Rudy&Bellethereindeer Knittingpattern Craftworld
Rudy&Bellethereindeer Knittingpattern Craftworld
Rudy&Bellethereindeer Knittingpattern Craftworld
Designed by Need to Christmas means reindeer and Sew row ends tog from Row 23 Row 25: [K2, k2tog, k2] 8
Cilla Webb know... these two little cuties are ready to Row 4. Attach to each side times. 40 sts
for the festive season in their of Body. Row 27: [K2, k2tog, k1] 8
Yarn used most seasonal outfits. Use times. 32 sts
Kit yarn mattress stitch for all Legs Row 29: [K1, k2tog, k1] 8
100m in beige (MC) the seams. Make 2 per reindeer times. 24 sts
40m in white (CC1) With MC, cast on 10 sts for Row 31: [K1, k2tog] 8 times.
40m in black (CC2)
35m in red (CC3)
Start knitting… bottom of foot.
Row 1 (RS): K1, [kfb] 8 times,
16 sts
Row 33: [K2tog] 8 times.
30m in blue (CC4) Reindeer k1. 18 sts 8 sts
Body Row 2 & all WS rows: Purl. Break yarn and thread
About the yarn Make 1 per reindeer Row 3: K1, [k1, kfb] 8 times, through rem sts. Pull tight
4-ply; 270m per 100g; With MC, cast on 8 sts for neck. k1. 26 sts to fasten.
100% polyester Row 1 (RS): [Kfb] 8 times. Rows 4-6: Work 3 rows in St st. Sew row ends tog and stuff.
16 sts Row 7: K4, [k2tog, k1] 6 times, Secure the eyes. Attach
Tension Row 2 & all WS rows: Purl. k4. 20 sts Head to top of Body.
28 rows x 21 sts = 10cm Row 3: [K1, kfb] 8 times. 24 sts Row 9: K4, [k2tog] 6 times, k4.
measured over St st Row 5: [K1, kfb, k1] 8 times. 14 sts Ears
32 sts Rows 10-24: Work 15 rows in Make 2 per reindeer
Needles used Row 7: [K2, kfb, k1] 8 times. St st. With MC, cast on 24 sts.
3.5mm straight 40 sts Cast off. Row 1 (RS): K14 MC, join
Rows 8-24: Work 17 rows in Sew row ends tog and close CC1 and k10 CC1.
Other supplies St st. bottom of foot. Stuff and attach From this point, work all
toy stuffing Row 25: [K2, k2tog, k1] 8 to Body. sts according to the colour
tapestry needle times. 32 sts presented on the LH needle.
stitch holders Row 27: [K1, k2tog, k1] 8 Head Rows 2-4: Work 3 rows in
4 small safety eyes times. 24 sts Make 1 per reindeer St st.
Row 29: [K1, k2tog] 8 times. With MC, cast on 16 sts for Row 5: K3, k2tog, k4, k2tog,
Sizing 16 sts front of head. k4, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k1.
15cm tall Row 31: [K2tog] 8 times. 8 sts Row 1 (RS): K10 MC, join CC1 20 sts
Break yarn and thread through and k6 CC1. Rows 6, 8 & 10: Purl.
Abbreviations rem sts. Pull tight to fasten. From this point, work all Row 7: K3, k2tog, k2, k2tog,
pfb: Purl into the front and Sew row ends tog and stuff. sts according to the colour k4, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1.
back of the next st. 1 st inc’d presented on the LH needle. 16 sts
p3tog: Purl 3 sts together. Arms Row 2 & all WS rows: Purl. Row 9: K3, [k2tog] twice, k4,
2 sts dec’d Make 2 per reindeer Row 3: [K1, kfb] 8 times. 24 sts [k2tog] twice, k1. 12 sts
See page 94 for all With MC, cast on 8 sts. Rows 4-6: Work 3 rows in St st. Break CC1. Cont in MC only.
other abbreviations Row 1 (RS): Knit. Row 7: [K1, kfb, k1] 8 times. Row 11: [K2tog] 6 times.
Row 2: Cast on 2 sts, p to end. 32 sts 6 sts
10 sts Rows 8-10: Work 3 rows in St st. Row 12: [P3tog] twice. 2 sts
Row 3: Cast on 2 sts, k to end. Row 11: [K2, kfb, k1] 8 times. Break yarn and thread
12 sts 40 sts through rem sts. Pull tight
Rows 4-22: Work 19 rows in Row 13: [K2, kfb, k2] 8 times. to fasten.
St st. 48 sts Sew row ends tog. Fold sides
Row 23: [K2tog] 6 times. 6 sts Break CC1. Cont in MC only. of Ear inwards and attach to
Break yarn and thread through Rows 15-24: Work 10 rows in each side of Head.
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten. St st. 53
Cast off. Row 9: [K3, kfb, k2] 7 times.
Join shoulder and side seams. 49 sts
Rows 10, 12 & 14: Purl.
Sleeves Row 11: [K3, kfb, k3] 7
Work both the same times. 56 sts
With CC4, cast on 18 sts. Row 13: [K4, kfb, k3] 7
Row 1 (RS): K2, *p2, k2; rep times. 63 sts
from * to end. Row 15: [K4, kfb, k4] 7
Row 2: P2, *k2, p2; rep from * times. 70 sts
to end. Rows 16-36: Work from
Rows 3-14: Starting with a k Dress chart, repeating sts 5
row, work 12 rows in St st. times across.
Row 15: K2tog, k14, k2tog. Break CC1 and cont in
16 sts CC3 only.
Row 16: P2tog, p12, p2tog. Rows 37-42: Work 6 rows in
14 sts G st.
ANTLERS Rows 6-19: Work in St st and Cast off. Cast off.
Make 2 per reindeer chart as set. Sew sleeve seam from cast-on Sew row ends tog and weave
With CC2, cast on 10 sts. Break CC1 & CC3. Cont in edge to Row 15. Set sleeves in all ends.
Rows 1-6: Starting with a k row, CC4 only. into armholes of jumper. Join
work 6 rows in St st. Row 20: P10, cast off 3 sts, p back seam of jumper. Embroider
Row 7 (RS): [K2tog] 5 times. until there are 16 new sts on a nose and eyes on the front of
5 sts RH needle, cast off 3 sts, p to the jumper using photograph as Snowman
Break yarn and thread through end. 36 sts a guide. Weave in all ends.
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten. Row 21: K8, k2tog, turn. Leave
Sew row ends tog and attach to rem 26 sts on hold. 9 sts Trousers
top of Head. First Leg
Le Back Shoulder With CC2, cast on 20 sts.
NOSE Rows 22-26: Work 5 rows in Rows 1-10: Starting with a k
Make 1 in CC2 & 1 in CC3 St st. row, work 10 rows in St st.
Cast on 10 sts. Row 27: Cast off 5 sts, k to end. Break yarn and leave sts
Rows 1-2: Starting with a k row, 4 sts on hold.
work 2 rows in St st. Cast off.
Row 3 (RS): [K1, kfb] 5 times. Second Leg
15 sts Front Shoulders With CC2, cast on 20 sts.
Rows 4-6: Work 3 rows in St st. With RS facing, rejoin CC4 to the Rows 1-10: Starting with a k
Row 7: [K1, k2tog] 5 times. 10 sts first 16 held sts. row, work 10 rows in St st.
Row 8: [P2tog] 5 times. 5 sts Row 21 (RS): K2tog, k12, Row 11 (RS, joining): K20,
Break yarn and thread through k2tog. 14 sts then k across the held 20 sts
rem sts. Pull tight to fasten. Rows 22-25: Work 4 rows in of First Leg. 40 sts
Sew row ends tog and attach to St st. Rows 12-24: Work 13 rows in
front of the Head. Row 26: P4, place these 4 sts St st.
on hold, cast off 6 sts, p to Row 25: K9, [k2tog] twice, k18,
Finishing end. 4 sts [k2tog] twice, k9. 36 sts
Weave in any rem ends. Row 27: K4. Cast off.
Cast off. Join side seam of each trouser
Christmas Jumper With RS facing, rejoin CC4 to leg and then back seam of
Body held 4 sts. trousers. Weave in all ends.
With CC4, cast on 42 sts. Row 27: Knit.
Row 1 (RS): K2, *p2, k2; rep Cast off. Dress
from * to end. With CC1, cast on 42 sts.
Row 2: P2, *k2, p2; rep from * Right Back Shoulder Rows 1-4: Work 4 rows in G st.
to end. With RS facing, rejoin CC4 to the Row 5 (RS): K8, cast off 6 sts,
Change to CC1. rem held 10 sts. k until there are 14 new sts
Rows 3-4: Starting with a k row, Row 21 (RS): K2tog, k to end. on RH needle, cast off 6 sts,
work 2 rows in St st. 9 sts k to end. 30 sts
Row 5: K13 CC4, work Row 1 of Rows 22-25: Work 4 rows in Row 6: K8, cast on 6 sts, k14,
Snowman chart, k13 CC4. St st. cast on 6 sts, k to end. 42 sts
This row sets placement of Row 26: Cast off 5 sts, p4. 4 sts Rows 7-8: Work 2 rows in G st.
chart and St st. Row 27: Knit. Change to CC3.
13 Abbreviations
1x1 rib k1, p1 ribbing k2tog Knit two together rm Remove marker
14 2x2 rib k2, p2 ribbing LH Left hand rnd Round
alt Alternate m1 Make one by lifting the bar Row Row
beg Beginning between stitches onto LH RS Right side
15 CC Contrast colour needle and knitting into it sk2p Slip 1, knit 2 together, pass
cdd Centred double decrease mb Make bobble slipped stitch over
– slip 2 stitches knitwise MC Main colour skp Slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped
16 together, knit 1, pass slipped m1l Insert the LH needle from stitch over
stitches over front to back under the sl Slip stitch – slip p-wise
17 cm Centimetres strand of yarn between unless specified
CN Cable needle the st just worked and sm Slip marker
C2B Cable 2 back – sl st onto the next st on the LH ssk Slip one knitwise, slip one
18 CN, hold at back, k1 from LH needle. Knit this purlwise, knit two slipped
needle, k1 from CN new st through the back stiches together
C2F Cable 2 front – sl st onto loop. 1 st inc’d ssp Slip one, slip one, purl two
19 CN, hold in front, k1 from LH m1r Insert the LH needle from slipped stitches together
needle, k1 from CN back to front under the st Stitch
cont Continue strand of yarn between St st Stocking stitch. Knitting flat:
20 dec Decrease the st just worked and Alternate knit and purl rows.
DPN Double-pointed needle the next st on the LH Knitting in the round: Knit
21 foll Following needle. Knit this new st all rounds
g Grammes through the front loop. tbl Through back loop
G st Garter stitch. Knitting flat: 1 st inc’d tog Together
22 Knit every row. Knitting in p Purl w&t Wrap and turn. Slip next
the round: Knit and purl p-wise Purlwise stitch onto RH needle, take
alternate rounds p2tog Purl two together yarn to opposite side of work
23 i-cord K all sts on DPN. Without patt Pattern between needles, slip same
turning, slide sts to other end of pm Place marker stitch back onto LH needle.
24 needle. Rep until cord reaches prev Previous Turn work ready to begin
desired length psso Pass slipped stitch over working in opposite direction
inc Increase pu Pick up WS Wrong side
25 incl Including rem Remaining wyib With yarn in back
k Knit rep Repeat wyif With yarn in front
k-wise Knitwise Rev St st Reverse stocking stitch. As yo Yarn over
26 kfb Knit one through the front stocking stitch, but knit side is [] Repeat instructions
then through the back the ‘wrong’ side () Alternative sizes
(same stitch) RH Right hand