Esd Lab 04
Esd Lab 04
Esd Lab 04
College of Engineering
Introduction to Seven Segment Display and Interfacing of Seven Segment Display. Programming
of Multiplexing of Seven Segment Display and Interfacing of Multiplexing of Seven Segment
PLO1 – Engineering Knowledge C1 – Recall
PLO2 – Problem Analysis C3 – Apply
PLO4 – Investigation Bloom’s P3 – Guided Response
PLO5 – Modern Tool Usage Taxonomy P2 – Set
PLO8 – Ethics A3 – Assume responsibility
Excellent Average Poor
CLO’s Aspects of Assessments M
(75-100%) (50-75%) (<50%)
Recall: Recall the associated Complete understanding of the Understand the lab topic(s) Student lacks clear understanding
CLO1 concepts form theory regarding concepts / actively participate concepts / participates less in of microprocessor and micro-
10% microprocessor systems and during lecture /read & interpret class / get knowledge of module controller architecture and its
architecture with different module usage in but unable to interpret accurately. module concepts/ Unable to
interfacing techniques. microcontroller. clarify the difference completely.
CLO2 Problem Analysis Problem Completely identifies the Partially identifies the problem in Lack of identification of the
identification, problem in question through question and with academic problem, needing more than par
efficient analysis/produces near support produces the required support to analyze the problem and
analysis to exact results results. production of results.
/literature review, resulting
in meaningful conclusions
Experimental Validation Student efficiently observe / Observe the module behavior by Module is validated accurately
Observe the working of various validate working that include in following theoretical instruction only with help from the teacher.
module of microprocessor and lab work. and program but with minor
40% micro- controllers’ interface errors.
with different sensors and
according to the lab task
CLO5 Tools Utilization Interfacing Successfully implement the Implement the interfacing logic Does not know how to interface a
different Input / interfacing logic to control all with less control of input / output peripherals device with micro-
Output input / output elements through elements through the Graphical controller.
peripherals devices with Graphical program. with program instruction.
micro- controller.
CLO6 Lab Safety Properly handle Properly handle lab equipment Moderate level lab handling and Minor or no safety measurements
10% lab infrastructure/ & obey safety measures. safety measurements has been considered.
safety precautions
Task #1:
Make a program on MPLAB IDE that display any number from 0-9 also simulate on
Task #2:
Again make program of task 1 by using function(s).
Task #3:
Make a program on MPLAB IDE that display all number from 0-9 also simulate on PROTEUS
Task #4:
Make a program on MPLAB IDE that display any double-digit number from 00-99 (except
same digit) on seven segment also simulate on PROTEUS