Lamp Iran

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Lampiran 1. Perhitungan HLB

R/ EEDK 5 gram
TEA 3,4 ml
Asam Stearat 6,7 gram
Setil Alkohol 0,5 gram
Nipagin 0,02 gram
Propilenglikol 15 ml
Aquades add 100 ml
Perhitungan HLB
Rumus =

TEA (A) = 4,039

Asam Stearat (B) = 3,980

HLB campuran = 4,039 + 3,980 = 8,019 dimana HLB 8-18 merupakan tipe M/A.


Lampiran 2. Determinasi Tanaman


Lampiran 3. Hasil Perhitungan Jumlah Neutrofil

Perlakuan Lapang Tikus

Pandang I II III IV
Normal 1 36 41 40 36
2 42 44 39 45
3 43 47 42 37
4 35 39 54 38
5 52 43 46 43
Rerata 41,6 42,8 44,2 39,9
Negatif 1 36 38 52 51
2 34 42 49 29
3 28 45 39 33
4 30 48 37 40
5 32 37 50 55
Rerata 32 42 45,7 41,6
Positif 1 23 18 23 22
2 21 23 29 22
3 22 20 27 23
4 24 22 22 21
5 24 16 20 24
Rerata 22,8 19,8 24,2 22,4
Krim 5% 1 24 20 23 29
2 23 22 32 37
3 25 23 30 32
4 26 25 24 28
5 28 30 33 34
Rerata 25,2 24 28,4 32
Krim 10% 1 15 18 19 21
2 29 23 24 22
3 27 23 18 18
4 22 25 16 30
5 22 20 20 24
Rerata 23 21,5 19,4 23
Krim 15% 1 14 18 18 16
2 14 18 19 19
3 18 17 22 18
4 14 14 21 20
5 13 17 20 16
Rerata 14,6 16,8 20 17,8

Lampiran 4. Analisis Normalitas dan Homogenitas dengan SPSS

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
Kelompok N Percent N Percent N Percent
Sel_Neutrofil Negatif 20 100.0% 0 0.0% 20 100.0%
Basis 20 100.0% 0 0.0% 20 100.0%
Positif 20 100.0% 0 0.0% 20 100.0%
5% 20 100.0% 0 0.0% 20 100.0%
10% 20 100.0% 0 0.0% 20 100.0%
15% 20 100.0% 0 0.0% 20 100.0%
Kelompok Statistic Std. Error
Sel_Neutrofil Negatif Mean 42.100 1.1307
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 39.733
Mean Upper Bound 44.467
5% Trimmed Mean 41.833
Median 42.000
Variance 25.568
Std. Deviation 5.0565
Minimum 35.0
Maximum 54.0
Range 19.0
Interquartile Range 6.5
Skewness .806 .512
Kurtosis .552 .992
Basis Mean 40.250 1.8608
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 36.355
Mean Upper Bound 44.145
5% Trimmed Mean 40.111
Median 38.500
Variance 69.250
Std. Deviation 8.3217
Minimum 28.0
Maximum 55.0
Range 27.0
Interquartile Range 15.5
Skewness .260 .512
Kurtosis -1.161 .992
Positif Mean 22.300 .6287
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 20.984
Mean Upper Bound 23.616
5% Trimmed Mean 22.278
Median 22.000
Variance 7.905
Std. Deviation 2.8116
Minimum 16.0
Maximum 29.0
Range 13.0
Interquartile Range 2.8
Skewness .164 .512
Kurtosis 1.672 .992

5% Mean 27.400 1.0321

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 25.240
Mean Upper Bound 29.560
5% Trimmed Mean 27.278
Median 27.000
Variance 21.305
Std. Deviation 4.6158
Minimum 20.0
Maximum 37.0
Range 17.0
Interquartile Range 8.3
Skewness .389 .512
Kurtosis -.726 .992
10% Mean 21.800 .8991
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 19.918
Mean Upper Bound 23.682
5% Trimmed Mean 21.722
Median 22.000
Variance 16.168
Std. Deviation 4.0210
Minimum 15.0
Maximum 30.0
Range 15.0
Interquartile Range 5.8
Skewness .373 .512
Kurtosis -.203 .992
15% Mean 17.300 .5717
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 16.103
Mean Upper Bound 18.497
5% Trimmed Mean 17.278
Median 18.000
Variance 6.537
Std. Deviation 2.5567
Minimum 13.0
Maximum 22.0
Range 9.0
Interquartile Range 4.5
Skewness -.078 .512
Kurtosis -.798 .992
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Kelompok Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Sel_Neutrofil Negatif .129 20 .200* .941 20 .251
Basis .124 20 .200* .946 20 .309
Positif .173 20 .120 .942 20 .259
5% .148 20 .200* .959 20 .534
10% .092 20 .200* .972 20 .802
15% .158 20 .200* .949 20 .353

Lampiran 5. Analisis One-Way ANOVA dengan SPSS

95% Confidence Interval for
Std. Mean
N Mean Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Negatif 20 42.100 5.0565 1.1307 39.733 44.467 35.0 54.0
Basis 20 40.250 8.3217 1.8608 36.355 44.145 28.0 55.0
Positif 20 22.300 2.8116 .6287 20.984 23.616 16.0 29.0
5% 20 27.400 4.6158 1.0321 25.240 29.560 20.0 37.0
10% 20 21.800 4.0210 .8991 19.918 23.682 15.0 30.0
15% 20 17.300 2.5567 .5717 16.103 18.497 13.0 22.0
Total 120 28.525 10.6305 .9704 26.603 30.447 13.0 55.0

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
9.053 5 114 .000

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 10659.975 5 2131.995 87.178 .000
Within Groups 2787.950 114 24.456
Total 13447.925 119

Lampiran 6. Analisis Uji Tamhane

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Sel_Neutrofil
95% Confidence Interval
(I) Kelompok (J) Kelompok Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Negatif Basis 1.8500 2.1774 1.000 -5.048 8.748
Positif 19.8000 *
1.2937 .000 15.683 23.917
5% 14.7000 *
1.5309 .000 9.916 19.484
10% 20.3000* 1.4446 .000 15.773 24.827
15% 24.8000 *
1.2670 .000 20.748 28.852
Basis Negatif -1.8500 2.1774 1.000 -8.748 5.048
Positif 17.9500 *
1.9641 .000 11.548 24.352
5% 12.8500 *
2.1279 .000 6.078 19.622
10% 18.4500 *
2.0666 .000 11.826 25.074
15% 22.9500* 1.9466 .000 16.582 29.318
Positif Negatif -19.8000* 1.2937 .000 -23.917 -15.683
Basis -17.9500* 1.9641 .000 -24.352 -11.548
5% -5.1000* 1.2085 .003 -8.928 -1.272
10% .5000 1.0971 1.000 -2.954 3.954
15% 5.0000* .8498 .000 2.344 7.656
5% Negatif -14.7000* 1.5309 .000 -19.484 -9.916
Basis -12.8500* 2.1279 .000 -19.622 -6.078
Positif 5.1000 *
1.2085 .003 1.272 8.928
10% 5.6000 *
1.3688 .003 1.319 9.881
15% 10.1000 *
1.1799 .000 6.345 13.855
10% Negatif -20.3000 *
1.4446 .000 -24.827 -15.773
Basis -18.4500 *
2.0666 .000 -25.074 -11.826
Positif -.5000 1.0971 1.000 -3.954 2.954
5% -5.6000 *
1.3688 .003 -9.881 -1.319
15% 4.5000 *
1.0655 .003 1.132 7.868
15% Negatif -24.8000 *
1.2670 .000 -28.852 -20.748
Basis -22.9500* 1.9466 .000 -29.318 -16.582
Positif -5.0000* .8498 .000 -7.656 -2.344
5% -10.1000 *
1.1799 .000 -13.855 -6.345
10% -4.5000* 1.0655 .003 -7.868 -1.132
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Lampiran 5. Dokumentasi Penelitian

pemfotoan preparat
mikroskop dan

Preparat kulit
punggung tikus

Kulit punggung tikus

dalam formalin

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