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Star Wars The Role-Playing Game Design by Dark Lord Azagthoth

Cover Design by Dark Lord Azagthoth

Cover Arts taken from Wookieepedia
Illustration taken from Wookieepedia

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Claymore, Gilmakar, Magistina, and Space Rabbit.

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Last update: 14/4/2019





A long time ago in a galaxy far,
Force-sensitives but Supreme Leader Snoke and his apprentice Kylo Ren (Ben
Solo) and Leia & Luke Skywalker and Rey. But Luke tried to cut himself of
from the Force and Leia didn’t use the Force.
far away…. If your campaign is set in The New Jedi Order era, the Force has regained a
place in everyday society and a new fellowship of Jedi has come to
The Force is an energy field generated by all living things. It surrounds and
prominence under the tutelage of Luke Skywalker. Many beings in the New
penetrates everything, binding the galaxy together. Some believe there are
Republic, however, harbor varying degrees of mistrust and fear toward
two sides to the Force. Peace, serenity, and knowledge from the light side,
Force-users. These negative feelings are due, in part, to the actions of a few
while the dark side consists of aggression, anger, and fear. The universe is a
rogue Jedi who have taken the law into their own hands and have begun to
place of balance: life and death, creation and destruction, love and hate. As
rebel against Luke’s leadership. The memories of a host of dark-siders that
such, both sides of the Force are part of the natural order.
plagued the galaxy since the Time of Darth Vader and the Emperor add fuel
to the fire of fear, and the political machinations of members of the Republic
There are some beings attuned to the Force. Whether they understand it or
Council have begun to fan these flames. Force-users of this period, then, are
not, they can feel the Force flowing through them. Of those that are sensitive
finding that acceptance of the Force among the general population may turn
to the Force, beings that study its ways can learn to manipulate its energy.
into a bad thing – at least as far as they are concerned. Tensions are already
The Jedi fall into this category, using their knowledge of the Force to give
high, as this era is marked by the invasion of the yuuzhan vong.
them their powers. But theirs is not the only Force-using tradition. The Sith,
the Nightsisters of Dathomir, and others embrace the dark side of the Force,
while a variety of alien cultures, such as ewok shamans and ithorian
ecopriests, call the light side of the Force by different names. Understanding
of the Force manifests in many ways. Even those who don’t believe in the Force and aren’t particularly attuned to
its flow can call upon the Force without understanding exactly what they are
This supplement if the Stars Wars TRPG will contain all the rules you need to doing. When a stroke of amazing luck occurs, or fate seems to be on your
play a Force-user and additional rules for the GM to use in a campaign where side and helps you accomplish a difficult objective, it could be the Force
the Force is present. coming to your aid. In game terms, the use of traits with the Force origin
modifier, such as Luck, represents this unconscious, tenuous connections to
the Force that all living beings share. When a Force-using character calls on
the Force in this way, he or she knows exactly what’s happening and gets a
more impressive boost because of it. (see Combining Force Traits and Force
For most of the history of the Republic, the Jedi were looked upon as
Skills, p. ?)
defenders and protectors of justice. By their example, belief in the Force was
accepted if not always understood. Most beings could not perceive the Force
The most prominent and well-known Force-users in the galaxy are the Jedi.
directly; they could only see it manifest in those attuned to it, such as the
But the Jedi are not the only ones who have learned to manipulate the Force.
Jedi. At times over the years, the dark side came to the forefront, such as the
These others sometimes attribute their abilities to sources other than the
Ancient Sith Wars, but in general the champions of the light side helped keep
Force, such as magic or gods, but they are all using the energy to manipulate
the galactic peace.
the world around them. In game terms, anyone with the Force Sensitivity 0
trait has the ability to learn Force skills and traits, though many of these
If your campaign is set in the Episode I or II time period, then the Force is a
beings will never go down this particular path.
powerful component of everyday life. The Jedi are visible, active proponents
of the Force. Regardless of what an individual may believe about the Force,
Other Force-using traditions include the various dark cults including the Sith,
it’s hard to deny the power demonstrated by the Jedi.
and obscure, isolated sects such as the Witches of Dathomir and the
Sorcerers of Tund. Some know the Force for what it is but approach its use in
Later, in the wake of the destruction of the Jedi Order and the rise of the
a different way from the Jedi. Others know the Force by a different name
Empire, the Force came to be looked upon as an arcane religion practiced by
such as the White Current, as the Force is called by the Fallanassi. Either way,
misguided fools. The Empire outlawed the Jedi and attempted to stamp out
it remains the mystic energy that binds the galaxy together and gives force-
anyone who demonstrated affinity to the Force, thus driving Force-users
users their powers.
from day-to-day workings of the galaxy.

If your campaign is set in the Han Sole, Rogue One or Episode IV to VI time
period, the Force has faded from common knowledge. Those who can
manipulate the Force keep their skills hidden to avoid the notice of the All life shines in the Force, very much the way gravity wells in real space are
Empire. Even members of the Imperial hierarchy, despite the presence of reflected in hyperspace. A single person not particularly attuned to the Force
Darth Vader, consider the Force to be outdated and insignificant compared flickers like a candle in the night, making but the slightest impression in the
to the military might of the Empire. In many ways, that’s just how the Force. A Force-user shines more brightly, especially when manipulating the
Emperor wants it. Even the Emperor, one of the most powerful Force-users Force. Each time a Force-user calls upon the Force, a slight tremor ripples
in the galaxy, keeps his Force abilities secret from the general public and through it that can be perceived by other Force-users. Used sparingly and in
Chapter: Introduction

most of his subordinates. The few Force-users that exist during this period harmony with the natural balance, such ripples can barely be detected.
are either hiding from the Empire, working for the Empire, or trying to ignore When a user constantly calls upon the Force to alter the world around him,
the presence of the Force. The rebel Alliance has begun to use the Force as a the ripples become quakes that can be felt at great distances. Such quakes
rallying cry, adopting the Jedi salutation, “May the Force be with you,” as its attract attention, making those who have less refined control over the Force
own. Because of this, the few Force-sensitive beings that can actually use the or who rely on the Force too frequently the target of more powerful Force-
Force begin to reach out to the Alliance. And, of course, Luke Skywalker users. It is believed that through such methods the Empire was able to hunt
begins his training during this time. down stray Force-users in the years leading up to the Galactic Civil War.

If your campaign is set in the Episode VII to IX time period, the Force is even
less well-known. The New Republic is destroyed and there are no other
Chapter: Introduction
These rules only matter to Force-users, and only in campaigns where the • Holocron: The list of Force skills you know (and more generally, and
Force plays a role. If you are not creating a Force-user, you can safely skip item that contains knowledge of the Force).
this supplement. • Maintain: To continue a Force skill after it would normally end. this
costs more energy, unless you have high skill.
The Force is an energy field generated by all living things. It surrounds and • Melee Force skill: A Force skill that “charges” your hand or a weapon
penetrates everything, binding the galaxy together manipulated using Force with harmful energies that affect the first target you hit.
skills. By “casting” Force skills, a Force-user can direct this energy to produce • Prerequisite: A requirement for learning a Force skill. Means exactly
almost any effect. Force-sensitives have an inborn trait to learn and use the what it means for skills.
Force, called Force Sensitive (p. ?). Anyone with any degree of Force • Ranged Force skill: A Force skill that summons a Force-based projectile
Attunement is more attuned to the Force and called a Force-user. that you must “throw” at the subject.
• Resisted Force skill: Any Force skill that must overcome the “power” of
The Force allows the use of special traits and Force skills not allowed to other its subject before it works.
PC’s. The prerequisite for becoming a Force-user or simply having some link • Ritual: A Force skill that requires elaborate handlings before it can be
into the Force is the positive traits Force Sensitivity 0. cast.
• Subject: The person, place, or thing on which a Force skill is cast.

Those who are called wizards, mages, sorcerers, shamans, or witches who
have actual power are in fact all Force-users. Psykers, gods and demons or The Force is the ambient energy that empowers Force skills and powers. The
whatever supernatural beings appear in the Star Wars universe are all Force will work only of the Force level of the era or specific area allows it, as
connected to the Force. follows:
• Very High Force Concentration: Anyone can cast Force skills at +2 to +4
to skill. A mundane person can cast Force skills at default level. A Force-
user who spends FP to cast a Force skill on his turn gets those FP back
at the start of his next turn. However, all failures are treated as critical
Some Force skills are so rare that only one or a few Force-users at any time
failures – and actual critical failures produce spectacular disasters! Very
have managed to master its secrets. A character may only have a single
high Force concentration is extremely rare (e.g., The Valley Focus in the
Unique Force skill with the approval of the GM. This may be an existing Force
Valley of the Jedi). All lost FP is recovered in the next turn.
skill (e.g., like Mace Windu’s Shatterpoint), or a player-created one.
• High Force Concentration: Anyone who knows Force skills can cast
them and get +1 to skill. This level of Force concentration is rare, but
some areas have high concentrations of Force energy throughout. Lost
FP is recovered at a rate of 1 per minute.
Some term used to define Force-based traits and skills: • Normal Force Concentration: Only Force-sensitives and Force-users can
• Abort: To stop the casting of a Force skill before its completion. cast Force skills. These Force skills work normally, according to all rules
• Backfire: A critical failure when casting a Force skill. given in this book. This is the default Force concentration in most eras.
• Base Force skill: Your unmodified Force skill level; compare with Lost FP recover automatically at a rate of 1 per hour.
effective skill level. • Low Force Concentration: Only Force-users can cast Force skills they
• Basic Force skill: A Force skill with no other Force skills as a know at -5 (there are no defaults), for all purposes. Force-imbued items
prerequisite. are similarly affected; see Power of an Imbued Item, p. 11). However,
critical failures have mild effects or no effect at all. Lost FP recovers at a
• Cancel: To end your own Force skill before it would normally be over.
rate of 1 per day.
• Caster: The person casting a Force skill.
• No Force: No one can use the Force at all. Imbuements and permanent
• Class: A group of Force skills that use the same special rules. Three
Force-based effects are suspended and do not function while within a
examples appear in this glossary: Melee Force skills, Missile Force skills,
no-Fore zone, but resume when taken to an area with the Force.
and Resisted Force skills.
Temporary and lasting Force skills are cancelled when they enter a no-
• Effective skill: Your base skill, plus any modifiers (usually penalties) for
Force zone. Traits with the Force origin do not work while in this zone.
range, circumstances, etc. A caster rolls against effective skill.
This Force concentration occurs in isolated spots, created by creatures
• Enchantment Force skill: A Force skill for creating permanent Force
(e.g., ysalamiri), or extra-galactic areas. Lost FP does not recover at all.
imbued items.
• Energy: The “cost” to cast a Force skill. Normally, you must pay this In most regions, the Force is uniform and static. However, in some locations
with FP (Force Points). the Force may favor certain parts of the Force, or fluctuate over time. Some
• Focus: A group of Force skills that deal with the same category of powerful Force skills can even change the Force concentration of an area.
Chapter: The Force and Gameplay
• Force skill: A skill that produces a specific Force-based effect when used
successfully. Sensing the Force
• Force Sensitive: The advantage of being able to use the Force. Force-users cannot automatically sense the Force concentration of an area,
• Force-sensitive: Any user of the Force, whether or not he is a Force- but they may sense the change when they cross a boundary between levels.
user. When a Force-user crosses such a boundary, roll vs. (Perception + Sense)/2.
• Force-user: Anyone with at least one level of Force Attunement, Facet Add 3 bonus if the Force-user was explicitly searching for the boundary.
of the Force or Focus of the Force.
Force skills work in the same way as normal skills. Some Force skills have a
default which can be cast without having studied it. If a Force skill doesn’t Some Force skills are cast instantly. These Force skills do not need a
have a default, you must know it in order to use it (spend 1pt), unless you Concentrate maneuever but you may substitute an Attack action with an
possess a Force imbued item that lets you use it (see Force Imbued Items, p. instantaneous Force skill.
42). Tell the GM what Force skill you’re using and how, then take
Concentrate maneuvers for the requisite number of turns (see Time
Required, p. 6). At the end of the last second of concentration, make a
successful roll for the Force skill.
Each Force skill has an energy cost. When you cast the Force skill, you must
Using a Force skill works like any other use of a skill. Roll a d20 and compare pay this cost in FP. The better you margin of success, the less energy you
the total to your effective skill; your base skill with the Force skill adjusted by need to cast it. Exception: Never reduce the cost of a Defensive Force skill;
any applicable modifiers. If you roll is less than or equal to your effective skill, see Defensive Force Skills (p. ?).
the Force skill is activated and ready for use. If it is greater than your
effective skill, the Force skill fails. If your margin of success with a Force skill is 5 or more, reduce the cost to
cast the Force skill by 1. If your margin of success is 10 or higher, reduce the
On a success, mark of the Force skill’s energy cost against your FP (ee Energy cost by 2. At a critical success, there is no energy cost. Apply the same
Cost, p. 6). Its activation takes place immeditaly. On a critical success, the reduction to the cost to maintain a Force skill. Calculate the entire cost for a
Force skill works especially well. Details are up to the GM who should be Force skill (for instance, by multiplying cost for the mass of the subject or
both generous and creative. Whatever else occurs, there is never an energy range to the subject affected) before applying energy cost reductions for
cost if you get a critical success. exceptional success. Energy is still going into the Force skill, but your skill lets
you draw it from the surrounding Force created by all living things rather
On a failure, the Force skill does not work. If success would have cost energy, than supplying it yourself!
you lose one FP; otherwise you lose nothing. On a critical failure, you must
spend the full energy cost and the Force ability fails… badly! The GM may You normally pay the energy cost of a Force skill in FP. Lost FP recovers
improvise some “backfire” he finds amusing. HE might also decide to roll on automatically over time. See p. 5 for recover rates. A Force-user with the
the Ciritical Force Skill Failure Table, p. ?. Recover Energy Force skill (p. 38) recovers FP faster than normal.

Successful use of a Force skill might require additional rolls, such as aiming by Burning HP
using the Innate Attack (Force) skill, meditation by using the Meditation skill, You may also expend life energy to pay the cost of a Force skill. Mark off
a Quick Contest between Force-users, a Perception roll to check if you can some or all of the cost against HP instead of FP – the Force is actually
see the target, or even a Will save or other resistance roll. harming you! You are at -1 on your Force skill roll per 5% HP used. This is
instead of the usual shock penalty for injury, and High Pain Threshold has no

Using HP to power Force skills is dangerous, but it may be necessary if you

If you use an active defense against an attack, or are knocked backed,
are badly fatigued and must cast another Force skill. You may “burn” HP until
knocked down, injured, grappled, or otherwise distracted while
you fall unconscious. Should a failed HT roll indicte that you have died, you
concentrating, make a Will roll at -3 to continue using your Force skill. On a
do not spend the HP. Instead, you fall unconscious.
failure, your Force ability is spoiled and you must start over.
Treat HP lost this way just like any other injury.
If you’re stunned while concentrating, your Force skill is automatically
“Burning” HP to power Force skills is a dark side application. Make a Will roll
modified by -1 per 10% HP burned this way. Failure indicates you gained a
If you are injured but not stunned while concentrating, and succeed on the
dark side point (see p. ?).
roll to avoid distraction, you may use your Force skill. However, the shock
penalty for your injury reduces your effective skill. See CR, p. ? for detail on
shock. Cancelling Force Skills
Sometimes, you will want to end the effect of a Force skill before its full
duration is up. If you specify a shorter duration when you cast the Force skill,
the Force skill lasts exactly the time desired. If you suddenly decide to
“cancel” a Force skill before its time is up, though, you must pay one energy
The “caster” of a Force skill is the person who is attempting to cast it. point (from FP or HP) to do so, regardless of the Force skill or your skill level.

The “subject” of a Force skill is the person, place, or thing upon which the
Force skill is cast. If you are casting a Force skill on yourself, you are both
Dissipating Held Force Skills
You will sometimes need to cancel a held Melee or Ranged Force skill (see
caster and subject. The subject can also be another being, an inanimate
pp. 9 & 9) quickly, without taking a full turn to make an attack – for instance,
object, or even a patch of ground or space. If the subject is a place, the caster
so you can concentrate on another Force skill. You can do this as a free action
can “touch” it by extending a hand over it or touching the ground, as Chapter: The Force and Gameplay
at any point during your turn; simply state that you are dissipating the Force
appropriate for the Force skill.
skill and it “evaporates” harmlessly.

You can also get rid of a Ranged Force skill (not a Melee Force skill) by
“dropping” it at your feet. This, too, is a free action. this does not damage
Most Force skills take one second to cast. Take the Concentrate maneuver you, unless the projectile is explosive, but it damages whatever you are
for one turn and attempt your skill roll at the end of your turn. If you standing on.
succeed, the Force skill takes effect instantly. Whether you succeed or fail,
your turn ends as soon as you roll the dice.

Some Force skills take more than one second to cast. This requires multiple,
To cast a Force skill, you must usually perform a ritual that involves gestures
consecutive Concentrate maneuvers in combat. Make the skill roll at the end
and occasionally speech. If you can’t perform the ritual, you can’t cast the
of the last turn of concentration. You may “abort” an unfinished Force skill
Force skill! For instance, if the ritual for a Force skill requires you to wave
before it is cast, at no penalty, but you must start over if you wish to try
your hand in the general direction of your target, you cannot cast the Force
skill if you are cuffed or entrapped in a force field.

The higher your level with a Force skill, the easier it is to cast; it takes less Some Force skills produce an instantaneous effect when cats and then end
time, has less stringent ritual requirement, and because the chance of rolling immediately. Other Force skills last for a fixed “duration” (given for the
an exceptional success is greater it requires less energy. See the list below for particular Force skill, but most often one minute) and then wear off – unless
details. In all cases, “skill” refers to base skill, not effective skill. If the time you maintain them.
drops below 1 sec, treat it as an instant action.
If you can maintain a Force skill, the energy cost to do so is given in its
HIGH SKILL MODIFIERS TABLE description, following the casting cost. When the Force skill reaches the end
BASE SKILL RITUAL TIME of its duration, you may continue the Force skill by paying its maintenance
5 or less Full body freedom for elaborate powerful movements. You x7
must yell certain words of power. cost. If you do, the Force skill continues for another interval equal to its
6-10 Both hands/arms and both feet/legs free for elaborate x5 duration. This takes no time and requires no skill roll. Distance is not a factor.
powerful movements. You must speak certain words of
power in a firm voice.
11-15 You must make elaborate gestures. You must speak a few x3 You may repeat this process for as long as you wish, provided you can supply
words. the required energy. As long as you are conscious, you know when one of
16-20 You must make a gesture (a free arm and hand is enough). x2 your Force skills needs to be renewed. However, you cannot maintain a Force
You must speak a few quiet words. You are allowed to
make a step. skill while you sleep, and you cannot “hand off” a Force skill to someone else
21-25 A small gesture (a couple of fingers are enough). You must as listed so he can maintain it for you.
speak a word or two. You are allowed to move.
26-30 None! You simply stare into space as you concentrate. /2 1
31-35 None. You might not even have to open your eyes if you
can see through the Force.
/3 1 Exceptional Success and Cost to Maintain
36 and up As above, but for every 5 levels of skill beyond 35 (36-40, /5 1 Energy cost reduction for exceptional success also applies to the cost to
41-45, 46-50, etc.) increase the divider by one step (/10, maintain a Force skill. This can reduce maintenance cost to zero. For
/15, /20, /30, etc.) until it make the Force skill a free instance, if you succeed by 5 or more, you may reduce its maintenance cost
1 by 1; if this cost is 1 to begin with, you can maintain the Force skill
If the time is 1 second or longer, round fractions up to the next second. If
indefinitely at no energy cost!
the time falls below 1 second.

Certain Force skills always require a specific ritual. Such requirements Concentration and Maintenance
override the rules above. You can maintain a Force skill without concentration unless the Force skill
requires constant manipulation and change; e.g., to maneuver a levitating
object. Force skills like this require you to take the Concentrate maneuver
only. IF you are distracted, injured, or stunned, you must make a Will roll at -
3. If you fail, the Force skill does not end, but it remains in precisely the state
The effects of many Force skills vary with the energy spent. For instance, a it was in when you were distracted, and does not respond to change until
healing skill might heal 1 HP per energy point, or a combat skill might inflict you can concentrate on it again. On a critical failure, the Force skill ends.
1d damage per point.
Casting another Force skill does not break concentration, but you suffer a
If the Force skill description sets no upper limit, then you may spend as much skill penalty for doing two things at once (see below).
energy as you can afford! The more you spend, the greater the effect but the
harder it is to activate.
Changing Maintained Force Skills
If the spell specifies a finite range of effects and associated energy costs, A Force skill with a variable area of effect cannot be expanded after it has
though, you cannot exceed the upper limit without a level in an appropriate been cast. However, a Force-user may choose to maintain only part of a
Force of the Force trait (see below). Force skill’s area, paying the maintenance cost for only a portion of the
original area affected.
If either type of variable Force skill is cast on the same subject more than
once, only the Force skill with the most powerful effects counts – multiple Duration Types
instances of a given Force skill do not “stack” or add in any way. Force skills There are five classes of duration for Force skills: instantaneous, temporary,
that heal, damage, or otherwise permanently affect the subject are an lasting, permanent, and imbuement.
exception: you may cast such Force skills repeatedly, healing or damaging the • Instantaneous: The produce an instant effect when cast and then end
subject by the full amount each time. immediately. Note that some instantaneous Force skills appear to last
longer because they leave behind a persistent but natural effect – Force
Lightning, for example, instantly sprouts electrical charges from the
hands and fingertips, leaving a smoking, moaning foe at your feet.
• Temporary: These are Force skills that require the continuing
Talented Force-users may exceed the usual limits for Force skills that allow a expenditure of energy to maintain. If it has a cost to maintain, it is most
finite number of “levels of effect” (dice of damage, bonuses to skill, etc.). The likely a temporary Force skill. Only temporary Force skills count as Force
upper limit is the limit set by the Force skill plus the number of levels of an Chapter: The Force and Gameplay
skills “on”(see below?).
appropriate Focus of the Force trait. • Lasting: These do not require maintenance, but have a limited effective
duration. Typically, they last until some event ends the Force skill.
Example: Force Jump allows you to spend 1 to 3 energy to add extra jumping • Permanent: These create an effect that lasts indefinitely. A permanent
distance or height. It has three levels of effect. Disciplined Body 3 would let Force skill, unlike temporary and lasting ones, does not end in a no-
you revise this limit to 6 levels of effect – you could spend 1-6 energy points Force zone, but is suspended until the subject leaves the zone. At that
to gain more extra jumping distance or height. point, the Force skill resumes.
• Imbuements: These produce a still more enduring effect – usually one
The GM is free not to use this rule if he thinks it would be unbalanced. Of
that generates other Force-based effects in turn. Imbuements are not
course, if he puts a limit on the highest level of Focus of the Force traits, this
cancelled by other Force skills. Like permanent Force skills, imbuements
is not a problem.
are suspended, not cancelled, by no-Force zones.
Force Skill Endurance
Force skills usually resist other force skills or attacks with the effective skill of
the Force-user who cast them. Some temporary and lasting Force skills, Normally, you can cast one new Force skill at a time. However, you can cast
however, can be whittled away by repeated assaults. Such Force skills are new Force skills before older ones ends. Maintaining a Force skill counts as
said to have Endurance. Like an imbuement’s Power, a Force skill’s an action and is subject to the Multiple Actions rules (see Core Rules, p. ?).
Endurance at casting time is equal to its caster’s effective skill. However, it
may be reduced by later events. A Force skill’s description always discusses Apply a -2 per Force skill you are concentrating on at the moment. See the
whether it has Endurance and at what Endurance the Force skill fails and individual Force skill descriptions to learn which require concentration. This
dissipates. penalty also carries over to any combat actions you take and vice versa.

One Try -1 per other Force skill you have “on” at the moment. A Force skill that lasts
Some Force skills only provide a Force-user with one chance. The Force skills permanently (as indicated in the Force skill description) does not carry a
note “One Try” in their descriptions. If such a Force skill fails, the caster (and penalty.
any assistants) may not try that Force skill again on the same subject. Some
Force skills permit only a single try within a given time period ‘”one try per
week”, for example. In this case, the caster(s) may try again after the
appropriate time has passed. If no time period is specified, the caster(s) may
never try again. In addition to the rules at p. ? in the Core Rules, you can use Extra Effort to
increase the power of a Force skill. Instead of causing physical fatigue, it
causes mental fatigue.

There are many different ways on how the Force is described. Each species,
religious order, etc. have their own point of view on how the Force works. ASPECT OF THE FORCE TABLE
Force skills fall into “categories”. The main three are: 0 - 0 - 0
• Aspect of the Force: The believe there is a dark and a light side, and 1 Neutral 0 Neutral 1
again others believe there is also a neutral side. 2-3 Journeyman -2 Tempted 2-3
4-7 Illuminated -4 Tainted 4-7
• Facet of the Force: The Force can be divided into three facets. The 8-12 Enlightened -8 Devoted 8-12
Physical Force or Alter, Living Force or Control, and Unifying Force or 13 and up Harmony -12 Darksider 13 and up
• Focus of the Force: The practical application of the Force named Light Side and Dark Side Points cancel each other out but are still noted down
according to subject matter and to the way they work in general. For by the GM for reference. Neither DSP nor LSP are worth any points or give
example, Empathy, Healing, Illusion, Knowledge, Telekinesis, and back any points. The CP are acquired via the Aspect of the Force trait.
Succumbing to the Dark Side and Redemption
The basic Force skills of a category are prerequisites for the more advanced When a character has at least 2 DSP more than LSP, he gains the
ones or Force techniques. Most Force skills fall into more than one category. disadvantage Dark Aspect of the Force. Once the dark side has got a hold on
For instance, Heal Another (p. ?) is both a light side, alter and Healing Force someone, it becomes very hard to redeem. LSP don’t cancel out DSP
skill. anymore. Instead, the player and GM should work this out together and play
it out. Once it has been played out, set the DSP to zero and subtract the same
A Force-user rarely studies all the possibilities of the Force. The Jedi try to number from LSP and adjust the Aspect of the Force trait to the current LSP
avoid dark side knowledge, the fallanassi only use illusion Force skills. This is number.
the most efficient way to learn advanced Force skills. However, you may
learn Force skills from any category as you wish and if they are known
somewhere to learn them.

Aspect of the Force Each Force skill falls into one or more classes that define how it works in play.
The Force can be used for good or for bad. Some Force skills and traits are These classes are not mutually exclusive, except as explicitly noted in the
inherent evil and cannot be used for good at all, while some Force skills are rules below.
inherent good and cannot be used for evil.
Regular Force Skills
Each time when a dark side Force skill or trait is used or when the Force is Most Force skills fall into this class. A Regular Force skill affects only one
used in an evil, maling way (e.g., killing innocents, prisoners, etc.) a Will roll subject which is defined by the Force skill’s description. If it describes the
must be made to resist the urge to succumb to the dark side. A failure means Chapter: The Force and Gameplay
subject by size, multiply energy cost by 1 + SM above default. If it describes
you have come a little closer to the dark side and acquire a Dark Side Point the subject by weight, HP, or ST, multiply energy cost by 1 + weight level
(DSP). A critical failure means you will advance much quicker to the dark side above default (e.g., the target is defined as an object weighing up to 100 kg.
and gain D4 DSPs (or D6 when you where emotional). When you have An object weighing up to 150kg cost double the energy, and up to 200kg,
enough DSPs, you will gain a level of the negative trait Dark Aspect of the triple the cost). There is no cost reduction for smaller or lighter subjects. A
Force or lose a level of Light Aspect of the Force. few Regular Force skills have special cost schemes that override these rules.

Selfless acts with the risk of your own life, while not doing it for for any Regular Force skills work best if you can touch or see the subject. You do not
benefit anf without negative emotions, might qualify for a Light Side Point have to see through your own eyes.
(LSP). Although, it’s more difficult to come in harmony with the Force than it
Is falling to the dark side. Any action which might qualify for a LSP is up to the If you cannot touch the subject, apply a skill penalty equal to your distance
GM’s decision. Simply by using light side Force skills or traits does not qualify using the Ranged to Hit Table (CR, p. ?). Figure distance at the moment you
for a LSP. roll the die for the Force skill. If you’re watching the subject through a vid
screen or holo image, use the distances from these devices.
If you cannot touch and see the subject, there is a further -5 penalty. There melee attack does its usual damage and your Force skill affects him
are two ways to direct such Force skills: immediately.
• Name a target location: For instance, if you specify “One meter beyond
the other side of this door”, you’ll get whoever is standing on the other Armor protects normally against some Melee Force skills, not at all against
side of the door. If there is nobody, you wasted your turn and energy. others. If the Force skill is one that ignores armor, neither an unarmed parry
• Name a subject: E.g., “The closest person in the next room”, “Leia, who (even with an armored limb) nor a block can protect the target from the
I know is on the Falcon”. The GM determines the actual range to the Force. Even if such a defense wards off the melee attack, the Force arcs
subject. This is risky! IF the subject is farther away than you think – or through the target’s armor or shield and affects him.
simply absent – you are inviting failure, or even critical failure!
Some Melee Force skills are Resisted (p. ?). These Force skills require a
No physical barrier effects a Regular Force skill. Unless it backfires, the Force second roll against the Force skill, when the Force skill actually takes effect,
skill never hits the wrong target. to overcome the target’s resistance.

Area Force Skills Ranged Force Skills

The Force skills affect an area instead of an individual. They are cast on a This class of Force skills encompasses long-distance “projectile” attacks, such
surface – floor, ground, etc. – or a point in the air or space, and their effects a Force Lightning (p. 31). Ranged Force skills require two skill rolls: a roll
extend your Reach F in radius all around. A few Area Force skills work against Force skill to activate the Force, and a roll against Innate Attack
differently; see the individual Force skill for details. (Force) to hit the target.

The area’s size governs the energy cost, but not difficulty of the roll. The cost To cast a Ranged Force skill, you must concentrate for the required time. At
listed for an Area Force skill is always its “base cost”. The actual cost to cast the end of the required turns of concentration, roll against your skill with the
the Force skill is equal to its base cost multiplied by the radius of the area of Force. There is no modifier for distance – you are creating a vergence of the
effects in reaches (see Ranged to Hit Table, CR, p. ?). Base cost is x1 for a Force in your hand. On a success, you may invest one or more points of
Reach 1 radius, x2 for Reach 2 radius, x3 for Reach 3 radius, and so on. energy in the Force, to a maximum of a number of energy points equal to
your required Facet of the Force level. The effect then appears in your hand,
Area Force skills with a fractional base cost, such as 1/2 or 1/10, cost a “charged” to the desired level.
minimum of one energy point. A few Area Force skills specify a minimum
cost, which you must always pay, even if it is larger than the base cost On your next turn, you have three options with your power: make a ranged
multiplied by the desired radius. attack with it, hold it, or enlarge it. If you opt to enlarge your projectile, you
must concentrate for another second. At the end of your turn, you may
If an Area Force skill affects living beings, it affects everyone in the area of invest more energy in the Force skill – anything from one point to points
effect. You may choose to affect only a part of the area, instead of the whole equal to your required level of Force Facet. This does not require skill roll.
circle, but the cost is still the same – i.e., you may create an area of effect
with “holes” in it, but must still spend energy as if you had filled the entire The turn after that, you have the same options: attack, hold, or enlarge. On
radius of the Force skill. your fifth turn, you may only attack or hold. You cannot spend more than
three seconds building up a Ranged Force skill without an appropriate level
IF you cannot touch any part of the affected area, apply a skill penalty equal of Forces of the Force.
to your distance (see Ranged to Hit Table, CR, p. ?) from the nearest edge of
the area. Once you stop enlarging a Ranged Force skill, you may “hold” it in hand,
ready to attack. You do not have to launch the projectile until you want to.
Otherwise, Area Force skills work like Regular Force skills. While holding a Ranged Force skill, you may move up to your full Move, take
a Wait of Assessment maneuver, or even attack using the hand that isn’t
Melee Force Skills “holding” the projectile. You may defend normally. However, you cannot cast
another Force skill.
Melee Force skills “charge” your hand or weapon with harmful energies that
affect the first target you strike. These Force skills require two skill rolls: a roll
There is one drawback: if you are injured while you have a projectile “in
against Force skill to cast the Force skill, and a normal melee attack roll to hit
hand”, you must make a Will roll. If you fail, the projectile immediately
the target with your hand or weapon.
affects you!
To cast a Melee Force skill, concentrate for the required time, roll against
When you are ready to attack, roll against your Innate Attack (Force) skill to
Force skill at the end of the final turn of concentration, and pay the energy
hit. This is a standard ranged attack, subject to the usual modifiers for target
cost. No distance modifiers apply because you are casting the Force skill on
size, speeds, and range. Once launched, the projectile flies in a straight line to
yourself! On a success, you energize your hand or weapon with the Force. On
the target. Physical barriers affect it just as they would affect any ranged
your next turn, you must either hold on your Force skill or attack with it.
If you hold your Force skill, your hand or weapon remains “charged”. This
Your target may block or dodge, but cannot parry (Parry Projectiles skill may
costs no energy and requires no skill roll. You cannot cast another Force skill
work on some Ranged Force skills, at the GM’s discretion). If he fails, the
while holding a Melee Force skill. You can take any other combat maneuver Chapter: The Force and Gameplay
Force skill affects him. The strength of the effect depends on the energy
(but an Offense maneuver with the energized hand or weapon discharges the
invested. Most Ranged Force skills inflict damage euqal to ST 1 per point of
Force skill). A parry with the hand or weapon does not discharge the Force;
energy. Damage Resistance – natural or from armor – protects normally
only an attack in combat or an Aggressive Parry is a part of the ritual.
against damaging Ranged Force skills.
A Melee Force skill held on a weapon persists for as long as you wield the
weapon. If you lose hold of your weapon, even for an instant, the Force Defensive Force Skills
drains away harmlessly. If someone grabs your weapon, and you are both A Defensive Force skill is cast instantly as a defense against either a physical
holding it on your turn, your attempt to wrench it free counts as an attack, attack or another Force skill. It is the Force-based equivalent of a block,
and your opponent instantly suffers the Force skill’s effects! parry, or dodge (and often counts as one of these defenses; see the Force
skill description for details). You normally may cats only one Defensive Force
To attack, roll against DX/2 or an unarmed combat skill to hit with a punch, or skill per turn, no matter how skilled you are. You cannot attempt a Defensive
the appropriate Melee Weapon skill to hit with a weapon. This is a standard Force skill against an attack you are unaware off. If you have Sense above 1,
melee attack. Your target may attempt any active defense. If he succeeds, the GM rolls secretly to see if you are aware of an attack which you would
your Force skill is not triggered; you may try again next turn. If he fails, your otherwise be unaware of.
in the area gets a resistance roll, and those with Force Resistance get double
If you try a Defensive Force skill, it automatically interrupts your the usual benefit. Your Force skill affects those who make their roll by less
concentration. You lose any Force skill you were preparing, exactly as if you than you did.
had failed the Will roll to resist a distraction. If you are holding (not casting) a
Melee Force skill, it is unaffected. If you are holding a Ranged Force skill, you
cannot enlarge it further but may retain it for later use.
Imbuement Force Skills
Imbuement Force skill are used to make or unmake Force-based items. They
are fully detailed in Force Imbuements p. 42.
Defensive Force skills do not get an energy cost reduction for exceptional
Special Force Skills
Information Force Skills The Force skills follow special rules given in their description.
Information Force skills are cast to gain knowledge. Some require you to
touch the subject, while others function at a distance; see Long-Distance
Modifiers (CR, p. ?) for range penalties. Force skills intended to find things
are at -1 per “known” item you choose to ignore in your search; it takes some If you know a Force skill at skill 18 or higher and have a group of willing
concentration to bypass your own Padawan when trying to find another assistants, you may opt to cast the Force skill by leading your assistants in an
Force-user. Most Information Force skills have additional special modifiers, elaborate ceremony that maximizes the Force skill’s power. Such Force-based
so read the Force skill description carefully. ceremony is time-consuming, but lets you cast more powerful Force skills
than you could cast on your own.
When you cast an Information Force skill, the GM rolls for you in secret. If the
Force skill succeeds, the GM gives you the desired information – the better When you work ceremonial Force skill, multiply casting time by 10. Energy
the roll, the better the information. IF the Force skill fails, the GM will say, cost does not change, but your assistants can supplememt your energy input
“You sense nothing”. as follows:
• Each Force-user who knows the Force skill at level 18+: As much
On a critical failure, the GM lies to you! Regardless of the outcome, you must energy as he wishes to contribute.
always pay the full energy cost for the Force skill – you have no way to know
• Each Force-user who knows the Force skill at level 17 or lower: Up to 3
if it succeeded or not.
points or the normal maximum.
• Each Force-sensitive: 1 point.
Information Force skills generally allow only one attempt per day by each
• Each unskilled spectator who supported the casting (): 1 point.
caster (or ceremonial group). If there is an exception, is is noted in the Force
Because these are non-Force-sensitives, this energy will be paid by their
skill description.
• Each spectator who opposes the casting: -5 points.
Except where speficially noted, Information Force skills have no duration.
They grant a momentary glimpse of insight and end immediately; therefore,
The sum of the energy from all sources represents the total energy available.
you cannot maintain them.
If this exceeds the cost to cast the Force skill, you receive a skill bonus: +1 for
20% extra energy, +2 for +30%, +3 for +50%, +4 for +70%, +5 for +100%, +6
Resisted Force Skills for 150%, +7 for +200%, etc.
A Force skill of any type can also be “Resisted”. On a successful Force skill
roll, your Force skill must defeat the subject’s resistance to work At the end of the ceremony, make a skill roll to cast the Force skill. Apply all
standard modifiers for Force usage and any bonus for extra energy and any
The subject always has a chance to resist, even if he is unconscious. A penalties for the Force skill prerequisites count. Regardless of the outcome of
conscious subject who is aware that something is happening may choose not the die roll, all contributed energy is spent when you roll the dice.
to resist. Individuals who are unconscious, unfamiliar with the Force, or wary
of hostile Force energies always try tol resist.
Notes on Ceremonial Force Skills
To resolve a Resisted Force skill, you must first attempt your skill roll. If the • You must have assistants to perform a Force ceremony.
Force skill has a single subject (that is, it isn’t an Area Force skill), you have a • High skill does not reduce casting time or the ritual action required.
penalty equal to the subject’s Force Resistance, if any – even if he is willing! • Exceptional success does not reduce energy cost.
On a failure, the Force skill fails and the subject notices nothing. On a • A group aids concentration. IF you are distracted during the ceremony,
success, not your margin of success; e.g., if you rolled a 6 against an effective roll at Will as opposed to Will-3 to avoid distraction.
skill of 13, you succeeded by 7. • A Force ceremony is hard to coordinate. A roll of 18 is always a failure,
and a roll of 19-20 is always a critical failure – even if effective skill is
The subject then attempts a resistance roll. A character resists using the 18+.
attribute or other trait indicated in the Force skill description – usually HT or • Once the Force skill is cast, the participants can continue to provide
Will. The subject’s Force Resistance, if any, adds to his resistance. A Force energy to maintain the Force skill. The composition of the group may
skill resists using the caster’s effective skill when he cast the spell. change, as long as the ceremony continues uninterrupted. Thus a Force
ceremony lets you maintain a Force skill indefinitely. Chapter: The Force and Gameplay
Compare the subject’s restance roll to your skill roll in a Quick Contest. If you • Force ceremonies may not be assisted with Luck, or other Force skills. In
win, your Force skill affects the subject. If you lose or tie, the Force skill has general, the Force cannot affect or predict the outcome of a ceremonial
no effect – but you must still pay the full energy cost! A conscious subject ritual.
feels a slight mental or physical wrench )depending on which attribute he • A spectator must support the ceremony of his own free will. A mind-
Resisted with), but no other effect. You know whether or not the subject controlled subject cannot focus sufficient will to contribute energy.
Resisted your Force skill. Some Sith sorcery spells can take over such spectators which makes
them willing slaves to contribute energy, to their death…
Resisted Area Force Skills
When casting an Area Force skill that is Resisted, make the usual success roll
for the Force skill and record your margin of success if you succeed. Everyone
Imbuement Force skills allow Force-users to imbue objects with the Force. • He must keep concentrating on his imbuement; therefore, any other
Some Force items permit the user to cast Force skills that he does not know; Force skill use is at -3. (If he stops concentrating, he loses the day’s
others have Force-based effects placed upon them permanently; still others work.)
do various kinds of strange and wonderful things.
A Force-user who is bothered while not a actively working on his imbuement
Most imbued items are usuable by anyone, but a few may ony be used by a is at no disadvantage!
Force-user. The power of an imbued item endures until it is removed through
the Force, or until the physical item breaks or wears out, at which point the
Force dissolves permanently.

An item may carry any number of Force skills; each one requires a separate
imbuement. The presence of a Force skill on an item does not affect further
“Imbuing” is the process of creating an Force-imbued item using Force skills
from the Imbuement Focus. Imbuements must be performed using Placing multiple Force skills on a single item has advantages and
Ceremonial Force Skills (p. 10). Unlike most Ceremonial Force skills, however, disadvantages. A multiply imbued item is easy to carry and use. On the other
imbuements can be performed alone (though most Force-users take hand, that single item is vulnerable. If it breaks, all the imbuements are lost…
advantage of the benefits of assistants). Lone Force-users cannot gain a skill and a critical failure while adding a new imbuement destroys the item and all
bonus for using extra energy. To perform imbuements, the caster and any previous imbuements.
assistants must know both the Imbue Force skill and the specific Force skill
being put on the item at an effective skill of 18 or better. Unskilled spectators
cannot contribute energy to an imbuement.

Imbuing always requires time and energy. A particualr imbuement might also Some Force skills have “item” options that do not create an item. Typically,
reuqire a specific item or material (e.g., a Force crystal), or the expenditure of this entails making the Force skill permanent with the expenditure of
cash for “generic” supplies. substantially more energy – usually 10 or 100 times the usual casting cost.
Generally, Force skills with this option take an area or person as their subject
and thus cannot be imbued into an item. Nevertheless, the resulting effect is
Power of a Force Imbued Item a true imbuement, and can only be removed with Remove Imbuement.
Each Force imbued item has a “Power”, which is set upon creation. An item’s
Power equals the caster’s effective skill with either the Imbue Force skill or
the Force skill contained on the item – whichever is lower. The skill penalty
for low Force concentration does not apply when determining an item’s
Power. Since imbuing is ceremonial, the caster can spend extra energy to Some Force imbued items are not created by imbuements. Alchemists can
raise his effective skill, and hence the Power of the item. create a variety of enduring objects with Force-based power – alchemical
amulets and talismans. Other items become Force-based spontaneously;
Record Power for each Force imbued item created or found (to learn the very-high Force concentration zone’s sometimes generate Force-based items
Power of a found item, the PCs must use Analyze Force). If an item has with weird and potent abilities.
several Force effects on it, each effect has its own Power. Whenever it would
be important to know the skill level of a Force skill cast by a Force imbued Remove Imbuement and Suspend Imbuement will still work, but at a -2
item, use the item’s Power. unfamiliarity penalty.

An item’s Power must be 18 or more for the item to work. Apply a temporary
-5 to Power in a low Force concetration area; thus an item with less than
Power 23 will not work at all in a low Force concentration zone. No Force im
bued item work in a no-Force region! Imbued items follow the rules for the Force skill(s) they contain. Some give
the user the power to cast the Force skill – perhaps only on himself, possibly
Success Rolls for Imbuing on any subject. Some are usable only by Force-users; that is they only work
The GM makes all rolls to imbue items. As with other ceremonial Force skills, for users who possess Force Attunement, Facet of the Force, or Focus of the
a roll of 18 fails automatically and a roll of 19-20 is a critical failure. Force. If an item has any “Force-user” only effect on it, only a Force-user may
use the item’s powers.
On a success, the item is imbued. On a critical success, increase the Power of
the item by 2d4 – and if the success roll was a natural 1, it is 2d instead of A Force skill’s description will explain if it can be placed into an imbued item.
Chapter: The Force and Gameplay
2d4and it might have some further enhancment (GM’s discretion). The caster Unless specified otherwise:
will know that his Force skill went well, but he will have to Analyze Force to • There is no ritual: The user just wills the item to work.
know how well. • Casting time is as described for the Force skill: High skill level doesn’t
have this.
On a failure, the results depend on the method used to imbue the item – see • Energy cost is the same as for a normal casting of the Force skill:
below. A critical failure always destroys the item and all material used. Exceptional success does not affect this (but the Power Force skill
The caster my hasten or take extra time for his imbuement and his success • Determine success normally: Use the item’s Power as the caster’s base
roll is modified as normal (see CR, p. ?). skill and apply all the usual modifiers for the kind of Force skill being
cast. Power is at -5 in low-Force areas. A Resisted Force skill allows a
normal resistance roll; use the item’s modified Power as the caster’s
Interruptions skill in the Quick Contest.
If a Force-user is interrupted while imbuing, note the following:
• Only one person at a time can use the item: If two people attempt to
• He must make a mental Fatigue roll at -1d.
use it, only the first to touch it can use it. If one can’t use it – for
instance, the item is usable only by light side Force-users and he lacks source of the effect is not obvious; this does not affect cost or difficulty,
Force Sensitivity or isn’t a dark sider – his touch doesn’t count. and is often used on hostile items intended as traps.
• All other effects are as usual for the Force skill. • The effects last as long as the item is worn or carried.: Bad effects may
have a delayed time to wear off.
Identifying Imbued Items • All other effects are as usual for the Force skill: If the wearer desires
(as in the case of an item with a bad effect), he may make a resistance
The new owner of an imbued item may not immediately learn its powers.
roll against the item if the Force skill in question can normally be
“Always on” items (see below) or items with Link Force skills are the easiest
to figure out. Other items will not work until they are willed to do so, and the
user must will the correct effect. Thinking “Do Something!” at an imbued
item will not activate it.

“Always On” Items Plentiful imbued items are not appropriate to every campaign, and GMs may
Certain imbued items are “always on”. For the item to work, the user must wish to limit the number of imbued items in circulation. The GM can institute
wear or carry it in the usual manner (a ring on a finger, a sword in a hand, setting elements to restrain the availability of imbued items, such as the
and so on). These items don’t let the wearer cast the Force skill – they following:
automatically cast the Force skill on the wear at no energy cost. • Disorganization: Imbuement on large scale typically requires ample
assistance. If Force-users are rare, the resources may rarely come
If an projectile is imbued with hostile effects, it may be carried without harm; together for an imbuement.
in this case, only a person stuck with the projectile qualified as “wearing” it. • Fragility: Imbuement confers no particular durability to an item and
The effects continue until the item is removed by a successful Physician or owners of imbued items often insist on bringing them into dangerous
First Aid roll (requires one minute) or is ripped out (doing the same damage situations/ Since imbued items loses its power when damaged,
that it did going in). breakage inevitably reduces the quantity of imbued items in circulation.
• Limiting Force skills: Many imbued items have limiting force skills cast
For all “always on” items, unless specified otherwise: upon them, and do not work for anyone but their intended user.
• Ritual, casting time, and energy cost are all irrelevant: The item does • Harassment: It is not hard to disrupt an imbuement. An imbuement can
not let the wearer cast the Force skill – it puts the effect on him, at no be disrupted by organizing distraction. Delaying one member can
cost, as soon as he wears or wields the item. An “always on” item can throw off circle of imbuing Force-users. If imbuing rivals and enemies
be designed to phase in its effects over a few minutes, so that the are in the habit of trying to disrupt imbuements, dealing with these
disruptions drives the cost of imbued items up and the supply down.

score of 0. Although they do not have the ability to wield the Force, they still
can be affected by it. Reading a Sith scroll (assuming they can read the
language), might even give mundane character the ability to wield Force skills
or powers.

Force Attunement Overall, this is a 0-point feature. If you cannot be affected by the Force, also
list FP as “N/A”.
Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity 0.
Force Attunement represents your general ability to use the Force. The
higher your Force Attunement level, the more keenly attuned you are to the
A facet of the Force is a secondary attribute. The following facets of the Force
flow of the mystical energy called the Force.
are available:
Force Attunement is the basis for most, if not all, Force skills.
Alter (Physical Force)
Force Points (FP)
Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity 0.
This was the facet of the Force which allowed a Force-user to use the Force
Force Points represents your body’s “energy supply”, how well the Force
to manipulate objects around him. This facet complemented the Living Force
flows through your body. You burn FP when spend on activating and
and the Unifying Force. It was this facet of the Force which garnered the
maintaining Force skills or powers. If your FP score reaches zero, you will
most attention during the training of most Jedi during the last decades of the
become mentally fatigued. Chapter: The Force and Gameplay
Old republic, a trend that moved the Jedi farther and farther away from
understanding exactly what the Force was.
Force is often compared to some multiple of your FP; e.g., “2xFP”. Where this
is the case, use your basic FP score in the formula, not your current FP total.
Alter equals Force Attunement plus any levels of Alter you have bought.
When your FP score reaches 0 or below, you must make a Mental Fatigue
Check at -1xFP. Thus if your FP is 10 and you reach 0, make a HT roll, at -10 a Control (Living Force)
HT-1 roll, at -20, HT-2, and so on. When your FP reach -5xFP, you start to lose
HP and must make a Will roll at the start of each turn with the penalties ±5pts/level
gained from any mental fatigue levels. Failure indicates you must take the Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity 0.
Do Nothing maneuver. This was the facet of the Force which connected a Force-user to the living
beings which surrounded him. This facet complemented the Physical Force
Machines, Mundane Characters and Force Statics and the Unifying Force. During the last decades of the Old Republic, the Jedi
Council stressed a certain detachment from the Living Force, to help prevent
Those characters who are playing a droid or other kind of machine should list
FP as “N/A”. They can never buy extra FP. Mundane characters have a FP
attachment to other beings. Control is internal. It is the ability to recognize understood that the future was constantly in motion, but sought to
the Force in yourself and use it to your benefit. understand this motion and develop an understanding of their place within
achieving the highest of ideals. The facet complemented the Living Force and
Control equals Force Attunement plus any levels of Control you have bought. the Physical Force. It was this facet of the Force that was perhaps the least
understood of the three, a fact that was all the more obvious after the Jedi
Sense (Unifying Force) Purge.

Sense equals Force Attunement plus any levels of Sense.

Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity 0.
This was the facet of the Force which focused on the future and its bearing
on a Force-user’s place in the present. Those who studied the Unifying Force

Chapter: The Force and Gameplay

The positive traits in the Core Rules are meant for mundane characters. Rules (see Chapter 2). Below are some new traits some of which are truly
Adding the origin “Force” to a trait makes it a mystical power. The traits Force-based powers, others are related to the Force but not necessarily a
listed with a “” are automatically Force-based as explained in the Core Force power.

• Knowledge [15pts/level]: Knowledge gives enhanced insight to the

Force-user. Information Force skills benefit from improved Knowledge.
Acute Senses / • Protection [15ptslevel]: Protection Force skills often involve Blocking
Force skills and Force skills warning you of imminent danger.
2pts/level • Telekinesis[15pts/level]: Telekinesis was an ability that most Force-
A new Acute Sense is available: sensitives had. With it, they could lift and move objects to their will.
• Force Sight: When you can see using the Force (see the advantage Force Pull, Force Throw, and Force Push, as well as telekinetic
Force Sight, p. 15 or Sense Force, p. 39) it gives you a bonus to perceive lightsaber combat techniques benefit from an improved affinity with
the Force. In some cases, this replaces Vision. Force Sight gives a +1 to Telekinesis.
Observation skill and +1 to Tracking when the Force is a factor. You • Telepathy [15pts/level]: This is the very basis to mentally communicate
cannot perceive visible light but you can perceive colors in the form of over small or vast distances with other individuals. Every Force-user
identification of Force signatures, strength, alignment, attunement, etc. was potentially able to use it. Beings that could use telepathy were
You can distinguish organics (even dead) and the alignment from the banned from most casinos in the galaxy.
surrounding environment by their characteristic aura. Most objects,
including doors and walls, appeared translucent, allowing you to see Force Resistance 
through them. For some species (e.g., the miraluka), this was the only
type of vision. 2pts/level
You are less likely to be affected by the force. Subtract your Force Resistance
Extra Attack / from the skill of anyone using the Force on you, and add it to your roll to
resist any Force skill or Power that offers a resistance roll. For instance, if you
25pts/level have Force Resistance 3, Force-users have -3 to use Force skills on you and
Extra Attack has three new special modifiers. you get +3 to resist. In addition, you may roll against HT + Force Resistance to
resist the effects of Force-based elixirs (e.g., Sith sorcery elixirs). You cannot
Special Enhancements “turn off” this ability to let friendly Force-users use their Force skills on you
Force Skills [+100%]: Your Extra Attacks also includes the use of Force skills. (e.g., to heal you) or to benefit from helpful elixirs!
These Force skills must have an instant time requirement, either by default
or due to high skill. Force Resistance only interferes with Force skills cast directly on you. It
Force Skills Only [+60%]: Your Extra Attacks can only include Force skills. provides no benefit against Force-based ranged attacks (which re cast on the
Single Force Skill [+10%]: Your Extra Attacks apply only to one Force skill. For catser’s hand or on another object and hurled at you), attacks by imbued
instance, Extra Attack 2 with Single Skill (Force Push) lets you attack three weapons, or information gathering Force skills that aren’t cast directly on
times – but at least two attacks must use Force Push skill. This limitation you. It also has no effect on powers other than Force-based; e.g., biological
includes the modifier Force Skills Only. based telepathy.

Force Resistance, and its precise level, can be recognised by any Force-user
Focus of the Force  who ues the Sense Force skill or Force Sight.

Variable You cannot combine Force resistance with Force Sensitive. If you have even
One studying the Force could focus himself on a particular practical field or one level of Force Resistance, you can’t use the Force at all (although you can
already had an enhanced affinity to that particular field. Each level in a Focus still use Force imbued items).
of the Force specialty gives a +1 bonus to the power of all related Force skills.
Some Force skills might fall under more than one Focus. In this case, add all Special Enhancements
the bonuses. If a Force skills falls under one or another Focus, you may Improved [+150%]: Your Force Resistance does not interfere with your own
choose when first buying the Force skill. These focuses are: ability to use the Force. This allow you to possess both Force Sensitive and
• Elemental [15pts/level]: A Force-user can create and control elemental Force Resistance.
powers such as electricity, heat, and cold.
• Empathy [15pts/level]: A Force-user can detect images and emotions
of someone’s thoughts. But it could also be used to communicate with
Force Sensitivity 
Chapter: Positive Traits

• Healing [15pts/level]: Initial levels required prolonged meditation, but
You can feel the Force, but you cannot yet effectively wield it. You must
greater aptitude usually granted faster regeneration, without the need
purchase Force Sensitivity before buying any levels of Force Attunement,
of meditation. Greater levels of attainment were also able to mend far
Facets of the Force, Focus of the Force, and anything else (Force skills, traits
more severe injuries, even major damage to flesh and bone and even
with the Force origin modifier, etc.).
going as far as to mend internal damage, such as damage to the heart,
lungs, and so forth. However, there are limitations, stemming if not
A Force-sensitive has the basic awareness of the Force, a prerequisite for
from the nature of Force Healing, then at very least from the individual,
learning Force skills. The GM makes a Sense roll when you first see a Force
as Force-users were not seen to regenerate lost matter.
imbued item, and again when you first touch it. On a success, you intuitively
• Illusion [15pts/level]: Illusions could be created manifestations or be
know that the item is touched by the Force. A critical success also tells you
simple mind tricks.
whether the Force is helpful or dangerous, and about how strong it is. Those another person. To deliberately read the future of someone else, you must
without Force Sensitive do not get this roll. be able to touch him.

Force Sight  Force Vision is normally limited to “seeing” into the near future, near past, or
present – perheaps a week or so. At the GM’s option, however, a critical
success or a very importnt event might result in visions from much further in
the future, past, or location.
You can perceive colors in the form of identification of Force signatures,
strength, alignment, attunement, etc. You can distinguish organics (even
Note that Force Vision includes Danger Sense (CR, p. ?) – do not take both.
dead) and the alignment from the surrounding environment by their
characteristic aura. Most objects, including doors and walls, appeared
Special Enhancements
translucent, allowing you to “see” through them. Roll against Perception
Directed [+100%]: When you deliberately use your ability, you may opt to
which can be raised by buying Acute Senses (Force Sight), see p. 14.
focus on a specific event involving the subject of your attempt (yourself or
someone else). Name the event – e.g., “The battle with the Sith Lord” –
Special Limitation
before you roll. On a success, you discover the most likely outcome, and
Force Only [-30pts]: You can only see the Force and cannot perceive visible
critical failure “blacks out” the event in all future visions and skills depending
light. For example, for the miraluka), this was the only type of vision.
on these insights (e.g., Precognitive Parry and Parry Beam Weapon). Passive
use is unchanged. Directed is mutually exclusive with One Event.
Force Static 
30pts Special Limitations
You are unaffected by the Force. Force skills cannot directly affect you or Active Only [-60%]: You can only use your gift deliberately – you never
anything you are carrying or wearing. For instance, a Jedi could throw a rock receive spontaneous visions. Your ability doesn’t include Danger Sense. This
at you using the Force, but he could not levitate you or grab your weapon is mutually exclusive with Can’t See Own Death.
from your hand. Can’t See Own Death [-60%]: Your Force Vision cannot detect people or
events that the GM believes have a high probability of causing your death.
Special Enhancements Your ability does not include Danger Sense.
Area Effect [+25%/level]: You emit static in an area centered on you. The Dreaming [-70% or -80%]: You only have visions when you dream. This
first level of Area Effect extends your static to everything within Reach 1. normally take a full night’s sleep; Less Sleep is useful here. If you undercut
Each level after the first adds one level of Reach; see Area Effect (CR, p. ?). your sleeping by one hour, you only have a 5-in-6 chance of dreaming a
Switchable [+100%]: You can switch this trait off in order to allow friendly vision; losing two hours reduces this to 4-in-6, and so on. You can set yourself
Force-users to affect you or operate within your area of effect. to have a deliberate vision, at the usual skill penalties and recover the FP by
the time you awaken. Your ability does not include Danger Sense, -70%, or -
Special Limitations 80% if it includes Can’t See Own Death.
Resistible [+50%]: Your ability is not absolute. A Force-user can “burn” One Event [-40%]: Your ability works only for a prticular type of event:
through your static and affect those protected by it by winning a Quick events involving you personally (if you scanned another, you would only see
Contest Will with you. If the attacking Force skill already requires a Quick a significant event if you were involved); disasters; events releated to death;
Contest, the attacker rolls only once but the target gets +5 to resist. events related to lov, etc. This limitation is mutually exclusive with Can’t See
Own Death.
Force Vision  Passive Only [-20%]: You can never use your gift deliberately. This is mutually
exclusive with Active Only and Directed.
You receive glimpses of future or present events. You cannot control the Insubstantiality //
content of these flashes – you just know that something interesting or
important might happen, or is happening, at some unspecified date. You 80pts
might learn this through visions, voices, or “sudden knowledge”. A vivid You can become intangible, passing through solid objects as though they
Force Vision of a terrible event might even require a Fright Check (see CR, p. weren’t there. In this state, gravity does not affect you – you can move in any
?)! direction at full Move (and make no noise when you move). You can perceive
the tangible world, and speak normally to those within it, but you cannot
A Force Vision only gives information that your “future or present self” could pickup normal objects or affect them in any way.
learn and that would matter to you. For instance, if you’re on Coruscant, you
are unlikely to have a Force Vision bout a random murder on Naboo. But if Physical and energy attacks cannot harm you, but you’re still vulnerable to
the victim was a friend, or if the killing was important enough to make the Force-based attacks. Likewise, your physical and energy attacks cannot affect
intergalactic news, you might “flash” on it. physical opponents. Your Force skills can affect the physical world, but at -3
to all skill rolls.
Nothing about the future is certain, though. Even if the GM has made up his
mind, he could reconsider… although something related to the Force Vision Although you can pass through solids, you must still breathe. When moving
should still happen. In most settings, predicted events will occur unless you through a solid object, treat this as if you were swimming underwater for
take specific action to prevent them them. (But the GM is free to rule that purposes of suffocation. You cannot materialize inside a solid object.
the future is immutable in his campaign!)
Your “natural” form (physical or insubstantial) is considered a special effect.
Chapter: Positive Traits

Whenever the GM feels a Force Vision would be appropriate, he will secretly You must take this advantage if you can change between a phyical and an
make an IQ roll for you – usually during an encounter with a person or object. insubstantial form.
For instance, meeting someone with an important event in his future might
set off a Force Vision related to that event, especially if it would affect you in This trait can represent Force spirits. You should work out any special effects
some way. Similarly, seeing picture of a place could set off a vision involving with the GM. This determines your appearance, which may be transparant,
that location. misty… or com pletely normal (but you can’t be invisible without the
Invisibility advantage, see CR p. ?). Your physical and energy attacks affect
A deliberate attempt to use Force Vision requires 10 minutes of other beings using the same form of Insustantiality, and their attacks affect
concentration, paying 8 energy, making a Meditation roll at -8, and a Force you. The GM may rule that certain materials, energy barriers, Force skills, etc.
Visions skill roll (p. 35). You can attempt to read your own future ro that of are impenetrable to your particular form of Insubstantiality.
Special Enhancements One Force Skill [-80%]: You can only nuetralize a specific Force skill; e.g.,
Affect Substantial [+100%]: If you have any abilities that can affect the Move Object or Drain Energy.
substantial world when you are insubstantial – including Force skills, Sith One Aspect [-30%]: You can only neutralize Force skills of a specific Aspect of
sorcery, etc. – add this enhancement. the Force; e.g., All dark side Force skills.
Can Carry Objects [variable]: Normally, you cannot carry anything while One Facet [-30%]: You can only neutralize Force skills of a specific Facet of
insubstantial. This enhancement lets you carry objects, including clothing and the Force; e.g., all Alter Force skills.
armor. They can become physical if dropped. You cannot materialize these Once Focus [-60%]: You can only neutralize Force skills of a specific Focus of
objects inside other objects or characters. No encumbrance is +10%; Light, the Force; e.g., all Telekinesis Force skills.
+20%; Medium, +50%; Heavy, +100%.
Partial Change [+20% or +100%]: You can turn part of your body substantial
while other parts remain insubstantial, or vice versa. Thus you could reach
Psychometry /
through a wall and tap someone on the shoulder. If you also have Can Carry
Objects, you can materialize your hand, pick up material objects, and carry
You can sense the history of a place or inanimate object – its use, its user’s
them while insubstantial, +20%, or +100% if you can turn an item you are
personality, etc. This is an exotic trait (such as the ability of some kiffar) but
carrying substantial without dropping it (this requires turning your hand
can be greatly enhanced if it’s a Force-based trait (such as the ability of
substantial, too).
Quinlan Vos, see p. 37).
Special Limitations
To use Psychometry, you must touch the subject item or location;
Always On [-50%]: You are always insubstantial and cannot materialize. If
concentrate for 10 seconds and make a Perception roll. This roll is at no
you have this limitation, there’s no -3 to use the force.
penalty for an event that occurred the same day, -1 for one that occurred up
Usually On [-40%]: Similar to Always On, but you can materialize for short
to 1 week ago, -2 if up to 1 month ago, -3 if up to 1 year ago, -4 if up to 10
periods with great effort. Materialization costs 1 FP per second.
years ago, -5 if up to 100 years ago, -6 if up to 1,000 years ago, and so on. At
the GM’s option, you might notice very strong “vibes” on an IQ/2-2 roll, even
Medium  if you aren’t concentrating.

10pts On a success, you receive the general sense of emotions and events tied to
Prerequisite: Force Sensitive. the object or place… if it is linked to emotionally charged events (an
You can perceive and commune with Force spirits. You don’t see them uneventful history might leave no impression at all). This is not always a good
visually, but you know when they’re nearby. You can speak with any spirit in thing – a terrifying impression might require a Fright Check (see CR, p. ?)! On
your presence, provided you share a language. You can also call spirits to a critical success, you experience an actual visual insight. No matter how well
you; there is no guarantee that they will answer your summons, but they will you roll, you cannot detect the Force, Force spirits, etc. Still, a Force imbued
hear it. Note that this trait does not give you a reaction bonus with Force item or ritual site is likely to have an emotionally charged history, giving
spirits, or any power to control their behavior. strong impressions.

Special Enhancements On a failure, you receive no impression at all, and cannot attempt to read
Visual [+50%]: You can see Spirits while communicating with them, even if that obejct or place again for 24 hours.
they would normally be invisible.
Thi strait can greatly be enhanced if it’s part of the Force by using the Force
Neutralize Force / skill Psychometric Sense (p. 37).

50pts Special Enhancements

You can neutralize the Force skills of a single Force-user. This is an active Directed [+100%]: You can focus on specific events in the past. State what
ability with an ongoing effect on the subject. It does not have to be done by a you’re searching for before you roll. Success means you glean information
Force-user – it might represent a natural phenomenon or high-tech way to pertinent to the event of interest instead of receiving a general flood of
drain or suppress the Force. emotions. Failure means you learn nothing. On a critical failure, you’re
permanently blinded to that piece of history.
To use Neutralize Force, you must touch the subject (requires an Offense Immersive [+100%]: A successful use of your ability gives you an actual
maneuver) and win a Quick Contest of Will. If you succeed, you successfully “replay” of emotionally charged events, similar to the vision that those
neutralize all your victim’s Force skills and powers for a number of minutes without this enhancement experience on a critical success. If scanning a
equal to your margin of victory. This has no effect on the subjects Force place, you see and hear things as if you were standing at that location during
attributes, Aspects, Facet, of Focus of the Force. Once you have neutralized the event of interest. IF reading an object, you witness events from the
someone, you cannot affect hum until his powers recovers. A critical failure object’s point of view. this enhancement can short-circuit mystery
with this trait cripples it for 1d20+4 hours. adventures – handle with care!
Sensitive [+30%]: You can read uneventful history as well as emotionally
Special Enhancements charged events. For instance, you might learn who made the lightsaber, ow
Power Theft [+200%]: When you successfully neutralize a Force-user, you often it was modified, and where it as stored when it wasn’t used.
acquire his Force powers! You gain all of the Force-user’s Force skills you
neutralized – including their bonuses from Facet and Focus of the Force – for Special Limitations
the duration. You can’t use Neutralize Force again until these powers wear Active Only [-20%]: You can only use your ability deliberately. You never
off. receive spontaneous visions, no matter how strong the “vibes”.
Mundane [-30%]: Your ability detects temporal “echoes” of the past – not
Chapter: Positive Traits

Precise [+20%]: You can neutralize specific Force skills of the affected source,
or even individual traits. For instance, you could use Neutralize Force to drain the emotional charge on objects or locations. You can only red uneventful
Alter, or just Force Lightning, or everything but Heal Self. To exclude or target history, as described for Sensitive (don’t take both).
a capability, you must know that your victim has it, and you must declare Passive Only [-60%]: You possess only the capacity to notice strong
your intentions before your attack. ipressions on an IQ/2-2 roll. You can never use your gift deliberately. This is
mutualy exclusive with Directed, Sensitive, Active Only, and Mundane.
Special Limitations
Derange [-20%]: You only neutralize your victim’s control over his Force
traits. All affected Force traits gain the Uncontrollable limitation for the
duration. Your attack counts as “stressful”, and immediately causes the traits
to act in unpredictable ways.
Reawakened  added to your energy blade also cost CP. Consult the following table for the
cost of this trait for your weapon:
You can “remember” skills (skills, techniques, Force skills and techniques, ENERGY BLADE PTS
learnable traits) learned during previous lives. You must purchase these Lost 0
Stolen 0
abilities normally; Reawakened is just a special Unusual background (see CR, Destroyed 0
p. ?) that explains how you learned them without a teacher. Your previous No Modifications 5
live must have been a Force-sensitive. +1 Modification +5

Note: In GCA4, you must also add the modifier: Weapon Bond to your
Special Rapport  appropriate weapon to gain the +1 to skill.

Prerequisite: Force Sensitive for both PC and NPC. Wild Talent 
You have a unique bond with another person. This acts as a potent version of
Empathy (see CR, p. ?) that works only with one person, without regard to 20pts/level
distance. You always know when your partner is in trouble, in pain, lying, or Prerequisite: Force Sensitive.
in need of help, no matter where he is. This requires no success roll. Your You can simply do things without knowing how by letting the Force guiding
partner receives the same benefits with respect to you. you. Once per scenario per level of this trait, you may attempt a roll against
any skill, using your score in the appropriate attribute: IQ for IQ-based skills,
Both partners in a Special Rapport must buy the trait. Your partner need not DX for DX-based skills, etc. You do not incur any default penalties, but
be your master or student, but the GM has the final say. In particular, the GM situational and equipment modifiers apply normally, as do any modifiers for
may wish to forbid PCs from buying Special Rapport with powerful NPCs who positive or negative traits. Tech level is irrelevant.
would otherwise qualify as Patron (or allow oit, but require an Unusual
Background). Wild Talent does apply to skills that normally have no default, provided you
meet any requirements. For instance, you could use unknown Force skills
Special Enhancements provided you have th appropriate requirements.
One-Way [+20%]: Your link lets you sense the status of your partner without
him having this trait and being able to sense your condition. Wild Talent has no effect on skills you already know.

Special Enhancements
Spirit Empathy  Retention [+25%]: You can learn the skills you use! To do so, you must have
one unspent character point available when you attempt the skill roll. On a
10pts success, you may buy the skill at the one-point level. You cannot improve a
Prerequisite: Force Sensitive skill learned this way at the end of the current scenario, during which time
You are in tune with force spirits, and receive the benefits of Empathy (CR, p. you use it at -2. On a critical success, you can start improving the skill at the
?) when dealing with them. You can get a feeling for the general intentions of end of the running scenario, and there is no -2. On a failure, you cannot learn
any Force spirit you encounter by making a successful IQ/2 roll. As well, your the skill; on a critical failure, you will never be able to learn that skill fully and
Influence skills (Diplomacy, Sex Appeal, etc.) work normally on Force spirits, gain the Incompetence quirk (CR, p. ?) for that skill. Regardless of success, if
which sets you aside from most mortals. Spirit Empathy does not prevent evil you lack any of the skill’s prerequisites, your skill is at -4 until you acquire
or mischievous spirits from seeking to harm you, but at the GM’s option, it them, and you cannot improve the skill in the interim. This enhancement
might make it easier to detect and counter their plots. does not let you learn skills from a TL higher than your own.

Special Limitations Special Limitations

Specialized [-50%]: You are naturally in tune with the customs and moods of Emergencies Only [-30%]: Your Wild Talent only works in life-threatening
one specific class of Force spirits (determined by the alignment of the situations, such as mortal combat. To use it, you must ask for a particular
creature while it was still alive). Possibilities includes Jedi spirits, Sith spirits, result related to your predicament. Your request must be specific (e.g., “Get
Dathomir Witch spirit, Sorcerer of Tund spirit, and anything else which was him away from me.”), but you cannot specify a skill (e.g., “Use Grappling” or
connected to the Force before it died and was able to return. “Use Mind Trick”). The GM will then choose a skill that could bring about the
desired result. He is not limited to mundane sills; he may choose a Force skill,
Weapon Bond (Energy Blade) a cinematic martial-arts skill, and so forth. Once the GM has chosen, roll
against the governing attribute, as usual. If the GM feels you already have
5/level skills equal to the task, he will advise you on which skill to use. This still
Prerequisite: Code of Honor (Crystal Code) counts as one of your uses of Wild Talent.
You own a lightsaber that’s uniquely suited for you. Its quality might be no Focused [-20%]: You can only use (and if you have Retention, learn) one
better than normal, but when you use it, you’re at +1 to effective skill for specific class of skills. ptions include Mental (mundane skills based on IQ,
both handling the weapon and to the Force skills. This isn’t a mystical Perception, or Will), Physical (mundane skills based on ST, DX, or HT), and
attunement but a physical matter of balance, fit to your hand, and the like. If Force (Force skills based on Alter, Control, or Sense).
the weapon is lost or destroyed, the bond doesn’t transfer to a new weapon,
but you can acquire a new Weapon Bond in play. In addition to losing the
benefits of Weapon Bond, you gain an extra penalty of -2 to your Force skills.
The lightsaber was your focus point.
Chapter: Positive Traits

You can have a bond to a lightsaber of any quality. The value of the weapon
reflects the quality, but not your physical bond with it. each modification

The Force allows some new perks to be bought.

This perk can be used in combination with Extra Attack (Force Skills or Force
Skills Only) but not with Extra Attack (Single Force skill or Single Force Skill
Autotrance  Below are some examples of Force combinations:
Prerequisite: Force Sensitive.
• Force Grenade: A combo between Force Grip Force Lightning, and
You can enter a trance at Will. This requires one minute of complete
Move Object. The target is gripped with the Force and lifted them up
concentration and a successful Will roll, at -1 per additional attempt per
into the air. While the victim was suspended the user blasts him with a
hour. This trance gives +2 on rolls to contact Force spirits. You must make a
brief burst of lightning. The practitioner then either dropped the victim
Will roll to break your trance. If you fail, you can try again every five minutes.
or slammed them into an object, causing the lightning coursing within
them to explode.
Force Combination  • Force Rend: A dark side combination which uses Force Pull and Force
Prerequisites: Force Sensitive and all included Force skills at 10pts. Push on the same target at once, ripping it apart. Pay the full energy
Normally, using a Force skill takes a Concentration maneuver for one or more cost of one Force skill and only 1 energy for the other. They both have
turns. Force-users can train their Force skills in such a way so they can use the same ST and should be added together when calculating damage.
multiple Force skills at the same time or very quickly after another in one This combo is particularly gruesome and using it gives you d4 DSP when
fluid motion. When combining 2 or 3 Force skills, each Force skill after the used on a living target.
first suffers a -2 penalty as for Multiple Actions (see CR, p. ?). When rolling • Lightning Shield: A combination of Force Lightning and Force Shield. A
against a Force combination, there is only one roll against the lowest shield of lightning covered and protected the user. Its effects could
effective skill of these 2 or 3 skills. extend beyond the immediate space near the user, and could shock
enemies in the distance. It could lower damage taken by the user, and
If one or more of the Force skills also needs another skill roll (e.g., Innate could also enhance the saber damage the user dealt out. It was not the
Attack (Force) to aim the Force power), these rolls still need to be made. If most powerful form of Force lightning, however; it still took mastery in
the Force skills need the same extra skill roll, only roll once. the art of Force lightning and high concentration to use Lightning
Shield. It could even redirect Force lightning back at another user of
Use the Concentration time as it is for the Force skill which needs the longest Force lightning.
to be ready.

Chapter: Positive Traits

The negative traits in the Core Rules are meant for mundane characters. Rules (see Chapter 2). Below are some new traits some of which are truly
Adding the origin “Force” to a trait makes it a mystical disability. The traits Force-based handicaps, others are related to the Force but not necessarily a
listed with a “” are automatically Force-based as explained in the Core Force-based.

• Tempted[-2pts]: Using the dark side for good when the light side is not
powerful enough, you can become tempted by the dark side. You gain a
Aspect of the Force +1 bonus to all dark side Force skills and a -1 penalty to all light side
Force skills. Reaction modifiers are +1 from dark side Force-users (e.g.,
Sith, Dark Jedi, etc.) and -1 form light side Force-users (e.g., Jedi) whom
Some believe there is only one Force, other If your character, or the sense your aspect.
campaign setting is that of a single Force entity, neglect this paragraph. • Tainted [-4pts]: You start using dark side Force-skill more frequently for
a good cause and sometimes you will use them for your own personal
Light Side gain. All dark side Force skills gain a +2 bonus and light side Force skills
The light side of the Force is aligned with honesty, compassion, mercy, self- a -2 penalty. Reaction modifiers are +2/-2.
sacrifice, and other positive emotions. • Devoted [-8pts]: The dark side is more powerful. You are becoming
• Journeyman[-2pts]: Good deeds and tranquility ensure a path to more and more familiar with the use of the dark side. Dark side Force
harmony with the Force. You gain +1 bonus to all light side Force skills skills gain a +3 bonus while light side Force skills have a -4 penalty.
and a -1 penalty to all dark side Force skills. Reaction modifiers are +1 Force-users who start being or are introduced to only the dark side,
from light side Force-users (e.g., Jedi) but -1 from dark side Force-users automatically are Devotees. Reaction modifiers are +2/-3.
(e.g., Sith, Dark Jedi) whom sense your aspect. • Dark Sider [-12pts]: You have fully succumbed to the dark side. You
• Illuminated [-4pts]: You use the Force for good and only when needed. acquire a +4 bonus to dark side Force skills but a fierce -8 to all light
All light side Force skills gain a +2 bonus and dark side Force skills a -2 side Force skills. Reaction modifiers are +2/-4.
penalty. Reaction modifiers are +2/-2.
• Enlightened [-8pts]: Your knowledge of the Force and acts of self- Neutral
sacrifice put you closer in harmony with the Force. Light side Force skills This is the path, a thin line between the light and dark side or you follow a
gain a +3 bonus but dark side Force skills have a -4 penalty. Reaction point of view where there is only the Force. You have no bonuses to any
modifiers are +2/-3 Force skills, but you don’t have penalties either. You might occasionally gain
a +1 to Reaction from other neutral Force-users such as the Gray Jedi or a +1
• Harmony [-12pts]: Your knowledge of the Force and acts of self-
to reaction from a dark sider who thinks he can sway you to the dark side or
sacrifice put you in harmony with the Force. Light side Force skills gain a
a +1 from a light side Force-user who thinks he can redeem you to the light
+4 bonus while dark side Force skills have a -8 penalty. Reaction
modifiers are +2/-4.
Note: If you are truly neutral, you don’t have to write this down on your
Dark Side
character sheet. If you tend to go in a particular aspect, either by doing dark
The dark side of the Force is aligned with fear, anger, hate, greed,
deeds or selfless acts but didn’t get enough point to buy the first level, you
intolerance, and other negative emotions but also positive emotions which
can write this down as Aspect of the Force (Dark, Neutral or Light, Neutral)
are an obsession. The dark path is treacherous and anyone can fall into its
for 0pts.
grasp. Dark siders draw their power from raw emotion like pain and hatred,
but also passion and love.

use Force skills. You are, however, still vulnerable to Force skills and powers
used on you.
Force Inept
You are inept to sense and manipulate the Force. You cannot have the
advantage Force Sensitivity, any Force traits (including Luck), attributes or Chapter: Negative Traits
Chapter: Modifiers
The skill listed below are mostly for Force-users, although mundane skills. These can only be used by Force-sensitives. If you don’t have the trait
character might be able to learn them. Skills listed with a “” are Force Force Sensitive you cannot use that skill, even at default.

Engineer/TL 
Armoury/TL 
IQ/Average Default: Armoury (Force-based)-6.
Defaults: IQ/2 or Engineer (Same)-4. Prerequisite: Force Sensitive, Mathematics (Applied) at TL 3+.
Prerequisites: Force Sensitive. A new specialty is available:
A new specialty is available: • Force-based: Designing equipment with Force-imbued parts such as
• Force-based: All kinds equipment from the Armoury skill which are lightsabers, telepathic shields and amplifiers, Midi-Chlorian detector,
imbued with the Force, contain parts imbued with the Force or are etc. Roll against this skill and the appropriate filed with Engineer skill.
otherwise connected with the Force. When using the Armoury skill as
mentioned in the Core Rules on a Force-imbued item, roll against the
lower of that skill or Armoury (Force-based).
Expert Skill 
Defaults: None.
Alchemy A new specialty is available:
• Force Science: The study of Force sensitives’ mind and brain. Can
IQ/Very Hard function as Biology, Diagnosis, Physician, Physiology, or Psychology
Defaults: Alchemy (Sith)-3. when dealing with Force-based phenomena in living beings. Cannot
This is the study of supernatural transformations and transmutations. An substitute for Armoury, Electronics Operation, Electronics Repair, and
alchemist would be able to identify concoctions with Force-based effects and Engineer specialties that deal with Force-based equipment. This
healing unguents and prepare them from suitable ingredients. This is a specialty does not require the user to be a Force sensitive, he just
mechanical process using the Force inherent in all things; therefore, those studies them.
without Force Sensitive can learn and use Alchemy, and Force Attunement
confers no benefit.
Force Ritual 
There is a specialty.
IQ/Very Hard
• Alchemy (Sith): This a science that referred to a number of areas under
Default: Religious Ritual (Same)-6.
the Sith. It encompassed any power or technique which used the Dark
This skill gives an understanding of the intellectual and mystical processes
side of the Force to permanently alter an item or living being. It is
involved in the rituals of a particular tradition or spirit invocation. Make a skill
rejected by the Jedi as an act of treason against the Force’s will. This is a
roll to determine the purpose of a ritual conducted in your presence, the
dark side skill which might give the user a DSP upon use. Prerequisites:
type of entity being summoned, etc.
Force Sensitive, 2 Dark Side Points, Hidden Lore (Sith). Defaults: None.
You must specialize by tradition; e.g., Sith Sorcery, Dathomir Witchcraft, etc.
Electronics Operation/TL  Specialties default to one another at -5. The processes involved are
comparable, but the specific rituals and spirits differ significantly.
Defaults: IQ/2, Electronics Repair (Same)-5, or Engineer (Same)-5. In societies with working Force rituals, Force Ritual skill is the primary skill of
Prerequisite: Force Sensitive. sorcerors. All rituals of power default to it!
A new specialty is available for Force-sensitives:
• Force-based: Force imbued technology such as lightsabers, telepathic This is the skill of invoking Force spirits for non-religious reasons. The
shields and amplifiers. When using Electronics Operation skill as equivalent skill for the more direct, flashy Force abilities is Thaumatology
mentioned in the Core Rules with a Force-imbued item with restriction, (see Core Rules).
roll against the Electronics Operation (Force-based) to bypass those
restriction before you can operate the device with the mundane Modifiers
appropriate Electronics Operation skill. Penalty:
• -1 for every 5 levels above 1 the performer of the ritual you are
Electronics Repair/TL  observing has.

IQ/Average Hazardous Materials/TL 

Chapter: Skills

Defaults: IQ/2, Electronics Operation (Same)-3, or Engineer (Same)-3.

Prerequisite: Force Sensitive. IQ/Average
Default: IQ/2.
Force-users can specialize themselves in the same way as with Electronics A new specialty is available:
Operation (above). When using the Electronics Repair skill as mentioned in • Force-based: You either need to be Force sensitive or must know that
the Core Rules on a Force-imbued item, roll against the lower of that skill or the material you encounter is Force-based. Protective personal gear
Electronics Repair (Force-based). cannot protect you. Hazardous materials (Force-based) counts as an
exotic specialty.
Hidden Lore  Symbol Drawing 
IQ/Average IQ/Hard
Defaults: None. Defaults: Special.
You can specialize in the following bodies of secret knowledge: This is the art of scribing Force-imbued symbol. Depending on your Force-
• Jedi: Knowledge of the Jedi Order, its history (especially the facts that based tradition, you might carve these symbols with a ritual dagger, draw
the Jedi don’t want to spread), its lifestyle, indoctrinations, and the them on the ground or an altar using blood or ceremonial powders, write
fallen Jedi. Normally only Jedi have access to scripts and Holocrons them in ink, trace them in the air with a relic, or something else. You must
containing information about the Jedi. The Jedi make sure it is kept specialize in a particular Force-based tradition.
• Sith: Ancient Sith artifacts, Holocrons, scrolls, and even tombs contain In traditions where the Force flows from the user, nature, Force spirit, etc. as
knowledge about the Sith. It is banned by the Jedi because they think it opposed to the symbols themselves, the symbols provide a focus that aids
is too dangerous. It is kept secret by the Sith, only to teach it to one the use of the Force. Roll against Symbol Drawing before each ceremony. On
promising apprentice. a success, add half your margin of success to your skill with you next
• Sorcery: History, believes, and universal understanding of Sith Sorcery, ceremony you conduct over the symbols. This kind of Symbol Drawing
the Sorcerers of Tund, and maybe other sects of sorcerers. defaults to Force Ritual (Same)-4. for instance, Symbol Drawing (Sith Sorcery)
• White Current: Knowledge about the Fallanassi and what they call the defaults to force ritual (Sith Sorcery)-4, and lets you draw the vevers used in
White Current. Sith ceremonies.
• Witchcraft: Knowledge of the Witches of Dathomir, the Nightsisters
and Nightbrothers, the training camps and their mounts. In traditions where the sym bols themselves imbue items or places (o even
people, in the case of tattoos) with the Force, the Force is only as good as the
symbols. Roll against the lower of Symbol Drawing and your skill with the
Innate Attack  imbuement itself. this is most common for Force runes. Each runic alphabet
is a separate Symbol Drawing skill with no default. For instance, Symbol
Per/Easy Drawing (Ewok Runes) would let you scribe the runes used by ewok shamans.
Default: Per/2+1
A new specialty is available to Force-users: More exotic traditions may have their own rules. Work these out with your
• Force: You can target a Ranged Force skill using the Force. For needed GM.
rituals, see the specific Force skill. To use this skill, you must be
conscious and awake. This specialty has no default from other Innate Modifiers
Attacks. Penalty:
• -1 or more if using non-traditional means to mark the symbols.
Modifiers • -1 or more if placing the symbols on any surface other than those
General: prescribed by your tradition.
• Ranged to Hit modifiers.

Thrown Weapon 
Precognitive Parry 
Sense/Hard Defaults: DX/2+1 and others.
Defaults: None. A new specialization is available:
Prerequisites: Trained by a Master or Weapon Master; Force Sensitive • Energy Blade: Any de-activated energy blade can be thrown. For that
or Force Vision; and one melee combat skill at 20+. use Thrown Weapon (Stick). This specialization hones the thrower’s skill
This skill allows you to parry attacks more easily or parry attacks that with an activated energy blade so that the blade will hit the target, not
otherwise don’t allow an active defense (e.g., surprise attacks). You might the hilt. The weapon does not return. When using telekinetic energy
have a feeling that you are being attacked or you had a vision earlier and you blade battle, use Thrown Weapon (Energy Blade) first to direct the
recognize the situation. weapon to the targeted area at skill+4. If you miss, each margin of
failure represents one reach away from the target and you must direct
Whenever you’re attacked, make a Precognitive Parry roll. On a failure, the your weapon to your target using Move Object.
situation is as for a mundane character. On a critical failure, you believe that
the attack will miss and don’t even bother to dodge! Modifiers
On a success, you’re alerted to the attack far enough in advance that you can • Equipment modifiers (CR, p. ?).
try to move a weapon or limb to intercept (make a Parry roll with the
• Ranged to Hit modifiers (CR, p. ?).
appropriate melee combat skill). If you would otherwise be able to parry the
attack, the Precognitive Parry allows an extra +1 for a margin of success of 5
or more, +2 if 10 or more, and +3 on a critical success.

This represents training at parrying incoming blaster bolts with a particular

Chapter: Skills

skill. When parrying a blaster bolt, roll against the higher of Precognitive
Parry-6 or this technique. Success, you may attempt a parry roll with your
Parry Blaster Bolts melee combat skill, which must be able to deflect these blaster bolts (e.g.,
lightsaber, Force glove, etc.). On a margin of success of 5 or more, you also
Hard get a +1 to your parry, at 10+ a +2, and a +3 on a critical success and you
Default: Precognitive Parry-6 deflect the bolt into a direction of your choosing. On a failure, your parry is at
Prerequisites: Precognitive Parry; Melee combat skill 10pts; cannot -1, a -2 on a margin of failure of 5+, -3 with a margin of failure of 10+ and no
exceed Precognitive Parry.
parry on a critical failure (the attacker misses anyway, or so you think), and Penalty:
you don’t even bother to dodge. • -1 if the attacker shoots with Reach F and if he’s out of reach. If
he’s within reach of your weapon, you may parry the weapon or
Modifiers: the weapon arm itself.
• +1 if the attacker shoots over half range.

Chapter: Skills
Before any character can learn a Force skill, he must already have the LEVEL EASY AVERAGE HARD VERY HARD
Attribute/2-2 - - - -
advantage – Force Sensitive. To avoid an unnecessary summary of Attribute/2-1 - - D 1
prerequisites, Force Sensitive is not mentioned as such. Attribute/2 - D 1 3
Attribute/2+1 D 1 3 6
Attribute/2+2 1 3 6 10
Attribute/2+3 3 6 10 15
Attribute/2+4 6 10 15 20
Attribute/2+5 10 15 20 25
Extra +1 +5 +5 +5 +5
As with mundane skills, you need to pay CP in order to raise your base skill
level. The only difference is that the default value of a Force skill is just 1 level
below that of a Force skill with 1 point invested in it.



Time Required: 10 seconds of Meditation.

Class: Regular; Special Resistance
Analyze Force Causes all beings with whom the subject has social contact to ignore or
disregard him. Only beings who have a reason to notice that particular
Sense/Very Hard
person or someone in his particular situation can resist the Force skill with a
Default: None.
Vision roll – the subject himself does not get to resist. Viewers get a bonus to
Prerequisite: Sense 4.
their resistance roll equal to the subject’s total Appearance modifier,
Aspect: Neutral.
whether positive or negative. Thus viewer of an Attractive subject resist with
Focus: Knowledge.
Per+1, but viewers of an Unattractive subject also resist with Per+1.
Duration: 1 second.
Cost: 8 + Power level of subject or Force skill.
The Force skill’s effects are limited in magnitude; the subject could slip
Time Required: 1 hour.
unnoticed through a crowd, but would be stopped by guards if trying to go
Class: Information; Resisted by Power level.
where he should not. He can get someone’s attention by grabbing him, but is
then likely to get a negative reaction. If he steals something or commits some
Identifies exactly what Force skills or imbuements are used on the subject.
other objectionable act (removing his clothing, perhaps), all witnesses get a
Roll against Analyze Force at -1 per Power level of the subject. On a success,
new resistance roll. if he attacks someone, that person is automatically
Analyze force identifies the one that took the least energy, If the subject has
released from the effects – furthermore, the victim’s cries for help won’t be
more than one effect imbued on it, a critical success tells the caster “there
are more Force effects”. A failure leaves you unknowledgable, other than
that you know how much energy it will cost to analyze the effect with the
At a cost of 1 extra FP and taking an extra -1 penalty, you can lower the
lowest energy cost.
resistance of the viewers with -1.
After a critical success (or a normal success but you want to know if there are
Aura of Significance and Aura of Presence resist each other if both cast on
more imbuements on the item) it can then be used again to determine the
the same subject.
next Force imbuement. It will give limited results when the caster is faced
with an unknown Force skill or imbuement.
After a successful roll, the caster may abandon his analysis if it will take to
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
much energy.
Modifiers • Ranged to Hit penalties apply if you cannot touch the subject.
General: • A further -5 if you cannot see and touch the subject.
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Bonus: Aura of Presence
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge.
Penalty: Alter/Hard
• Ranged to Hit penalties apply if you cannot touch the subject. Default: Alter/2-1.
• A further -5 if you cannot see and touch the subject. Prerequisite: Meditation; Alter 4.
• -1 per power level of the analyzed item. Aspect: Neutral.
Chapter: Force Skills

Focus: Meta.
Duration: 1 hour.
Aura of Insignificance Cost: 4+1. Same cost to maintain.
Time Required: 10 seconds.
Class: Regular; Special Resistance.
Default: Alter/2-1.
Prerequisite: Meditation; Alter 4.
causes all beings with whom the subject has social contact to pay attention.
Aspect: Neutral.
Each being who attempts to ignore the subject gets to resist the Force skill
Focus: Meta.
with Will – but the subject himself does not get to resist! The Force skill does
Duration: 1 hour.
not guarantee a good reaction from those it affects – it doubles the positive
Cost: 4+1. Same cost to maintain.
or negative modifier! If he has no positive or negative modifiers, it gives him
a +1 modifiers. Most people will assume, if a person stands out for no reason
Battle Meditation
that they can put their fingers on, there must be something worth seeing.
Alter/Very Hard
Default: None.
Someone affected by this Force skill can easily be followed in a crowd or aling
Prerequisite: Hidden Lore (Jedi or Sith) 20pts; Meditation 1pt; Alter 4.
city streets. The searcher can simply ask bystanders, “Did you see so-and-so
Cannot exceed Meditation-1.
come by here?” and quickly resume the pursuit.
Aspect: Light or Dark
Focus: Telepathy
At a cost of 1 extra FP and taking an extra -1 penalty, you can lower the
Duration: 1 minute.
resistance of the viewers with -1.
Cost: 1+1 per bonus granted. Base cost x area modifier. 1 to maintain.
Time Required: 10 seconds.
Class: Area
Aura of Presence and Insignificance resist each other if both cast on the same
You have the ability to influence battles by imposing your vision of the
outcome. You grant a +1 bonus on all combat rolls, Morale rolls and rolls to
resist fear. Battle Meditation requires the user to meditate for 10 seconds
Modifiers and make a successful Meditation skill roll at the end of the tenth second. On
a success, you may activate the Battle Meditation by paying the required
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). energy and making a Battle Meditation skill roll. To maintain Battle
Penalty: Meditation, the caster must maintain his meditative state. Make a successful
• Ranged to Hit penalties apply if you cannot touch the subject. Meditation skill roll each minute to maintain the Force skill. Filure means the
• A further -5 if you cannot see and touch the subject. meditation has ended and the effects of the Battle Meditation end. On a
critical failure, the caster’s allies will ralso receive a -1 penalty to Morale
Aura of Uneasiness Checks an to their Will when resisting Fear.

Alter/Easy The area can be as big as you can aford. When you also have the trait Forcus
Default: Alter/2+1. of the Force: Telepathy, you may increase all bonuses by +1 per level of this
Prerequisite: None. trait. This will, however, cost you 1 energy as it normally would and lowers
Aspect: Dark your Battle Meditation and Meditation skill rolls by -1.
Focus: Empathy
Duration: 1 hour. The Sith have their own version often called Sith Battle Meditation.
Cost: 4+1 per level. Same cost to maintain.
Time Required: 10 seconds Modifiers
Class: Regular General:
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Using the dark side of the Force to project an aura of uneasiness around Bonus:
oneself allowed a sentient being to rid themselves of the nuisance of • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy.
creatures that might otherwise cause them distress. When inside the aura’s Penalty:
sphere of influence, animals and insects were compelled to avoid the path of • -1 per bonus above the first.
the aura’s projector, thus allowing the individual to proceed without delay.
When performed in the presence of other sentient beings, the aura caused
individuals to suffer from a sensation of intense malaise. Force-sensitives
Battle Sense
experienced an expanding sense of darkness, as well as an inability to
concentrate on whatever task they were attempting to perform at that
Default: Sense/2-1.
moment. The ability was relatively simple to create and control, but its area
Prerequisite: Sense 4.
of effect, although more potent when in close proximity to the point of
Aspect: Neutral.
origin, was restricted to the initiator’s line of sight.
Focus: Knowledge and Telepathy.
Duration: Lasting (1 encounter).
For a cost of 4 energy, the caster emanates an aura of Reach 2 around him in
Cost: 1 per foe.
which another Force-sensitive must make a Will-3 roll before he can make a
Time Required: 4 seconds.
Concentration maneuver. The penalty to the Will roll of the victim lessens by
Class: Information; Resisted by Will.
1 for every reach further away from the caster (e.g., at Reach 3 roll vs. Will-2,
at Reach 4 Will-1, and so on). A sentient creature who wants to enter the
While this Force skill is switched on, you can read the combat intentions of
aura must also make a Will roll with the same penalties. A failure indicates
sentient (IQ 1+) foes well enough to get a +1 to all active defenses against the
the creatures avoids the caster. On a critical failure, the creatures runs away.
subject’s attacks. The subject get a Will roll to resist. Paying extra energy, you
A success indicates the creature enters the area of effect but must roll every
can drop the subject’s resistance by -1 per extra energy spend, up to a
turn. On a critical success, the creature is unaffected by the Aura of
maximum of your Focus of the Force: Telepathy level. This, however, also
Uneasiness and does not have to roll again.
indices a -1 penalty to skill per extra energy spend.
Per level of Focus of the Force: Empathy, you are allowed to spend 1 extra
The number of maximum foe’s you can read depends on your Knowledge and
energy to raise the penalty to Will, and thus expanding the area of its effect
Telepathy focus. Add both number together and consult the following table:
at a maximum of 4 energy at Empathy 4. However, this is done at a -1 penalty
Chapter: Force Skills

to skill per extra energy point spent. BATTLE SENSE TABLE

Modifiers 1 +1 -1
2 +2 -2
General: 3 +3 -3
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). 4 +4 to +5 -4
Bonus: 5 +6 to +7 -5
6 +8 to +10 -6
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Empathy. 7 +11 to +15 -7
Penalty: 8 +16 to +20 -8
9 +21 to +30 -9
• -1 per extra penalty to the Resistance roll. 10 +31 to +50 -10
Focus: Healing.
You must turn on Battle Sense consciously; you cannot trigger it in response Duration: Permanent, but does not immunize against future infections.
to an attack. However, if you activate it in combat, you’ll enjoy its bonus from Cost: 4.
that point on until one side is defeated or when combat has ended. It’s of no Time Required: 10 minutes.
value against IQ 0 opponents (e.g., erupting slimes, plants, etc.) or mindless Class: Regular.
traps (as opposed to those set off by sapient beings, like ewoks pulling a rope
to roll logs onto you), even if the threat is in plain sight! removes disease-causing microorganisms of one specific type from the
subject’s, other than the caster’s, body. If the disease lacks identification
Battle Sense is cumulative to any Enhanced Active Defenses. (usually by a Diagnosis or Body-Reading roll), use the Force skill at -5. It does
not heal any damage the illness has already inflicted on the subject, but
Modifiers prevents further damage. Only one attempt per day may be made per
General: subject.
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Bonus: Each level of Focus of the Force: Healing cuts of 2 minutes of the required
• time.
• -1 per foe’s IQ point below 10. Modifiers
• Ranged to Hit penalties apply if you cannot touch the subject. General:
• A further -5 if you cannot see and touch the subject. • Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Body-Reading • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Healing.
• Ranged to Hit penalties apply if you cannot touch the subject.
Default: Sense/2-1.
• A further -5 if you cannot see and touch the subject.
Prerequisite: Sense 4, Sense Life. Cannot exceed Sense Life-1.
Aspect: Neutral • -5 if you didn’t diagnose the disease.
Focus: Knowledge
Duration: 1 second. Cure Self
Cost: 2. Same to maintain.
Time Required: 30 seconds. Control/Average
Class: Information; Resisted by Will. Default: Control/2
Prerequisite: Control 2
Creates, in the mind of the caster, a visual and tactile “image” of the interior Aspect: Neutral
of the subject’s body. After making a successfully activating Body-Reading, Focus: Healing
make a Force Sight roll. The margin of success determines what you can see. Duration: Permanent, but does not immunize against future infections.
Compare your margin of success to the Hit Locations. Everything with a Hit Cost: 4.
Location penalty lower than your margin of success is visible (e.g., with a Time Required: 10 minutes.
margin of success of 9, you can clearly see anything). Useful for diagnosing Class: Regular.
pain or illness of uncertain origins, this Force skill reveals organ ruptures and
internal bleeding, bone fractures – but not another life inside the body (e.g., Removes disease-causing microorganisms of one specific type from the
an unborn child). What the user can do with the information gained depends caster’s body. If the disease lacks identification (usually by a Diagnosis of
on his medical skills. Body-Reading roll), use the Force skill at -5. It does not heal any damage the
illness has already inflicted on the subject, but prevents further damage. Only
Malevolent casters can use this information to subtly harm the subject. He is one attempt per day may be made.
able to target anything that he visualized with another Force skill (e.g., Force
Grip, Rend, etc.). Each level of Focus of the Force: Healing cuts of 2 minutes of the required
Focus of the Force: Knowledge does not only give a bonus to the Body-
Reading roll, but also to Force-Sight for this purpose. Modifiers
You may lower the resistance of the subject. Each -1 to Will costs an extra 1 • Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
FP and gives a cumulative penalty of -1 to skill. Bonus:
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Healing.
Modifiers Penalty:
General: • -5 if you didn’t diagnose the disease.
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Detect Poison
• +4 if the subject is willing, unconscious, or otherwise unable to
Default: Sense/2-1.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge.
Prerequisite: Sense 4.
Chapter: Force Skills

Aspect: Neutral
• Ranged to Hit penalties apply. Focus: Knowledge
• -1 per extra -1 to target’s Resistance roll. Duration: Instant.
Cost: 2.
Cure Another Time Required: 10 seconds.
Class: Information.
Default: Alter/2-1 Reveals the presence of one toxin or poison and gives a +2 on any
Prerequisite: Alter 4. subsequent Poisons or Naturalist roll to identify the exact agent(s). On a
Aspect: Light. success, Analyze force identifies the one that took the least energy. If the
subject is infected by ore than poison or toxic, a critical success tells the alchemical elixers other than those that do direct damage – the Force skill
caster “there are more toxics”. The caster may exclude any types of poisons just removes the remaining poison or toxic, avoiding any further damage.
or toxins he wishes upon using (to specially search for nerve agents, for
instance, or to exclude “benign” toxins like alcohol). Each level of Focus of the Force: Healing cuts of 2 minutes of the required
Each level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge knocks of 2 seconds of the
required time. Modifiers
Modifiers • Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
General: • The poison or toxic’s difficulty to neutralize.
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). Bonus:
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Healing.
• The poison or toxic might be hard or easier to detect (see Penalty:
Equipment). • -5 if you didn’t diagnose the poison or toxic.
• +4 if the subject is willing, unconscious, or otherwise unable to
Drain Energy
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge.
Penalty: Default: Alter/2+1.
• Ranged to Hit penalties apply. Prerequisite: None.
Aspect: Neutral
Detoxify Another Focus: Elemental.
Duration: Instant.
Alter/Hard Cost: 1+1 if cosmic.
Default: Alter/2-1. Time Required: 1 to 4 seconds.
Prerequisite: Alter 4. Class: Regular.
Aspect: Light
Focus: Healing You can deplete power packs, energy cells, and similar power sources of
Duration: Permanent, but does not immunize against future intoxications. energy, rendering electronic devices and powered weaponry useless until the
Cost: 4 power source is replaced or recharged.
Time Required: 10 minute (beware of fast-acting poisons!).
Class: Regular. For 1 energy, you can drain most powerpacks of side arms or energy cells in a
second. Larger energy sources take more time to drain.
Eleminates all traces of one chosen poison from the body of the subject. A • 1 second: AA cell to C cell, power packs of holdout weapons, pistols and
successful Detect Poison and Poisons or Naturalist roll (by the caster or heavy pistol.
another person) should preced in order to detect and identify the poison • 2 seconds: D cell, power packs of carbines and rifles.
being treated; if not, the Force skill is at -5! This Force skill is of no use against • 3 seconds: E cell, power packs of light repeaters (about the size of a
alchemical elixers other than those that do direct damage – the Force skill backpack).
just removes the remaining poison or toxic, avoiding any further damage. • 4 seconds: F cell, power sources of heavy repeaters, small cannons.

Each level of Focus of the Force: Healing cuts of 2 minutes of the required Power generators cannot be drained by this skill. Special power sources (e.g.,
time. diatium power cells) or any power cell with the Cosmic enhancement always
take 1 second more to drain costs 1 extra energy point and give a skill penalty
Modifiers of -1. In the case of diatium powers cells, Improved, Superior, and Ultimate
General: each give another +1, +2, or +3 to energy cost, +1, +2, or +3 to time required,
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). and -1, -2, or -3 to skill.
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
• The poison or toxic’s difficulty to neutralize. On a successful roll, the item’s power source is drained. Only one item may
Bonus: be drained per use of the Drain Energy Force skill.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Healing.
Penalty: For each level of Forcus of the Force: Elemental, you may knock of 1 second
• Ranged to Hit penalties apply if you cannot touch the subject. at the cost of 1 extra energy point per second knocked off and taking a skill
• A further -5 if you cannot see and touch the subject. penalty of -1 per second knocked off.
• -5 if you didn’t detect and diagnose the toxic or poison.
Detoxify Self • Time Spent (Extra Time) modifiers apply (but not Haste), see CR, p.
Control/Average • A penalty equal to the TL of the power source.
Default: Control/2.
Prerequisite: Control 2.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Elemental.
Aspect: Neutral
Chapter: Force Skills

Focus: Healing
• Ranged to Hit penalties apply if you cannot touch the subject.
Duration: Permanent, but does not immunize against future intoxications.
• A further -5 if you cannot see and touch the subject (the power
Cost: 4.
Time Required: 10 minute (beware of fast-acting poisons!).
Class: Regular.
Drain Force
Eleminates all traces of one chosen poison from the body of the caster. A
successful Detect Poison and Poisons or Naturalist roll (by the caster or Alter/Easy
another person) should preced in order to detect and identify the poison Default: Alter/2+1.
being treated; if not, the Force skill is at -5! This Force skill is of no use against Prerequisite: None.
Aspect: Dark. Raises one of the caster’s senses temporarily. This affects only one sense
Focus: Healing. (Vision, Hearing, Smell/Taste, Touch, or Force Sight) which could otherwise
Duration: 1 sec per FP drained. be raised by the trait Acute Senses (see CR, p. ?).
Cost: 1+1 to replenish.
Time Required: Instant The affected sense is raised by +1 per energy point spend. Each additional
Class: Regular enhancement cost another energy point and reduces effective skill by -1.

You are able to destroy the energy created by all life. After making a Paying double the energy cost and taking a -1 penalty, the caster is able to
successful Drain Force skill roll, you start destroying the subjects energy raise two senses at the same time.
reserves. Each second, the subject loses a FP. For an extra energy point, the
caster can use this to replenish his own FP. Modifiers
Each level of Focus of the Force: Healing lets you drain extra FP from the • Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
subject but at the cost of a -1 to skill per extra FP drained per second. Penalty:
• -1 for a second sense raised.
You cannot Drain Force items or other non-living objects. • -1 for an extra +2 per sense.

Enhance Strength
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Default: Control/2.
Prerequisite: Control 2.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Healing.
Aspect: Neutral.
Focus: Telekinesis.
• -1 per extra FP drained. Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2. Same cost to maintain.
Drain Life Time Required: 4 seconds.
Class: Regular.
Default: Alter/2+1. Raises the caster’s ST temporarily. This affects Basic Damage and Basic Lift
Prerequisite: None. but not weight. For 2 energy points, ST is raised by +2.
Aspect: Dark
Focus: Healing For each level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis you may pay 1 extra energy
Duration: 1 +1 per HP drained. points for each +1 to ST increase. This comes, however, at the coast of a -1 to
Cost: 1+1 to heal. skill per increase. The cost to maintain the Force skill stays at 2 energy points
Time Required: Instant. per minute.
Class: Regular
You are able to destroy the life energy, vitality of a subject. After making a General:
successful Drain Life skill roll, you start destroying the subjects life energy. • Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Each second, the subject loses a HP. For an extra energy point, the caster can Bonus:
use this to heal his own HP. It cannot be used to regrow lost limbs, scars, or • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis.
crippling wounds. Penalty:
• -1 per extra +2 to ST.
Each level of Focus of the Force: Healing lets you drain extra HP from the
subject but at the cost of a -1 to skill per extra HP drained per second.
Force Affliction
You cannot Drain Life items or other non-living objects.
Default: Alter/2.
Prerequisite: Alter 2.
Aspect: Dark
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Focus: Meta.
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Duration: Lasting.
Cost: Varies.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Healing. Time Required: 4 seconds.
Penalty: Class: Regular; Resisted by HT.
• -1 per extra HP drained.
The caster is able to inflict a subject with an affliction. By default, the subject
Enhance Senses is stunned. This costs 1 energy point and the subject may make a HT roll to
resist and against HT+1 per second to recover.
Chapter: Force Skills

To cause another effect than stunning requires more energy and penalizes
Default: Control/2. your skill level. See the following table for energy cost and skill penalty:
Prerequisite: Control 2.
Duration: 1 minute. Coma 5 -5 5 -5
Cost: 2 per +2 per sense. Same cost to maintain. Heart Attack 6 -6 7 -7
Daze, 1 -1 2 -2
Time Required: 4 seconds. Hallucinating, or
Class: Regular. Retching
Ecstasy, or Seizure 2 -2 3 -3
Paralysis, or Sleep 3 -3 3 -3
Unconsciousness 4 -4 4 -4 Prerequisite: Alter 1.
Tipsy, Coughing, 1 0 2 -1
Drunk, Euphoria,
Aspect: Neutral but Dark if living beings died.
Itching, or Focus: Telekinesis.
Nauseated Duration: Instant.
Cost: 1.
You may lower the resistance of your victim by -1 at the cost of one extra Time Required: 4 seconds.
energy point and taking an additional -1 to skill. Class: Ranged.

See Core Rules, p. ? for information about Afflictions. Shoot a cone of invisible Force energy from one hand. After successfully
activating the Force skill, the caster rolls versus Innate Attack (Force) skill to
Force Affliction is normally a dark side Force skill. There two exceptions, hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. The cone does
though. Causing Euphoria or Ecstasy on a dying person as an act of mercy. 3d+3 knockback damage and has a range in Reaches equal the number of
dice in the attack. The cone does injury to vaporous beings or swarms.
General: You may increase knockback damage (and thus range) by 1d+1 (and thus +1
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). to reach) per level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis. This, however, comes at
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). a cost of a -1 penalty to both the Force skill and the Innate Attack (Force)
Penalty: skill. Each +1d to knockback also cost 1 extra energy.
• -1 per -1 to target’s Resistance and Recovery rolls.
You may double the width of the cone at a cost of 1 energy and a -1 skill
Force Barrier penalty to Force Blast per doubling. This does, gives a bonus of +1 to Innate
Attack (Force) per doubling. At 6 doublings, it is considered to be a 360° circle
Alter/Hard (also see Force Wave, p. 42).
Default: Alter/2-1
Prerequisite: Alter 4 Modifiers
Aspect: Neutral. General:
Focus: Protection. • Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?)
Duration: Temporary. • Ranged combat modifiers apply.
Cost: Varies to cast. 1 to maintain. Bonus:
Time Required: 4 second + 1 second per extra step of DR. • +4 when the width of the cone exceeds the target’s SM.
Class: Regular Penalty:
• -1 per doubling of cone width.
This skill creates a barrier of Force energy around the intended target, be • -1 per each additional +1d to knockback.
itself, friend or foe.
Force Deflection
Depending on the individual, it manifests itself differently, appearing as a
shimmering, force screen, stasis field, or sometimes not “appearing” at all. A Control/Very Hard
Force barriers absorbs a wide variety of physical and energy attacks. Ion- Default:
based attacks have no special effects on a Force barrier. Prerequisite: Control 4.
Aspect: Neutral.
At a cost of 1 energy point, you create a barrier having DR 1. For each Focus: Protection.
additional energy spend, the DR is increased by one level (see table below). Duration: Instant.
However, this lowers your skill by -1 per level. Cost: 1.
Time Required: Active Defense.
1 1 0 100 11 -10
2 2 -1 150 12 -11 You are able to deflect energy attacks such as blaster bolts and Force
3 3 -2 200 13 -12
5 4 -3 300 14 -13 Lightning when you are without a lightsaber. Before the caster makes the
7 5 -4 500 15 -14 Force Deflection roll, he must decide how much energy he is willing to put
10 6 -5 700 16 -15 into the Force skill. For each energy put in the skill, he may deflect 1d of
15 7 -6 1,000 17 -16
20 8 -7 1,500 18 -17 energy at a cost of a -1 skill penalty per die deflected. After a successful Force
30 9 -8 2,000 19 -18 Deflection roll, make an appropriate unarmed Parry roll (e.g., Brawling,
50 10 -9 +1 step +1 extra -1 kicking, Punching, or Striking). On a success, make the damage deflection roll
and compare it to the damage done by the incoming attack. Any excess
Once a Force barrier is created, the caster needs to concentrate in order to damage still hits target.
keep the barrier up.
Each level of Force: Protection gives a +1 to skill as well as a +1 to damage
Modifiers deflected (e.g., 1d+4 for Force Protection 4).
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?) Normally, the energy is deflected randomly doing no harm. If the caster
• Ranged combat modifiers apply if the intended target is not the wants to direct it, he must make an Innate Attack (Force) roll at -2. Ranged to
caster himself. Hit modifiers also apply.
Chapter: Force Skills

• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Protection. This Force skill is used as a reaction.
• -1 per +1 step of DR. Modifiers
Force Blast •
Alter/Average • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Protection.
Default: Alter/2. Penalty:
• -1 per extra 1d deflected.
Force Exhaustion
More advanced techniques of this Force skill are Force Horror (p. 42) and
Force Insanity (p. 42).
Default: Alter/2-1.
Prerequisite: Alter 4. Modifiers
Aspect: Neutral. Light when used to capture living being more easily alive or
dark when used to make the target more easily to kill. • Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Focus: Telepathy • Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Duration: Instant Bonus:
Cost: 1 • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy.
Time Required: 4 seconds. • +1 if you exceptionally succeeded a Sense Emotion roll, and a +2 if
Class: Regular; Resisted by Will. the success was 10 or more.
• +1 if you exceptionally succeeded a Sense Thought roll, and a +2 if
This power clouds the subject’s mind exhausting him mentally and physically. the success was 10 or more.
The subject may resist by Will. If he fails he must make two Fatigue rolls, one Penalty:
for mental Fatigue and one for physical Fatigue. If he fails, he gains a level of • -1 for each -1 reduction to the target’s Resistance roll.
the appropriate Fatigue.
Force Grip
You may lower the subject’s Will roll to resist the Fatigue. Spend 1 to 4 extra
energy (up to your Telepathy level). For each extra energy spend and taking a Alter/Average
-1 per extra energy spend to skill, the subject’s resistance roll is lowered by - Default: Alter/2.
1. Prerequisite: Alter 2.
Aspect: Neutral but Dark if living beings died.
You may also decrease the subject’s Fatigue roll by -1 for every extra energy Focus: Telekinesis
point invested at the cost of -1 penalty to skill per extra energy spend. You Duration: Instant, but can be maintained.
may spend as much energy as your Alter level. Cost: 4 + 1 to maintain
Time Required: 4 seconds.
Modifiers Class: Ranged.
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). This Force skill was similar to Force Choke and Crush, as it was used to grip
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). enemies with the Force. The target could be seized with great strength, and
Bonus: in combination with Move Object, lifted off their feet and suspended in the
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy. air by a powerful Force-user. If used to a high degree, it could crush an
Penalty: opponent’s bones or organs.
• -1 per -1 to subject’s Will
• -1 per -1 to subject’s HT. Force Grip allowed a user to grasp a specific part of their victim, such as the
neck, or, potentially, to exert an equal amount of pressure on the entire body
Force Fear to better restraining and incapacitating them.

Make a Force Grip skill roll to activate it modified by hit location and SM. IF
Default: Alter/2+1 or Mind Trick-4. successful, you can target the victim by making an Innate Attack (Force) skill
Prerequisite: Mind Trick. Cannot exceed prerequisite skill. roll. All ranged combat modifiers apply. If successful, you have telekinetically
Aspect: Dark grabbed your opponent. Your opponent is subject to all the rules given in
Focus: Empathy and Telepathy Actions After Being Grappled, see CR, p. ?. You can now use all appropriate
Duration: Instant options given under Actions After a Grapple but use Force Grip skill level
Cost: 1 instead of ST or DX, if better. For example, if you grabbed his whole body
Time Required: 4 seconds with Force Grip, you can do a Bear Hug, if you grabbed his arm, you can use
Class: Regular, Resisted by Will. Wrench Limb, etc.

Force fear was a dark-side Force power and possibly a dark-side variant on Focus of the Force: Telekinesis also acts as an armor divisor. Pay 1 energy and
the Jedi mind trick, used around 4000 BBY by Sith and Jedi with dark-side take a -1 skill penalty for every step of armor divisor you take up to your level
tendencies. The wielder would strike directly at the deepest parts of the of Telekinesis (see Armor Divisor, CR p. ?)).
target’s mind, causing an uncontrollable shaking fear that would wreak havoc
with the target’s capabilities. Through pure force of will alone, a user could Modifiers
cause them to lose their courage completely, and if left undefended, the General:
effects could be severe, rapidly demoralizing the enemy with a feeling of • Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
hopelessness and regret. Depending on the victim, it would cause them to • Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
either cower defenselessly or flee from their opponent outright. • Ranged Combat modifiers apply (CR, p. ?) to both the Force skill
and targeting.
After making a successful Force fear roll, the subject may resist using Will, Bonus:
modified by Fearlessness of Fearfulness. If he fails to resist, he must make an • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis.
Chapter: Force Skills

Emotion Check for fear. If he critically fails, he also must roll on the Fright Penalty:
Check Table (see CR, p. ?). • -1 for each extra level Armor Divisor.

The caster may reduce the subject Will by 1 for every extra energy point Force Jump
invested an a -1 penalty to skill up to a maximum of the caster’s Focus of the
Force: Telepathy level. Control/Easy
Default: Control/2+1.
If the caster has any levels of Focus of the Force: Empathy, he may do the Prerequisite: None.
same as above, but in this case he will lower the resistance of the subject’s Aspect: Neutral
Emotion Check. Focus: Telekinesis
Duration: Instant. • -1 per level of the subject’s Aspect of the Force: Dark
Cost: 1.
Time Required: 4 seconds.
Class: Regular
Force Lightning
Improves the caster’s ability to jump, adding Enhanced Jump (CR, p. ?).
Default: Alter/2.
Additional levels can be acquired for every level of Focus of the Force:
Prerequisite: Alter 2.
Telekinesis. This cost, however, 1 extra energy point and a -1 penalty to skill
Aspect: Dark
per level of Enhanced Jump gained.
Focus: Elemental.
Duration: Instant, but can be maintained.
After activating the Force Jump skill, make a DX or Jumping skill roll, if in
Cost: 1 + 1 to maintain
combat or when making a difficult jump, the GM assigns a penalty of -1 to -5.
Time Required: 4 seconds.
Class: Ranged.
Force lightning was a purely offensive, energy-based attack that channeled
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Force energy down the user’s limbs, hurling arcing bolts of electricity from
the wielder’s fingertips or palms; Force lightning could be executed with
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis.
either one or two hands. Powerful discharges would branch out into dozens
of smaller forks; thus, skilled practitioners could target several foes at once.
• -1 per level of Enhanced Jump.
Force Lighting causes pain, electrical damage, and calcification as a long-term
Force Light side effect.

Alter/Very Hard Roll against Force Lightning to activate the Force skill. When activated, you
Default: None. can “shoot” electrical discharges toward a target. Roll against Innate Attack
Prerequisite: Alter 4; Aspect of the Force: Light; no Dark Side Points. (Force) to hit the target. When the target is it, he suffers a ST 6 (1d) electrical
Aspect: Light damage and mild pain. The target may dodge this attack. He may block if he
Focus: Meta. has a shield which is able to deflect electrical attacks, or parry with a weapon
Duration: Instant which can deflect electrical attacks (e.g., lightsaber). Electrical damage
Cost: 2 to 10 causes havoc against electrical equipment. All attacks are considered to
Time Required: 4 seconds. cause Surge on insufficient insulated electrical equipment (Darth Vader is
Class: Ranged; Resisted by Power incapable of using Force Lightning because it would damage his life support
Force Light was a light side Force power used by the Jedi. When used against
a dark side Force-user, Force light would weaken his connection to the Force. You can enlarge the Force skill by spending extra energy for up to three
With the light of the Force, a Jedi could either purge or contain dark side turns. You may spend up to your Alter level +1 energy to increase the ST of
manifestations or nexus points, whether in places, spirits, or even living the attack by +1 per energy spend. E.g., if you have Alter 3, you can increase
persons, though sometimes to detrimental effect. By channeling the Force the power of the attack to ST 15 (3d+1) in three turns by spending 9 energy
into withering blasts of light-side energy, the darkness can then be (3 per turn). You will still cause Mild Pain.
diminished or destroyed permanently. Force Light could also be used to sever
the bond between a Sith Battle Lord and his or her followers. For each level of Focus of the Force: Elemental, you can cause one level of
pain (Moderate Pain at level 1, Severe Pain at level 2, Terrible Pain at level 3,
When a caster successfully activates this Force skill, a wave of light side and Agonizing Pain at level 4). This costs an extra energy per level of pain
energy emanates from him Reach 10 in a cone shape. make an Innate Attack caused and lowers you Force skill by -1 per level of pain. This is convenient
(Force) skill roll to hit the subject. When targeting an object or area, make a when you don’t want to kill your target immediately or just want to torture
Quick Contest vs. the Power level of the object or area. If the subject is a him.
living being, use his total levels of Force Attunement, Aspect of The Force
level, Facet of the Force levels, and Focus of the Force levels, as his Power You may target multiple subjects. Each target beyond the first lowers the
level. Innate Attack (Force) skill by -2 (roll once for all targets). They all receive the
pain caused by your Force Lightning, but receive a less powerful attack. For
The energy cost depends on the caster’s connection to the light sight. A each target beyond the first, each target suffers damage at 1 ST lesser (e.g., 3
Journeyman has to pay 10 energy points, illuminated Force-users pay 8 targets receive each a ST 4 (1d-2) attack).
energy, Enlightened 6 and when in Harmony only 2 energy points.
Range equals damage in meters, e.g., if you cause 3 points of damage, the
If the caster wins the Quick Contest, the subject loses a number of Power range is 3 meters. This makes Force Lightning unreliable at large ranges. You
levels equal to the margin of victory and loses 1 DSP 2 if the margin of victory might succeed in activating your Force skill, target successfully, but fail to
is 5 or more, and 3 if its 10 or more). reach the target if you don’t cause enough damage.

If the caster rolls a critical failure, however, he will become tempted by the Modifiers
lure of the dark side and might acquire a DSP. General:
• Ranged combat modifiers apply to Innate Attack (Force).
Note that only Force-users of the light side can cast this Force skill, and only if Bonus:
Chapter: Force Skills

they haven’t got any Dark Side Points. The target must have Aspect of the • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Elemental.
Force: Dark or when it’s an object or area, a dark side Force skill cast upon Penalty:
them or otherwise been corrupted to the dark side. • -1 per extra level of Pain caused

Force Pain
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Default: Alter/2+1
• +1 per level of Aspect of the Force: Light. Prerequisite: None.
Aspect: Dark
Focus: Telekinesis or Telepathy
Force Protection
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 1 + 1 to maintain.
Default: Alter/2.
Time Required: 4 seconds.
Prerequisite: Alter 4.
Class: Regular, Resisted by Health or Will.
Aspect: Neutral
Focus: Protection
This Force skill is used to inflict pain onto others. For 1 energy point, you
Duration: 1 minute.
cause Mild Pain. For each level of Alter, you may increase the pain one level
Cost: 1 + 1
at a cost of -2 to skill. This costs no extra energy.
Time Required: 4 seconds
Class: Regular
Mild Pain: Base skill, no prerequisite.
Moderate Pain: Base skill-2, prerequisite: Alter 1.
The Force-user is able to resist Force-based attacks cast directly onto him
Severe Pain: Base skill-4, prerequisite: Alter 2.
(e.g., Force Push and Pull, Mind Trick, etc., but not objects hurled towards
Terrible Pain: Base skill-6, prerequisite: Alter 3.
the Force-user using Telekinesis).
Agony: Base skill-8, prerequisite: Alter 4.
For 1 energy point, you may make a Resistance roll for any Force-based
For each level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis or Telepathy, you may lower
attack which normally allows no Resistance roll. If it does have a Resistance
the resistance of your target. Pay 1 energy and take -1 to skill for every point
roll, roll at +1. If it has multiple different Resistance rolls, choose which one
you want to deduct from your target’s resistance.
must be enhanced by this skill.
When you buy Force Pain, you must determine whether your skill is based on
Focus of the Force: Protection offers a skill bonus of +1 per level. At up to this
telepathy or telekinesis (i.e., the target actually is in pain or the target thinks
level, the user may spend 1 extra energy point to enhance his Resistance roll
he’s in pain). The results are the same but sometimes the target might be
by +1, however, this comes at a cost of -1 to effective skill.
able to resist either mentally (e.g., Mind Shield, High Will) or physically (e.g.,
High Pain Threshold, high HT) or are more vulnerable to pain mentally (e.g.,
low Will) or physically (e.g., Low Pain Threshold or low HT). General:

You must be able to see the target but not necessarily with your own eyes.
You might perceive your target with a holo image, vidscreen, etc., as long as
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Protection.
it is a live stream. Use Long-Distance Modifiers (CR, p. ?) for range penalties.
• -1 per extra +1 to the Resistance roll.
• Physiology modifiers (CR, p. ?) Force Pull
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis or Telepathy Alter/Average
Penalty: Default: Alter/2.
• Long-Distance modifiers (CR, p. ?). Prerequisite: Alter 2.
• -1 per extra level of Pain caused. Aspect: Neutral.
Focus: Telekinesis.
Duration: 1 second.
Force Plague Cost: Varies.
Time Required: Instant.
Alter/Average Class: Regular.
Prerequisite: A telekinetic ability using the Force that could cause a material body to draw
Aspect: Dark. close to the user. The greater the user’s aptitude with this, the heavier the
Focus: Meta. object that could be pulled or the more wide arc or radius of the Force
Duration: Instant for exposure. “wave”. It could be used to pull weapons from enemies, or, at higher levels
Cost: Varies. of skill, could be used to pull enemies themselves closer to a Jedi’s lightsaber
Time Required: Varies. range. This power was also very useful when a chasm or hole lay between
Class: Regular; Resisted by HT. the caster and the opponent. It could also be used to pull foes to the ground.
One of the most powerful uses of the ability was pulling a starship from the
This dark side Force power Inflicts a disease upon its target. The target may sky.
resist by HT (see the description of the specific disease).
Objects (including living beings) are pulled towards the hand of the user at a
To expose a target to a disease, roll against Force Plague modified by Move equal to BL/weight (kg.) of the object, living beings can “resist” with a
distance, physiology, and type of disease. Quick Contest of ST. Force Pull does not have any effect (other than some
squeaking noises) on objects heavier than its BL.
General: Each level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis gives +1 to skill level. Focus of
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Chapter: Force Skills

the Force: Telekinesis also gives the ability to use the higher BL
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). “encumbrance” (Light, Medium, Heavy, Extra-Heavy). This cost an extra FP
and -1 to skill per BL increment. or example, a Force user with Focus of the
Bonus: Force: Telekiesis 4 may spend a total of 9 FP (5 FP for ST 10 + 4 FP for Extra-
• Heavy) to pull an object of 100 kg towards him at a distance of 1 meter. If he
Penalty: had no Telekinesis aptitude, it would cost him 16 FP (for ST 32).
• .
This Force skill must be aimed at the object using Innate Attack (Force).
When your success roll of the Force skill is 5 or more, you gain a +1 to innate
Attack, at 10 or more a +2, at 15 or more +3, etc. This represents the Class: Regular.
widening of the arc you skill works at.
Force Rage, also known as Dark Rage, Force Enrage, or Force Fury, was a dark
When pulling weapons from opponents are not readied. For that, you must side Force skill. The Force-user would tap into his innermost fears, pain and
also succeed an appropriate Fast Draw skill. If you target a weapon held by hate, and convert them into an intense rage. The user could then channel the
someone, the opponent may “resist”, with the targeted weapon only if it is anger to increase his or her own speed, strength, and ferocity. However, the
Ready, with a Quick Contest of ST + margin of success of the Innate Attack body could not handle such rage for long periods of time, so the user became
roll vs. a ST-based Retain Weapon roll. greatly weakened for some time after the rage subsided. If light side users
wielded Force Rage, it could permanently disrupt their connection to the
FORCE PULL TABLE light side unless something happened to interrupt the Rage and bring them
2 1 300 13 out of the dark side’s grip. Therefore, the Rage could give the wielder an
3 2 500 14 instantaneous physical and mental response, but pull them into deep
5 3 700 15 depression, physiological harm, and the endless void of the dark side.
7 4 1,000 16
10 5 1,500 17
15 6 2,000 18 Before you are able to activate Force Rage, you must already have failed an
20 7 3,000 19 Emotion Check. When you are emotionally unstable, you may roll against
30 8 5,000 20
50 9 7,000 21 Force Rage skill. A success indicates you have entered a dark rage and gain
100 10 10,000 22 the following traits for HT seconds:
150 11 15,000 23 • ST+4.
200 12 +1 step +1
• Ini+2.
Example: A Force user wants to pull a blaster towards him which lies 10 • Attack+1.
meters away in one round. The blaster weighs 1 kg. He needs to pull it at • Berserk.
Move 10. He expends 5 FP to get ST 10 which moves the blaster into his hand • Bloodlust.
at Move 10. He rolls for his Force ability, his Innate Attack (Force) modified
by range and SM of the target, and if he wants to ready the weapon, he also Don’t roll for Berserk and Bloodlust. When you activate Force Rage, you are
must make a successful Fast Draw (Pistol) roll modified by Bulk. considered to have failed to resist those two negative traits. They end as
soon as the Force Rage ends.
General: Each second the Force Rage lasts, deduct 5% of your HP. After HT seconds,
• Ranged To Hit penalties apply. make a mental and physical Fatigue roll, each modified by half the margin of
Bonus: failure of your emotion roll.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis
Penalty: Buying this trait and each use thereafter, immediately gives you 1 DSP.
• -1 per extra level of “encumbrance”.
The Focus of the Force: Telekinesis, allows you to increase the bonuses by
gaining an extra roll per level at a cost of 1 energy and -1 to skill per extra die
Force Push roll.


Default: Alter/2. D8 ROLL EFFECT
1-4 ST+2
Prerequisite: Alter/2 5-7 Ini+1
Aspect: Neutral 8 Attack+1
Focus: Telekinesis
Duration: 1 sec. Modifiers
Cost: varies. General:
Time Required: Instant • Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Class: Regular. Bonus:
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis.
Like Force Pull, except that the Force now repels objects instead of attracting Penalty:
them. Use Innate Attack (Force) skill to aim the objects towards their target. • -1 per roll on the Force Rage Table.
The object must reach the target in 1 second. Speed, energy cost, modifiers
are the same as for Force Pull
Force Slow
Default: Alter/2.
• Ranged To Hit penalties apply measuring from the Force user
Prerequisite: Alter 2.
towards the target hit by the subject.
Aspect: Dark
Focus: Telepathy
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis. Duration: 1 minute.
Penalty: Cost: 1
• -1 per extra level of “encumbrance”. Time Required: 4 seconds.
Class: Regular, Resisted by Will
Chapter: Force Skills

Force Rage
This power clouded the target’s mind, causing them to slow down both
Control/Easy mentally and physically. The subject may resist by Will. You my lower the
Default: Control/2+1. subject’s resistance by expending extra FP up to your Focus of the Force:
Prerequisite: Subject to emotions. Telepathy level. Each extra FP lowers the target’s Will by -1 at a cost of -1 to
Aspect: Dark skill. If the subject fails, his Initiative and Move gain a -1 penalty and its
Focus: Telekinesis. attacks are divided by 1.5 (e.g., someone with only 1 attack may attack 2
Duration: HT seconds. times in three turns; he may not attack on his first turn, has 1 attack on his
Cost: energy equal to HT. second and one on his third).
Time Required: 4 seconds.
Each level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy gives +1 to skill. For each extra FP alignment (Light or Dark), their ability to use the Force, or even their entire
spend and -1 to skill taken, you may reduce the subject’s Initiative and Move presence from other Force-sensitives.
by -1 and the divisor for attack by +1 step (/2, /3, /5, /7).
For each 1 FP the Force user may shift his Aspect of the Force 1 step closer to
Modifiers neutral. After the first shift, a cumulative -1 penalty to skill occurs.
• Physiology modifiers apply To hide the Force Sensitive, Force Attunement, any Facet of the Force, or any
Bonus: Focus of the Force, the Force user pays 1 FP for each per level and rolls once
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy. against Force Stealth modified by the number of obscures (e.g., to hide Force
Penalty: Attunement, Alter 3, Control 1, and Telekinesis 2 will cost 7 FP and must roll
• -1 per -1 to subject’s Resistance roll. against Force Stealth-7).
• -1 per increase in effect.
A successful mediation of 1 minute gives +1 to Force Stealth, +2 if the margin
of success if 5 or more, and +2 if it’s 10 or more.
Force Speed
Each level of Focus of the Force: Illusion gives a +1 to skill. At level 1 and the
Control/Average cost of 1 FP and -1 to skill the Force-user may increase the duration to 3
Default: Control/2. hours, at level 2 and the cost of 2 FP and -2 to skill to 6 hours, at level 3 and
Prerequisite: Control 2. the cost of 3 FP and -3 to skill to 12, and at level 4 for 4 FP and -4 to skill to
Aspect: Neutral 24 hours.
Focus: Telekinesis
Duration: 1 sec. Your Force Stealth is opposed by the Sense Force of another Force-user.
Cost: 1. Sense rolls to detect a subject already in Force Stealth are at -1 per point of
Time Required: 4 seconds. energy spent.
Class: Regular.
Force Stealth lasts for 1 hour. Once activated, Force Stealth remains
Force speed, also known as burst of speed or Force sprint, was a core Force activated when the Force-user has been detected. When the Force-user uses
power that allowed the user to maintain sprinting speeds for a brief time. the Force, his Force connection solidifies and makes masking his presence
Greater aptitude granted greater boosts to speed and/or greater duration. more difficult. Force each Force skill used, the Force-users trying to detect
The increased speed of the Force-user enabled the individual to see the the Force-user in Force Stealth receive a +1 to Force Sight per bonus used
world and the entities around them in slow motion, allowing them to dodge from any of Force Attunement, Aspect, Facet and Focus.
attacks easily and attack more quickly.
When this skill is activated. The Sprinting Move is increased by +1 as well as General:
Initiative which may increase defenses.
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Each level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis extends the duration of the skill
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Illusion.
with 1 second at no extra energy cost, skill penalty. No concentration is
needed. In addition, at a cost of 1 extra FP and -1 to skill, the Force user may
• -1 per extra step towards neutral.
raise his bonuses by +1 for each level (e.g., +2 FP and -2 to skill for a +2 to
• -1 per level Force Attunement and any Facet and Focus.
Move and Initiative).
• -1 to obscure Force Sensitive
On a critical success, the Force-user also gains one additional attack and on a
critical failure, the Force-user trips, slams into a wall, or another appropriate Force Track
negative effect.
Using the extra speed makes the Force-user subject to the Sprinting Rules Default: Sense/2-1.
(CR?) Prerequisite: Sense 4.
Aspect: Neutral.
Modifiers Focus: Knowledge.
General: Duration: 1 hour
• Cost: 4 + 1 per extra trail. Same to maintain.
Bonus: Time Required: 4 seconds.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis. Class: Information
Penalty: Force Track was a neutral Force power that allowed a Force-user to
• -1 per +1 to Move and Initiative. peer into the Force for guidance, picking up the lost path of their
Force Stealth In general, the user had to be within line of sight of their quarry’s trail
in order to use the ability, with the freshness of the trail playing a part
in how successful it could be detected. For example, a novice of the
Default: Control/2-1
ability could only detect something that had passed through within the
Prerequisite: Control 4.
last few minutes, while masters could pick up trails days old, and even
Chapter: Force Skills

Aspect: Neutral
multiple trails simultaneously.
Focus: Illusion.
Duration: 1 hour.
When activating the Force Track skill, secretly rolls both the activation
Cost: Varies
roll and the caster’s Perception roll. The caster first has to decide how
Time Required: 1 minute
many trails he want to be able to detect. The first trail costs 4 energy
Class: Regular.
and he may detect up to his Knowledge level of extra tracks. This costs
an additional 1 energy and penalizes Force Track skill roll by -1 per
Force stealth, also referred to as Force Concealment or Buried Presence, was
track. If you have Enhanced Tracking, you may add this to the number
a power that was used by highly skilled Force-sensitives to mask their Force
of tracks you can follow at no extra cost of energy of skill penalty.
If successful, a Perception roll must be made. Any levels of Acute Force The subject, other than the user self, stops bleeding immediately as if
Sight give their usual bonus. The freshness of the trail modifies this roll bandaged by someone with First Aid skill (see CR, p. ?). This costs 1 FP, takes
as follows: 10 seconds, restores 1 HP, and prevents further HP loss from bleeding. The
• Less than a minute old: +5 stop severe bleeding costs 5 FP at a skill penalty of -5 and takes 1 minutes. To
• Less than 5 minutes old: -0. stabilize a mortal wound, roll against skill-10 and pay 10 FP. This takes 5
• Less than 30 minutes old: -1 minutes.
• Less than 1 hour old: -2
• Less than 6 hours old: -3 The subject of this Force skill will not subsequently benefit from bandaging of
• Less than a day old: -4 the same wound.
• Less than 1 week (5 days) old: -5
• 1 week or older: -10 If an injury is not obvious (e.g., internal bleeding, internal trauma), a
Diagnosis roll (CR, p. ?) is needed.
You do not need to check every time interval as you would with the
mundane Tracking skill. Each level of Focus of the Force: Healing gives a bonus of +1. In addition, but
at the cost of -1 to skill and +1 FP per step, you may increase the number of
Modifiers subjects helped: 2 at level 1, 3 at level 2, 5 at level 3, 7 at level 4, etc. Roll
General: once for all subjects. If the subjects are of different species, subtract all the
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). physiology modifiers from basic skill.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge. Modifiers
• +1 for every 5 levels of all Facet of the Force combined.
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
• -5 if the quarry is a mundane subject.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Healing
Force Visions Penalty:
• -5 to stop severe bleeding.
Sense/Very Hard • -10 to stabilize a mortal wound.
Default: None. • -1 per step increment of number of subjects.
Prerequisite: Force Vision; Sense 4; Meditation.
Aspect: Neutral
Focus: Knowledge. Heal Self
Duration: Variable
Cost: 8 Control/Average
Time Required: 10 minutes Default: Control/2.
Class: Information. Prerequisite: Control 2; Meditation.
Aspect: Neutral
Force Visions allowed the caster to deliberately attempt a Force Vision (see Focus: Healing
p. 15). In order to receive a vision, the caster must first meditate for 10 Duration: Permanent.
minutes and make a Meditation roll at -8. A success means you may attempt Cost: Variable.
a Force Visions roll (the GM rolls). A failure indicates a disturbance in the Time Required: 30 sec. of Mediation + healing time.
Force which prevents you from the Force Vision. You may try again after 24 Class: Regular
hours. After critical failure, you may try again after 5 days.
Heal Self, also called Force healing, or Force heal, was a Force skill that used
Each level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge makes Force Visions less the Force to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly, and could be used
exhausting and the caster has to pay 1 energy less. to heal the most fatal of wounds and injuries.

Modifiers After a successful Meditation skill roll, the user falls into a deep trance-like
General: restorative state and makes his Heal Self skill roll modified by -1 per 5% of
• Time Spent modifiers apply to the Meditation roll (CR, p. ?). sustained injury. The user heals 5% of Max HP for every hour while in this
Bonus: state. Force Points are recovered at double this rate.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge.
Penalty: The user wakes once completely healed, or after 8 hours have passed; any
• fatigue is also completely recovered after that time. Otherwise, the Force-
user can only be awaken by external means. If he’s disturbed and does not
want to break his trance-like state, he can resist the distrubance by making a
Will roll modified by the reverse of Hearing modifiers (see Hearing, CR, p. ?),
Heal Another a penalty equal to sustained injury per 5% of max HP

Alter/Hard Focus of the Force: Healing gives a bonus of +1 to Heal Self for each level. In
Default: Alter/2-1. addition, each level offers the ability to heal 5% faster. This cost double the
Prerequisite: Alter 4. FP cost and -1 to skill per 5%.
Aspect: Light
Chapter: Force Skills

Focus: Healing Modifiers

Duration: Permanent, although later injuries will bleed normally. General:
Cost: Variable • Time Spent modifiers apply to the Meditation roll (CR, p. ?).
Time Required: Variable. Bonus:
Class: Regular • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Healing.
This was a Force power which allowed a Force-user to accelerate the healing • -1 per 5% of damage sustained.
process in another. The process was made easier by the relationship • -1 per +5% of healing.
between the two individuals, and the proximity between them.
Hide Emotion Mind Trick
Control/Average Alter/Average
Default: Control/2. Default: Alter/2.
Prerequisite: Control 2. Prerequisite: Alter 2.
Aspect: Neutral. Aspect: Neutral.
Focus: Empathy. Focus: Telepathy.
Duration: 1 hour. Duration: Lasting
Cost: 2 + 1 to maintain. Cost: 1.
Time Required: 4 seconds. Time Required: 4 seconds.
Class: Regular; Resist emotion readings. Class: Regular; Resisted by Will.

This Force skill gives the Force-user the outward appearance of deep calm. It This Force skill instills vocally a suggestion in the subject’s mind. It must be
resists Sense Emotion as well as any attempt to gauge the subject’s one simple idea and the subject must be able to understand your language. If
emotional state and motivations by other means. If the margin of success is 5 the suggestions goes against the subject’s persoanl safety, it is Resisted at +5;
or more, it also grant a +1 bonus to any skill where masked emotions are if it goes against his beliefsw, convictions or knowledge, it is Resisted at +3.
valuable (e.g., when playing sabacc), a +2 when the margin of success is 10 or The subject will try to accomplish the suggestion or otherwise act as if the
more and +3 on a critical success. idea was his own. Subjects with Mental Strength or Mind Shield are harder to
trick. You cannot trick a Digital Mind.
When you want to hide an emotion for which you just failed an Awe and
Confusion, Emotion or Fright Check, subtract the margin of failure from that When a successful Mind Trick has been cast, the subject repeats the
Check from your basic Hide Emotion skill. Strong emotions are more difficult suggestion, although slightly altered. The grammatical person might be
to hide. No bonus is gained when you succeeded in these Checks. changed, the subject might repeat it in his own preferred language, etc.

Each level of Focus of the Force: Empathy gives a +1 to skill. Each level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy adds +1 to skill. Up to this level,
you may wish to lower the subject’s resistance at a penalty of -1 to skill per
Modifiers penalty to Resistance.
• Modifiers
Bonus: General:
• +1 per level Focus of the Force: Empathy • Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Penalty: Bonus:
• -1 per margin of failure Emotion Check. • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy.
• -1 per margin of failure Fright Check. Penalty:
• -1 per margin of failure Awe and Confusion Check. • -1 per penalty to Resistance (up to level Focus of the Force:
Hide Thoughts
Move Object
Default: Control/2-1. Alter/Easy
Prerequisite: Control 4. Default: Alter/2+1
Aspect: Neutral. Prerequisite: None.
Focus: Knowledge. Aspect: Neutral
Duration: 1 hour. Focus: Telekinesis
Cost: 3 + 1 to maintain. Duration: Temporary
Time Required: 4 seconds. Cost: Variable.
Class: Regular. Time Required:
Class: Regular.
Resist all Mind-Reading attempts on the Force-user. The “attacking” ability
must win a Quick Constest against this Force ability. This Force skill only The basic use of telekinesis that involved stretching out one’s feelings and
works one one, non-digital, mind as an extra layer of defense. The Force-user will through the Force to take physical hold of a targeted object or objects,
may choose which layer it will be if he has multiple (e.g., Mind Shield, Mind exerting one’s will on it so that it performed as the user wished. The Force
Block, and Will or Mental Strength). The attacking ability needs to penetrate power functioned on the theory that the Force reacts to a Force-user’s
all layers of mental defenses. strength of will, allowing a user to apply the Force with their mind to some
other space or object. While this use can allow a target to exert force on a
Each level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge, offers a +1 to Force skill. In target as if a user where physically interacting with it, it can also be used to
addition For each level and a margin of success of 5 or more per level, you suspend force already exerted on a target, such as gravity, allowing a user to
may add another layer (e.g., at level 1 and a margin of success of 5, you have levitate a target, defying its weight, or to attract and repel an object in a
two layers, at level 2 and a margin of success of 10 or more, 2 layers, and so similar manner to magnetic or gravitational force.
on). These extra layers are at-2 per level at the Quick Contest and the
weakest level is confronted first (no need for the opponent to know how When activating this skill and paying 1 FP, the Force-user has telekinetic
Chapter: Force Skills

powerful you really are). control of an object of up to 1 kg and can move it around at Move 1 as long
as he concentrates. Living subjects get to resist with Will. Roll against Innate
Modifiers Attack (Force) to target the subject (e.g., landing it on a certain spot).
• To control objects costs more energy and is more difficult when they have
Bonus: more mass (irrespective if it’s in zero-G or not).
• +1 for each level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge.
1 1 0 1 9 -8
2 1 -1 1.5 9 -9
3 2 -1 2 10 -9
5 2 -2 3 10 -10
7 3 -2 5 11 -10 Each level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy offers a +1 to skill. For each level,
10 3 -3 7 11 -11 you may, at a penalty of -1 to skill, add another word (e.g., at level one, you
15 4 -3 10 12 -11 may either use one word at +1 to skill, or two words with no bonus, at level
30 4 -4 15 12 -12
50 5 -4 20 13 -12 2, one word at +2 to skill, two words at +1 to skill, or three words with no
70 5 -5 30 13 -13 bonus, etc.). For example, Ben Kenobi uses his Projective Telepathy on Luke,
100 6 -5 50 14 -13 saying: “Run Luke, run!”. If he has 3 level in Focus of the Force, it would be at
150 6 -6 70 14 -14
200 7 -6 100 15 -14 basic skill level. If he had four levels, it would be at skill +1.
300 7 -7 150 15 -15
500 8 -7 200 16 -15 Modifiers
700 8 -8 300 16 -16
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
The speed of the subject also influences your ability to control it. Use the
Ranged To Hit Table (CR, p. ?) to determine the skill penalty and energy cost.
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy.
You may decide for yourself on how you divide this penalty (e.g., a penalty of st
-4 might be a -4 to skill and no extra FP cost, or +4 FP but no skill penalty, or • +2 for 1 degree relative.
nd rd
any combination of these to penalty as long as the total is 4 and it does not • +1 for 2 or 3 degree relative.
offer a bonus. • +1 for a teacher and pupil
Each level of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis gives a +1 Move Object. The • Long-Distance modifiers apply.
Force-user may lower the Resistance roll of the subject by -1 per level of • -6 for an unknown person.
Focus of the Force: Telekinesis at a cost of +1 FP and -1 to skill per level of
Resistance lowered. Psychometric Sense
Pilots of ships captured by Move Object temporarily lose control of the ship. Sense/Very Hard
However, they can still try to accelerate, decelerate, or try to dodge the Default:
Force-users grip by turning, spinning, tilting, etc. If during the subject’s turn, Prerequisite: Psychometry (p. 16) or Unusual Background (Trained by a
the pilot tries to alter his course in any way, the Force-user must make a new Kiffar Master); Sense 4.
Move Object roll (but doesn’t need to pay additional FP). A success indicates Aspect: Neutral but dark if it involves emotional stress.
the Force-users has a firm grip and the ship does what he wants. A failure Focus: Knowledge.
indicates the pilot manages to control his ship for one turn, but the Force- Duration: Event tied.
user still has his telekinetic grip on the ship. A critical failure means the ships Cost: 1 for up to a day ago; 3 for up a week ago; 5 for a month ago; 7 for a
breaks free. A critical success stresses the ships to its maximum. The ships year ago; 10 for 10 years ago, 15 for 100 years ago, 20 for 1,000 years ago; 30
needs to make a HT roll or suffer damage. for 10,000 years ago, and 50 for up to 100,000 years ago.
Time Required: 10 sec.
A ship moving faster than Move 1 will decelerate to Move 1 at their Class: Information.
maximum deceleration.
When used on any inanimate object (or a 1-meter radius place or section of a
Modifiers large object), Psychometric Sense lets the user pick up impressions and
General: traces of information about the object touched and the events that
• Ranged To Hit penalties apply. surrounded it. This power allowed the caster to view events as if he were
Bonus: there, including sights, sounds, and feelings., both emotional and physical,
• +1 per level Focus of the Force: Telekinesis. that the wielder of the object experienced. This power was easier to use on
Penalty: personal objects that were used frequently. Objects that were used once, or
• -1 for every two levels of mass increase. by several people often made the use of this Force skill difficult, though it
was still possible.
Projective Telepathy
Make a Psychometric Sense skill roll. This roll is at no penalty for an event
Control/H that occurred the same day, -1 for one that occurred up to 1 week ago, -2 if
Default: Control/2-1. up to 1 month ago, -3 if up to 1 year ago, -4 if up to 10 years ago, -5 if up to
Prerequisite: Control 4. 100 years ago, -6 if up to 1,000 years ago, and so on. On a success, add your
Aspect: Neutral margin of success to the Perception roll (see p. 16). On a success or critical
Focus: Telepathy success, you receive the same as with the Psychometry trait. In addition, to
Duration: 1 second. notice strong “vibes”, roll against Psychometric Sense instead of IQ/2-2.
Cost: 4. Cannot be maintained.
Time Required: 4 seconds. Modifiers
Class: Regular; Resisted by Will. General:
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
You can use the Force to establish a mental link with a specific target. Bonus:
Through the link, you can exchange emotions and a single thought, such as • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge.
“Go!”, “Help!”, or “Danger!”. Penalty:
• -1 if it isn’t a personal item.
Chapter: Force Skills

A Quick Contest vs. Will established a mental link with the specific subject. • -1 to -4 if it is touched by other people after the event (GM’s
Subtract the Long-Distance modifiers from skill. A Force-sensitive subject decision).
lowers his resistance by his Sense level or his margin of success of Receptive
Telepathy, whichever is better. Receptive Telepathy
Making a link with an unknown person, apply a penalty of -6 when trying to Sense/Average
project your thoughts. Making a link to a close relative (brother, sister, Default: Sense/2.
parent, child) add +2, a +1 to more distant relatives (grand parent, nephew, Prerequisite: Sense 2.
nice, cousin) or with your teacher or pupil (e.g., Jedi Master and his Padawan, Aspect: Neutral
Sith Master and his Apprentice). Focus: Telepathy and Knowledge.
Duration: 1 minute. Bonus:
Cost: 1 + 1 to maintain. •
Time Required: 4 seconds. Penalty:
Class: Information • -1 per -1xFP.
• -1 per step of recovery rate.
Receptive Telepathy enables a Force-user to filter incoming telepathic links
and makes it easier for the other force-user projecting his telepathic links.
Sense Disease
A successful skill roll filters out the connection you want to allow. Lower your
resistanc e roll by the margin of success when rolling for the Quick Contest of Sense/Average
Default: Sense/2.
the Projective Telepathy skill. A critical success lowers your Resistance to
Prerequisite: Sense 2.
zero which means the other Force-user automatically establishes a link with
Aspect: Neutral
Focus: Knowledge
Duration: Instant
Receptive Telepathy does not increase your defense to telepathic attacks or
Cost: 1
enhances your resistance to Projective Telepathy. It only makes the ones you
Time Required: 10 seconds.
want to hear, easier to receive and comprehend.
Class: Information
Each level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy gives a bonus of +1 to skill. Each
This Force skill tells the user if the body contains substances or organisms
level of Focus of the Force Knoweldge gives you the ability to receive an extra
likekely to cause disease symptoms – such as contagious bacteria, viruses,
telepatic link clearly at a -1 to skill.
parasites, etc. The Force-user may specify he is looking for a particular type
of agent, or for something able to cause a particular symptom. The user must
General: touch the body if the subject is someone else and make a Perception (Force
Sight) roll.

This skill can also be used to reveal differential susceptibility.
• +1 per level Focus of the Force: Telepathy
Each level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge gives a +1 to skill. In addition, for
• -1 per extra telepathic link up to a maximum of Focus of the Force:
unknown diseases, it gives 2 features (see Defining a Disease in CR, p. ?) at
Knowledge level.
level 1, 3 at level 2, 5 at level 3, 7 at level 4 .

Recover Energy General:
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?)
Control/Very Hard Bonus:
Default: None. • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge.
Prerequisite: Control 4; Meditation. Penalty:
Aspect: Neutral • -5 for internal diseases with subtle or ambiguous external
Focus: Healing symptoms.
Duration: Variable
Cost: 0
Time Required: Variable.
Sense Emotion
Class: Information
Default: Sense/2.
This Force skill allows the Force-user to recover lost FP at a faster rate than
Prerequisite: Sense 2.
normal for that Force Zone (p. 5). Normally, 1 FP per hour is recovered.
Aspect: Neutral
Mediate for 1 minute and make a Meditation roll. If successful, make a
Focus: Empathy.
Recover Energy skill roll at the end of your meditation. Success indicates the
Duration: 1 hour.
Force will replenish for energy over time. No concentration is needed, you do
Cost: 2 + 1 to maintain.
not actively keep this Force skill working. A success indicates your recovery
Time Required: 4 sec.
rate is doubled and lasts until all FP are recovered but ends when another
Class: Information/Resisted
Force skill is cast.
Know what emotions and motivations the subject is feeling at them moment.
Focus of the Force: Healing allows you to increase the recovery rate by +1
It works on any living being, though it tends to be most useful on sapient
step per level. This comes at a penalty of -1 per step.
beings. You must specify you subject. If you want to sense another’s
RECOVER ENERGY TABLE emotion, you have to cancel this Force skill and start anew on the new
Normal 0
x3 -1
x5 -2 Powerful Force-users are known to sense emotions from large distances. Use
x7 -3 the Long-Distance modifiers.
x10 -4
Chapter: Force Skills

The subject may Resist by pure Will or the Force skill Hide Emotions
For instance, in a normal Force Concentration, you recover 1 FP/hour, in a (whichever is better).
Low Force Concentration 1 FP/day and in a High Force Concentration
1/minute. In a Very High Concentration, you already recover all lost FP in the Each level of Focus of the Force: Empathy gives the Force-user a +1 to skill.
next turn. With no Healing Focus, casting Recover Energy result in recovery Per level, you may lower the subject’s Resistance by 1, at the cost of -1 to
rates of 2/hour (1/30 min.); 2/day (1/12 hrs); 2/min. (1/30 sec.) skill per penalty given.

Modifiers This Force skill might be used for good or bad. Knowing what makes someone
General: frightful or angry and taking away the cause is a good deed. Supplying the
• Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?) to the Meditation skill roll.
subject with more reasons to be frightful or angry is a dark deed and might Focus: Knowledge
result in Dark Side Points. Duration: Instant.
Cost: 1+1 per extra reach.
The better you know the subject, the better it goes to read his emotions. A Time Required: 4 seconds.
single person you know very well (e.g., your partner, wife, husband, child, Class: Information; Area
etc.), you get a +4 to skill. For companions and relatives you know well, you
get a +2 to skill. Distant relatives, friends, allies, patrons, etc., a +1. People Tells the user if there is any life nearby within Reach F, and gives a general
you just met (during an encounter) give a -2 to skill and total strangers even a expression (sentient or sapient).
Each level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge gives a bonus of +1 to skill. Each
Modifiers level may give +1 to Reach at a cost of -1 to skill. In addition, a random
General: feature of the detected life is given per level chosen from: species, gender,
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). maturity (baby, child, young adult, adult, elderly), physical features (size,
• Long-Distance modifiers apply. weight, and HP).
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Empathy. Modifiers
• +1 for known people. General:
• +2 for well-known people. • Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
• +4 for partner or one very well-known person. Bonus:
Penalty: • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge.
• -6 for total strangers. Penalty:
• -2 for strangers • -1 per Reach increment up to Focus of the Force: Knowledge level.

Sense Force Sense Shatterpoint

Sense/Average Sense/Very Hard
Default: Sense/2. Default: None.
Prerequisite: Sense 2. Prerequisite: Sense 4; Force Visions; Force Vision
Aspect: Neutral. Aspect: Neutral
Focus: Knowledge. Focus: Knowledge
Duration: Instant. Duration: Special.
Cost: 1. Cost: 10 + d20
Time Required: 4 seconds. Time Required: 4 seconds + 10 seconds.
Class: Information/Resisted Class: Information

This skill tells the Force-user if there are any Force-sensitives nearby, and A way to sense vital parts of a plot, a goal, or otherwise critical points for
gives an impression of either their Aspect, Facet, Focus, and power. Use certain events to happen or not to happen. this Force skill must be used for a
Perception (Force Sight) to detect them. single subject be it a person, object, or future event.

Each level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge gives a +1 to skill. You may also, After making a successful Sense Shatterpoint roll, an image is being build up
at the cost of 1 FP and -1 to skill detect a second feature of the subject’s and slowly shows you the vital parts. This takes 10 seconds.
Force ability. Without this ability, a successful roll results in knowing (if you
detect him) that there is a Force-sensitive nearby or not. At level one you Each level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge gives a +1 bonus to skill. For each
may detect randomly one of the other features (Aspect, Facet, Focus, level, the Force-user may deduct 2 seconds from the time it takes for the
Power), at level 2, you detects 2 of them, etc. skill to give you an impression of the vital parts. This comes at a penalty of -1
to skill per 2 second deduction.
If the subject and the Force-user have a relation to each other (known or
not), add a cumulative bonus to Perception (Force Sight): +2 for a master – Further modifiers include the importance of the Shatterpoint. When sensing
student realation, +2 for a first degree family (brother, sither, parent, child), the Shatterpoint of an unimportant civilian or trooper or a future event with
+1 for a second degree family (grandparetn, grandchild, cousin). little or no impact on the ongoing war, the Force skill is at +2. When a Force-
user is involved, a minimum penalty of -2 to skill for a friendly Force-user to -
The subject may resist by having already used the Force Stealth skill (p. 34). 6 for a hostile Force-user. A -10 penalty is received when trying to sense your
own Shatterpoint or an event which involves you. All these modifiers are
Modifiers cumulative. A Shatterpoint might have a major influence on the ongoing
General: galactic war (-2), involves a hostile Force-user (-6), a friendly Force –user (-2),
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?) and yourself (-10) for a total penalty of -20.
• +1 for each level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge. Modifiers
• +1 for subject’s Force Sensitive General:
• +1 per level of subject’s Force Attunement • Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
• +1 per level away from Neutral for Aspect of the Force. Bonus:
• +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Knowledge.
Chapter: Force Skills

• +1 per level for each Focus and Facet of the Force.

Penalty: • +2 for an unimportant Shatterpoint.
• -1 per FP spend on Force Stealth by the subject. Penalty:
• -1 per 2 seconds deduction.
• -2 for a major event.
Sense Life • -2 for a friendly Force-user
• -6 for a hostile Force-user.
Sense/Average • -10 for your own Shatterpoint.
Default: Sense/2.
Prerequisite: Sense 2.
Aspect: Neutral
Sever Force This Force skill produces any sort of meaningless sound the Force-user
wishes; it does not produce understandable speech or music (not even
animal speech). The Force-user can either use Telepathy on a subject to let
Alter/Very Hard
only him hear a sound, or Illusion to create a distant sound that everyone can
Default: None.
hear. Decide what the Force skill’s Focus is when buying this skill.
Prerequisite: Alter 4, Meditation. Cannot exceed Meditation-1.
Aspect: Neutral
When using Telepathy, the subject may resist by Will. If he succeeds, he
Focus: Meta.
doesn’t hear the sound. When using Illusion, all within hearing-distance mys
Duration: Permanent.
make a Hearing roll. Those who succeed will hear the sound.
Cost: 10 + Power level subject.
Time Required: 10 + 4 seconds.
Either Focus of the Force: Illusion or Telepathy will give a skill bonus of +1 per
Class: Regular, Resisted by Will.
level. For each level you may lower the subject’s Will or increase the sound’s
volume (+1 to subjects’ Perception), at a cost of -1 to skill per increment.
You can block a Force-user’s access to the Force, preventing him from using
Force skills or features linked to the Force.

After 10 seconds, a successful Mediation roll must be made. A success Modifiers

indicates you can try the Sever Force. A critical success gives a +2 bonus to
the Sever Force skill. A failure means you cannot try Sever Force and a • Ranged To Hit modifiers apply.
criritcal failure means you Cannot try it on the same subject for 24 hours. You Bonus:
cannot Hasten this meditation but taking Extra time is allowed. • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Illusion or Telepathy
The Sever Force roll is modified by the target’s Power Level. Force Sensitive, • -1 per -1 to subject’s Will.
Force Attunement levels and any Force Focus and Facet levels all give • -1 per +1 to subject’s Perception (Hearing).
penalties. The distance between your Aspect of the Force and the target
gives a bonus. If successful, the subject may try to resist by Will. If the subject Steal Energy
fails his Will roll he will gain Unreliable/Activation on all of his Force features
(Force Sensitive, Force Attunement, Alter, Control, Sense, Telekinesis, etc.). Alter/Very Hard
On a critical failure, the subject will completely lose all Force features, Default: None.
becoming a mundane character, most likely never to be able to use the Force Prerequisite: Alter/4; Recover Energy.
again. The margin of failure determines the level of Unreliable/Activation: Aspect: Dark.
Margin of failure 1 gives Unreliable/Activation 19, 2 gives 18, 3 gives 17, and Focus: Healing.
so on. Duration: Lasting.
Cost: 0.
You my spend extra energy to lower the subject’s Will. For each extra FP you Time Required: 4 sec.
spent, the subject’s Will is lowered by 1. This will, however, fatigue you Class: Regular, Resisted by Will.
mentally. Make a Mental Fatigue roll modified for each extra FP you spent
this way. When you know Sever Force at level 19, you can use this Force skill The Force-user takes FP from the subject to restore his own lost FP. This
as a Ceremonial Force skill (p. 10). Force skill works on living subjects only! The subject may resist by Will once
per turn.
Whenever the subject attempts to use a Force skill or tries to use the
enhancements provides by the Force features, he must roll for its activation For every 3 FP drained, at a rate of 1 FP per second, it restores 1 FP to the
first. If he fails the Force Sensitive activation, he has lost his turn Force-user. The Force skill stops when the Force-user’s FP is fully restored,
concentrating. If he succeeds, he may try to roll for the Force Attunement when the Force-user decides to stop, or when the subject’s FP reaches -5xHP.
and/or appropriate Facet and Focus of the Force to use its bonus for a skill.
Each level of Focus of the Force: Healing gives a +1 to skill. In addition, for
Sever Force might backfire dramatically. On a critical failure, the Force-user each level, the Force-user may restore 1 level of mental Fatigue by draining
will gain horrible images and emotions which haunt him. In addition, the the subject’s mental Fatigue. This reduces your skill by -1 per mental Fatigue
Force-user will receive 1 Dark Side Point himself, must make a Fright Check, level restored. The subject may resist once per mental Fatigue level drained.
and may not try a Sever Force on that same subject again. You may also lower the subject’s resistance by -1 per level at a cost of -1 to
skill per penalty given.
General: When this Force skill is used on an unaware subject, follow the rules above.
• Time Spent modifiers (CR, p. ?) Extra Time only for the Meditation Except on a critical Resistance roll, he will be aware of the draining after
roll. which he may react.
• +2 bonus for a critical success on the Meditation roll. Steal Energy is a dark side Force skill and usage of this skill gives 1 DSP.
Penalty: Should the subject die due to the use of this skill, gain an additional d6 DSP.
• Subject’s Power level.
Sound General:
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
Chapter: Force Skills

Default: Alter/2. • +1 per level Focus of the Force: Healing.
Prerequisite: Alter 2 Penalty:
Aspect: Neutral • -1 per mental Fatigue drained.
Focus: Illusion or Telepathy • -1 per -1 to subject’s Will
Duration: Up to 1 second.
Cost: 1 Steal Vitality
Time Required: 4 seconds.
Class: Regular Alter/Very Hard
Default: None.
Prerequisite: Alter 4. Aspect: Dark.
Aspect: Dark Focus: Meta.
Focus: Healing. Duration: Instant.
Duration: Lasting. Cost: Unlimited.
Cost: 0 Time Required: 1 sec per FP available.
Time Required: 4 sec. Class: Area.
Class: Regular; Resisted by HT.
The ability to forge the dark side into a consecrated sphere of power and
The Force-user takes HP from the subject to restore his own lost HP. This then unleash its energy in a single devastating blast. All those sensitive to the
Force skill works on living subjects only! The subject may resist by HT once Force would be consumed by the explosion, tiehr spirits trapped in the great
per turn. vacuum creted at the epicenter of the detonation.

For every 3 HP drain at a rate of 1 HP per second, it restores 1 HP to the During the enrgy buildup, temperatures will drop, every Force-user
Force-user. The Force skill stops when the Force-user’s HP is fully restored, participating in the ceremony will become enthralled and all light, heat, and
when the Force-user decides to stop, or when the subject’s HP reaches 0. sound is drawn into the vacuum of the sphere. Tendril of energy from a cloud
of utter darkness forms over the master of the ceremony. The energy buildup
Each level of Focus of the Force: Healing gives a +1 to skill. In addition, for will continue as long as there are Force Points present in the Force-users
each level, the Force-user may restore 1 level of physical Fatigue by draining participating in the ceremony. When all energy from these persons is
the subject’s physical Fatigue. This reduces your skill by -1 per physical drained, the sphere will explode and trap al souls in it. Should the ceremony
Fatigue level restored. The subject may resist once per physical Fatigue level be disturbed prematurely, the sphere will also explode.
drained. You may also lower the subject’s resistance by -1 per level at a cost
of -1 to skill per penalty given. The sphere will grow in d6 meters in radius for each FP. Everyone caught in
its radius is entitled to make a Will roll. The penalty to their Will roll is higher
When this Force skill is used on an unaware subject, follow the rules above. at the epicenter. There is no penalty at the outer layer, and a cumulative -1
Except on a critical Resistance roll, he will be aware of the draining after to Will for each layer the victim is closer to the epicenter up to a total penalty
which he may react. of -20.

Steal Vitality is a dark side Force skill and usage of this skill gives 1 DSP. Example: 10 Sith sorcerers have each contributed 10 FP for a total of 100 FP
Should the subject die due to the use of this skill, gain an additional d6 DSP. which makes the radius of the blast d6x100 km. Use the Ranged To Hit table
to determine the penalty to Will. At 10 meters distance, the penalty to Will
Modifiers within two meters from the outer layer is 0. from up to 3 meters it’s -1, up to
General: 5 meters -2, 7 meters -3, etc., all the way up to 5 km at a maximum penalty
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?). of -20 to Will.
• +1 per level Focus of the Force: Healing.
Penalty: Modifiers
• -1 per mental Fatigue drained. General:
• -1 per -1 to subject’s Will • .
• .
Thought Bomb Penalty:
• .
Default: None.
Prerequisite: Force Attunement 4.

If you target someone standing in a close group of people (e.g., the unit
leader of a squad of stormtroopers) the lightning might jump to the others
Chain Lightning simultaneously. Calculate damage for each target based on the damage of
the first minus the distance in meters. Roll once for damage and apply that
number to each target.
Default: Force Lightning-4.
If there are no more targets within reach, the lightning fizzles into
Prerequisite: Force Lightning. Cannot exceed prerequisite skill.
Chain lightning was a variation of Force lightning with the difference being
that the lightning was able to strike one person and then move to another or
several others. As it was more powerful than the standard lightning, it Force Choke
required a greater amount of discipline and concentration to project and
sustain the stream of lightning. The only confirmed users are the Force Average
Chapter: Force Skills

apparition known as Dark Mara, Galen Marek, Starkiller, and Count Dooku. Default: Force Grip-5.
Prerequisite: Force Grip. Cannot exceed prerequisite skill.
The first person hit takes the full amount of damage as for Force Lightning. This technique represents training at targeting the throat with Force Grip. In
On the Force user’s next turn, the lightning jumps to another target. It does addition to training at targeting, to choke someone needs less strength and
the same amount of damage as with the first target but with -1 per meter the therefore only cost 1 energy point to activate.
lightning travelled from the last to the next person. You only need to roll to
hit the first target. The maximum range the lightning can jump to another After activating Force Choke, you need to target with Innate Attack (Force). If
target is the damage for the next target in meters. you bought any levels of Force Choke, add these level to Innate Attack
(Force) to for this purpose only.
Force Choke is a dark side Force technique, no matter if the victim dies or Unlike Force lightning, Force storm was not limited to attacking enemies in
not. one direction, as it affected all foes within a certain radius from the user.

For damage, range use the standard rules for Force Lightning. There is no
Force Horror need to roll for targeting. All targets within range (friend or foe) are hit.

Average Force Wave

Default: Force Fear-4.
Prerequisite: Force Fear. Cannot exceed prerequisite skill. Hard
Force horror enabled the Force-user to cause multiple enemies to enter into Defaults: Force Blast-6.
a catatonic state of panic that was more severe and more difficult to defend Prerequisite: Force Blast 7. Cannot exceed prerequisite skill.
than the basic Force fear. Use the rules of Force Fear, except for the rules This Force technique represents training at using a 360° Force Blast, hitting
below: enemies all around you after a successful Innate Attack (Force)+6 skill roll.
For increasing knockback and range, use the rules for Force Blast (p. 29).
When activating this technique, you can instill horror in all you can see. Any
levels of Focus of the Force: Telepathy adds to the Fright Check result the
subjects have to make if they don’t resist.
Force Wound
For each -1 to skill and one extra energy, up to the caster’s Focus of the
Default: Force Grip-3.
Force: Empathy level, the subjects’ Will is reduced by 1.
Prerequisite: Force Grip. Cannot exceed prerequisite skill.
This power allowed a Force-user to telekinetically apply pressure to their
Force Insanity opponent’s organs or body. If not resisted, it could crush the victim’s heart or
lungs. Training in this technique overcomes the -3 to target the vitals. It
Hard ignores any DR the subject has. Instead of adding an armor divisor, any levels
Default: Force Fear-6. of Focus of the Force: Telekinesis can be used to lower the resistance roll of
Prerequisite: Force Fear. Cannot exceed prerequisite skill. the subject.
Force insanity enabled the Force-user to affect multiple enemies at once,
although to an even greater range than its predecessor, Force Horror. As the After a successful Force Wound skill roll and targeting roll, the subject must
most advanced form of Force fear, its effect was much more devastating, resist by HT. If he fails, his internal organs will be crushed and is mortally
with the victims possibly descending into an utter state of frenzied madness wounded (see Mortal Wounds, CR p. ?).
and deranged mania as their situation seemed to suddenly become hopeless.
It cost 4 energy to activate the force skill and counts as an attack. You cannot
Use the rules of Force Fear, except for the rules below: maintain it.

When activating this technique, you can instill insanity in all you could see all
around you. Each subject may make a Will roll to resist. When they fail, they
Instant Detoxify
do not make a Fright Check. They immediately acquire a negative trait as a
Average or Hard
result with a value equal to the caster’s margin of success plus the subject
Default: Prerequisite skill-8.
margin of failure. Each level of Focus of the Force: Telepathy also adds a
Prerequisite: Detoxify Another or Detoxify Self. Cannot exceed
quirk level mental trait.
prerequisite skill-4.
As Detoxify Another or Detoxify Self except for the following rules:
For each -1 to skill and one extra energy, up to the caster’s Focus of the
For 8 energy, the caster can detoxify someone in 10 seconds. Any levels of
Force: Empathy level, the subjects’ Will is reduced by 1.
Focus of the Force; Healing cuts of 2 seconds instead of 2 minutes.

Force Kill Instant Detoxify Self is an average technique while Instant Detoxify Another
is a hard technique.
Default: Force Wound-5.
Prerequisite: Force Wound. Cannot exceed prerequisite skill.
Lightning Burst
This power was used to telekinetically destroy the victim’s organs. Use the
rules for Force Wound, instead of acquiring a mortal wound after a failed HT
Default: Force Lightning-4.
roll, the victim is instantly killed. Assume his Hit Points drop to -5xHP.
Prerequisite: Force Lightning; cannot exceed prerequisite skill.
Lightning burst was a technique of Force lightning, where the user would
Force Storm have lightning arc out from their body to strike adjacent enemies at Range F
away. Focus of the Force Elemental has its usual benefits. In addition, each
Hard level increases the range with one step per level at a cost of -1 to skill per
Default: Force Lightning-10. increment.
Prerequisite: Force Lightning. Cannot exceed prerequisite skill.
Force storm was a Force lightning variant. The user would raise their palm
upward and would create, through the Force, an explosion of electrical
Sith Seeker
Chapter: Force Skills

energy directed at all foes in the vicinity. It also appeared as a tornado of

energy which created a great disturbance in the Force.
In order to use any of the Force Imbuement skills, you have to learn one, or Aspect: Dark.
any of the basic Imbue skills (Imbue: Lasting, Permanent, and Temporary). Focus: Imbuement.
These are defined simply as Imbue in the prerequisites of all other Duration: Permanent or temporary.
Imbuement skills. Cost: 10.
Time Required: 1 hour per FP needed.
Class: Regular.
Imbue The subject of this Force skill must be a relatively complete dead body. The
nature and condition of the corpse determines the nature of the undead
Alter/Very Hard
produced. The animated corpse becomes an undead servant of the dark side
Default: None.
user. Its attributes are based on those of the original body, as are its physical
Prerequisite: Alter 4; Mediation (1pts for temporary, 3pts for Lasting,
advantages and DX-based skills. It does not have self-awareness, mental
and 6pts for Permanent).
traits, IQ-based skills, or memories of the living person or animal. The GM will
Aspect: Neutral.
determine its exact abilities, as appropriate to the story.
Focus: Imbuement.
Duration: Variable.
It will cost 10 FP to imbue a corpse of the same species and SM as the Force-
Cost: Variable.
user. Each deviation of SM downward costs 1 less energy but at -1 to skill.
Time Required: 1 hour per FP needed.
Each deviation upward doubles the needed FP and -1 to skill (e.g., +2 to SM
Class: Regular.
means 40 FP are needed at a -2 to skill).
Prerequisite for all other imbuement skills. To imbue an item, the Force-user
must also know this Force skill. The Force-user rolls against the lower of this
To imbue a corpse is unnatural. Each use of this skill might give a DSP.
skill and the specific Force skill he wishes to place on the item. If he has
assistants, they must have skill 17 or higher with both Force skills, but the roll
is based on the Force-user’s skill.
• Physiology modifiers apply (CR, p. ?).
A single item may not be imbued with both a temporary, lasting, or
permanent Force skill simultaneously.
• .
You must specialize when buying this skill. Specializations are: Penalty:
• Temporary: This lets the Force-user create Force-imbued items that • -1 per +1 to SM.
only function a few times before losing their power, at a substantial
savings in energy cost (and therefore time). An item can be temporaily Imbue: Crystal
imbued at an energy cost of 10% the normal cost for an item of that
type per use. Temporarily imbued items acts, in all respscts, as a normal Alter/Very Hard
item of that type until all of its uses are consumed. Once all the uses of Default: None.
the temporary item are gone, the item is no longer imbued. Temporary Prerequisite: Alter 4; Imbue: Permanent; appropriate “crystal”.
absolutely cannot be used to further reduce the cost of an imbument Aspect: Neutral.
that already has limited uses. Focus: Imbuement.
• Lasting: This lets the Force-user create Force-imbued items that Duration: Permanent.
function until a certain time or event has passed, at a minimal saving in Cost: Variable.
energy. -10% if it lasts a saga, -30% if it lasts a campaign, -50% if it lasts Time Required: Variable.
a scenario, or -60% if it lasts a chapter. If it is event dependable, or Class: Regular.
something else, the GM should determine in what time period this This Force skill is needed to align a focusing crystal or lens to your personna.
occurs and calculate the cost reduction. When the time or event has After the required mediation hours, roll against the lowest of Imbue: Crystal
passed, the item is no longer imbued and there is a 50% chance the or Imbue: Permanent, modified by the cumulative margin of all the success
item is destroyed or disappeared. and failures of your Meditation skill rolls for that crystal. A success indicates
• Permanent: Force imbued items are permanent until destroyed. you have properly aligned the focusing crystal or lens while a criritcal success
means you will gain an bonus of +1 to the construction roll when assembling
When creating an item imbued with the Force, determine first the energy it the hilt. A failure means you have to start over (for a synthetic crystal, this
costs. For each FP needed to imbue the item the Force-user must meditate 1 might acquire you to gather new resources to make an entire new crystal). A
hour and make a successful meditation skill roll. If its successful, he must critical failure renders the crystal or lens useles for energy blade
then make a successful imbue skill roll against the lowest skill (e.g., when construction.
making a permanent imbued corpse, the force-user must roll against the
lowest of Imbue: Permanent and Imbue: Corpse). On a critical success for the The energy needed depends on the crystal imbued. Focusing crystals and
Meditation roll, select the highest of the approriate Imbuement skills. A lenses are powerful artifacts, but very small. A crystal costs 3 FP + your total
failure indicates a lack of concentration and you have lost time and may try level of Force attributes and each lens cost 1 FP + your total level of Force
again after 24 hours. A critical failure leaves you mentally fatigued. You may attributes (see p. 50).
try again after 5 days.
Focus of the Force: Imbuement gives a +1 to skill per level.
General: Modifiers
• . General:
Bonus: • .
Chapter: Force Skills

• +1 per level Focus of the Force: Imbuement. Bonus:

Penalty: • Margin of success of Meditation skill rolls.
• . Penalty:
• Margin of failure of Meditation skill rolls.
Imbue: Corpse
Default: None.
Prerequisite: Alter 4; Imbue; Alchemy (Sith).
Imbue: Damaging Weapon Modifiers
• .
Alter/Very Hard
Default: None.
Prerequisite: Alter 4; Imbue. • +1 per level of Focus of the Force: Imbuement.
Aspect: Neutral. Penalty:
Focus: Imbuement. • -1 per armor divisor step after the first.
Duration: Variable.
Cost: 5 per +1 to damage. Imbue: Sith Alchemical Armor
Time Required: 1 minute per FP needed.
Class: Regular. Alter/Very Hard
Default: None.
Cutting, crushing, impaling, or piercing weapons with this imbuement do Prerequisite: Alter 4; Imbue (any).
more damage than normal. Specifically, this Force skill grants the weapon a Aspect: Dark.
damage bonus. The cost is 10 energy for a +1 to damage. Focus: Imbuement.
Duration: Temporary, lasting, or permanent.
Double the cost if the weapon is a ranged weapon (e.g., a bow). Divide the Cost: 20.
cost if the weapon is a projectile (e.g., an arrow or slug). If the item falls into Time Required: 20 hours.
more than one class, use the higher imbuement cost. In addition to weapons, Class: .
any sort of tool may be imbued. The value of the weapon will increase with
+5% for +1 to damage,+10% for +2 to damage, +20% for +3 to damage, +30%
for +4 to damage, and +50% for +5 to damage. Modifiers
Focus of the Force: Imbuement gives a +1 to skill per level or lets you add 1 • .
extra damage per level at a skill penalty of -1 per extra damage. You can add Bonus:
a maximum of +5 damage. • .
Modifiers • .
• .
• +1 per level Focus of the Force: Imbuement.
Imbue: Sith Alchemical Weapon
• -1 per extra +1 damage. Alter/Very Hard
Default: None.
Prerequisite: Alter 4; Imbue (any).
Aspect: Dark.
Imbue: Penetrating Weapon Focus: Imbuement.
Duration: Variable.
Alter/Very Hard Cost: 10.
Default: None. Time Required: 10 hours.
Prerequisite: Alter 4; Imbue (any). Class: Regular.
Aspect: Neutral.
Focus: Imbuement. This Force skill is often used by the Sith to imbue swords to make them
Duration: Variable. lightsaber resistant and being able to deflect blaster bolts.
Cost: variable.
Time Required: 10 hours per Armor Divisor step. The process of metallurgy and aracane means, transmutes base metals into
Class: Neutral. an alchemical alloy possessing an unsual affinty to dark side energies. When
drawing upon the dark side, the wielder may add his bonus gained from Dark
Cutting, impaling, or piercing weapons with this imbuement pass through Aspect of the Force to the damage of the weapon. The bonus lasts for 10
armor as if it were butter. Specifically, this Force skill grants the weapon an turns +1 turn per Force attribute level the wielder has.
armor divisor. Such a weapon does not do extra damage to unarmored foes.
Hardened DR defends against the armor divisor conferred by this Force skill The weapon can also function as a focus point, giving a +1 to dark side Force
as normal. skills.

The energy cost and value increases per step: Modifiers

• Armor Divisor +1: 10 FP; value +30% General:
• Armor Divisor +2: 20 FP; value +50% • .
• Armor Divisor +3: 30 FP; value +70% Bonus:
• Armor Divisor +4: 50 FP; value +100% • .
• Armor Divisor +5: 70 FP; value +150% Penalty:
• .
Chapter: Force Skills

Double the cost if the weapon is a ranged weapon (e.g., a bow). Divide the
cost if the weapon is a projectile (e.g., an arrow or slug). If the item falls into
more than one class, use the higher imbuement cost. In addition to weapons,
any sort of tool may be imbued.

Focus of the Force: Imbuement gives a +1 to skill per level or lets you add 1
extra step per level at a skill penalty of -1 per extra step. You can add a
maximum of 5 steps to armor divisor.
Chapter: Force Skills
This section contains special equipment often used exclusively by Force-
users. For mundane equipment and gadgets, see the supplement Equipment.

ore itself burned to ash as it was used up. It was noted to give a light-headed
feeling after its use.
Lignan Ore Each gram of Lignan ore gives a +1 to a dark side Force skill. After each use,
Cost: Not for sale. Weight: 1 gram.
however, make a Will roll to resist addiction. If more than a single dose is
Effect: Dark Side Force skill +1, Addictive.
taken, the Will roll is modified by -1 per extra dose. Failure results in
Lignan was a rare ore that was extremely powerful in the dark side of the
acquiring the Addiction (Very Expensive; Stimulating; Illegal) for -20pts, or
Force. One of the only places it could be found was in the Phaegon system,
(Very Expensive; Stimulating; Legal) for -15pts.
on the moon of Phaegon III. If drawn upon while the user was utilizing the
Force, the ore was able to greatly augment the user's abilities, although the

These loose fitting pants offer little protection (DR 1*) to the legs and groin.
The weight and price includes an obi to hold up the pants.

Jedi’s Wardrobe Jedi’s Overtunic

Cost: Variable. Weight: up to 11 kg. Cost:$50. Weight: 1.5 kg
The overtunic is a sort of knee-long Jack, worn under the cloak. It protects
the arms, torso, and thighs with DR 1*.

Jedi’s Undertunic
Cost: $20. Weight: 0.5 kg
Jedi apparel was the term given to the attire of members of both the Old and The overtunic is a sort of sleeved tunic worn under a tabard or overtunic. It’s
New Jedi Orders. Traditionally, Jedi wore clothes that befitted their monastic material is softer and more comfortable than that of the overtunic.
lifestyle, but variations on the theme were common, particularly after the
rebirth of the Order following the Galactic Civil War. The attire usually was Jedi’s Cloak
made in shades of brown or sometimes black, with a utility belt where they Cost: $20 or $50. Weight: 1 or 2.5 kg
carried specialized field gear—such as food and tool pouches, a breather This is a sleeved hooded cloak. The heavy variant, often used by field
pouch, and energy and food capsules, but also as a place on which to clip a operatives, weighs 2.5 kg., costs $50 and gives DR 2* to the arms, back torso
lightsaber. and back legs, and when the hood is worn, also to the skull and back neck.
The lighter version, often used when not on a field mission costs $20, weighs
Boots, loose-fitting pants, an overtunic, an undertunic, and a cloak or outer 1 kg and offers DR 1* to the same locations..
robe with hood, and sometimes a tabard, typically accompanied the
garment. As these garments were not usually elaborate, the outfit mirrored
their attachment-free philosophy, as well as showing their requirement to
Jedi’s Hooded Robe
Cost: $80. Weight: 0.5 kg
live almost devoid of luxury and also their devotion to service. The apparel
This is a comfortable, long, flowing robe. These are often worn by Jedi in a
also allowed great freedom of movement. The rough material proved useful
permanent function at the Jedi Academy or other stationary workplace.
on survival missions, as it was strong enough to show some resistance to
These are made out of more delicate fabrics.
tearing and fraying, as well as putting the wearer through some discomfort to
help sharpen their focus.
Chapter: Equipment

Jedi’s Tabard
Jedi’s Boots Cost: $120. Weight: 1 kg.
A tabard offers more protection than the overtunic but it only covers the
Cost: $70 or $80. Weight: 2 or 3 kg
torso, shoulders, and thighs, giving them DR 3*.
Diplomatic Jedi commonly wore soft boots ($70, 2 kg., DR 1*), while active
agents dressed in sturdy field boots ($80, 3 kg., DR 2*) made of nerf hide
that sometimes had ridged soles. Jedi’s Utility Belt
Cost: $120. Weight: 1 kg.
Jedi’s Pants The Jedi utility belt was a type of utility belt made available by the Jedi
quartermaster to members of the Jedi Order during the time between the
Cost: $40. Weight: 1.5 kg
New Sith Wars and the end of the Clone Wars. They usually consisted of
survival rations in the form of capsules, a Hush-98 comlink, a grappling spike
launcher, a holoprojector, such as an Imagecaster, an A99 aquata breather, a
Jedi beacon transceiver, a glowrod, lightsaber repair tools, and sometimes a
holomap. Other mission-specific equipment may be added, as assigned by
the High Council or Jedi quartermaster. Cost and weight given is for the utility
belt only. These robes once belonged to Thon, a mysterious and powerful Jedi Master
who trained many students, including Nomi Sunrider. Wearing these robes
allowed a being to actively track thought processes faster, enhance their
Thon’s Robe connection to the Force, allowing them to focus its energy, resist being
Cost: Not for sale. Weight: 0.5 kg. stunned, and using it to leap great distances. Only a character whose
Restricts: Needs Light Aspect of the Force. alignment is light-sided can equip the item. Thon’s other clothing don’t offer
Effect: IQ +1; Force Attunement +1; FP +2; Jumping +2; Hard to Subdue any special abilities.
+4, Reaction +1 from Jedi; Reaction -4 from dark Side Force-users.

The Jedi beacon transceiver was an encoded subspace receiver beacon

carried by members of the Jedi Order, allowing them to receive signals and
Jedi Beacon Transceiver broadcasts from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Manufacturer: Jedi Workshops
Beacon transceivers were small, portable devices with a display screen and
Cost: $?. Weight: 0.5 kg.
communications transceiver. The transceiver picked up broadcasts from the
TL: 6
Jedi beacon on Coruscant or from any Jedi's personal comlinks within 48,000
lightyears. In emergencies, a Jedi would broadcast Emergency Code Nine
Thirteen to any beacon transceiver in range, calling for immediate assistance.
These devices also picked up recall and retreat signals from the Temple,
commonly when HoloNet channels were compromised.

standard design featured a dual-strand liquid-cable reservoir, launching twin

Grappling Spike Launcher cables that wrapped around one another to create a much stronger line.
During the Clone Wars, Jedi such as Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi
Manufacturer: Jedi Workshops
carried simple fibercord grappling hooks in their utility belts as opposed to
Cost: $50. Weight: 0.5 kg.
liquid-cable launchers.
TL: 6
The grappling spike launcher was a small device commonly carried in a Jedi's
utility belt. It comprised a central unit containing a liquid-cable reservoir, a
grappling hook in one end, and a spike launcher in the other end. The liquid-
cable reservoir was large enough to form up to 200 meters of cable. When
launched, the spike's liquid-cable would solidify, and would be fired with
The grappling spike launcher, also known as a liquid-cable launcher, was a enough momentum to embed the spike in most surfaces—excluding
device that launched a liquid that immediately solidified into a tough yet materials such as tough metals or particle shielded surfaces. The hook could
lightweight and flexible monofilament cable upon exposure to most then be attached to a solid object to secure the line.
habitable atmospheres.
Grappling spike launchers could be used by themselves or as attachments for
This grappling spike launcher could attach to grappling hooks or be used for blasters and blaster-rifles. When attached to blasters and/or blaster-rifles,
swinglines. They were found across the galaxy for a price of about fifty this assembly (and sometimes the grappling-spike-launchers themselves)
credits, and were often used by bounty hunters, soldiers, mercenaries, were called ascension guns.
explorers and emergency rescue teams. The Jedi also fabricated their own
grappling spike launchers in their workshops on Coruscant, for use by Jedi
Knights on field operations.
Chapter: Equipment

Some Jedi comlinks could have midi-chlorian samplers attached to them to

measure blood samples, though these results would need to be interpolated
Midi-Chlorian Sampler through a computer, such as that found aboard a starship, to get a count.
Manufacturer: Jedi Workshops
After getting a blood sample, make an Electronics Operation/TL6 (Force-
Cost: Not for sale Weight: 0.05 kg.
based). A success indicates if the blood sample contains a heightened midi-
TL: 6
chlorian count or not (i.e., if the subject has the trait Force-Sensitive or not).
A critical success reveals if the subject has a total of up to 4 levels of Force
attributes and Focus of the Force. A failure reveals nothing but the blood The Force detector was one of the tools developed to measure midi-chlorian
sample may be tested again with better equipment. A critical failure renders counts. Based on plans of the scientist Jenna Zan Arbor, the Force Detector
the blood sample useless. consisted of a pair of paddles connected to a control pack; the paddles were
placed around the subject, at which point the control pack would read out a
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, midi-chlorian samplers were list of statistics, including midi-chlorian count. It also generated a blue
outlawed. On the black market, a midi-chlorian detector might be found for nimbus around a wireframe hologram of the subject; though this correlated
about $10,000. to Force-sensitivity, it was not a direct measurement of the subject's midi-
chlorian concentration.
Force Detector Detects Force Sensitive and up to 8 levels of Force Attributes and Focus of
Cost: Not for sale. Weight: 1 kg.
the Force.

with the Move Object skill can extend this bonus to the weapon’s full range.
Make a Move Object skill roll at -1 per disk fired. Reloading the lanvarok
Lanvarok requires an entire turn. The weapon is specifically designed for either the
right or left forearm. Any given lanvarok is not interchangeable from right to
Cost: $4,000 (or $250 for the massassi variant).
left or vice versa.
Weight: 5.8 kg (or 9.8 kg for the massassi variant).
According to Sith legend, the lanvarok was developed by the ancient sith as a
hunting weapon. Details of its construction can be found in Sith holocrons.
The mutated massassi of Yavin 4 used a more primitive version of this
weapon, a two-handed polearm tht required brute strength rather than
mechanical action or the Force to launch the disks. After its disks are
The Sith lanvarok is a short-range weapon worn on the forearm and designed launched, the polearm itself could be used as a slashing weapon.
to hurl flurry of thin but solid disks in an unpredictable “spray” pattern.
After the rise of Darth Bane and the New Sith, the lanvarok falls out of use
Though the weapon is time-consuming to reload, the surprise factor of a and becomes harder and harder to find. Examples remaining from ancient
sudden hail of whirling projectiles often leaves an opponent completely times are usually sold as collector items, although a rare Sith holocron could
unprepared for the Sith follow-up attack. Coupled with the Sith’s ability to provide schematics for initiates devoted enough to build one.
wield the Force to guide the disks to their target, the lanvarok is an extremely
effective weapon. The arm mounted lanvarok is forged of durasteel and sometimes plated with
lightsaber-impervious cortosis alloy.
Because of the way the disks fan out upon being launched, the lanvarok gains
a +1 equipment bonus on attacks made at 10 meters or less. A Force-user

lightsabers, just as lightsabers themselves do. The blade also focuses the
Force energy of the user, giving the edge an unnatural sharpness. As the
Sith Sword wielder grows more proficient in the power of the dark side, the blade
becomes more deadly.
Cost: $3,000 to 6,000
Weight: 3 to 6.5 kg.
Each Sith sword is considered an imbued weapon with at least Imbue: Sith
Chapter: Equipment

Effect: Deflect Blaster Bolts; Lightsaber Resistant

Alchemical Weapon. More powerful Sith Swords have more than one
imbuement cast upon them. The rare metallic compounds used in its
construction could result in blades varying in weight from 3 kilograms up to
6.5 kilograms, a blade far heavier than its 1.4 meter length would indicate.
These sword could be wielded one- and two-handed, but they require great
strength to wield them effectively.
An alchemically altered blade attached to an ordinary sword hilt, the Sith
sword was often a match for a lightsaber when wielded by a trained Sith To simulate this, when a dark side character who wields a Sith Sword calls
warrior. The alterations allow the blade to deflect blaster bolts and upon the dark side of the Force, he may choose to add his Dark Aspect of the
Force bonus to the sword’s damage. The damage bonus lasts for 10 turns + 1 while to cut through (e.g., cutting through a blast door as seen in The
turn per Force attribute level of the wielder. Phantom Menace).

The hilt itself is not heavy enough to apply enough strength. There is no
chance of an energy blade falling to the centre of a planet. Lightsabers
thrown into an object will eventually stop. When it did maximum damage, it
Having a Jedi (or Sith) character in the party can be a great asset to any group went all the way to the hilt. But once its stuck into that obect, it will not fall
of adventurers. especially in combat, the amazing skill with one can wield an down or slide out.
energy blade such as a lightsaber, darksaber, lightfoil or forcesaber.

Energy bladed weapons are rare and highly prized weapons of Force users
such as Jedi Knights, Sith Lords, Mandalore, or Force Hounds. These are
small, hand-held weapons that project an plasmatic energy blade capable of One of the Rites of Passage for a Jedi is for him to construct a lightsaber. The
cutting through the densest of materials. Each weapon was custom made by lightsaber acts as a focusing device, allowing the Jedi to reach a state of
its owner. Because the energy blade has virtually no weight, it is very attunement with the Force which enhances his combat capabilities.
dangerous for beginners to use, and those ithout formal training are as
dangerous to themselves as to their opponents. Even trained swordsmen Jedi Padwans spend a great deal of time and effort constrcuting lightsabers,
must be careful. Techniques used in normal swordfighting cannot be used an elegant weapon of ancient technologies. The blade helps the Jedi to focus,
with an energy blade without hurting yourself. In the hands of a Jedi Knight attuning him to the Force so that it flows more easily through him. It is used
or Sith Lord, these weapons are truly formidable, capable of deflecting for comabt only when other methods of conflict resolution have ended in
blaster bolts in addition to their formidable melee combat capabilities. These failure.
weapons are extremely rare artifacts in some eras, they are very rarely found
for sale and possesion of such a weapon was highly illegal during the Galctic For a Sith, however, the lightsaber was a mark of superiority. Most Sith
Imperial reign. weapons feature an overall more aggressive design aestethic.

Most force-users build several energy blades over a lifetime, each time more
powerful and well-balanced than the last. These improvements reflect’s the
Force-user’s prowess in his use and understanding of the Force. The loss of
The technology of energy blades is even older than the order of the Jedi an energy blade can so demoralize a Force-user that he momentarily
Knights themselves, and the Jedi, as is well known, has served as the stumbles in his ability to access the Force (acquiring a -2 penalty in Force
guardians of peace and justice throughout the galaxy for over 25,000 years. skills) until he constructs a new blade.
However, the Jedi Great Library on Coruscant contains information about the
first energy blade build in GSC 9,553 (15,500 BBY). But even before that, the A Force-user who has built an energy blade will gain the trait Weapon Bond
Rakata used forcesabers and lightsaber pikes. In GSC 15,063 (9,990 BBY) (Energy Blade) (see p. 17) and the weapon itself receives the Weapon Bond
these energy blades have slowly been improved into the lightsaber we know modifier.
today. Although the exact details of energy blade operation remain shrouded
in mystery for non-Force users, the general technology is known. All the
controls and components fit into a compact hilt. When the Force-user
activates the energy blade, a tremendous charge of pure energy (or plasma)
flows from the power cell. A series of multi-faceted gems focus the energy The steps given below are intended for newly created basic energy blades
into a tight parallel beam. Each saber beam has a unique frequency which whether it is a forcesaber, lightsaber, a short-bladed or double-bladed
determines the “feel” of the blade, how it handles when cutting something, version. Extra gadgets and functions are explained in Modifications (p. 51).
or when coming into contact with another energy field or another energy
blade. The frequency of each blade can be calculated from its color and pitch
it generates. Most energy blades use one crystal to give the beam a specific

The best energy blades use natural crystals, but evidently, the Sith can force
synth-crystals with a small furnace and a few base elements.
Step 1
The blade emits from apositively charged continuous energy lens at the This step requires the following items: precision welding tools ($50); gem-
center of the hilt. The beam then arcs circumferentially back to a negatively cutting tools ($1,200); precision tool kit ($1,200). These tools may be
charged high-energy flux aperture, usually set in a disk that also serves as a available at any specialized shop in any TL 5 or higher worlds. Alternatively, a
hand guard. The power amplitude determines the point that forms a blade of Master may lend his tools to his student for the creation of his first energy
amazing strength. blade. To make a synth-crystal, instead of the gem-cutting tools, a furnace
and a geological compressor are needed.
A superconductor transfers the power from the flux aperture to the power
cell. Almost no energy is lost in the process, the blade does not even radiate Step 2
noticeable heat, though it does fluoresce and hum. The saber loses power Gather all components needed to construct your weapon. The majority of
only when contacting something or another blade; no energy blade can cut the parts that are found in an energy blade are pretty common, the major
through another energy blade. exception being the crystal, lenses, powerful power cells small enough to fit,
and can be purchased in most major towns or starports. One could even use
Controls at the hilt of the saber adjust the power cell capacity and allow a speederbike handlebar for the hilt.
Chapter: Equipment

periodic recharging. Though exact duration figures are not known, it is clear
that Jedi can use their sabers for years at a time before recharging becomes Step 3
necessary. Create a design for your hilt. Make a blueprint design using your engineer
(Force-based) skill. This skill roll determines the quality of the weapon.
In order to do any damage with an energy blade, enough force must be Consult the following table for the result:
applied. The ionization field around the blade must be broken. The blade
itself will come into contact with another material and heats it up very SKILL ROLL QUALITY BR SKILL ACC VALUE
quickly. Their will be some resistance when it hits soemthing and when an Critical Failure Improvised +3 -3 -3 x0.3
extreme hardened material is hit with lost of DR and HP, it can even take a Margin of Failure by 10 or more Very Low-Quality +2 -2 -2 x0.5
Margin of failure by 5 or more Low-Quality +1 -1 -1 x0.7
Failure Basic - - - x1.5 26 Copper
Success High-Quality -1 +1 - x2 27 Crimson Adi Gallia’s lightsaber
Margin of Success by 5 or more Very High-Quality -1 +2 - x3 28 Cyan Meetra Surik’s lightsaber
Margin of Success by 10 or more Fine-Quality -1 +3 - x5 29 Emerald Jacen Solo’s first lightsaber
Critical Success Very Fine-Quality -2 +4 - x7 30 Gold
31 Gold, bright
32 Gray
Creating a design will take a day of precision work. Distractions, interruptions 33-37 Green Luke Skywalker’s and Jedi Consular’s
will result in penalties. Time Spent modifiers apply (CR, p. ?), if the energy lightsabers
blade is build outside a scenario with enough time, make all skill rolls at up to 38 Green, dark
39 Green, jade
+9 which will take 30 times longer. 40 Green, light
41 Green, lime
Step 4 42 Green, mint
43 Green, sage Rahm Kota’s lightsaber
The focusing crystal must be chipped to your liking. A Jeweler/TL 5+ must be 44 Green, sickly Jedgar’s lightsaber
rolled. This phase of construction can be very costly if you don’t know how to 45 Green-black Dahgee crystal
chip a crystal correctly. The slightest failure renders the crystal unusable and 46 Indigo
47 Magenta Mara Jade’s first lightsaber
a new crystal must be obtained. You can take Extra Time for up to a +3 48 Orange Kyle Katarn’s lightsaber, Rakata’s lightsaber
bonus. pikes
49 Orange, burnt
50 Orange, hot
Synthetic Adegan crystals are grown to perfection and need not to be 51 Orange-black
chipped. Make a DX-based and IQ-based Geology (Exoplanets, Hostile World, 52 Orange-yellow
Rock World, or Terrestrial) or any other Geology-5 roll. This takes 24 hours 53 Pewter Raynar Thul’s lightsaber
54 Pink lambent, Scions of Zakuul
and can be extended to five days using Time Spent giving a +5 to the DX- 55 Pink-purple
based geology roll. This represents working with the geology compressor. 56 Purple Jaina Solo’s lightsaber, Xesh’s forcesaber
57 Purple-black
58-62 Red Darth Andeddu’s crystal, Sith/Dark Jedi
Step 5 lightsabers
When the crystal is perfectly chipped, it should be aligned with the Force. 63 Red, blood Qixoni crystal
The time required to perform this depends on the total number of Force 64 Red, dark
65 Red, light
attributes (Force Attunement, Alter, Control, and Sense) levels. The total 66 Red-black
indicates the number of hours + 3 for a crystal or +1 for a lens of meditation 67 Red-orange
that is needed. At the end of each hour, make a Meditation roll. On a 68 Sapphire Yarael Poof’s lightsaber
69 Scarlet Depa Billaba’s lightsaber
success, you can continue meditating and roll again at the end of the next 70 Silver Durindfire crystal
hour, and so on until you’ve reached the required number of hours. failure 71 Silver-blue Tora Irana’s lightsaber
means that hour doesn’t count and your meditative state has been broken, 72 Silver-cyan mantle of the Force
73 Silver-green Viridian crystal
but you may continue the next day. After a critical failure, you also need to 74 Teal Sunrider’s Destiny
rest for a week, and then try again. A critical success gives you a +1 to 75 Turquoise Tenel Ka Djo’s lightsaber
Meditation for the next hour only. 76 Violet Anakin Solo’s and Kyp Durron’s lightsaber
77 Violet, dark
78 Violet, light
When aligning a synth-crystal, you have to do this while the crystal is in the 79 Violet-black
furnace. You have up to four days to align the crystal. When you have more 80 Viridian
81 White Imperial Knights
than 27 levels in Force attributes you must Meditate longer per day. Roll at 82 White, pearl Krayt Dragon pearl, Wisdom crystal
the end of each hour. If you miss you normal sleep period, see CR, p. ?. After 83 White-black
the first day, you might have lower effective Meditation skill level due to 84 White-blue
85-89 Yellow Impact crystal, Yun’s, Jedi Sentinel’s, and Flesh
Fatigue and one or more missed skill roll might mean the synth-crystal is not Raiders’ lightsabers
fully aligned to you within time and it produces a red crystal. 91 Yellow, dark
92 Yellow, light
93 Yellow-black
At the end of the mediation period, make an Imbue: Crystal roll modified by 94 Yellow-green Ahsoka Tana’s shoto
the margin of success and failures of your Mediation rolls (p. 43). 95 Yellow-orange
96 Yellow-white Nelani Dinn’s lightsaber
97-00 Volatile Roll again, but the color you then choose has a
In all cases, except when you produced a red crystal or have chosen a crystal volatile blade like Kylo Ren’s lightsaber.
with a set color (e.g., barab ingot), roll a d100 and add or subtract up to the In case two colors are mentioned (e.g., Blue-white) means the energy blade
margin of success (your choice) and consult the table below. The net result of is blue with a white core.
your skill rolls calculated above is the variance you may apply to the roll and
select a color to your liking (e.g., when your margin of success is 4 and you. Step 6
roll a 50 on the table, you may choose between 46 and 54). Make a Jewelry/TL 5+ skill roll to make a lens. Up to three lenses can be set
to focus an energy blade. You may take up to +3 for Extra Time. Even a
D100 COLOR EXAMPLES normal failure renders the lens useless. Each lens must be aligned to the
1 Acid yellow Anja Gallandro’s lightsaber Force in the same way as a crystal (see step 5, above).
2 Amber
3 Amethyst Mace Windu’s lightsaber
4 Aqua Galen Marek’s modified lightsaber Assemble the lens assembly with all its components. This requires an Armory
5 Azure Nikkos Tyris’s lightsaber (Force-based) roll and takes about one day’s precision work with the
6 Black Darksaber, Galen Marek’s and Starkiller precision welding tools. Failure means one of the lenses is damaged and
modified lightsabers
7-11 Blue Jedi Guardian’s lightsaber should be replaced. On a critical failure, the lens assembly must be replaced
12 Blue, dark Anakin Skywalker’s first lightsaber, Kenobi’s entirely. Modify the Armoury (Force-based) roll with the Lens Assembly
Chapter: Equipment

Legacy Construction penalty.

13 Blue, electric
14 Blue, icy Permafrost crystal
15 Blue, jade Step 7
16 Blue, transparent Pix’s lightsaber Assemble the handgrip with all its components (power cell, recharge socket,
17 Blue-black
18 Blue-cyan emitter matrix, power conduit, activation plate, lens assembly, focusing
19 Bronze Freedon Nadd and Lowbacca’s lightsabers crystal). This requires an Armoury (Force-based for Melee Combat Gear) skill
20 Bronze-yellow Heart of the Guardian roll (modified by Construction penalty) and takes about one day’s precision
21 Brown Bnar’s Sacrifice
22 Burgundy Solimon Dambrizi’s lightsaber work. A critical failure means one of the items is damaged and should be
23 Carmine Bane’s Heart replaced. To determines which item is affected, consult the following table:
24 Clear Barab Ingot
25 Cobalt Saesee Tiin’s lightsaber
01-15 Tools
16-30 Power cell (1d cr burn ex)
31-45 Emitter matrix
46-60 Power conduit
61-75 Recharge socket Hilts
76-95 Activation plate The hilt, handgrip, or handle, is the hull of the energy blade. The handgrip
96-97 Lens assembly
98-99 Force crystal does not need to be a fine piece of manufacturing. For example: in “I Jedi” by
100 The entire handgrip assembly (1d pi burn ex) Michael Stackpole, Coran Horn constructs a lightsaber from the handlebar of
an old swoop. The Jedi of the Old Republic, however, construct much more
aesthetically pleasing and complex saber hilts.
Step 8
Plug it in a power connector to charge the power cell for the first time (new Modification points are only added after the first material (e.g., a hilt layered
power cells are partly charged). with electrum detail is 1 modification point). Each layer also modifies the
construction roll with a -1 penalty.

There are several ways to modify a lightsaber. You can add extra functions or
gadgets to it, replace parts with better ones, or you can try to join two
lightsabers together. Modifying a lightsabers takes a day’s precision work.

Adding Optional Components

Each optional component requires and Armoury (Force-based for Melee
Combat Gear). For each modification a penalty of -1 (e.g., the first
modification has a -1, the second a -2, etc.) and the component’s
construction penalty is added to your skill. A critical failure means the part
has been damaged and must be replaced.

When replacing a crystal or lens, they should be prepared first (see step 4 to
6). Some lightsabers contain more than one crystal (e.g., double-bladed
lightsabers). The second crystal gives a penalty of 1 to your Armoury skill like
an additional component.

The tools needed to modify a lightsaber or any other energy blade are the
same as for creating a new one.

Modification Points
While constructing, or modifying an energy blade, you should keep track of
its number of modifications. If your lightsaber has 6 modification points and
you, if applicable, should buy the trait Weapon Bond (Energy Blade) (6
modifications [+35pts] in order to gain the weapon Bond bonus on your
energy blade.

Joining Sabers
Two energy blades may be joined together at the base of each saber to
create a double-bladed weapon. In order to accomplish this, you must have
the following items: a magna lock with a power connector for each saber
($500 each) and a release switch ($5) on one or both hilts. The tools you Size
need are the a welding tools and a precision tool kit. Once all these item are The sizes below must be altered by Size Modifier of the creator.
acquired, the Force-user may attempt, with a penalty of 2 to Armoury (Force-
based for Melee Combat Gear) skill. This takes a days of precision work. A
critical failure results in one of these (roll a d4 when you have only 1 release Crossguard Hilt
switch and power connector or a d6 when you have to of each): Skill: Energy Blade.
• 1: Magna lock hilt 1 Cost: $1,200
• 2: Release switch hilt 1 Weight: 1kg.
• 3: Power connector hilt 1
• 4: Magna lock hilt 2
• 5: Release switch hilt 2
• 6: Power connector hilt 2
If the skill roll is a success, they are joined by a powerful electromagnetic
The crossguard lightsaber was a type of lightsaber that emitted one or two
field which can only be unlocked by hitting the release switch.
Chapter: Equipment

additional, smaller blades on the sides of the primary blade. Variants of the
crossguard lightsaber design included the forked lightsaber and the vented
Note for GCA4 users: The best way to build the combine hilt is to build all
lightsaber. They were often the preferred hilt for practitioners of Makashi,
variations (two short hilts and one combined hilt for the double-bladed
the second form of lightsaber combat.
energy blade). Set quantity to one for each of the short hilts and the
combined hilt to 0 if you have disconnected them and vice versa if they are
connected together. This to prevent double weight reduction and illegal Curved Hilt
modifiers gained for both variations. When I have figured out how to do Skill: Energy Blade (Fencing)
correct this in GCA 4, this paragraph will be deleted. Cost: $1,500
Weight: 0.8 kg.
speeder bike). Most of these materials are just cosmetic. Some materials,
however, add some special features to the energy blade.

A short and curved hilt. Its curved hilt design allowed the lightsaber duelist to Bronzium
slash and lunge at their opponent with greater precision. Skill used: Energy Cost: +10%
Blade (Fencing). Weight: +20%
When the energy blade does rad damage, the hilt must be finished with a
bronzium layer to protect the user from the radiation.
Long Hilt
Skill: Energy Blade, Energy Blade (2-handed).
Cost: $1,000 Cortosis
Weight: 1 kg. Cost: +250%
Weight: +5%
This hard and lightsaber resistant material will protect the hilt against
lightsaber attacks. However, it’s very expensive and very rare in some eras of
play. It will cost +500% during the Rise of the empire era and later (if
available at all). Only a thin layer is used on lightsabers. Although it’s
This is the standard hilt. It is approximately 25 cm. in length and can be used lightsaber resistant, it is unstable in the presence of explosives and would
with one hand as well as double-handed. shatter if hit by a grenade. Darth Maul should have added cortosis to his
lightsaber hilt. The cortosis nullifies all armor divisors from lightsabers,
Short Hilt blasters and other armor divisors due to high temperatures.
Skill: Energy Blade (Short).
Cost: $800 Electrum
Weight: 0.7kg. Cost: +500%
Weight: +25%
Electrum hilts a generally allowed only to high-ranking members of the Jedi
Order, electrum detailing is usually a prestigious honor bestowed upon Jedi
The Short hilt or lightsaber shoto, commonly referred to as simply shotos, masters as a sign of their rank and skill. A purely cosmetic accessory,
but also known as short lightsabers or lightdaggers, were essentially electrum details decorates the lightsaber hilt with the rare metal electrum,
miniaturized lightsabers, whose purpose was primarily to serve as an off- giving it a distinctive gold color. Though electrum detail does not modify the
hand weapon for those duelists seeking to employ the twin-bladed technique mechanics of the lightsaber in any way, having a lightsaber with electrum
of Jar'Kai, but were also utilized by those Jedi and Sith whose diminutive detail grant favorable circumstances on Reaction roll from all targets familiar
stature made wielding full sized lightsabers impractical, or, in some cases, with the electrum detail tradition. A hilt which uses electrum as the base
impossible. These hilts are approximately 10 to 15 cm in length. Skill used: material is quite heavy and expensive, but the inner workings of the hilt are
Energy Blade (Short). impervious to scanners, even to Force-users skills to “look” inside.

Staff-like Hilt Activation Plate

Skill: Energy Blade (Double); Energy Blade (Spear). An activation switch, button, stud, or plate to turn the energy blade on and
Cost: $1,400 off is connected to an electronic device within the energy blade. There are
Weight: 2 kg. different types of switches. A double-bladed weapon may have two
activation plates, though this is not necessary.

These 30 cm. or longer hilts are used for pike, staff, great, and spear-like Cost: $10
energy blades. These hilts contain 2 focusing crystals, power sources and Weight: 0.01 kg.
beam emitters, or a beam splitter when only one crystal and power source is Construction: 0
used to acquire a blade on each end of the weapon. Some hilt only had one Modification: 0
beam emitter but still had two focusing crystals and power sources which Effect: None.
produced a longer bladed. These weapons act more as a spear or pike but One click activates, one click deactivates.
for larger creatures, it could do well as a normal lightsaber.
Tonfa-like Hilt Cost: $12
Skill: Energy Blade (Tonfa). Weight: 0.01 kg.
Cost: $1,200 Construction: -1
Weight: 1 kg. Modification: +1
Effect: None.
One click activates, double click deactivates. This is to prevent the energy
blade to shut down accidentally during combat.

Force Activated
Chapter: Equipment

Cost: $5
Guard shoto (also referred to as lightsaber tonfa) was a rare perpendicular-
Weight: 0 kg.
gripped type of short hilt with a second handle extending from the main hilt
Construction: -1
at 90 degrees. Though it could be gripped by either hilt, when wielded by the
Modification: +1
perpendicular handle, it was especially useful at blocking other lightsabers.
Effect: None.
The wielder must use the Force skill Move Object to turn the lightsaber
Materials on/off. You cannot see the switch, but you know where it is, therefore the
Normally, a hilt is made out of durasteel and small parts of plastoid but it can Move Object is at -4 to skill.
be made out of any material (e.g., wroshyr wood, a handlebar from a
Lock-on • Expert: Cost $1,000; Construction-2; Modfication+2; Damage 1d-1. A
Cost: $15 stronger, longer lasting variant. It powers a single blade or focusing
Weight: 0.01 kg. crystal for 2 years.
Construction: -1 • Superior: Cost $1,500; Construction-3; Modification+3; Damage +1d. A
Modification: +1 much stronger diatium power. It powers an energy blade for 3 years.
Effect: None. • Ultimate: Cost $2,000; Construction-4; Modification-4; Damage 1d+1.
The energy blade’s on/off switch can be locked into the “on” position and The strongest diatium power core available. It powers an energy blade
can’t be turned off without unlocking it. This is most useful for those who for 5 years.
practice telekinetic lightsaber combat or just want to throw their energy
blade towards their opponent. Power Conduit
Cost: $1,000
Pressure Grip Weight: 0.025 kg.
Cost: $5 Construction: 0
Weight: 0.01 kg. Modification: 0
Construction: -1 Effect: None
Modification: +1 The standard version to transfer the energy. There are several better variants
Effect: None. available:
The pressure grip is a staple of most Force-users who prefer simple, • Improved: Cost $1,500; Construction-1; Modification+1; Damage 1d-2.
straightforward energy blade construction. The pressure grip senses when A slightly stronger, longer lasting variant. The improved version to
the wielder’s hand no longer grips it, deactivating the energy blade transfer the energy using a slightly more efficient method.
immediately when it is dropped, disarmed, or thrown. • Expert: Cost $2,000; Construction-2; Modfication+2; Damage 1d-1. A
stronger, longer lasting variant. A better version to transfer the energy
using a more efficient method.
Trapped Grip • Superior: Cost $3,000; Construction-3; Modification+3; Damage +1d. A
Cost: $250 much stronger diatium power. The superior version to transfer the
Weight: 0.05 kg. energy using the most efficient method.
Construction: -1 • Ultimate: Cost $5,000; Construction-4; Modification-4; Damage 1d+1.
Modification: +1 The ultimate version to transfer the energy using the most efficient
Effect: None. method.
A trapped grip requires the wielder to perform an additional ready action
(usually press down on a hidden sensor, twisting a nondescript knop, or some
other mundane task) before activating the energy blade safely. If the wielder Recharge Socket
does not perform this task at the time the weapon activates, the wielder Cost: $100
takes (1d burn) damage from electrocution, (1d impaling) damage from Weight: 0.05 kg.
spikes, or (1d cutting) from blades, and again at the start of his turn until the Construction: 0
trap is deactivated. A trapped gripped can be seen at a successful PER Modification: 0
modified by your margin of success with the Armoury roll, or a deliberate Effect: None.
Search roll. This recharge socket enables the power cell to be recharged on a power
socket. It takes 60 minutes to fully recharge a diatium power cell. Faster
A better way to conceal a trapped grip is by using a cell recognition (see Cell recharge times are possible:
Recognizer below?), or by a dummy activation switch which triggers the trap. • Fast: Cost $150; Construction-1; Modification+1. A fast recharge socket
This gives the wielder an extra -5 penalty on his PER or search roll. enables the energy blade’s power cell to be recharged in half the time.

Emitter Modules
The emitter modules produce a positively charged energy toward the lens
assembly. One emitter matrix is needed for each blade. The outer hull of the
emitter modules is made of a super conductor which enables the negatively
Power Core charged energy, which returns from the flux aperture, to go back to the
Diatium power cells are the only power sources strong and small enough to, power core with no loss of energy.
internally, power an energy blade. There are several types of diatium power
cores available which vary in power output, and thus the damage done by
the energy blade.

The power conduit transfers the energy from the diatium power core Emitter Matrix
towards the emitter module, from the flux aperture to the super conductor Cost: $1,000
and from the super conductor back to the power cell. Weight: 0.05 kg.
Construction: 0
Diatium Power Cell Modification: 0
Chapter: Equipment

Effect: Burn.
Cost: $500
The basic emitter matrix.
Weight: 0.05 kg.
Construction: 0
Modification: 0 Deflection Emitter Matrix
Effect: None. Cost: $2,000
The diatium power core is needed to power a single blade or focusing crystal Weight: 0.05 kg.
for a year. There are several better variants available: Construction: -1
• Improved: Cost $700; Construction-1; Modification+1; Damage 1d-2. A Modification: +1
slightly stronger, longer lasting variant. It powers a single blade or Effect: Burn; Parry Blaster Bolts +1.
focusing crystal for a year and a half.
This emitter produces a slightly wider beam which makes it easier to parry
incoming blaster fire. The following variants are available:
Activation Plate
An activation switch to turn the energy blade on and off is connected to an
• Improved: Cost $3,000; Construction-2; Modification+2; Parry Blaster electronic device within the energy blade. There are different types of
Bolts +2. An improved version of the deflection emitter. It produces a switches. A double-bladed weapon may have two activation plates, though
wider beam which makes it easier to parry incoming blaster fire. this is not necessary. All activation plates weigh 50 grams.
• Expert: Cost $5,000; Construction-3; Modfication+3; Parry Blaster Bolts
+3. The expert deflection emitter produces a much wider beam which
makes it easier to parry incoming blaster fire.
• Superior: Cost $7,000; Construction-4; Modification+4; Parry Blaster
Bolts +4. The superior deflection emitter produces an even more wider
beam which makes it easier to parry incoming blaster fire.
• Ultimate: Cost $10,000; Construction-5; Modification-5; Parry Blaster
Bolts +5. The ultimate deflection emitter produces the widest beam
which makes it easier to parry incoming blaster fire.
Cost: $100
Construction: 0
Fencing Emitter Matrix Modification: 0
Cost: $1,000 Effect: None.
Weight: 0.05 kg. One click activates, one click deactivates.
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
Effect: Burn; Energy Blade (Fencing) +1; Parry Blaster Bolts -1.
Cost: $12
The fencing emitter produces a slightly more intense, tighter beam. The
Construction: -1
narrow beam makes it more difficult to parry blaster bolts. Several variants
Modification: +1
are available:
Effect: None.
• Improved: Cost $1,500; Construction-2; Modification+2; Energy Blade
One click activates, double click deactivates. This is to prevent the energy
(Fencing) +2; Parry Blaster Bolts -2. The improved version of the fencing
blade to shut down accidentally during combat.
emitter produces an even more intense, tighter beam.
• Expert: Cost $2,000; Construction-3; Modfication+3; Energy Blade
(Fencing) +3; Parry Blaster Bolts -3. The expert fencing emitter produces Lock-on
a much tighter and intense. Cost: $15
• Superior: Cost $3,000; Construction-4; Modification+4; Energy Blade Construction: -1
(Fencing) +4; Parry Blaster Bolts -4. The superior fencing emitter Modification: 0+1
produces an even more wider beam which makes it easier to parry Effect: None.
incoming blaster fire. The energy blade’s on/off switch can be locked into the “on” position and
• Ultimate: Cost $5,000; Construction-5; Modification-5; Energy Blade can’t be turned off without unlocking it. This is most useful for those who
(Fencing) +5; Parry Blaster Bolts -5. The ultimate fencing emitter practice telekinetic lightsaber combat or just want to throw their energy
produces the most intense, tight beam. blade towards their opponent.

Training Emitter Matrix Force Activated

Cost: $1,000 Cost: $5
Weight: 0.05 kg. Construction: -1
Construction: 0 Modification: +1
Modification: 0 Effect: None.
Effect: Resist Stun -1. The wielder must use the Force skill Move Object to turn the lightsaber
This is also a basic emitter matrix which is used in combination with the on/off. You cannot see the switch, but you know where it is, therefore the
Bondar focusing crystal. It reduces the resistance towards stun. The victim Move Object is at -4 to skill.
may resist at HT-1 instead of HT. This emitter cannot be used in conjunction
with any part doing burning damage or risk explosion upon activation. Better Pressure Grip
variants are available: Cost: $5
• Improved: Cost $2,000; Construction-1; Modification+1; Resist Stun -2. Construction: -1
An improved version of the training emitter. Modification: +1
• Expert: Cost $3,000; Construction-2; Modfication+2; Resist Stun -3. Effect: None.
• Superior: Cost $5,000; Construction-3; Modification+3; Resist Stun -4. The pressure grip is a staple of most Force-users who prefer simple,
• Ultimate: Cost $7,000; Construction-4; Modification-4; resist Stun -5. straightforward energy blade construction. The pressure grip senses when
the wielder’s hand no longer grips it, deactivating the energy blade
Super Conductor immediately when it is dropped, disarmed, or thrown.
Cost: $500
Weight: 0.02 kg. Trapped Grip
Construction: 0 Cost: $250
Modification: 0 Construction: -1
Chapter: Equipment

Effect: None. Modification: +1

Super conductors are made out of expensive, super conducting, materials. Effect: None.
Several variant are available: A trapped grip requires the wielder to perform an additional ready action
• Improved: Cost $1,000; Construction-1; Modification+1; Armor Divisor (usually press down on a hidden sensor, twisting a nondescript knop, or some
+1. An improved version of the deflection emitter. other mundane task) before activating the energy blade safely. If the wielder
• Expert: Cost $2,000; Construction-2; Modfication+2; Armor Divisor +2. does not perform this task at the time the weapon activates, the wielder
• Superior: Cost $3,000; Construction-3; Modification+3; Armor Divisor takes (1d burn) damage from electrocution, (1d impaling) damage from
+3. spikes, or (1d cutting) from blades, and again at the start of his turn until the
• Ultimate: Cost $5,000; Construction-4; Modification-4; Armor Divisor trap is deactivated. A trapped gripped can be seen at a successful PER
modified by your margin of success with the Armoury roll, or a deliberate
Search roll.
Cost: $3,000
Construction: -1
A better way to conceal a trapped grip is by using a cell recognition (see Cell
Modification: +1
Recognizer below?), or by a dummy activation switch which triggers the trap.
Effect: Inflicts physical Fatigue, Resist at HT.
This gives the wielder an extra -5 penalty on his PER or search roll.
This lens is made from the Dragite crystal. In addition to the normal damage,
this lens causes physical fatigue to a target. The target may resist by HT. Each
extra lens reduces the resist roll by -1.

The lens assembly focuses the positively charged energy into a parallel beam. Enhancement Jewel
The lens assembly is tightly packed into a high energy flux aperture. Each Cost: $1,000
blade needs a lens assembly which can hold up to 3 lenses. These focusing Construction: -1
lenses must be of the same composition. An energy blade with a lens Modification: +1
assembly made out of different types of lenses will explode upon activation. Effect: Skillscore+2; Parry Blaster Bolts-1.

Lens (Single)
Cost: x1 lens composition
Weight: 0.01 kg.
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
An enhancement jewel was a spherical component that could be used in a
Effect: Damage +1d-2; Armor Divisor +1
high-resolution projection system in conjunction with a focusing lens. In GSC
This is the standard lens found in most energy blades made by Padawans and
25,076 (23 ABY), the Wookiee Jedi trainee Lowbacca used such a jewel,
Apprentices. If you don’t have the material listed in the Lens Composition
which he scavenged from components left by Rebel technicians in the Great
section below, then it is considered to be made out of a standard crystal.
Temple on the moon Yavin 4, as a crystal in his lightsaber.

Lens (Double) Kaiburr

Cost: x2 lens composition
Cost: $12,000
Weight: 0.015 kg.
Construction: -1
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
Modification: +1
Effect: Damage+1d; Armor Divisor+1; Force skills +1; Skillscore
Effect: Damage +1d-1; Armor Divisor +2
+1; Force Points +1; Fatigue Check +1.
This is the lens found in most energy blades made by Jedi Knights and Sith
Shards could be removed from the main crystal easily; as such, these crystal
Lords. If you don’t have the material listed in the Lens Composition section
fragments could be utilized as focusing crystals in lightsaber-type devices.
below, then it is considered to be made out of a standard crystal.

Lens (Triple) Kunda (Pure)

Cost: $4,000
Cost: x3 lens composition
Construction: -1
Weight: 0.02 kg.
Modification: +1
Construction: -2
Effect: Skillscore +1; Parry Blaster Bolts +2.
Modification: +2
The use of a Kunda stone in an energy blade makes the blade wider.
Effect: Damage +1d; Armor Divisor +3
This is the most complicated lens found in most energy blades made by
Masters. If you don’t have the material listed in the Lens Composition section Kunda (Synthetic)
below, then it is considered to be made out of a standard crystal. Cost: $3,000
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
Lens Composition Effect: Parry Blaster Bolts +1.
Lenses are normally made from a high quality crystal. You may also select a
Synthetic Kunda stones are made using alchemical compounds.
lens from the same material as a focusing crystal is made, but it is not
mandatory. The cost and effect are per lens. So if you have a triple lens,
modify the cost by three. The effects, construction penalty and modification Ossus
numbers are cumulative with the ones from the number of lenses. Cost: $7,000
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
High Quality Crystal Effect: Skillscore +2; Parry Blaster Bolts +3.
Cost: $2,000
The Ossus lens is made from a rare crystal found on the planet Ossus in the
Construction: 0
Adega system.
Modification: 0
Effect: None
This is the standard lens used. It’s cheap, easy to install but offers no Pontite
beneficial modifiers. The most beneficial feature of this lens is that it doesn’t Cost: $10,000
Chapter: Equipment

need to be aligned with the Force and thus could be used to build an energy Construction: -1
blade by a non-Force-user. Modification: +1
Effect: Skillscore +1; Damage +2d.
Pontite was the rarest and most powerful type of Adegan crystal.
Cost: $6,000
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
Effect: Damage +1d All focusing crystal, gems, stones, etc. and even other materials such as
This lens is made from the Adegan crystal. Many Jedi uses Adegan for the pearls. These crystals weigh only 0.01 kg. One crystal can be inserted per
focusing crystal.
blade emitter unless noted otherwise in the crystal’s description. Multi- A crystal manufactured mostly by the Sith and dark Jedi who cannot obtain
bladed weapons may contain as many crystals as the number of blades, but it natural crystals. Although it can be of any color, most of them glow faintly
is not necessary. Each extra crystal penalizes the construction roll by -1 and with an inner red light.
counts as an extra modification point.

Alternatively, one can always use a high quality crystal instead of a Force
Amplification Crystal
Cost: $30,000
crystal. Although they cannot be aligned to the Force.
Construction: -2
Modification: +2
The GM or player can create new focusing crystal. The cost of these user-
Effect: +100% power to primary crystal.
made crystals are:


Damage +1d 3,000
Damage +1 1,000
Damage effect 1,000
Attribute +1 (ST, DX, IQ, HT, Will, PER) 1,000
Attribute +1 (Ini) 2,000 Little is known about the origin of Amplification crystals. Two of these silver
Attribute +1 (HP, FP) 500 crystals were used by Maulkiller, an experiment of Darth Vader who was
Single Skillscore +1 1,000
Parry +1 2,000 created by using genetic data from Galen Marek and Darth Maul. Maulkiller
Force +1 5,000 eventually died due to physical and mental instabilities, and the fate of his
One Group +1 3,000 crystals was unknown.
Armor Divisor +1 step 1,000
Extra Attack 2,000
These two crystals enhance the primary crystal’s power by 100. If both set
with an Adegan crystal, it increases the damage from an Adegan crystal from
3d to 6d, Armor Divisor and Force skills from +1 to +2.
High Quality Crystal
Cost: $3000 Note: GCA4 users can rename the first crystal to “Amplification Crystal
Construction: 0 (Silver)” and change the cost to $30,000 and then add the same crystal again
Modification: 0 to gain the effects of this focusing crystal.
Effect: Damage +1d

Ankarres Sapphire
Cost: $14,000
Construction: -5
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage+3d, Armor Divisor+1, ST+2, DX+1, Heal Self +1.
Mundane, natural or synthetic, crystals can be used to build an energy blade.
They cannot be aligned to the Force and offer no bonus to Force skills. This is
the standard lens used. It’s cheap, easy to install but offers no beneficial
modifiers other than some damage increase. The most beneficial feature of
this lens is that it doesn’t need to be aligned with the Force and thus could be
used to build an energy blade by a non-Force-user.
This crystal may have been found by the Jedi Exile at some point in GSC
21,102 (3,951 BBY). It was also held onboard Kuarri Princess by Dom Pricina
Adegan Crystal until stolen by 4-Lom sometime before the Battle of Yavin.
Cost: $15,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0 Baas’ Wisdom
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Force skills +1. Cost: $11,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Cause Frostbite.
Baas' Wisdom was an uncommon crystal seldom used in lightsaber
construction. The crystal imparted a freezing effect when used during
combat, inflicting a minor amount of frostbite.

A facetted crystal, mainly found in the Adega system, they could also be The Baas' Wisdom crystal gave a lightsaber blade a notable navy blue color.
found on the planet Halm and mined in the mountains of Dantooine. It glows
faintly with an inner light. There are several types of Adegan crystals: When a target is hit, he must make a HT roll to avoid frostbite. Modifiers
Kathracite (p. 59), Relacite (p. 62), Danite (p. 57), Mephite (p. 61), and from the Cold Weather Table (CR, p. ?) apply normally. If he fails, he suffers -
Pontite (p. 61). 1 to DX and INI.

Adegan Synthetic Crystal Barab Ingot

Cost: $13,000 Cost: $11,000
Chapter: Equipment

Construction: 0 Construction: -5
Modification: 0 Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +1. Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Damage Type +rad.
Barab ore was a resource to Barab I. It actually lay on the planet’s surface,
meaning it was exposed to high doses of radiation and torrential downpours Despite their well-known strength, Corusca Gems had shatterpoints,
daily. In this ore could be found concentrated ingots that actually stored and miniscule points where multiple edges and facets would come together,
magnified radiation. To power an energy blade with this focusing ingot, the forming an extremely weak spot.
hilt needs a bronzium layer to protect the user from the radiation. An energy
blade, it produced a clear blade that burned almost to the point of losing its
Damind Crystal
Cost: $13,000
Construction: 0
Blackwing Crystal Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore +3.

Cost: $13,000
Construction: 0 Found in the desert world of Daminia, this crystal can be used to produce a
Modification: 0 clearly defined beam of subtle wider width and length.
Effect: Damage+3d; Armor Divisor+1; Dark Side Force skills +1.
The Blackwing crystal was an unusual lightsaber crystal. When used in a
lightsaber, it produced a dark, smoky ash blade. There once was a collection
Danite Crystal
Cost: $13,000
of these crystals in the caves of the Quarantine Zone on Dathomir guarded by
Construction: 0
the Undead Rancor. These crystals may have been a product of the Imperial
Modification: 0
bioweapons Project I71A Codenamed "Blackwing".
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Sense skills +1.

Bondar Crystal
Cost: $1,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage Type Stun.
A facetted crystal, mainly found in the Adega system, they could also be
found on the planet Halm and mined in the mountains of Dantooine. It glows
faintly with an inner light. The Danite variant didn’t focus energy as well as
their rarer cousins

This crystal was mined on a far-orbit asteroid circling the Alderaan system. It
Dantari Crystal
Cost: $11,000
produces a volatile blade that pulses on contact, discharging part of its
Construction: 0
energy into an opponent. Training lightsabers are known to have a Bondar
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Recover Energy +1.
The target may resist at HT. When failed, he is stunned (-4 to active

Corrosion Crystal
Cost: $11,000
Construction: -1 Dantooine crystals, also known as Dantari crystals, were a type of lightsaber
Modification: 0 crystal found on Dantooine, in the eggs of the native kinrath. Some crystals
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Damage Type from those eggs supposedly reflected the alignment of the wielder, as was
+Corrosion. the case with the Meetra Surik crystal. Dantari crystals were popular with the
Corrosion was a lightsaber crystal used by Galen Marek's clone, Starkiller. Jedi prior to discovery of the better source of lightsaber crystals on Ilum.
The crystal had a red hue, and was a compressed energy crystal. If a
lightsaber with a corrosion crystal touched an opponent, they would corrode. In addition, Dantari crystals allowed the user a better focus on recovering
spent Force energies, occasionally recycling the fierce, wild energy of combat
to the wielder to fuel their Force power.
Corusca Gem
Cost: $20,000 The Dantari crystals come in most rare colors, such as purple, pink, and
Construction: 0 yellow. But they are also in the common colors of red, green, and blue.
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +3; Force skill +1.
Dawn of Dagobah
Cost: $11,000
Chapter: Equipment

Construction: -1
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Armor Divisor +1;
Damage Type +Toxic.
Corusca gems were extremely rare and valuable crystals. They were
produced by a combination of the extreme pressures present in the
atmosphere of Yavin, pressures great enough to crush elements together,
and scraping of the liquefied air of the planet against its metallic core. They
could be found in no the place in the galaxy, and their vibrancy resulted in
the name of the galactic capital: Coruscant.
Dawn of Dagobah was a namesake of crystal, seldom used in lightsaber they echoed sound with a humming resonance, a quality that assisted
construction. The crystal imparts an acidic effect when used during combat, searchers. Once harvested, their resonant properties remained, and when
inflicting a minor amount of poisoning. incorporated into a lightsaber hilt, the blade emitted thrummed in harmony
with the motion of the blade. Responding well when clashing against another
The Dawn of Dagobah crystal gave a lightsaber blade a distinctive teal color. blade, the weapon gave off a near-deafening crack and flared with energy.

Dragite Crystal While a lightsaber powered by an Etaan would cause others to bounce off its
blade (locking blades is not possible), blaster bolts absorbed some of the
Cost: $11,000
energy from the resonant blade and were increasingly dangerous if
Construction: 0
redirected at a target. Deflected blaster bolts gain +3 to damage.
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Cause Mental Fatigue.
Firkrann Crystal
Cost: $11,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Damage Type +Surge.

Dragite crystals were found on M’haeli, in the D’olop Mountain Range. The
beam they created resonated loudly when it struck, inflicting a minor chance
of causing mental fatigue. The victim may resist at Will+1.

An energy blade with a Dragite crystal produces a dark purple blade with a
silver core. This heavy crystal is collected by the natives of Rafa V. If used in energy blade
construction, it produces an electrically charged beam that is devastating to
Durindfire Gem droids.
Cost: $500
Construction: 0 Ghostfire Crystal
Modification: +1 Cost: $24,000
Effect: Silver Sheen. Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Signature (None);
Opponent Defense -6.

The Durindfire gem was a precious crystal found on the planet Tatooine.

Few Durindfires ever left the planet, though some were bought and sold by
the Galactic Empire to help finance the Death Star project. The Alliance to Only harvested from a very particular rock formation found on a handful of
Restore the Republic was able to pinpoint the Empire's various development planets, the Ghostfire formations were precarious spires of transparent
sites by tracking the movement of these gems, and additionally used this stones typically found on mountain peaks. When harvested and inserted into
information to uncover the origins of the TIE Phantom Project. a lightsaber hilt, the crystal produced a near translucent blade, that shone
dimly and left an illusory afterimage of the wielder and saber.
A Durindfire gem was key in adding a distinctive silver sheen to any lightsaber
blade. This stone was traditionally used by the Jedi of the Halcyon/Horn Aside from their lack of color, the blade was made more unique in that it did
family. not resonate with the legendary thrum of most lightsabers; instead it was
nearly completely silent.
Eralam Crystal
Cost: $13,000 Hurrikaine Crystal
Construction: 0 Cost: $18,000
Modification: 0 Construction: 0
Effect: Damage +3d+2; Skillscore+2. Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +3; Opponent’s Parry
/Block -3.

Once mined on the third moon of Erai, ancient Sith bombardment shattered
much that remained. If they can be found, these crystals produce a clear,
superior energy blade beam. Found on the planet Hurikane. Energy blades including this crystal are very
Chapter: Equipment

good at penetrating defenses.

Etaan Crystal
Cost: $12,000 Ilum Crystal
Construction: 0 Cost: $16,000
Modification: 0 Construction: -1
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Special. Modification: 0
An unusual form of lightsaber crystal, Etaan formed in the depths of caverns Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Force skills +1; Force
deep within the crust of Etai, appearing no higher than five hundred meters Protection +1.
below the surface, and most often deeper than a thousand meters, making
them incredibly difficult to find. Etaan possessed a unique property, in that
planet Circarpous V, locally known as Mimban. Local legend said that this
crystal had the ability to enhance the Force a thousand fold. It is also known
as Kiber crystal. It is believed that Palpatine had a Kaiburr crystal in his

The discovery of the planet Ilum was a landmark event in the history of the
Kasha Crystal
Jedi Order. Up until its discovery, Force crystals were rare. The discovery of Cost: $13,000
Ilum brought with it entire caves filled with crystals whose structure was so Construction: 0
similar to Mephite and Pontite that the Jedi took them to be the same, at Modification: 0
first. Jedi who undergo the ritual of lightsaber creation seek out the caves of Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore +1; Will +2.
Ilum, as their crystals are considered the highest quality. The Ilum crystals,
once attuned were hard to shatter.

Impact Crystal
Cost: $6,000
Construction: -2 The Kasha was a crystal traditionally used by the cereans as a meditation
Modification: +2 tool. Patterns were scribed on each face of the crystal to harness its full
Effect: Damage +2d. energy potential, possibly created by Bi-Dar Tyunda thousands of years
before. When used as an energy blade crystal, it helped clear the wielder’s
mind of distractions, even during tense combat.

Katak Crystal
Cost: $15,000
The impact crystals were a pair of yellow lightsaber crystals owned by a clone Construction: 0
of Galen Marek. They allowed the clone to do more damage with his Modification: 0
lightsabers. They were compressed energy crystals, and can need to be Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Drain Life +2; Drain
added as a pair to a primary focusing crystal. Price and effect is per pair. Force +2; Cause Fatigue.

Incineration Crystal
Cost: $11,000
Construction: -1
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Damage Type Little was known about Katak Crystals or their origins. They were generally
+Incineration. only found in the lightsabers of dark side Force users. Users of this lightsaber
Incineration was a lightsaber crystal used by Galen Marek's clone, Starkiller. crystal managed to drain some of the life force of those within close vicinity.
The crystal was a compressed energy crystal and had an orange hue. If a This would not be enough to instantly fatigue the victim, however; prolonged
lightsaber with an incineration crystal touched an opponent, they would exposure would prove to be fatal. Everybody within a radius of Reach F,
burst into flames and become damaged. except the wielder, must make a mental and physical Fatigue check once
every 8 hours at Will+1 or HT+1.
Jenruax Crystal On a critical hit, it also gives a +2 on Steal Energy and Steal Vitality.
Cost: $14,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0 Kathracite Crystal
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Initiative +2. Cost: $11,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Alter +1.

The refined form of Opila. This crystal has been cleansed of all impurities.
When used in energy blade construction, it produces a blade of unerring
A facetted crystal, mainly found in the Adega system, they could also be
Kaiburr Crystal found on the planet Halm and mined in the mountains of Dantooine. It glows
faintly with an inner light. Kathracite was the most common type of Adegan
Cost: $41,000
Construction: -5
Modification: +1
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +3; Force skills +3; Krayt Dragon Pearl
Chapter: Equipment

Skillscore +3; Force Points +10; Fatigue Check +3. Cost: $16,000
Construction: -6
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Awe Check +2; Fright
Check +2; Skillscore +2.

This deep crimson-colored crystal glowed with a faint inner light. Another
variant was completely transparent, with no red coloration and changed
color when it was aligned with the Force. Kaiburr crystals were found on the
Lignan Crystal
Cost: $21,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor+3; Dark Side Force skills+2.
Taken from the gullet of a Krayt Dragon, this crystalline “pearl” appears to
have refractory qualities that might allow it to function as a lightsaber crystal
once properly adapted, though it was a difficult task. The blade gains a
pearlescent hue.

Lambent Crystal Lignan crystals were exceptionally powerful lightsaber crystals that were
Cost: $10,500 made from Lignan ore—an ore that was very powerful in the dark side of the
Construction: 0 Force. Lignan crystals enabled a lightsaber blade to burn hotter and last far
Modification: 0 longer than normal lightsaber crystals. This allowed the Lignan-enhanced
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Perceive yuuzhan vong. lightsabers to cut through objects faster.

Lorrdian Gemstone
Cost: $14,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
At some point prior to the Yuuzhan Vong War, advance scouts of the yuuzhan Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Parry Blaster Bolts +1;
vong were known to had seeded the planet Shramar with both lambents and Active Defenses +1.
muur with the intention of harvesting them at a later date. Nina Galfridian
would reveal to Admiral Bylsma that the destruction of the lambents would
deprive the yuuzhan vong of components for their biotechnology whilst the
muur would be the loss of a food source for their forces during the Battle of
Shramar. Anakin Solo encountered lambent-bearing plants on a field on Yavin
4 while in yuuzhan vong captivity. Solo used a personally-harvested lambent
Lorrdian gemstones originated during the Kanz Disorders, when enslaved
as a lightsaber crystal. Because he became "attached" to his lambent, he was
Lorrdians were forced to develop kinetic communication to communicate
able to use the crystal as a conduit to vaguely sense any yuuzhan vong
with another. This gave the Lorrdians the ability to better predict the action
around him.
of others, including their Argzdan overlords, by careful observation of subtle
changes in body language.
When using Sense Force and Force Sight while using an energy blade
powered with a lambent crystalized fruit , yuuzhan vong could be detected as
A few Force-Sensitive Lorrdians imbued certain gemstones with similar
any other mundane being.
abilities. When these gems were installed in an energy blade, the wielder was
better able to read the action of their opponents. This enhanced the
Lava Crystal wielder’s overall defenses and ability to deflect blaster bolts.
Cost: $10,000
Construction: -6 Lorrdian gemstones gave a faint blue-violet color.
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Cause Splash. Luxum Crystal
Cost: $13,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore +2; Damage
Type +Ion.
A lava crystal was a lightsaber crystal that could only be found on volcanic
planets and moons such as Mustafar. It generated a blade that resembled
lava, a hot orange-red blade with lave-like plasma floating in it. It doesn’t
appear solid like other energy blades. The crystal itself was less focused and
concentrated than normal crystals, therefore lava itself was generated from
the extreme heat of the dense, heavy blade, creating bits of flame and lava
Ambria was a world in the grip of the dark side. Through years of mental
that sometimes splashed and dripped out from the blade itself. This crystal
battle, strange Jedi Master Thon contained the evil to Lake Natth. Long
was rumored to be very powerful.
meditation can form this powerful crystal from the water. The blade with this
crystal is opalescent white.
When rolling damage, each 6 on a d6 causes splash damage with a Reach 1
radius per 6 rolled. Everyone, including the wielder of this weapon, must
make a successful Dodge or get hit by splashes or dripping lava. Meditation Crystal
Cost: $13,000
Chapter: Equipment

Construction: 0
Lifedrain Crystal Modification: 0
Cost: $13,000
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Fatigue Check +2;
Construction: 0
Meditation +1.
Modification: 0
Meditation crystals were naturally-occurring rocks that assisted in inducing
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Drain Life +2; Steal
meditation. Growing naturally on the Deep Core world, Tython, slivers of a
Vitality: +1.
meditation crystal could be placed inside the hilt of a lightsaber to produce a
Life Drain was a lightsaber crystal used by Galen Marek's clone. The crystal
coherent beam of energy, as well as assist the wielder to stay in closer
allowed its wielder to drain the life of others, and had a green hue.
connection to the Force during combat. This enhanced connection allowed
the user to retain energy while fighting rather than losing it.
Mephite Crystal Ossus
Cost: $11,000 Cost: $25,000
Construction: 0 Construction: -1
Modification: 0 Modification: +1
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Attunement +1. Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore +6; Parry
Blaster Bolts +6; Precognitive Parry +3.

A facetted crystal, mainly found in the Adega system, they could also be
found on the planet Halm and mined in the mountains of Dantooine. It glows The Ossus crystal could only be found in the deep crystal caves of Ossus in
faintly with an inner light. The Mephite crystal was a typical Adegan crystal the Eocho Mountains. The Ossus crystal gave the blade a faint brown glow
used by Jedi. with a metallic-like core. It gives the wielder dreams of what to come and the
wielder of an Ossus blade, somehow deflects blaster bolt more easily as if
Nextor Crystal they have seen it happen before. After the Cron supernova, these crystal
became even more rare than they already were.
Cost: $16,000
Construction: -1
Modification: 0 Permafrost Crystal
Effect: Damage +5d; Armor Divisor +2; Unreliable. Cost: $11,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Causes Cardiac Stress.

This crystal is mined in the mountains of M’haeli, and when used in

lightsaber construction, it produces a creamy gold-white, volatile blade that
can cause surprising amounts of damage. The volatile blade flickers out when
any of the damage dice rolls a 1. It takes a Ready maneuver to turn the blade Permafrost crystals were deep, icy blue crystals; this coloration was a trait
back on. they passed on to the blade of any lightsaber into which they were
incorporated. When one of the crystals was tuned by a Force-sensitive for
Obsidia Crystal use in a lightsaber, it became a focusing crystal and could only be used in
lightsabers constructed by the individual or a member of their lineage, who
Cost: $20,000
tuned it.
Construction: -1
Modification: 0
The target must make a HT roll when hit. Failure means het is Physical
Effect: Damage +3d+3; Armor Divisor +1; Dark Side Force skills
Fatigued and a critical failure indicates he suffers a heart attack.
+2; Skillscore +1.

Phond Crystal
Cost: $14,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +2; Skillscore +2; Parry
This dark crystal is found on the homeworld of the sith, Korriban. It produces Blaster Bolts -2.
an intense and volatile beam which sears on contact. Within some Dark
Lord’s tomb, such crystals may be found, but not without any danger.

When used as in energy blade construction, the Obsidia crystal gives the
blade a faint glow of any color with an inner black void.

Opila Crystal The strange byproduct of rare impurities bonding during the making of
certain alloys and some random external condition, this crystal produces a
Cost: $11,000
fiercely burning energy blade with a clear white blade and a red core. The
Construction: 0
tight blade makes it harder to parry blaster bolts.
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Armor Divisor +2 vs.
energy blade resistant/immune materials. Pontite Crystal
Cost: $16,500
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Chapter: Equipment

Effect: Damage +3d+1; Armor Divisor +1; Force skills +1;

Emotion +1.

Found in the asteroid fields of the Fyrth system, this crystal can be used in
energy blade construction to produce an intense beam that seems
extraordinarily quick to the cut. Even lightsaber resistant materials, such as
cortosis, beskar, ultra-chrome, and other materials which are generally
resistant or immune, do take damage from Opila crystal’s blade.
A facetted crystal, mainly found in the Adega system, they could also be
found on the planet Halm and mined in the mountains of Dantooine. It glows
faintly with an inner light. The Pontite was the rarest and most powerful type
of the Adegan crystals.
Rubat Crystal
Cost: $16,000
Construction: 0
Qixoni Crystal Modification: 0
Cost: $16,500 Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore +2; Initiative
Construction: 0 +2; Extra Attack +1.
Modification: 0
Restriction: Needs Dark Aspect of the Force 4. Lightsider is burned
2d cumulative damage per round.
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Dark Side Force skills
+2; Alter +2; Emotion -4; Force Points +5.

It is mined only on Phemis and gives the blade a golden-bronze color which is
clearly defined and the Force user can easily focus on. The Rubat crystal
increases the speed of the wielder and allows him to attack faster.

These powerful gems were formed when a certain planet was consumed by
Ruusan Crystal
Cost: $15,000
its star supernova. The power of a Qixoni crystal could be harnessed by one
Construction: 0
with great strength in the dark side of the Force.
Modification: 0
Effect: Force Skills +3.
As they were created with the destruction of all life on their planet as the
star went supernova, all of the pain, fear, and death felt by all of the living
things on the planet are concentrated into the crystal's matrix. This allows
the dark side wielder to consume negative emotions from those around him.
Consequently, a Lightsider who handles a lightsaber with this crystal in it is
burned: 2d damage the first round, 4d damage the second round and so on.
Additionally, a Lightsider must succeed a Will roll each round or take 1 DSP as Ruusan crystals cam e from the Mid Rim planet with the same name, While
they feel the intense pain and fear from the crystal. not directly affecting an energy blade’s effectiveness, they aided a Jedi in
focusing the Force.
Qixoni crystals gave the blade a dark red color that seems to cry and scream
in pain and fear as its swung around.
Sapith Crystal
Cost: $13,000
Rainbow Gem Construction: 0
Cost: $16,000 Modification: 0
Construction: -1 Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore +3.
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Perception +2; Will +2;
Control +2.

This crystallized material was excreted once every 11 years by the ancient
volice worm of Lwhekk, now extinct. It produces a more intense energy
blade, granting better control.
Rainbow gems were brilliant treasures that were not actually gems, but
silicon-based lifeforms native to the planet Gallinore. The blade they
produced were rainbow colored.
Sigil Crystal
They matured only after thousands of years, and the glow they produced was Cost: $14,000
caused by their inner light. Despite their biologic nature, rainbow gems could Construction: 0
be used as lightsaber crystals. Tenel Ka Djo, the Princess of Hapes, had a tiara Modification: 0
of rainbow gems worth the price of an entire solar system. She used some of Effect: Damage +3d+3; Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore +1.
the crystals in her second lightsaber, after her first one malfunctioned and
led to the loss of her arm.

Relacite Crystal
Cost: $11,000
Construction: 0 Mined in the Sigil system, this crystal is a costly but valuable addition to an
Modification: 0 energy blade. It produces a fiercely bright beam that sears on contact,
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Control +1. inflicting great damage.
Chapter: Equipment

Stygium Crystal
Cost: $18,000
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
A facetted crystal, mainly found in the Adega system, they could also be Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Obscure (Vision) +2;
found on the planet Halm and mined in the mountains of Dantooine. It glows Stealth +2; Aura of Insignificance +2; Force Stealth +2.
faintly with an inner light.
In its pure, crystal form, it was known to be suitable for use as an energy Velmorite was a yellow crystal found on the planet Velmor. They were used
blade crystal. It was known that when refined Stygium was mounted on an to produce high quality Velmorite energy swords, though other applications
energy blade and wielded by a Force-user, the natural cloaking attributes of were certainly possible, such as the construction of a lightsaber. This crystal
the crystal would augment the power of the stealth-minded Jedi in remaining created a fine, thin blade for graceful, fluid wielding with a faint golden glow
unseen. and an inner yellow.

Ultima Pearl Vexxtal Crystal

Cost: $11,000 Cost: $10,500
Construction: -2 Construction: 0
Modification: +1 Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Pressure Support +1. Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Causes DSP
Little is known about Vexxtal Crystals or their origins. They are generally only
found in the lightsabers of dark side of the Force users. A corrupting aura is
left on those wounded by lightsabers with this crystal. When a victim is hit, it
also gains 1 DSP. After this particular wound has healed, roll once against
Will. Success indicates you have overcome the lure of the dark side. A failure
means the DSP stays with the victim for another day after which he may try
Ultima Pearls were uncommon, silvery, lustrous, spherical pearls found on to get rid of it but he may only do so at Will-1, continuous failure will penalize
the deep ocean floors of Dac. They were used as energy blade crystals, and this Will roll by another -1 for each day. A critical failure means the dark side
were extremely potent in modifying the damage dealt by an energy blade. is growing. The victim receives a permanent d4 DSP. These can only be
Yet, for all its benefits, it required considerable skill to properly install an redeemed in the usual way (p. 8).
Ultima Pearl.

When attuned and used in an energy blade or amulet, this crystal enables the
Viridian Crystal
wielder to survive in higher than normal pressure, without suffering the ill- Cost: $500
effects of returning to one's normal pressure. Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Silvery-green color.
Upari Crystal
Cost: $17,000
Construction: -2
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore +3; Targeted
Attack (Vitals) +1; Special.
A Viridian Crystal was a rare type of crystal that was used for the color crystal
in a lightsaber. This lightsaber crystal produced a lightsaber blade with a
silvery-green color and didn't seem to affect the Force or one's skill with the
lightsaber blade. As such this crystal is used as a secondary crystal in the

Strangely, this crystal is usually encountered scattered in the orbit of

primarily forest worlds. It is brittle but versatile, and a Master can get it to
Unique Focusing Crystals
produce many effects.
Allya’s Exile
When a Force user crafts this crystal to be used for their lightsaber, they Cost: $16,000
learn which cuts strengthen and weaken it. It is through this process that Construction: 0
they learn how to weaken their enemies with precise strikes. Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +2; Skillscore +2.
Upon worlds with a thriving forest or jungle as its dominate feature (such as
Kashyyyk or Ithor), the wielder gains +3 bonus to their Force skills. When on
worlds where there's no forests but there is plant and animal life present
(such as Mutanda), the bonus is reduced to +2. On worlds full of life and
heavily touched by civilization (such as Ord Mantell) the bonus is only +1.
Where the planet is over taken by civilization (such as Coruscant) or by
pollution (such as Nar Shaddaa), on a space station or spaceship, or on Allya's Exile was a powerful crystal sometimes used in lightsaber
worlds with no life present, there is a penalty to all Force skills of -2. On construction. The crystal imparted an incredible burn affliction when used
planets with little life (such as Hoth), there is a -1 to all Force skills. during combat, generating an outstanding amount of heat. The crystal was
Chapter: Equipment

named after the Rogue Jedi, Allya.

The crystal produces a green-blue blade.
The Allya's Exile crystal gave a lightsaber blade an amazing scarlet color
Velmorite Crystal which reflected the special color crystal's unbelievably hot qualities. It was
similar to the Sigil crystal in usage. Nonetheless, Allya's Exile exceeded the
Cost: $16,000
properties of a Sigil crystal completely.
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +2; Skillscore +3; Extra Allya’s Redemption
Attack +1. Cost: $12,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Damage type
+Corrosion, +Toxic.
Allya's Redemption was a powerful crystal sometimes used in lightsaber
construction. The crystal imparted an incredible acidic affect when used
during combat, inflicting a straining amount of poisoning. The crystal was Chaos, referred to as Hell in Corellian mythology and also known as The Void,
named after the rogue Jedi, Allya. was a reputedly dark region of the Netherworld of the Force inhabited by the
spirits of deceased Dark Lords of the Sith, Dark Jedi, and the spirits of all evil
The Allya's Redemption crystal gave a lightsaber blade an elusive light green sentient beings who had died. In Naboo mythology, Chaos was envisioned as
color with a yellow core, resembling the special color crystal's venomous a dark pit kept closed by six impenetrable gates.
The Chaos crystal gives the blade a faint shifting red glow with a bright inner
red glow. The colors seem to shift randomly between the darkest aspect of
Bane’s Heart red to the lightest aspect of red.
Cost: $19,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0 Cunning of Tyranus
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +1; Causes Mild Pain (-2 to Cost: $13,000
DX, IQ, Will, and Self-Control rolls) to any wielder but Construction: 0
the rightful owner. Modification: 0
Bane's Heart was a unique carmine lightsaber crystal given to Darth Zannah Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +1.
by her Sith Master, Darth Bane, following the Seventh Battle of Ruusan. She
used it in her double-bladed lightsaber, which she named after the crystal

The lightsaber and crystal later came into the possession of a Dark Jedi
murdered by Qymaen jai Sheelal, otherwise known as General Grievous,
Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies of the Confederacy of Cunning of Tyranus was a unique red lightsaber crystal named for the Human
Independent Systems, either on Dica or Necropolis. Grievous stored the Separatist leader Count Dooku, whose Sith Lord title was Darth Tyranus.
weapon aboard his personal starfighter, which was later recovered by When used in the construction of a lightsaber, it colored the blade red. Once
Imperial forces and used as part of the N-K Project. The Bane's Heart tuned by a Force-sensitive, it became a focusing crystal and could only be
lightsaber was wielded by N-K Necrosis during the Galactic Civil War until he used in a lightsaber constructed by the individual who tuned it.
was killed by a group of spacers who took the crystal from his dead body.
Dahgee Crystal
When tuned to be used in a lightsaber, it caused that lightsaber to release an Cost: $9,000
electrical discharge and made it difficult for anyone other than the rightful Construction: -1
owner to use the lightsaber. Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore -1;
Bondara’s Folly Parryscore -1.
Cost: $1,000
Construction: 0
Modification: 0
Effect: Damage Type Stun.
Bondara's Folly was a lightsaber crystal that shared its name with Twi'lek Jedi
Master Anoon Bondara. A unique crystal, it caused the lightsaber blade to
The Dahgee crystal was a Lightsaber crystal used by the Dahgee Jedi during
give off a light-brown color. When tuned by a Force-sensitive, it became a
the days of the Galactic Republic. The blades had unique properties, having a
focusing crystal and was only usable in that particular individual's lightsaber.
zigzagging pattern with a dark silver to black core and a colored aura often
Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, during the Galactic Civil War, a spacer
green to blue). They were often used in the Dahgee Jedi Lightsaber.
collected and combined various crystal fragments from across the galaxy to
produce Bondara's Folly.
The crooked blade made it difficult to control.

Bnar’s Sacrifice Heart of the Guardian

Cost: $10,000
Cost: $5,000
Construction: 0
Construction: -1
Modification: 0
Modification: +1
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1.
Effect: Damage +1d; Initiative +2
Bnar's Sacrifice was a unique brown lightsaber crystal which belonged to the
legendary Jedi Master Ood Bnar. When Bnar was cut down during the time of
the old Republic, he left his lightsaber crystal as a legacy to those who would
come after him. Once a Force-sensitive had tuned this crystal to be used in
their lightsaber, it could be used by no other.
Chapter: Equipment

Chaos Crystal The Heart of the Guardian was an ancient crystal that was rediscovered on
Cost: $13,000 the surface of Yavin 4 by the rodian inventor Suvam Tan some time prior to
Construction: 0 the Jedi Civil War. Possibly utilized as a lightsaber crystal by the redeemed
Modification: 0 Revan, it gave the blade of any such weapon into which it was installed a
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Dark Side Force skill +1; unique bronze hue and yellow core. The Heart was one of two legendary
Grants Medium and Spirit Empathy, but only with dark crystals that Revan possibly obtained from Tan near the end of his quest to
side spirits. find and destroy the Star Forge, the other being the Mantle of the Force.
When placed within a lightsaber, it altered the properties of other crystals
that the lightsaber carried in a positive way; this crystal created a fast yet
devastating blade that was perfect for lightsaber combat.

It is believed that the Heart was involved in the founding of the Jedi Order.
According to prophecies of the Order, the Heart would appear at the time of
greatest turmoil and help in bringing the galaxy into salvation. However, the The Meetra Surik Crystal was a naturally-formed crystal that had forged a
Sith also believed it to be an object of their heritage, which in turn would bond with the Jedi Meetra Surik, resonating with her and her relationship
have brought about their domination of known space. with the Force. As a result, the crystal acquired its character from Surik and
had the ability to augment her powers.
Kenobi’s Legacy In the wake of the Jedi Civil War, Surik, who was exiled from the Jedi Order
Cost: $15,000 due to her participation in the Mandalorian Wars, found the crystal
Construction: -1 formation within a Force-sensitive crystal cave located on the Outer Rim
Modification: +1 world of Dantooine during her search for Jedi Master Vrook Lamar. The use
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Force skills +1. of the crystal as a lightsaber focus ensured that the weapon could only be
used by Surik as well as enhancing the other components and subsidiary
crystals found in the lightsaber.

The crystals gave the blade a faint green glow with a white core.

Kenobi's Legacy was a crystal which could be used in a lightsaber. It had to be Prowess of Plo Koon
properly tuned before it could be inserted into the lightsaber and once Cost: $15,000
inserted meant that the saber could be used by no other. The crystal gave Construction: -1
the blade a faint blue glow with an inner white core. Modification: +1
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Force skills +1.
Kun’s Blood
Cost: $13,000
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +1.
Prowess of Plo Koon was a lightsaber crystal found in the galaxy during the
Galactic Civil War. The crystal gave the blade a faint violet glow with a white
core. It had to be properly tuned before it could be inserted into the
lightsaber and once inserted meant that the saber could be used by no other.

Kun's Blood was a lightsaber crystal found in the galaxy during the Galactic Solari Crystal
Civil War. The crystal gave the blade a dark red glow with a lighter core. It Cost: $20,000
had to be properly tuned before it could be inserted into the lightsaber and Construction: 0
once inserted meant that the saber could be used by no other. Modification: 0
Effect: Damage +4d+1, Armor Divisor +1; Skillscore +3; Light
Mantle of the Force Side Force skills +1.
Cost: $13,000
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Protection Force skills
There are many famous lightsaber crystals spoken of in the history of the Jedi
Order, though none is as powerful as the legendary Solari crystal. An artifact
of true light side power, only those Jedi who are pure in spirit can wield a
lightsaber equipped with this gleaming white gem. When the great Jedi
Master Ood Bnar initiated his life-cycle change after a thousand years of
serving the Order, he bequeathed the Soloari crystal to his most promising
The Mantle of the Force was a powerful crystal rediscovered by Suvam Tan
student, a young female Jedi named Shaela Nuur. When Shaeda disappeared
and possibly used by Revan. It added a cyan color to a lightsaber.
shortly after the time of the Great Hunt, the Solari Crystal vanished with her.
Revan purchased this crystal from Suvam Tan near the end of his search for
the Star Forge, as well as another legendary crystal, the Heart of the Sunrider’s Destiny
Guardian. He discovered that when placed in a lightsaber, its properties Cost: $15,000
altered depending on the other crystals the lightsaber carried, making it Construction: -1
Chapter: Equipment

more powerful in the areas that the other crystals improved; though it Modification: +1
always enhanced Force abilities. Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Force skills +1.

Meetra Surik Crystal

Cost: $15,000
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Force Skills +1 Sunrider's Destiny was a unique aquamarine lightsaber crystal given to a
Force-sensitive individual by Captain Sarguillo in the village of Aurilia on the
planet Dathomir during the Galactic Civil War. When this crystal was properly
tuned to be used in a lightsaber, only the person who tuned it could use that Construction: -1
lightsaber. When used in a lightsaber, the crystal caused the blade generated Modification: +1
to be teal in color. Effect: Prevent unauthorized activation.
This device is used to modify an energy blade such that it will not function for
Ulic’s Redemption anyone except certain people. A small miniature sensor array ($800) and
recognition chips ($350) are installed in the hilt of the energy blade, which
Cost: $15,000
reads the cell patterns of whoever is holding the weapon. If the cell patterns
Construction: -1
do not match that of the designated “safe” users, the weapon’s power cells
Modification: +1
shut down, and any failsafe devices are activated. Failsafe devices can range
Effect: Damage +3d; Armor Divisor +1; Force skills +1.
from electrocution to a loud warble to a quiet beacon which alerts the owner
via comlinks that the weapon is in the hands of an unauthorized bearer (also
see Trapped Grip, p. 54).

Length Adjuster/Dual Phase

Cost: $10/$500
Ulic's Redemption was a lightsaber crystal found in the galaxy during the Weight: 0.05 kg.
Galactic Civil War. The crystal gave the blade a dark yellow glow with a lighter Construction: -1/-2
yellow core. It had to be properly tuned before it could be inserted into the Modification: +1/+2
lightsaber and once inserted meant that the saber could be used by no other. Effect: Reach +1
Normally, every energy blade could adjust its length to match the wielders
Windu’s Guile size. This would take place out of combat. A length adjuster enables the
Cost: $44,000 wielder to switch between variations of different lengths for the blade in com
Construction: -5 bat. Such energy blade are also called Dual-Phase. The energy blade must
Modification: +1 have more than one focusing lens for that particular blade installed if you
Effect: Damage +4d; Armor Divisor +3; Force skills +3; want to lengthen the blade. Shortening the blade is pure cinematic,
Skillscore +3; Force Points +10; Fatigue Check +3; lengthening the blade, adds one to Reach (e.g., a Reach C, 1-2 blade becomes
Emotion Check +3. C, 1-3, or C, 1-4 with 3 focusing lenses). This control system will be placed
upon the activation plate.

Call Beacon
Cost: $1,000
Weight: 0.05 kg.
Construction: -1
Windu's Guile was a variant type of Hurrikaine crystal, a type of crystal that Modification: +1
was given to a young Jedi Padawan named Mace Windu by the natives of the Effect: Call slave circuit
planet Hurikane after Windu healed one of them. The crystals were This device will summon a ship, droid, or other type of mobile machinery
polyhedral in structure, had facets of differing size and shape, and could be with a slave circuit like a regular call beacon, only the button and transmitter
found as large as an individual's fist. Windu's Guile crystals were violet– are embedded in the handle of the energy blade. The transmitter is short-
colored. The crystals could be used in the construction of a lightsaber—the range. For $500 extra, it’s medium-range, and for another $500 its long-
traditional weapon of the Jedi Order of Force-sensitive peacekeepers—and range.
produced a brilliant violet–colored blade. A Force-sensitive individual could
tune the crystal for use in lightsaber construction. The tuning process caused
it to become a focusing crystal that could only be effectively used in a Concealed Compartment
lightsaber constructed by the individual who tuned it. Cost: $100
Weight: 0 kg.
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
Effect: Payload max0.05 kg. or SM-12.
These components are not necessary for an energy blade to function, but A force-user may create a hidden compartment in his energy blade which can
they greatly enhance the ease of use. only be accessed if you know what to look for. The margin of success while
constructing the concealed compartment is the penalty towards the Search
Belt Ring skill of the person who is examining the energy blade.
Cost: $10
The available space is very small. It may contain an object of no more than 50
Weight: 0.025 kg.
gr. of weight or SM-12 (longest dimension 2 cm).
Construction: 0
Modification: +1
Effect: Fast Draw Energy Blade +1. Waterproof Casing
Cost: $200
Weight: 0.025 kg.
Construction: -1
Modification: +1
Chapter: Equipment

Effect: Sealed against water and other non-corrosive fluids.

When constructing an energy blade, some Force-users (particularly those at
A belt ring is accompanied by a hook or d-ring attached to the energy blade. home in a moist environment, like Mon Calamari) add a secondary water-
You can easily put the energy blade in the belt ring when not in use while it proof casing to the hilt of their energy blades in order to protect the power
keeps it nearby. Mostly the belt rings are attached to the wielder’s belt. A cell and electronics inside. While still not reliable in functioning underwater,
belt ring enables the wielder to use his Fast Draw skill with a bonus. this will allow an energy blade to be carried normally on aquatic journeys,
without the necessity of removing the power cell. Energy blades without
Cell Recognizer water-proof casing will sparkle when hit by rain, or even shut down when
Cost: $1,150 partially submerged.
Weight: 0.05 kg.
Magna Lock Weight:
0.01 kg.
Cost: $500
Modification: +1
Weight: 0.05 kg.
Effect: Control magna locks.
Construction: -2
One click activates, one click deactivates the magna lock. Both hilts must
Modification: +1
have a magna lock, but only one has to be deactivated to release the hilts.
Effect: Lock hilts.
This switch will be placed upon the activation plate.

Enables the energy blade to connect to another energy blade with a magna
lock to create a double-bladed energy blade. This includes a power connector The energy blades listed in the Melee Weapon Table (p. 72) are build using
which transfers the power from the diatium power core to the magna lock. the minimum required components (Hilt with standard activation plate,
standard Diatium power cell, standard power conduit, recharge socket, single
Release Switch high quality crystal Lens, emitter, standard super conductor, high quality
Cost: $5 focusing crystal.

Chapter: Equipment
The life of a Force-user can be as tiring as for a mundane person.

Expanding FP to energize Force skill can cause mental, and in some occasions drains you of your Force energy, the conscious check is at -1 to HT for each
physical Fatigue. multiple.
-1xFP: In addition to the above effects, also lower your Force skills by -1 for
every full multiple your FP drops below zero, and make an immediate Will
roll at -1 or become mentaly Fatigued. Roll again each turn you lose energy
equal to a full multiple of your FP, as above, with a -1 to Will for each
Expenditure of Force Points (FP) will cause Fatigue. The chart below multiple (also take into account any Will modifiers acquired by becoming
summarizes the effects of being at zero or negative FP. All effects are mental fatigued).
cumulative. -5xFP: You collapse immediately. You have lost a total of 6 times your FP! The
0 FP or less: You are straining yourself. Make a HT roll at the start of your Force might be strong with you, but it isn’t limitless. You are temporarily cut
next maneuver or action other than Do Nothing. Failure means you fall from the Force.
unconscious; see Recovering from Unconsciousness (CR, p. ?) but replace HP -10xFP: You are totally cut from the Force… permanently. You have drained
with FP. Success means you can act normally, but must roll again each time yourself or are drained by someone else and lost all your FP. Even if you are
you do something else than Do Nothing. If you lose energy equal to a full aided by a Force-imbued item, your Force skills are all at -10.
multiple of your FP, whether as a result of fueling Force skills, an attack that

Chapter: Injuries, Illness, Fatigue

Chapter: Chapter Nine
Chapter: Chapter Ten
Chapter: Chapter Eleven
friend, foe, or random object. Roll randomly or make an interesting choice.
8 Force skill produces the reverse of the intended effect.
9 Force skill is cats on one of the caster’s companions (if harmful) or on a
random nearby foe (if beneficial).
10 Force skill seems to work, but it is only a useless illusion. The GM should do
Roll a die and add your margin of failure. Consult the result on the table his best to convince the Force-user and his companions that the Force skill did
below. If the result is inappropriate – or if it is the result that the caster 11 Force skill has the reverse of the intended effect, or on the wrong target. Roll
intended – roll again. The GM is free to improvise instead of using the table. randomly.
12 Force skill is cast on caster (if harmful) or a random nearby foe (if beneficial).
Improvisations should be appropriate to the Force skill and the situation, and
13 Force skill fails entirely. Caster is temporarily disconnected from the Force to
should never kill the caster outright. use this particular Force skill. Make a Will roll after a week, and again each
following week, until he reconnects with the Force.
CRITICAL FORCE SKILL TABLE 14 Force skill fails entirely. Caster takes 25% HP of injury.
RESULT EFFECT 15 or Force skill fails entirely. A Sith spirit or other malign entity appropriate to the
1-3 Force skill produces nothing but a loud noise, bright flash of light, awful odor, greater era appears and attacks the caster. (The GM may waive this result if, in his
etc. opinion, caster and Force skill were both light side, pure good in intent.
4 Force skill produces a weak and useless shadow of the intended effect.
5 Force skill fails entirely. Caster takes 1 point of injury.
6 Force skill fails entirely. Caster is stunned (IQ roll to recover).
7 Force skill affects someone or something other than its intended Target –

The weapon tables are divided by the governing combat skill. Some weapons weapons are listed more than once in the tables below, each with another
can be used in different ways, each using a different combat skill. These combat mode and its attributes.


6 Energy Blade (Crossguard) 2d-2(2) bu C,1-2 0 11,220 1.315 4
6 Energy Blade (Long) 2d-2(2) bu C,1-2 0 11,020 1.315 4


6 Energy Blade (Staff-like) 2d-1(2) bu C,1,2 +2 20,920 2.52 4‡


6 Energy Blade (Curved) 2d-2(2) bu C,1-2 0F 11,520 1.115 4

6 Energy Blade (Short) 2d-2(2) bu C,1 0 10,820 1.015 4

6 Energy Blade (Tonfa) 2d-3(2) bu C,1 0 11,220 1.315 4


6 Energy Blade (Crossguard) 2d-1(2) bu C,1 +1 11,220 1.315 4†
6 Energy Blade (Long) 2d-1(2) bu C,1 +1 11,020 1.315 4†
6 Energy Blade (Staff-like) 2d-1(2) bu C,1,2 +1 20,920 2.52 4‡


1 Lanvarok (Massassi) sw+3 cut 2,3 0U 250 9.8 10‡
or thr+3 1-3 0U 250 9.8 10‡
Chapter: Tables


2 Lanvarok (Massassi 2d bu 0 ST*3/ST*4 1x5 T(1) 250 9.8 10 -3 -3


6 Energy Blade (Crossguard) 2d-2(2) bu 0 ST(3.5-wgt) 1 T(1) 11,220 1.315 4 -2 -1
6 Energy Blade (Curved) 2d-2(2) bu 0 ST(3.5-wgt) 1 T(1) 11,520 1.115 4 -1 -1
6 Energy Blade (Long) 2d-2(2) bu 0 ST(3.5-wgt) 1 T(1) 11,020 1.315 4 -1 -1
6 Energy Blade (Short) 2d-2(2) bu 0 ST(3.5-wgt) 1 T(1) 10,820 1.015 4 -1 -1
6 Energy Blade (Staff-like) 2d-1(2) bu 0 ST(3.5-wgt) 1 T(1) 20,920 2.52 4 -3 -1


6 Lanvarok (Sith) 2d cr 0 10/20 1x5 1 4000 5.8 4 -1 -3

Force Vision M F 25 15
POSITIVE TRAITS LIST Insubstantiality M/P F/X 80 15
TRAIT M/P/S F/T/X/ COST PAGE Medium M F 10 16
- Neutralize Force M/P F/X 50 16
Psychometry M F/X 20 16
Acute Senses P X 2/level 14 Reawakened M F 10 17
Autotrance M F 1 18 Special Rapport M F 5 17
Focus of the Force M F Variable 14 Spirit Empathy M F 10 17
Force Combination M F 1 18 Weapon Bond (Energy Blade) P F 5/level 17
Force Resistance P M 2/level 14
Force Sensitivity M F 5 14
Force Sight P F 30 15
Force Static M F 30 15



Aspect of the Force M F Variable 19

Force Inept M F -1 19

Difficulty: Armoury/TL IQ A IQ/2, others 21

Alchemy IQ VH - 21
• E: Easy
Electronics Operation/TL IQ A IQ/2, others 21
• A: Average Electronics Repair/TL IQ A IQ/2, others 21
• H: Hard Engineer/TL IQ H Armoury (Same)-6 21
• VH: Very Hard Expert Skill IQ H None 21
Force Ritual IQ VH Religious Ritual (Same)-6 21
Hazardous Materials IQ A IQ/2 21
Defaults marked with “*” either do not always apply or vary in special Innate Attack Per E Per/2+1 22
circumstances; see the entry in the main text. Skills marked with “” require Precognitive Parry S H None. 22
specialization (see p. 118) and skills marked with “!” are Wildcard skills (see Symbol Drawing IQ H Special 22
Thrown Weapon DX E DX/2+1, others 22
p. 170). Skills marked with “¶” are cinematic.


• A: Average
• H: Hard
Chapter: Tables

Defaults marked with “PS” means any prerequisite skill. Techniques marked
with “¶” are cinematic techniques. TECHNIQUE DIFF DEFAULTS PAGE
Parry Blaster Bolts H Precognitive Parry-6 22

The following abbreviations are used: Force Jump C E N TK Control/2+1 30

Force Light A VH L - - 31
• A/C/S: These tell what Facet the Force skill is, Alter, Control, or Sense.
Force Lightning A A D EL Alter/2 31
• E/A/H/VH: Tell whether the difficulty is Easy, Average, Hard, or Very Force Pain A E D TK/TP Alter/2+1 31
Hard. Force Protection A H N PR Alter/2-1 32
• L/D/N: Defines the Aspect of the Force: Light, Dark, or Neutral. Force Pull A A N TK Alter/2 32
Force Push A A N TK Alter/2 33
• EM/HE/IL/KN/PR/TK/TP: Declares the Focus of the Force skill: Force Rage C E D TK Control/2+1 33
Empathy, Healing, Illusion, Knowledge, Protection, Telekinesis, and Force Slow A A D TP Alter/2 33
Telepathy. Force Speed C A N TK Control/2 34
Force Stealth C H N IL Control/2-1 34
Force Track S H N KN Sense/2-1 34
Heal Another A H L HE Alter/2-1 35
Analyze Force S VH N KN - 24
Heal Self C A N HE Control/2 35
Aura of Insignificance A H D - Alter/2-1 24
Aura of Presence A H D - Alter/2-1 24 Hide Emotion C A N EM Control/2 36
Hide Thoughts C H N KN Control/2-1 36
Aura of Uneasiness A E D EM Alter/2+1 25
Battle Meditation A VH D or L TP - 25 Mind Trick A A N TP Alter/2 36
Move Object A E N TK Alter/2+1 36
Battle Sense S H N KN, TP Sense/2-1 25
Projective Telepathy C H N TP Control/2-1 37
Body-Reading S H N KN Sense/2-1 26
Cure Another A H L HE Alter/2-1 26 Psychometric Sense S VH N KN - 37
Receptive Telepathy S A N TP, KN Sense/2 37
Cure Self C A N HE Control/2 26
Detect Poison S H N KN Sense/2-1 26 Recover Energy C VH D HE - 38
Sense Disease S A N KN Sense/2 38
Detoxify Another A H L HE Alter/2-1 27
Sense Emotion S A N EM Sense/2 38
Detoxify Self C A N HE Control/2 27
Drain Energy A E D - Alter/2+1 27 Sense Force S A N KN Sense/2 39
Sense Life S A N KN Sense/2 39
Drain Force A E D HE Alter/2+1 27
Drain Life A E D HE Alter/2+1 28 Sense Shatterpoint S VH N KN - 39
Sever Force A VH N - - 40
Enhance Senses C A N - Control/2 28
Sound A A N IL/TP Alter/2 40
Enhance Strength C A N TK Control/2 28
Force Affliction A A D - Alter/2 28 Steal Energy A VH D HE - 40
Steal Vitality A VH D HE - 40
Force Barrier A H N PR Alter/2 29
Force Blast A A N TK Alter/2 29 Though Bomb F VH D - - 41
Force Deflection C VH N PR - 29
Force Exhaustion A H N TP Alter/2-1 30
Force Fear A E D EM/TP Alter/2+1 30
Force Grip A A N TK Alter/2 30

Difficulty: Force Horror A Force Fear-4 42

Force Insanity H Force Fear-6 42
• A: Average
Force Kill H Force Wound-5 42
• H: Hard Force Storm H Force Lightning-10 42
Force Wave H Force Blast-6 42
FORCE TECHNIQUES LIST Force Wound A Force Grip-3 42
TECHNIQUE DIFF DEFAULTS PAGE Instant Detoxify Another H Detoxify Another-8 42
Instant Detoxify Self A Detoxify Self-8 42
Chain Lightning H Force Lightning-4 41 Lightning Burst H Force Lightning-4 31
Force Choke A Force Grip-5 41

• EM/HE/IL/KN/PR/TK/TP: Declares the Focus of the Force skill:

The following abbreviations are used: Empathy, Healing, Illusion, Knowledge, Protection, Telekinesis, and
• A/C/S: These tell what Facet the Force skill is, Alter, Control, or Sense. Telepathy.
• E/A/H/VH: Tell whether the difficulty is Easy, Average, Hard, or Very
• L/D/N: Defines the Aspect of the Force: Light, Dark, or Neutral.
Chapter: Tables

Imbue: Corpse A VH D - - 43
Always On Items · 12 Melee Force Skills · 9
Area Force Skills · 9 Modification Points · 51

Burning HP · 6 One Try · 8

Cancelling Force Skills · 6 Permanent · 7
Changing Maintained Force Skills · 7 Power of a Force Imbued Item · 11
Concentration and Maintenance · 7

Ranged Force Skills · 9
Defensive Force Skills · 9 Regular Force Skills · 8
Duration Types · 7 Resisted Force Skills · 10

Exceptional Success and Cost to Maintain · 7 Sensing the Force · 5
Special Force Skills · 10
Success Rolls for Imbuing · 11
Force Skill Endurance · 8 T
Tables & Charts
I Combat Techniques List · 73
Critical Force Skill Table · 72
Identifying Imbued Items · 12 Engineer Quality Table · 49
Imbuements · 7 Focusing Crystal Cost Table · 56
Information Force Skills · 10 Force Afflcition Table · 28
Instantaneous · 7 Force Barrier Table · 29
Interruptions · 11 Force Pull Table · 33
Force Rage Table · 33
Force Skill Cost Table · 24
Force Skill List · 74
J Handgrip Construction Critcal Failure table · 51
High Skill Modifiers Table · 7
Joining Sabers · 51 Lightsaber Color Table · 50
Melee Weapon Table · 72
Chapter: Index

Move Object Mass Table · 36

L Negative Traits List · 73
Non-Combat Techniques List · 74
Lasting · 7 Positive Traits List · 73
Ranged Wepon Table · 72
Recover Energy Table · 38
Skills List · 73
Weapon Bond Table · 17 Temporary · 7

Chapter: Index

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