Bad Things Happen
Bad Things Happen
Bad Things Happen
Magic corruption 37
Spell mishaps 40
Dungeons are a staple of medieval 11 They get out at the cost of
fantasy and the first adventuring their sanity and are locked up
location this book covers. After all, it for the rest of their life.‡
is no secret that bad things happen in 12 They get out but have lost all
dungeons. of their treasure.
13 They get out but swear to
never enter a dungeon again.‡
What happens when the 14 They get out of the dungeon
PCs run out of light? but had to sell their soul for
Roll 1d20 on the following table to 15 They get out of the dungeon
find out: but not without developing a
dark inclination (see next
1 Monsters capture and eat page).
them after 1d3 days.† 16 They get out of the dungeon,
2 Monsters capture and weakened and having lost a
imprison them.† level worth of experience
3 Monsters capture and sell points.
them for a ransom (if 17 They meet another party of
someone is willing to pay, adventurers who lead them to
otherwise they are killed).† the surface.
4 Monsters capture them and 18 They panic, start searching
make them work as slaves.† frantically for an exit and
5 Monsters get them and kill luckily they find a lit torch on
them. a wall.
6 They crawl back to the 19 They stumble in the dark for a
surface, bruised, maimed and while before having a strange
with a serious injury (see next encounter (see next page).
page). 20 They wake up in the
7 They eventually get out of the wilderness, naked and with no
dungeon but all have a phobia memory of how they got out.
(see next page).
8 They find the exit but have † Either these characters must find a
lost all of their equipment. way to escape or they become NPCs
9 They get back safely to the who may be recruited again (if they
outside world, at least in are still alive).
appearance, because their
souls are now tainted by ‡ These characters stop being
darkness. adventurers and can be met again as
10 They get lucky and get out
without a scratch. NPCs.
Going in and out of a dungeon Phobia
without a scratch rarely happens. On
the contrary, it is not uncommon for Roll 1d6 on the table below to
the body and mind of adventurers to generate the phobia adventurers have
be damaged by the high levels of developed in the dark corridors of a
stress they are put under. dungeon:
Alternatives to death Fall
For this section, we consider that, in 1-2 Broke some items
certain situations, instead of dying 3-4 Have fractures that will never
when reaching 0 HP, the PCs are only heal completely
put out of action. 5-6 Have to find a way up
(long, difficult or both)
First, roll 1d6 on the general table,
then, if needed, and depending on Fire/Explosions
what/who defeated the characters,
roll 1d6 on the appropriate table to 1-2 Are disfigured for good
complete the following sentence: 3-4 Are extremely pyrophobic
5-6 Have one eye that has melted
« When they wake up, the PC(s) ... » due to extreme heat
Insects/Spiders Traps
1-2 Are poisoned (non-lethal) 1-2 Have been patched up, but
3-4 Are trapped in a cocoon something is wrong (HP
5-6 Have eggs slowly hatching halved until level up)
under their skin 3-4 Peed themselves and their
armor/shield is destroyed
5-6 Lost a limb
Magical creatures
1-2 Are more sensitive to Undeads
nefarious magic effects
3-4 Have no remaining spells 1-2 Are cursed to become undead
5-6 Realize their magic items when their time comes
won’t work for now 3-4 Have aged 1d6 years
5-6 Have one part of their body
Petrification that is rotting
The replacement PC is in the dungeon because they…
1 Always wanted to meet and join 26 Are supplying some monsters
the party with food
2 Appeared in a cloud of smoke, 27 Are the creation of a crazy evil
confused wizard
3 Are a bad singer looking for a 28 Are the last member of a group
new audience of bandits
4 Are a bounty hunter looking for 29 Are the last survivor of another
a wanted criminal party of adventurers
5 Are a deserter, hiding from the 30 Are the PC who came back to
army/guard life as an undead
6 Are a doppelganger that wishes 31 Are the PC's child who worked
to blend in with humans as a squire for them
7 Are a fan of the party and know 32 Are the PC's cousin who
all of their tricks wanted to tell them something
8 Are a member of an 33 Are the PC’s little brother/
organization following the sister who follows them
party everywhere
9 Are a mercenary looking for 34 Are the reflection of the PC
work that escaped a mirror
10 Are a mushroom man that just 35 Are the reincarnation of the
sprouted from the ground previous PC
11 Are a slave who ran away from 36 Are the soul of the deceased PC
their cruel master trapped in an artificial body
12 Are a town guard investigating 37 Are trapped in a web cocoon
the dungeon 38 Cannot stand the sunlight
13 Are a treasure hunter exploring anymore
the dungeon 39 Cannot stand their husband/
14 Are an ex-servant of an evil wife anymore
wizard looking for a new cause 40 Come from a different reality
to serve 41 Crossed a magic portal without
15 Are an exiled monster that was knowing where it led
transformed into a human 42 Drank too much and do not
16 Are employed by a wizard to recall how they ended up down
empty the dungeon here
17 Are from an alternate timeline, 43 Feel safer underground
where they didn’t die 44 Fell into a crack
18 Are frozen in a chunk of ice 45 Fell into the latrines and dug
19 Are here for revenge against the their way out
monsters 46 Fell into the sewers which flow
20 Are hoping to get rich by directly into the dungeon
finding a famous treasure 47 Fell into the village’s well
21 Are imprisoned in the dungeon 48 Got kidnapped by the monsters
22 Are looking for an ancient tome 49 Got lost while picking
that may not exist mushrooms
23 Are on a holy quest to find a 50 Had a vision they would meet
sacred place/item the party here
24 Are prisoner of a cloning tube
25 Are sleepwalking
51 Had to enter it for a coming of 76 Were hunting a beast but did
age ritual not know their lair was
52 Have had enough of their connected to the dungeon
menial life 77 Were in stasis since the death
53 Have nothing left and of their previous party
adventuring is their last hope 78 Were left for dead by their
54 Listened to the voices in their previous party
head telling them to go there 79 Were looking for a smuggling
55 Lost a bet and had to spend the cache
night inside 80 Were looking for mushrooms
56 Lost someone dear to their that only grow in the dungeon
heart inside the dungeon 81 Were looking for precious ores
57 Read a scroll out loud and got 82 Were looking for shelter from
teleported here bad weather
58 Sprout out of the body of the 83 Were mistaken for their sibling
late PC and brought here by force
59 Stalked the party since they 84 Were part of a cult they
first started adventuring decided is not worth it anymore
60 Started living here after their 85 Were part of a party of
house burned down adventurers but were betrayed
61 Thought they were going down 86 Were petrified and used as a
to the wine cellar decorative statue for decades
62 Took a wrong turn in the 87 Were regurgitated by a big
catacombs and here they are monster
63 Wanted to join the party and 88 Were revered as a god by
arrived exactly when the monsters but they recently
previous PC died realized their mistake
64 Wanted to know what is all the 89 Were running after their pet
fuss about “adventuring” and ended up in the dungeon
65 Wanted to sell goods of 90 Were running away from
dubious origin to the monsters monsters of the wilderness
66 Wanted to study monsters 91 Were sent here by a god as a
67 Were about to die but the punishment
party’s arrival saved their life 92 Were swept away by a torrent
68 Were brought back to life by a during a flood
necromancer 93 Were the target of a wicked
69 Were captured by monsters that joke
wanted to eat them 94 Were tricked by a bad person to
70 Were crazy in love with the enter it for them
deceased PC 95 Were trying to rescue someone
71 Were dragged inside by their for a reward
dog pulling on the leash 96 Were with the party since the
72 Were exiled in the dungeon for beginning but no one noticed
a crime they didn’t commit 97 Woke up after someone knocked
73 Were exploring the dungeon them up and stole their items
but could not go further alone 98 Woke up in a sarcophagus
74 Were following someone 99 Worked as a janitor here but
suspicious just got fired
75 Were hired for a job but got lost 100 Worked in the now destroyed
while looking for the exit dungeon tavern
The second adventuring location 11 They eventually arrive at a
where bad things happen is the settlement but are exhausted
wilderness. from the forced march and
will have a penalty of -1 to all
PCs cannot make it back their rolls for a week.
12 They fall into a pit or crevice
and will die in 2d6 days if they
When playing at an open table, it is are not rescued.†
better for the PCs to find a settlement 13 They have no memory of how
to rest until they are used in game. they reached a settlement,
Roll 1d20 on this table to see what only flashbacks or nightmares
happens to the PCs if that is not the at night.
case: 14 They are lucky and return to
civilization without a scratch.
1 Monsters ambush them and 15 They make it back but have all
kill them. contracted an illness (see next
2 Monsters capture them and page).
imprison them. 16 They meet another party of
3 Monsters capture them and adventurers that leads them to
make them work as slaves.† safety.
4 Monsters capture them, sell 17 They reach the safety of a
them as slaves and they end up settlement but the journey has
in another realm/country.† exhausted them and they must
5 Soldiers patrolling the area rest twice as long before going
mistake them for vagabonds back to adventuring.
and they end up in prison.† 18 They return safely to
6 They are attacked by bandits civilization, unaware that
on the way back and lose half monsters followed them and
of their valuables. have settled nearby.
7 They are completely lost but 19 They run out of food and end
eventually find an unknown up eating something that they
(chaotic) settlement where shouldn't have (see next page).
they can rest. 20 They go around in circles for
8 They are rescued by friendly a while before having a
monsters that follow them strange encounter that helps
everywhere and get them in them return to civilization
trouble. (see next page).
9 They arrive at a settlement a
month later, when everyone
thinks they are dead, tired, † Either these characters must find a
looking scruffy and having way to escape or they become NPCs
lost all of their items. who may be recruited again (if they
10 They arrive at a settlement, are still alive).
dazed and with dead eyes, and
end up locked up in an asylum ‡ These characters stop being
for the rest of their lives.‡ adventurers and can be met again as
When wandering for too long in the Things that should not be eaten
wilderness, one is bound to suffer
from exhaustion and maybe even get Hungry and desperate adventurers
sick. They may also run out of will eat anything. Roll 1d6 to
rations and resort to foraging in generate a reason not to eat
order to survive. something:
Traps Concealment
In the wilderness, the environment When relevant, roll 1d6 on the table
can prove itself dangerous, deadly below to determine how the trap (or
even, especially if the creatures that its trigger) is hidden:
inhabit it set traps everywhere.
1-3 Under dead leaves/cut grass
When encountering a trap, roll 1d24 4-5 Among grass/stones/snow
on the table below to determine its 6 Illusion
1 Alarm (bells)
2 Attracts a dangerous animal/ When relevant, first roll a
monster (humanoid/intelligent) monster on
3 Cage your encounter table to know who set
4 Caltrops it there. Then, roll 1d4 on the table
5 Crossbow & trip wire below to know why they made it:
6 Dart launcher (hallucinations,
paralysis, poisoning) 1 Hunt
7 Deadfall trap 2 Incapacitate
8 Fire/Smoke trap 3 Kill
9 Hidden pit 4 Scare away
10 Hidden spiked pit
11 Net trap/Falling net
12 Path made slippery with oil
13 Releases venomous animals
14 Rope at throat/riding level
15 Sabotaged bridge
16 Snare/Lasso
17 Spiked boulder
18 Stacked logs
19 Swinging log
20 Triggers an avalanche/a scree
21 Tripwire
22 Unstable rock/boulder
23 Wasp nest
24 Wolf/Bear trap
This section considers rations to be character must save against
an important part of the game: if a poison or die.
character has nothing to eat, they 5. Automatic death occurs on the
won’t recover HPs when resting. first day of the fifth week of
Alternatively, rations can be starvation.
consumed to recover 1d2 HPs but
only up to 50% of max HPs (it takes
one turn to eat a ration). If the character can survive 3 weeks:
If the character can survive 2 weeks:
1. The effects of the first week of
starvation appear after one day 1. First week: the character is
without eating. Before that, the unable to fight and has -1 to all
characters are grumpy, their rolls (skills, saves),
bellies rumble and they think 2. Second week: each day, the
about eating all the time. character must save against
2. The following weeks, effects poison or die.
appear on the first day. 3. Automatic death occurs on the
first day of the third week of
For a character who can survive 4
weeks of starvation, the effects are
the following: If the character can survive 1 week:
Also, intelligent monsters who catch Non-human monsters can eat tainted
adventurers eating monsters of the rations without fear of food
same kind will take it very badly and poisoning or side effects.
will never treat them the same again
(reaction rolls made with 1d6 only
from there on).
Side effects Doppelgangers
Most effects are pretty unforgiving, 1-5 Save against spells or a double
in order to counterbalance the sprouts out of the character’s
potential benefits and to teach body the next time they sleep.
players to be wary of what they eat 6 Same but the double is
and how they prepare it. friendly and joins the party.
1-5 Shortly after eating, the 1-5 Save against poison or die,
character begins to have burned to ashes from the
difficulty breathing. They inside by a dragon’s breath†.
cannot be out of water (fully 6 Once per week, the character
immersed) for more than 2 can use a breath weapon†.
turns or they will die from
asphyxia. †Same as the dragon that was eaten.
6 The character develops
branchia in addition to their Dryads
lungs, enabling them to
breathe in both air and water. 1-5 Save against poison or become
vegetal: the character no
Chimeras longer needs to eat, only to
drink, only to drink but cannot
1-5 Save against magic or heads stay underground more than
from random monsters or 72h or they die.
animals sprout on the 6 The character can now talk
character’s body. with plants and mushrooms.
6 The character can transform a
part of their body into that of Feathered monsters
an animal, once a day.
1-5 The character’s body becomes
Dephasing/Teleporting beasts covered in feathers.
6 Two small wings grow from
1-5 Save against poison or have the character's back, enabling
terrible mood swings ending them to glide short distances
in madness after 1d3 days. when not wearing armor.
6 Once per day, the character
can teleport somewhere they Glowing creatures (beetles)
see, but only a few meters
away. 1-5 The character starts glowing
soon after.
6 The character can make a part
of their body glow at will.
Humans Pure magic monsters
(djinni, efreeti, elementals)
1-5 The character starts
developing kuru, a 1-5 Save against spells or the
neurodegenerative disorder, character’s body explodes
which they die from after 1d6 because of the excessive
years, suffering from tremors. magic concentration.
6 The character has the 6 The character now has 10%
memories of the person they immunity to all types of
just ate. magic.
1-5 Save against poison or die, 1-5 Troll meat is not digested and
digested from the inside. starts regenerating. The
6 The character can now eat and character’s organs stretch as
digest anything without much as possible before
getting sick. breaking, which kills the
Lycanthropes 6 The character now has the
same power of regeneration
1-5 Save against spells or become as a troll. This lasts for a week.
a lycanthrope of the same
type (NPC). Undead creatures (ghouls, zombies)
6 Same, but the transformation
is incomplete and the 1-5 Save against poison or die,
character remains a PC. eaten from the inside by
Mind controlling creatures 6 Undeads will not attack for
the next 1d3 days.
1-5 Save against poison or suffer
from visual and auditory Venomous monsters
(insects, manticores, snakes, spiders, wyverns)
hallucinations that are likely
to lead to death. 1-5 Save against poison or die.
6 The character becomes
immune to mind control. 6 The character now has 25%
poison immunity.
Petrifying monsters
(basilisks, gorgons, medusas) Worms
Everybody loves animals! Some may Roll 1d12 on the following table for a
bite, prick or scratch, but does it wild animal encounter at night, while
really matter when they look so cute? the PCs are camping:
Kingdom-sized encounters 11 An unstoppable wildfire
destroying the grasslands and
In the wilderness, some encounters its inhabitants.
are so huge they actually affect the 12 Animals becoming sentient
whole kingdom and may even change and slowly plotting to take
the course of the campaign. over their human masters.
13 Forced enlistment forces
people who do not want to
Roll 1d20 on the following table take part in a senseless war to
when an encounter of that kind is go into hiding.
needed: 14 Large-scale mechanical
industrialization destroying
1 A barbarian army plundering forests.
and killing everything in its 15 Peasant revolts overthrowing
path. lords, nobles and the feudal
2 A cloud of thousands of system.
locusts, bringing famine and 16 The disappearance of an
eating alive those in its path. entire region, without a trace,
3 A deluge caused by the wrath as if it had never existed.
of the gods and engulfing all, 17 The shadow of an eclipse
even the most devout. breaking the delicate balance
4 A meteorite approaching at between lawful and chaotic
high speed with no hope of forces.
escape in sight. 18 The sudden abolition of
5 A proliferation of bandits slavery, leading to a civil war.
causing supply difficulties and 19 Undeads rising from their
economic collapse. graves all over the kingdom
6 A spreading magical plague, and heading towards a specific
destroying all creatures or point.
items of the same nature. 20 Volcanic eruptions happening
7 A thousand year old dragon all over the country, reshaping
and its youngs hungry after a the land forever.
very long sleep.
8 An army of darkness
conquering the land day after
9 An endless column of
refugees fleeing the ravages
of war.
10 An incurable plague
decimating the populace by
One might think that cities, as 9 They are lured in an ambush
bastions of civilization, would not be by a beautiful man/woman
places where bad things happen, but who promises to help them
that is unfortunately not the case. but are robbed instead.
10 They are murdered by ruffians
Lost in the city at night as they pass through a dark
alley they shouldn't have
In labyrinthine cities, night can be as 11 They black out and wake up in
dangerous as in the wilderness, if not a damp jail cell, surrounded by
more. That is why it is important to drunkards and drug addicts.†
find shelter before the sun goes down 12 They black out and wake up
(or before the session ends). If the well rested in a tavern; luckily,
PCs can’t find housing at night when someone found them and paid
crawling in a city, roll 1d20 on this for their room.
table to see what happens to them: 13 They encounter a guard patrol
that leads them to the nearest
1 A creepy little girl helps them tavern.
find their way, but before 14 They encounter guards who
leaving she says: “You will demand they pay an
thank me in due time”. exorbitant tax before
2 An old lady offers them to escorting them to a tavern.
spend the night in her 15 They find shelter in a church
boarding house, but they are and sleep on benches.
not so sure after being served 16 They find shelter in an old
soup with “bacon bits”. abandoned house but cannot
3 The PCs are beaten, robbed, sleep at all, convinced that the
spat on, and as a result they building is haunted when it is
decide to retire from the actually not.
adventuring life.‡ 17 They grope in the dark before
4 The PCs are engulfed in the falling into a manhole; they
shadows of the city and are are sick and stink for a week.
never seen again. 18 They spend a sleepless night,
5 They are attacked and eaten hiding in a small alcove in a
alive by a swarm of rats that dead end street.
terrorizes the inhabitants at 19 They take shelter in a sewer
night. outlet but, when morning
6 They are kidnapped and will comes, only bits of clothes
be sold as slaves on the market remain.
the next morning.† 20 When morning comes, the
7 They are kidnapped by PCs are never seen again and
cultists to be sacrificed to their an unscrupulous butcher has a
forbidden god.† fresh meat arrival.
8 They are knocked out and left
for dead by bandits after they † & ‡: see p. 7 or 15.
stole all their gold coins.
Walking down the street Crowds
What dangers/problems could Roll 1d6 to know who are the people
adventurers encounter when simply forming the crowd and 1d6 to know
walking in a city? what could happen to the PCs:
1 Beggars
2 Drunkards
3 Fans/Groupies
4 Loud preacher
5 Pushy charity/petition
6 Stalker
1 Bandit toll
2 Drugged and robbed
3 Mugging
4 Pickpocket
5 Protection racket
6 Snatching
1 Arbitrary detention
2 Arbitrary fine
3 Failed assassination
4 Knocked out/Kidnapped
5 Rabid dogs/Plague rats
6 Tax collector
Buildings hazards Paranormal
Entering a building is sometimes not 1 Corrupted by Evil
enough to protect the PCs from 2 Cursed
surrounding dangers or nuisances. 3 Fever dreams/Illusions
4 Haunted
5 Non euclidean geometry
To give a building a twist, roll 1d6 on 6 Out of time
the following table, then roll another
d6 on the appropriate sub-table:
1 Biological
2 Environmental 1 Blockade
3 Mechanical 2 Body search
4 Paranormal 3 Crime scene
5 Social 4 Criminals den
6 Structural 5 Overflowing with people
6 Restricted access (to members)
1 Fecal contamination
2 Giant parasite eggs 1 Collapse
3 Infected blood 2 Door leading to a fall
4 Mold (with airborne spores) 3 Low ceilings
5 Mutation inducing 4 Maze-like
6 Swarming with pests/insects 5 Missing stairs
6 Oversized stairs
1 Burning steam
2 Fire
3 Flood
4 Gas leak
5 Overgrowth
6 Radiations
1 Blades/Drills
2 Cogs
3 Conveyor belts
4 Hooks
5 Metal shutter
6 Pistons
Scams to avoid 10 Making the PCs play a card/
dice game where they have no
Street vendors and swindlers have chance of winning.
many techniques to achieve their 11 Offering to lead the party to a
ends. Roll 1d20 on the following table lost city/dungeon full of gold
to see how they try to wrong the but leading them into an
PCs: ambush instead.
12 Pretending they are
1 Asking for change but they recruiting adventurers for a
give the PCs fake coins in grand quest and need them to
exchange. retrieve a precious item to
2 Breaking one of their valuable prove their worth.
items (actually worthless), 13 Pretending to be a priest who
then blaming the characters grants the blessing of their
and insisting that they pay. god in exchange for a small
3 Charging admission to a donation.
venue that is actually free to 14 Selling a huge cargo of goods
all. but only a few of the items are
4 Claiming that the PCs stole real, all of the others are
something from them and, illusions that disappear when
since the guard that comes to the sale is over.
arrest them is their 15 Selling extremely cheap
accomplice, taking their potions which are actually just
money without trouble. water with a few drops of dye
5 Claiming to be a lawyer who is or syrup.
there for the inheritance of a 16 Selling land they do not own
distant but wealthy relative, or does not even exist at all.
telling them they only need to 17 Selling magic items which are
pay a small fee to unlock the regular items with a bit of
money. glitter.
6 Disguising themselves as 18 Selling perfectly fine items but
guards to confiscate weapons their accomplice follows the
or items from the PCs. PCs and steals the items back.
7 Enrolling the PCs in a 19 Selling their last prized
pyramid scheme without them possession (e.g. a gold ring)
knowing, at least until debt because they are short on
collectors come after them. money, but the item is actually
8 Faking an aggression, they worthless.
hide in the PCs' arms/back to 20 Selling treasure maps which
pickpocket them while their are actually doodles made by
accomplice shouts at them. their young children.
9 Giving the PCs a gift while
they are actually turning them
into drug mules.
City events Social
When something happens in a city, it 1 A siege has been going on for
can take huge proportions as it affects weeks
many people, and has a major impact 2 A witch's curse affects the city
on the rest of the world, socially, 3 City has been turned into a
politically and/or economically. Roll huge prison
4 Death of a beloved
1d6 to determine the nature of the personality
event: 5 Housing crisis
6 Inquisition is paranoid
1-3 Natural 7 Lockdown (for a manhunt)
4-6 Social 8 Martial law
9 No weapon allowed in the city
Then roll 1d8 or 1d20 on the 10 Overflowing with refugees
appropriate table: 11 Quarantine
12 Rampant criminality
Natural 13 Revolt to overthrow the ruler
14 Rigging of the latest elections
1 Drought-induced famine 15 Severe segregation
2 Flash flood 16 Skirmish of a rival nation/
3 Huge fire city-state
4 Pigeons invasion 17 Strict curfew
5 Plague/Epidemic 18 Total anarchy
6 Sewers overflowing 19 Under the yoke of a rival
7 (Snow-)Storm faction
8 Unexpected eruption of a 20 Unjust law has just been
dormant volcano approved
Strange laws & customs 11 Polygamy is encouraged, and
staying single more than a full
Sometimes adventurers unknowingly year exposes people to a fine.
break a strange law (or custom) they 12 Prostheses (limbs, glass eyes
didn't even know existed. Roll 1d20 and wigs) must be left at the
to know what it is: entrance of the city.
13 Rat killing or adventuring in
1 Covering tattoos, especially if the sewers is subject to a
they show an affiliation, is license that one can obtain at
shun upon. the city hall.
2 Duels to death can be used as 14 Rodents cannot be kept as
a legal means to prove one's pets, as they are thought to be
point or innocence. evil creatures.
3 It is courteous to offer a 15 Using cutlery to eat instead of
replacement if your opponent your hands is regarded as very
loses their husband/wife rude.
gambling. 16 Using the word “alcohol” in
4 It is illegal to refuse a drink public is forbidden,
offered by a city official. picturesque expressions must
5 It is illegal to walk alone in the be used instead.
city, especially in leisure 17 Walking on public lawns
districts. without a warrant or a valid
6 It is punishable by a fine not to reason is punishable by death.
greet a law enforcement 18 Wearing green is seen as the
representative and not to worst insult possible and
stand up in their presence. people are encouraged to
7 It is seen as a heresy to cast lynch an offender.
one’s shadow on a religious 19 When in public, men must
symbol or a stained glass wear skirts at all times.
window. 20 When talking to a noble, it is
8 Not to haggle the price with a seen as a serious breach of
merchant is to insult them and protocol not to remove one's
they will most likely refuse to shoes.
9 One cannot enter the city with
their mule, donkey or any
other beast of burden.
10 People cannot have more than
500 gp worth of coins on
them at any time.
False rumors 11 They have a horrible scar/
gang tattoo on their back.
The PCs are often the targets of the 12 They concluded a secret truce
wildest rumors, especially in the most with goblins, letting them do
populated places such as cities. This as they please.
would not be a problem if people did 13 They have been cursed
not believe them or if unscrupulous because of their unholy
people did not try to verify their actions.
14 They have done unspeakable
veracity (and hopefully most of them things to prisoners.
are false). 15 They have many children all
over the country they do not
Roll 1d20 on the table below to care about and some are look
choose one: for their parents.
16 They hide a shameful or
1 A terrible monster has been horrible collection from
chasing them for years, people.
bringing desolation wherever 17 They kidnap babies during the
they go. night to eat them.
2 All of the people that helped 18 They killed a member of the
them in the past die in group to take their share of
mysterious ways. the treasure.
3 The PCs are not actually 19 They sold their souls to evil
adventurers but spies from a forces in exchange for power
rival kingdom. and longevity.
4 Their blood is green because 20 They worship a forgotten god
they are not actual humans whose altar they have found
but creatures who wear their deep in a dungeon.
5 They are addicted to an exotic
substance, which is the reason
why they need so much gold.
6 They are all allergic to
something incredibly
common, and this could kill
7 They are never seen in broad
daylight, they might be
vampires or something else.
8 They are planning something
bad, such as taking over the
city or robbing a bank.
9 They cannot read or write and
merely pretend that they can.
10 They died a long time ago,
killed by doppelgangers who
took their place.
Why does the ruler 11 They envy their life of
adventures and their lack of
hate the PCs so much? ties and responsibilities.
12 They fear that the PCs will
The ruler keeps doing everything uncover their nefarious plans
they can to get in the way of the so they act preemptively.
characters, and they have no idea 13 They feel like they are
why. Roll 1d20 on the table below to responsible for all their
find out: problems and the turmoil in
1 During their previous 14 They feel like they would be
adventures, the PCs have powerless if they were not
overstepped their authority there to fight against Evil.
too often. 15 They hate all adventurers
2 No reason in particular, they equally, as they think they are
just like to hinder adventurers. nothing more than vermin.
3 The (huge stacks of) gold and 16 They remind them of their
loot they bring back from the youth, when they were still
dungeon threaten the fragile adventuring across the
economy. country.
4 Their excesses when they 17 They ridiculed the city guards
carouse disturb the tranquility or their personal army more
of the city. than once.
5 They are afraid of the power 18 They stole the heart of their
they hold and of being crush and cannot bring
overthrown. themselves to move on.
6 They are intimately convinced 19 They went to the same
that the PCs sow the seeds of kindergarten, something
rebellion in order to dethrone happened and they have never
them. been able to forgive them.
7 They are jealous of their 20 They were betrayed by
popularity among the people, adventurers at the beginning
being unpopular themselves. of their reign over the city.
8 They are the descendants of a
noble family where this hate
has been present for
9 They cannot trust anybody
and are already making
preparations to get rid of
10 They do not pay their taxes, or
not enough, thus creating a
huge loss of revenue for the
Crimes to be wrongly 11 Helping a prisoner escape
when all they did was give
accused of directions to a stranger.
12 Impersonating people to
Sometimes the PCs find themselves access areas they are not
in the wrong place at the wrong time allowed in.
and are wrongly accused of a crime 13 Insulting a law enforcement
they did not commit. officer on duty.
14 Murdering someone, after
Roll 1d20 on the following table to they were covered in tomato
know what their crime is supposed to sauce or animal blood by
be: accident.
15 Planning to rob a bank,
1 Associating with known because they had the
criminals, partaking in their misfortune of “looking
illegal activities such as suspicious” in front of one.
money laundering and racket. 16 Poisoning water wells and the
2 Being vagabonds and begging, drinking water supplies of the
after they arrived in the city city.
unwashed and unkempt. 17 Showing disrespect to the city
3 Breaking deliberately one (or ruler by criticizing the way
multiple) ancestral laws or they handle public matters.
customs (see table p. 31). 18 Starting a tavern brawl by
4 Doing tax evasion by purposely inviting people/
purposely “losing” much of factions that hate each other.
the treasure they find in 19 Stealing an item, which
dungeons. mysteriously ended up in their
5 Eating an apple without pocket.
paying for it. 20 Visiting the forbidden palace
6 Entering a museum at night without being accompanied.
to steal an ancient weapon
because they needed it to “save
the world”.
7 Exposing their hirelings to
danger for the sole purpose of
reducing the number of
people to share the loot with.
8 Falsifying an official
document they never heard
about or even needed.
9 Flirting with someone of
noble descent, when they are
only commoners.
10 Having a heretical behavior,
because they do not know
about local religious practices.
Cellmates to meet 11 A tattooed sailor who was
smuggling drugs behind the
With everything the characters can back of their captain.
be accused of (wrongly or not), it 12 A toothless mercenary who
would be surprising if they did not hides picklocks in their larger-
end up locked in a cell. These are than-life prosthetic hand.
lovely places to make new friends. 13 An accomplice of the party,
who made preparations to
help them escape.
Roll 1d20 on the following table to 14 An addict in need, shouting
determine who they have to share a and shaking the bars with all
cell with: their might to be let out.
15 An anxious pickpocket who
1 A bunch of chatterboxes that was sentenced to have their
can drive even the calmest of work tools severed.
people crazy. 16 An arsonist who spends their
2 A contortionist who has tried days watching the torches
to escape more than once, but burn through the cell bars.
always ends up getting stuck 17 An innocent woman accepting
somewhere on the way out. her fate with dignity, knowing
3 A couple of nobles who refuse that she was framed.
to sit or touch anything for 18 An innocent-looking young
fear of being “contaminated”. person who was convicted of
4 A drooling person with crazy cold-blooded murder.
eyes, tied to the wall by an a 19 An old man with a
old rusty chain. ridiculously long beard who
5 A friar who was deemed has been imprisoned for most
heretical for his views on of his life.
religion. 20 Someone who has been sent to
6 A hustler who emptied the prison because of the PCs
coffers of the city by having (directly or indirectly).
statues built in their effigy.
7 A man who literally grins ear
to ear because of ugly self-
inflected scars.
8 A person so huge they could
not escape even if the door
was open.
9 A sickly person who tends to
ask too many questions about
touchy topics.
10 A silent person that stares at
people while they sleep.
Magic is a specialist trade and, for Additionally, when magic corrupts a
this reason, bad things happen to those spellcaster, it can also have an impact
who lack experience. That is why on their immediate environment (e.g.
novice wizards and sorcerers often in the hex they are in).
have a short lifespan.
Roll 1d6 to check if that is the case.
Magic corruption If the result is 1, roll 1d20 to
determine what happens:
Each time a magic-user casts a spell, 1 Acid/Blood rain
roll 1d20 under the level of the spell 2 Animal panic
to see if magic corrupts them. 3 Appearance of rot
4 Birth of monstrosities
Example: for a level 3 spell, corruption 5 Corpses reanimating
happens when a 3 or less is rolled. 6 Death of animals
7 Death of weakened people
Roll 1d100 on the table on the 8 Drought/Flood
following pages (pp. 38-39) for the 9 Drying off of lactating
effects of the corruption. animals
10 Items turning to ashes
• If an effect is rolled again, either 11 Plague
increase it or ignore it and reroll. 12 Rabies outbreak
• If two different effects target the 13 Recurring nightmares
same thing (the same body part 14 Soil infertility
for example), either ignore the 15 Swarming maggots
new one, replace the older one 16 Thunderstorm
with the new one or mix them 17 Vermin invasion
together. 18 Water poisoning
19 Wildfire
20 Wilting of vegetation
1 Abhorred by cats/dogs 26 Covered in buboes
2 Additional mouth on the palm 27 Crows/Bats regularly perch
of one hand on their shoulder
3 Afraid of holy symbols 28 Demons regularly tempt them
4 Anger outbursts with pacts
5 Arms become very long 29 Develop pedunculated eyes
6 Attract bird/bat poop 30 Do not see beauty anymore
7 Beard grows faster 31 Do not seem to mind the
8 Become completely bald spider weaving its web on
9 Become paranoid their body
10 Beehive-like holes appear in 32 Ears (or nose) fall down
their back 33 Extra finger(s)
11 Bleeding eyes/ears/nose 34 Eyes fuse into one big eye
12 Blood turns green 35 Eyes glow
13 Blood-injected eyes 36 Eyes turn black
14 Breath reeks of sulfur 37 Fingers morph into tentacles
15 Brows grow very long 38 Followed by flies
16 Cannot enter holy places 39 Forked tongue
17 Cannot smile anymore 40 Fungal infection
18 Cannot stand the touch of 41 Globulous eyes
metal anymore 42 Goblins think they are one of
19 Cannot stop grinning them
20 Cannot stop scarifying 43 Goo can be found in their
themselves steps
21 Centipede lives in their shoes 44 Grow a third little arm
and/or gloves 45 Hair patches all over their
22 Children cry when they are in body
the room 46 Hair turns white
23 Constantly drool a little 47 Hair/Eyes color changes with
24 Contact with them can make temperature (blue: cold, red:
one sick hot)
25 Corrosive body fluids 48 Hands become webbed
49 Hate turning left
50 Heavily emaciated
51 Horns start growing on their 76 Scribble unintelligible words
forehead in their sleep
52 Ice cold body 77 Shadow is gone
53 Lips dry and crumble to dust 78 Skin becomes bark-like
54 Lips morph into a turtle beak 79 Skin changes color with
55 Lose all of their teeth emotion (anger: red, fear: blue,
56 Magic addiction greed: green)
57 Mushroom grows out of one 80 Skin discoloration
of their ear/nostril 81 Small head sprouts on their
58 Must sleep on the ground, neck
beds are unbearable to them 82 Small wings grow on their
59 Nails grow at a higher rate back
60 No more reflection 83 Smell of rotten mushrooms
61 Nose is now pig-like 84 Some of their fingers fuse
62 Now particularly hate cats/ together
dogs for no reason 85 Sometimes start speaking in a
63 Old women sign when they dead language
see them 86 Spiders get out of their mouth
64 One of their eyes pops out of each time it opens
its socket 87 Strange glowing symbols
65 One of their feet morphs into appear on their skin
a hoof 88 Suddenly cannot stand eating
66 One of their hands becomes a meat/vegetables
shapeless lump of flesh 89 Sunlight hurts them
67 One of their legs grows 90 Surrounded by a dark aura
longer than the other 91 Sweat profusely
68 Part of their body is covered 92 Swollen and tense belly
in black goo 93 Tail starts growing
69 Phosphorescent mucus 94 Teeth become yellow and
70 Plants they touch die weak
71 Prehensile tongue 95 Teeth turn into fangs
72 Pustules on their face 96 Third eye appears in the
73 Restless nights because of middle of their forehead
nightmares 97 Throw up green bile when
74 Rotting flesh stressed out
75 Scaly skin 98 Vertical pupils, like a cat/
99 Voices in their head
100 Will come back as undead
when they die
Spell mishaps First Level Spells
Sometimes, spellcasting goes wrong Charm Individual
and unexpected effects happen. A
way to determine if that happens is The spell loses its “C” and becomes
to roll 1d20 under the INT score of “Harm Individual”. It inflicts 1d6
the spellcaster when they use a spell. damage and makes the target angry.
† If not applicable, the spell has no Just before reaching the target, the
effect instead. projectile(s) turn into harmless
For the spells description, refer to
your favorite OSR ruleset. The spells Defense from Evil
names are translated from elder
OGLish and may not be totally The spell does not protect the caster
accurate. but instead attracts “evil” creatures.
Interpret Language Sixth Sense
The caster sees evil everywhere and The spell inflicts real damage and can
becomes paranoid for the duration of actually kill or turn to stone.
the spell.
Net Hold Individual
The spell also creates a net at the feet For the duration of the spell, the
of the caster, rendering them unable caster becomes an old person.
to move.
Magician Lock
Allows the creature to see in the dark
1d2+1 locks appear instead of just as expected but it becomes blind in
one. The extra ones cannot be opened the light.
by the caster without a spell.
Invisibleness 10’ radius
Third Level Spells
See Invisibleness.
Lightning Rod
Instead of seeing through the eyes
of the creature, the caster smells The spell causes no damage but only
through its nose. creates a light beam.
The caster cannot cast any more See Defense from Evil, but each
spells for a duration of 1d6 turns. friendly creature in the circle attracts
more “evil” creatures.
Fire Sphere
Defense from Normal Projectiles
Instead of moving in a straight line,
the fire sphere head for the nearest The protection given by the spell is
creature or big item (table, bookshelf, incomplete and there is a 50% chance
etc.). that a projectile goes through.
The caster can fly, but only in a The spell allows the creature to
vertical plane. breathe underwater as usual, but it
renders it unable to swim and it falls
Hurry straight to the bottom.
Fourth Level Spells Transform Self
The caster makes a mistake and casts Instead of removing the hex, the
another spell from their list instead effects of the hex are doubled.
(both spells are consumed in the
process). Barrier of Fire
The terrain feature created by the The eye comes with a mouth that will
spell is a mix of different biomes and reveal to nearby monsters what the
looks very suspicious. caster and their party are doing.
Mass camouflage
Transform Others
Fifth Level Spells Magic Container
The cloud will appear in front of the The hole either appears on a different
caster but will not move, blocking wall than the one intended, or too
them effectively. high to be reached easily.
The elemental that appears is not The caster may only move objects or
made of one of the four elements but creatures lighter than them.
of an artificial material (like cheese,
silk or porcelain). Teletransportation
Sixth Level Spells Decrease Water
Sea voyage incidents Wrong destinations
It is a well known fact that If they are lucky enough that the
adventurers cannot embark on a ship boat they are on does not sink, they
without it sinking, or ending up on are probably lost at sea instead. Roll
the other side of the world instead of 1d6 on the table below to determine
their destination. where they drop anchor at the end of
their journey:
Why the ship sank 1 Enemy/Rival territory
2 Fortified island at the edge of
First, roll 1d6 on this table to know the world
why it was inevitable for the ship to 3 Island (see previous table)
sink: 4 Terra incognita
5 Their starting point
1 Crew’s incompetence 6 Unknown port
2 Iceberg
3 Reefs
4 Sabotage Fishing at sea
5 Storm
6 Whirlpool When lost, a ship stays at sea longer
than expected and rations eventually
Where the PCs end up run out. Fishing can be a great way
not to starve. However, worrying
things lurk beneath the water's
Then, roll 1d6 on this table to know surface. Roll 1d6 on the following
where the PCs find themselves/wake table to know what bites the bait:
up after the shipwreck:
1 Contaminated fish
1 Fishing boat nets 2 Cursed treasure chest
2 Lifeboat 3 Ghostly sailor
3 Island (see sub-table) 4 Megashark
4 Mainland beach 5 Shark-man
5 Raft 6 Undead pirate
6 Underwater city
1 Cannibals hunting ground
2 Desert island
3 Haunted treasure island
4 Overflowing with cats
5 Pirates secret base
6 Visited by mermen
Bad omens How to get rid of bad luck
Sometimes, there are early signs that Misfortune is not eternal and can be
misfortune is about to befall the PCs. fought. Roll 1d12 on the following
Roll 1d10 on the next table to table to generate what a fortune teller
generate a bad omen: recommends doing (everyday):
1 A black cat which repeatedly 1 Burn scented candles
crosses the path of the party. 2 Carry a luck idol
2 A murder of crows follows 3 Carry charms (four-leafed
them everywhere they go, clover, horseshoe, rabbit foot)
cawing non-stop. 4 Do good deeds
3 A PC wakes up with a strange 5 Get rid of material
mark on their forehead (e.g. a possessions
demonic symbol, words, etc.). 6 Keep a pocket cricket
4 All around the PCs, birds and 7 Make donations
flying insects drop dead from 8 Perform a ritual
the sky. 9 Pray
5 Animals are running away 10 Use the power of crystals
from something scarier (for 11 Wear a flower wreath
them) than humans. 12 Wear an item of a lucky color
6 Light sources go off even
though there is no wind at all.
7 Mirrors shatter or crack when
the PCs are nearby.
8 Someone trips and breaks a
precious item (painting,
statue, urn, vase, etc.) then
people stare at the PCs in
silence, as if it was their fault.
9 The Moon is red, meaning
that a bloodbath is about to
happen/has happened.
10 The sky is darkening at an
alarming rate and thunder can
be heard approaching.
Haunted locations Signs
1 A fire is started (falling candle,
sparks, etc.)
2 Character is knocked out
3 Character looses balance
4 Character triggers a collapse
5 Weapon breaks in half
6 Weapon makes a noise that
attracts more monsters
Bows & Crossbows Armors
Hit Sometimes, armor hinders more than
it protects. Roll 1d20 on the table
1 Arrow triggers mechanism below to generate a situation where
2 Target is hit at its weak point armor causes trouble:
3 Target is hit in the head
4 Target is pinned down 1 Bears the coat of arms of an
5 Target runs away in pain evil lord/faction
6 Target’s nerves are damaged 2 Does not protect against the
(uncontrollable movements) cold at all
3 Has an obvious defect/weak
Miss point
4 Has been summoned and will
1 Character is stunned disappear sooner or later
2 Character’s hands are numb 5 Is a type of armor that is often
3 Munitions are lost (1d6) ridiculed by some
4 Some glass is broken 6 Is an illusion which does not
(potion, tank, window, etc.) actually provide protection
5 String snaps in half 7 Is animated/alive/haunted
6 Weapon is cracked/jammed 8 Is ineffective against one type
of attack (physical, elemental)
9 Is invaded by fleas and lice
Spears 10 Is not tailored to the wearer so
it is a bit hard to move in
Hit 11 Is so rusty that it may fall
apart anytime
1 Character makes themselves 12 Is so shiny it blinds other
out of reach (for 1 turn) members of the party
2 Target is lifted 13 Lack of maintenance made it
3 Target is skewered creaky/squeaky
4 Target is stabbed in the throat 14 Looks pricey and attracts all
5 Targets fall like dominoes kinds of bad attention
6 Weapon reveals an item 15 Magically warns the sorcerer
hidden in the ground who made it when it is worn
16 Prevents from squeezing
Miss through a narrow crack
17 Shines brightly in the
1 Character’s back is exposed darkness
18 Smells really bad and attracts
2 Character’s hand has splinters flies and rodents
3 Spearhead falls down 19 Sports so many spikes that it
4 Target grabs the spear & pulls is hard not to hit anything
the character towards them 20 Starts boiling/melting at not
5 Weapon breaks in half so high temperatures
6 Weapon punctures a liquid
container (pool, wineskin, etc.)
Where to find us
Bad Things Happen is a compilation of tables and rules to inspire DMs
as well as solo players. Using this book, discover what twists and turns
the characters will have to face next, whether they are exploring a
dungeon, camping in the wilderness, visiting a city or playing with
magic. Tables about other themes such as sea travel and weapons are also
provided in the last pages.
• What happens when the PCs run out of light in the dungeon?,
• Eating monsters and potential side effects,
• Problems when walking down the street in a city,
• Magic corruption,
• Weapons critical hits and misses.