Final - FALL 2023 - NSE203 Weekly Outline - Advance Health Assessment Fall 2023
Final - FALL 2023 - NSE203 Weekly Outline - Advance Health Assessment Fall 2023
Final - FALL 2023 - NSE203 Weekly Outline - Advance Health Assessment Fall 2023
The weekly learning objectives provide a way to focus and prioritize your learning. However, all of your required readings, resources, PowerPoints,
and lecture/lab activities are testable material. Unless identified in the learning objectives, exclude special considerations for advanced practice.
**Where applicable, common learning objectives across all weeks are:
1. Use a trauma-informed, relational, and anti-racist approach to your assessment and communication with the client.
2. Integrate knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and nutrition.
3. Incorporate developmental, social, and cultural considerations into your assessment.
4. Introduce self to clients and healthcare team members with first and last name, and professional designation.
5. Engage in active listening to understand and respond to the client’s experience, preferences, and health goals.
6. Use evidence informed communication to build trusting, compassionate, and therapeutic relationships with clients.
7. Conduct holistic nursing assessment to collect comprehensive information on the client health status including subjective and objective
8. Identify, analyze, interpret, and respond to normal and abnormal findings, and if applicable, critical findings, to inform ongoing decision-
making about client status.
9. Identify health promotion and therapeutic nursing interventions related to your findings and the needs of the client (e.g., healthy eating,
activity, stress management).
10. Use clinical judgment to identify priorities of care.
11. Recognize and respond immediately when client safety is affected and when client’s condition is deteriorating.
12. Communicates effectively in complex and rapidly changing situations.
13. Use an integrated approach to health assessment which combines a primary survey with a body systems approach.
14. Verbally report and document assessment findings as per the Standards of Practice.
**Unless identified in the learning objectives, exclude special considerations for advanced practice.
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023
Week and topic Required readings and resources Weekly objectives Lab instructions
1 Considine, J., & Currey, J. (2014). Ensuring a proactive,
Introduction to evidence-based, patient safety approach to patient Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: Bring:
advanced assessment. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24, 300-307. shorts, loose
assessment and the 1. Identify the concept of an advanced short sleeve
Douglas et al. (2016). Nursing physical assessment for assessment.
integrative top, towel for
patient safety in general wards: reaching consensus on
approach 2. Perform a primary survey (airway, breathing, draping,
core skills. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25, 1890-1900.
circulation, disability, exposure). penlight,
Clinical judgment, Primary survey document (posted on your course shell) 3. Apply an integrative approach to assessment stethoscope,
and trauma (combining a primary survey with a body BP cuff, IPR,
informed practice Review from NSE 103 systems approach). and lab
Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing 4. Demonstrate physical assessment of the activity and
Review of body Professional. following body systems: skin, cardiac, textbook
systems with a respiratory, and abdomen
focus on skin, Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing
cardiac, Professional Part II
respiratory, and
abdomen Lapum et al (2020). Physical examination techniques: A
nurse’s guide. Link: IPPA
Documentation in nursing
course shell) 1. Identify when head-to-toe assessments sleeve top, towel for
Head-to-toe should be performed. draping, penlight,
assessment Review from NSE 103 2. Practice a head-to-toe assessment. stethoscope, BP cuff,
Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing 3. Perform an objective nutritional assessment. IPR, and lab activity
Health promotion Professional. 4. Incorporate health promotion into your and textbook
and nutritional practice.
assessment Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing
Professional Part II
Jarvis 25
Virtual gaming simulation link and documents (see Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: Lab: VGS &
Assessment in the
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023
shorts, loose short
sleeve top, towel for
draping, penlight,
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023
8 Genitourinary, Jarvis chapter 23, 26, 27 Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: In-person based on
anus, rectum, schedule (head to
prostate, sexual Testicular Cancer Canada (n.d.). Self examination guide. 1. Prepare a health history assessment toe assessment
health, STI acknowledging sensitive topics such as evaluation)
sexual health, birth control, sexually-
transmitted infections (STIs).
National coalition for sexual health (n.d.). Sexual health 2. Construct sexual health questions in an Bring:
and your providers: A provider’s guide. inclusive manner. shorts, loose short 3. Describe clinical manifestations (signs and sleeve top, towel for
healthcare-providers (pgs. 1-6, 11-19) (this is an symptoms) associated with common STIs draping, penlight,
American resource) (e.g., HPV, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, stethoscope
4. Identify the process and significance of a
Supporting resource speculum examination.
Public Health Agency of Canada.
infections.html Read section on Sexually Transmitted
and blood borne infection-guide: Review clinical
manifestations for the different STIs
9 Breast Tissue and Jarvis chapter 18 Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: In-person based on
Regional 1. Perform a breast tissue exam. schedule (head to
Lymphatics 2. Clinically evaluate the need for breast self- toe assessment
shorts, loose short
sleeve top, towel for
draping, penlight,
10 Virtual gaming simulation link and documents (see Lab: VGS & Debrief
learning management system) – play after doing Refer to the common objectives, in addition to:
Pediatric readings.
assessment 1. Use family centered approach to a pediatric
Potter & Perry (2019). Developmental theories (chapter
2. Integrate developmental stages relevant to
children in pediatric assessment.
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023
11 Canadian Family Practice Nurses Association (n.d.). Refer to the common objectives, in addition to: Bring:
Assessment in the Sample role description for registered nurses in family shorts, loose short
Primary Care practice. 1. Differentiate the role of the nurse in primary sleeve top, towel for
Setting care compared to acute care. draping, penlight,
2. Apply primary care guidelines to a clinical stethoscope, BP cuff,
experience. IPR, and lab activity
Chaput & Shiau (2019). Routinely assessing patients’ and textbook
sleep health is time well spent. Preventative Medicine
Reports, 14, 1-3.
Government of Canada (2019). Physical activity.
Lapum et al. (2019). Interpreting Canada’s Food Guide
and food labelling for health professionals. (Read
Advanced Health Assessment Course Fall 2023
Jarvis, 25