Grade 4 English Action Plan
Grade 4 English Action Plan
Grade 4 English Action Plan
Introduce themselves Orientation A.M. Devotion and Getting to know Appreciate the
to one another homeroom orientation each other existence of each
Getting to know Classroom rules other.
Familiarize each other Valuing People
themselves to the Classroom rules
classroom rules
P.M. Primary Pupils
Introduce themselves Getting to know House Rules Prayer (each student Listening to other
to one another each other will pray on their own people’s interest
No eating during every day before the and appreciating of
English time. class starts and at one’s individuality
Recognize the House Rules No cutting of the end of the class) is a way to
requirements for the classes grow/mature.
course English only Policy Introduce themselves (Valuing People)
Subject Orientation to one another by
List the subject criteria Subject describing their
Requirements selves by stating
Notebook (covered something weird
with English about them e.g., I
think I am a good
Spelling notebook
singer whenever I am
Index card with
picture in bathroom.
Seat works Reminders:
Tests Always bring your
Performance tasks notebook and
Assignments English book with
Projects you and covered
with plastic cover.
Subject Grade Don’t forget your
Criteria: ball pen.
Written work-30%
Performance Task- Submit your
50% assignment on
Quarterly Assessment time.
- 20%
(EOP) English
Only Policy.
Deductions shall
be given to
violators of this
Note details in literary Three Thoughts of Nouns Unlocking Practice Names are
text listened/read to my Heart Tell names of people, difficulties Exercise on important to
(p. 2) animals, places, The students will be Nouns distinguish identity.
Use context clues events and things. divided into 4 groups. (English and (Valuing People;
(definition) to find the Nouns (it will be their group Beyond 4 Stewardship)
meaning of unfamiliar (p. 9) They also name for the entire quarter) pp.8-9)
words feelings, thoughts and Definition of each
ideas. word will be posted
Read aloud grade- Examples: and each group will
level texts with - Books give the word that is
accuracy and proper - Chair being define. For the
expression - Pencil group to have an
additional point, they
Identify nouns must use the word in
a meaningful
Note details:
The students will
answer the
questions referring to
the story.
1. Who is speaking to
the poem?
2. what does the
heart says?
3. why does the poet
feel content?
Identifying Noun
Students will look
around the class
room. They will give
examples of name,
things, animals,
events and ideas that
they can find inside
the classroom.
Shared blog:
Read the short story,
Ten Suns (pp.14-15).
Answer the following:
1.Who are the
2. Where did the
story happen?
3.What was the
problem in the story?
4. What did you learn
about the story?
Analyze a narrative in Ten Suns Unlocking Assignment: Observe politeness
terms of its setting (pp. 14-15) difficulties 1. Write 5 pairs at all times.
Two truths and a lie: of synonyms.
2. Read: “A (Valuing People)
Use context clues Each group will have
(synonym) to find the a marker and paper. Mother’s
meaning of unfamiliar The teacher will say Garden” pp.
29-30 and be
words 3 statements
ready for
referring to the word
Infer feelings and and each group will recitation.
traits of characters state which are the
based on the story two statements that
heard (p. 17) define the words.
Each group who can
Read with accuracy identify the two truths
words, phrases, will have the points.
poems, and stories
with diphthongs and Note details:
silent letters. The students will
answer the
questions referring to
the story.
Week 2: July 29 – August 2, 2019
Read words, phrases, Long Vowel i Sound KINDS OF NOUN Use clear and Assignment:
poems, or stories with coherent sentence: Answer
Common and 1.Common noun
long vowel i sound each group will have Practice A and
Proper Noun -name general
set of words. They B on pages 25;
(p. 24) persons, places, things
Use clear and need to identify if it is and C on page
and ideas.
coherent sentences a common or proper 26
employing appropriate noun and they are
Anne will go to the
grammatical required to make
structures: sentences using the
-kinds of nouns words they have. The
2.Proper noun
(Common Noun and group with the
-name specific
Proper Noun) highest number
persons, places, things
sentences will be the
and ideas.
-capitalized form
Anne will go to Paris.
Read words, phrases, Long vowel a sound Long vowel a sound Speech drill: Quiz Honesty is the best
poems, or stories with Students will be policy. (Integrity)
long vowel a sound Review Quiz called to read the
words with vowel a
Review concepts Quiz sound to assess the
before quiz background of the
Nouns student in terms of
Assess one’s reading.
knowledge on lessons
discussed Review
Week 3: August 5 – 9, 2019
Analyze a narrative in A Mother’s Garden Countable Nouns Analyzing the Assignment: Observe politeness
terms of its characters (p. 29) -nouns that can be characters: each 1. List 5 at all times.
counted. They can be group will pick the countable (Valuing People)
Note details by Kinds of Nouns singular or plural. character in the noun and 5
asking/answering (Countable and Examples: story. The students uncountable
questions about a Uncountable Noun) will describe and tell nouns.
- bottle-bottles
what did the
story/poem listened (p. 37) - city-cities 2. Write 5
particular character
to/read sentences
do in the story.
Quantifiers of Mass Uncountable Nouns using
Use clear and Noun -words that cannot be Note details by quantifiers of
coherent sentences counted. answering/asking noun.
employing appropriate Examples: questions:
grammatical - coffee 1. why was mother
structures: - water proud of her pond?
-kinds of nouns 2. how did the author
(Mass/Uncountable Quantifiers of Mass learn about plants?
Noun and Countable Noun 3. what names did
Noun) - A quantifier is a word the author give to her
or phrase which is
Use clear and used before a noun to Each student will find
coherent sentences indicate the amount or countable and
employing appropriate quantity. uncountable nouns in
grammatical the story and they
structures: Examples of will use it in their own
(Quantifiers of mass quantifiers of mass/ meaningful sentence.
noun) uncountable noun:
- much Book Activity: pp. 38
-a bit (of) – 39
- a large amount of
- all
- more/most
- less/least
- some
- a lot of
- plenty of
Identify and use Kinds of Noun Concrete Nouns B I N G O Assignment:
concrete nouns and (Concrete, Abstract -experienced with five List 5 concrete
abstract nouns and Collective senses. Nouns that noun, Abstract
Nouns (p. 52)) can be seen, heard, noun and
Use collective nouns smelled, tasted and collective noun
Compose clear and Examples: BINGO: each student
coherent sentences - bus will draw a 5x5 table,
using appropriate - flower like a BINGO card.
grammatical They will list down
structures: kinds of Abstract Nouns examples of
nouns (Concrete, -refer to ideas. concrete, abstract
Abstract and Opposite of concrete and collective noun.
Collective Noun) nouns. The twist of the game
Examples: is; the facilitator is
- love the one who will pick
- obedience the category inside a
box. If the teacher
Collective Nouns gets the category of
-groups of people, concrete noun, she
animals or things. will call a name of the
student from her
Examples: index card and give
- army of soldiers example of it. If the
flock of birds student has the same
example as what the
student have said,
they will mark it. The
first student who can
form a straight line is
the winner.
After the game, the
teacher will list all the
example words of the
winner and will give a
chance to other to
have additional point
by using the words in
a meaningful
Read words, phrases, Long Vowel o Long Vowel o Sound Speech drill: Quiz Honesty is the best Assignment:
poems, or stories with Sound Students will be policy.
long vowel o sound Quiz called to read the
Review words with vowel o (Integrity) Shared Blog:
Quiz sound to assess the
Read the story,
Review concepts background of the
“The Giants of
before quiz Kinds of Nouns student in terms of Easter Island” on
reading. pages 43-44 of
Assess one’s your book.
knowledge on lessons Review Answer the
discussed following
Quiz questions:
1. Why is Easter
Island a unique
2. How did the
population of the
island decrease?
Use context clues The Giants of Easter Unlocking difficulties: Infer feelings Appreciate the
(antonyms) to Island the teacher will give and traits. culture made by
determine the example word and Answer pp. our ancestors.
meaning of unfamiliar the students need to They spend their
words write at least 3 word Assignment: life to protect and
opposite to the given 1. Write 5 pairs take care of the
words. of antonyms history.
Write 2 – 3 sentences 2. Read: The (Valuing People)
about the characters (Un)Fortunate
Characters: each
in a literary text Postman pp.
group will represent
listened to or red 58-59 and be
one character in the
ready for a
story. They have to
Infer feelings and graded
write sentences
traits of characters recitation
about the character
based on the story
and what is her/his
contribution to the
story and present the
character in class.
Week 4: August 12- August 16, 2019
Use plural form of The (Un)Fortunate Singular The postman is Assignment: We are wonderful
regular nouns Postman pp. 58-59 -only one always the one 1. Write 3 and beautiful
sending the letters. It sentences creation of God.
Write a friendly letter Forming the Plural Plural is time for the using plural We are unique.
as a response to of Most Nouns -more than one postman to receive a nouns.
stories/poems read or (p. 70) letter. Students will 2. Answer (Stewardship)
listened to Rules in forming plural write a letter for the Book Activity
of nouns: postman. What do Letter C on
Analyze a narrative in 1. Most nouns form you want to say the page 71
terms of its theme their plural by adding s (un)fortunate
to their singular form. postman?
book-books Group their things:
friend-friends students in each
group must have at
2.Nouns that end in s, least have 5 – 10
ss, sh, ch, x, or z form things from their
their plural by adding bags. The teacher
es. will ask to group their
Examples: things into different
bus-buses number e.g, group
kiss-kisses your pencils into five.
sash-sashes Until we list the
church-churches things they have on
fox-foxes the board.
4.Other nouns
endingin f or fe form
their plural by
changing f or fe to v
and adding es.
5.Nouns ending in y
preceded by a vowel
usually form their
plural by adding s.
6.Nouns ending in y
preceded by a
consonant usually
form the plural by
changing y to i and
adding es.
9.Musical terms
ending in o usually
form their plural by
adding s.
Read words, phrases, Long Vowel e Irregular nouns Speech drill: Quiz In everything we
poems, or stories with -nouns that either Students will be do, we do it all for
Forming the Plural change or retain called to read the the glory of God.
Use plural form of of Irregular Nouns spellings to form their words with vowel e
irregular nouns plural. sound to assess the (Spiritual
background of the Discipline/
Irregular Nouns that student in terms of Stewardship)
change their spelling reading.
in the plural form
child children Board Race: the
foot feet board will be divided
goose geese into four. Each group
louse lice must have one
man men representative. The
teacher will say a
Irregular Nouns that word (singular noun)
retain their spelling and the student have
in the plural form to write down the
Bison plural form of it. Each
Deer team wins one point
Moose for each correct
Offspring word. Any words that
Tuna are unreadable or
misspelled are not
Irregular Nouns that counted.
are always plural in
Read words, phrases, Long Vowel u Long Vowel u sound Speech drill: Quiz Assignment:
poems, or stories with Sound Students will be Honesty is the best
Shared Blog:
long vowel u sound Quiz called to read the policy. (Integrity)
Review words with vowel u Read the story,
Review concepts Quiz sound to assess the Spider and His
before quiz background of the Precious Pot on
Forming Plural student in terms of page 159-161
Assess one’s reading.
knowledge on lessons
discussed Review
Use context clues Spider and His Time order Comprehension Book Activity: We cannot do all
(synonym) to find the Precious Pot -is the order in which questions: pp. 164-165 things by
meaning of unfamiliar page 159-161 events happen in time. ourselves; we need
1. What did the Sky
words Words such as first, the help of other
God give to Spider
next and last tell about people.
as his favorite among
Sequence at least 3 the order of events at all creatures? (Valuing People)
events using signal certain times. 2. Why did Spider
words keep wisdom in a
Sequence a story or 3. Was Spider
narrative successful in hiding it
on top of the tress?
4. What did Serpent
advise Spider?
5. What di Spider do
Define possessive Possessive Noun Possessive Noun Each student must Seatwork.
noun - shows ownership by have their partner. All
adding an apostrophe, of the students will
Compose clear and an "s" or both. get things inside their
coherent sentences bag. Each student
using appropriate Singular Possessive will make a sentence
grammatical Noun: using a possessive
structures: kinds of book's cover noun regards to the
noun (possessive teacher’s car things that their
noun) Chloe’s pet partner has.
Plural Possessive
babies' shoes
eggs’ color
lemons’ acidity
Use context clues I Got a Creature to Bring me: students Giving what we
(definition) to Answer My Slam will use dictionary for have and what we
determine the Book this activity. Teacher can do, is a great
meaning of unfamiliar (pp. 77 – 78) will define the word help to others.
words and the students (Stewardship)
need to find what
Express one’s ideas word is being define
and feelings clearly. with the given clue
(first, middle and last
Make inferences and letter)
draw conclusions
based on a literary
If you are the writer
of the story, how will
you end your story?
Week 7: September 2 – 6, 2019
Quiz Honesty is the best
Week 8: September 9 – 13, 2019
Compose clear and Group Activity The simple form and Group Activity Criteria: Whatever we do,
coherent sentences the s-form of verbs are whether we eat or
using appropriate Simple Present used to indicate the Write a short skit Coherence – 8 drink we do it for
grammatical Form of Verbs present time. about a student’s life. Use of the the glory of God.
structures: -present (Subject-verb present tense
tense of verbs agreement) – 15 (Spiritual
Creativity – 7 Discipline)
Total – 30 pts.
Use clear and Group The simple form and Practice Criteria: Whatever we do,
coherent sentences Performance the s-form of verbs are Group whether we eat or
using appropriate used to indicate the Performance Cooperation – drink we do it for
grammatical Simple Present present time. 10 the glory of God.
structures: -present Form of Verbs Perform the short skit Use of Present
tense of verbs (Subject-verb about a student’s life. Tense – 20 (Spiritual
agreement) Execution – 20 Discipline)
Gestures – 10
Behavior – 10
Total – 70 pts.
Observe politeness
at all times.
(Valuing People)
Observe politeness
Formal Theme Writing at all times.
Compose a text using the proper subject verb agreement. (Valuing People)
Week 9: September 16 – 21, 2019
Assess students
learning. Honesty is the best
policy. (Integrity)
Assess students
learning. Honesty is the best
policy. (Integrity)