Week 3 Earth and Life Science Leap
Week 3 Earth and Life Science Leap
Week 3 Earth and Life Science Leap
11 Quarter
Learning Days
September 27-October 1, 2021
Week No.
Date Covered
September 27, 7-9 am
I. LESSON TITLE Movement of Plates and Formation of Folds and Faults
LEARNING Explain how the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds and faults
III. CORE CONTENT Plates, Folds and Faults
General instructions in using this learning material
1.Read all parts of the learning materials and answer the activities in engagement, assimilation, and assessment in
separate sheet of paper.
2. Follow the indicated schedule so you’ll be able to finish your modules on time.
3. Label your answer sheet properly.
- Number the pages of your answer sheets.
- Write its page number in the upper right corner of the paper.
- Write the week number, title of the lesson and date of the module you answered.
4. Do not destroy or throw it away you need to compile all of it and submit it back to you teacher as part of your
portfolio after the semester.
5. Only answer sheets will be submitted back to school or in online platforms every week/ scheduled submission
If you have any questions, your subject teachers are available to answer your question during office hours (8:00am -
5:00pm), from Monday to Friday through online platforms.
Studying plate boundaries is important because along these boundaries deformation of the lithosphere is happening.
Divergent plate movement occurs when plates pull apart from each other. When two (2) plates diverge, pieces from such
plates sink towards the Earth’s mantle. On the other hand, convergent movement occurs when plates crush into each
other and land crumples, forming trenches and mountains. Lateral or transform fault movement occurs when plates move
alongside other in different directions.
E. Engagement
Fill out the crossword puzzle with
the correct terms using the given
A. Assimilation
Directions. From the word pool given below, identify the term being described in the following statements.
__________1. This phenomenon is created during transformation of plate’s movement and it is a kinematic phenomenon
caused by the relative density of oceanic lithosphere and relative weakness of asthenosphere.
__________2. This plate’s movement creates mountain and volcanic arc. Marianas Trench is also created by this
__________3. The movement of this plate is towards the opposite direction or moving away from each other.
__________4. It is a process of rising up hot, dense liquid materials and creates new seafloor.
__________5. This is a theory that supports that supports continental drift theory and seafloor spreading.
Read and analyze each statement and choose the letter which corresponds to the correct answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
_________1. Movement plate boundaries results too many events or land formations, which of the following is the reason of
mountain formations.
A. Converging Plates B. Both A and B
C. Diverging Plates D. Neither
_________2. Predict what geologic features could result out of this boundary.
A. trench B. ridge
C. mountain D. none of these
_________3. Which of the following diagrams shows the strike slip fault wherein San Andreas Fault which is bounded by
North American Plate and the Pacific Plate is the best example?
_________4. Which of the following resulted to the formation of new crust from magma that rises to the earth’s surface
between the two plate boundaries?
A. convergent boundary B. divergent boundary
C. strike fault D. transform boundary
_________5. Which of the following resulted to the formation of new oceanic lithosphere?
A. Convergent Boundary B. Divergent Boundary
C. Transform Boundary D. None of these
The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
I. Introduction
If you will be given a cake for your birthday, how many layers do you wish to have?
How many flavors do you want? What will be the order of flavor in each layer?
If you apply pressure on cakes, it will be deformed, flattened, or twisted. Just like the layers
in the cake, rocks can also form layers due to sediments deposited on rocks or some forces
that act on it which causes its deformation. These are forces that may bring alteration to
rock layers or the change in its formation in the Earth’s surface.
In geologic time, it covers the whole sweep of Earth’s history, from how and when the
earth was first formed, to everything that has happened on, in, and to the entire planet up
to now.
D. Development
The idea behind the concept that the Earth is billions of years old originated in the work of James Hutton. Hutton
concluded that there are forces that changes the landscape of the Earth in the past. This conclusion is based on his
observation in the geological processes that were taking place in his farm. His Principle of Uniformitarianism states that the
current geologic processes, such as volcanism, erosion, and weathering are the same processes that were at work in
the past. This idea was refined by other geologists that although the process of the past and the present are the same, the
rates of this process may vary over time. The Earth’s history was studied using the different records of past events preserved
in rocks. The layers of rocks are like the pages in our history books.
How are rock layers formed?
Stratified rocks, also known as
derivatives rock, maybe fragmental
or crystalline. These rocks are
product of sedimentary processes.
These are made of visible layers of
sediments. The formation on rock
layers depend on its stratigraphy
and stratification.
Stratigraphic Laws
Stratigraphic laws are basic principles that all geologists use in decoding or deciphering the spatial and temporal
relationships of rock layers. These includes the following: Original Horizontality, Lateral Continuity, Superposition, Cross
Cutting, Law of Inclusions and the Law of Faunal Succession.
How do geologists correlate rock layers?
The process of showing that rocks or
geologic events occurring at different
locations are of the same age is called
correlation. Geologists have developed a
system for correlating rocks by looking for
similarities in composition and rock
layer sequences at different locations.
The geological technique of correlation
provides information that have taken in
Earth’s history at various time that occurred.
There are different methods in correlating
rock layers, these includes:
2. Index fossil
-also known as guide fossils or indicator
fossils, are fossils used to define and identify
geologic periods (or faunal stages)
3. Bed rock
-a deposit of solid rock that is typically buried beneath soil and other broken or unconsolidated material (regolith).
-made up of igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rock. and it often serves as the parent material for regolith and soil.
These three columns represent rock layers from three
separate locations or outcrops. Some columns may
be missing layers due to erosion. No single column
represents a complete record. Your job is to line them
up so a complete record of the region can be seen.
Find one or more layers present in all columns that
can be matched like a puzzle.
Figure 2. Stratigraphic Column Matching up of Rock Layers Figure 3. Strategic Column Fitting of the Rock Layers
After matching correlated rock layers, we can determine the relative age of each layer according to the law of
superposition. Limestone in location A is the oldest and limestone in location C is the youngest rock layer. While those rock
layers having the same composition, textures, and fossil content were considered as rock layers with the same age.
In matching up rock layers, superposition and cross-cutting are helpful. When rocks are touching one another, the lateral
continuity rock layers aid to match up with the layers that are nearby. Geologists then match, or correlate, the different
shorter sequences to create a geological column that spans further back into earth’s past.
Correlations involve matching a particular rock unit in one exposure with its counterpart at a different locality. By
correlating various rock vulnerability separated by great distances, geologic maps can be constructed and the original
geographical extent of the rocks can be estimated.
Types of Correlation
A) Physical Correlation is accomplished by using number of criteria such as color, texture, and types of minerals contained
within a stratum which make it possible for geologists to classify a particular stratum specifically.
B) Fossil Correlation is a principle that geologists use to determine the age of rock. It uses fossil with unique characteristics,
such as geologically short lifespan and easily identifiable features and use this information to estimate the age of a rock
layer in other areas that contain the same type of fossil or group of fossils. There are fossils which are used to date the
layers of rock that they are found in. Fossils that can be used in this way are called index fossils, and rock layers with the
same index fossils in them can be correlated.
E. Engagement
Matching Type
Match the descriptions in Column A with
the terms in Column B. Choose the letter
of the correct answer.
Look at the columns of rock layers. Analyze each figure and answer the questions that follow.
1. Arrange the rock layer from oldest to
youngest. Use the number in the
designated rock layers.
Youngest _____
Oldest _____
2. Is the intrusion of igneous rock
younger or older? _________
3. What rock layer is common in each
rock column? _________
4. What environmental condition takes place in rock layer no.3? (fault, erosion)
5. In what earth’s feature is the rock layer in outcrop C probably located? (volcano, sea)
A. Assimilation
Guide Questions:
1. In what layer was the first rock formed?________
2. What letter is the second layer of the rock? ________
3. What happens in the rock represented by letter
D?(cutting, or insertion)_______
4. What three layered letters is cut by letter D? ________
5. What takes place in letter F?(fault,folds) ________
6. What environmental factors occur in letter
E?(weathering and erosion, volcanic eruption) ________
7. Which rock layer is the oldest? ________
8. Which rock layer is the youngest? ________
9. Which layer describes the law of horizontal
continuity? ________
10. Which layer shows an angular conformity? ________
Directions: Read each statement. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
_______1. If an igneous rock A cross cuts sedimentary rock B, what will be the
relative age/position of igneous rock A?
A. Igneous rock A will be on top of rock B B. Igneous rock A is older than sedimentary rock B.
C. Igneous rock A is younger than sedimentary rock B D. Igneous rock A is at the same age with sedimentary rock B
_______3. When sedimentary rocks deposited in flat layers are left undisturbed it
follows the statement in which of the given principles?
A. Cross-cutting Relationship B. Original Horizontality
C. Fauna Succession D. Superposition
_______5. Which type of conformities state that sedimentary rocks, when tilted or
folded, are overlain by more flat- lying layer of rock?
A. Angular Conformity B. Disconformity
C. Nonconformity D. Inclusion
The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
11 Quarter
Learning Days
September 27-October 1, 2021
Week No.
Date Covered
Sept 29, 7-9 am
I. LESSON TITLE Relative and Absolute Dating
Explain how relative and absolute dating were used to determine the
subdivisions of geologic time
III. CORE CONTENT Dating rocks, minerals and fossils
I. Introduction
How old is it? This might be the first question that will enter your
mind when you
see an old rock or artifact. Certainly, that is one of the first thing
that a geologist
wants to know.
Geologists find ways on how to determine the age and traces
of history from the
large number of artifacts and monuments bestowed upon us by
older civilization.
There are methods and techniques used by geologists to help
them determine the
age of the materials that evolved in the past. In this lesson, the
relative and absolute
dating processes will be discussed.
D. Development
Relative Age
Absolute Age
In the previous example, the parent element is uranium (U) and the daughter element is lead (Pb).
Again, the process of radioactive decay can be used for dating rocks because:
Radioactive decay proceeds at a constant, regardless of changes in conditions such as temperature, pressure, or the
chemical environment.
Table 1. Some Used Isotopes for
Radiometric Dating
It is almost impossible to say when the last of the parent atoms will decay, but the time taken for half the atoms to decay is
comparatively easy to predict. The half-life of a radioactive decay process is the time taken for half the original parent
atoms to decay.
The length of half-life is a unique feature of each decay process. The half-life of the uranium is 713 million years. This means
that if an igneous rock contained 1000 atoms of U-235 when it solidified:
After 713 million years, it would contain 500 atoms of U-235 and 500 atoms of the daughter element for the decay process,
The proportion of parent atoms/daughter atoms present in an igneous rock gives the age of the rock — or the number of
million years since the rock solidified
E. Engagement
Guide Questions:
1. In the law of superposition, which layer is the oldest?
2. What is the relative age of igneous rock in layer H?
(younger or older)
3. What is the youngest rock layer?
4. What law/principle is represented by layer H as it
passes through layer M, F, B, and I?
5. Which rock layer is older, layer B or layer F?
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A. Assimilation
1. In determining the age of rocks in relative dating, it follows the different principles such as:
_______________________________, _____________________________, ________________________
____________________________________, and _______________________________.
2. _______________________ dating is used to arrange geological events, and the rocks they leave behind in sequence.
3. _______________________dating is used to give rocks an actual date, or date
range, in number of years.
4. Relative dating uses stratigraphy method while absolute dating uses ______________________________ method by
radioactive decay.
5. The ________________________ of a radioactive decay process is the time taken for half the original parent atoms to
Directions. Read the following questions and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
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11 Quarter
Learning Days
September 27-October 1, 2021
Week No.
Date Covered
September 29, 10-11
I. LESSON TITLE Geologic Time Scale: Relative and Absolute Dating
Explain how relative and absolute dating were used to determine the
subdivisions of geologic time
III. CORE CONTENT Geologic Time Scale
I. Introduction
Deposition of sediments contribute to reshaping the surface of the Earth. Deposits are laid down by different
environmental factors such as volcanic eruption, erosion, weathering debris of rocks (clay and silts) and even all its fossil
content and historical information.
Earth history including its rock strata, the rock study, and discovery, as well as the fossils, are engraved in one of the most
important materials known as geologic record. The geologic time scale is the “calendar” for events in Earth’s history.
The importance of Geologic time scale was, it serves as standard timeline used to describe the age of rocks, fossils, and
the events that formed them. A device which is of great help to the science of geology owed to the explorations and
studied made by the geologists that were recorded.
The necessity of knowing how life began in the past, the events, and principles behind the Earth’s history enable us to
conform with the alterations or consequences that we might encounter or experience in the near future. As a part
of the new generation, we should be appreciative and accept that all things that are present in our time were the
outcome of Earth’s history.
D. Development
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Relative and Absolute Dating
Scientists first developed the geologic time scale by studying rock layers and index fossils. The information gathered by the
scientists placed the Earth rock strata in order by relative age. Geologic time is often discussed in two forms: relative time
and the absolute time.
Relative time is a subdivision of the Earth’s geology in a specific order based upon the relative age relationships
(commonly, vertical or stratigraphic position). These relative time can be established usually on the basis of fossils. On the
other hand, absolute time refers to the numerical ages in millions of years or some other measurement. These are obtained
by radioactive dating methods performed on appropriate rocks.
Relative time can be referred to as its physical aspects found in rocks while the absolute time refers to the measurements
taken upon those to determine the actual time it expired. The time scale is depicted in its traditional form with the oldest at
the bottom and the youngest at the top.
E. Engagement
Identify the term being described by the given statement. Select your answer from the word pool below
_____________1. It is where all traces of history of earth is recorded in rocks that make up the crust.
_____________ 2. It is a way on how the age of rocks and fossils can be determined by its numeric value.
_____________ 3. It is the largest division in the geologic time scale.
_____________ 4. It refers to the rocks that are deposited and used in dating method.
_____________ 5. It is used to determine the geological events in rock strata.
_____________ 6. It refers to prominent reptiles that evolved during Mesozoic Era.
_____________ 7. The fitting of supercontinent Pangea happened in this era.
_____________ 8. The present human evolved during this age.
_____________ 9. It refers to the age of the fishes.
_____________ 10. Ancient bacteria and blue green algae existed during this age.
A. Assimilation
Make a concept definition map for each of
the vocabulary terms listed below. Write
the term in the central box. Fill in the other
boxes by answering the questions. The
first term is done for you.
A. Fossil
B. Geologic Time Scale
C. Relative Dating
D. Absolute Dating
Directions: Read each statement and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.
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D. by counting the years that a fossil has been preserved
5. Scientists use a criterion to decide where to place the boundaries between the major divisions of the geologic time
scale. They consider major changes. Where can these major changes be found?
A. written in the fossil record
B. occurring in the solar system
C. in structure of the Earth’s layer
D. in the arrangement of the continent
The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
11 Quarter
Learning Days
September 27-October 1, 2021
Week No.
Date Covered
Oct 1, 7-9am
I. LESSON TITLE Geologic Timeline
LEARNING Describe how the Earth’s history can be interpreted from the geologic time scale
I. Introduction
Imagine you are hiking in the woods. As you walk up a steep hill, you find a fossil. It is a mold of many tiny seashells. What
would seashells be doing in the middle of the woods?
Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. These rocks form on the surface of the earth. They record the processes that
have happened on the surface, including life.
Scientists are able to arrange fossils according to age. This is called the fossil record. By studying the fossil record, scientists
have found that the earth and its life forms have gone through many changes in the past.
Fossils have taught us how and when rock layers have formed. They have also helped scientists learn about life forms that
have come and gone. Fossils have even taught us about the climate of the earth long ago.
The Geologic Time Scale is divided into huge blocks of time called eras. Eras are defined by major changes in the fossils
found in the sedimentary rock layers that were formed during those time spans.
Directions: Read the story entitled “The Story of Fossil” by Patti Hutchison. Answer the guide questions stated below.
D. Development
Review the vocabulary words and complete the activity on the other side of this
1. Fossils – remains of ancient life that have been turned to stone
2. Body Fossils – actual parts of plants and animals that have been turned to stone (i.e. bone, shells, leaves)
3. Coprolite – fossilized dinosaur dung (scat)
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4. Fossilization – process by which the remains of ancient living things are turned to rock
5. Paleontologist – a scientist who studies fossils and ancient life
6. Sedimentary Rock – rock made of layers of tightly packed sand and clay
7. Sandstone – a type of sedimentary rock that is made of sand
8. Trace Fossil – a fossilized sign that a plant or animal once lived in an area (i.e. footprints, coprolite)
9. Porous – full of tiny holes that water, air, and light can pass through
10. Mineralization – to convert into a mineral substance; to fill with a mineral substance
Jay, a famous p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ t , was hiking in the Cordillera mountains searching for f ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___, which are remains of ancient life that have turned to stone. All of a sudden, the ground shook beneath
him. Jay ran over a hill and saw that there had been a huge landslide. He went over to look at the piles of rocks and saw
layers of s ___ ___ ___ s ___ ___ ___ ___, a type of sedimentary rock. Fossils are found in sandstone, so Jay was excited to
search through the rocks! Just as he began to dig, he found fossilized bones. The bones had turned to stone through a
process called ___ ___ s s ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ______ ___. Jay saw that the fossils belonged to an Apatosaurus. These
bones are examples of b ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ i l ___, which are fossilized parts of plants and animals. Jay hiked further
up the mountain and found fossilized dinosaur dung, called c ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. He also found a huge
footprint, which is an example of a t ___ ___ ___ ___ f ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. Jay carefully removed the fossils from the rocks
and donated them to a museum.
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E. Engagement
A. Assimilation
There are tables of fossils presented below. In the first box, choose an example and draw its physical structure. Second box
and third box are references that serve as your guide to choose what organism you prefer to draw. Check the example.
Good luck!
Directions: Read each statement and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.
1. How were the scientists able to arrange the fossils they gathered?
A. They were able to arrange the fossils according to age.
B. They were able to arrange the fossils according to structure.
C. They were able to arrange the fossils according to chemical content.
D. They were able to arrange the fossils according to place of discovery.
2. These were marine arthropods and were made of chitin, like some insects
and other organisms like lobsters.
A. crinoids B. trilobites
C. fossil clam D. gastropods
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3. These marine animals lived inside their shells, taking up the whole inside of
the long shell.
A. sea arthropods B. echinoderms
C. gastropods D. mollusks
4. In what type of rocks are fossils made of?
A. igneous rock B. metamorphic rock
C. sedimentary rock D. all of the above
5. Why do most of the eons and eras end in “zoic”?
A. because these time periods were recognized by the plants present at that time
B. because these time periods were recognized by the animal life present at that time
C. A and B
D. none of the above
The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
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