DM144 Updates On The DepEd MATATAG Brand Guidelines and Prescribing The Use of Bagong Pilipinas Logo

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———} cg. Division ef OF. Mindoro RECORDS OFF a RELEASE Republic of the Philippines : ami a “ae | BPepartment of Educatiqn 7 oi cs ol 200 \° MIMAROPA REGION Ne in 2 232 ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ORIENTAL| MINDOR Office of the Schools Division Superintendent DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. + $2023 To a September 11, 2023 UPDATES ON THE DEPED-MATATAG BRAND GUIDELINES AND PRESCRIBING THE USE OF BAGONG PILIPINAS LOGO Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisor, CID OIC- Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors School Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned . Per Memoranda PAS-OD-2023-031 dated August 14, 2023, and PAS-OD-2023-032 dated September 6, 2023, signed by Jason V. Mercene, OIC, Office of the Director, Public Affairs Service, this Office requires the field offices to use the Bagong Pilipinas Logo in all communication materials of the Department of Education. ‘The Deped-MATATAG logo is considered a new branding for the department, and thereby shall not be construed as a departure from the Department's Service Marks and Visual Identity Manual (DO 31, s. 2019). ‘The DepEd-MATATAG and Bagong Pilipinas logos shall be used on the following: Official letterheads (as a footer) Official websites Official social media accounts Other documents and instruments related to the flagship programs of the Department of Education pose ‘To download a copy of the DepEd-MATATAG Brand Guidelines and other materials, visit /MATATAGCommMaterials. Immediate and wide dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memorandum are desired. MARIA woisa UK, PhD, CESO VI Schools Division Superintendent Sta label, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, $200 Telephone No. (043) 2887810 / Email Address: oriental [email protected] Hy ee SeeARTAEAT OF RuvGatiOR RIMARSEA Pasion RECORDS SECTION Rive AsicD) ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Office of the Regional Director SEP 08 2023 23-001472 TO : ASSISTANT REGIONAL DIRECTOR SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS ALL REGIONAL PERSONNEL HEADS, PUBLIC ELEMENTARY & SECONDARY SCHOOLS FROM : NICOLAS T. CAPULONG, a m1 DIRECTOR IV REGIONAL DIRECTOR SUBJECT : UPDATES ON THE DEPED-MATATAG BRAND GUIDELINES AND PRESCRIBING THE USE OF BAGONG PILIPINAS LOGO DATE : SEPTEMBER 8, 2023 Per Memoranda PAS-OD-2023-031 dated August 14, 2023 and PAS-OD-2023-032 dated September 6, 2023, both signed by Jason V. Mercene, OIC, Office of the Director, Public Affairs Service, and in compliance with Memorandum Circular No. 24, s. 2023 from the Office of the President, all field offices are hereby provided with Updates on the DepEd-MATATAG Brand Guidelines and the use of the Bagong Pilipinas Logo in all communication materials of the Department of Education. ‘The DepEd-MATATAG logo is considered a new branding for the Department, and thereby shall not be construed as a departure from the Department's Service Marks and Visual Identity Manual (DO 31, s. 2019) Likewise, the DepEd-MATATAG and Bagong Pilipinas logos shall be used on the following: Official Letterheads (as a footer; sample attached) Official websites Official social media accounts Other documents and instruments related to the flagship programs of the Department of Education po oP A short orientation on these guidelines shall be made after the Flag Raising Ceremony on Monday, September 11, 2023. For information and immediate action. ‘ORD-PAU/| Q meraico Avenue comer St. Paul Road, Pasig City © (02) 2631-4070 | (02) 8637-2895 | (02) 8637-1799 { [email protected] @ DepEd Mimaropa Region @ depedmimaroparegion ph Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Office of the Regional Director ‘communtcxTion Cops ‘Meralco Avenue corer St.Paul Road, Pasig ity Telephone Nos.: (02) 8531-4070 | (02) 8637-2895 | (02) 8637-1799 @ pepéd MimaRoPA Region @® {Gi [email protected] Republic of the Philippines of Chucation PUBLIC AFFAIRS SERVICE Office of the Director IV MEMORANDUM PAS-OD-2023-032 FOR 3 ALL CENTRAL OFFICE BUREAUS, SERVICES, OFFICES REGIONAL OFFICES SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICES \ ATTN : REGIONAL INFORMATION OFFICERS DIVISION INFORMATION OFFICERS FROM : JASON) ENE Supervising Administrative Officer Officer-In-Charge Office of the Director, Public Affairs Service SUBJECT : UPDATED DEPED-MATATAG BRAND GUIDELINES DATE 1: September 6, 2023 In connection with the previously released office memorandum (PAS-OD-2023-031), the Public Affairs Service (PAS) issues the updated DepEd-MATATAG Brand Guidelines and ‘Templates following the new logo layout. ‘To download a copy of the DepEd-MATATAG Brand Guidelines and other materials, visit In this line, PAS kindly requests all Central Office bureaus, services, and units, Regional and Division Offices, and Schools to adopt these guidelines in all documents and instruments pertaining to the Department's programs, projects, and activities. For more information, kindly contact the Creative Media Unit of PAS through email [email protected]. For compliance, ‘Thank you. - {PF Aguinldo Bg, - Motorpoo Ares, DepEd Comples, Meralco Avenue, Pasig Cy hep “elsonone No (02) 316039; €552120, 6337254 aaa 1G oweariprines [E edepndpitsines WF @dertd_r — Ghovnnedeetenvsh TAPAS aoe Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation PUBLIC AFFAIRS SERVICE Office of the Director IV MEMORANDUM PAS-OD-2023-031 FOR : ALL CENTRAL OFFICE BUREAUS, SERVICES, OFFICES REGIONAL OFFICES SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICES ATIN : REGIONAL INFORMATION OFFICERS DIVISION INFORMATION OFFICERS FROM : JASON. MERCENE ‘Supbrfising Administrative Officer Officer-In-Charge Office of the Director, Public Affairs Service SUBJECT : UPDATE ON THE DEPED-MATATAG LOGO AND PRESCRIBING THE USE OF BAGONG PILIPINAS LOGO DATE : August 14, 2023 In compliance with Memorandum Circular No. 24, s. 2023 of the Office of the President, the Public Affairs Service (PAS) instructs the incorporation of the Bagong Pilipinas logo jn all communication materials of the Department of Education (DepEd). Likewise, to achieve harmony in branding, a DepEd-MATATAG logo is hereby established Combining the DepEd and the MATATAG logos with blue and red lines in its upper and {ones ceckion (Annex A). The logo was developed with the guidance of the Office of the Secretary (OSEC). ‘The DepEd-MATATAG logo is considered a new branding for the Department, and thereby ‘Shall not be construed as a departure from the Department's Service Marks and Visual Identity Manual (DO No. 031, series of 2019). ‘The DepEd-MATATAG and Bagong Pilipinas logos shall be used on the following: ‘a. Official letterheads (as a footer) b. Official websites ¢. Official social media accounts &. Other documents and instruments related to flagship programs of the Department of Education. {Fir Aguinldo Bld - Motorpoo Ares, Dept Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig Cty DepED =) ‘Telephone No.: (02) 6316033; 6332120; 6337254 a Fj vecariiines —[EJedeseohtpnies YF evests.oh wmenedso.oh Annex A. Figure 1. ‘The —_- DepEd-MATATAG DepED MATATAG Bonsang Makabato % ‘atang Makabanse a eemearroenet Figure 2. The DepEd-MATATAG logo DepED MATATAG ansang Makabata od Batong Makabensa eae et and Bagong Pilipinas_—_logos. * * * BAGONG PILIPINAS 24 Fe. Aguinaldo Bl, - Motorpo! Area, Depéd Complies, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City “Telephone Na. (02) 6316033; 6332120; 6337254 [E) ventaPhiippines (ZI @depediionines SF @DenEd_PH Gwwsenedgoeah

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