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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol.

6 Issue 4, April 2019

ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968

Implementation of RSA Algorithm to Secure

Data in Cloud Computing
Dr. Rajamohan Parthasarathy 1* , Ms. Haw Wai Yee 2, Mr. Seow Soon Loong 3

Dr. Leelavathi Rajamanickam 4, Ms. Preethy Ayyappan 5


1 *, 2, 3 & 4
P School of Information Technology, SEGi University, Kota Damansara, Malaysia

P Faculty of Engineering and Built in Environment, SEGi University, Kota Damansara, Malaysia

* Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected] & [email protected]

3T 3T

Abstract the large amounts of complex data it carries, the need

is even more important. Hence forth, concerns
Cloud computing stores the data and disseminated regarding data privacy and security are proving to be
resources in the open environments. Even though the a barrier to the broader uptake of cloud computing
cloud computing is promising and efficient, there are services. As many companies move their data to the
many challenges for data security as there is no cloud the data undergoes many changes and there are
vicinity of the data for the cloud user. The security of many challenges to overcome. To be effective, cloud
cloud computing has always been an important aspect data security depends on more than simply applying
of quality of service from cloud service providers. appropriate data security procedures and
Cloud computing is technical and social reality today, countermeasures. Computer based security measures
at the same time it is the emerging technology and mostly capitalizes on user authorization and
security has become the main obstacle which is authentication.
hampering the deployment of cloud environments. To
ensure the security of data, we proposed a method for This cloud model promotes availability and is
providing data storage and security in cloud using composed of five essential characteristics, three
public key cryptosystem by implementing RSA service models, and four deployment models.[1]-[3]
algorithm. Further describes the security services The cloud computing model NIST defined has three
includes key generation, encryption, decryption in service models and four deployment models. The
virtual environment. three service models, also called SPI model, are:
Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS), Cloud Platform
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Cloud security, Data as a Service (PaaS) and Cloud Infrastructure as a
Security, Encryption, Decryption, RSA Algorithm. Service (IaaS).

The four deployment models are: Private cloud,

1. Introduction Community cloud, Public cloud and Hybrid cloud.
Application data is stored in a manner that is device
Cloud Computing Definition is that it is a shared pool and location independent. Security of the cloud based
of configurable computing resource (eg. networks, applications and Data is the key concerns of the cloud
servers, storage, applications, and services) network computing. The principles of the security are the
on demand over the internet. Cloud computing Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.
literally, is the use of remote servers (usually
Cloud security is a broad topic and any combination
accessible via the Internet) to process or
of policies, technologies, and controls to protect data,
store information. Access is usually using a Web
infrastructure and services from possible attacks.
browser. Save files on a server via the Internet is one
example. Cloud Computing appears as a computational
paradigm as well as a distributed architecture and its
Securing data is always of vital importance and
main objective is to provide secure, quick, convenient
because of the critical nature of cloud computing and
data storage and net computing service, with all

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 4, April 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968
computing resources visualized as services and 1.1.1 Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is a form of
delivered over the Internet [2][3]. cloud computing that provides virtualized computing
resources over the internet. In a IAAS model, a third
RSA is widely used Public-Key algorithm. RSA party provider hosts hardware, software, servers,
stands for Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman, storage and other infrastructure components on the
who first publicly described it in 1977. behalf of its users. IAAS providers also host users’
In our proposed work, we are using RSA algorithm to applications and handle tasks including system
encrypt the data to provide security so that only the maintenance backup and resiliency planning. IAAS
concerned user can access it. By securing the data, platforms offer highly scalable resources that can be
we are not allowing unauthorized access to it. adjusted on-demand which makes it a well-suited for
workloads that are temporary, experimental or
User data is encrypted first and then it is stored in change unexpectedly. Other characteristics of IAAS
the Cloud. When required, user places a request for environments include the automation of
the data for the Cloud provider, Cloud provider administrative tasks, dynamic scaling, desktop
authenticates the user and delivers the data. virtualization and policy based services. Other
characteristics of IAAS include the automation of
RSA is a block cipher, in which every message is
administrative tasks, dynamic scaling, desktop
mapped to an integer. RSA consists of Public-Key
virtualization and policy based services [3]-[5]
and Private-Key. In our Cloud environment, Pubic-
Key is known to all, whereas Private-Key is known 1.1.2 Platform as a service (PaaS) is a cloud
only to the user who originally owns the data. computing model that delivers applications over the
internet. In a PAAS model, a cloud provider delivers
Thus, encryption is done by the Cloud service hardware and software tolls, usually those needed for
provider and decryption is done by the Cloud user or application development, to its users as a service. A
consumer. Once the data is encrypted with the PAAS provider hosts the hardware and software on
Public-Key, it can be decrypted with the its own infrastructure. As a result, PAAS frees users
corresponding Private-Key only.[4] from having to install in-house hardware and
software to develop or run a new application. A
1.1 Cloud computing service models PAAS provider, however, supports all the underlying
computing and software; users only need to login and
Cloud computing has been majorly divided into three start using the platform-usually through a Web
broad service categories: Infrastructure as a Service
browser interface. PAAS providers then charge for
(IAAS), Platform as a Service (PAAS) and Software
45T 45T 45T 45T that access on a per-use basis or on monthly basis.
as a Service (SAAS) a shown in fig. 1: and detailed
Some of the main characteristics of PAAS are[3]-[5]:
technical information as below.
• Scalability and auto-provisioning of the
underlying infrastructure.
• Security and redundancy.
• Build and deployment tools for rapid
application management and deployment.
• Integration with other infrastructure
components such as web services, databases,
and LDAP.
• Multi-tenancy, platform service that can be
used by many concurrent users.
• Logging, reporting, and code
• Management interfaces and/or API.

1.1.3 Software as a service (SaaS) is a software

distribution model in which applications are hosted
by a vendor or service provider and made available to
customers over a network, typically the Internet.
Fig. 1: Different Types of Cloud Computing Model SAAS has become increasingly prevalent delivery

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 4, April 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968
model as underlying technologies that support Web 1.2.2 Communications as a service (CaaS) is an
services and service- oriented architecture (SOA) outsourced enterprise communications solution that
mature and new development approaches, such as can be leased from a single vendor. Such
Ajax, become popular. SAAS is closely related to the communications can include voice over IP (VoIP or
ASP (Application service provider) and on demand Internet telephony), instant messaging (IM),
computing software delivery models. IDC identifies collaboration and video conference applications using
two slightly different delivery models for SAAS fixed and mobile devices. The CAAS vendor is
namely the hosted application model and the software responsible for all hardware and software
development model. Some of the core benefits of management and offers guaranteed Quality of
using SAAS model are [3]-[5]: Service (QoS). CAAS allows businesses to
selectively deploy communications devices and
• Easier administration. modes on a pay-as-you-go, as-needed basis.
• automatic updates and patch management.
• compatibility: all users will have the same 1.2.3 Network as a service (NaaS) a framework that
version of software. integrates current cloud computing offerings with
• easier collaboration, for the same reason. direct, yet secure, client access to the network
• global accessibility. infrastructure. NAAS is a new cloud computing
model in which the clients have access to additional
computing resources collocated with switches and
routers. NAAS can include flexible and extended
Virtual Private Network (VPN), bandwidth on
demand, custom routing, multicast protocols, security
firewall, intrusion detection and prevention, Wide
Area Network (WAN), content monitoring and
filtering, and antivirus.

1.2.4 Monitoring as a service (MaaS) is a

framework that facilitates the deployment of
monitoring functionalities for various other services
and applications within the cloud. The most common
application for MAAS is online state monitoring,
which continuously tracks certain states of
applications, networks, systems, instances or any
Fig. 2: Cloud Computing Model global view element that may be deployable within the cloud.
MAAS makes it easier for users to deploy state
1.2 Anything as a service (XaaS) monitoring at different levels of Cloud services.

Some of the other service categories which are more 1.3 Deployment models
commonly classified as below:
In this section various Deployment Models are
1.2.1 Storage as a service (SaaS) Storage as a discussed:[11]-[12]
Service is a business model in which a large company
rents space in their storage infrastructure to a smaller 1.3.1 Private cloud: In this model cloud owner does
company or individual. The economy of scale in the not share their resources with any other organization.
service provider's infrastructure theoretically allows It is set up and maintained by an organization.
them to provide storage much more cost effectively Security can be very well implemented in this model.
than most individuals or corporations can provide
their own storage, when total cost of ownership is 1.3.2 Public cloud: In this cloud model the resources
considered. Storage as a Service is generally seen as are accessed by general public. Everybody can access
a good alternative for a small or mid- business that easily with this cloud so it is less secure model. Cost
lacks the capital budget and/or technical personnel to of this cloud is not expensive. This model requires a
implement and maintain their own storage huge investment these are owned by large
infrastructure. organizations such as Microsoft, Google or Amazon.

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 4, April 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968
1.3.3 Community cloud: A cloud shares the two or tampering or to prevent the exposure of data beyond
more several organizations or companies for their the agreed territories.[11]
requirements. Usually used in school or university
campus. 2.3 Data location and relocation: Cloud
Computing offers a high degree of data mobility.
1.3.4 Hybrid cloud: This type of cloud uses the one Consumers do not always know the location of their
or more cloud model combinations for better use. data. However, when an enterprise has some sensitive
data that is kept on a storage device in the Cloud,
they may want to know the location of it. They may
also wish to specify a preferred location. This, then,
requires a contractual agreement, between the Cloud
provider and the consumer that data should stay in a
particular location or reside on a given known server.
Also, cloud providers should take responsibility to
ensure the security of systems (including data) and
provide robust authentication to safeguard customers’
information. Another issue is the movement of data
from one location to another. Data is initially stored
at an appropriate location decide by the Cloud
Fig. 3: Cloud computing service models and provider. However, it is often moved from one place
deployment model to another. Cloud providers have contracts with each
other and they use each other’s resources.[11]-[12]
2. Cloud data security issues
2.4 Data availability: Customer data is normally
2.1 Privacy and confidentiality: Once the stored in chunk on different servers often residing in
client host data to the cloud there should be some different locations or in different Clouds. In this case,
guarantee that access to that data will only be limited data availability becomes a major legitimate issue as
to the authorized access. Inappropriate access to the availability of uninterruptible and seamless
customer sensitive data by cloud personnel is another provision becomes relatively difficult.[12]
risk that can pose potential threat to cloud data.
Assurances should be provided to the clients and 2.5 Storage, backup and recovery: When
proper practices and privacy policies and procedures you decide to move your data to the cloud the cloud
should be in place to assure the cloud users of the provider should ensure adequate data resilience
data safety. The cloud seeker should be assured that storage systems. At a minimum they should be able
data hosted on the cloud will be confidential.[11]- to provide RAID (Redundant Array of Independent
[[12] Disks) storage systems although most cloud
providers will store the data in multiple copies across
2.2 Data integrity: With providing the security many independent servers. [11]
of data, cloud service providers should implement
mechanisms to ensure data integrity and be able to In addition to that, most cloud providers should be
tell what happened to a certain dataset and at what able to provide options on backup services which are
point. The cloud provider should make the client certainly important for those businesses that run
aware of what particular data is hosted on the cloud, cloud based applications so that in the event of a
the origin and the integrity mechanisms put in place. serious hardware failure they can roll back to an
earlier state.
For compliance purposes, it may be necessary to have
exact records as to what data was placed in a public 3. Data security approaches
cloud, when it occurred, what virtual memories
(VMs) and storage it resided on, and where it was Hence Security of data has become a major concern.
processed. When such data integrity requirements When data mobility is at a high level then the risks
exists, that the origin and custody of data or and issues increase many folds especially when data
information must be maintained in order to prevent is transferred to another country with different
regulatory framework.

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 4, April 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968
3.1.1 Protection of data: Data can be protected from
High levels of data relocation have negative the outside user by creating the security keys such as
implications for data security and data protection as private key.
well as data availability.
3.1.2 Building blocks: The form of Mathematical
Thus the main concern with reference to security of and cryptographic principles server as the building
data residing in the Cloud is: how to ensure security blocks of the security.
of data that is at rest. Although, consumers know the
location of data and there in no data mobility, there 3.1.3 Integrity of data: while uploading the data the
are questions relating to its security and user can verify the correctness of the integrity
confidentiality of it. No doubt the Cloud Computing principles.
area has become larger because of its broad network 3.1.4 Accessing the data: Due to the Encryption and
access and flexibility. But reliability in terms of a Decryption techniques data can be accessed securely.
safe and secure environment for the personal data and
info of the user is still required. 3.1.5 Authentication: Authentication allows only
authorised user to access Data in cloud.
Financial savings, agility and elasticity, all enabled
through cloud technology, are crucial in a fast paced 3.2 Data security life cycle
business world. At the same time security incidents in
The life cycle of the Data security includes the six
the Cloud have made clear that this new promising
phases as once data is created it can process through
technology comes with complexity and security and
all the stages[11]-[13]
privacy challenges.
3.2.1 Create: Creation is the generation of the new
In Cloud computing Environment there are various digital data content, uploading and modifying the
security issues are occurs due sharing of resources it data.
leads to a security problem.
3.2.2 Store: Storing is the act committing the digital
Cloud computing as it comprises many technologies data storage repository, and typically occurs nearly
including networks, databases, operating systems, simultaneously with creation.
virtualization, resource scheduling, transaction 3.2.3 Use: Data is viewed, processed and retrieved
management, load balancing, concurrency control actively.
and memory management.
3.2.4 Share: Data is exchanged between the users,
Therefore, security issues for many of these systems customers, and partners of the respective cloud.
and technologies are pertinent to cloud computing.
Cloud possesses the security problem in Data 3.2.5 Archive: Data leaves active use and enters
segregation, Data theft, unauthorized access, long-term storage.
uncleared Owner and responsibility of Data 3.2.6 Destroy: Data is destroyed permanently using
Protection, Data Loss conditions.[11]-[13] the physically or digital name.

3.1 Data security framework

Security is the major concern to access the data in
cloud. Security involves protecting data from being
lost, destroyed or modified. [11]

This paper presents a survey on the cloud data

security issues, Data security life cycle. To provide
security for cloud data RSA Algorithm is used, these
are all discussed in the further sections. [9]

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 4, April 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968
data for the Cloud provider, Cloud provider
authenticates the user and delivers the data.[7]-[9]

RSA is a block cipher, in which every message is

mapped to an integer. RSA consists of Public-Key
and Private-Key. In our Cloud environment, Pubic-
Key is known to all, whereas Private-Key is known
only to the user who originally owns the data. Thus,
encryption is done by the Cloud service provider and
decryption is done by the Cloud user or consumer.
Once the data is encrypted with the Public-Key, it
can be decrypted with the corresponding Private-Key

4.2 RSA algorithm involves three steps:

1. Key Generation

2. Encryption
Fig.4: The life cycle of Data security 3. Decryption

4. The proposed methodology 4.2.1 Key generation: Before the data is encrypted,
Key generation should be done. This process is done
The area of cryptography and cryptanalysis together between the Cloud service provider and the user.[14]
are known as cryptology [8]. Cryptanalysis used
many encryption and decryption techniques such as Key generation algorithm
Caeser cipher, Monoalphabetic cipher, Play fair
cipher, Hill Cipher. These techniques possess the
Brute Force Attack means the attacker tries every 1. Choose two distinct prime numbers a and b. For
possible key to get the original text to avoid this security purposes, the integers a and b should be
problem public key cryptography used. chosen at random and should be of similar bit length.
RSA is widely used Public-Key algorithm. RSA
2. Compute n = a * b.
stands for Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman,
who first publicly described it in 1977.
3. Compute Euler’s totient function,
In our proposed work, we are using RSA algorithm Ø(n) = (a-1) * (b-1).
to encrypt the data to provide security so that only the
concerned user can access it. By securing the data, 4. Chose an integer e, such that 1 < e < Ø(n) and
we are not allowing unauthorized access to it.[8][9] greatest common divisor of e , Ø(n) is 1.
Now e is released as Public-Key exponent.
4.1 RSA algorithm: is the public key
5. Now determine d as follows: d = e-1(mod Ø(n))
cryptography, in which both public and the private

i.e., d is multiplicate inverse of e mod Ø(n).

keys are used to secure data in cloud. The
development of the Public key cryptography is 6. d is kept as Private-Key component, so that
greatest and perhaps it provides a radical departure. It d * e = 1 mod Ø(n).
is also known as the Asymmetric algorithm due to the
use of two key along with secret key. In this scheme 7. The Public-Key consists of modulus n and the
the plain text and cipher text are integers between 0 public exponent e i.e, (e, n).
and n-1 for some n. A typical size for n is 1024
bits.[14]-[15] 8. The Private-Key consists of modulus n and the
private exponent d, which must be kept secret i.e, (d,
User data is encrypted first and then it is stored in the
n). [7][8][9], [14][15]
Cloud. When required, user places a request for the

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 4, April 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968

5. Experimental results and analysis Encryption algorithm:
In this section, we are taking some sample data end
Encryption is the process of converting original plain
implementing RSA algorithm over it.
text (data) into cipher text (data).[7]-[9], [14][15]
5.1 Key generation part:
1. We have chosen two distinct prime numbers a=61
1. Cloud service provider should give or transmit the and b=53.
Public- Key (n, e) to the user who want to store the
data with him or her. 2. Compute n=a*b, thus n=61*53 = 3233.
3. Compute Euler’s totient function, Ø(n)=(a-1)*(b-
2. User data is now mapped to an integer by using an 1), Thus Ø(n)=(61-1)*(53-1) = 60*52 = 3120.
agreed upon reversible protocol, known as padding
scheme. 4. Chose any integer e, such that 1 < e < 3120 that is
coprime to 3120. Here, we chose e=17.
3. Data is encrypted and the resultant cipher
text(data) C is C = me (mod n).
5. Compute d , d = e-1(mod Ø(n)), P P

thus d=17-1(mod 3120) = 2753.


4. This cipher text or encrypted data is now stored

with the Cloud service provider. 6. Thus the Public-Key is (e, n) = (17, 3233) and the
Private- Key is (d, n) = (2753, 3233). Decryption algorithm:
This Private-Key is kept secret and it is known only
Decryption is the process of converting the cipher to the user.
text(data) to the original plain text(data).[7]-[9], [14]
5.2 Encryption part:
1. The Public-Key (17, 3233) is given by the Cloud
1. The cloud user requests the Cloud service provider service provider to the user who wish to store the
for the data. data.

2. Let us consider that the user mapped the data to an

2. Cloud service provider verify’s the authenticity of
integer m=65.
the user and gives the encrypted data i.e, C.
3. Data is encrypted now by the Cloud service
3. The Cloud user then decrypts the data by provider by using the corresponding Public-Key
computing, m = Cd (mod n).
which is shared by both the Cloud service provider

and the user.

4. Once m is obtained, the user can get back the
original data by reversing the padding scheme.[15] C = 6517(mod 3233) = 2790.

4. This encrypted data i.e, cipher text is now stored

by the Cloud service provider.

5.3 Decryption part:

1. When the user requests for the data, Cloud service
provider will authenticate the user and delivers the
encrypted data (If the user is valid).
2. The cloud user then decrypts the data by
m = Cd(mod n) = 27902753(mod 3233) = 65.

3. Once the m value is obtained, user will get back

Fig. 5- RSA Encryption/Decryption Example.
the original data.

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6 Issue 4, April 2019
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968

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