21st Century

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Gonzales, Leonelen F.




RIDDLES Riddles are word While riddles often
BUGTONG puzzles: a game serve the function of
where you have to entertaining the
think about carefully audience by
in order to answer. proposing challenging
Riddles are short questions to be
witty statements solved, they also
usually clever and serve other purposes.
amusing. For instance, they
may allow for deeper
thinking regarding an
issue or to allow
other questions to
arise. Riddles also can
improve our mindset,
being wise, clever,
has the ability to
think quickly and
interpretation skills.
PROVERBS Proverbs often make To learn wise
use of grammatical behavior.
and rhetorical devices
that help make them
memorable, including
alliteration, rhyme,
parallel structure,
repetition of key
words or phrases, and
strong imagery.
Proverb is a
traditional saying or
phrase that expresses
a perceived truth.
Proverbs often give
practical advice and
are based on the
shared human
TANAGAS Tanaga (originated in To poets test their
the Philippines) skills at rhyme, meter
tanaga is a “quatrain” and metaphor.
of seven-syllable
lines. The syllable
count looks like this:
7-7-7-7. It has an
AABB rhyme scheme.
Similar to the haiku,
tanagas usually
remain untitled,
letting just the four
lines hold all the
weight of the poem.
FOLK SONG The tune is repeated To bring aesthetic
several times with enjoyment, and
successive stanzas of popular music, which
a poem. Tunes may (often along with
have from two to social dancing)
eight lines, but most
often there are four.
The musical
among the lines is
described as the
FABLES Fables are To teach moral
characterized by their lessons. Usually,
moral lessons. These fables are aimed at
short tales were once children with their
passed down as use of fantasy and
folklore to teach whimsical human-like
listeners the characters.
difference between
right and wrong, give
advice on proper
behavior and
manners, and offer
maxims to live by.
FASTASY STORIES The key element of It can encourage
the fantasy fiction readers to imagine
genre is magic. themselves in
Fantasy novels may different roles and
be romantic, scenarios, pursuing
historical, action- alternate decisions
packed or all three, and actions without
but the element of experiencing any real
magic is what sets risk. By living
this genre apart from vicariously through
all the others. Fairy fantasy characters,
tales, myths, and readers can expand
legends are part of on their techniques
the fantasy genre. It for solving personal
also includes problems.
supernatural and
magical elements.
MYTHS Myths are often told To explain natural
as if they were phenomena, where a
factual. These stories people came from
were meant to offer and how their
reasonable civilization developed,
explanations; and why things
therefore, the happen as they do. At
audience believed their most basic level,
these stories to be myths comfort by
true. Myths include giving a sense of
gods and/or order and meaning to
goddesses, and these what can sometimes
figures often have seem a chaotic world.
supernatural powers. They tell how gods
created men. They
depict the
between various gods
and between gods
and men. They
provide a moral code
by which to live.
LEGENDS Contain elements of They are entertaining
truth. Passed from and enjoyable to hear
person to person due to their
either through creativity. They unite
writing, illustration or a people under a
orally. Can be based cultural ethos. They
on historic facts. guide, instruct, or
inspire people.
EPICS It is written in a very An epic is a long
special style (verse as narrative poem that
opposed to prose) usually deals with
and uses epic similes. important subjects
It presents the heroic matter like events of
ideals such as cultural significance
courage, loyalty, and heroic actions.
honor, sacrifice,
hospitality, and
kindness. An epic
gives a clear picture
of the social and
cultural patterns of
the culture's life.

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