Final - FALL 2023 - NSE203 Weekly Outline - Advance Health Assessment Fall 2023

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Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

Compressed Course Layout Fall 2023

Detailed Course Layout

The weekly learning objectives provide a way to focus and prioritize your learning. However, all of your required readings, resources, PowerPoints,
and lecture/lab activities are testable material. Unless identified in the learning objectives, exclude special considerations for advanced practice.

**Where applicable, common learning objectives across all weeks are:
1. Use a trauma-informed, relational, and anti-racist approach to your assessment and communication with the client.
2. Integrate knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and nutrition.
3. Incorporate developmental, social, and cultural considerations into your assessment.
4. Introduce self to clients and healthcare team members with first and last name, and professional designation.
5. Engage in active listening to understand and respond to the client’s experience, preferences, and health goals.
6. Use evidence informed communication to build trusting, compassionate, and therapeutic relationships with clients.
7. Conduct holistic nursing assessment to collect comprehensive information on the client health status including subjective and objective
8. Identify, analyze, interpret, and respond to normal and abnormal findings, and if applicable, critical findings, to inform ongoing decision-
making about client status.
9. Identify health promotion and therapeutic nursing interventions related to your findings and the needs of the client (e.g., healthy eating,
activity, stress management).
10. Use clinical judgment to identify priorities of care.
11. Recognize and respond immediately when client safety is affected and when client’s condition is deteriorating.
12. Communicates effectively in complex and rapidly changing situations.
13. Use an integrated approach to health assessment which combines a primary survey with a body systems approach.
14. Verbally report and document assessment findings as per the Standards of Practice.

**Unless identified in the learning objectives, exclude special considerations for advanced practice.
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

Week and topic Required readings and resources Weekly objectives Lab instructions
1 Considine, J., & Currey, J. (2014). Ensuring a proactive,
Introduction to evidence-based, patient safety approach to patient Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: Bring:
advanced assessment. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24, 300-307. shorts, loose
assessment and the 1. Identify the concept of an advanced short sleeve
Douglas et al. (2016). Nursing physical assessment for assessment.
integrative top, towel for
patient safety in general wards: reaching consensus on
approach 2. Perform a primary survey (airway, breathing, draping,
core skills. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25, 1890-1900.
circulation, disability, exposure). penlight,
Clinical judgment, Primary survey document (posted on your course shell) 3. Apply an integrative approach to assessment stethoscope,
and trauma (combining a primary survey with a body BP cuff, IPR,
informed practice Review from NSE 103 systems approach). and lab
Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing 4. Demonstrate physical assessment of the activity and
Review of body Professional. following body systems: skin, cardiac, textbook
systems with a respiratory, and abdomen
focus on skin, Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing
cardiac, Professional Part II
respiratory, and
abdomen Lapum et al (2020). Physical examination techniques: A
nurse’s guide. Link: IPPA

Lapum, Verkuyl, Garcia, St-Amant, & Tan (2021). Vital

sign measurements across the lifespan. Available online:
Link to resource

Introduction to communication in nursing

The complete subjective health assessment

Documentation in nursing

**Read the online format so you don’t miss the videos

and interactive activities

2 Jarvis, C. (2019), Chapters: 28, 29 and pgs. 209-217

Assessment of Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: Bring:
hospitalized client Abbreviated head-to-toe document (posted on your shorts, loose short
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

course shell) 1. Identify when head-to-toe assessments sleeve top, towel for
Head-to-toe should be performed. draping, penlight,
assessment Review from NSE 103 2. Practice a head-to-toe assessment. stethoscope, BP cuff,
Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing 3. Perform an objective nutritional assessment. IPR, and lab activity
Health promotion Professional. 4. Incorporate health promotion into your and textbook
and nutritional practice.
assessment Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing
Professional Part II

Jarvis, C. (2019). – review chapters 15-16, 18, 23, 25

Lapum, Verkuyl, Garcia, St-Amant, & Tan (2021). Vital

sign measurements across the lifespan. Available online:
Link to resource
**Read the online format so you don’t miss the videos
and interactive activities

Primary survey document (posted on your course shell)

3 Jarvis, C. (2019), Chapter 31 and p. 230-231

Gerontological Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: Bring:
assessment with a Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (2017). shorts, loose short
focus on 1. Perform a functional assessment.
Entry-to-practice gerontological care competencies for sleeve top, towel for
functional, 2. Integrate a body system approach with a
environmental/hom Baccalaureate programs in nursing (review p. 3-5 and draping, penlight,
competencies 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.5) gerontological assessment focusing on: stethoscope, BP cuff,
e musculoskeletal,
neurological musculoskeletal, neurological, and sensory IPR, and lab activity
assessment and Golinowska et al. (2016). Health promotion targeting systems (eyes, ears, skin, nose/mouth/throat). and textbook
sensory systems: older people. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 367- 3. Use the Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure
eyes, ears, skin, 369. Link to open access article Sore Risk. Have access to e- or
nose, mouth, throat 4. Practice a comprehensive geriatric hard copy of the
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Toolkit assessment including pain, medical/surgical “new patient
Interprofessional comprehensive geriatric assessment history, social history, functional history, questionnaire” in the
toolkit geriatric review of systems, and physical required readings
5. Identify the role of health promotion in the
● review the video at the top related to the context of a gerontological assessment.
Interprofessional Comprehensive Geriatric 6. Reflect on the CASN entry-to-practice
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

Toolki gerontological care competencies including:

a. 1.2 Engages in a therapeutic relationship
● then, click on the button at the top titled
with the older person and their family
“resources” and click on “new patient that recognizes and values the diversity
questionnaire” of their experiences, history, and culture.
b. 1.3 Promotes health and well-being of the
Review from NSE 103 older person within the context of the
aging process.
Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing c. 1.5 Uses adaptive communication
Professional. strategies to address age-related changes.
d. 2.1 Conducts a holistic and
Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing comprehensive assessment of the older
Professional Part II person, using evidence-based and
ethically sound approaches to determine
Jarvis, C. (2019). Chapters: 15, 16, 25 cognitive, emotional, functional,
physical, safety, sexual, social, and
spiritual needs and vulnerabilities.
e. 2.5 Adapts interventions to address age-
related changes and risk factors when
providing care to the older person.
4 Virtual gaming simulation link and documents (see Lab: VGS &
learning management system) – play after doing Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: Debriefing
The deteriorating readings.
patient 1. Analyze the concept of clinical deterioration. Head-to-toe
2. Evaluate tools used to screen for practicing
deterioration (e.g., ABCDE, NEWS2, and Bring:
FAST). shorts, loose short
Padilla & Mayo (2017). Clinical deterioration: A concept 3. Practice a systematic approach to assessment
sleeve top, towel for
analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27,1360-1368 of a deteriorating patient.
4. Recognize and analyze cues associated with draping, penlight,
clinical deterioration. stethoscope, BP cuff,
CritIC (2017). ABCDE assessment – a quick overview 5. Generate solutions and take action associated IPR, and lab activity
with clinical deterioration. and textbook
CritIC (2017). ABCDE assessment – an example case. 6. Evaluate outcomes related to action taken associated with clinical deterioration.
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

Royal College of Physicians (2017) Retrieved from:
NOTE: specifically download links at bottom and read:
-NEWS2 Executive summary
-NEWS2 Chart 1_The NEWS scoring system
-NEWS2 Chart2_NEWS thresholds and triggers
-NEWS2 Chart4_Clinical response to NEWS trigger

NHS England and NHS Improvement (2018). National

early warning score (NEWS2).
Rhesus medicine. (2020). National early warning score 2
(NEWS2) How is the NEWS2 score used? What does
the NEWS2 score mean?

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada (2020). FAST signs of

stroke … what are the other signs?

Review from NSE 103

Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing

Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing

Professional Part II

Jarvis 25
Virtual gaming simulation link and documents (see Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: Lab: VGS &
Assessment in the
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

context of Abuse learning management system) – play after doing Debriefing

readings. 1. Define the different types of abuse
(violence, child Head-to-toe
2. Identify populations who are vulnerable to practicing and
maltreatment, elder
Jarvis (2019), Chapter 8, Interpersonal Violence abuse and describe the effects to their health preparation
abuse, intimate
partner violence, Assessment and well-being
trafficking) 3. Identify populations who are vulnerable to
Lapum et al (2020). Therapeutic communication and human trafficking (ie. Indigenous, racialized,
interviewing. In J. Lapum et al (Eds.), Introduction to women, children)
communication (section on points of consideration: 4. Define health care professionals’ role,,
When to report abuse in Ontario) communication and assessment strategies in
response to abuse and human trafficking.
RNAO. (2005). Women abuse: Screening, identification 5. Identify legal requirements for reporting
and initial response, p.9, 14-35, Appendices B-D, F-H suspected cases of child maltreatment and elder abuse.
identification-and-initial-response 6. Apply theoretical knowledge of interpersonal
RNAO. (2014). Preventing and addressing abuse and
neglect of older adults: Person-centred collaborative,
system-wide approaches.
adults Read ONLY pgs. 7-8, 18-22, 27-29, and
appendix F and H

Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal

Nurses (AWHONN) (2016). AWHONN position
statement – human trafficking (note, it is American, but
relevant to Canada)

Canadian Council for Refugees (2015). National

human trafficking assessment tool

Watch CNN sex trafficking video found at this link:

Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

Review from NSE 103

Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing

Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing

Professional Part II

Review from NSE 101

Lapum et al (2020). Introduction to communication
ing/ (review section in chapter 1 on trauma-informed
and relational inquiry approach to communication)
6 NOTE: Evaluation in lecture
Evaluation time
Evaluation week Part A: Primary survey test video in lecture time
Head-to-toe practice in lab
Bring to lab:
Part B: Multiple Choice Quiz in lecture time
shorts, loose short
sleeve top, towel for
draping, penlight,
stethoscope, BP cuff,
IPR, and lab activity
and textbook
7 In-person based on
Evaluation week Evaluation week abbreviated head to toe in-person In-person based on schedule (head to toe schedule (head to
examination as scheduled assessment evaluation) toe assessment

shorts, loose short
sleeve top, towel for
draping, penlight,
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

8 Genitourinary, Jarvis chapter 23, 26, 27 Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: In-person based on
anus, rectum, schedule (head to
prostate, sexual Testicular Cancer Canada (n.d.). Self examination guide. 1. Prepare a health history assessment toe assessment
health, STI acknowledging sensitive topics such as evaluation)
sexual health, birth control, sexually-
transmitted infections (STIs).
National coalition for sexual health (n.d.). Sexual health 2. Construct sexual health questions in an Bring:
and your providers: A provider’s guide. inclusive manner. shorts, loose short 3. Describe clinical manifestations (signs and sleeve top, towel for
healthcare-providers (pgs. 1-6, 11-19) (this is an symptoms) associated with common STIs draping, penlight,
American resource) (e.g., HPV, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, stethoscope
4. Identify the process and significance of a
Supporting resource speculum examination.
Public Health Agency of Canada.
infections.html Read section on Sexually Transmitted
and blood borne infection-guide: Review clinical
manifestations for the different STIs

9 Breast Tissue and Jarvis chapter 18 Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: In-person based on
Regional 1. Perform a breast tissue exam. schedule (head to
Lymphatics 2. Clinically evaluate the need for breast self- toe assessment
shorts, loose short
sleeve top, towel for
draping, penlight,
10 Virtual gaming simulation link and documents (see Lab: VGS & Debrief
learning management system) – play after doing Refer to the common objectives, in addition to:
Pediatric readings.
assessment 1. Use family centered approach to a pediatric
Potter & Perry (2019). Developmental theories (chapter
2. Integrate developmental stages relevant to
children in pediatric assessment.
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

Government of Canada (2009). Pediatric and adolescent 3. Practice a pediatric assessment.

care – Chapter 1 – Pediatric health assessment. (pgs. 1-3 4. Incorporate knowledge about vaccines into
and 10-17). pediatric assessment. 5. Examine age-appropriate assessment tools.
clini/pediat/asses-eval-eng.pdf taken from:

Manworren, R., & Stinson, J. (2016). Pediatric pain

measurement, assessment, and evaluation. Seminars in
Pediatric Neurology, 23(3), 189-200.

Pediatric Early Warning Score:

St-Amant, O., et al. (2019). Chapter 2: Understanding

the timing of vaccines. In O. St-Amant et al. (Eds.),
Vaccine practice for health professionals: 1st Canadian

St-Amant et al. (2019). Anaphylaxis.
***Read pages on “Non-severe events” and

Dieticians of Canada and Canadian Paediatric Society

(2014). A health professional’s guide for using the WHO
growth charts for Canada. Read only p. 8 (chart at
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

bottom describing percentiles for ages 2-18)

Childhood percentiles
BMI links for boys and girls ages 2 to 19
WHO boys BMI growth - Canada
WHO girls BMI growth - Canada

Review from NSE 103

Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing


Review from NSE 101

Lapum et al. (2020).
ing/chapter/developmental-considerations/ (review film
clip 2.5 about communication with children

11 Canadian Family Practice Nurses Association (n.d.). Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: Bring:
Assessment in the Sample role description for registered nurses in family shorts, loose short
Primary Care practice. 1. Differentiate the role of the nurse in primary sleeve top, towel for
Setting care compared to acute care. draping, penlight,
2. Apply primary care guidelines to a clinical stethoscope, BP cuff,
experience. IPR, and lab activity
Chaput & Shiau (2019). Routinely assessing patients’ and textbook
sleep health is time well spent. Preventative Medicine
Reports, 14, 1-3.
Government of Canada (2019). Physical activity.
Lapum et al. (2019). Interpreting Canada’s Food Guide
and food labelling for health professionals. (Read
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

chapter 1 and 3).

Ross et al. (2018). Nurses and health-promoting
behaviors: Knowledge may not translate into self-care.
AORN Journal, 105(3), 267-275.
NSE 103 review
Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing

Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing

Professional Part II

Jarvis chapter 12 (nutrition)

12 Virtual gaming simulation link and documents (see Lab: VGS & Debrief
Sanchia Bulgin – learning management system) – play after doing Refer to the common objectives, in addition to:
Assessment and readings.
communication 1. Describe sickle cell anemia and hypovolemic
CBC. (2001). Bulgin death ruled accidental. 2. Practice an integrative approach to assessment.
accidental-1.300119 3. Appraise the recommendations for nursing as
per the Chief coroner’s report regarding the
Rogers, J.L. (2023). . Read Chapter specific to the section on inquest into the death of Sanchia Bulgin.
Sickle Cell Disease (chapter taken from PAT 201 textbook) 4. Reflect on the role of the nurse in relation to
Chapter 30, pages 996-1003. the case of Sanchia Bulgin.
5. Evaluate the systemic structures that affected
Rogers, J.L. (2023). Read the parts of Chapter and that are
focused on hypovolemic shock (chapter from PAT
Sanchia Bulgin’s nursing care.
textbook)Chapter 48, pages 1568-1590 and Chapter 49 pages 6. Reflect on the implications of racism in
1591-1598. healthcare.
7. Reflect on the nurse’s accountability related
to assessment and communication.

Chief coroner province of Ontario (2002). Report on the

inquest into the death of Sanchia Bulgin. (posted on
course shell): read p. 17 to 19 first and then, read p. 9-
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023

College of Nurses of Ontario. (2010, updated). Tam,


Review from NSE 103

Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing

Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing

Professional Part II

Jarvis, 25

Lapum et al. (2018). Vital sign measurement across the


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