantly fewer wires and for a single SDTV companion channel over one 6 to
much further distances than a customer's line can 8 MHz-wide TV channel. The device that
practically go. This is likewise also true for digital accomplishes this is called a statistical multiplexer. In
subscriber lines (DSL). several of these systems, the multiplexing results in
Fiber in the loop (FITL) is a common method of an MPEG transport stream. The newer DVB
multiplexing, which uses optical fiber as standards DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 has the capacity to
the backbone. It not only connects POTS phone lines carry several HDTV channels in one multiplex. Even
with the rest of the PSTN, but also replaces DSL by the original DVB standards can carry more HDTV
connecting directly to Ethernet wired into channels in a multiplex if the most advanced MPEG-
the home. Asynchronous Transfer Mode is often 4 compressions hardware is used.
the communications protocol used. XIII. ANALOG BROADCASTING
Because all the phone (and data) lines have been
clumped together, none of them can be accessed In FM broadcasting and other analog radio media,
except through a demultiplexer. Where such multiplexing is a term commonly given to the process
demultiplexers are uncommon, this provides for of adding subcarriers to the audio signal before it
more-secure communications, though the connections enters the transmitter, where modulation occurs. (In
are not typically encrypted.[citation needed] fact, the stereo multiplex signal can be generated
Cable TV has long carried multiplexed television using time-division multiplexing, by switching
channels, and late in the 20th century began offering between the two (left channel and right channel)
the same services as telephone companies. IPTV also input signals at an ultrasonic rate (the subcarrier), and
depends on multiplexing. then filtering out the higher harmonics.) Multiplexing
in this sense is sometimes known as MPX, which in
XI. VIDEO PROCESSING turn is also an old term for stereophonic FM, seen
In video editing and processing systems, multiplexing on stereo systems since the 1960s.
refers to the process of interleaving audio and video REFERENCES
into one coherent MPEG transport stream (TDM).
In digital video, such a transport stream is normally a
feature of a container format which may %29
include metadata and other information, such Communication System book by Sanjay Sharma
as subtitles. The audio and video streams may have
variable bit rate. Software that produces such a
transport stream and/or container is commonly called


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