Choice Questions :-
1. NMR spectroscopy is used for
determining structure in which of the
following materials?
a) Radioactive materials
b) Insoluble cl1emical compow1ds
c) Liquids
d) Gases
Answer: c
a) Radioactive radiation
b) IR radiation
c) Radio frequency radiation
d) Microwaves
Answer: c
a) Accurate, destructive
b) Accurate, non-destructive
c) Inaccurate, destructive
d) Inaccurate, n on-destructive
Answer: b
a) Electrons, Protons
b) Neutrons, electrons
c) Nuclei, electrons
d) Nuclei, neighbouring nuclei
Answer: d
5. In NMR spectroscopy, the spinning
nuclei in strong magnetic field must
be irradiated by which of the
Answer: b
Answer: c
7. Wh en ene rgy is abs orb ed by the
sam ple, the abs orp tion can be
obs erv ed as a cha nge in sign al
dev elop ed by whi ch of the foll owi ng
com pon ents ?
a) Am plifi er
b) Pho tode tect or
c) GM coun ter
d) Rad iofr equ ency dete ctor
Ans wer : d
a) IR radi atio n
b) Mic ro wav es
c) UV radi atio n
d) Rad io wav es
Ans wer : d
a) Excite an atom
b) Vibrate an atom
c) Vibrate a molecule
d) Affect the nuclear spin of an atom
Answer: d
a) Integral spin
b) Half integral spin
c) Zero spin
d) Positive spin
Answer: b
a) Integral spin
b) Half integral spin
c) Zero spin
d) Positive spin
Answer: c
a) Field shift
b) Matrix effects
c) Ch emical shift
d) Resonan ce shift
Answ er : c
a) Tr u e
b ) False
Answ er: a
Answ er: C
A. Hyd roge n
B. Ice
C. Dry ice
D. Liqu id heliu m
Answ er: D
17. Coupling causes the peaks in 1H
NMR spectra to be split into
A. two peaks
B. multiple peaks equal to the number of
hydrogens on surrounding atoms
C. multiple peaks equal to the number of
surrounding carbon atoms
D. multiple peaks equal to the number of
hydrogen on surrounding atoms, plus one
Answer: D
A. stop
B. reverse direction
C. align with the magnetic field
D. rotate to 90° away from the induced
Answer: C
Answer: C
Answer: B