Techtex Interview - Anand Singh Jan 11
Techtex Interview - Anand Singh Jan 11
Techtex Interview - Anand Singh Jan 11
A tête-a-tête with Solar Textiles: Light Pathway The Meltblowns in India ...
Mr. Anand Singh & Dr. G.V. Rao to a Brighter Future Pg 42
Pg 17 & Pg 40 Pg 20
With the many predictions that surround the visionaries of this
industry, a complete transformation in many products and
applications is foreseen in the coming decade. Things may
shape up completely different from what they are today.
Products addressing better efficiency and needs and at the
same time are sustainable will form the 'next generation'
products. This factor needs to be looked upon now especially
by those seeking new opportunities and investments.
2010 certainly was a very eventful year witnessing some noteworthy acquisitions, joint ventures & mergers which will
surely help the technical textile industry emerge stronger in the future. Johnson Controls took over Michel Thierry,
Honeywell took over Sperian Protection, Black stone took over PGI, SGL joint hands with BMW and the list goes on….
With the many predictions that surround the visionaries of this industry, a complete transformation in many products
and applications is foreseen in the coming decade. Things may shape up completely different from what they are today
and this is precisely what we have highlighted in our cover story this time which talks about thinking beyond
innovation. The concerns about carbon emissions has already sparked off the urgent need to develop more green cars
in the developed world and it will not be too late until we see similar regulations in India as well . Not only the electric or
hybrid power houses but the other parts and designs of the car are also expected to witness a complete transformation
in the future. Tapping renewable energies with the help of technical textiles or using fibre and fabrics in composites for
various applications has given a complete new dimension to the world of thinking. Products addressing better
efficiency and needs and at the same time are sustainable will form the 'next generation' products. This factor needs to
be looked upon now especially by those seeking new opportunities and investments.
It is time to learn from the visionaries of the past and take inspiration to look into the future. To name one of them is
Roger Milliken who died as Chairman of Milliken & Company of U.S. on Dec. 30, 2010, at the age of 95 who is known to
have transformed the family business of woolen mills into one of the world's largest privately owned, successful,
profitable and innovative technical textiles and chemical company. Though I did not get the opportunity to meet him
personally but his close friends and associates swear by his dynamism.
Back home in India as well the industry is gaining momentum and with the expected launch of the Technology Mission
on Technical Textiles and confirmed addition of 4 more centres of excellence to the existing 4, the commitment of the
Indian Government in growing this sector is clearly visible. Even more the honorable textile minister's vision of getting
more prominence to the Indian textile industry on the global map is well complemented with the ever growing demand
of the Indian industry and individuals. What is required is proper planning and execution to ensure that the time and
money invested are used for the growth and benefit of the industry.
Going forward the ICERP 2011 in Mumbai, IFAI expo 2011 in Singapore, Business Forum for Technical Textiles and
Nonwovens in Frankfurt, INDEX 2011 in Geneva and Techtextil in Frankfurt will be events where the industry leaders
can be seen planning their future strategies and expansions. This year in October the Techtextil India will be held in
Mumbai and the Filtrex show will happen in November. Once again it will be exciting to see the global industry leaders
deliberating and showcasing their products to the inquisitive yet cautious audience of India.
Wishing all our readers a very happy and a successful year 2011 ahead.
Government Interface 13
FICCI’s Fiscal Recommendations to Boost
Technical Textiles Industry
Special Feature 14
Wetlaid Technology for Advanced Nonwovens
Sector Focus 36
If you have a product or service that you want to vend into this escalating global
market place of Technical Textiles & Nonwovens, look no further. For the most
effective way to show your presence through advertising in the BCH publication
TechTex India & website -, simply contact us at [email protected]
m e phys ical ly and mentally At first people refuse to believe that a
Robots may be
l strange new thing can be done
an s 2065 Then they begin to hope it can be done,
to hu m h 10 billion by
ld po pu lation may reac as po w er source Then they see it can be done,
lW or
e of nuclear fu sion
ay be us Then it is done and all the world wonders
lThere m er stations
ace solar pow l
lExistence of sp cm rise in sea leve
why it was not done centuries ago.
e co uld be a 15 to 95 co m e salty
lTh er could be Frances Hodgson Burnett
's arable land d fibres
l50% of world ufac tu re of long diamon
wou ld be m an othi ng and In this era of globalization today we are
l There telligent cl
tenc e of sm art skin for in witnessing an explosion of technologies and
l Exis
repair for commercial knowledge pools. There now exists a whole
direct human ories in space
ou ld be fact set of new needs which are self created due
l There w
production to these advancements. Issues that need to
go biological obal nuclear w
arbe addressed are expanding populations,
l Terrorists may ta nt fear of a gl
of a cons depletion of environment, depletion of
l Prevalence ch 110
cy may approa natural resources and combating threats.
l Life expectan
or float To go from where we are to where we need to
l Cars would fly e………
on omy worldwid be is going to require a transformation in the
l No-carbon ec
way we live and thus in the innumerable
products which make this living. Another interesting point is that the future will not only be addressing needs but will
also be feeding each development with a newer development as a natural evolving process. Vision and prophecy when
accompanied with knowledge, sound reasoning and accurate data can present a possible timeline of future events.
Large corporations invest heavily in this kind of activity to help focus attention on possible events, risks and business
opportunities. Such work brings together all available past and current data, as a basis to develop reasonable
expectations about the future.
Technical textiles is today a very closely watched area where innovation activity is intensifying. Today technical textiles
encompass textiles not just for a technical end product but rather textiles with deliberately developed functions.
Innovation has resulted from close cooperation amongst different industries as specialized textiles are a part of each
industry in some way or the other. In one application they may be used for their softness and drapability while in the
other they may be used for their ruggedness. Textiles have the benefit of incorporating contrasting properties when
different fibres and fabric technologies come together. The last few years have seen intense innovation activity in fibre
and associated fabric developments for clothing, protection, household textiles, medical, transportation etc. This has
followed the trend for convergence of varied expertise to create products which may be a road map to analyze the
future how it will be.
It is very interesting these days to debate on the future of many technical textile products and get adverse or
extreme opinions from experts who may be researchers or marketing personnel. The world is changing fast and so
are its needs and preferences. Many future technologies seem to be embracing natural phenomenons and
resources while many are based on mechanical advancements or next generation technologies.
Ritika Gupta, Executive Director, BCH
Cars may need to fly or float to address traffic jams. Shoes would be designed to tell us the way. Clothing
would be sprayed on to the body, fabrics may be used extensively to make exterior bodies for
transportation vehicles, new fibres will evolve and old will disappear, every person would need a
protective uniform to combat fear of nuclear, biological or chemical warfare and one can go on and on
…………Lets take a peep into different application areas of technical textiles in order to understand what is
happening today and hence start opening our minds towards what will happen tomorrow.
Jan - Mar 2011
Clothing Textiles
It is not certain when people first started wearing clothes however, anthropologists give estimates that
range between 100,000 to 500,000 years ago. The first clothes were made from natural elements:
animal skin and furs, grasses & leaves, bones & shells & probably with the way things are shaping up,
the last will be made out of ‘magic’. Clothing which was earlier designed only for protection & fashion is
now incorporating many performance oriented functions to enhance human living in a different way.
In today’s world where we are talking about wovens & nonwovens or even composites as fabrics, it is interesting to
suddenly hear ‘a do away with them’. Can one imagine a zero lead time for making garments? Innovative clothing has
become an arena for competition for scientists all around the world. The race is on to develop fabrics that are
protective, detective, monitoring, controlling, preventing & performing. It’s time again to analyze a complete
transformation of clothing that will form the future now. Times are changing fast & if predictions were to be taken
seriously then there would be a time when all individuals would be wearing only high tech uniforms which would
incorporate functions such as tracking & monitoring medical fitness, temperature control, energy absorption, color
change & what not- all designed to make living more practical, fast & futuristic. Smart clothing is only the beginning of
what may become a lifestyle very soon as it would be difficult to function without it.
othes. Innovativ
Spray-on Cl e research
o ne ed fo r fabric. through in reawaken
N telligent te s human m
s ar e xtiles emories
Res ea rc h er
veil a As part of
all set to un the 2010 C
ongress of
ss fa b ri c Humanities the
se a m le & Social
t c a n be teams of re
searchers h two
tha e h ig h ly so ave develop
to th
sprayed on e interactive
p h is ti ca te
d co n ce p
ed a
to m ak t of
t h e r surfaces en physical &
clothing wh
ereby the b
skin & o ev
d ag es & transfer of emotional st ody's
ed ic al b an nish personalized ate triggers
cl o th es , m To rres, a Spa Combining memory bac the
ho ls te ry . Dr. Manel ra te d with systems w
uniquely en
gineered ad k to the w
si gn er ha s collabo icle ith fashio ap tors & soft
fashion de r of Pa rt prototype g nab cabling
Lu ck h am , Professo m at er ial arments inco le clothing design
Paul seamless bio-sensing rporate wir s, the
ch no lo gy to create a th at ca n be & sound, cr
devices to ac
tivate a rich
eless techn
ologies &
Te fabric
an Spray-on using eating a nar database of
called Fabric th e bo dy an 'absent' rative or stri image
rectly onto dries person. W ng of messa
sprayed di lo gy . The spray devices are ireless sen
sors & bio
ges from
so l te ch no he s that embedded -sensing
ro cl ot wearer's in
m ak e innovative is temperature to garments that reco
instantly to re -w o rn h .T response (m , heart ra rd the
b e w a sh e d a n d he s fr om oisture) &
rate of resp
te, galvan
ic skin
ca n eate clot sent via the
helps to cr bric internet to iration. The
Fa br ic an Spray-on fa turns send
s back m
a sophistica
ted databas
data is
Th e bi ned e which in
scratch. at are com messages, essages to
is ts of sh ort fibres th to ge th er & which evok
e memorie
the clothin
g. The
cons fibres may take
h po ly m er s to bind the br ic in liq uid the form
of voice re
s of an abse
nt person,
w it the fa broadcast fr
at delivers aches om speake cordings or
a solvent th w he n the spray re seams or sc
rolling text
rs sewn into
a hood or sh ngs
& ev ap or at es d us ing a
form be appl ie or video an on a LED ar oulder
su rf ac e. Th e spray can ae ro so l can. d photogra
phic imager
ray woven
into fabric
a a person m
re sp ray gun or an d ight be exp y. To give an
high pr es su n be ch ge an such as stre eriencing a example,
te xt ur e of the fabric ca (s uc h as ss, grief or certain emot
ional state
The are us ed prompt the despair. Th
what fibres ray is person's cl e bio-senso
according to ry lic ) & how the sp messages su othing to
receive a
rs would
en or ac ca n be ch as photos range of
wool, lin bric provide com , texts and
d. Th e spray-on fa ca n which fort. This un sound reco
rdings to
laye re erilized emotional ique combin
kept in a st y-on mapping & ation of text
produced & t for prov id in g sp ra enhance hu responsive ile arts,
be pe rf ec pr es sure man experie technologie
could ng any the fields of nce with en s can
nd ag es w ithout applyi de liv er ing health care
and well-bei
ormous pot
ential for
hi ng bu rn t skin or ng.
for soot ound.
rectly to a w
medicines di
iPod and luminous sleepwear you can read by, a solar
lSocks that mend themselves, trousers that can power your
clothes that can change colour
tie that charges your mobile phone, a suit with a built-in iPod,
s to help locate wounded soldiers or missing miners and clothes
lGarments that can be tracked via GPS system
t blood loss
that can automatically contract around a wound to preven
ded wireles s sensor s with a variety of sports and medical applications, including remote
lGarments with embed
patien t falls over
rehabilitation and clothes that can notify nursing staff if a
can differe ntiate between a bad smell and a good one; they will
lFabrics are becoming so intelligent that they
aftershave. Fashion tights infused with fragrant oils,
absorb your body odour but not your deodorant or
moisturiser and vitamins and the list goes on…..
Jan - Mar 2011
Cover Story
Medical Textiles
The origin of medical textiles dates back to 5000-3000 B.C. when hand woven cloth or spider
webs were used to stop bleeding and wound closures/sutures were made of natural materials
such as flax, silk, linen strips, and cotton. Recent technological developments are transforming
the function of medical textiles which are now also curing apart from preventing. Textile
materials for medical and healthcare products range from simple gauzes, surgical gowns, drapes
or bandage materials to scaffolds for tissue culturing and a large variety of prostheses for permanent
body implants. These products are constantly seeing an innovators scrutiny not only to perform better but to
perform more. Discoveries are limitless and are ranging from fibres driving away asthma or wound dressings with built
in drug delivery system, implants performing better and so on. It is interesting to watch textiles replace path labs,
doctors or treatments in many orders.
moving the ba
ur w ou nd without re ecked,
Chec k yo be regularly ch Light Activated Antimicrobials
Wounds have to pl ica tio ns in the
y com LAAMScience Inc, a four
to make sure an an early
are detected at year old company based in
healing process wi ll m ak e it
material Morrisville, NC, is
stage. A new wo un ds wi thout
eck unveiling Serqet,
possible to ch ction
gi ng th e dr es sing: If an infe a light activated
chan al l cu t wi th a
an ge s its co lo r. Whether a sm a fa ll– antibacterial &
erial ch caused by
arises, the mat wo un d or a major injury tr ie s to antiviral coating
rg ica l into actio n &
fruit knife, a su d re pa ir system leaps us ua lly technology that
fe ns e an l in ju rie s
the body's de possible. Smal can be applied to wovens,
d as quickly as d will take long
er to
close the woun ys bu t a ga pi ng wo un
l da ys. nonwovens, natural and
w da en after se ve ra
heal within a fe ca n take hold ev wo un d synthetic fabrics & a
in fe ct io n ec k th e
heal & an e sit e of th e in jury but to ch tie nt & variety of polymers. The technology
Dressings protec
t th for the pa
can be painful produces singlet oxygen, a broad
ey ha ve to be removed. This ch an ce to enter & cause spectrum antibacterial & antiviral agent
ris ks gi vi ng germs the Institution for
moreover it nh ofer Resear ch that is generated when exposed to visible
th e Fr au ve
infection. Scient
ists at in Munich ha
St at e Te ch nologies EMFT ich in di ca te light. Current applications include N95
Modular Solid asters wh
dr es sin g m aterials and pl io n is pr es en t, the respirator masks, surgical masks & semi-
developed in. If an infect disposable cleaning wipes such as kitchen
anges in the sk le.
pathological ch s fro m yellow to purp wipes & dishwashing towels. The energy of
sing change ts to different
color of the dres indicator dy e wh ich re ac light changes oxygen to singlet oxygen
“We have de ve lo pe d an es sin g & a plaster.
gr at ed it into a dr w which is very reactive. Singlet oxygen
pH values & we
ha ve in te pH value of belo
al ed wo un ds usually show a ac id to th e inactivates or eliminates viruses & does
he e
Healthy skin & se s, it is sh ifting from th in g of not allow any odour or bacteria to grow.
increa the heal
5. If this value mplications in Within milliseconds it changes back to
lin e ra ng e, wh ich indicates co 6. 5 & 8. 5 an infection is
alka is between normal oxygen but these reactions
th e pH va lu e rns purple,”
the wound. If e in di ca to r color strip tu e continuously reoccur as long as the
frequently pres
ent an d th , explaining th
Tr up p, sc ie nt ist at the EMFT g m at er ia l surface is exposed to visible light. The
ne nt dressin
states Dr. Sabi th is way the intellige ou ts id e greater the light intensity, the faster the
ac tio n. In fro m th e
chemical re check wounds rate of singlet oxygen generation &
le to regularly There are plan
s to
makes it possib e he al in g pr oc es s.
ea sure therefore higher rates of bacterial & viral
tin g th dressing to m
without disrup or m odules into the it. This kill. The treated product can be washed up
tic al se ns re ad er un
integrate op di ca te th e results on a ov id ing to ten times. It has efficacy in the light for
d in precisely, pr
the pH value an th e va lu e to be read off up to three months & when in the package
al lo w
method would d is healing. it has a shelf life of three years.
t how the woun
information abou
Jan - Mar 2011
Cover Story
Transport Textiles
In future will there be any room (need) for textiles in an automobile or will there be an increased
usage of textiles in an automobile? To analyze this question it is important to first understand
what kind of thought process is prevailing in the minds of today's car designers. Textiles have long
been used in automobiles. Being open top, the first cars had seats made of leather or leather
imitations. Wool, cotton and rayon were then used until synthetic fibres, such as nylon and polyester became
dominant in the second half of the 20th century. The 21st century is seeing innovations galore corresponding to:
l Airbags built into the webbings of seat belts
l New thermoplastic fiber composite materials which will be used in the exteriors
l External airbags being designed to protect pedestrians
l Lighter polypropylene auto parts made out of new synthetic mineral fibres and many more...
Automotive textiles in the form of seatbelt and airbag webbings, tyrecord, filters, upholstery, interior trims, etc. of
today are engineered with enhanced functionalities, are looked upon to be environmentally sustainable materials
offering lighter weight and better functionality- all at the same or reduced costs. The global consumption of textiles
used in automobile industry is estimated to be over 4.5 Lakh tonnes today and the percentage of textile material used
in a motor car amounts to 2.2% of the overall weight of the car. But with the latest changes taking place in the interior
or exterior design of a car, we all need to really think if this textile consumption is going to increase or decrease or
tailored to new needs in future. Lets take a cue from some interesting works mentioned below.
Jan - Mar 2011
Cover Story
Sport Textiles
Thinking about sports or thinking about competition, fitness, business, patriotism,
entertainment, togetherness, charity, change and the list goes on. We've been gaming for
years and the interest and participation has only been increasing, thanks to all the
pleasures and motives that we derive from sports. Sportswear and goods have been always in
the news for enhancing sporting activities and the desire to ease or outperform has boosted the
development and excellence of sportswear, equipment and sports infrastructure.
The technical developments in the sports clothing industry have resulted in the use of
engineered textiles for highly specialized performances in different sports. Interesting launches day
after day have become inevitable. Combining clothing functions with wear comfort is a growing
market trend and for all active sportsmen this constitutes one of the vital factors for achieving high
level of performance. Moreover the future is going to be different! Till now we had heard of competition and willpower
bringing out the best in players but this will change as performance textiles will now enhance the players capabilities
not only by protecting or providing comfort but also adding another dimension of better performance. Shoes the make
you run faster, swimwear that enhances your speed or golfing gloves that monitor your grip are some examples of
textiles that better your performance.
r new guid
it al g o lf glove- you Solar soccer balls sc
A dig ore design
to golfing y, points
a n - b ased c p w it h a
Ger m come u T h e r e a r e
o n s, h a s g ri p
ti vel of ob vio us ly so me
a y to m e asure the le G lo v e ,
compact w fo rm of the
people out there
in th e ve w it h
pressure l golf glo wh o thi nk tha t
first digita ssure.
the world's a d s y our grip pre soccer ball aren't
consta n tl y re ensoGlove doing enough. Earlie
m p u ter that se n so rs, the S rip r
built-in co onsi v e r exact g this year, we told you
sm a ll , highly resp edback about you a sm a ll, about the soccket,
Usin g visual fe mputer is a ball that generates
a u d io & G lo v e co u re power as it gets
provides . The Sen
so press kicked around. Now,
n the club analyzes word comes to us
pressure o o f m o n itor that th e g lo ve. The of soccer ball protot
sweat-pro n right into if ypes with built-in
lightw e ig h t, nso rs se w warns you so lar pa ne ls. Wh
g s fr o m four tiny se s your pressure and o w s y o u er e th e bla ck
sett in & displa y ve even sh pentagonal sections wo
v e re a d s S e n so G lo g ri p uld normally be,
SensoGlo l. The your these balls instead
e d y o u r target leve t, so y o u can adjust r g ri p have custom-
you exce gripping to
o tigh ds you designed panels that
fin g e r is e S e n so Glove rea st a rt o u t gather energy as
what e st o f all, th . M a n y golfers they bask in the sun
. That energy is
. B in g ay a n d
accordingly address &
at take-aw used for running
uring your p tighter built-in onboard motion
pressure d re ssure o n ly to g ri
in g. Usin g th e sensors & audio devic
es that emit a
h t p n sw ght
with a li g and d o w ping too ti tracking sound when
u g h th e backswing n o w if th ey are grip fo u r ti ny ever the balls are
g , g o lfers will k ir sw ing. The kicked. It is hoped
that this sort of
audio warn
happens d
uring th e cond an a d technology could be
e n it re 8 0 times a se a used to allow
exactly w h
grip pre ss u results on visually-impaired peop
rs re a d the user's g s & d is plays the e b a ck le to play soccer
senso e readin d on th in the future. Greendix,
analyzes th itor locate et a company that
computer ch L E D d igital mon ia ls in their targ specializes in
1 .2 -in u se r d custom solar
o f ing, th e – 12 re ) a applications, designe
v e . B efore a sw lo w e st settings (1 ost d the balls to
of the g lo to 18. T h e ) are the m challenge people’s no
u re o n a scale of 1 e st se tt in gs (13 –18 u se fu l for tions of where and
press w h il e the high ri p pressure, how solar panels can
be used. “These
v e , ry lig h t g re power
less sensiti e n co urage a ve in g with mo so lar foo tba lls we
re cre ate d to
sensitive a n d
t tryin g to ds, wrists, celebrate the curren
a n d p utting. Bu n si o n in the han om t World Cup and
chippin g eating te golfers, fr demonstrate that sol
s a d e a th grip, cr G lo v e w il l allow all e cl u b a nd ar panels can be
cause u ld e rs. Senso h o w to hold th integrated into objec
ts such as balls,”
sh o kly le a rn o f a
arms and v a n ced, to quic p ro ve every
part said Joseph Lin, Presid
ent of Greendix.
r to a d n d im fo ll w -
beginne th grip”a nswing, im
pact, “The main goal of thi
th e d re aded “dea in g , d o w g . T h e s project was to
avoid backsw a n d c h ip
p in prove that solar
me– from p u tt in g e glove an
d panels can be
golfer's ga d ri v in g ,
v e d fr o m th integrated into any
object that we
, to asily re m o rs out, o r if
th ro u g h la y can be e e glove wea interact with on a da
ily basis and to
te r/ d is p v e if th a n d a rd
compu cement glo powered b
y st push the limits of wh
nto a repla ut it. It is
at is possible with
snapped o la y w it h o o f p la y. solar panels.”
ant to p 80 – 100 h
you just w s w h ich last for
tt e ri e
watch ba
Jan - Mar 2011
Cover Story
Protective Textiles
The threats from mechanical, thermal, ve lives
erpants sa
enviormental, nuclear, biological, chemical and Smart und derwear”
in “smart un
electrical hazards are only seem to be growing The “smart” at th e printed
fact th
and so are the means of combating them which refers to the ated into
be incorpor
are becoming ever more complex. A sensors will g systems
se d biocomputin
lo gic- ba rs found
consequence of this is the development and itor biomarke
exploitation of new textile fibres, structures and that will mon nomous di ag noses,
t an d te ar s, make auto sc ie nt is ts has
clothing systems whose purpose is to provide ea of U.S.
in human sw s. A te am m ay be
ter drug that
improved protection, whilst maintaining and adminis ne w m en's briefs un lik e m os t
m e ylish but
comfort, efficiency and well being. Recently designed so & ev en st on th e
, durable ve lives. Prin
some headlines that have been hitting the news comfortable be able to sa e skin is an
will help us think on what kind of textiles will be an ts , m ay t w ith th
underp co ns tant contac su re blood
d in m ea
used for the protection of humans in hostile waistband an ensor, designed to The
bios vital si s. gn
ar t ra te and other ri ng pr of es sor
lExpanding blast-proof curtain designed to pressure, he d by na no -enginee
go & his
develope San Die
reduce impact of bomb explosions technology, U ni ve rsity of California ge nt te xt ile s
lLifeNetT, innovative mosquito nets to protect Joseph Wan
g of
nd in th e fie ld of intelli ita l-
new grou om ho sp
team, breaks healthcare fr
against malaria
pa rt of sh ift in focus in m an ag ement. This
lLiquid-Cooled Suit Could Soon Protect and is
en t to ho me-based ju ry of soldiers
Firefighters based treatm es m on ito ring the in velop
specific proj
ect invo lv al is to de
lCopper fibre socks helped Chilean miners ld su rg er y & the go in th e fie ld &
during batt
or s th at can locate, r that
lRescue Protection Set protects crash victims vasive se ns e biosenso
minimally in of in ju ry . Ultimately, th the release of
and rescue personnel type rect
identify the be able to di mote
te ct s an in jury will also tr ea t th e wound for re
de in & ev en a wide
Home Textiles drugs to relie
ve pa monitoring
th e el de rl y at home, ia c m ar ke rs,
m ar ke rs , like card ot he r
Textiles have always served the purpose of omedical anges &
decoration, comfort and safety along with giving range of bi te nt ia l st ro ke, diabetic ch . W ea ra bl e
y po enar io
alerting for an biomedical sc to
a touch of completeness to one's home. While
an ge s re la ted to other e va lu ab le information
ch so pr ov id
the basic functions remain unchanged but the can al d alcohol leve
biosensors measure bloo
new age home textiles are becoming more and et es or ev en
more intelligent. The skilled designers have
participated whole heartedly to offer new and Air cleaning carp
et to provide relie
exciting looks to the modern and contemporary sufferers f for asthma
homes apart from providing various functions Although medical
professionals often
which ensure better living. We could be talking advise people with
severe allergies to
about anti-dust mite mattress, carpets that re m ov e wa ll- to
-w al l ca rp et in g,
i m p r ove a i r q u a l i t y i n s i d e b u i l d i n g s , carpet manufactu
rers defend their
temperature-regulated bed linen for healthy product, saying
that carpet fibre
sleep and the list is endless. ac tu al ly tra p al s
substances like du ler gy -p ro vo kin g
st and pollen and
circulating in the prevent them fro
...It is without a doubt an exciting time that we air where they ca m
carpet from In n be inhaled. A ne
ternational carp w
are living in, as we are constantly churning out manufacturer, DE et & artificial gras
SSO, could mean s
something new each year, making things better conundrums as it is an end to such
and optimizing their usage. After all the designed to captur
potentially harmfu e & retain more of
l allergy-producin the
technology business is fierce and with and significantly g particles in its fib
reduce the amou res
continuous introductions and launches of new floating in the air. nt of such parti
Both the Asthma cles
products it almost feels like we are functioning in of America & Germ and Allergy Founda
an Asthma Founda tion
a fast forward mode. One thing is certain in the come down on th tion (DAAB) actuall
e side of carpet y
distant future - the world will be a very different there are more all manufacturers, sa
ergens on surface ying
place. What must be remembered by anyone problem is that th s than in the air. Bu
e slightest moveme t the
preparing for the future is that technology The new AirMaste nt can disturb them
r carpet is desig .
change isn't very important in itself. What problem by safel ned to address
y trapping and im this
matters is what this change enables or destroys. harmful allergy-pro mobilizing potent
ducing particles in ially
Ultimately we are all aiming for improved lives coarser dust is ca the carpet fibres. Th
ptured in the thick e
with a variety of entertainment, better health, pile, while the hig er yarns of the low
h pile consists of ult er
greater wealth and probably better social to capture and reta ra fine yarn filame
in particulate matte nts
wellbeing. micrometers. DE r that is less than
SSO says this gu 10
improvement in ind arantees a signif
oor air quality, an icant
the risk of health-re d therefore reduce
lated problems. s
Additionally, FICCI has sought custom duty exemption 3307 Wet Wipes Pieces 16% 4%
Nil Nil
on certain raw materials and additives that are primarily
imported, viz. custom duty on titanium di-oxide
(Anatase grade) with HS code 28230010 to be reduced 5601 Dry Napkins Kg 16% Nil 4% Nil
to nil from current 10% and custom duty on spin finish oil
be reduced to nil from current 7.5%. Currently, a large
Bandages &
amount of these products are imported as a result of 3005 Pieces 16% Nil 4% Nil
Swabs of
high and equal percentage of custom duty on raw Nonwovens
Further, with the increase in excise duty on man-made
FICCI has urged the Textiles Ministry to consider the fibres, the Duty Drawback rates on nonwovens are
technical textile industry’s demand for allowing duty free required to be increased in line with the same. It is
import of the following speciality fibres & yarns that are recommended that Drawback rates be increased to
not produced in India: 20.67% with a value cap of Rs. 35 per kg. FICCI has noted
l Acetate fibre (HS code– 55049010) that the excise duty on man-made fibres/yarns is
l Acetate filament yarn (HS code– 540342) presently 10%. Since man-made fibres/yarns are the
l Tri-acetate fibre (HS code proposed– 55049011) major constituent/raw material for technical textiles, it is
l Tri-acetate filament yarn (HS code proposed– essential that in order to promote the indigenous
54033310) production capability of technical textiles at affordable
l Cuprammonium filament yarn (HS code– 54033910) price, develop export capabilities and to increase cost
l Cuprammonium fibre (HS code proposed– competitiveness as well as to have import substitution, the
55049040) excise duty on specialty man-made fibres/yarns and their
l Nylon 11 (HS code proposed– 55031120, 54025120) intermediate products needs to be reduced to 4%.
Jan - Mar 2011
TechTex India
Special Feature
Household Wall paper, overlay paper for furniture, vaccum cleaner bags
Jan - Mar 2011 14
TechTex India
Special Feature
Fibres from 1 to 18 mm length (in some cases even longer) can be used. The suspension from stock preparation and a
large volume of water are pumped from the white water tank through a special connecting pipe into the distribution
system and then flow into the headbox. The fibres settle on the wire under homogeneous pressure and optimal flow
conditions, dispersing arbitrarily on top of one another to form a web. This leads to the formation of a homogeneous
product with controlled fibre formation and porosity. The nonwoven fabric is transferred to the next machine, while
most of the water flows through the wire back into the white water tank, thus remaining in circulation.
The neXformer wetlaid system is closed resulting in the possibility to control the conditions inside and building up an
internal pressure for a controlled suspension supply onto the wire.
A double headbox for two layers of suspension is available as a special option. The advantage of this system is that
fibres from different materials or blends can be deposited layer by layer. This causes the fibres in the different layers to
mingle with one another, with the result that both layers are entangled without requiring any auxiliaries.
The ANDRITZ Küsters neXline wetlaid technology offers complete lines for the most varied areas of application and
comprehensive concepts, including engineering, design, manufacturing, erection, commissioning, after sales service
and training. The technology is not only limited to the design of new lines but also offers weak point analyses of
existing lines and develops custom-made concepts for modernisation, upgrades and rebuilds.
ANDRITZ has special expertise in the treatment of high-tech fibres, such as carbon or aramid. Their process engineers
work continuously in close cooperation with R&D partners from technical universities and research institutes on the
development of innovative products from new fibres and blends according to market demands. The rising demand for
eco-friendly nonwovens is met by the ANDRITZ wetlaid technology as well. Many natural fibres are suitable for the
wetlaid process. When wetlaid and hydroentanglement are combined in the neXline wetlace, fully biodegradable
nonwovens can be produced with neither chemical additives, nor thermal bonding(See Fig.3).
BCH: Thea-Tex Healthcare today is not only a AS: I think the challenges of starting a business and
leading Face Mask manufacturing company in India getting into an industry are broad based and not specific
but will always be remembered as one of the to this industry. The glaringly obvious challenges are the
pioneers too in this industry. Please highlight the red tape and 'miscellaneous expenses' of any new
reasons for attaining this attribute and along with venture. We had a terrible time getting our machines
this, introduce your product offerings with market imported and various registrations done as we were
presence. averse to paying 'miscellaneous expenses' but you do
what you have to do and get on with it. The Textile Division
AS: Thea-Tex was incorporated in April 2004, soon after of the Government has been very good at a macro level, in
I arrived from the UK (where I was born, raised and particular the Textile Commissioner's office with their
educated) as a fresh enthusiastic 27 year old support and promotion of technical textiles. I think the
Entrepreneur. For the first 6 months we did nothing TUFS scheme was a big factor we came into this industry
apart from research the domestic market for surgical so the Government do need a pat on the back for this. One
masks/caps etc. Our findings were quite simple in that problem is that the strategic decisions made at the top
the existing market was very small, highly unorganized level don't always filter down to grass roots level and the
and there were no serious large scale players. The smaller/newer entrants suffer due to things like delayed
quality was poor and the prices were high, BUT the subsidy reimbursements.
potential for growth was exponential as the trend of
shifting from reusable to disposables was just emerging BCH: Could you explain the different technologies
as was technical textiles. We didn't hesitate to open the and types of masks that exist in the Indian market
L/C for our Taiwanese machinery and by early 2005 we with their percentage break up?
were in commercial production. The combination of our
high quality products, aggressive pricing strategy and AS: (a) The machinery used in manufacturing our
customer service gave us immediate market penetration products is based on ultrasonic sealing/converting
and we have been almost doubling our turnover annually technology and there is a vast range in the different
for the last 4 years. technologies available. Nowadays you can buy a Chinese
mask machine in less than Rs. 5 Lacs, whereas the
BCH: What made you decide on setting up of the Taiwanese machines are priced between Rs. 20-60 Lacs.
manufacturing of nonwoven disposable masks in Last week I was speaking to a French machinery
India? manufacturer with a single machine costing Rs. 2 Crore.
Then again you wouldn't compare a Tata Nano with a
AS: I think 5 years ago, any British or US Indian coming Mercedes, but it is important to make a calculated choice
to India to start a business would have habitually looked as we sell disposable products so the machine
for something in traditional textiles that could be depreciation and finance cost will obviously be absorbed
exported via family/friends. We were lucky in that a in the selling price. It's important to assess the life of the
family friend has suggested taking a look at technical machine, output, wastage efficiency, finishing quality as
textiles which was an emerging sector with great well as other factors when making any capital investment.
potential and little competition. After studying various Thea-Tex houses 20 Taiwanese machines.
projects like making PP spunbond fabrics, sanitary (b) The main mask sold in the domestic market is the
napkins, diapers, wet wipes we actually decided on one basic surgical mask (175mm x 95mm) and in 2-ply variety
of the smaller projects like surgical masks due to fund which is basically ineffective for the intended purpose of a
constraints at that time like any new start up. surgical mask. 99% of the surgical masks sold in India are
basic 2-ply that provide insufficient protection for the
BCH: What were the challenges you faced while patient from infectious agents transmitted by air. It's
getting into this industry in India? Please highlight actually shocking that something that is classified as a
the government's role too in this aspect.
Jan - Mar 2011 17
TechTex India
Special Feature
Medical Device is not regulated by any standards in China every month at our manufacturing cost as they also
India. In Europe, surgical masks are covered by the have surplus capacity and stocks. A simple measure to
Medical Devices Directive and EN 14683 (CE) and in the protect the genuine domestic manufacturers of surgical
US it is under the purview of the FDA. Thea-Tex follows masks would be the implementation of some
the European Standards and in 2011 we are submitting regulation/standards which would immediately wipe out
our masks for US FDA approval. more than 50% of the illegitimate competition. If we can't
get any support from the Government in terms of
BCH: Who form the main customer base for such developing standards then we are actually looking to exit
masks in India and why? the domestic market and focus on our exports where the
quality and certification is appreciated and rewarded also.
AS: The obvious target market is the medical/surgical
market, but this accounts for only 50% of our sales. We BCH: What growth rates and expansion is this
sell an equal volume in industrial safety, hospitality, food industry witnessing? Please tell us about your
processing, bottling, pharma, catering and retailers. I expansion plans.
think there will be a point when our products actually
become an FMCG and you'll see a packet of masks AS: We made a considerable capacity investment this
available on supermarket shelves. year as we reinvested surplus funds generated during
Swine Flu in new machinery. In fact we doubled our
BCH: Is, what you have elaborated above by way capacity to more than 25 million pieces per month. It's
of technology and markets similar to the more that we require at present but we do feel that we will
developed world or you see a huge difference in grow into it in the next couple of years. The market is
India? certainly growing at least 25-30% year on year and in line
with the growth of the healthcare segment which is one of
AS: There's no difference in the technology that we're the best performing and growing sectors in the Indian
using compared to the developed countries. I may be economy.
sticking my neck out a bit here but I reckon some of our
products are not only 'at par' with those manufactured in BCH: Particulate Respirator type face masks are
developed countries but even better quality. Recently we still not very popular as they should be. Could you
sent our new N95 particulate respirator that has been tell us the reason for the same?
approved by NIOSH, USA to a client that also
manufactures N95 respirators in the US and their VP- AS: There is critically poor knowledge and usage of
Production was quite stunned at the high quality and Particulate Respirator Masks (e.g. N95/FFP2) within the
product development. They have asked us if we are health segment. A basic surgical mask is intended to
interested to private label for them. An added bonus is protect outward transmission of air and not the user from
that we now have local access to world class raw inward transmission. It is only a properly certified
materials suppliers like AIM (Pune), who we work with Respirator like a NIOSH, USA approved N95 that will
more like partners than suppliers. In the early days we protect the healthcare users/worker against inward
couldn't scale up as the raw materials had to be imported transmission of infectious agents. N95's became famous
but now nothing takes longer than a week to reach our during Swine Flu but that is only a seasonal requirement
factory. and in fact they should be used by all healthcare workers
exposed to TB patients and in India I think we have the
BCH: According to you, who are the other major highest incidences of TB. Unfortunately during the Swine
players with their market shares in this industry in Flu epidemic of 2009, N95's were black marketed at
India? extortionate prices and I think the Government has even
purchased N95's at crazy prices. Instead the Government
AS: There are probably 2-3 strong domestic competitors should have a systematic epidemic preparedness plan for
that have been established for many years and even such pandemics and award annual contracts to genuine
before we came on the scene. The long term outlook for domestic manufacturers. We would be prepared to supply
our industry still remains very positive, but we are the Indian Government NIOSH, USA approved N95's at
currently facing a critical downturn this last few months, less than 50% of the prices they awarded tenders at this
which I would call a 'hangover' from Swine Flu. All the year! During an International Medical Expo, I met a
existing players including Thea-Tex made large capacity French Company that manufactures respirators for the
expansions in 2010 so there is a tremendous over supply French Government. In 2006 during Bird Flu, when the
of masks in the domestic market which has pushed down entire world was dependant on masks from China the
the prices and margins to precarious levels. However, French Government supported a French Company to
the main problem is that new entrants have come into manufacture the respirators in France. They awarded
manufacturing masks for the wrong reasons by thinking them an annual contract of almost 10 Crore respirator
they will make a quick buck if there is another Swine Flu masks so both parties benefited. The Government is
pandemic, instead of taking a long term strategic view of prepared for any pandemic and gets the stocks at a low
the growing healthcare segment. Additionally I would price and in turn they support a local manufacturer. The
make a calculated guesstimate that nearly two crore dependency on China in the event of a critical pandemic
masks are being dumped in the domestic market from was eliminated. The same manufacturer has now become
Jan - Mar 2011 18
TechTex India
Special Feature
the leading manufacturer in Europe. This is the kind of AS: I think the innovation will be in the form of the raw
reciprocal support required by our Government also that materials used. There is scope for use of newer, higher
will expedite the growth of this industry. performance fabrics that are softer on the skin, provide
better filtration, fluid repellency. Lots of new masks were
BCH: What kind of filter media is being used for launched globally last year with special anti-virus/bacteria
manufacturing different types of masks? Is it killing properties. I think 90% were money making
being procured locally or being imported? Who are gimmicks but there is certainly some scientific research that
the main players for filter media in the country? is being done in this area which is credible and genuine. Also,
there may be innovation in mask design such as face fit and
AS: The filter media used in masks is Meltblown non comfort levels, but this will depend on which manufacturers
wovens. It is being manufactured in India now by two invest in R&D. I have seen some amazing mask designs
Companies in Pune and we source from them both for from Japan and the US that have in fact been patented, so
different markets. We very much value AIM as one of our there is room for improvement and innovation in our
long term partners in growing our export business for industry.
both the surgical masks and respirators and I have a
very close personal rapport with Dhiren and Paresh over BCH: What advice you would give to this industry for
at AIM. it to develop in a healthy manner?
A correct surgical mask comprises
3 layers of which 2 layers are PP AS:(a) First and foremost there has to be some regulation
Spunbond and a Middle layer of maybe under the supervision of a body like the FDA or
Meltblown (Filter). It is very some standards/certification implemented. Surgical
important that the PP Spunbond masks are Class 1 Medical Devices so it is imperative that
used is Medical Grade in that it not any Tom, Dick or Harry can manufacture and sell
should be lint free, hypoallergenic uncertified surgical masks. It is important that the
and smooth on the face. In lower quality face masks a Hospitals/Govt. authorities recognize surgical masks as
cheaper grade of PP Spunbond designed for the Medical Devices and demand proper certification either
packaging industry or ‘stock lot fabrics’ are used which European or US along with Test Certificates for Bacteria
are very coarse, rough on the skin and contains lots of Filtration Efficiency (BFE), Breathability and in some cases
lint. This causes irritation and possible sneezing for the Fluid Repellency.
user. However it is the middle filter layer that is the key (b) There has to be development of some proper testing
component and determines whether the mask meets the facilities in India for Masks/Respirators. We spend
requirements for the surgical mask standards. Being the thousands of dollars annually sending our masks to a US
most expensive element of the mask construction, this is lab for test reports without which we can't export or get
where unscrupulous manufacturers misbehave and FDA/CE/NIOSH certified. We are aware of so called
substitute inferior material. Either the filter layer is very Centres of Excellence in India, but they are way of the
poor quality Meltblown with a BFE of not even 90%, mark in their testing accuracy and methods plus they are
whereas the minimum requirement for a basic mask is simply not acknowledged or recognized by foreign buyers.
95% or the Meltblown is substituted with PP Spunbond The same masks we get tested in India which score BFE
offering no filtration at all. Maybe 99% of the Chinese 99% wouldn't even get 95% in a US lab. Also, we find the
masks imported have inferior Meltblown or even tissue local labs very paper heavy so they need a complete
paper with a BFE much below 90%. Domestically modernization overhaul. We've also tested our respirators
approximately 75% of the 3-Ply masks manufactured at the Central Labour Institute but again their test data is
are without any Meltblown filter at all and the balance not accurate. The filtration testing machines such as TSI
with an inferior quality filter. and Palas simply aren't available in expedite the growth of
this industry. Indian labs and with the cost touching Rs. 1
The question that has to be posed is, "What standards Crore or more it is not viable for the local manufacturers to
should a manufacturer follow when there are no buy. Indian manufacturers must be able to submit
standards and who is monitoring?’’ Why would small technical files for European/US certification with test data
domestic manufacturer increase the cost of his product from Indian labs but instead we have to first do pre-
20-25%, when his buyer/end user is only interested in testing in the US at an expense of several thousand
the selling price? dollars.
I have personally been bombarding the Bureau of Indian (c) Something has to be done about the volume of
Standards, MOH, NICD etc with letters/calls on this issue uncertified masks coming into the Indian market from China
since 2006, but have received a very negative response. or for want of a better word, Dumped! On one hand the
I have issued them all the guidance and references of the Government is supporting and promoting people to
European Standard EN 14683 on surgical masks, but to manufacture these products, but on the other hand the
date no reply and no action! imports that are landed at our manufacturing cost is killing
the industry so it's a paradoxical situation. I think long term
BCH: What are the innovations/changes or future due to an overheating domestic economy and appreciating
trends that will be seen in this industry in the RMB, the China price will increase to the point it is not viable
coming years? to import but the problem is currently creating major
turbulence for the domestic manufacturers.
Solar Textiles
Light Pathway to a Brighter Future
Today, energy is an important requirement for both industrial and daily life. While the energy demand is constantly
increasing every day, existing energy resources are limited and slowly coming to an end. A world free of carbon
emissions, a world where power is plentiful, safe and truly green is what is required for the future. These needs have
triggered an innovation instinct and 'ENERGY' has become one of the most sought after industries not only for the
makers and the users but most importantly the innovators. Researches have been directed towards developing new
energy sources which are abundant, inexpensive and eco friendly. Solar energy, which is limitless, clean, and
renewable has thus become a source not only for heating solar panels but is also an inevitable part of heated
discussions that surround all of us.
Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun has manufacturing technology. The first is the semiconductor,
been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a which absorbs light and converts it into electron-hole pairs.
range of ever-evolving technologies. Most prevalently it The second is the semiconductor junction, which separates
is today being used to convert into either heat or the photo-generated carriers (electrons and holes) and the
electrical energy. third is the contacts on the front and back of the cell that
Solar powered electrical generation relies on heat engines allow the current to flow to the external circuit.
and photovoltaics. Photovoltaics (PV) is a method of Traditional solar cells are made from silicon, are usually flat-
generating electrical power by converting solar radiation plate and generally are the most efficient. Second-
into direct current electricity using semiconductors that generation solar cells are called thin-film solar cells because
exhibit the photovoltaic effect. The photovoltaic effect is they are made from amorphous silicon or nonsilicon
the creation of a voltage (or a corresponding electric materials such as cadmium telluride. Thin film solar cells
current) in a material upon exposure to light. Photovoltaic use layers of semiconductor materials only a few
power generation employs solar panels comprising a micrometers thick. Third-generation solar cells are being
number of cells containing a photovoltaic material. A solar made from variety of new materials besides silicon.
cell (also called photovoltaic cell) is a solid state device that Some of the developments seen recently in the Solar
converts the energy of sunlight directly into electricity by Cell technology are:
the photovoltaic effect. Due to the growing demand for Concentrators: Solar cells usually operate more efficiently
renewable energy sources, the manufacturing of solar cells under concentrated light. This has led to the development of
and photovoltaic arrays has advanced considerably in a range of approaches using mirrors or lenses to focus light
recent years. A photovoltaic array (also called a solar array) on to specially designed cells & use heat sinks or active
is a linked collection of photovoltaic modules, which are in cooling of the cells, to dissipate the large amount of heat
turn made of multiple interconnected solar cells. By their that is generated.
modularity, they are able to be configured to supply most Electrochemical PV cells: Unlike the crystalline & thin
loads. film solar cells that have solid-state light absorbing layers,
Solar Technology electrochemical solar cells have their active component in a
Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either liquid phase. They use a dye sensitizer to absorb the light &
passive or active depending on the way they capture, create electron-hole pairs in a nanocrystalline titanium
convert and distribute sunlight. Active solar techniques dioxide semiconductor layer. This is sandwiched in between
use photovoltaic panels, pumps and fans to convert a tin oxide coated glass sheet (the front contact of the cell)
sunlight into useful outputs. Passive solar techniques and a rear carbon contact layer, with a glass or foil backing
include selecting materials with sheet.
Solar energy favorable thermal properties, Photovoltaic fibres & fabrics: Stainless steel wires, the
designing spaces that naturally thickness of a human hair of around 100 micron gets a three
circulate air, and referencing the layer coat to form an organic solar cell. A second wire just 50
position of a place microns thick is coated with silver paste for the secondary
or object to the electrode. These two wires are inter winded and coated in a
Sun. Active solar clear polymer coat for protection & insulation. The resulting
technologies solar wire/fibre is capable of harvest around 3% of light into
increase the supply electrical energy. The photovoltaic fibre can be woven into
of energy and are fabric that could be used to make electricity-generating
considered supply clothing.
side technologies, Power Plastics: No longer capturing solar energy is
Solar Panels while passive solar limited to large-scale roof-top installations and outdoor
technologies reduce solar panel arrays, even everyday objects can be turned
the need for into power sources through power plastics. Power Plastic is
Generation of electric energy for alternate resources a lightweight, thin-film photovoltaic material that is much
various applications
and are generally more versatile in application than traditional solar panels.
considered demand side technologies. Three key Power Plastic reacts with both indoor and outdoor light,
elements in a solar cell form the basis of their greatly expanding its potential applications.
Jan - Mar 2011 20
Special Feature
All the above developments within textiles makes us imagine what tomorrow's world may feel or look like .We
can imagine a textile world where...
...Solar textiles may form a part of everyday living incorporating technologies in
Clothing, Building, Geo, Sports, Protective, Home and over all Technical Textiles.
Jan - Mar 2011 21
Forthcoming Events
January-March 2011
Vision 2011
10-12 January; California, USA;
PPE Conference 2011
01-02 February; Brussels, Belgium;
The Grass Yarn & Tufters Forum 2011
22-24 February; London, UK;
ICERP 2011
02-04 March; Mumbai, India;
Geo-Frontiers 2011
13-16 March; Dallas, USA;
22-24 March; Wiesbaden/Frankfurt, Germany;
Technical Textiles 2011
23-24 March; Frankfurt, Germany;
IFAI Expo Asia 2011
22-25 March; Singapore;
July-September 2011
50th Dornbirn Man-Made Fibres Congress TechTex India is an Indian publication
14-16 September; Dornbirn, Austria; covering worldwide happenings, technologies, markets and events of the
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hibit io sence
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C Sho ssfully by value us on
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The JE
'JEC Asia Innovation Awards'
u c c e e n t ir e e cial foc e 6 C paratio Mr. Samir Gu
s s p uch as
ceremony ld e pta, MD, BC
e t h sa hina I n Asia
was h layers of Separa display H
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majo dust catio nal Fil ed
succes ibition & Co
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exhibition which saw exhibitors from all over the world & poster presentations made by
students and faculty covering a variety of technical textile products, processes, Exhib
ns itors
essio ence applications and raw materials. A lively cultural program was arranged which gave a
ed s
Pack e confe in
prod ing abou
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mmis Spea
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Te xh estin e
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. B.J tin ues p
& to on
Mr. A augura pics
in participants
l 300 participants, 46 oral and 23 poster papers
Technical Textiles
Netherlands: New, Breakthrough
Protective Textiles
Jan - Mar 2011
Transport Textiles
Transport Textiles
Autoliv Expands in India Toyobo Develops
Starts Weaving of Seatbelt Recyclable Coated Fabric for
Webbing Airbags
In response to the rapid growth in
Toyobo Co., Ltd. (Toyobo) has developed a new
Asian vehicle production, Autoliv Inc.
coated fabric for airbags that can be recycled. The
the worldwide leader in automotive
product applies a newly developed nylon polymer in
safety systems has begun the
place of the silicone polymer used so far for side and
construction of a seatbelt weaving
side curtain airbags, which are increasing in recent
plant in Mysore near Bangalore, which
years. The new coated fabric can be recycled without
will be India's first plant for this seatbelt component.
separating the coating material from the base fabric.
Currently, most seatbelt webbing is imported from
The existing coated fabrics have generally used
Autoliv's plant in China. However, demand in Asia has
silicone as the coating material. Such fabrics are not
grown so sharply during the last few years that more
only difficult to recycle but the cost required to
webbing capacity is urgently needed in the region.
separate the silicone coating from the base fabric in
The Mysore webbing plant will have capacity to
the recycling process also becomes a problem. The
produce 100 mn meters of webbing when the floor
new coated fabric developed by Toyobo can be
space of 10,000 m2 will be fully utilized. The cost for
recycled without separating the coating material
the initial phase amounts to approximately 10 mn US
2 from the base fabric because the newly developed
dollars, which includes the cost for the 24,000 m nylon polymer is chemically friendly to the base fabric
site. The new weaving facility will produce state-of- woven from Nylon-66 yarn. Decreasing the amount
the-art seatbelt webbing. The new plant will increase of coating is one approach to lowering the costs of
Autoliv's global weaving capacity for seatbelt coated fabrics, but deterioration of fire-resistance
webbing by 20% to more than 0.5 bn meters (or and other problems occur when the amount of
approximately 12 laps around the earth). Currently, conventional silicone coating is decreased.
Autoliv has five webbing plants (in the Netherlands, Combining the excellent yarn and fabric
Romania, Canada, China and Brazil). Autoliv manufacturing technologies they have developed for
estimates that its existing plants account for more driver and passenger frontal airbags with the newly
than 40% of the annual global seatbelt webbing developed nylon polymer coating, Toyobo has
production. The customers of these plants include created a new coated fabric which uses less than half
not only Autoliv's own seatbelt system assembly the coating amount of conventional silicone polymer
plants but also assembly plants of other seatbelt coatings, with good fire-resistance and maintaining
manufacturers. equivalent air permeability to existing coated fabrics.
Medical Textiles
Sport Textiles
3D Fibrin Textiles for the Germany: Outlast Develops First
Biomedical Sector: A Research Climate Regulating Polyester Fibre
Project for New Applications With Phase Change Material
The use of textiles in the medical Outlast Technologies broadens its product offering
sector has been expanding by maintaining a steady pace of innovation. After
continuously for a number of intensive research and development, Outlast
years now, a high technology field Technologies, Inc., Boulder/Colorado, the market
of application whose economic leader in temperature regulating phase change
viability is undisputed. One materials (PCMs), is pleased to announce the
interesting project in course, introduction of Outlast® polyester fibre. The newest
dubbed "PANAGENESI", aims to optimize the member of the Outlast fibre family is a bi-
implanting of human pancreatic islands through the component fiber with a PCM core and a polyester
use of fibrin scaffold. sheeth. Staple fibres will launch in market first,
This project is financed by the region of Lombardy and followed by filament fibres once the production
is being developed by five different entities bringing process has been fully refined. The new Outlast®
together their respective know-how and multi-sector polyester fibre offers the added value of balancing
expertise. Among the research partners are three temperature coupled with the characteristics of a
Italian manufacturers operating in the textile sector: conventional polyester fibre (e.g. low moisture
TORCITURA DI MENAGGIO- a silk yarn twisting absorption; ability to transport moisture; improved
company; GAETANO ROSSINI HOLDING- specializing wrinkle resistance; superior light, water and wind
resistance and an above average durability). The
in the production of 3D fabrics; and COMEZ- a global
result is increased comfort- chilling and sweating
leader in the manufacturing of narrow fabric
are reduced due to the optimum climate regulation.
technology machinery. These manufacturers are
The new fiber with temperature management aligns
partnering their efforts with the Stazione
particularly well with underwear and other products
Sperimentale Per La Seta [Experimental Silk Centre], worn next to skin such as socks,
one of Italy's most renowned research centres t-shirts, shirts and trousers. At
specializing in the textile sector and Milan's Niguarda ISPO, the International Fair for
Ca' Granda hospital which is Italy's most important Sports Equipments and Fashion
medical research centre in the field of histotherapy, held in Munich, Outlast will
focusing on in vitro regeneration of human tissue. exhibit and present this latest
Also involved in this project are the Diabetes innovation. Come visit and experience the Outlast
Research Center of the University of Miami in Florida, difference, keeping with the slogan: not too hot, not
headed by an Italian researcher, Dr. Camillo Ricordi. too cold, just right.
The goal of the PANAGENESI project is to optimize the
rooting of islands in the transplant site through the
I ndia:
Clothing Textiles
12th - 15th April 2011, An opportunity to discover all that's
Geneva, Palexpo new in nonwovens!
The multi-faceted contributions made by nonwovens to today's quality of life will
be showcased at INDEX 11 which takes place in Geneva, Switzerland from 12-15th
April 2011. Almost 450 exhibitors have already confirmed their attendance at
INDEX 11, covering an impressive 50,000m of exhibition halls, attracting more
than 12,500 visitors from over 100 countries to this leading global event for a
unique industry. Nonwovens are perhaps best known for their contribution to the hygiene sector,
for their use in baby diapers & other absorbent hygiene products, also in wipes but the diversity of
applications utilising these highly-engineered materials today also extends far beyond.
Some Highlights
During INDEX 11 a number of the growing sectors for them is a range of durables,including a large number of
nonwovens have been selected for particular emphasis, nonwovens,” says Dr. Kellie. “What's equally exciting for
to illustrate the broad range of applications for which the industry is that this is getting many designers
these versatile materials can be used. involved in working with nonwoven materials & providing
different perspectives on what it's possible to do.”
The average car, for example, already contains some 40 Innovation
separate nonwoven products, all contributing through None of these developments would be possible without a
weight savings, insulation, filtration or added protection thriving culture of innovation within the industry, which
to the vehicle's comfort & performance. The rapid will be amply illustrated by two more special events at
development of hybrid and electric vehicles (HEVs) is INDEX 11. The Senior Management Workshop on
presenting many new and exciting opportunities - not Innovation, to be held at Geneva Palexpo during INDEX
least for nonwovens, as essential separators in the 50 to 11, has been specially designed for the senior managers,
200 batteries by which such vehicles are powered. China and will be limited to three participants per company to
alone is aiming to produce 500,000 HEVs this year, which ensure maximum access to all. This free workshop will
represents a huge new market opportunity, and the provide a practical set of tools for managers to help them
automotive industry will be the subject of a dedicated judge the strengths & weaknesses of innovation
focus during INDEX 11. management within their own companies & take
appropriate action. They will be tutored by Dr Karl-
Filtration Michael Schumann, former R&D director at Procter &
The role of nonwoven filter media in contributing to Gamble and now a future business development and
indoor & outdoor air quality or providing cleaner water for innovation coach. Dr Schumann will share insights, best
everyone is also increasing worldwide. Filter media made practices and stories of success and failures, as attendees
from nonwoven materials can now effectively compete learn how to build and sustain superior innovation
with other media in the removal of viruses & bacteria, capabilities and how to cascade that dynamic down,
with improved performance characteristics & cost through all levels of an organisation. Participants will be
advantages. “The challenge for producers of nonwovens required to register their intention to participate in advance.
in the filtration sector is to balance stricter regulations,
sustainability requirements & increasing costs, with Awards
improved performance & longer-lasting products,” says The INDEX 11 Awards, which reward innovation &
Pierre Wiertz, General Manager, EDANA. sustainability in the nonwovens & related industries, have
Packaging become a well-established means of identifying &
The expanding role of nonwovens in packaging will be honouring some truly game-changing developments. For
highlighted in a special workshop held by specialist Dr. this next edition, the categories have been expanded to
George Kellie of Microflex Technologies.“Whilst currently seven, to include two new categories which provide
only accounting for about 2-3% of all the nonwovens recognition for the most significant sustainable product &
produced in Europe, packaging is certainly one of the the best-developed sustainable process or management
fastest growing applications for their use,” Dr. Kellie practice. Machine developer Andritz Küsters has received
explains. “New solutions include the incorporation of an INDEX Award not once, but twice, for the development
active components into food packs, for example, which of its neXcal twin calendar in 2005 & the neXdetect
can play a vital part in extending the shelf life of food system in 2011.“The Index Awards directed the market's
without the use of additives. These processes are also attention towards our technologies and resulted in a
playing an important part in dealing with food waste.”The remarkably increased demand,” says Andreas Lukas, Vice
replacement of disposable shopping bags with more President of Andritz Nonwoven. Any company who is a
durable, nonwoven alternatives has also boomed in member of EDANA and/or exhibiting at INDEX 11 is
many countries. “In the UK, for example, the eligible to enter the Awards competition, whose closing
consumption of disposable plastic shopping bags has date is 31 January 2011.
reduced from 18 mn annually to around four mn in the For more information on the INDEX 11 event and for visitor &
space of just a few years, and what is partially replacing exhibitor registration, please log on at
derive into more methods aiming at assessing the absorption capacity of other devices, this apparent gap deserves
an explanation. An EDANA position paper summarizes the views of the European Absorbent Hygiene Products
industry concerning the qualitative and comparative "performance" testing of diapers, feminine hygiene products
and incontinence care products:
“The purpose of such testing is to provide the consumer with representative and objective data which will help them
in their buying decision. Leaving aside aspects like price, the criteria for each type of absorbent hygiene product is
wearer comfort, providing maximum mobility and discretion, protection of the underwear and clothing (no leakage)
and, last but not least, skin dryness. Furthermore individual likes and dislikes during usage determine the
preference for certain products. As can be seen from the above, the common thread running through all these
criteria is the importance of real life "in use" data; either direct feedback from the consumers themselves or
observations made by carers. This is not too surprising when one considers the complexity of the usage situation,
taking into account the inter-individual differences in body size and shape, the degree of mobility, the individual
habits and practices, not to mention the subjective (but difficult to measure) parameters which also play a critical
role in the consumer buying choice; all these factors will significantly and decisively affect the "objective" values
obtained in the laboratory. We agree that laboratory tests have their role to play, e.g. in the area of individual raw
material assessments as indicators for potentially interesting avenues in developmental projects; taken alone
however, they give an incomplete picture of real finished product performance and consumer preferences. Only a
combination of laboratory and consumer tests can provide an accurate and representative picture of a product's
performance in consumer-relevant terms.”
Interestingly, health authorities in certain countries e.g. Sweden, U.K. and lately the Netherlands, have already
been using such consumer tests for quite a number of years as the basis for reimbursement of incontinence care
products. These involve an in-use test with questionnaires being filled out by the users. In this way, the authorities
feel that they can identify the most appropriate products for consumer, based upon relevant criteria.
EDANA has been highly praised, ever since its foundation in 1971, for excellence in developing test methods. These
test methods serve essentially to assess properties of nonwovens, which are the main component of absorbent
hygiene products. A special place has been developed for superabsorbent polyacrylates, another essential
constituent of absorbent products. When it comes to finished, converted goods, EDANA has chosen to bring up a
philosophy of overall quality rather than pure technical tools. This approach truly helps EDANA member companies
and in general all industry stakeholders to keep up with the aspects of sustainability and safety, as well as with basic
technical tools.
Current Situation in India phase however, India needs to give equal emphasis on
India has a population of more than one billion and has a improving testing methodologies & simultaneously adopt
huge burden of patient population requiring multiple the newer blood processing techniques so that we quickly
transfusions. As per the National AIDS Control catch up with the rest of the world. To understand what
Organization, there is a requirement of 8.5 - 9 million action we need to take we need to critically understand
units of blood in the country annually, and this includes the gaps in our system.
the existing Thalassemic population requiring regular
transfusions and the rapidly growing size of the Gaps in Transfusion Service-
haemato-oncology patients requiring different types of India vs Developed Countries
blood component support. l
In terms of voluntary blood donation, we are far behind
Pre-requisite for the safe and effective use of blood and other Asian countries. For example, in Japan blood
blood products is a well-organized Blood Transfusion donation is 100% voluntary.
Service (BTS), with quality systems in all areas. For any l
Methods of collecting blood need to be worked upon;
healthcare delivery system this is of vital importance. An infection control in most blood donation camps is not
integrated strategy is required for elimination of upto the mark with significant potential for bacterial
transfusion transmitted infections (TTI) and for provision contamination
of safe and adequate blood supply to the people. l
Testing methodologies have not kept pace. Many blood
The Blood Transfusion Service in India is highly banks are yet to graduate to ELISA testing from the
decentralized and lack many vital resources like Rapid tests, yet alone adopt Nucleic acid technology
manpower, adequate infrastructure and financial base. l
Leuco-reduction of blood components is hardly
The main issue that plagues blood banking system in the practiced
country is fragmented management. The standards vary l
Few Blood banks that practice leuco-reduction
from state to state, cities to cities and centre to centre in selectively have no quality control for the filters or the
the same city. The blood component production/availability instruments being used
and utilization is extremely limited. There is shortage of l
Irradiation of blood components is rarity but yet use of
trained health-care professionals in the field of blood from patient's relatives is rampant. Blood
transfusion medicine which needs to be addressed. bankers employ rapid tests for aphaeresis & accept
relatives as blood donors on the pretext of “emergency”
Testing of Blood Pre and Post AIDS Era or non-availability of donors, knowingly or unknowingly
Before the onset of HIV / AIDS, VDRL was the only test l
Emphasis is more on cost rather than concept of quality.
needed to ensure blood safety. The spread of AIDS If a patient who paid Rs. 30,000 for a cardiac stent in
epidemic in the early 1980’s vastly contributed to the year 2000 are willing to pay Rs. 1 lakh and upwards
improvements in transfusion services. For nearly 100 for a medicated stent today on account of increased
years before 2000, all resources went into clinical benefits. Surely, transfusion fraternity can
understanding blood groups & making clinicians impress upon the patients on the importance of
understand the importance of blood components & safe preserving this stent by spending a few
testing of donors. This accomplished, it is believed that hundred/thousand rupees more, on safe blood. A
the next 20 years will see great improvements in the way person spending a few lakhs on a stem cell transplant
blood is processed. The world is slowly moving away will not mind the additional cost of filters or irradiation if
from testing of blood by various technologies like ELISA the hazards & costs associated with non-use are
& Nucleic Acid Testing & is focusing on better methods of explained
making blood safer. Post 2000, the focus is on improving
blood processing technologies & decontaminating blood Blood Safety after 2000
or killing the viruses and bacteria in donor blood rather In the new century, developed countries are dedicating
than just eliminating infected donors, In this transition more time & effort in adopting Leuco-reduction
Jan - Mar 2011 38
TechTex India
Industrial Textiles
techniques, pathogen inactivation & bacterial detection & reduction in cost it is good to use it. After all, we don't
methods, but in India we are still trying to establish take transfusions every day. However, blood banks
voluntary blood donation & remove the focus on engaging in Leuco-reduction should calculate the number
replacement donation from our hospital based blood of leukocytes in the bag post donation as part of Quality
banks with few exceptions. Most NGO blood banks may control to ensure that it has less than 5 x 10 (American
be with few exceptions, collect blood only from guideline) or 1x10 (European guideline) white cells.
voluntary donors for lack of access to captive patients (& In India only 2% of the total blood is only filtered for
relatives) enjoyed by hospital based blood banks. While leucocytes removal where as 21 countries have universal
hospital blood banks give great importance to donor leukocyte reduction as a mandate. In most of the
selection & testing this is not the case with NGO based developed countries there is one centralized blood bank
blood banks whose focus is on numbers & cost reduction to cater to a town so which enables an effective quality
& not quality. Their interaction with patients & their control over blood collection in contrast to India where
treating physicians is minimal & many times restricted blood banks are too many and decentralized.
to one time blood issue. The problems of poor quality
Advantages of Leuco-reduction
education, poor quality equipment, low cost testing
strategies are aimed at survival of blood banks & not the l
White blood cells (WBC) carry Viruses
patient. l
WBC release inflammatory rnediators - cytokines -
Focus on Reducing Viral Transmission NHFTR
Pre-storage filtration of platelet concentrates and red
NAT testing, Leuco-reduction, Pathogen inactivation
cells diminishes the accumulation of leucocyte-
techniques are all aimed at reducing viral transmission.
derived cytokines
Testing methodologies are always going to be
Reduces viral infections-CMV/EBV(HHV-4)/Herpes
inadequate, with the new threat posed by new viruses.
How many viruses are we going to test, for
Leuco-reduced products certainly will result in
Chikungunya, Dengue, H1N1, CMV, Human Papilloma
reduction in primary HLA alloimmunization
Virus. The list can go on.
Leuco-reduction filters T.cruzi thereby reducing
Leukocyte reduction Chagas disease
This was a step forward, as along with removal of l
Bacterial sepsis from Yersinia enterocolitica may be
leukocytes most contaminating viruses get reduced by pre-storage Leuco-reduction of the Red
automatically removed. Leuco-reduction of blood cells
components serves three important purposes: l
Inconclusive evidence that Leuco-reduced blood
l Removal of viruses most importantly CMV reduces postoperative infections following abdominal
l Secondly, prevents febrile transfusion reactions due to surgery
the cytokines and interleukins they release l
Reported reduction in morbidity and mortality in
l Finally prevents alloimmunization to HLA antigens or cardiac surgery in patients receiving Leuco-reduced
platelet specific antigens blood
Whole blood products consist of cellular components
(such as red & white cells & platelets) & the non-cellular What is required to bring about a change?
protein containing aqueous fluid. Blood products have to Much of the emphasis is laid understandably on
be filtered to ensure their safety, efficiency, & controlling / preventing / managing the viral infections
consistency, but the processing can be complicated & like HIV / HCV etc., however, not much attention is given
may also consist of many stages. The complexity comes towards the implementation of other elements in the
from the very composition of the blood. The filter must safety chain like NAT (Nucleic Acid Testing), Leuco-
deal with such materials as water, dissolved salts, fats reduction & bacterial testing. Each one of these could
(lipids), protein fractions, enzymes, & other sub-protein improve the safety but may seem to add to the cost of
groups. These components vary in concentration, blood; but by ensuring safety, mitigating the associated
molecular weight, shape, size, sensitivity,& value. There adverse events / infections, the incident costs could very
is also variation in chemical makeup. A leukocyte blood well be recovered by the healthcare system as proven by
filter may consist of up to 40 different layers generally of those who have adopted these modern technologies. A
meltblown nonwovens , normally in a graded density million dollar question though is who will bell the cat? It is
construction with fibre size in the nanometer range. imperative that a country having 2,600 blood banks and
Within 3 days if you do not filter blood the leucocytes edging towards 10 million plus transfusions adopt these
start disintegrating. modern technologies at least selectively giving the
Leuco-reduction is of two types- Pre-storage & post benefit to high risk patient groups. Poverty cannot be the
storage. answer to all the ills plaguing the transfusion service.
1. Pre-storage Leuco-reduction -at time of manufacture Poverty is a common challenge for all health care
2. Post storage: Immediately before or concurrent with workers. As more experience develops, with increased
administration awareness, patients / relatives themselves may make a
more informed choice in time to come.
Just like everyone cannot afford an expensive filter & Need of the hour is centralisation & consolidation of
drink filtered water, so also everyone cannot afford the transfusion services with total quality management as
cost of a blood filter. Hence it is sparingly used in our the core driving principle can lead to a safe blood to
country. However, with better knowledge of its benefits citizens of India.
BCH: Yours is a very well-known name in the BCH: Everybody in the industry seems to feel that
Geotextile fraternity. Could you highlight your the Geotextile industry in India is growing at a fast
accomplishments in this industry? pace. However some feel negatively by way
GVR: I have been one of the fortunate few to have been of'more hype than realism'. What are your views?
introduced to geosynthetics as early as 1985 through GVR: I must say that the expected growth in the
the first workshop on geotextiles & geomembranes geosynthetic industry has not been materialized. On one
organized by the Central Board of Irrigation and Power hand the practicing engineers complain of lack of codes
(CBIP). My fellow geotechnical engineers at IIT Delhi & & manuals which they can understand & implement. On
colleagues in the textile department were excited about the other hand, the industry is in a kind of dilemma.
the prospects of this “modern civil engineering material” Elsewhere in the world they are only called upon to
and together we organized a 3-week short course on supply a specified geosynthetic product. In India
'Applications of Geosynthetics in Civil Engineering', in however, the supplier needs to be a total technology
the year 1987. Over the next few years I identified topics provider which includes designs-duly vetted with site
that are relevant to the infrastructure problems plaguing supervision. Moreover, all this is expected to be done
our country, such as reinforced soil structures, free of charge. The geosynthetic supplier rather than
pavements and erosion control. I focused on the the engineer is expected to provide the answer. One
development of test methods/equipment as an must understand the basic fact that geosynthetics
immediate necessity for this technology to be provide an alternate feasible & in most cases
implemented in India. I also recognized the need for economically viable or durable structures in comparison
development of geotextiles with natural fibres like jute with the conventional structures.
and coir for an ecologically sustainable development. I BCH: Could you throw some light on the
spearheaded the establishment of the first Geosynthetic consumption of nonwoven & woven geotextiles &
testing laboratory in India. With more and more its types in India?
fundamental and application oriented research, IIT GVR: Nearly all types of conventional geosynthetics are
Delhi was a sought after destination by the in use today namely: woven and nonwoven geotextiles,
manufacturing industry as well as the practicing extruded and woven geogrids, geomembranes,
engineers. With the inclusion of geosynthetics in the geocomposites and to a smaller extent, GCL's and
Orange book of specification of the MOST, the geotubes. We have no established channels for
geosynthetic applications were taken up in a big way by collection of data regarding use, but one can say the
the Govt. agencies. Material testing, design of reinforced annual consumption of nonwovens is about 5 mm2 and
soil structures, vetting of the design and quality control wovens is about 2 mm2.
aspects were taken up in earnest. Thus, the last decade BCH: Which application in this industry in India
of the 20th century has been very eventful which not only has the maximum usage of geotextile products
led to some successful geosynthetic constructions but and of which type?
also motivated the industry to establish state-of-art GVR: The maximum use of geotextile products in the
manufacturing facilities in the country. I had the unique country is for nonwovens in filtration and drainage in
privilege of serving the geosynthetic industry in many roads. Use is also being made of wovens and nonwovens
capacities, particularly as President of the International for coastal erosion protection and ground improvement
Geosynthetic Society, India Chapter (IGS) for nearly works on soft marine soils. Another common application
more than a decade and also as Member of the is as reinforcement in reinforced fills, the consumption
International Council of the International Geosynthetic however being much smaller.
Society (ICIGS). For long I have been the Chairman of BCH: How much of the above is being met
the Geosynthetics committee of the Bureau of Indian domestically? Does the industry face any
Standards. problems with the domestic product offerings or
Jan - Mar 2011 40
TechTex India
Meltblowns are a unique segment of the Nonwoven industry, distinct from their peers due to their very low fibre
size and air bonding quality. They are known for their efficient properties of absorption, drapeability and filtration.
Melt blowing is a process for producing fibrous webs or articles directly from polymers or resins using high-
velocity air or another appropriate force to attenuate the filaments. Commonly weak in their strength,
meltblowns are exceptional and perform where most conventional fibres fail, thus delivering a sense of safety
under tough conditions. Potential threats of virus, bacteria, corrosive chemicals and dust to human life can be
eliminated by these nonwovens at fractional costs. These materials have been successfully used to safeguard
against various pandemics like Swine flue, SARS, Avian flue etc. In everyday industrial life too thousands of
people need to be protected from occupational safety where they may be exposed to drugs, pathogens,
hazardous smoke, cancer causing substances and severe environments like those in the mines. Not only this,
these specialty fabrics are used as air filters within masks which protect people in public places too like the
airports or shopping malls.
Most of the Indians travel in cars assuming that the air that they are breathing inside a car is safe and clean which is
not the case in India. Most of the cars in India do not use good quality filters or cabin air filters. They tend to use non
polyurethane foam for filtering cabin air. The efficiency of these filters is always questionable
In operation theatres one has come across surgical gowns that do not show any barrier against pathogens or
bacteria thereby turning the places meant for treating diseases into those which spread diseases
Clean filtered drinking water is also a big issue in India and most of the diseases spread today is due to this reason
The global meltblown markets have seen several ups and downs during the last few years. Several plants were
commissioned in 2010 who all owe their birth to the spike in demand during the swine flue upsurge. The market
estimation globally for stand alone meltblown lines is about 80,000 tons. About fifty percent of these capacities are
dedicated for oil sorbents and the rest focus on stand alone air filter medias, medical and hygiene markets. Many
capacities have been set up for SMS type Reicofil lines which are very high throughputs and have much higher
capabilities. The Indian market of meltblowns is at a nascent stage and many efforts are needed to grow the same.
This market is estimated to be of only 50 tons per annum. Lack of regulation, awareness and availability are keeping
the demand low.
In the developed countries, human life safety is the top agenda of governments and hence regulations, safety
measures and environment protection works are undertaken with a very serious attitude. Filtration and that too
sufficed with meltblown fabrics is commonly done to cater to various such needs. Use of meltblowns is essential to live
a better life which is clean, hygienic and safe. While most developed nations have regulations in place which promote
use of nonwovens, Indian laws and industry are yet to educate themselves on the benefits delivered by this product.
Some of the novel applications that may change the way meltblowns are used in India are:
Automotive roofings:
These will be used in inner insulation areas of automotives to provide a safe environment and insulation to the
passengers. The bulk of automotives in India still use PU foam and in the coming days due to the Euro IV norms
meltblowns will be more in use in these segments.
Food plates:
We have experimented with food plates coated with meltblowns. The current problem in Indian food is the heavy use
of oil in curries. If a blotting paper is used to remove oil before consumption, it absorbs water as well, thus drying up
the food. Meltblowns absorb oil and not the water thus making the food safer and hygienic when being eaten in food
plates lined with metlblown fabrics.
Meltblowns for medical applications:
Several researches are making use of this novel technology. Some of the uses have been in commercial segments to
prepare orthopedic bandages where cotton & plaster of paris bandages are replaced with meltblown combinations.
Wound care areas need high level of antibacterial properties & absorption. Meltblowns are used in these segments to
make a novel web which helps in healing the wound faster.
Earnings of common man in India are going up and one can now afford good health, hygiene and safety as compared
to before. At a tipping point of earnings where safety will not be expensive, people will demand better performances
from products and just like the story of water, disposable cups or mobile phones there will be vertical boom seen in
this area of the industry.
Aim Filtertech has been in the business since 2001 to cater to the requirements of the air filtration market by
providing innovative solutions. With customers in 22 countries around the globe, the company provides filter
products like pockets, pleats and filter medias to filter producers. Aim's growth has been from a converter of
nonwovens to producer of nonwovens. They have a state-of-the-art facility to produce bi-component meltblowns
using the patented Hills system from Florida, USA. The line is 1.6 meter wide with world class control systems and
round the clock inspection systems. AIM is a pioneer to set up plant to manufacture meltblown media in India with
nearly a 1000 tons per annum capacity. They cater to various products segments such as hygiene, filtration,
wipes and oil absorbents and have had an yearly growth of 30% over the past 10 years.
AIM Filtertech was founded by Dhiren Shah - Polymer Engineer by profession with about 10 years experience in
the field of nonwovens. The company is currently run by Dhiren and Paresh Pungliya-Director who has done his MS
in Plastics Engineering from USA and has 8 to 10 years experience in the field of Polymers. The company is guided
by Dr. Vikas Nadkarni, a world renowned expert in polymers and synthetic fibres with a 40 years experience in
fibre extrusion and a number of patents under his belt. Aim plans to set up a state-of-the-art-spunbond line in
India and also to increase its existing meltblown capacity during the next two to three years.
Jan - Mar 2011
Industrial Textiles
gasket materials such as Gasket Paper (Beater Addition), and may be used in the pH range of 0-14. It is however
Non-asbestos, Rubber, EPDM, Nitrile, Buna, Neoprene, not suitable for oxidizing environments
Flexible Graphite, Grafoil, Aflas, Kalrez, Viton, Silicone, l Glass: Glass fibres offer good strength and moderate
Metal, Mica, Felt or a plastic polymer such as Teflon® chemical resistance. They are suitable for medium to high
(PTFE), Peek, Urethane, or Ethylene Propylene (EP). temperature applications. The fibres do not fibrillate
In the past, the gasket material selected for specific Many technologies are put together to make gasket
applications may have contained asbestos but due to materials and may involve the techniques of nonwoven,
environmental and health considerations asbestos has knitting and composite manufacturing.
been virtually eliminated.
The basic components of the non-asbestos materials
Today's sealing products
used in gasket construction are elastomer and filler. The
manufacturers in the
elastomer composition corresponds to the application of
developed world no longer
the gasket assisting in the categorization and selection of
produce or offer any
the gasket best used for the service it will be performing.
asbestos containing
Fibres provide tensile strength in all dimensions along
products. Gasket materials
with providing media resistance, heat resistance and aid
containing asbestos have
in processing. Fillers on the other hand provide the
been claimed to have
necessary void arrangement for desired sealability &/or
caused Asbestosis.
saturation along with crush and heat resistance. The
Asbestos gasket material is
binder bonds the ingredients of the material & provides
however still used in many parts of the world and is a very
resilience whereas the additives provide aid in the entire
effective low cost material. Some textile fibres other than
asbestos used for gaskets are cellulose, glass,
polyaramids, acrylics, carbon and various inorganic Gasket's material can be made by four main processes:
fibres. Some of these fibres can provide temperature l Beater addition (Fourdrinier and cylinder
resistance from 750° to 24000° F . Textile fibres form one machines): It consists of a basic beater addition process
of the main components of a gasket material. They are and the machine used is called fourdrinier. The beater
gaining popularity as they control a gasket's compressive addition process consist of a slurry of water, rubber latex,
strength and extrusion resistance. fibres and fillers which are deposited on a belt, the water
Main characteristics of these textile fibres used for is drawn off and finally the sheet is passed through the
manufacturing gaskets are: calendar stack to compress the material to the proper
l Cellulose: This is a natural fibre, suitable for low gauge and density
temperature and medium pressure applications. Raw l Compressed (Calendaring): In this process uncured
fibres can fibrillate. Cellulosic fibres are resistant to most rubber, solvents, fibres and fillers are squeezed together
of the fluids except strong acids and alkalies and can between the calendaring rolls. Sheet materials made by
resist temperature of approximately 3000° F. But this process are called compressed products
changes in humidity may result in dimensional changes
l Graphite process (Exfoliated and calendaring): In
and/or hardening. Cellulose fibre are used individually or
this process the mined graphite is treated with acid,
as part of a compound in the construction of sheeting of
heated and then placed on a web and compressed in a
non-asbestos gaskets
calendaring line. This gives rolls of graphite material.
l Asbestos: Asbestos fibres can resist temperature upto
Here no adhesive is used as the material adhesively
8000° F and are non-combustible. They are chemically
bonds itself
inert and have very low compressibility. This fibre is
permitted to be used only in special industrial l Reinforced process (Calendaring and combining):
applications It is somewhat similar to beater addition of the fourdrinier
l Aramid: Aramid fibre have been progressively used to process. Here the material is placed on the support sheet
become the general purpose material for the low to or plate and is calendered and combined to it. After
medium pressure and temperature range of gasket heating, which is done for curing purpose, the material is
materials. Gaskets are made of aramid fibres as they are coiled Gaskets and seals are vital to the operation of
economical and are suitable for use at low to medium many types of equipment. Though they are not as
temperature and pressure with oil, water and some fluid glamorous or voluminous, but these materials are of
chemicals great importance to keep the parts of a machine running
l Carbon fibre: Carbon fibre based non-asbestos and performing as intended. The United States
gaskets are ideal for application in extreme conditions represents the largest gaskets and seals market globally.
such as hot oils, high pressure, heat and saturated However, emerging markets such as Asia-Pacific are
steam. Utilized in applications with severe conditions, expected to drive growth in the global market for gaskets
carbon fibre based gaskets are able to handle a and seals. Automotive constitutes the largest end-use
maximum temperature of over 9000° F and a continuous industry for gaskets and seals worldwide. Process
temperature of over 6500° F. High thermal conductivity industry represents the second largest end-use market
ensures rapid heat dissipation and allows high for gaskets & seals worldwide. The global market for
temperature capability (except in oxidizing gaskets & seals is projected to exceed US $32 billion by
atmospheres). This fibre has a wide chemical resistance the year 2015.
EVERBERG, Belgium Huntsman Corporation (NYSE: Tokyo, Japan, Teijin Fibers Limited, the core company of
HUN) today announced that it is fully compliant with the Teijin Group's polyester fibers business, announced
REACH legislation European Regulation (EC) No. that it will begin in April 2012 the full-fledged production
1907/2006. From its inception, Huntsman has fully and marketing of new plant-based polyethylene
supported the REACH program to “Register, Evaluate terephthalate (PET) fiber as the world's first
and Authorize Chemicals” in order to improve safe use commercially produced bio-derived PET fiber. Named
of chemicals and protect human health and the ECO CIRCLE PlantFiber, the new product, also available
environment. Reflecting this, the business acted as lead as a textile, will become Teijin Fibers' core biomaterial
registrant for more than 40% of the substances it for applications ranging from apparel, car seats and
submitted during the first phase of registration. In interiors to personal hygiene products. Teijin Fibers
addition, substances manufactured & imported by expects to sell 30,000 tons of ECO CIRCLE PlantFiber
Huntsman with a later registration deadline have all products in the initial fiscal year ending in March 2013,
been pre-registered & are therefore also REACH and 70,000 tons by the third year of business.
“This unique and extensive market report about
Preface HEPA / ULPA
filtration in India is a document about the
growing opportunities in numerous segments Summary & Highlights Vacuum Cleaner
of the vibrant and one of the fastest growing
filtration markets of the world. India is strong, Basic Information on India Automotive Filtration
but needs help from outside and you can be one
of the soldiers. Our report is no doubt the Basic Filtration Theory Other Air/Dry Filtration Applications
Lutz Bergmann blueprint to get there. ”
Fibres in Filtration Vacuum and Pressure Filtration