Grade 4 Science
Grade 4 Science
Grade 4 Science
I. Objectives:
Describe what happens to solid materials when hammered
Identify some ways of changing solid materials in terms of size, shape, and
Appreciate the changes happen in solid materials in real life situation.
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activities Pupils’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities (Engage)
1. Prayer
“To properly start our today’s lesson, let’s
have our opening prayer.
Who wants to lead the prayer?”
(One student will lead the prayer)
4. Checking of Attendance
First, let us check your attendance.
Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
Bustos Campus
College of Education
5. Checking of Assignment
Do we have an assignment class? I’m glad to tell you that nobody is absent in
group 3
6. Review
Class, let’s have a review
What was our lesson yesterday?
None, Ma’am.
Very Good!
What are the organs belong to our Digestive The Digestive System is composed of
System? organs working together to get nutrients
from the food you eat.
Yes, Ma’am
Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
Bustos Campus
College of Education
Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
Bustos Campus
College of Education
2. Presentation
Class, are you ready about our lesson for
today? But before that, let us perform a dance
3. Discussion (Explain)
Today our topic is Respiratory System
The Pharynx
This is a tube or throat cavity. It is connected
to the nose and mouth.
This tube or throat cavity is ca and acts as p
The Trachea
A tube found at lower part of the larynx.
Bronchial Tubes
-are the final division that connect the trachea
and lungs.
The Lungs perform the exchange of oxygen
and carbon dioxide as we breathe.
Work cooperatively
Excellent! Work neatly
Speak Softly
Stay on task
Finish on time
5. Infusion of values:
Is your respiratory system important?
(the pupils will arrange and label the cut-
Without the respiratory system what will outs)
happen to us?
(Presentation of output)
6. Application
IV. Evaluation
Identify the parts of the respiratory system. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
c. sneezing
5. What muscles helps the lungs to pull in air and push it out?
a. alveoli
b. pharynx
c. diaphragm
V. Assignment: