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CD522 Encoder Module

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Motion Control Products

Application note
Using the CD522 module for master encoder input
Rev B (EN)

Use a CD522 2 channel encoder module in combination

with an AC500 PLC to provide up to 2 master encoder
channels for use in PLCopen motion applications

AC500 PLCs (PM585 and PM59x) can be used to perform real-time motion control of ABBs EtherCAT enabled servo drives. In
some applications it is necessary to synchronize the motion of these drives to a master encoder (e.g. cut to length applications
using a lay-on encoder to track the movement of the material to be cut to length).

This application note details how to use Automation Builder to define the hardware setup suitable for use of the 2 channel
encoder module (CD522) and how to then use the encoder value(s) provided by this module to create a (virtual/simulated)
master axis in a PLCopen motion application. For information on how to use the fast encoder latching features of this module
please refer to application note AN00240.

You will need to have the following to work through this application note and perform synchronized motion on an EtherCAT

· Mint Workbench build 5812 or later (see new.abb.com/motion for latest downloads and support information)
· A MicroFlex e150 or MotiFlex e180 drive with build 5812 (e150) / 5819 (e180) or later firmware
· A PC or laptop running Automation Builder 1.2 or later
· An installed copy of the ABB PLCopen motion control library (PS552-MC-E v3.1.0 or later)
· One of the following AC500 PLC processors…..PM585, PM590, PM591, PM592 or PM595 (PLC processors should be
running firmware version 2.5.1 or later). The PM595 is provided with an integrated EtherCAT coupler (this should be
running firmware version or later). All other processors require a CM579-ECAT communication module (which
must be running firmware version 2.6.9 or later, but ideally version or later). Contact your local ABB PLC
support team for details on how to check these requirements and update if necessary or visit
http://new.abb.com/plc/programmable-logic-controllers-plcs and select the link for ‘Software’. For the purposes of the
text in this application note we have assumed the use of a PM591 PLC with CM579-ETHCAT coupler
· Straight-through Ethernet cable (patch cable) to connect the EtherCAT coupler to the drive (do not switch between
patch and cross-over cabling as this can affect the order of devices on EtherCAT which is critical)
· A copy of application note AN00205 (AC500 and e150/e180 EtherCAT Getting Started Guide) and the Automation
Builder PLC project that is included with it
· A RS422 (5v differential line driver) incremental encoder

To follow the basic steps to create a hardware configuration and write some PLC code that uses the encoder values from the
CD522 module only requires a PC or laptop running Automation Builder 1.2 or later and an installed copy of the PS552-MC-E
motion control libraries. It is assumed the reader has a basic working knowledge of Automation Builder, CoDeSys and the
AC500 PLC and that if you intend to perform motion the reader has read and understood the contents of application note
AN00205, which is also available for download from new.abb.com/motion, and has commissioned an EtherCAT based servo
drive (MicroFlex e150 or MotiFlex e180 for example) ready for use with the AC500 PLC.

ABB Motion control products 1

Application note Using the CD522 module for master encoder input AN00239-002

Automation Builder – Adding the CD522 module

Throughout this application note we will assume that the reader has opened the Automation Builder project supplied as part of
AN00205 and we will just illustrate the additional steps needed to add and configure/use the CD522 module. Alternatively a
ready-made example project is available as part of this application note.

Open the PLC project provided as part of AN00205 from the Automation Builder ‘File>Open Project…’ menu and once opened
select ‘File>Save Project As…’ to give your project a new name (to avoid damaging the original project). Once saved, right click
the ‘IO_Bus’ icon in the Devices tree…

…and from the right-click menu select ‘Add object’. A dialogue will appear allowing the user to select from a list of all possible
S500 I/O modules that can be added to the AC500 I/O bus. Select CD522 from this list and click on the ‘Add object’ button…

The module will now appear in the Devices tree as shown below…

Note that if you are using a different PLC project that already includes some I/O modules you will need to ensure that the order
of the modules in the Devices tree matches the physical order of the devices on the I/O bus. If the new CD522 module is out of
position in the tree you can select it and drag it to the correct position in the tree.

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Application note Using the CD522 module for master encoder input AN00239-002

Now double-click the CD522 icon, the right hand pane will display four tabs/pages of configuration information for the module…

The CD522 2 channel encoder module supports a variety of encoder types (e.g. 5v/RS422 differential incremental encoder, HTL
incremental encoder, SSI encoder etc…). For the purposes of this application note we will assume a RS422 incremental
encoder will be used and wired to encoder channel 0 on the CD522 module via input terminals 1.0 (/A0), 1.1 (/B0), 2.0 (A0), 2.1
(B0), 1.3 (5V0) and 1.4 (0V). Please consult the Automation Builder help system for further information about the CD522 module
capabilities and how to wire this module for all supported encoder types.

The ‘CD522 Parameters’ tab in the right hand pane can now be used to configure the encoder, for our system we need to setup
a quadrature encoder counter (i.e. the number of encoder lines/pulses will be multiplied by 4 as the CD522 will count every
encoder edge), tell the module we are using a differential encoder input and turn on the CD522’s 5 volt output for channel 0 to
power our encoder…

The mode and input level settings will vary depending on the type of encoder you are using so please consult the Automation
Builder Help system for further details about these options if necessary.

At this stage these are the only parameter settings required to allow our RS422 encoder to operate, we will revisit this window in
Automation Builder later in this document when we discuss the use of the CD522 module’s fast input for latching encoder

Now select the ‘CD522 I/O Mapping’ tab and expand the folder labelled ‘PWM / Pulse’…

ABB Motion control products 3

Application note Using the CD522 module for master encoder input AN00239-002

The first two variables within this folder are ‘State Bytes S0/S1 %pulse’ (the first input) and ‘PWM Frequency 0’ (the first output).
We must give names to these two variables so that global variables are created based on these when the PLC configuration is
created later. Our PLC program will then utilise pointers to these variables as a means of addressing the CD522 module – this
is described in the following section of this document in more detail. For now create some names for the two variables, we
called ours ‘CD522_In’ and ‘CD522_Out’ as shown below…

Configuration of the CD522 module within Automation Builder is now complete so at this point be sure to save your project.

PLC application – Adding the CD522 function block

Double-click the PLC application icon in Automation Builder to launch the PLC programming environment. Automation Builder
will let you know that the PLC hardware configuration has changed and therefore the configuration files need updating before
any code can be downloaded….

Click ‘Update’ to accept this and let it create the new configuration (which includes creating the two global variables we added
for the CD522 module). The latest installed library for the CD522 module will be automatically included in the Library Manager
as part of this process so there is no need to add any additional library files to the project as a result of adding this module.

We are going to add an encoder function block to our system that will eventually be used to set the position of a (simulated)
master axis within the PLC application. PLCopen motion function blocks that provide ‘geared’ moves (e.g. MC_CamIn,
MC_GearIn, MC_GearInPos) all require a master axis to be specified so it is not possible to only use the necessary encoder
function block without also creating a master axis.

As we are using the project created for application note AN00205 as a starting point for this application note our PLC code
already contains a definition for the slave axis in the Global_Variables section of the Resources tree. Click on the ‘Resources’
tab in CoDeSys and then double-click the ‘Global_Variables’ icon…

ABB Motion control products 4

Application note Using the CD522 module for master encoder input AN00239-002

The Global_Variables window will open and we can now add a new AXIS_REF definition for our master axis. We named ours
‘MasterAxis’ as shown below…

Our slave axes is updated (profiled) by a CMC_MOTION_KERNEL_REAL function block that resides in a program element
called by our EtherCAT task (see application note AN00205 for further details). It is logical that our master axis (and hence the
CD522 encoder) must also be updated at the same rate and therefore the logic for this must also be within a program element
called by the EtherCAT task. We could create a new program and add this to the list of programs called by the EtherCAT task
which might help the user to identify which program elements are responsible for which axis for example, but for this application
note we will add the required code to our existing program that is triggered from the EtherCAT coupler…..this program is named

Double-click the EtherCAT_Control icon from within the POU explorer in CoDeSys to open this program.

It is logical that the master axis position/profile would require updating before calculating the target position for any geared axes
so we will add the code required for our CD522 encoder module and its corresponding axis to the beginning of our
EtherCAT_Control program. Select network 0001 and right click the grey area to the left. Select ‘Network before’ to insert a new
network at the start of the program.

The first function block we will add to the program is named CD522_32BIT_ENCODER. Insert a new block into network 0001
and type this name (or use the Input assistant via keyboard shortcut ‘F2’ to find this block – easiest if you turn off the
‘Structured’ view and look in the ‘Standard Function Blocks’ section)…

ABB Motion control products 5

Application note Using the CD522 module for master encoder input AN00239-002

Give this instance of the CD522_32BIT_ENCODER function block a name (we called ours Master_Encoder) and a declare this
variable. The table below details the input and output parameters available for this function block and indicates what value
should be entered or variable should be assigned for each for this example…

Input parameter Description Value/assignment Data type

EN Enables processing of the function block TRUE BOOL
CNT_NUM Which encoder channel on the CD522 the block relates 0 WORD
EN_CNT Enables the encoder counter for the selected channel TRUE BOOL
EDGE_TOUCH Sets which edge of the fast input for the selected TRUE BOOL
encoder channel is used to latch encoder position
(False = falling edge, True = rising edge)
EN_RPI Enables the reference point initiator (setting the counter FALSE BOOL
to the start value from a Z pulse)
RESET Resets the encoder counter FALSE BOOL
SET_START Sets the encoder counter to the start value FALSE BOOL
SET_END Sets the encoder counter to the end value FALSE BOOL
START_VALUE The value to use with SET_START and/or EN_RPI 0 DINT
END_VALUE If the encoder counter reaches END_VALUE then FB Leave blank DINT
output CF is set to True
ADR_IN Pointer to the start of the CD522 module’s inputs ADR(CD522_In) POINTER TO
ADR_OUT Pointer to the start of the CD522 module’s outputs ADR(CD522_Out) POINTER TO

Output Description Value/assignment Data type

DONE Set on completion of abortion of processing Leave blank BOOL
ERR Indicates if a processing error has occurred Leave blank BOOL
ERNO The error code for any processing errors Leave blank WORD
ACT The actual encoder count value for the selected dEncoder0 DINT
CF Output is set true if the encoder count reaches Leave blank BOOL
RDY_TOUCH Set True for one scan when a new latched value is Leave blank BOOL
RDY_RPI Set True for one scan when the RPI operation is done Leave blank BOOL
OFL Set True when the actual value passes from -1 to 0 or Leave blank BOOL
from 0 to -1
SET_IN Set True if one of the CD522 module’s inputs is Leave blank BOOL
configured as a set input
RESET_IN Set True if one of the CD522 module’s inputs is Leave blank BOOL
configured as a reset input
CNT_TOUCH The latched encoder value resulting from operation of Leave blank DINT
the relevant fast latch input on the CD522 module

Note the use of the ADR operator to define the pointers to the CD522 module’s inputs and outputs (the ADR operator acts on
the variables that we defined earlier as part of the CD522 Parameter setup). When assigning ‘dEncoder0’ as the output variable
for the ACT function block output be sure to set the data type for this variable as DINT.

Here’s what our function block looked like when we completed this process…

ABB Motion control products 6

Application note Using the CD522 module for master encoder input AN00239-002

Save the file so you don’t lose any of these changes. If you like you can Login to the PLC and run the program to check the
operation of the encoder block. As the connected master encoder rotates you should see the value of dEncoder0 change
accordingly – if this doesn’t happen recheck all of the settings you made earlier and the physical connection of the encoder to
the CD522 module.

If you need to use the second encoder input channel on the CD522 module then a second instance of the
CD522_32BIT_ENCODER function block must be included in the application code. Please consult the Automation Builder help
system for further information about the CD522 module if required.

At this point we are now ready to use the CD522 encoder value to set the position of our master axis. Add a new network 0002
and include a CMC_AXIS_CONTROL_PARAMETER_REAL function block in this network (we named ours
Master_Parameters). This block will set the various control parameters for our master axis (e.g. scaling and modulo). The table
below details the input parameters that must be set – all other input parameters can be left blank…

Input parameter Description Value/assignment Data type

ENABLE Enables processing of the function block TRUE BOOL
V_CHECK_TIME Delay time for velocity monitoring T#0s TIME
CYCLE Cycle time for axis update. This should match the 2 LREAL
EtherCAT cycle time we’ve previously set in
AN00205 for the real axes
EN_MODULO This parameter should be set TRUE if the axis is to TRUE BOOL
be treated as a modulo axis (i.e. if there a wrap on
the axis position at a predefined range or if the axis
position will wrap past the 32 bit position boundary
eventually such as with a continuously rotating
unidirectional axis). If the axis only moves
forwards/backwards within the 32 bit position range
and there is no requirement for modulo functionality
then set this parameter FALSE. For this application
note we will set it TRUE to create a master axis
that runs in the forward direction continuously
MODULO_RANGE Used in combination with EN_MODULO. This 2000000000 DINT
parameter sets how many encoder counts there
are in one modulo cycle. If EN_MODULO is set to
FALSE or if there is no requirement to define a
modulo/cycle size for the master axis then it is
suggested to set this value to something
approaching, but not equal to, the maximum size
(2147483647) …e.g. 2000000000. For an
application where the master axis has a repeating
cycle (e.g. a virtual master axis for a die cutting or
printing machine) set this value to the number of
encoder counts in the master axis cycle (this will
depend on the resolution of the master encoder
and the gearing to this encoder from the
mechanics). For our example we will assume we
don’t have a master cycle so we will set this
parameter to 2000000000
INC_PER_R Number of encoder counts in one revolution of the 10000 DWORD
master encoder (in quadrature). For our example
we will assume a 2500 line encoder (so 10000
quadrature counts)

ABB Motion control products 7

Application note Using the CD522 module for master encoder input AN00239-002

U_PER_REV_NOMINATOR Together with the DENOMINATOR parameter 100 DINT

below these two values define how many user units
the master axis moves for one rev of the master
encoder. For our example we will assume that one
rev of the master encoder equates to 100mm of
travel of the master axis so we can use 100 and 1
for these two parameters to express this
MAX_RPM Defines the maximum speed (in revolutions per 1000 WORD
minute) the master axis will travel. In our example
the maximum master speed is 60m/min
(1000mm/sec). As our earlier scaling was set for
100mm of travel for 1 encoder rev, this results in a
maximum speed of 10 revs per second (600rpm).
We will set 1000rpm to allow some leeway (which
could be required if we were to perform some
phasing type motion on the master axis for

The screenshot below shows our completed function block…

Now, in the same way we use a Kernel function block for a real axis, we must now add a CMC_MOTION_KERNEL_REAL
function block to the program (i.e. the profiler for the master axis) so add a new network after the control parameter block and
include the Kernel function block (we named ours Master_Kernel). The table below details the required input parameters to this

Input parameter Description Value/assignment Data type

ENABLE Enables processing of the function TRUE BOOL
AXIS Which AXIS_REF the Kernel block MasterAxis AXIS_REF
relates to
TER_REAL function block the
Kernel block relates to
IO Defines an axis IO structure (see Master_IO CMC_AXIS_IO
AN00205 for further details). In this
example enter the text ‘Master_IO’
and declare this variable as a type
CMC_AXIS_IO (as was done for
the real axis in AN00205)

When using real axes it is necessary to assign at least one of the output parameters of the Kernel function block (i.e.
SPEED_REFERENCE or POSITION_REFERENCE) to the relevant EtherCAT PDO mapped variable associated with the drive.
In this case there is no real hardware associated with the master axis (apart from the encoder connected to the CD522 module)
so there is no requirement to assign variables to any of the Kernel output parameters. The only exception could be the ERROR
output (and ERRORID) should the user wish to detect faults occurring with processing of the master axis. For this simple
example we have decided to ignore the ERROR output, but in a real application it is recommended that this is incorporated into
the system’s error handling logic.

The screenshot below shows our finished network…

ABB Motion control products 8

Application note Using the CD522 module for master encoder input AN00239-002

You may have noticed that we omitted to include an input for DRIVE_ACTUALPOSITION. Eventually this input needs to be
linked to the CD522 encoder function block’s ACT output (i.e. the master encoder count). However, there are some
considerations to be given to how this encoder value is passed to the Kernel…

The CD522 module sits on the AC500 PLC’s IO bus and as such the encoder value is only updated at a slow rate (e.g. every
4ms). As a result the resulting position/speed measurement of the master encoder can be quite ‘granular’ in nature (i.e. “noisy”)
and any slave axes performing geared motion based on the master axis may exhibit some increase in audible noise as a result
of trying to use this encoder value as a reference (in extreme cases the slave axis may even trip with a motor overload due to
the high accelerations associated with trying to follow a noisy master reference).

It is therefore necessary to “filter” the encoder value and provide smoothed encoder reference positions to the master axis’
Kernel. This is achieved using the MATH_LINEAR_REGRESSION function block which is included as part of the Maths
Functions library included with the PS552-MC-E motion control libraries.
Navigate to the Resources tab in CoDesys, open the Library Manager and add MathFunctions_AC500_Vxx.lib to your current
project (where xx will be the current version of this library – e.g. 23). Once this has been added, add a new network to the
EtherCAT_Control program - after the network containing the CD522_32BIT_ENCODER function block – this is where we will
filter the actual encoder value. Insert a MATH_LINEAR_REGRESSION function block into this new network (we named ours

The following table details the input and output parameters for the MATH_LINEAR_REGRESSION function block…

Input parameter Description Value/assignment Data type

ENABLE Enables processing of the function TRUE BOOL
block. Changes to FORECAST can be
made whilst the block is enabled, but
changes to HISTORY must be loaded
with a new rising edge on the ENABLE
ACTUAL The actual value to be filtered (in our dEncoder0 (cast from DINT to LREAL) LREAL
case, the output from the
CD522_32BIT_ENCODER function
HISTORY The number of samples to be stored to 30 LREAL
calculate a moving average (typically in
the range 10-50)
FORECAST The number of cycles to use to 2 BOOL
calculate a feed-forward correction to
compensate for lag in the CD522
encoder value (typically in the range 1-
POSITIVE_LIMIT Maximum value that should be output 2147483647 DWORD
by the block (in our case we don’t want
to affect the range of the CD522
encoder output, we only want to
smooth it, so we will set the maximum
value the CD522 encoder block
NEGATIVE_LIMIT Minimum value that should be output -21474836478 DINT
by the block (in our case we don’t want
to affect the range of the CD522
encoder output, we only want to
smooth it, so we will set the minimum
value the CD522 encoder block

Output parameter Description Value/assignment Data type

NEXT_VALUE The resulting smoothed decimal value Master_Kernel.DRIVE_ACTUALPOSITION LREAL
(cast from LREAL to DINT)
NEXT_BINARY The resulting smooth value expressed Leave blank DWORD
in binary

ABB Motion control products 9

Application note Using the CD522 module for master encoder input AN00239-002

Note how the output of this function block is assigned to the actual position for our master axis. The screenshot below shows
how this should look in the application code…

All of the code needed to create the master axis is now completed and the MasterAxis AXIS_REF can now be used as the
master axis is all of the available multi-axis PLCopen motion functions available within the PS552-MC-E motion libraries (e.g.
MC_GearIn, MC_GearInPos, MC_CamIn etc…).

Note that in all cases, when using the master axis derived from the CD522 encoder, it is necessary to use ‘mcActualValue’ as
the ‘MasterValueSource’ when using the multi-axis function blocks.


For further information about the operation of the multi-axis motion function blocks and how these are used in combination with
a master axis please refer to the Automation Builder help system for further information.

For details on how to use the fast position latches on the CD522 encoder module please refer to application note AN00240.

Contact Us
For more information please contact your
local ABB representative or one of the following: © Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.

EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology, licenced by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany

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