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2023 24 Syllabus PH122I2C PH222I2C

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(Effective from the Academic Year 2023 - 2024)

Course Code PH122I2C/PH222I2C CIA Marks 50
Number of Contact Hours/Week (L: T: P: S) 3:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40L + 20P Exam Hours 03

● Concepts of modern physics, Introduction to quantum mechanics, Black body, wave-particle dualism, Properties of
light, Total internal reflection, Snell’s law of refraction, Difference between conductors, semiconductors and
dielectric materials. Difference between insulators and dielectrics, Basics of electrical conductivity, Matrix , motion
in one dimension.

● To foster active participation in technological advancement through understanding fundamental concepts, techniques,
and devices in Physics.
● To provide a scientific understanding of the scientific method for a better appreciation of modern technology.
● To enable experimental testing, verification, and analysis of the electrical, optical, and thermal properties of materials.

Following are some sample strategies that can be incorporated into the Course Delivery
● Chalk and Talk Method/Blended Mode Method
● Power Point Presentation
● Expert Talk/Webinar/Seminar
● Video Streaming/Self-Study/Simulations
● Peer-to-Peer Activities
● Activity/Problem Based Learning
● Case Studies
● MOOC/NPTEL Courses
● Any other innovative initiatives with respect to the Course contents
Quantum Mechanics: Introduction to the need for Quantum mechanics with a discussion of Planck’s 8 Hours
equation for energy density, Stefan-Boltzmann Law, de Broglie Hypothesis, Matter waves and their
characteristic properties, the expression for de-Broglie wavelength in terms of K.E and potential energy.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and its physical significance, Application of uncertainty principle: To
show the nonexistence of an electron inside the nucleus-(Non-Relativistic), Principle of complementarity,
Wave function - properties, physical significances: Probability density (Max Born Interpretation) and
Normalization. Schrodinger time-independent wave equation-derivation, Expectation value, Eigen function
and Eigenvalues, Application of Schrodinger wave equation – To find the Eigenfunctions and Energy
Eigenvalues of a particle in a potential well of infinite height.
Numerical problems.

Text books: 1, 2, 3
Laser and Optical Fibers: 8 Hours
LASER: Characteristic properties of a Laser beam, Boltzmann Equation, Interaction of radiation with
matter, Einstein’s A and B coefficients and Expression for energy density of radiation (derivation).
Conditions for laser action (Population inversion, Metastable state), Requisites of a Laser system, Laser
action. Principle, Construction, and working of semiconductor diode Laser and its applications. Applications
of laser: Laser Bar code scanners and Laser Printers (qualitative)
Optical Fibers: Principle and structure, propagation mechanism of light through optical fiber, critical angle,
angle of acceptance, Numerical aperture (NA), Expression for NA and condition for propagation
(derivation), Mention the types of optical fibers, their modes of propagation and applications, Attenuation,
Causes of attenuation, and Mention of expression for attenuation coefficient. Application of optical fiber:
Point-to-point communication, Merits and limitations of optical fiber.
Numerical problems

Text books : 1, 2, 3
Electrical Conductivity in Metals & Superconductors: 8 Hours
Electrical conductivity in metals: Classical free electron theory: Free electron concept, expression for
electrical conductivity in metals, drift velocity, mobility and resistivity, Temperature dependence of
resistivity of a metal, Matheissen’s rule, Assumptions of classical free electron theory, Failure of classical
free electron theory. Assumptions of Quantum free electron theory, Fermi energy, Fermi level, Fermi
velocity, Fermi temperature, Mention the expression for electrical conductivity based on quantum free
electron theory, Fermi-Dirac statistics, Fermi factor, Variation of Fermi Factor with temperature and energy
(at T=0K), Merits of quantum free electron theory over classical theory.
Superconductors: Introduction to superconductors, critical temperature, Temperature dependence of
Resistivity of a superconductor, Critical magnetic field, Temperature dependence of Critical magnetic field,
Critical current, Meissner Effect, Types of Super Conductors, Difference between Type-I and Type-II
superconductors, BCS theory of superconductivity (Qualitative), Quantum Tunneling, Josephson Effect (AC
and DC Josephson effect), SQUID, working of DC SQUID (Qualitative) and its applications. High-
Temperature superconductors.
Numerical problems.

Text books: 1, 2, 3
Semiconductors and Dielectric materials: 8 Hours
Semiconductors: Semiconductors- Introduction, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi energy and
Fermi level in semiconductors. Electron and hole concentration in intrinsic semiconductors and mention the
expressions for the same. Law of mass action, relation between Fermi Energy (EF) and Energy gap (Eg) for
an intrinsic semiconductor (derivation). Expression for the electrical conductivity of semiconductors
(derivation), Photodiode: Construction, working & power responsivity by graphical approach and
applications. Hall effect and the applications of Hall effect (Qualitative)
Dielectric Properties: Introduction to dielectrics, Solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics - example and
applications, electric dipole, dipole moment, polar and non-polar dielectrics, Polarization in dielectrics,
polarizability, Dielectric constant, relation between polarization, electric field and susceptibility, types of
polarization, Internal fields in a solid (atoms in one- dimension and 3 dimensions), Lorentz field, Clausius-
Mossotti equation (Derivation). Application of dielectrics in transformers and capacitors.
Numerical problems.

Text books: 1, 2, 3.
Quantum Computing & Physics of Animation: 8 Hours
Quantum Computing: Introduction to quantum computing, Dirac notation or Bra-Ket notation to represent
the quantum states, matrix representation of quantum states, Hermitian matrix, Conjugate of a matrix,
Transpose of a matrix, Unitary matrix, Inner product of quantum states, Probability and Normalization of
quantum states, Orthogonality of quantum states, Orthonormality of quantum states, Identity operator, Pauli
Matrices and their operations on quantum states. Concept of a qubit, mathematical representation and
properties of a qubit, Representation of qubits by Bloch sphere. Properties of quantum computing,
Differences between classical & quantum computing. Single qubit quantum gates, Identity gate, Quantum
Not Gate, Pauli – X,Y,Z Gates, Hadamard Gate, Phase gate, S Gate and T Gate.
Physics of Animation: Animation-Introduction, Taxonomy used for physics-based animation, Frame,
Frames per second, Size and Scale, Weight and Strength, Timing in Linear motion, Uniform motion, slow-
in and slow-out, in animation. Constant Force and Acceleration, The Odd rule and odd rule multipliers,
Motion Graphs, Examples of Character Animation: Jumping and parts of jump, Walking.
Numerical problems.

Text books: 4, 5.
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
Course Outcome Description Taxonomy
Comprehend the basic principles of quantum mechanics and their practical implications in atomic-
scale phenomena.
CO2 Utilize the fundamental concepts of laser and optical fibres in engineering applications. CL3
Identify the properties of conductors and superconductors and summarize their engineering
CO4 Apply the principles of semiconductors and dielectric materials in electrical applications. CL3
Utilize the fundamentals of quantum particles in quantum computing and the role of physics
in animation.
Exp. CO
Experiment Description Taxonomy
No. No.
Analyse the Stefan - Boltzmann law of radiation by a graphical method using a
1. CO1 CL3
Estimate the Planck’s Constant using different coloured LEDs through the direct and
2. CO1 CL3
graphical methods using Planck’s energy equation.
Apply the diffraction phenomenon to find the wavelength of the semiconductor Laser
3. CO2 CL3
using grating by estimating the grating constant.
Apply the concept of resonance to construct the series and parallel LCR resonance circuit
4. and determine the resonant frequency (𝑓𝑟), the inductance value of the given inductor CO2 CL3
(L), bandwidth (∆f) and quality factor (Q) by drawing the frequency response curve.
Estimate the value of the acceptance angle and Numerical aperture of an optical fiber by
5. CO2 CL3
and graphical method.
Estimate the Fermi energy of copper by analysing the variation of resistance with
6. CO3 CL3
temperature graphically.
7. Evaluate the responsivity of the given photodiode by graphical method. CO4 CL3
Study the input characteristics of an N-P-N transistor in the common emitter mode and
8. determine the input resistance (Ri) and Knee voltage of the given transistor by keeping CO4 CL3
the output voltage of 4V.
Estimate the dielectric constant of the dielectric material of a capacitor by charging &
9. CO4 CL3
discharging method and hence calculate the capacitance of the given capacitor.
10. Construct a paper-animated optical illusion. CO5 CL3
For Demonstration
Identify the type of semiconductor using the Hall measurement unit and find the Hall
11. CO4 CL3
CO Programme Outcomes (PO) Specific
No. Outcome (PSO)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1
CO2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1
CO3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1
CO4 3 2 1 1 2 1 1
CO5 3 2 1 1 2 1 1
3: Substantial (High) 2: Moderate (Medium) 1: Poor (Low)
Assessment will be both CIA and SEE. Students learning will be assessed using Direct and Indirect methods:

Sl. No. Assessment Description Weightage (%) Max. Marks

1 Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) 100 % 50
Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) 60 % 30
Practical Session (Laboratory Component) 40 % 20
2 Semester End Examination (SEE) 100 % 50
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) (50%) Semester End Exam (SEE) (50%)
Practical Sessions (40%)
Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) (60%)

Syllabus Coverage Syllabus Coverage Syllabus Coverage
40% 30% 30% 100% 100%

● Assessment will be both CIA and SEE.

● The practical sessions of the IPCC shall be for CIE only.
● The Theory component of the IPCC shall be for both CIA and SEE respectively.
● The questions from the practical sessions shall be included in Theory SEE.
Note: For Examinations (both CIE and SEE), the question papers shall contain the questions mapped to the appropriate
Bloom’s Level. Any COs mapped with higher cognitive Bloom’s Level may also be assessed through the assignments.

1. The question paper will have TEN full questions from FIVE Modules
2. There will be 2 full questions from each module. Every question will carry a maximum of 20 marks.
3. Each full question may have a maximum of four sub-questions covering all the topics under a module.
4. The students will have to answer FIVE full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

1. A textbook of Engineering Physics by M .N. Avadhanulu, P G. Kshirsagar and T V S Arun Murthy, Eleventh
edition, S Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi-110055.
2. Engineering Physics by S.P Basavaraju, 2018 Edition.
3. Engineering Physics-Gaur and Gupta-Dhanpat Rai Publications-2017
4. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang, Cambridge
Universities Press, 2010 Edition.
5. Physics for Animators, Michele Bousquet with Alejandro Garcia, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2016.

1. Eisberg and Resnick, Introduction to Quantum Physics

2. Concepts of Modern Physics, ArthurBeiser, McGraw-Hill, 6th Edition, 2009
3. Lasers and Non-Linear Optics, B B Loud, New age international, 2011 edition.
4. Solid State Physics-S O Pillai, 8th Ed- New Age International Publishers-2018
5. Introduction to Superconductivity, Michael Tinkham, McGraww Hill, INC, II Edition
6. Engineering Lab Manual by WBUT-New Age International Publishers.
7. Applied Physics Lab Manual by Anoop Sing Yadav.


1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115/104/115104096/ (Quantum Mechanics)

2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115/102/115102124/ (Laser)
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_kA8EpCUQo (optical fiber)
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT5Xl5ppn48 (Superconductivity)
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHoEjvuPoB8 (Quantum computing)
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj1kaA_8Fu4 (Physics of Animation)
7. https://vlab.amrita.edu/index.php?sub=1&brch=195&sim=547&cnt=1
8. https://bop-iitk.vlabs.ac.in/basics-of-physics/List%20of%20experiments.html
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs8TQzDTHNA
10. https://vlab.amrita.edu/index.php?sub=1&brch=189&sim=343&cnt=1
11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDmRkE8-Nf8
12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6eu9gcevs0
13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IwKPBqnqS0
14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLRfwFkEPas
15. https://youtu.be/zGCl1xM-5pg

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