Gee Network Communication
Gee Network Communication
Gee Network Communication
• Spam blockers
o Attempt to screen out spam (spam filters) by blocking suspicious
subject lines.
o Have led to more picture-based spam
• Kantian evaluation (receiving ads via cell phone costs money. Using people as
a means for an end ---- profit)
• Act utilitarian evaluation (1 from 100,000 will buy)
• Rule utilitarian evaluation (if millions of people are interested to respond to
spam there will be no way to accommodate them). In practice, tiny users
respond and many others are thinking of dropping their accounts)
• Social contract theory evaluation
(you have the right to free speech doesn’t mean that all will listen – spammers are not
introducing themselves.
• Trend Micro contacts marketers who violate standards for bulk email
• Utilitarian evaluation
o Blacklisting will affect innocent users, receivers, and marketing
firms, this will reduce the benefits of internet utility as a whole.
• Kantian evaluation
o Innocent users are used as a means for an end (eliminating spams)
• It is decentralized
–It needs browsers, media for storage, SW for retrieving data, ftp, OSs…etc.
• Shopping
• Contributing content (wikis, blogs)
–A wiki is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of
interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language.
Collaborative site – many authors
–Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary.
Personal site (Ex: online journal)
• Promoting business
• Learning
• Exploring our roots
• Entering virtual worlds
• Paying taxes
• Gambling
• Lots more!
Pornography Is Immoral
• Kant
• Utilitarianism
• Utilitarianism
Direct Censorship
• Government monopolization
• Prepublication review
• Rating systems
• Many-to-many communication
–It is easy to close a radio station BUT difficult to do so for a Web page (millions can
post pages)
• Dynamic connections
–Enlightenment thinker
–“Have the courage to use your own reason”
• 18th century
• Methodologies
• Chat room: supports real-time discussions among many people connected to the
• Instant messaging (IM) and chat rooms (which is similar to IM) replacing telephone for
many people
• Some pedophiles meeting children through chat rooms
• Police countering with “sting” operations
• Policemen enter chat rooms to lure pedophiles.
False Information
–Moon landings
• Social factors
–Peer groups
• Situational factors
–Lack of social support and intimacy
–Limited opportunities for productive activity
• Individual factors
• Intellectual property: any unique product of the human intellect that has
commercial value
Property Rights
• As long as…
• If two people write the same play, both cannot own it ¾ every intellectual
property is one-of-a-kind
• If one person “takes” another’s playing, both have it ¾ copying an intellectual
property is different from stealing a physical object
–People can benefit from having ownership of their ideas, and thus can improve the
quality of life for others
–Authors of the U.S. Constitution recognized the benefits to limited intellectual property
protection. (Ex: exclusive rights for novels for a limited period of time)
• Trade secrets
• Trademarks and service marks
• Patents
• Copyrights
Trade Secret
• Confidential piece of intellectual property that gives the company a
competitive advantage
• Employees are asked to make a confidentiality agreement
• Examples:
• Never expires
• Not appropriate for all intellectual properties (movies- they should be viewed
and not be kept in secret??)
• Reverse engineering allowed (buying a can of Coca-Cola and trying to figure
out its formula is legal)
• May be compromised when employees leave the firm.
–Distribution (copies of the work to public)
–Public display (copies of the work in public)
–Public performance
–Production of derivative works
–Citing short excerpts for teaching, research, criticism, commentary, news reporting
–Nature of work
• Copying from vinyl records to cassette tapes introduced hiss and distortions (bad
• Introduction of the compact disc (CD) a boon for the music industry
Peer-to-Peer Networks
• Peer-to-peer network
–Transient network
–Connects computers running same networking program
–Computers can access files stored on each other’s hard drives
• Ex: (PCs that have faster transfer rate because they have ADSL speed)
–Computer programs
–Television shows
Universities Caught in Middle
• In 2003 RIAA sued four students (for distributing copyrighted music) for about $100
billion (settled for $50,000)
• Different university responses
Software Copyright
• Ex: Implementation of RDBMS NOT the concept of it (App. Not Idea of DB)
–Making the same duplicate of a program because programmers move from firm to
• Increasingly harsh measures being taken to enforce copyrights (infringe our liberties)
–This act was created in an era with difficulties to make copies. This is not the case
• Software licenses typically prevent you from making copies of the software to sell or
give away
• Software licenses are legal agreements
• Here we are not discussing the morality of breaking the law
• We are discussing whether society should give intellectual property protection to
–utilitarian analysis
Utilitarian Analysis
–Not all who get free copies can afford to buy software
–The open-source movement demonstrates many people are willing to donate their
software-writing skills
–The hardware industry wants to stimulate the software industry
–Difficult to quantify how much society would be harmed if certain software packages
not released
• It is not a matter of how many SW, but what they can be used for
Summary: Network
Communication and Intellectual
Spam: Unsolicited, bulk email. Spammers seek anonymity and Spam blockers
• Direct Censorship
o Government monopolization
o Prepublication review
o Licensing and registration
• Self-censorship
o A most common form of censorship
o Group decides for itself not to publish
• False Information
o Quality of Web-based information varies widely
• Internet Addiction
Some liken compulsive computer use to pathological gambling
• Contributing Factors to Computer Addiction
o Social factors
o Situational factors
o Individual factors
• Intellectual property: any unique product of the human intellect that has commercial
o Books, songs, movies
o Paintings, drawings
o Inventions, chemical formulas, computer programs
Trade Secret
Confidential piece of intellectual property that gives the company a competitive
Trademark: Identifies goods
Service Mark
Servicemark: Identifies services
A public (not secret) document that provides a detailed description of the invention
• Copyright
o Provides owner of an original work five rights
o Reproduction
o Distribution (copies of the work to the public)
o Public display (copies of the work in public)
o Public performance
o Production of derivative works
• Peer-to-Peer Networks
o How P2P networks facilitate data exchange
• Napster
o Peer-to-peer music exchange network
• BitTorrent
o Broadband connections: download much faster than upload
• Software Copyrights
o Copyright protection began 1964
o Companies treat source code as a trade secret