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M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s.

, XL 73116 (2007)


MARTINA BLE^I] Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci Trg Ivana Klobu~ari}a 1 HR- 51000 Rijeka


UDK 904 636/637 : 739.71 (36 : 497.5) Original scientific/scholarly paper The Illyrian helmet, a particular type of defensive military equipment dating from the late sixth and the fifth century BC, has been found in many places in the wider region of the Balkan Peninsula, the eastern Adriatic coast and its close hinterland. This paper presents and analyses a new find of this kind of armour in the Kvarner (Quarnero) area, a helmet that belongs to the first variant of its last stage of development (III A1). On the basis of data given here, the author proposes that this type should be divided in two variants that were chronologically contemporary and distributed throughout the same region, but had very different status meaning and symbolical characteristics. Based on the find sites, manners and contexts of their depositing she discusses several possible purposes of these helmets, and their meaningful iconographic content and features of style indicate that new aesthetic moments could have reflected the status symbols of chieftains, dignitaries and privileged members of communities in the wider area of south-east Europe.

Almost all the graves that we know of great and powerful figures in human history have a kind of warning scene at their entrance. Usually completely symbolical and abstracted to the level of simplified detail, these scenes through a wealth of themes, meanings or interpretations deal with the eternal struggle against death, the eternal desire for immortality. Sometimes they are completely explicit, such as the scene showing the fight against or the hunt for the boar (and wild beasts) painted above the architrave at the entrance to the tomb of Philip II of Macedon in Vergina. On this occasion, according to myth, the whole contemporary world gathered in a struggle against death, which is merciless and indestructible, which is divine (ANDRONIKOS 1992: 205, 208; VOKOTOPOULOU 1996: 149; ANDRONICOS 1999: 97118; DROUGOU, SAATSOGLOU-PALIADELI 2002: 4149, Fig. 60). It is a frightening hunting scene full of warning but also of encouragement. In its endless interpretations this thought has been universally illustrated right down to the present. The wild boar was a central motif and chthonic deity in many polytheistic communities and was not unknown in the iconography of Iron-Age communities and cultures of that time, which the Greeks called barbarian, especially in the wider Balkan region. Boars are shown on helmets, shields, daggers and swords, on horse gear, mounts for belts, as decorations on clothing or jewellery, on


M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)

coins, dishes, and even independently, because the wild boar was a specific and explicit symbol of a dignitary or a chieftain, of men who were powerful and indestructible. Boars are often shown on helmets. We find them on various types of helmets and in many stylistic and iconographic variants but only on Illyrian helmets do they appear on the brow, the most prominent part, where they are shown between two lions. Although this iconographic representation has been much discussed in archaeological literature and many answers offered and proposals put forward, it nevertheless remains a very provocative subject. On the other hand, this type of military equipment is gaining increasing attention in more recent archaeological literature and there are now many new reviews, observations and modern analyses. Thanks to new finds and new data, knowledge about the Illyrian helmet has been growing in the last twenty years and its definition is gaining in precision. However, rather a lot of time was needed for scholars, although not all of them, to accept this name predominantly as a territorial designation and less as one specifying a particular ethnicity (VASI] 1982: 56; NADBATH 2004: 38). It must, however, be pointed out that the different terminology reflects the chronological development of knowledge about and analysis of this kind of helmet, changing from Greek-Illyrian, Macedonian-Illyrian, down to Illyrian helmet.1 On the other hand, outdated terminology is still being used and there are even proposals for a completely new name such as the Paionian (SOKOLOVSKA 1997: 36; 1997 a: 57, Fig. 1213) or the Greek-Macedonian type of helmet (KUZMAN 2006: 546). This paper was motivated by the find of another Illyrian helmet and it is devoted to gaining broader knowledge about these helmets and their different contextual, interpretative and inspirational meanings. The area of the Kvarner Bay in the north of the eastern Adriatic still holds many archaeological surprises, especially in the case of military equipment. Not so long ago we were surprised by finds in a grave, or a hoard, in the town of Krk, unique in the syncretism of a Negau type helmet and Greek type greaves (BALEN-LETUNI] 19911992). The find of an Illyrian helmet was a new surprise, all the more so as it was discovered in the sea (Fig. 12, T. I). It was brought up from a depth of about 1516 m in front of Jablanac Point not far from the village of Beli on the island of Cres. This made it the first positive submarine find of its kind in the Republic of Croatia2 and also generally, and at the same time it marked the westernmost point in the spreading of this type of armour (Fig. 3, 4). In 2003, \ani Uha~ from Lovran, an important Croatian underwater fisherman of world renown, found the helmet completely by chance. Thanks to him, and also to my colleagues Ivan Radman-Livaja and especially Ante Rendi}-Mio~evi}, director of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, the helmet was sent to that museum where it was completely, gradually and fully restored. Damir Dora~i} performed the restoration and metal analysis, Miljenka Gali} made the drawings and Igor Krajcar provided the photo documentation, all of them from the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb. As a submarine find, the helmet was surprisingly well preserved and has kept all its indicative parts. It has a hemispherical dome (bowl), custom made for the wearers head. It is of standard size, 24 cm high by 12 cm wide (Fig. 1, T. I), and does not depart from any of the other known models of this kind of armour. The neck guard is flanged, 2.2 cm wide, and continues uninterrupted from the
1 KUKAHN 1936; KUNZE 1953/1955; 1967; LAHTOV 1965; 1965a; MAROVI] 1976; VASI] 1982; 1982 1983; PFLUG 1988; BITRAKOVA GROZDANOVA 1987; TER@AN 1995; [KOBERNE 2001. 2 Earlier literature mentions the helmet from Podgora near Su}uraj on the island of Hvar as a possible submarine find but there are no precise data about where and how it was discovered (NIKOLANCI 1960: 31, Fig. 1; PFLUG 1988: 56, f. n. 84; TER@AN 1995: 119).

M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)


Figure 1. Illyrian helmet found in the sea at Jablanac Point near the island of Cres. Slika 1. Ilirska kaciga izronjena nedaleko od rta Jablanac kod otoka Cresa.


M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)

cheek pieces to the edge of the helmet (Fig. 1bd, T. I). The cheek pieces, the paragnatidae, are triangular with a rounded back edge and a sharp point in front, 14 cm high and 9 cm wide. Each of them has a hole used to secure the helmet when it was worn (Fig. 1ac, 2b, T. I). The opening for the face is rectangular, 11 cm wide. In front there is a pin and in the back a loop which served to attach a crest to the helmet. The crest fitted between the two jutting ridges of triangular section running across the dome from front to back, between which three parallel lines are incised (Fig. 1a, d, T. I). The whole edge of the helmet is decorated with a thin border consisting of a row of small holes into which separately cast beads were fitted (Fig. 1, 2, T. I), giving the so-called perlen efekt in decorating helmets. During restoration an incised cross was discovered on the front of the helmet, exactly under the pin (Fig. 2a, T. I). This detail, although tiny and barely noticeable, makes this helmet unique and more individualised than any of the specimens known. The incised cross was probably the owners mark, a personal sign of recognition or perhaps an indication of his status. The choice of its position is interesting because it is in this place that the helmets from Trebeni{ta and Olympia have the famous allegorical scene of a wild boar between two lions (T. IV: 1, 3).3 Could the cross have been a mark showing the exact place where an applied decoration was to be fitted?

Figure 2. Detail of incised cross under the pin (A) and the end of the cheek piece with the beads and the hole for tying the strap (B). Slika 2. Detalj urezanog kri`a ispod zakovice (A) i zavr{etka obrazine s kuglicama i rupicom za vezivanje (B).

3 These finds are well presented in professional literature so I only give here the first publications and more recent reviews that contain older bibliography: FILOW 1927: 29, Abb. 25, T. 5; VULI] 1933: 141; POPOVI] 1975: 5456, Fig. 47; POPOVI] 1994: 128, cat. 96; KRSTI]

2007: 108109; KUNZE 1967: 125, T. 67, 68; SNODGRASS 1984: 8990, Fig. 44; VASI] 1987a: 726727, T. LXXVI: 1; KULL 1997: 288290, Abb. 43; THEODOSSIEV 2000: 199200, Fig. 20; EIBNER 2001: 254, Abb. 7: 2, 4.


M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)

List of sites: Lista nalazi{ta:

Num. Find spot 1 Island of Cres Jablanac Point (Cro.) Novo mesto (Si.) Pieces/Type 1/ III A1a Context Underwater find (sea), chance Necropolis, Grave 19/VII Underwater find (river), chance Necropolis, grave Necropolis, grave Underwater find (river), chance Necropolis, Tomb 1 Necropolis, grave? Tomb? Shrine ? Necropolis Bibliography Fig. 12, T. I. Kri` 1997: 57, k. 43; Egg 1999: 321325, Abb. 4, T. 12; Kri` 2004: Fig. 4. Burkowsky 2001: K. 5; Burkowsky 2004: cat. 1. Pa{kvalin 2002: 526528, T. II: 14. Mili~evi}-Capek 2007: 139144; Vrutak 2007: cover Cedica (in preparation) Kuzman 2006: 546; Bangs 2006; Balkanalysis 2006. Mitrevski 1997: 279. Ducrey 1985: ill. 57; Ellis 1992: Abb 24. Kilian-Dirlmeier 2002: 9091, T. 90:1420. Pflug 1988: Abb. 14: 8. Kuzman 2006: 547, Ph. 25; Manti 2006: 6.

1/ III A1, 1/ III A2a

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sisak (Cro.) Breza / Kamenja~a (B&H) Vranje Selo / Vidi}a guvno (B&H) Timioara (Ro.) Ohrid / Gorna porta (Mc.)

1/ III A1a 2/ III A1a, 1/ III A2, 1/ III A3? 2/ III A2a 1/ III A1b 5/ III A1a, 1/ III A1b

Babino / Demir Hisar 1/ III A3 Ki~evo (Mc.) Tymphaia / Grevena 1/ III A2a (Gr.) Philia (Gr.) Pangaion (Gr.) Archontiko / Pella (Gr.) 1/ III A3 1/ III A2a 2/ III A3

decorative. Technologically this was very demanding work that required casting, embossing, incising and soldering or mechanically fixing the beads in the holes made for them. Thus it is not surprising that there were relatively few such helmets in comparison with other variants of the same type. So far only 16 sites with about 50 helmets are known, either complete or in fragments, depending on the place, manner and reason for depositing them (Fig. 4).4 In general, Illyrian III A type helmets are widespread in the south and central Balkans (VASI] 1982: 510; 19821983: 7678, Fig. 3) and a large number has also been recorded in the south part of the east Adriatic shore and its hinterland (NIKOLANCI 1959: 8689, Fig. 2; MAROVI] 1976: 287290, Fig. 1) (Fig. 3). The history of research into these helmets had been long and gradual, often corrected and systematically added to. Newer finds, such as two Illyrian helmets from
4 We give only a framework number of Illyrian helmets obtained from published material available, in which the number of helmets is very often incomplete or imprecise, and there is often no catalogue or specific data about the particular fragments.

M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)


Vranjevo selo near Neum, III A2a type (MILI^EVI]-CAPEK 2007; 139144; VRUTAK 2007, cover), six helmets from Ohrid, III A1 type (KUZMAN 2006: 546), and two helmets from Novo mesto, III A1 and III A2a types, (KRI@ 1997: 51, 5657, k. 4243; EGG 1999: Abb. 45, T. 1213; KRI@ 2004: 424, Fig. 4), complement our earlier knowledge about the spread, contexts and interrelations of these finds within wider cultural circles. Many corrections have also been made; one of them being the classification of fragments of a cheek piece from the shrine of Athena Itonia in Philia as the III A type (KILIAN-DIRLMEIER 2002: 9091, T. 90: 1420), almost certainly its 3rd variant. Also very interesting is the fragment of a decorated cheek piece from Tymphaia near Grevena (DUCREY 1985: ill. 57; ELLIS 1992: Abb. 24), which can now be seen as belonging to the III A2 type, probably the a variant (Fig. 7c), and not to the III B type, as thought by Pflug (1988: 64, f. n. 83). Furthermore, two helmet fragments from Kamenja~a in Breza can now, thanks to published drawings, be determined as belonging to the III A1 type (PA[KVALIN 2002: 526527, T. II: 12) (T. III: 2). The helmet from Sisak (BURKOWSKY 2001: 2829, K. 5; 2004: 17, Cat. 1), despite differences of opinion, can nevertheless be classed as the III A1 type (T. II: 2). The helmet from Babino near Demir Hisar, i.e. Ki~evo (MITREVSKI 1997: 279), typologically belongs to the 3rd variant of the III A type of Illyrian helmets, and so do the new finds in Archontiko (KUZMAN 2006: 547; MANTI 2006: 6).5 The above finds are completely congruent with the accepted classification of Illyrian helmets that Ter`an developed, supplemented and correctly structured into sub-types and variants, which Pflug had only anticipated (PFLUG 1988: 5264). Ter`an especially focused on defining the most developed and numerous type III A2, which she divided on the basis of morphology and also of differences in style (III A2a and III A2b) (TER@AN 1995: 8788, 114121, Abb. 79). These are certainly not the only data provided by this division; others offer a wider and much more complex view of the origin, circumstances of production and development, and the inter-relations between the two groups. In the same way, in the case of Illyrian helmets with a smooth edge (III A3 type) we also differentiate between those without a decoration and those with incised circles that imitate or remind of earlier types, which Ter`an also mentioned (1995: 87, Anm. 29). However, in the case of Illyrian helmets belonging to the first variant of the late phase these differences of morphological and especially of technological and style characteristics are more pronounced. The closest and best parallel of the Cres example is the helmet from a warrior grave in Novo mesto, Kapiteljska njiva-Tumulus VII/Grave 19 (KRI@ 1997: 57, k. 43; EGG 1999: 321325, Abb. 4, T. 12; KRI@ 2004: Fig. 4) (T. II: 1). The rich grave of the brothers in arms or warrior brothers provides clear evidence of many facts, one of them being that Illyrian helmets of type III, variants A1 and A2a, were both worn at the same time. There are also obvious similarities with helmets from other warrior graves, for example in Ka~anj (MARI] 1959: 8990, Fig. 1b, T. 1: 1a1b; 1976: 106107, Fig. 3, T. I: 25) (T. II: 56), the rich graves from Trebeni{ta (POPOVI] 1956: 47, T. XVIII; LAHTOV 1965: 124, 153, T. XXVII: 3; KRSTI] 2004: 3839, Abb.27 (ac); 2007a: 108109) (T. IV: 1) and Tomb 1 from Ohrid (KUZMAN 2006: 546, Ph. 4) (T. IV: 4). To them may also be added the helmet from the isolated grave find near Ra`ana (GARA[ANIN 1973: Fig. 25; POPOVI] 1975: 52, Fig. sat. 46; VASI] 1977: 64, Pl. 24: 1) (T. III: 3) and the helmets that were placed beside a grave in the tumulus near Pe}ka banja (TASI] 1998: 578, cat. 222; KRSTI] 2004: 3940; 2007: 9899) (T. III: 4). Finds in shrines also deserve special mention. The closest analogy in form and manner of production is Olympia where the largest number of III A1 type helmets has to date been found (KUNZE 1967: 124125, T. 64, 6768; PFLUG 1988: 53, Abb. 1011; TER@AN
5 The data are given in the List of Find Spots supplementing Fig. 3.

M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)


Num. Find spot 3 4 5 6 7 Sisak (Cro.) Puti~evo (B&H) Breza / Kamenja~a (B&H) Bulbin / Imotski (Cro.) Gorica / Ljubu{ki (B&H) Ka~anj / Bile}a (B&H) Ra`ana / Kosjeri}i (Ser.)

Pieces/Type 1/ III A1a 1/ III A1a 2/ III A1a 2/ III A1a 1/ III A1a

Context Underwater find (river), chance Unknown Necropolis, graves? Chance find? Shrine

6/ III A1a


1/ III A1a



Pe}ka banja / Pe} (Kosovo)

3/ III A1a

Tumulus, beside grave Unknown, S. Gjecov Franciscan Collection Necropolis

Bibliography Burkowsky 2001: K. 5; Burkowsky 2004: cat. 1. Fiala 1899: 151, T. 8; Nadbath 2004: T. 1: 1. Pa{kvalin 2002: T. II: 12. Nikolaci 1959: 82, Fig. 1; Marovi} 1976: 295, T. 4:9. Truhelka 1902: 68, Fig. 34. Mari} 1959: 8990, Fig. 1b, T. I: 1ab; Mari} 19751976: Fig. 3, T. I: 25. Gara{anin 1973: Fig. 25; Popovi} 1975: cat. 46; Vasi} 1977: Pl. 24:1. Srebro 1990: 187; Tasi} 1998: 578, kat. 222; Ba~kalov 2004: cat. 5756; Krsti} 2007: 94, 9899. Nopcsa 1912: 188, Fig. 44. Filow 1927: Abb. 25, 99, T. 5, 15:1; Popovi} 1956:47, T. 18; Krsti} 2007a:108109. Kuzman 2006: 546; Bangs 2006; Balkanalysis 2006. Broneer 1958: 3435, P. 17:b. Kunze 1967: 123126, T. 5768; Pflug 1988: Abb. 1011; Hockey et al 1992: Pl. 1923. Cedica (in preparation) Parovi}-Pe{ikan 1961: Sl. 2; ^ovi} 1987: 616, T. LXIV: 1. Djukni}-Jovanovi} 1966: 1819, T. XIX: 1; Tasi} 1992: Fig. 9.


Le~i (Lezhe) (Al.)

1/ III A1a


Trebeni{ta / Gorenci (Mc.) Ohrid / Gorna porta (Mc.) Ishtmia (Gr.)

6/III A1a, 2/ III A1b

13 14

5/ III A1a, 1/ III A1b 1/ III A1a?

Necropolis, Tomb 1 Shrine 12 shrine, 1 underwater find (river) Underwater find (river), chance? Grave I/3 Mound I, peripheral grave


Olympia (Gr.)

10/ III A1a, 3/ III A1b

16 17

Timioara (Ro.) Zagra|e / Glasinac (B&H) Atenica / ^a~ak (Ser.)

1/ III A1b Boar application


Boar application


M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)

1995: 115, Abb. 7) (T. III: 7, IV: 23, 5). Illyrian helmets were very often also found in rivers, but this is as yet not a characteristic of III A1 type helmets. A more direct parallel can only be made with the helmet from Olympia (HOCKEY et al. 1992) (T. IV: 2) and the helmet from Timioara (CEDICA in preparation). If we, furthermore, compare the categories of find spot and find context with state of preservation, we see that all the helmets so far found in graves are usually completely preserved, intentionally deformed, broken or intentionally pierced. Not rarely they appear as fragments of cheek pieces that can only exceptionally be recognised (T. II: 6). The same is true of shrines, where intentionally broken and damaged helmets are the most numerous, or are again present in completely recognisable fragments (e.g. Isthmia, T. III: 6). Only sea and river finds give an opposite picture because these helmets are almost completely preserved, without traces of violent of intentional deformation, as if they had been discarded as a message or for some special, perhaps ritual reason.6 Even a cursory view of the helmets compared shows pronounced aesthetic, stylistic and technological differences. The famous Trebeni{ta and Olympia helmets (T. IV: 13, 5), together with the new finds of richly-decorated helmets from Ohrid (T. IV: 4) and Timioara, certainly form a separate group within the first phase of the last stage of development of Illyrian helmets. Since their basic manner of workmanship, shape and production technology are unique, and their contemporaneity indisputable, helmets with applied decorations are the reflection of a different intention, a different need, value and end purpose. These helmets can be divided in the III A1a variant, which is simple, common and without additional decorations, and is relatively widespread in the wider region, and the III A1b variant, which comprises exceptional luxury helmets designed for special needs (Fig. 4 with list of find spots). The central motif of the exceptional III A1b variant of Illyrian helmets is the heraldic concept of a wild boar flanked by lions, known from Trebeni{ta, Olympia and Timioara (T. IV: 1, 3), or the applied representation of a rams head on the cheek pieces of the helmets from Olympia and Ohrid (T. IV: 4, 5). However, this is not the first, nor the only, attempt to give these helmets a higher aesthetic level by sublimating narration or symbols through an associative or allegorical representation of animals. A boar in a similar position, but incised, was already found on the left, intentionally pierced,7 cheek piece of a type II Illyrian helmet from the Ioannina necropolis, found in the function of an urn (PFLUG 1988: 49; TER@AN 1995: 113, Abb. 6; SAKELLARIOU 1997: 97, Fig. 80) (Fig. 5a). Incised, heraldically placed lions with a raised front paw and antithetically turned heads were also found on the III A3 type helmet from Argolis, today in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (PFLUG 1988: 61, Abb. 1718; MORAN 2007) (Fig. 5b).8 It still remains open, and will be a subject for future research, whether this progression shows evolution in the development of this art motif on Illyrian helmets. It is certain, however, that applied decorations in precious metals only appear on helmets of the III A1b type.
6 Deformities caused by the passage of time and/or water are completely different, for example, the helmets from the river Cetina near Trilj (MILO[EVI] 2004: 19; GAFFNY 2004: 3; RADI] ROSSI 2006: 85) or the helmet from Timioara. 7 I would also mention that several Illyrian helmets of the III A2a type are pierced on the left cheek piece, from inside-out, all of them in Olympia (DUCERY 1985: 61, ill. 41e; SEARS 2007; Olympia Museum 2007). Of all the known helmets of the III A1 type, the only one with a pierced cheek piece is in the British Museum (HOCKEY et al. 1992: Pl. 1921). Therefore, such helmets are exclusively localised in shrines, or at least in areas inseparably linked to them. This fact is all the more important if we know that weapons were nailed to the walls of shrines, usually in corridors and porticoes, and cared for by the priests (DUCERY 1985: 277). Perhaps this is how one should look on the intentionally deformed, outwards bent and pierced cheek pieces on Illyrian helmets? 8 An identical specimen was sold at an auction at Christies on 25 October (CHRISTIES 2007).

M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)


Figure 5. Incised boar on the cheek piece of the helmet from Ioannina (A) (according to SAKELLARIOU 1997) and representation of two lions on the front of the helmet from Argolis (according to MORAN 2007). Slika 5. Urezani prikaz vepra na paragnatidi kacige iz Ioannine (A) (prema SAKELLARIOU 1997) i prikaz dva lava na ~eonom dijelu kacige iz Argolisa (prema MORAN 2007). The boar applications on helmets should certainly be joined by the boars found in Zagra|e, Grave 1 (FIALA 1899: 51, Fig. 51, PAROVI]-PE[IKAN 1961: 25, Fig. 2; ^OVI] 1987: 616, T. LXIV: 1), and in Atenica, Mound I, peripheral grave of a young man (DJUKNI] JOVANOVI] 1966: 1718, T. XI: 1, XIX: 1, XXIXXXXIII; 2003: 191192; VASI] 2004: Abb. 15), which are creatively and receptively almost identical (Fig. 6. a, b). Interest in them is still very strong but ideas diverge, so despite the frequent mention of their similarities no certain, firm and adequate relationship between these highly aesthetic finds of the cultural heritage has yet been established, although it has been offered (POPOVI] 1975: 54; STIP^EVI] 1981: 105106; T: XXXI: 2, 4; VASI] 1987: 650; 2007: 560561). In the first place, these are certainly applications of similar size, 4.24.8 cm, and almost identical workmanship, made of thin silver and/or gilded silver sheet with the same technological and style characteristics. They were probably made in the same crafts centre or at least in a narrow circle of workshops that had the ability, knowledge and skill to process precious metals. This does not by any means imply that they were made in Greek workshops, as Maja Parovi}-Pe{ikan assumed (PAROVI]-PE[IKAN 1961: 25) relying on analogies with Greek vase paintings. The only boar that is missing, of all the ones we know about, is that from Trebeni{ta, which has been preserved as an impression and in the recognition of its position (T. IV: 1). The Olympian boar is fragmented in the last part of its body (T. IV: 3), while the Atenica one has no legs or tusks. To the best of our knowledge there has been only one attempt to reconstruct the Atenica boar, but it is unfortunately not very convincing which decreases its symbolism (TASI] 1992: Fig. 9) (Fig. 6a). The reconstructed Atenica boar is a clumsy and ungainly animal with short and stocky back legs, although the position of the body, the powerful muscles and the slant of the bristles and head suggest a completely different approach in the reconstruction would have been more appropriate. The best-preserved example is that from Zagra|e (Fig. 6b), which enables a better and more detailed analysis of the animals posture. Various interpretations have been offered both for the symbolism and for the purpose of this item, some exaggerated, some completely irrelevant (PAROVI]-PE[IKAN 1961: 25; BABI] 2004: 131, K. 2) 1.2.). Only Ljubi{a Popovi} made comparisons between it and the boars known at that time on the helmets from Trebeni{ta and Olympia (1975: 5455, f.n. 270).


M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)

Figure 6. Silver sheet boars from Atenica (A) (according to TASI] 1992) and Zagra|e (B) (according to ^OVI] 1987). Slika 6. Srebrni limovi u obliku vepra iz Atenice (A) (prema TASI] 1992) i Zagra|a (B) (prema ^OVI] 1987). Another very interesting object must be singled out in the context of the central Atenica grave, Mound II. It is the fragment of a palmette, also cut from sheet silver (DJUKNI] JOVANOVI] 1966: 1819, T. XII: 3, XXI: 1), technologically and aesthetically matching the boar applications (Fig. 7a). Undoubtedly they were shield decorations, as directly suggested by the palmette fragments from Athena Itonias shrine in Philia

Figure 7. Palmettes of sheet silver and bronze from Atenica (A) (according to DJUKNI]-JOVANOVI] 1966) and Philia (B) (according to KILIAN-DIRLMEIER 2002) and the cheek piece from Grevena (according to ELLIS 1992). Slika 7. Palmete od srebrnog i bron~anog lima iz Atenice (A) (prema DJUKNI]-JOVANOVI] 1966) i Philije (B) (prema KILIAN-DIRLMEIER 2002) te paragnatida iz Grevene (prema ELLIS 1992).

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(KILIAN DIRLMEIER 2002: 8889; T. 89: 13931401) (Fig. 7b) or is even more convincingly illustrated on the chryselephantine shield from Philips Tomb in Vergina (ANDRONICOS 1999: 134140, Fig. 9193) and on the cheek piece from a III A2a type Illyrian helmet in Grevena (Fig. 7c). The cheek piece is richly decorated with the figure of Nike stepping forward victoriously and holding a spear and shield whose handle is decorated with a palmette (DUCREY 1985: 88, Ill. 57; PFLUG 1988: 64; ELLIS 1992: Abb. 24). This is the only known example of a decorated fragment of a III A2a variant of an Illyrian helmet, but it remains open whether it was decorated originally, while the helmet was still in use, which seems more probable, or whether it was subsequently worked on for a certain purpose, perhaps to be used as an insignia. Contextual dating places it at a time when this type of helmet had long gone out of use. Therefore, this cheek piece of secondary use directly shows the value and importance of the Illyrian helmet as a status symbol for a dignitary, chieftain or leader, which by association imparts an unequivocal message. In this survey we must also mention the, perhaps merely forgotten, applied palemtte decorations on the helmets from Trebeni{ta (Fig. 8a, T. IV: 1). This especially refers to the often-mentioned helmet from Grave 8 (VULI] 1932: 3435, Fig. 5556; POPOVI] 1956: 2627, T. XVIII, XVIIIa; POPOVI] 1975: 5456; Fig. 47; LAHTOV 1965: T. XXVII: 3), which has been brought back to attention thanks to new reproductions (KRSTI] 2004: Abb. 27, K. 36; 2007a: 108109). The helmet from the Trebeni{ta Grave 6 also has a palmette application (FILOW 1927: 84, Abb. 99; PFLUG 1988: 5354). The palmette decorations on helmets from the Olympia shrine show that these were not isolated examples or an exception resulting only from the taste and demands of the Iron-Age aristocracy in the Ohrid region. Besides the helmet in the Olympia museum (KUNZE 1967: Nr.

Figure 8. Illyrian helmet from Grave 8 in Trebeni{ta (A) (according to KRSTI] 2007a) and a detail of a helmet decorated with a palmette in Olympia (B) (according to HOCKEY et al 1992). Slika 8. Ilirska kaciga iz groba 8 iz Trebeni{ta (A) (prema KRSTI] 2007a) i dio kacige ukra{ene palmetom iz Olimpije (B) (prema HOCKEY et al 1992).


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43, T. 64; SNODGRASS 1984: Fig: 44; PFLUG 1988: 34; KULL 1997: 288, Abb. 43), palmettes were exceptionally impressed on both sides of the ends of the cheek pieces and on the front of another Illyrian helmet from Olympia (Fig. 8b, T. IV: 2), which was found in the river Alpheios and is kept in the British Museum (KUNZE 1958: 139, 147, Abb. 106107, T. 5152; PFLUG 1988: 54; HOCKEY et al. 1992: 287, Pl. 22: ab). To the best of my knowledge, this helmet is to date the most completely and most exhaustively studied one and the analyses of its metals and workmanship revealed many new moments, which must be borne in mind.9 It has silver applications, the small beads around the edge are also partly made of silver, and analysis showed that both were soldered with tin (HOCKEY et al. 1992: 283285). Thus tin was probably used to attach or join to the bronze foundation all the other applied decorations on helmets of the III A1b type. It is well-known that silver, gold and tin were not lacking in the central Balkans, especially in todays Macedonia and southern Serbia (particularly in the Bujanovac and Ohrid areas) (POPOVI] 1975: 54, 5859; GR@ETI] JELENKOVI] 1995: 1329, Fig. 1; DURMAN 1997: 813, Fig. 2). All the above is even more important when we remember the local autochthonous production of silver and gold fibulas and pins in the Ohrid area (VASI] 1987a: 731; 1996: 144145; 1996a: 1719; 2004: 2324). The other decorations on Illyrian helmets of the same variant also show this relationship between the Ohrid area and the Olympia shrine. The only helmet in Olympia (T. IV: 5) (SOLOW 2007) with cheek-piece applications of realistic rams heads in profile is joined by a new helmet found in Tomb 1 in Ohrid, i.e. in Gorna porta (T. IV: 4), with a ram in profile of very similar workmanship and style, technology and artistic approach (KUZMAN 2006: 546, Ph 4; BANGS 2006). The rams head in profile is a common and recognisable decoration on the cheek pieces of Chalcidian helmets, as evidenced by the famous helmet from the Temple of Persephone in Epizephyrian Locris (KUNZE 1967: 139; CARDOSA 2002: 99, cat. n. 34) and many others (PFLUG 1988a: 137150; TER@AN 1995: 86, 123124, Abb. 10). However, the ram on the cheek pieces of Illyrian helmets was hardly ever a subject of discussion, as if it never even existed. These new finds show that typological determination requires greater caution and precision. If a ram application is, therefore, found on its own, such as the one in Philia (KILIAN-DIRLMEIER 2002: 91, T. 90: 1422), it is very difficult to attribute it to a particular type of the above helmets, especially with certainty. Considering the geographical, micro-regional and cultural situation in the area, and the context of other finds, might not the fragment of sheet bronze in the shape of a rams head from Philia be seen as a decoration on an Illyrian and not only on a Chalcidian helmet? Be that as it may, in the attribution of the boar application from Zagra|e and the boar and palmette applications from Atenica it should clearly and without any reservations be said that they were decorations for helmets and/or shields, as their researchers believed (DJUKNI] JOVANOVI] 1966: 1819; POPOVI] 1975: 5456; VASI] 1987: 650; 2007: 560561). When new possibilities are offered the basic principle must be followed of methodologically honouring form, purpose and material in a specific context. It therefore does not seem very likely, although I cannot rule it out completely, that any of the applications were used on clothes (^OVI] 1987: 616; PALAVESTRA 1984: 4142, Fig. 7, 8, T. XIV; VASI] 1987: 650); this is especially not feasible in the case of Atenica if we mean the personal items found there as grave gifts. It is completely unacceptable to connect the above applications with metal containers (BABI] 1990: 166171; 2002: Fig. 2; 2004: 106, 131, 151152), all the more so as the argument used is the flatness of the applications (they are not curved) because of which they could not have followed the shape of the cheek pieces (BABI] 2004: 152). Were applications only used to decorate cheek pieces? With reference to the opinion put fo9 Metal, i.e., corrosion analyses were also made on the III A3 type helmets from the Archontiko necropolis, showing that tin was used during applying silver to the surface of the helmets, especially on the neck guard (MANTI 2006:6).

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rward several times by Rastko Vasi} (2007: 560561), I must say that all the containers from that time have cast and then riveted or soldered iron decorations, for example the Vix crater that is often used for comparison (e.g. EGG PARE 1995: 190192, T. 65, F. T. XXI; GUGGISBERG 2006: 1315) or that from Trebeni{ta (POPOVI] 1994: 103, cat. 31; KRSTI] 2004: 3637; Abb. 2526; 2007a: 104107), or have incised decorations like on dishes, buckets or mirrors (e.g. GIUMLIA-MAIR RUBINICIH 2002). Applications of this kind, with a clear message, could also have been placed in a grave of metonymic value and importance on their own (THEODOSSIEV 1998: 360362; 2000: 199200). Such symbols would not be found on ordinary helmets, of which there are many, and more are yet to be discovered.10 They were not the symbols of ordinary soldiers, nor was every Illyrian helmet owned by a distinguished member of the community, as supposed by Viktorija Sokolovska (1997: 3536). Only helmets and shields with this kind of decoration, and their metonymies, could have been a symbol and expression of the powerful aristocracy, either military or political, as Sta{a Babi} also indirectly showed (BABI] 2001: 8788; 2004: 108). This status, or level of internal social organisation, could certainly not have been achieved without strong foundations, one of which was certainly a geopolitical position based on natural resources and the control of communications. To be more precise, the Ohrid area, the future or already existing Lychnidos, was famous for its wealth of raw materials and was also the focal point and intersection of the horizontal communication running from the Adriatic to Chalcidice, the so-called silver or Cadmean route, the future Via Egnatia (LISI^AR 1953: 250254; POPOVI] 1966: 1516; POPOVI] 1969: 1112; KATI^I] 1995: 262 264, 274), and of the vertical river transversal running along the courses of the Vardar and the Morava from the Balkan south to its north (BABI] 2002: 7481; VASI] 2004: 11). It is in this wider space that the legend of Cadmus and Harmonia, among others, is located ([A[EL KOS 1993: 113136; KATI^I] 1995: 211303; [A[EL KOS 2004: 499501). It is in the graves of Trebeni{ta that many tools for craftsmen, semi-products and unfinished articles were found (POPOVI] 1956: 2630). But why choose the wild boar? Many prehistoric and historic societies and communities gave a special meaning to the boar. A comparison between material finds and the ritual and religious interpretation of the boar symbol, in its own context and in the mythology of the wider environment, shows that the boar had a strong ritual importance and was a status symbol of the leading, higher or highest members of the community (EIBNER 2001: 266270). In the southern and central Balkans the boar symbolism is of ancient and primeval origin, and when combined with gold applications (alongside other decorations in gold) and helmets it could have represented the highest form of insignia and also, in the eschatological sense, the deceaseds possible elevation to the rank of hero or divinity (POPOVI] 1966: 2329; SOKOLOVSKA 1997: 56; THEODOSSIEV 1998: 360; 2000: 200; BABI] 2001: 8388). Thus the metonymy we pointed to in Atenica, as a consequence of fragmentation, is not simply a coincidence (DJUKNI] JOVANOVI] 1966: 812, 2223). In the Atenica burial and cremation rite the boar symbol was also a spiritual authority additionally underpinned by the triple sacrifice of animals to a particular god. Among these animals the boar had a special place that was not as a rule shared by the pig (^A^E 1985: 1821; VASI] 1987: 646647; JOVANOVI] 2003: 192, 198199; EIBNER 2001: 242243), and it accentuated the heroic and even the divine nature of the deceased (STIP^EVI] 1984: 220). In the not so very distant example of the Sindos necropolis a similar principle is found of singling out status symbols showing the position and/or privileges of individuals. Similarly as in a childs grave in Atenica, the boy in Grave 59 was
10 It is enough to look at the legal auctions of Illyrian helmets, accessible on the Internet, especially their quantity, and the expertly evaluated finds in available literature.


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buried like an adult, equipped with very rich and very varied imports. These include an Illyrian III A3 helmet of the same kind as that in Grave 25, whose sheet-gold edging was decorated with an embossed wild boar. The inventory of Grave 25 was dated to 540, while Grave 59 was dated to 530/520 BC (VOKOTOPOULOU 1996: 114118, k. 8577; 1997: 127; 130, k. 211; THEODOSSIEV 2000: 197198, Fig. 1314). An interesting feature is a miniature model of a chariot with horses found beside the grave, similar examples to which can be found in Vergina and Pydna (VOKOTOPOULOU 1996: 114115, k. 8651), and now also at Ohrid in Gorna Porta (KUZMAN 2006: 546, Ph 7).

Figure 9. Sindos, embossed gold sheet showing a wild boar, Grave 25 (according to VOKOTOPOULOU 1997). Slika 9. Sindos, zlatni iskucani lim s prikazom vepra, grob 25 (prema VOKOTOPOULOU 1997). Iconographically the boar is usually thought to be in a defensive position (PAROVI]-PE[IKAN 1961: 25) (Fig. 6 a, b). This view may be partly correct, but if the animal is carefully observed in his natural position or in the position of attack or conflict, then he also stands firmly with all four feet on the ground, his head lowered, his bristles raised and his tusks pointing up. The boar is one of the strongest animals in our ecological system with many characteristics that make him almost invulnerable; very quick, with massive and powerful muscles, an almost impenetrable hide, and a wild strength that destroys everything in his path (CHEVALIER-CHEERBRANT 1994: 743744). His most important characteristic is his absolute fearlessness and superiority over other animals, and his mighty and awesome tusks. To catch and kill a boar has always been a special challenge for a hunter and his hound, regardless of the period or the kind of hunting weapon used, and this act is truly one that belongs to the royal hunt (ANDRONICOS 1999: 117118; THEODOSSIEV 2000: 198; EIBNER 2001: 243). It is this that makes the boar a symbol of power, bravery and authority, either spiritual, as is often the symbolical interpretation (STIP^EVI] 1981; 106; CHEVALIER-CHEERBRANT 1994: 743), or physical or even heroic (EIBNER 2001). The accepted and adapted choice of the boar as a chieftains or dignitarys symbol on Illyrian helmets should thus be no surprise, just as we are not surprised by the narrative expression of this symbol, the scene of heroes hunting the boar above the entrance to the tomb of Philip II of Macedon (ANDRONIKOS 1992: 205, 208, Abb. 102, 112113; 1999: 106119; EIBNER 2001: 269; DROUGOU, SAATSOGLOU-PALIADELI 2002: Fig. 60) (Fig. 10). Besides the frieze in the Great Tomb, the luxurious silver gilt mount for a belt buckle from Lovc near Stara Zagra also has a boar hunt as its central scene. In this case the scene is reduced, broken down and duplicated, its basic elements placed symmetrically to a thematic axis, and with a ritual content (Fig. 11). The mount is dated to the 5th/4th c. BC (VENEDIKOV GERASIMOV

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Figure 10. Frieze above the architrave of the entrance to the tomb of Philip II of Macedon in Vergina, reconstruction (according to DROUGOU SAATSOGLOU-PALIADELI 2002). Slika 10. Friz iznad arhitrava ulaza u grobnicu Filipa II Makedonskog u Vergini, rekonstrukcija (prema DROUGOU SAATSOGLOU-PALIADELI 2002). 1979: 377378, Fig. 248, 250; TER@AN 1995: 88). The scene of the boar hunt specifically defines the high social status of the horsemen and the archers (KULL 1997: 296301; EIBNER 2001: 250251), the latter of which are in position, clothes and movements strongly reminiscent of the mount for a belt buckle from Molnik (TER@AN 1997: 667668, Abb. 11; EGG PARE 1995: 19, 1; KULL 1997: Abb. 50: 67; TURK 2005: 3133, Fig. 45). This decorative mount is important for its classical elements associating life and death, immortality and rebirth in the iconographic symbolism of the archer and the hound, the tree of life and the lotus flowers (TER@AN 2007: 89), and also because of a detail recognisable in the lower right corner, in the last metope: an Illyrian helmet. L. Popovi} already drew this parallel, singling it out only because of the kindred representations of the boars, not because of the representation of the helmet (POPOVI] 1975: 54, f.n. 270).

Figure 11. Decorative mount of belt buckle from Lovc, Stara Zagra (according to VENEDIKOV GERASIMOV 1979). Slika 11. Ukrasni okov pojasne kop~e iz Lovca, Stara Zagra (prema VENEDIKOV GERASIMOV 1979).


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Thus the Illyrian helmet, besides its useful dimension also got an interpretative meaning, i.e. it was shown on religious, heroic and ritual scenes with the meaning of an attribute and was clearly and distinctly received in this sense. It is most often shown on mounts for belts, which are themselves a reflection of identity symbolically linking their wearers with the scene shown on them (CHEVALIER-GHEERBRANT 1994: 521522; KUKO^ 1998: 20). Finds from geographically closer graves and tombs, most of them rich, can also be added to this luxurious mount from Lovc. These in the first place include the trapezoidal mount for a belt buckle from the necropolis in Velje Ledine near Gostilj, which has an iron foundation covered with sheet silver embossed over a mould (BASLER 1967: 910, 29, T. VII: 30/2; LUTOVAC 2005: 2021). It shows two heraldically placed Illyrian helmets facing one another (Fig. 12), to which not much attention has been paid despite the many studies and analyses of this mount in literature.11 In the view presented that the scene is a mythological story about immortality and vitality (KUKO^ 1998: 1322, Fig. 4), the helmets might show, or replace, or to be more precise be the attributes of the heroic Dioscuri twins. This reading is related to the similar positions of horsemen on other mounts for belt buckles of the Prozor type, which led to the hypothesis about identical religious views among the Iapodi and the Labeati. It is based on almost the same solar-lunar ritual principles, defined through scenes on trapezoidal mounts for belt buckles (JOVANOVI] 1985: 5053, Fig. 58; KOSSACK 1991: 156161, Abb. 2; BALEN-LETUNI] 19951996: 2327; KUKO^ 1998: 2022; MAJNARI]-PAND@I] 1998: 344 346, Fig. 167). There is a completely different, more specific but still very simplified representation of an Illyrian helmet on another mount for a belt, the rectangular part of a set from Velje Ledine (BASLER 1969: 9, 43, T. XXV: 126/3; JOVANOVI] 1989: 117125, Fig. 1 ab). It shows the scene of a fight between a soldier on horseback and foot soldier, the latter carrying a Macedonian shield and wearing not a Chalcidian (KULL 1997: 331333, Abb. 64: 6; 2002: 194, Abb. 5: 2) but an Illyrian helmet (JOVANOVI] 1989: 121; [A[EL KOS 1993: 123). This scene, which is not really very dramatic, has been given different religious and historical, artistic and
11 BASLER 1969; STIP^EVI] 1974; STIP^EVI] 1984; RENDI]-MIO^EVI] 1984; JOVANOVI] 1985; 1989; KOSSACK 1991; KUKO^ 1998; MAJNARI]-PAND@I] 1998; [A[EL KOS 1993; KULL 1997; 2002.

Figure 12. Belt mount from Velje Ledine, Gostilj (according to LUTOVAC 2005). Slika 12. Pojasni okov iz Veljih Ledina, Gostilj (prema LUTOVAC 2005).

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mythological, interpretations (JOVANOVI] 1989: 120131; KOSSACK 1991: 151155; [A[EL KOS 1993: 123). However, it is important to emphasise that these mounts have been dated, in line with all the other material found, to the end of the 3rd and the beginning of the 2nd century BC, a time when alliances and coalitions against Roman military conquest were made in Illyria and Macedonia, especially under the leadership of Philip V (JOVANOVI] 1989: 121127; CABANES 2002: 150167). This was also the time when King Gentius, i.e. the towns of Scodra and Lisos, had their own coinage with the emblem of an Illyrian helmet on the reverse and a Macedonian shield on the obverse (BASLER 1969: 89, T. VIII: 34/8, XIII: 59/9; RENDI]-MIO^EVI] 1984: 77; STIP^EVI] 1974: 173; KUKO^ 1998: 23; CABANES 2002: 168174) (Fig. 13).

Figure 13. Rectangular belt mount from Grave 126 and coins from Graves 34 and 59 of the necropolis in Velje Ledine, Gostilj (according to BASLER 1969). Slika 13. Pojasni pravokutni okov iz groba 126 i novac iz grobova 34 i 59 nekropole u Veljim Ledinama, Gostilj (prema BASLER 1969). The decorative mount for a belt buckle from the rich tomb in Selce at Poshtme (Podgradec) on the west shore of Lake Ohrid (KORKUTI 1971: 4647; STIP^EVI] 1974: 173; CEKA 1988: 372373, 284) dates from the same period as the Labeati belt mounts from Gostilj. Technologically it corresponds with the trapezoidal mount from Gostilj because it has an iron foundation covered with embossed sheet silver (Fig. 14). Iconographically and in style it is closer to the rectangular mount from Gostilj, but the scene on it, based on a very similar mythological/historical model, is much more precise and detailed. All the warriors on the Selce mount wear clearly recognisable crested Illyrian helmets and carry Macedonian shields, and the scene is dynamic and comprehensible, unlike the Gostilj example. Since it is considered to have belonged to ceremonial Illyrian dress from the end of the 3rd century BC, attempts were made to interpret it through the attributive meaning acquired by the Illyrian helmet during the anti-Roman Macedonian-Illyrian coalition. The two mounts are connected through the legend of Cadmus, who in the form of the serpents shown on them provided mythological protection in the struggle against a common enemy (CEKA 1988: 373; STIP^EVI] 1984: 218219; JOVANOVI] 1989: 121124; KOSSACK 1991: 154155; [A[EL KOS 1993: 123; KULL 1997: 299331). The most realistic representation of an Illyrian helmet is certainly that on the obverse of coins issued by King Bastareus in the 5th century BC (SOKOLOVSKA 1990: 13, Cr. 8; SOKOLOVSKA 1997: 35, 126: 16), whose reverse shows a stooping bull (Fig. 15). The helmet shows all the details


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Figure 14. Belt mount from Selce (according to KORKUTI 1971). Slika 14. Pojasni okov iz Selce (prema KORKUTI 1971).

Figure 15. Coin of Bastareus, Kyustendil (according to SOKOLOVSKA 1997). Slika 15. Novac Bastareja, Kustendil (prema SOKOLOVSKA 1997). most carefully, including the beads along its edge, so it was probably based on a real model of the Illyrian III A1 helmet, unlike the rather later scenes mentioned above, based on recollection. On the items described above, which had a utilitarian and decorative, special and ceremonial purpose, the Illyrian helmet appears as a symbol and/or attribute belonging to the very essence of associations of life and death, divine and belonging to the after world. It became very important in the mythology of the Macedonians, Labeati, Illyrians and kindred communities; it was promoted into the symbol of a dignitary, chieftain, primus inter pares, a figure of authority, in the physical and even more in the spiritual aspect, and was shown in a historically disturbed moment. An analysis of III A1 type Illyrian helmets also shows some differences in their indicative characteristics, which either designated status or were historically based. Thus the III A1a type was widespread among the warrior class of the Ohrid and central Balkan region and the hinterland of the middle and southern eastern-Adriatic shore. They were usually placed in graves as symbols of the deceaseds special social status as a warrior, they were sacrificed and offered to gods even in distant shrines, and in seas and rivers they were votive offerings to gods expressing gratitude. Helmets of the III A1b type were undoubtedly ceremonial symbols showing the highest social status of rulers or dignitaries who united several responsibilities, so they expressed a sum of various kinds of authority. Considering their find sites, their number, the context of the finds and the potentials for their production, one of the workshop centres that made them was probably in the Ohrid region. To be more precise, I do not suppose that these helmets were necessarily imports, either directly from Greece or via their Adriatic colonies, because we know that helmets of the III A1a and b variants have so far

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only been recorded in Greece in the Olympia and Isthmia shrines (Fig. 4, T. III: 6, IV: 23, 5). It is just as inappropriate to interpret the very frequent comparisons made with the Sindos necropolis and other finds in Chalcidice (VASI] 1987a: 731732; 1996: 148) only in one way, only as if they had been the source of influence, because it is also possible that the influence spread to Chalcidice, and especially to Sindos, from the Ohrid region, which is substantiated by the distribution of III A3 type Illyrian helmets (TER@AN 1995: Abb. 9) and also by the new finds in Ohrid already mentioned (KUZMAN 2006). The Trebeni{ta graves and those in Gorna porta yielded many tools, semi-products and raw materials. Many of these finds are attributed to local production, and metal processing and crafting was known in this region from much earlier times. Did local craftsmen work here according to models or did itinerant craftsmen produce objects commissioned by the barbarian aristocracy remains a question open to future researchers, but there is no doubt that these objects show a strong local creative component. It is from this aspect that we observed the scenes on the mounts for belt buckles and interpreted them as the work of local craftsmen (BALEN-LETUNI] 1995 1996: 146; KUKO^ 1998: 2122). The circulation of precious metals along the horizontal and vertical communications was certainly unavoidable and could indeed have played a decisive role in the flow, transmitting and reception of influence in both directions. In this late-6th/5th century BC system the meaning of the newly-found Illyrian helmet from the Cres waters and the way in which it got to the Kvarner remains a mystery until some new surprise discovery is made. We must certainly take into account the assumed sea routes along which goods travelled to the Kvarner and were from there transported overland into the interior, right to the eastern sub-Alpine region. The nearest parallel, as we have said, is the helmet in Grave 19/VII in Novo mesto. This was a time when the north Kvarner region had important trade and mediation contacts with Dolenjska, which the preserved material heritage shows (BLE^I] 2003). In this example the difference between the aristocratic and warrior status was manifested in the complex symbolism reflected in the status-symbol-aesthetics relationship. This multifaceted correlation did not only belong to ancient times but is being iconographically and even semantically reborn today. Very interesting in this context are the picture of an Illyrian helmet on a special-edition postage stamp issued by the Republika Srpska in 2002 (Srpske po{te, Muzejski eksponati 2002) and its appearance in a heraldic concept on the newly-proposed Kosovo flag (Albania.com 2007). Manifestations of the Illyrian helmet are thus not only a subject addressed by experts in ancient history. This helmet continues to live in the consciousness of modern man, symbolically and as an association, just as it used to exist on the territory on which most such helmets were found.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people encouraged the writing of this paper or contributed to it directly or indirectly. In the first place I wish to thank my dear friend and the finder of the Cres helmet \ani Uha~ from Lovran. For all their help and endless patience I am sincerely grateful to my colleagues from the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, its Director Ante Rendi}-Mio~evi}, Ivan Mirnik, Ivan Radman-Livaja and Miljenka Gali}, Damir Dora~i} and Igor Krajcar. Innumerable important data, suggestions and guidance were provided by my colleagues Ivanka Mili~evi}-Capek, Maja Bun~i}, Borut Kri`, Ante Milo{evi}, Adnan Busulad`i}, Andrej Prelo`nik, and especially Mitja Gu{tin, Pasko Kuzman and Kemalj Luci. I was offered unreserved support and a critical view of the problems encountered in my work by Biba Ter`an, Rastko Vasi} and Boris Kavur. Words cannot describe the gratitude I owe all of you.


M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)


ABBREVIATIONS Jadranska obala u protohistoriji. Kulturni i etni~ki problemi. Eds. M. SUI] B. ^E^UK N. MAJNARI]-PAND@I] V. MIROSAVLJEVI]. Simpozij odr`an u Dubrovniku 1972. Zagreb, 1976.

MASA Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts. (Skopje) MHAS Muzej hrvatskih arheolo{kih spomenika. (Split) NZMH Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske. (Zagreb) RGZM Rmisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. (Mainz) SASA Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. (Beograd)

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1996a. O ilirsko-gr~kom blagu iz Novog Pazara. Summary: Concerning the Illyrian-Greek treasure from Novi Pazar. Novopazarski zbornik, 20/1996: 1521. 2004. Die Eisenzeit im Zentralbalkan chronologische und ethnische Fragen. In: Silber der Illyrer und Kelten im Zentralbalkan. Ausstellungskatalog Nationalmuseum in Belgrad, Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Wrttemberg Esslingen, Keltenmuseum Hochdorf/Enz. Eberdingen, 2004: 1132. 2007. Kneginje Centralnog Balkana / Princesses of the Central Balkans. In: M. BLE^I] et al. eds. Scripta praehistorica in honorem Biba Ter`an. Situla, 44/2007: 557562. VENEDIKOV, I. GERASIMOV, T. 1979 Tesori dellarte Tracia. Bologna, 1979: Edizioni Capitol. VOKOTOPOULOU, J. 1996 Fhrer durch das archologische Museum Thessaloniki. Athen, 1996: Editionen Kapon. VOKOTOPOULOU, J. et al. 1997 Sindos. Katalogos tis Ekthesis. Thessaloniki, 1997: Arhaiologiko Mouseio. VRUTAK 2007 List dru{tva prijatelja starina Hutovo, 11/9. Hutovo, lipanj 2007. VULI], N. 1932 Jedan nov grob kod Trebeni{ta. Glasnik Skopskog nau~nog dru{tva (Skopje) 11/1932: 135. VULI], N. 1933 Novi grobovi kod Trebeni{ta. Spomenik SKA (Beograd), 76/59, 1933: 141.



Illyrian helmet from the waters of Cres, Jablanac Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kapiteljska njiva 19/VII (according to Egg 1999: T. 12) Sisak (according to Burkowsky 2004: cat.1) Bulbin (according to Marovi} 1976: T. 4:9) Gorica (according to Truhelka 1902: Fig. 4) Ka~anj (according to Mari} 19751976: Fig. 3) Ka~anj (according to Mari} 19751976: T. I: 25) -different scales Puti~evo (according to Fiala 1899: T. 8) Breza (according to Pa{kvalin 2002: T. II: 12) Ra`ana (according to Vasi} 1977: Pl. 24:1) Pe}ka banja (according to Krsti} 2007: 99) Le~i (according to Nopcsa 1912: Fig. 44) Isthmia (according to Broneer 1958: P. 17: b) Olympia (according to Pflug 1988: Abb. 10) -different scales Trebeni{te (according to Lahtov 1965: T. XXVII: 3) Trebeni{te (according to Vasi} 1987a: T. LXXVI: 1) Olympia (according to Hockey et al. 1992: Pl. 21: a) Olympia (according to Olympia Museum 2007) Ohrid (according to Balkanalysis 2006) Olympia (according to Solow 2007) -different scales

T. III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T.IV 1.a 1.b 2 3 4 5


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Na {irem prostora Balkanskog poluotoka, isto~ne obale Jadrana i obli`njeg njegova zale|a, iz vremena kraja 6. i 5. stolje}a pr. Kr., brojno{}u je zastupljen jedan od oblika obrambenog tipa naoru`anja, poznatog pod nazivom ilirski tip kacige. U ovome radu iznosi se i analizira novi nalaz te vrste vojne opreme s prostora Kvarnera, unutar konteksta i klasifikacije njegove prve varijante posljednje razvojne faze (III A1). Temeljem donesenih podataka predlo`ena je podjela navedenog tipa u dvije varijante koje su kronolo{ki istovremene, prostorno ra{irene, ali statusnim zna~ajkama i simboli~kim obilje`jima znatno razli~ite. Sukladno mjestima, na~inu i smislu pohrane raspravlja se o nekoliko mogu}ih namjena tih kaciga, a znakoviti ikonografski sadr`aj kao i stilska obrada omogu}ili su razmi{ljanja o novim estetskim pojedinostima kao simbolima statusa prvaka, odli~nika ili privilegiranih ~lanova zajednica na {irem prostoru jugoisto~ne Europe. Gotovo sve poznate grobnice velikih i mo}nih ljudi na{e pro{losti imaju na svojim ulazima prizore stanovitih upozorenja. Naj~e{}e posve simboli~no i apstrahirano do pojednostavljenih detalja, upu}uju na vje~nu borbu sa smr}u, na vje~nu `elju za besmrtno{}u u mno{tvu tematskih sadr`aja, zna~enja ili interpretacija. Poneki prizori u tom su smislu posve eksplicitni. Jedan me|u njima nedvojbeno je i prizor borbe ili lova na vepra (i druge divlje `ivotinje) oslikan iznad arhitrava na ulazu u grobnicu Filipa II Makedonskog u Vergini. Tu se cijeli tada{nji svijet, kako pri~a mitolo{ki doga|aj, okupio u borbi protiv smrti koja je nemilosrdna i neuni{tiva, koja je bo`anska (ANDRONIKOS 1992: 205, 208; VOKOTOPOULOU 1996: 149; ANDRONICOS 1999: 97118; DROUGOU, SAATSOGLOU-PALIADELI 2002: 4149, Fig. 60). To je scena lova koja zastra{uje, opominje, ali poti~e. U svojim }e beskona~nim interpretacijama ta misao postati univerzalni prikaz sve do dana{njih dana. Vepar kao sredi{nji motiv i ktoni~ko bo`anstvo brojnih politeisti~kih zajednica nije stran ikonografski predlo`ak niti kod `eljeznodobnih, od Grka zvanih barbarskih zajednica i kultura onodobnog svijeta osobito na {irem prostoru Balkanskog poluotoka. Stoga su motivi veprova ovjekovje~eni na kacigama, {titovima, bode`ima ili ma~evima, konjskim opremama, pojasnim garniturama, ukrasnim elementima no{nje ili na nakitu, na novcima, posudama, pa sve do samostojnog pojavljivanja, jer je i kao takav vepar posve konkretan i izri~it simbol dostojanstvenika, odli~nika, mo}nih, neuni{tivih. Prikazi veprova na kacigama su brojni. Nalazimo ih kako na razli~itim tipovima, tako i u mno{tvu stilskih i ikonografskih sadr`aja. Me|utim, samo se na kacigama ilirskog tipa nalaze na ~eonom, dakle najizra`enijem dijelu, prikazani u sceni izme|u dva lava. Budu}i da se o tom ikonografskom prizoru temeljito raspravljalo u arheolo{koj literaturi, ponu|eni su brojni odgovori, izneseni mnogi prijedlozi. Ipak, on i nadalje ostaje vrlo provokativnim! S druge strane, novija arheolo{ka literatura obiluje i sve brojnijim osvrtima, zapa`anjima te modernim analizama tog tipa vojne opreme. Sukladno novim nala`enjima i novim dostupnim podacima u posljednjih se dvadesetak godina poznavanje kaciga ilirskog tipa sve vi{e i preciznije definira. No, bilo je potrebno dosta vremena kako bi se u stru~noj, iako ne posve u {iroj i dostupnoj, literaturi prihvatio tako ujedna~eni naziv uglavnom opredijeljen teritorijalno, a manjim dijelom etni~kim nositeljima (VASI] 1982: 56; NADBATH 2004: 38). Valja, me|utim, naglasiti kako razli~ito imensko nazivlje odra`ava zapravo kronologiju poznavanja i analiziranja te kacige, i to od gr~ko-ilirskih, makedonsko-ilirskih pa sve do ilirskih kaciga.12 Suprotno tomu, i nadalje se upotrebljavaju
12 KUKAHN 1936; KUNZE 1953/1955; 1967; LAHTOV 1965; 1965a; MAROVI] 1976; VASI] 1982; 1982 1983; BITRAKOVA GROZDANOVA 1987; PFLUG 1988; TER@AN 1995; [KOBERNE 2001.

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zastarjela nazivlja, a predla`u se i posve nove imenske varijante, primjerice pajonski tip (SOKOLOVSKA 1997: 36; SOKOLOVSKA 1997 a: 57, Fig. 1213) ili gr~ko-makedonski tip kacige (KUZMAN 2006: 546). Ovaj rad potaknut je tako|er jo{ jednim novim nalazom kacige ilirskoga tipa, a posve}en je njezinom {irem poznavanju, razli~itom kontekstualnom te interpretativnom i inspirativnom zna~enju. Prostor Kvarnerskog zaljeva, sjevernog dijela isto~ne obale Jadrana, u arheolo{kom smislu, osobito kada je posrijedi vojna oprema, i nadalje pru`a brojna iznena|enja. Nije tako davno iznenadio nalaz iz groba, ili ostave, iz grada Krka, jedinstvenog po sinkretizmu kacige, izra|ene po uzoru na negovske tipove, i knemida gr~kog tipa (BALEN-LETUNI] 19911992). Novo iznena|enje bio je nalaz kacige ilirskog tipa, tim vi{e {to je rije~ o podvodnom nalazu (Sl. 12, T. I). Kaciga je izronjena na polo`aju ispred rta Jablanac, podalje od naselja Beli kod otoka Cresa, na oko 1516 m dubine. Tako je ona postala prvi sigurni podvodni nalaz te vrste na prostoru dana{nje R. Hrvatske,13 ali i op}enito, obilje`avaju}i ujedno najzapadniju to~ku na karti rasprostiranja toga tipa obrambenog naoru`anja (Sl. 3, 4). Kacigu je posve slu~ajno 2003. godine izronio g. \ani Uha~ iz Lovrana, slavni doma}i ali i svjetski poznati podvodni ribolovac. Njegovom zaslugom, ali i zaslugama kolege Ivana Radmana-Livaje te osobito ravnatelja Ante Rendi}a-Mio~evi}a, kaciga je proslije|ena u Arheolo{ki muzej u Zagrebu gdje je obavljena cjelokupna, postupna i temeljita, restauracija. Restauraciju i analizu metala izveo je kolega Damir Dora~i}, crte`e kolegica Miljenka Gali}, a fotodokumentaciju Igor Krajcar, svi iz Arheolo{kog muzeja u Zagrebu. Kao podvodni nalaz kaciga je bila iznena|uju}e dobro o~uvana s postojanim svim indikativnim dijelovima. Rije~ je o kacigi zaobljenog oblika, modeliranoj namjenski prema obliku glave za koga je bila ra|ena. Njezine dimenzije su standardne, visina 24 cm, {irina 12 cm (Sl. 1, T. I), pa njima ne odstupa od svih ostalih poznatih modela te vrste opreme. [titnik za vrat je istaknut, {irine 2,2 cm, i ravnomjerno prelazi iz obrazina prema krajnjem rubu kacige (Sl 1bd, T. I). Obrazine, paragnatide, trokutasto su rezane polukru`no zaobljenih vanjskih krajeva i za{iljenog zavr{etka, visine 14 cm i {irine 9 cm. Na svakoj se obrazini nalazi po jedna rupica za vezivanje kacige prilikom no{enja (Sl. 1ac, 2b, T. I). Otvor za lice je ~etvrtast, {irine 11 cm. Na ~eonom dijelu nalazi se zakovica (nosa~), a na stra`njem dijelu kari~ica (alka) kojima se na kacigu pri~vr{}ivala perjanica. Perjanica je lijegala na za to predvi|eno mjesto, pa su tako od ~eonog prema stra`njem dijelu po sredini kalote smje{tena dva istaknuta rebra trokutastog presjeka, izme|u kojih su urezane tri paralelne linije (Sl. 1a, d, T. I). Cijeli je rubni dio kacige ukra{en tankim rubnikom s izrezanim rupicama u neprekidnom nizu, u koje su pri~vr{}ene zasebno lijevane kuglice (Sl. 1, 2, T. I). Tako je postignut tzv. perlen efekt ukra{avanja kacige. Prilikom restauracije na ~eonom je dijelu, to~no ispod zakovice, zabilje`en motiv urezanog kri`a (Sl. 2a, T. I). Taj detalj, iako sitan i jedva zamjetan, ~ini ovu kacigu jedinstvenom i individualnijom od svih drugih poznatih primjeraka. Urezani je kri` najvjerojatnije oznaka samoga vlasnika, osobnog znaka prepoznatljivosti ili mo`da nekog njegova statusa. Odabir polo`aja zapravo zna~i zanimljivost, jer je to mjesto gdje se kod kaciga iz Trebeni{ta ili Olimpije nalaze ~uveni alegorijski prikazi vepra izme|u dva lava (T. IV: 1, 3).14 Tako je mo`da oznakom kri`a obilje`eno to~no mjesto za postavljanje aplikativnih ukrasa?
13 U dosada{njoj literaturi kao eventualni podvodni nalaz navodila se samo kaciga iz Podgore pokraj Su}uraja na otoku Hvaru, koja ipak nema precizne podatke o mjestu i na~inu nala`enja (NIKOLANCI 1960: 31, Sl. 1; PFLUG 1988: 56, f. n. 84; TER@AN 1995: 119). 14 U stru~noj su literaturi ti nalazi materijalne kulture temeljito zastupljeni, navodim samo prve objave i novije osvrte, koji sadr`e stariju bibliografiju: FILOW 1927: 29, Abb. 25, T. 5; VULI] 1933: 141; POPOVI] 1975: 54 56, Sl. 47; POPOVI] 1994: 128, kat. 96; KRSTI] 2007: 108109; KUNZE 1967: 125, T. 67, 68; SNODGRASS 1984: 8990, Fig. 44; VASI] 1987a: 726727, T. LXXVI: 1; KULL 1997: 288290, Abb. 43; THEODOSSIEV 2000: 199200, Fig. 20; EIBNER 2001: 254, Abb. 7: 2, 4.


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Creska kaciga mo`e se stoga pribrojiti posljednjoj, kasnoj varijanti ilirskih kaciga koje nemaju otvore za u{i, odnosno III A tipu (Sl. 3). U okviru te kategorije, zbog svojih morfolo{kih, tehnolo{kih i stilskih odlika pripada prvom razvojnom, tj. III A1 stupnju prema podjeli koju su predlo`ili i posve pouzdano argumentirali Herman Pflug (1988) i Biba Ter`an (1995). Njihova se proizvodnja i, najve}im dijelom, uporaba datira u drugu polovinu 6. stolje}a, ali i u po~etno 5. stolje}e pr. Kr., a obilje`avaju jednu od malobrojnijih varijanti navedenoga tipa (PFLUG 1988: 53, Abb. 14; TER@AN 1995: 87, Abb. 7). Uglavnom su one no{ene preko kapa ili na predvi|enim podstavama, pa kuglice na rubniku vi{e nisu imale namjenski, kao kod prethodnih tipova (I, II), ve} samo ukrasni karakter. Tehnolo{ki je to bio vrlo zahtjevan rad izveden lijevanjem, iskucavanjem, urezivanjem, te lemljenjem ili mehani~kim na~inom pri~vr{}ivanja kuglica u za to predvi|ene rupice. Stoga, njihova relativno malobrojna zastupljenost, u odnosu na druge varijante istoga tipa nije za~u|uju}a. Do sada je poznato sa svega 16 nalazi{ta oko 50 primjeraka, bilo o~uvanih u cijelosti bilo u ulomcima, ovisno o mjestu, na~inu i smislu pohrane (Sl. 4).15 Op}enito, kacige ilirskog III A tipa znatno su rasprostranjene na prostoru ju`nog i sredi{njeg balkanskog prostora (VASI] 1982: 510; 19821983: 7678, Fig. 3), a u ve}em su broju zabilje`ene i na podru~ju ju`nog dijela isto~ne obale Jadrana i njegova zale|a (NIKOLACI 1959: 8689, Sl. 2; MAROVI] 1976: 287290, Fig. 1) (Sl. 3). Povijest istra`ivanja tih kaciga dugotrajna je i kronolo{ki postupna, stalno korigirana i sustavno nadopunjavana. Noviji nalazi, kao {to su dvije ilirske kacige iz Vranjeva sela nedaleko od Neuma, III A2a tipa, (MILI^EVI]-CAPEK 2007; 139144; VRUTAK 2007, naslovnica), {est kaciga iz Ohrida, III A1 tipa, (KUZMAN 2006: 546) ili dvije kacige iz Novog Mesta, III A1 i III A2a tipa, (KRI@ 1997: 51, 5657, k. 4243; EGG 1999: Abb. 45, T. 1213; KRI@ 2004: 424, Fig. 4), upotpunjuju na{e dosada{nje poznavanje prostornosti, konteksta i odnosa tih nalaza unutar {irih kulturolo{kih krugova. Brojne su i korekcije, kod kojih treba istaknuti ulomak paragnatide iz sveti{ta Atene Itonije u Philiji, pridru`enog III A tipu (KILIAN-DIRLMEIER 2002: 9091, T. 90: 1420), a gotovo sa sigurno{}u mo`e se pripisati njegovoj 3. varijanti. Vrlo zanimljivi je i ulomak ukra{ene paragnatide iz Tymphaie kod Grevene (DUCREY 1985: ill. 57; ELLIS 1992: Abb. 24), koji se mo`e tuma~iti unutar III A2 tipa, vjerojatno a varijante (Sl. 7c), i ne vi{e u sklopu III B tipa kako je to domnijevao H. Pflug (1988: 64, f. n. 83). Nadalje, dva ulomka kacige iz Kamenja~e u Brezi mogu}e je sada, zahvaljuju}i objavljenim crte`ima, odrediti III A1 tipu (PA[KVALIN 2002: 526527, T. II: 12) (T. III: 2). Kaciga iz Siska (BURKOWSKY 2001: 2829, K. 5; 2004: 17, Kat. 1), unato~ nesuglasju, mo`e se ipak pridru`iti III A1 tipu (T. II: 2). Kaciga iz Babina kraj Demir Hisara, odnosno Ki~eva (MITREVSKI 1997: 279) tipolo{ki }e spadati u 3. varijantu III A tipa ilirskih kaciga, kojoj se pridru`uju i novi nalazi iz Archontika (KUZMAN 2006: 547; MANTI 2006: 6).16 Navedeni se nalazi posve uklapaju u prihva}enu klasifikaciju ilirskih kaciga koju je razvila B. Ter`an, nadopunila je i pravilno strukturirala u pojedine podtipove i varijante, {to je H. Pflug samo nagovijestio (PFLUG 1988: 5264). Posebnu pa`nju usredoto~ila je na definiranje razvijenog i najbrojnijeg III A2 tipa, kojeg pored morfolo{kih, dijeli i stilskim razli~itostima (III A2a i III A2b) (TER@AN 1995: 8788, 114121, Abb. 79). Svakako to nisu jedini podaci koje iz te podjele mo`emo i{~itati, ve} oni pru`aju {ire i mnogo kompleksnije osnove podrijetla, okolnosti nastanka i razvoja te njihova me|usobnog odnosa. U tome smislu i kod ilirskih kaciga s glatkim rubom (III A3 tipa) razlikujemo one bez ukrasa i s urezanim kru`nicama, koje imitiraju ili podsje}aju na ranije tipo15 Iznosi se okvirni broj ilirskih kaciga, sukladno dostupnoj publiciranoj gra|i, gdje je vrlo ~esto sam broj pojedinih kaciga manjkav ili neprecizno odre|en, jednako kao {to ~esto izostaje katalog i konkretniji podaci o zasebnim ulomcima. 16 Podaci su navedeni u Listi nalazi{ta uz Sliku 3.

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ve, a na ~iju je pozornost tako|er ukazala B. Ter`an (1995: 87, Anm. 29). Me|utim, slijedom navedene podjele kod ilirskih kaciga prve varijante kasne faze te su razlike znatnije izra`enije, morfolo{kih ali osobito tehnolo{kih i stilskih obilje`ja. Creskome je primjerku u tom smislu najbolja, i najbli`a, paralela kaciga iz ratni~koga groba u Novome mestu, Kapiteljska njiva-tumul VII/grob 19 (KRI@ 1997: 57, k. 43; EGG 1999: 321325, Abb. 4, T. 12; KRI@ 2004: Fig. 4) (T. II: 1). Bogati grob bra}e po oru`ju ili ratni~ke bra}e neupitno svjedo~i o zbiru momenata, a jedan od njih je i istovremenost no{enja ilirskih kaciga III tipa A1 i A2a varijanti. Sli~nosti su razvidne i kod kaciga iz drugih ratni~kih grobova, npr. Ka~nja (MARI] 1959: 8990, Sl. 1b, T. 1: 1a1b; 1976: 106107, Sl. 3, T. I: 25) (T. II: 56), bogatih grobova iz Trebeni{ta (POPOVI] 1956: 47, T. XVIII; LAHTOV 1965: 124, 153, T. XXVII: 3; KRSTI] 2004: 3839, Abb.27 (ac); KRSTI] 2007a: 108109) (T. IV: 1) i Grobnice 1 iz Ohrida (KUZMAN 2006: 546, Ph. 4) (T. IV: 4). Pridru`iti im se mo`e i kaciga iz izdvojenoga grobnog nalaza kod Ra`ane (GARA[ANIN 1973: Sl. 25; POPOVI] 1975: 52, Sl. kat. 46; VASI] 1977: 64, Pl. 24: 1) (T. III: 3), kao i kacige koje su bile polo`ene pored groba u tumulu kod Pe}ke banje (TASI] 1998: 578, kat. 222; KRSTI] 2004: 3940; 2007: 9899) (T. III: 4). Posebni osvrt zaslu`uju i nalazi iz sveti{ta. Tako }e formom i na~inom izradbe najbli`e analogije biti one iz Olimpije, gdje je, ujedno, do sada zabilje`en i najve}i broj kaciga III A1 tipa (KUNZE 1967: 124125, T. 64, 6768; PFLUG 1988: 53, Abb. 1011; TER@AN 1995: 115, Abb. 7) (T. III: 7, IV: 23, 5). Ilirske su kacige vrlo ~esto nala`ene u rijekama, ali to za sada nije i obilje`jem kaciga III A1 tipa. Izravniju paralelu mogu}e je vidjeti jedino kod kacige iz Olimpije (HOCKEY et al. 1992) (T. IV: 2) i kod kacige iz Temi{vara (CEDICA u pripremi). Usporedimo li nadalje kategoriju mjesta i okolnosti nala`enja, s vrsno}om i kvantitetom o~uvanosti, name}u su sljede}a zapa`anja: u svim do sada poznatim grobovima kacige su ve}inom na|ene o~uvane u cijelosti, namjerno deformirane, razbijane ili namjerno probijane. Nerijetko se mogu na}i i u samo iznimno prepoznatljivim ulomcima paragnatida (T. II: 6). To vrijedi i za sveti{ta, gdje brojno{}u prevladavaju namjerno razbijane i polomljene ili, opetovano, evidentne u posve prepoznatljivim ulomcima (npr. Isthmia, T. III: 6). Suprotnu sliku daju jedino nalazi iz rijeka i mora, jer su kacige sa~uvane gotovo u cijelosti, bez tragova nasilne ili namjerne deformacije, kao da su odba~ene u znaku poruke ili neke posebne, mo`da, ritualne namjene.17 Estetske, stilske, pa tako i tehnolo{ke, razli~itosti ve} su i kod povr{nog pregleda uspore|enih kaciga posve izrazite. Slavni }e stoga primjerci iz Trebeni{ta ili Olimpije (T. IV: 13, 5), uz nove nalaze bogato ukra{enih kaciga iz Ohrida (T. IV: 4) i Temi{vare nesumnjivo ~initi izdvojenu grupu u okviru prve faze posljednjeg razvojnog stupnja ilirskih kaciga. Budu}i da je osnovni na~in izradbe, forma i tehnologija proizvodnje jedinstvena, a istovremenost neupitna, kacige s apliciranim ukrasima zna~e me|utim, odraz neke druge te`nje, neke druge potrebe, vrijednosti ali i krajnjega cilja. Prema tome mogu}e ih je razlikovati u III A1a varijanti, koja je jednostavna, uobi~ajena i bez dodatnih ukrasa, a relativno je rasprostranjena na {irem prostoru. Varijanta III A1b predstavljati }e pak iznimne, luksuzne i zbog posebne namjene dizajnirane kacige (Sl. 4 s listom nalazi{ta). Sredi{nji motiv reprezentativnih III A1b varijanti ilirskih kaciga obilje`ava heraldi~ki koncept vepra izme|u dva lava, poznatih iz Trebeni{ta, Olimpije, Temi{vara (T. IV: 1, 3), odnosno aplicirani prikazi ovnujskih glava na paragnatidama kaciga iz Olimpije i Ohrida (T. IV: 4, 5). Me|utim, to nije prvi, kao ni posljednji, poku{aj oplemenjivanja estetskom komponentom tih kaciga posredstvom sublimiranja naracije ili simbola u asocijativnom ili alegorijskom prikazu `ivotinja. Naime, vepar u sli~nom polo`aju, ali izveden tehnikom urezivanja, poznat je ve} i na lijevoj, namjerno pro17 Deformacije uzrokovane uslijed djelovanja vremena i/ili voda sasvim se druga~ije o~ituju, npr. kacige iz rijeke Cetine kraj Trilja (MILO[EVI] 2004: 19; GAFFNEY 2004: 3; RADI] ROSSI 2006: 85) ili kaciga iz Temi{vare.


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bu{enoj,18 paragnatidi ilirske kacige II tipa iz nekropole kod Ioannine, na|ene upravo u funkciji urne (PFLUG 1988: 49; TER@AN 1995: 113, Abb. 6; SAKELLARIOU 1997: 97, Sl. 80) (Sl. 5a). Urezani, heraldi~ki postavljeni lavovi, izdignute prednje {ape i antiteti~ki okrenutih glava, poznati su i kod kacige III A3 tipa koja potje~e iz Argolisa, a ~uva se u Metropolitan Museumu of Art u New Yorku (PFLUG 1988: 61, Abb. 1718; MORAN 2007) (Sl. 5b).19 Mo`e li se u tom slijedu pratiti odre|ena postupnost ili tzv. evolucija razvoja umjetni~kog sadr`aja ilirskih kaciga ostaje i dalje pitanjem, odnosno perspektivom budu}ih istra`ivanja i u tome pravcu. Sigurno jest to da su jedino na kacigama III A1b tipa ukrasi aplicirani plemenitim kovinama. Aplikativnim veprovima s kaciga treba svakako pridru`iti i nalaze veprova iz Zagra|a, grob 1 (FIALA 1899: 51, Sl. 51, PAROVI]-PE[IKAN 1961: 25, Sl. 2; ^OVI] 1987: 616, T. LXIV: 1), i Atenice, humka I periferni grob mu{ke mla|e osobe (DJUKNI], JOVANOVI] 1966: 1718, T. XI: 1, XIX: 1, XXIXXXXIII; 2003: 191192; VASI] 2004: Abb. 15), koji su stvarala~ki i receptivno gotovo identi~ni (Sl. 6. a, b). Zanimanja na tu temu i nadalje su vrlo `iva, razmi{ljanja opre~na, pa usprkos ~estom navo|enju njihovih sli~nosti sigurna, ~vrsta i adekvatna relacija izme|u tih nalaza visokoestetske kvalitativne ostav{tine nije ostvarena, iako je ponu|ena (POPOVI] 1975: 54; STIP^EVI] 1981: 105106; T: XXXI: 2, 4; VASI] 1987: 650; 2007: 560561). Ponajprije, neosporno je rije~ o aplikacijama koje su sve pribli`nih dimenzija 4,24,8 cm, gotovo su identi~nog na~ina izradbe, od tankog srebrnog i/ili pozla}enog lima, te istih tehnolo{kih i stilskih osobitosti. Najvjerojatnije potje~u iz jednog radioni~kog centra, ili barem iz u`eg radioni~kog kruga, koji je imao mogu}nosti, znanja i vje{tine prera|ivati i obra|ivati, me|u inim, i plemenite metale. To nikako nu`no ne zna~i da su oni proizvod gr~kih radionica, kako je pretpostavljala Maja Parovi}-Pe{ikan (1961: 25), oslanjaju}i se na analogije kod gr~kog vaznog slikarstva. Od svih poznatih nedostaje jedino vepar iz Trebeni{ta, sa~uvan u otisku i po prepoznavanju pozicije (T. IV: 1). Olimpijski je vepar fragmentiran u stra`njem dijelu tijela (T. IV: 3), a ateni~kome nedostaju udovi i kljove. Jedina predlo`ena rekonstrukcija navedenih veprova poznata je samo za potonji primjerak, kojemu je na`alost umanjena vjerodostojnost i u krajnjoj liniji receptivna simbolika (TASI] 1992: Fig. 9) (Sl. 6a). Naime, ateni~kom su vepru stra`nje noge prikazane prekratke i zdepaste, odavaju}i tako tromu i nezgrapnu `ivotinju, iako polo`aj tijela, izrazita muskulatura te kosina dlake i glave to posve jasno isklju~uju. Najbolje o~uvani primjerak onaj je iz Zagra|a (Sl. 6b), kojim je omogu}eno analiti~ki detaljnije i{~itavanje polo`aja same `ivotinje. Sukladno tomu ponu|ene su razne interpretacije, kako o simbolici tako i o namjeni toga predmeta, neka pretenciozna, neka posve irelevantna (PAROVI]-PE[IKAN 1961: 25; BABI] 2004: 131, K. 2) 1.2.). Konkretne usporedbe s tada poznatim veprovima s kaciga iz Trebeni{ta ili Olimpije iznio je samo Lj. Popovi} (1975: 5455, f.n. 270). U kontekstu ateni~kog centralnoga groba, humke II, treba izdvojiti jo{ jedan vrlo zanimljiv predmet. To je ulomak palmete tako|er od srebrnog izrezanog lima (DJUKNI] JOVANOVI] 1966: 1819, T. XII: 3, XXI: 1), jednake izradbe, tehnolo{kog i estetskog ostvarenja kao i aplikacije vepra (Sl. 7a). Nesumnjivo su to bili ukrasi {titova, kako nam to izravno argumentiraju ulomci pal18 Spomenula bih tako|er kako postoji jo{ nekoliko ilirskih kaciga III A2a tipa probu{enih na lijevoj paragnatidi, iz unutra{nje prema vanjskoj strani, a koje potje~u iz Olimpije (DUCERY 1985: 61, ill. 41e; SEARS 2007; Olympia Museum 2007). Od svih poznatih kaciga III A1 tipa probu{ena paragnatida je samo na kacigi iz British Museuma (HOCKEY et al. 1992: Pl. 1921). Dakle, takve su kacige lokalizirane isklju~ivo u sveti{tima, ili barem na podru~ja koja su nedjeljivo bila s njima povezana. Podatak je tim vredniji ako se zna da je oru`je bilo pribijano na zidove sveti{ta, ponajvi{e u hodnicima i porticima, a o kojima se naravno brinulo sve}enstvo (DUCERY 1985: 277). Mo`da u tom smislu treba sagledati i namjerno deformirane, prema van izvu~ene i probijane, paragnatide ilirskih kaciga? 19 Identi~an primjerak prodan je na dra`bi 25. 10. aukcijske ku}e Christies (CHRISTIES 2007).

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meta iz sveti{ta Atene Itonije u Philiji (KILIAN DIRLMEIER 2002: 8889; T. 89: 13931401) (Sl. 7b) ili jo{ uvjerljivije ilustrira paradni kriselefantinski {tit iz Filipove grobnice u Vergini (ANDRONICOS 1999: 134140, Fig. 9193) ili pak nalaz paragnatide III A2a tipa ilirske kacige iz Grevene (Sl. 7c). Paragnatida je rasko{no ukra{ena prizorom Nike u pobjedni~kom raskoraku s kopljem i {titom koji na rukohvatu krasi upravo ukras palmeta (DUCREY 1985: 88, Ill. 57; PFLUG 1988: 64; ELLIS 1992: Abb. 24). To je jedini do sada poznati primjerak ukra{enog dijela III A2a varijante ilirske kacige, no ostaje i nadalje pitanjem je li ona ukra{avana izvorno, dok je kaciga jo{ bila u upotrebi, {to se ~ini ve}om mogu}nosti, ili je naknadno obra|ivana s odre|enom namjenom, vjerojatno insignije? Ipak, kontekstualnom datacijom smje{ta se u vrijeme kada taj tip kacige odavno vi{e nije kori{ten. Zbog toga }e ta sekundarno iskori{tena paragnatida neposredno obilje`avati vrijednost i zna~enje same ilirske kacige kao statusnog simbola dostojanstvenika, mo}nika, prvaka u asocijativnom elementu nedvosmislene poruke. U ovome osvrtu treba svratiti pozornost na, mo`da samo zaboravljeni, aplikativni ukras palmete i na kacigama iz Trebeni{ta (Sl. 8a, T. IV: 1). Posebno se to odnosi na onu toliko citiranu kacigu iz groba 8 (VULI] 1932: 3435, Sl. 5556; POPOVI] 1956: 2627, T. XVIII, XVIIIa; POPOVI] 1975: 5456; Sl. 47; LAHTOV 1965: T. XXVII: 3), koja je zahvaljuju}i novim reprodukcijama opet o`ivljena (KRSTI] 2004: Abb. 27, K. 36; 2007a: 108109). Palmeta je tako|er aplicirana i na kacigi iz trebeni{koga groba 6 (FILOW 1927: 84, Abb. 99; PFLUG 1988: 5354). Kako to ne bi bili usamljeni primjerci ili iznimna pojava, koncentrirana samo na ukus i prohtjeve `eljeznodobne aristokracije ohridskoga podru~ja, svjedo~e i ukrasi palmeta na kacigama iz olimpijskog sveti{ta. Osim kacige iz olimpijskog muzeja (KUNZE 1967: Nr. 43, T. 64; SNODGRASS 1984: Fig: 44; PFLUG 1988: 34; KULL 1997: 288, Abb. 43), palmete su iznimno otisnute s obje strane zavr{etaka paragnatida i na ~eonom dijelu druge ilirske kacige iz Olimpije (Sl. 8b, T. IV: 2), koja zapravo potje~e iz rijeke Alpheios, i ~uva se u British Museumu (KUNZE 1958: 139, 147, Abb. 106107, T. 5152; PFLUG 1988: 54; HOCKEY et al. 1992: 287, Pl. 22: ab). Ta je kaciga do sada najpotpunije i najopse`nije obra|ena, koliko je meni poznato, a analize metala i na~in njihove izradbe pokazali su i ukazali na niz novih momenata, koje treba po{tivati i kojima treba raspolagati.20 Tako su, osim srebrnih aplikacija, i kuglice na rubniku djelomi~no izra|ene od srebra, a potvr|eno je kako su, i jedne i druge, lemljene uz pomo} kositra (HOCKEY et al. 1992: 283285). Prema tomu, najvjerojatnije su i svi ostali aplicirani ukrasi na kacigama III A1b tipa pri~vr{}ivani ili spajani na bron~anu podlogu uz pomo} kositra. Naravno, poznato je kako srebra, zlata i kositra u oblastima sredi{njeg balkanskog prostora, osobito dana{nje Makedonije i ju`ne Srbije (pogotovo na prostoru Bujanovca i uokolo ohridskog podru~ja), nije nedostajalo (POPOVI] 1975: 54, 5859; GR@ETI] JELENKOVI] 1995: 1329, Sl. 1; DURMAN 1997: 813, Fig. 2). Navedeni podaci utoliko su va`niji ako im se pridoda ~injenica mjesne, autohtone proizvodnje fibula i igala od srebra ili zlata iz ohridskog prostora (VASI] 1987a: 731; 1996: 144145; 1996a: 1719; 2004: 2324). Tako uspostavljeni odnos izme|u ohridskog podru~ja i olimpijskog sveti{ta pratiti je mogu}e i kod primjera drugih ukrasa ilirskih kaciga iste varijante. Naime, jedinom primjerku kacige iz Olimpije (T. IV: 5) (SOLOW 2007), na ~ijim je paragnatidama aplicirana realisti~na ovnujska glava u profilu, pridru`uje se novi nalaz kacige iz Grobnice 1 iz Ohrida, odnosno s Gorne porte (T. IV: 4). Na njoj je profilirani ovan izvedbom i stilski, tehnolo{ki i umjetni~ki izveden na vrlo sli~an na~in (KUZMAN 2006: 546, Ph 4; BANGS 2006). Ovnujska glava u profilu uobi~ajeni je i prepoznatljivi ukras paragnatida halkidi{kih kaciga, kao {to nam to svjedo~i slavni primjer kacige iz Perzefonina
20 Analize metala, tj. korozije provedene su tako|er i na kacigama III A3 tipa iz nekropole Archontiko, kojima je dokazano kori{tenje kositra prilikom nano{enja srebra na povr{inu kaciga, osobito na {titniku za vrat (MANTI 2006:6).


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hrama u Locri Epizefiri (KUNZE 1967: 139; CARDOSA 2002: 99, cat. n. 34) ali i brojni drugi (PFLUG 1988a: 137150; TER@AN 1995: 86, 123124, Abb. 10). Me|utim, ovan na paragnatidama ilirskih kaciga gotovo nikada nije bio predmetom rasprava, kao da je to jednostavno bilo isklju~eno. No, upravo navedeni novi nalazi upozoravaju na ve}u opreznost i preciznost pri tipolo{kom odre|ivanju. Na|e li se stoga aplikacija ovna zasebno, poput one u Philiji (KILIAN-DIRLMEIER 2002: 91, T. 90: 1422) vrlo ju je te{ko, osobito sa sigurno{}u pripisati pojedinom od navedenih tipova kaciga. S obzirom na zemljopisnu, mikroregionalnu kao i na kulturolo{ku uvjetovanost prostora, odnosno konteksta ostalih nalaza spomenuti bi ulomak bron~anog lima u obliku ovnujske glave iz Philije trebalo promatrati u smislu ukrasnog elementa mo`da ilirske, a ne isklju~ivo halkidi{ke kacige? Kako god bilo, pri atribuiranju aplikacija vepra iz Zagra|a te vepra i palmete iz Atenice treba nedvosmisleno i jasno kazati kako su one namijenjene estetskoj dimenziji kaciga i/ili {titova, na {to su upozoravali i neposredno upu}ivali njihovi istra`iva~i (DJUKNI] JOVANOVI] 1966: 1819; POPOVI] 1975: 5456; VASI] 1987: 650; 2007: 560561). U ponudi novih rje{enja nu`no je slijediti osnovni princip metodolo{kog po{tivanja forme, namjene i materijala, i to u odre|enom kontekstu. Sukladno tomu ~ini se malo vjerojatnim, iako ne i isklju~enim, kako poneke od aplikacija potje~u s odje}e (^OVI] 1987: 616; PALAVESTRA 1984: 4142, Sl. 7, 8, T. XIV; VASI] 1987: 650), {to ponajprije u slu~aju Atenice nije odr`ivo, razumijevamo li pri tome osobnu opremu od priloga. Posve neprihvatljivim rje{enjem name}e se mogu}nost povezivanja navedenih aplikacija s metalnim posudama (BABI] 1990: 166171; 2002: Fig. 2; 2004: 106, 131, 151152), tim vi{e {to se kao argument isti~e plo{nost (nesavinutost) aplikacija koje zbog toga nisu mogle pratiti oblik paragnatide (BABI] 2004: 152). Zar su ukrasi aplikacija samo na paragnatidama? Nadovezuju}i se na mi{ljenja koje je vi{e puta ponudio Rastko Vasi} (2007: 560561), istaknut }u kako sve posude toga vremena imaju izlivene i zatim prikovane ili lemljene `eljene ukrase, npr. vrlo rado komparirani krater iz Vixa (npr. EGG, PARE 1995: 190192, T. 65, F. T. XXI; GUGGISBERG 2006: 1315) ili, napokon, krater iz Trebeni{ta (POPOVI] 1994: 103, kat. 31; KRSTI] 2004: 3637; Abb. 2526; 2007a: 104107), odnosno urezane poput ukrasa na posudama, vedrima ili ogledalima (npr. GIUMLIA-MAIR RUBINICIH 2002). Takve aplikacije, s nedvosmislenom porukom, mogle su biti i samostalno prilagane ili polo`ene u grob metonimijske vrijednosti i va`nosti (THEODOSSIEV 1998: 360362; 2000: 199200). Navedeni simboli ne}e se nalaziti na uobi~ajenim primjercima, kojih ima mnogo, a biti }e ih jo{ i vi{e.21 Oni ne}e biti simbolom obi~nog ratni~kog sloja, niti }e svaka ilirska kaciga biti vlasni{tvom istaknutih ~lanova pojedinih zajednica, kako je pretpostavljala Viktorija Sokolovska (1997: 3536). Samo tako ukra{ene kacige i {titovi, ba{ kao i njihove metonimije, mogle su doista biti rje~itim simbolom i izri~ajem mo}ne aristokracije bilo vojni~kog bilo politi~kog karaktera, na {to je posredno uputila i Sta{a Babi} (2001: 8788; 2004: 108). Taj status, ili postignuta razina unutra{njeg ure|enja zajednica, nedvojbeno nije bio ostvaren niti postignut bez sna`nih osnova, a jedna od njih je zasigurno geopoliti~ki polo`aj, uvjetovan prirodnim resursima i kontrolom komunikacija. To~nije, podru~je Ohrida, budu}eg ili ve} tada{njeg Lihnida, znamenito po bogatstvu sirovina, sjeci{te je i stjeci{te horizontalne komunikacije od Jadrana prema Halkidici, tzv. srebrnog ili Kadmejskog puta, tj. budu}e prometnice Via Egnatia (LISI^AR 1953: 250254; POPOVI] 1966: 1516; POPOVI] 1969: 1112; KATI^I] 1995: 262264, 274), te vertikalne rije~ne transverzale vardarsko-moravskim tokom, od juga pa sve do sjevera Balkanskog poluotoka (VASI] 2004: 11; BABI] 2002: 7481). Nisu li upravo na tom {irem prostoru, me|u inim, lokalizirane legende o Kadmu i Harmoni21 Dovoljno je pogledati legalnu aukcijsku prodaju ilirskih kaciga koja je dostupna na internetskim stranicama, posebno kada je rije~ o kvantiteti odnosa sa stru~no valoriziranim nalazima u dostupnoj literaturi.

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ji ([A[EL KOS 1993: 113136; KATI^I] 1995: 211303; [A[EL KOS 2004: 499501)? Nije li upravo u grobovima Trebeni{ta dokumentirano mno{tvo obrtni~kog alata, oru|a te poluproizvoda ili nedovr{enih predmeta (POPOVI] 1956: 2630). No, zbog ~ega je izabran upravo vepar? Interpretacije vepra u pretpovijesnim, jednako kao i u povijesnim, dru{tvima i sredinama brojne su i izrazite. U usporedbi nalaza materijalne kulture s kultnim i religioznim tuma~enjima simbola vepra, u dostupnom kontekstu, ba{ kao i mitologiji prostora, dokazana je njegova izrazita ritualna vrijednost kojom se obilje`avao status vode}ih, vi{ih ili najvi{ih ~lanova zajednice (EIBNER 2001: 266270). Na prostoru ju`nog i srednjeg Balkana, gdje je simbolizam vepra staroga i iskonskoga podrijetla, u kompoziciji sa zlatnim aplikacijama (uz druge zlatne ukrasne predmete) i kacigama mogao je zna~iti najvi{i oblik insignie, a u eshatolo{koj ideji i mogu}nost heroizacije te divinizacije pokojnika (POPOVI] 1966: 2329; SOKOLOVSKA 1997: 56; THEODOSSIEV 1998: 360; 2000: 200; BABI] 2001: 8388). Tako u Atenici istaknuta metonimija, kao posljedica fragmentacije, nije tek puka slu~ajnost (DJUKNI] JOVANOVI] 1966: 812, 2223). Znak vepra i kao duhovno autoritativnih u ateni~kom je obredu sahranjivanja, i spaljivanja, jo{ jednom potkrijepljen trojnim `rtvovanjem `ivotinja bo`anstvima kojima se upu}uju. Me|u njima posebno mjesto pripada upravo vepru, i neuobi~ajeno svinji (^A^E 1985: 1821; VASI] 1987: 646647; JOVANOVI] 2003: 192, 198199; EIBNER 2001: 242243), ~ime je nagla{ena upravo heroizacija pa ~ak i divinizacija pokojnika (STIP^EVI] 1984: 220). U ne tako udaljenom primjeru sindo{ke nekropole, na}i }e se sli~an princip izdvajanja statusnih simbola polo`aja i/ili privilegija pojedinaca. Sli~no ateni~kom dje~jem grobu, i dijete mu{kog spola u grobu 59 pokopano je na na~in odrasle osobe, opremljen s vrlo bogatim i najrazli~itijim importima. Me|u inim, na|ena je ilirska kaciga III A3 varijante, kakva je uostalom dokumentirana i u grobu 25, a ~ije su rubne trake od zlatnoga lima ukra{ene iskucanim prikazom vepra. Inventar groba 25 datiran je u 540. godinu, a grob 59 smje{ten je u 530/520. godinu pr. Kr. (VOKOTOPOULOU 1996: 114118, k. 8577; 1997: 127; 130, k. 211; THEODOSSIEV 2000: 197198, Fig. 1314). Zanimljivost je minijaturni model kola s konjima, istra`en pored groba, a kome se sli~ni primjerci mogu na}i u Vergini i Pydni (VOKOTOPOULOU 1996: 114115, k. 8651), te sada i na Ohridu na Gornoj porti (KUZMAN 2006: 546, Ph 7). Me|utim, ikonografski je vepar obi~no karakteriziran u stavu obrambenog polo`aja (PAROVI]-PE[IKAN 1961: 25) (Sl. 6 a,b). S jedne strane takva tvrdnja mo`e biti djelomi~no ispravna. No ako se, s druge strane, dobro promotre odlike vepra on u svom prirodnom stavu ili u polo`aju napadanja, odnosno sukoba, tako|er stoji sa sve ~etiri noge ~vrsto na zemlji, s glavom pognutom unaprijed, nakostrije{enom dlakom te s uzdignutim kljovama. Vepar je dakako jedna me|u najsna`nijim `ivotinjama u na{em ekolo{kom sustavu, s nizom osobina koje ga ~ine gotovo bez ranjive to~ke; izrazito je brz, sabijene i ~vrste muskulature gotovo neprobojne, a svojom neukrotivom snagom uni{tava sve kuda prolazi (CHEVALIER-CHEERBRANT 1994: 743744). Najva`nija veprova karakteristika ipak je apsolutna neustra{ivost i nadmo}nost u odnosu prema drugim `ivotinjama, pri ~emu mu snagu i strahopo{tovanje izazivaju vrlo izra`ajne kljove. Uhvatiti, i jo{ k tomu usmrtiti, vepra oduvijek je bio poseban izazov za lovca i njegova lovnoga psa, bez obzira o kojem je vremenu ili o kojem je streljivu rije~, obilje`avaju}i tim ~inom doista divlju `rtvu kraljevskoga lova (ANDRONICOS 1999: 117118; THEODOSSIEV 2000: 198; EIBNER 2001: 243). Zbog upravo tih osobina vepar je postao simbolom mo}i, neustra{ivosti i autoritativnosti, bilo duhovnog, kako se ~esto simboli~ki interpretira (STIP^EVI] 1981; 106; CHEVALIER-CHEERBRANT 1994: 743), bilo fizi~kog ili ~ak heroiziranog karaktera u spektru mogu}ih poimanja (EIBNER 2001). Prihva}eni i prilago|eni izbor vepra u percepciji simbolike prvaka ili dostojanstvenika na ilirskim kacigama, ne bi time trebao biti iznena|enje, jednako kao {to ne iznena|uje, svojstvenim narativnim izri~ajem, istaknuta uloga prizora heroja u lovu na vepra iznad ulaza grobnice Filipa II Makedonskog (AN-


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DRONIKOS 1992: 205, 208, Abb. 102, 112113; 1999: 106119; EIBNER 2001: 269; DROUGOU SAATSOGLOU-PALIADELI 2002: Fig. 60) (Sl. 10). Osim friza u Velikoj grobnici, lov na vepra(-ove) kao sredi{nja, ovoga puta reducirana scena, ali ra{~lanjena i duplicirana s osnovnim elementima simetri~ne tematske osi i obrednim sadr`ajem, zorno je prikazana na rasko{nom srebrnom te pozla}enom okovu pojasne kop~e iz Lovca kraj Stare Zagre (Sl. 11). Okov je datiran u 5/4. stolje}e pr. Kr. (VENEDIKOV GERASIMOV 1979: 377378, Sl. 248, 250; TER@AN 1995: 88). Scena lova na vepra izravno definira visoki dru{tveni status konjanika i lukostrijelaca (KULL 1997: 296301; EIBNER 2001: 250251), od kojih potonji polo`ajem, no{njom i pokretom neodoljivo podsje}a na okov pojasne kop~e iz Molnika (TER@AN 1997: 667668, Abb. 11; EGG PARE 1995: 19, 1; KULL 1997: Abb. 50: 67; TURK 2005: 3133, Sl. 45). Klasi~nim asocijativnim elementima `ivota i smrti, besmrtnosti i ponovnoga ra|anja u ikonografskoj simbolici strijelca i lova~kog psa, drva `ivota i lotosovog cvije}a (TER@AN 2007: 89), taj je ukrasni okov va`an i poradi detalja prepoznatljivog prikaza ilirske kacige u desnom donjem uglu, tj. u posljednjem metopnom polju. Na tu je paralelu upu}ivao ve} i Lj. Popovi}, izdvajaju}i je samo zbog srodnog prikaza veprova, ali ne i zbog prikaza kacige (POPOVI] 1975: 54, f.n. 270). Tako }e ilirska kaciga osim interpretativne dobiti i inspirativnu dimenziju, odnosno postat }e sadr`ajem religioznih, heroiziranih i kultnih scena vrednovana atributivno s jasnom i nagla{enom receptivno{}u. Njezin prikaz naj~e{}i je na okovima pojasnih garnitura, koje ve} same po sebi odra`avaju identitet, simboli~ku povezanost njihova nositelja i scene koja je na njima prikazana (CHEVALIER-GHEERBRANT 1994: 521522; KUKO^ 1998: 20). Rasko{nom okovu iz Lovca mogu se stoga pribrojiti nalazi sa zemljopisno bli`eg prostora, uglavnom iz konteksta bogatijih grobova ili grobnica. Ponajprije, to je poznati trapezoidni okov pojasne kop~e iz nekropole u Veljim Ledinama, kraj Gostilja, izra|en od `eljezne podloge i oblo`en srebrnim, na matrici, iskucanim limom (BASLER 1967: 910, 29, T. VII: 30/2; LUTOVAC 2005: 2021). Na njemu su heraldi~ki postavljene dvije ilirske kacige usmjerene jedna prema drugoj (Sl. 12), kojima, usprkos brojnim razmatranjima i analizama tih okova u literaturi,22 nije posve}ena ve}a pa`nja. Kacige }e mo`da u ponu|enom konceptu mitolo{ke pri~e o besmrtnosti i vitalnosti (KUKO^ 1998: 1322, sl. 4), zauzeti ili nadomjestiti ili bolje re~eno atribuirati herojske blizance Dioskure. To se prepoznaje u odnosu na sli~ne pozicije konjanika pri drugim okovima pojasnih kop~i tipa Prozor, {to je omogu}ila teza o istovjetnim japodskim i labeatskim religijskim shva}anjima. Odnos je uspostavljen gotovo istim solarno-lunarnim ritualnim principima, koji su definirani manifestacijama upravo na trapezoidnim okovima pojasnih kop~i.23 U posve druk~ijem, konkretnijem, ali opet vrlo simplificiranom prikazu, ilirsku kacigu mogu}e je vidjeti i na drugom, pravokutnom okovu pojasne garniture iz Veljih Ledina (BASLER 1969: 9, 43, T. XXV: 126/3; JOVANOVI] 1989: 117125, Sl. 1 ab). U sceni borbe konjanika i pje{aka, pje{ak nosi makedonski {tit u ruci i na glavi ne nosi halkidi{ku (KULL 1997: 331333, Abb. 64: 6; 2002: 194, Abb. 5: 2), nego ilirsku kacigu (JOVANOVI] 1989: 121; [A[EL KOS 1993: 123). Religiozno-povijesne interpretacije, prikazanoga likovnog i mitolo{kog, doista ne tako dramati~nog, prizora razli~ito su tuma~ene (JOVANOVI] 1989: 120131; KOSSACK 1991: 151155; [A[EL KOS 1993: 123). Me|utim, va`no je naglasiti kako se ti okovi datiraju, sukladno svim ostalim nala22 BASLER 1969; STIP^EVI] 1974; 1984; RENDI]-MIO^EVI] 1984; JOVANOVI] 1985; 1989; KOSSACK 1991; KUKO^ 1998; MAJNARI]-PAND@I] 1998; [A[EL KOS 1993; KULL 1997; 2002. 23 JOVANOVI] 1985: 5053, Sl. 58; KOSSACK 1991: 156161, Abb. 2; BALEN-LETUNI] 19951996: 2327; KUKO^ 1998: 2022; MAJNARI]-PAND@I] 1998: 344 346, Sl. 167.

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zima materijalne gra|e, na kraj 3. i po~etak 2. stolje}a pr. Kr., u vrijeme kada su sklapani savezi i koalicije protiv rimskih vojnih osvajanja na prostoru Ilirije i Makedonije, poglavito pod dominantnim vodstvom Filipa V (JOVANOVI] 1989: 121127; CABANES 2002: 150167), ili u vrijeme kada su kralj Gencije, tj. gradovi Skodra i Lisos kovali vlastiti novac s amblemom kacige ilirskog tipa na reversu i makedonskim {titom na aversu (Sl. 13).24 Kronolo{ki istovremen pojasnim okovima Labeata iz Gostilja je i ukrasni okov pojasne kop~e iz bogate grobnice u Selce at Poshtme (Podgradec) kod zapadne obale Ohridskoga jezera (KORKUTI 1971: 4647; STIP^EVI] 1974: 173; CEKA 1988: 372373, 284). Tehnolo{kom obradom odgovara trapezoidnom okovu iz Gostilja, kori{tenjem `eljezne podloge i oplate od srebrnog iskucanog lima (Sl. 14). Ikonografskim sadr`ajem i stilskim obilje`jima bli`i je pak pravokutnom okovu iz Gostilja, ali je, suprotno njemu, znatno preciznijeg i detaljnijeg prikaza vrlo sli~nog mitolo{ko-povijesnog predlo{ka. Na okovu iz Selce svi ratnici nose jasno raspoznatljive, tj. nagla{ene ilirske kacige s perjanicama na glavi i makedonske {titove u ruci. Scena je dinami~na i razumljiva, za razliku od gostiljskog primjerka, a kako se tako|er smje{ta u paradnu garnituru Ilira kraja 3. stolje}a pr. Kr., poku{ala se definirati u atributivnom zna~enju ilirske kacige, koju je ona pridobila za proturimske makedonsko-ilirske koalicije. Oba okova u poveznici su tako|er podudarna s manifestacijom legende o Kadmu, koji je u liku prikazanih zmija bio mitskim okriljem u borbi protiv zajedni~kog neprijatelja.25 Najrealisti~niji prikaz ilirske kacige svakako je onaj na aversu kovanica vladara Bastareja (SOKOLOVSKA 1990: 13, Cr. 8; SOKOLOVSKA 1997: 35, 126: 16), s prizorom pognutog bika na reversu, i koje se datiraju u 5. stolje}e pr. Kr. (Sl. 15). Na toj su kacigi pomno izra|eni svi detalji, uklju~uju}i i kuglice na rubnicima kacige, pa je vjerojatno ona ra|ena prema pravom predlo{ku ilirske III A1 kacige, za razliku od reminiscencija na navedenim prili~no mla|im prizorima. U opisanim predmetima utilitarne i ukrasne, nesvakida{nje ili paradne namjene, u sukuse asocijacija na ideje o `ivotu i smrti, bo`anskog i onostranog, koncipirana je i ilirska kaciga kao simbol i/ili atribut. Zauzela je tako znakovito mjesto u mitologiji prostora onodobnih Makedonaca, Labeata, Ilira i njima srodnim zajednicama, promovirana u simbol odli~nika, prvaka, primi inter pares, odnosno autoriteta, u fizi~kom i jo{ vi{e u duhovnom aspektu, te ispri~ana u povijesno potaknutom trenutku. Analiza pak III A1 tipa ilirskih kaciga ukazala je tako|er na pojedine razli~itosti me|u zna~ajkama kojima su one vrednovane, bilo statusnog bilo povijesnog karaktera. Stoga }e kacige III A1a tipa biti ra{irene kod tzv. ratni~kog sloja, ohridskog i sredi{njeg balkanskog prostora, odnosno zale|a srednje i ju`ne obale isto~noga Jadrana. Prilagane su naj~e{}e u grobovima kao simboli pokojnika s posebnim statusom vojni~ko-ratni~kog dijela dru{tvene strukture, `rtvovane su i darovane bo`anstvima u njihovim i udaljenim sveti{tima, ali im i votivno poklanjane u znak zahvalnosti u morima i rijekama. Kacige III A1b tipa nedvojbeno su bile reprezentativni simbol najvi{eg dru{tvenog statusa vladarskog karaktera, dostojanstvenika koji su u svojim funkcijama zdru`ivali nekoliko odgovornosti, pa }e one tako izra`avati zbir razli~itih autoritativnih zna~ajki. S obzirom na mjesta, njihov broj, okolnosti nala`enja i mogu}nosti izradbe, mo`da je mogu}e pomi{ljati kako je jedan od radioni~kih centara djelovao upravo na ohridskom podru~ju. To~nije, pretpostavljam kako te kacige nisu bile nu`no posljedica importa, bilo izravnog iz Gr~ke ili posredstvom njihovih kolonija na Jadranu, budu}i da se zna kako su do sada kacige III A1 a i b varijanti zabilje`ene jedino u gr~kim sveti{tima Olimpije i Isthmije (Sl. 4, T. III: 6, IV: 23, 5). Nadalje, vrlo ~esto uspore|ivanje sa sin24 BASLER 1969: 89, T. VIII: 34/8, XIII: 59/9; RENDI]-MIO^EVI] 1984: 77; STIP^EVI] 1974: 173; KUKO^ 1998: 23; CABANES 2002: 168174. 25 CEKA 1988: 373; STIP^EVI] 1984: 218219; JOVANOVI] 1989: 121124; KOSSACK 1991: 154155; [A[EL KOS 1993: 123; KULL 1997: 299331.


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do{kom nekropolom i s ostalim nalazima na prostoru Halkidike (VASI] 1987a: 731732; VASI] 1996: 148), tako|er se ne mo`e tuma~iti u jednome pravcu, samo kao uzor ili utjecaj, ve} bi se moglo razmatrati na mogu}nost radiranja utjecaja s ohridskog podru~je prema Halkidici, a pogotovo prema Sindosu, {to argumentira rasprostiranje III A3 tipa ilirskih kaciga (TER@AN 1995: Abb. 9), a potkrepljuju i ve} spomenuti novi nalazi iz Ohrida (KUZMAN 2006). Trebeni{ki grobovi, kao i oni iz Gorne porte, bogati su i nalazima obrtni~kog alata, poluproizvoda ili sirovih izra|evina. Mno{tvo je ondje nalaza koje se pripisuje doma}oj proizvodnji, a prerada i obrada metala na tome podru~ju znana je i iz mnogo ranijih vremena. Jesu li to bili doma}i majstori koji su radili po uzoru, ili su to bili putuju}i obrtnici koji su izra|ivali predmete prema narud`bi barbarske aristokracije, i nadalje ostaje pitanjem budu}ih istra`ivanja, no nesumnjivo se kod tih predmeta o~ituje sna`na lokalna stvarala~ka komponenata. U tom smislu, promatrane su i predstave na okovima pojasnih kop~i, a tuma~ene su upravo kao djela doma}ih majstora (BALEN-LETUNI] 19951996: 146; KUKO^ 1998: 2122). Svakako je cirkulacija plemenitim kovinama, horizontalnim i vertikalnim komunikacijama, bila neizbje`na i doista je mogla imati odlu~uju}u ulogu upravo u cirkulaciji, preno{enju i primanju utjecaja u oba pravca. Kakvu bi va`nost u cijelom tom poretku kraja 6. i 5. stolje}a pr. Kr. imala i novo na|ena ilirska kaciga iz creskog akvatorija, ostaje zagonetkom, ba{ kao {to zagonetkom ostaje do novih iznena|enja i njezin put do Kvarnera. Sagledavati se svakako treba pretpostavljene morske plovne putove, kojima su razli~ita materijalna dobra prispijevala na Kvarner, a otuda se transportirala tranzitnim kontinentalnim pravcima u unutra{njost, sve do isto~nog predalpskog prostora. Najbli`a paralela, kako je re~eno, o~ituje se kod kacige iz groba 19/VII u Novome Mestu. Upravo je to vrijeme kada prostor sjevernog dijela Kvarnera ima znatne doticaje, trgova~kog ili posredni~kog karaktera, s prostorom Dolenjske, a koje je mogu}e pratiti u sa~uvanoj materijalnoj ostav{tini (BLE^I] 2003). Diferencijacija aristokratskog i ratni~kog statusa, u ovome primjeru, iskazala se u slo`enoj simbolici odnosa status-znak-estetika. Taj splet odnosa nije vrijedan samo minulih vremena, ve} se on ikonografski, pa i semanti~ki, ponovno o`ivljava. Vrlo zanimljiv je stoga prikaz ilirske kacige na po{tanskoj marci posebnog izdanja tzv. R. Srpske iz 2002. godine (Srpske po{te, Muzejski eksponati 2002.), kao i njezina pojava u heraldi~kom konceptu novo predlo`ene kosovske zastave (Albania.com 2007). Manifestacije ilirske kacige nisu zato vezane samo na promatranja dogo|enih momenata poznavatelja davne pro{losti. One su i nadalje `ive u svijesti modernoga ~ovjeka, posve simboli~ki i asocijativno ba{ kao nekada na prostoru koji ih je najve}im dijelom ba{tinio.

ZAHVALE Mnogo je onih koji su stvaranje ovoga rada potaknuli ili koji su, na posredan ili neposredan na~in, sudjelovali svojim doprinosom. Ponajprije zahvaljujem dragom prijatelju i nalazniku creske kacige \aniju Uha~u iz Lovrana. Za svaku podarenu pomo} i bezgrani~no strpljenje rije~i iskrene zahvalnosti upu}ujem kolegama iz Arheolo{kog muzeja u Zagrebu, ravnatelju Anti Rendi}-Mio~evi}u, Ivanu Mirniku, Ivanu Radmanu-Livaji te Miljenki Gali}, Damiru Dora~i}u i Igoru Krajcaru. Nebrojeno va`ne podatke, sugestije i usmjerenja dobila sam od kolegica i kolega; Ivanke Mili~evi}-Capek, Maje Bun~i}, Boruta Kri`a, Ante Milo{evi}a, Adnana Busulad`i}a, Andreja Prelo`nika, te posebno Mitje Gu{tina, Paska Kuzmana i Kemalja Lucia. Bezrezervnu podr{ku i kriti~ko sagledavanje problematike rada pru`ili su mi Biba Ter`an, Rastko Vasi} i Boris Kavur. Rije~i ne opisuju snagu one zahvalnosti koju vam svima dugujem.

Rukopis primljen: 9.XI.2007. Rukopis prihva}en: 20.XI.2007.

M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)


Plate I


M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)

Plate II

M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)


Plate III


M. BLE^I]: The diverse meanings of Illyrian helmets, VAMZ, 3.s., XL 73116 (2007)

Plate IV

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