Heuristic Approach To Ring Main Unit Placement Within A Self-Healing Distribution Network
Heuristic Approach To Ring Main Unit Placement Within A Self-Healing Distribution Network
Heuristic Approach To Ring Main Unit Placement Within A Self-Healing Distribution Network
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3 authors, including:
Chua Liang Su
General Electric
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Abstract— Active management and protection of automatically as part of a FLISR scheme in a DMS
distribution networks are beginning to take a foothold in utilities framework.
within Africa. In this regard, Fault Location, Isolation, and
Service Restoration (FLISR) scheme is a prevalent smart grid Every utility has varying needs for automation, depending
functionality for enhancing the reliability performance of a on its aspiration for quality of supply, demographics, and
distribution system. At the high level, FLISR facilitates faster budgetary needs. In this regard, feeder automation is a
sectionalization of a distribution feeder during a failure event challenging endeavor as feeders are numerous and are spread
and reliability improvement is achieved by limiting the exposure over large geographic areas, making capital expenditure
to or duration of outage experienced by customers connected to (CAPEX) and operating expense (OPEX) an expensive
the feeder i.e., Self-Healing. This paper introduces a Heuristic proposition. Therefore, feeder automation can be considered a
Method suitable for FLISR scheme implementation: select combinatorial optimization problem [7] and is often limited to
manually operated medium voltage isolation switches are the worst performing feeders. This paper proposes a Heuristic
upgraded to automated and/or tele-controllable Ring Main Method for identification of RMU placement as part of a
Units (RMU). The method assigns a Reliability Value that can FLISR scheme by concentrating on problematic feeders;
be readily calculated for any manual switches under economic effects in terms of constraints on the number of
consideration. A ranking system is then introduced to rank the RMUs that can be deployed will be considered in conjunction
manual switches where ones with the highest Reliability Values
with conventional reliability aspects of a distribution network
are prime candidates for automation. A case study will be
such as failure rate, repair time and switching time of the
presented based on an actual distribution network in a utility in
North Africa, using a predictive reliability model developed in
components. As the method inherently involves sampling of
CYMDIST software to compute and compare the reliability candidate feeders for further in-depth study, it is particularly
performance (SAIDI) of selected feeders with RMUs. The result useful when a distribution network has numerous potential
shows that the reliability performance with RMU is most manual switches for upgrade and/or when reliability and
sensitive to feeders with longest length attributes and least network data of the underlying distribution system lack
sensitive to the feeders with lowest capacity attributes in the accuracy, thus making the RMU placement problem more
network. tractable and less computationally intensive. As utilities spend
less money, the automation investment is more likely to be
Keywords—Power System Reliability, FLISR, RMU, Self- paid off with reduced frequency and duration of feeder
Healing System, Smart Grid, SAIDI outages.
I. INTRODUCTION Section II describes the proposed Heuristic Method for
optimal RMU placement, including the concept of Reliability
Outages in a distribution system can occur when a fuse or
Value which is the core of the proposed method. Numerical
a switchgear operates to clear a fault and downstream
results illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed method
customers lose power. This may be due to the sudden failure
on RMU placement are presented and discussed in Section III
of a component such as an overhead line, transformer and so
and followed by a summary in Section IV.
on. Concerning power switchgear devices [1], the most
suitable solutions for self-healing implementation comprises II. METHODOLOGY
switchgears, reclosers [2], or combined solutions. In a
conventional system, the information about the failure is This section presents the heuristic approach used in
typically relayed to the Distribution Network Operator via achieving the implementation of the FLISR scheme. The
trouble calls from the customers, and patrol crew may detect steps for the Heuristic Method are as follows:
the fault or outage via on-site inspections. As such failure A. Feeder Classification
detections require human involvement, the associated
corrective action will require more time to complete, thus Considering the large number of feeders in a distribution
compromising quality of supply performance. On the other network, feeders must be arranged in groups for easy analyses
hand, a Distribution Management System (DMS) [3] usually and identification necessary for upgrade. Classification of the
involves automation at feeder level which typically entails population of the utility’s feeder circuits is given first priority.
installation of remotely controllable sectionalizing devices This classification should be done based on a relevant set of
such as RMUs along the feeder: when there is a problem with physical and electrical attributes which may include but not
the feeder, data will be relayed to the control center for limited to:
analysis [4]-[6]. Once the problem has been identified, a • Service area characteristics (urban, suburban),
control engineer can remotely operate the switch/RMU to temperature, relevant geographical features
isolate the section causing the problem and restore supply to
either side of the isolated section. This process may be done
C= Number of Customers Upstream to switch 𝛿 Breakers, Fuses,
F= Average faults per unit length of feeder per year Lines and Cables Load Break
Lx= Length of Line Exposed downstream to switch 𝛿 Switches, etc.
Failure rate Failurs/year Failures/years
D. Reliability Assessment Mean time to repair In minutes/hours In minutes/hours
Reliability Assessment will quantify the overall impact of
Mean time to switch N.A In minutes/hours
the equipment reliability, protection system dependability, the
system layout and automation choices on the flow of power
from substation to load through the feeder circuit. The power
A reliability assessment is run for each sampled feeder
following the steps (a to f) outlined below:
a) Run the reliability analysis without RMUs in the feeder
b) Calculate the feeder level Reliability Metric e.g., using
c) Identify a switch in each feeder based on the highest
Reliability Value
d) Upgrade the selected switch by installing an RMU
e) Re-run the reliability analysis and calculate the feeder
level Reliability Metric values Fig. 1. Simplified schematic of study network
f) Calculate the Reliability Metric improvement B. Assumptions on Feeder Classification and Sampling
E. Extrapolation of Result For purpose of illustration, the 353 feeders were classified
Upgrading each manual switch on a feeder across the into six attributes (and abbreviations) as follows:
distribution network to improve reliability is not a feasible • Highest Feeder Capacity (HFC)
This extrapolation process is repeated until a target • Lowest Feeder Capacity (LFC)
number of manual switches have been identified which can • Longest Feeder Length (LFL)
stem from the budgetary allowance of the utility. With this
approach, a limited number of automated switches can be • Shortest Feeder Length (SFL)
identified in a straightforward manner and subsequently be • Highest Customer Density (HCD)
deployed across the network thus improving the feeder
reliability as well as the overall network reliability. • Lowest Customer Density (LCD)
These feeder attributes were sampled and ranked based on
the Percentile using (1). Three random feeders were sampled
The proposed framework for the placement of RMU in a for each of these attributes between 85th to 100th Percentile
distribution network utilizing the Heuristic Method was (i.e., top 15%), which gives a total of 18 unique samples to be
presented in the previous section. In this section, a case study modelled (approximately 5% of all feeders). Note that higher
is presented. number of samples per the guideline described earlier in
A. Study Network Characteristics Section II.B can be used for better prediction of sensitivity;
limited sample size is used here for brevity.
For evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed model, an
electricity distribution company which serves a large city in C. Assumptions on Component Reliability Data
the Northern Africa is used as a case study. The characteristic The failure rate of the components was calculated based
of the network is given in TABLE II. and an overview of the on past failure data. The time to restore upstream customers
schematic is given in Fig. 1. has no effect on the case study being considered, nevertheless,
All the feeders are radially operated: each feeder emanates an appropriate value was used as input to the computation
from a Primary Substation (SS) or a Distribution Point (DP) software.
and ends with an open point(s), as depicted in Fig. 1. For the D. Assumptions on Reliability Value and Usage of
purpose of this paper, a Kiosk is defined as a protection device Spreadsheet
with multiple (normally 3) manual load break switches and
The Reliability Value for each Kiosk can be calculated
one circuit breaker or fuse (for protecting a distribution
using (2). The associated number of customers affected by an
transformer) while a DP is a switch room with more than one
outage component is required to compute the SAIDI, which is
Kiosk. There are a total of 2,921 Kiosks, each of which are
the main Reliability Metric used for this analysis. Since the
considered as a potential candidate for RMU placement in this
number of customers on feeder basis is not readily available,
case study. Each of the MV feeder has at least one Kiosk and
the kVA rating of transformers was used in place of customer
can have up to 22 Kiosks. Further, the open points of all the
number. This is performed by using a conversion factor of
sampled feeders are taken to be static, i.e., they remain at the
0.829 i.e., the Number of Customers in the entire network is
same location and open throughout the study.
divided by the Total kVA Capacity of all the Distribution
Transformers (see TABLE II. for individual values), with a
unit of Customer/kVA. The parameter “Length of Line
Item Stats Exposed” in (2) can be calculated based on the total length (in
Number of Regions 10 km) of backbone main line and major branches of the feeder.
Number of Customers 1,188,200 Since an average failure rate is applied to all feeders, the
Number of Bulk Supply Substations 11
variable 𝐹𝜑 in (2) can be omitted from all calculations.
Stemming from the above, (2) can be expressed simply as:
Number of Kiosks 2,921
Number of Distribution Transformers 2,155 𝑅𝑉𝛿,𝜑 = 0.829 ∙ 𝑈 ∙ 𝐷 (3)
Number of Feeders 353 Where:
Total Cable Length in kilometres 2,758 U = Total kVA capacity of transformers upstream to δ
D = Total length of line Exposed downstream to switch δ
Total Distribution Transformer KVA 1,433,000
Equation (3) was then used to calculate the RV of each Kiosk.
Due to the large number of feeders, a template was created in
a spreadsheet to automatically populate the RV as well as rank
each Kiosk in relation to all Kiosks within the same feeder.
The template uses the kVA of the distribution transformers
(upstream to the Kiosk under consideration) and the
downstream feeder length as input. An example of the results
of RV calculated for each Kiosk of a sample feeder using this
template is shown in TABLE III.
E. Study Results
The CYMDIST software was used to model the sampled
feeders following the steps outlined in Section II and the
assumptions described in Section III as relates to the
Reliability Assessment. The results for the average SAIDI for
the selected 6 attributes are shown in TABLE IV. It is evident
from TABLE IV., that SAIDI improvement is most sensitive Fig. 2. SAIDI Performance of sampled feeder: With and Without RMU
to the ‘Longest Feeder Length’ (LFL) and least sensitive to the
‘Lowest Feeder Capacity’ (LFC) attribute. Each feeder Further analysis was carried out on the modelled feeders
represents an attribute group thus the improvement in for the purpose of comparing the SAIDI with respect to the
reliability of the feeder is representative of the group that proposed RV method; this essentially enumerates all possible
feeder belongs to. candidates for upgrade with RMU and checks whether each
candidate Kiosk provides the lowest SAIDI value (highest
TABLE III. RV CALCULATIONS FOR A SAMPLE FEEDER improvement). This method of upgrading each Kiosk with an
RMU is termed “Exhaustive Search” (ES). The comparison of
Feeder Name LFC_#3 RV in relation to the ES method is presented in Fig. 2. The
Feeder Cap. 8,420 kVA followings can be deduced from the Fig. 2:
Feeder Len. 21.305 km
Estimated Cust. 6,981 Nos.
• The upgrade of Kiosks with RMU always improves
Customer Dens. 327.7 Nos./km
SAIDI irrespective of the method deployed to select
the location
Upstr. Cap. Downstr.
(kVA) Len. (km)
RV Rank
• The estimated SAIDI improvement provided by both
2977 500 20.31 8,416 12 methods align closely for the feeders with the
2859 8,120 1.36 9,155 11 “Shortest Feeder Length” (SFL) and “Highest
3604 7,220 0.61 3,651 14 Customer Density” (HCD) attributes
4311 7,720 0.34 2,144 15
2878 3,400 16.89 47,592 1 • There is some discrepancy on the estimated
2803 3,660 14.09 42,736 3 improvement between the two methods when used
2900 3,760 13.09 40,786 5 on feeders with other attributes. These differences
3904 4,460 12.66 46,790 2 are expected to be “worst case” since the sampling
338 4,760 10.53 41,532 4 was performed near to “top end” of Percentile
1459 5,260 8.03 34,993 6 • Both methods predicted the same Kiosk as the best
1093 5,360 7.70 34,214 7 candidate for upgrade for 50% of the feeders
1094 6,960 3.50 20,194 8
3017 7,760 2.40 15,439 10 It is worth stating that the ES method is limited in its
3462 7,920 0.70 4,596 13 application for RMU placement since it involves modelling
1095 7,820 2.65 17,179 9 each feeder in the network and test running each Kiosk for
upgrade which is time consuming and not feasible for a large
TABLE IV. AVERAGE SAIDI: WITHOUT VS WITH RMU distribution network especially when the network model does
Average SAIDI Average SAIDI Average SAIDI
not exist in appropriate format.
Without RMU With RMU Improvement
Attributes IV. SUMMARY
[Mins/Cust./Yr] [Mins/Cust./Yr] [Mins/Cust./Yr]
(A) (B) (A-B)
This paper has introduced a Heuristic Method suitable for
LFL 166.9 147.6 19.3 placement of RMUs as part of a FLISR scheme. The method
LCD 79.2 71.4 7.7 provided a means of upgrading manual switch to an
automated/tele-controllable one which results in improved
HFC 55.5 51.8 3.7
fault restoration time and subsequently reliability performance
HCD 20.6 19.3 1.3 of a distribution network. The value propositions of the
LFC 17.5 16.5 1.0 method are that it is relatively straightforward to implement
and does not require modelling of the utility’s entire network,
SFL 16.5 14.1 2.4 thus saving on time resources. This was made possible by the
Average 59.4 53.5 5.9 usage of feeder sampling and assigning Reliability Value to
any manual switch of a feeder considered for upgrade. A study
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