Robust MPPT Tracking For PV Solar Power Using Metaheuristic Algorithms
Robust MPPT Tracking For PV Solar Power Using Metaheuristic Algorithms
Robust MPPT Tracking For PV Solar Power Using Metaheuristic Algorithms
I = I −I −I
conditions. Therefore, the point of the P-V characteristic follows:
I = )I * + K - T − T /
proportional to the solar light which is expressed in eq. (3).
' Indeed, The PSO technique consists of a number of particles,
where I * represents the short-circuit current at the reference
(3) each one offers an individual solution to the problem at hand.
according to R 3 as shown in eq. (5). recorded performance is attributed to P<= > , a comparison
iteration with its last position and therefore the maximum
R =
determine G<= > .
between the best positions of each particle allows to
(12 6
The main component of the PV system is the MPPT C. Grey Wolf optimization
controller. Its role is to achieve the maximum possible PV
The GWO technique follows the hunting strategy carried out
power. The MPPT controller block is programmed by MPPT
by grey wolves groups in the wild. Grey wolves are
optimization algorithm. The PV voltage and current
considered one of the species that live in groups. They are
represent the two inputs of the MPPT controller. It provides a
arranged in a four-tiered hierarchy representing the
duty cycle as an output, which is directly applied to the
leadership hierarchy; alpha (α), beta (β), delta (δ) and omega
IGBT of the converter. They are maintained at the point
(ω).In order to model the hierarchy of wolves in GWO
where the MPP is recorded. The duty cycle value is changed
design, α is taken as the most suitable solution. Therefore, β
in accordance with the MPP monitoring. The output voltage
and δ represent the second and third best solutions. ω is
can step up by using boost converter depicted in Fig. 1 [19,
assumed for the remaining candidate solutions. The main
steps of GWO, including the hunting stage, prey tracking and
III. MPPT OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES tracing, encircling and attacking prey are used to design the
A. Perturb and Observe Algorithm GWO algorithm [24]. Alpha is the group leader which is in
P&O algorithm is based on changing the voltage (ΔV), charge of making decisions about hunting, sleeping areas,
the voltage can be decremented or incremented at each and waking up time. Encircling behaviors is modeled as
iteration of calculation according to the value of ΔV [21], follows:
The change in power is directly recorded after changing
voltage. At the MPP, the rate of change in power is close to
zero. The voltage variation is in the same direction when
ΔV>0 leads to ΔP>0. Otherwise, it occurs in the opposite
direction [23]. Fig 2 illustrates the whole process of the P&O
Fig .1: DC-DC boost converter. Fig .2: P&O algorithm Flowchart.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Yildirim Beyazit Univ. Downloaded on September 12,2023 at 13:26:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2021 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica
B⃗ = DCB⃗. BBBB⃗
X − BX⃗ t D
BX⃗ t + 1 = DX B⃗ . BBB⃗
BBBB⃗ t − A DD
where t represents the current iteration, JK and J represent
(9) Fig .4. GWO algorithm flowchart.
B⃗ = 2. Ba⃗. BBB⃗
A r( − aB⃗
according to eq. (10) and eq. (11). engine then defuzzification [25]. Four fuzzy subgroups are
used to assign membership functions to linguistic variables:
B⃗ = 2. BBB⃗
C r?
LV (Low voltage), MV1 (medium voltage1) MV2 (medium
D- k + 1 = D- k − A. D
gray wolves. Therefore, eq. (9) will be written as follows:
(12) Voltage can reach values between 158V and 171 V
which belong to the area between high and medium 2
Equation. (12) can be written in function of the hunt voltages. The same goes for the current which its value is
X W t − BX⃗D ; BBBB⃗ XW − BBBB⃗
X( = BBBB⃗ A( . BBBBB⃗
entities (α), (β), (δ), as expressed in eq. (13) and eq. (14). between 8.37 A and 8.56A. We obtain High domain duty
BX⃗ = \]
The fitness function of GWO is defined as:
P)d8- / _ P)d81(
- /
where measured power is denoted by P, i and k represent the
Authorized licensed use limited to: Yildirim Beyazit Univ. Downloaded on September 12,2023 at 13:26:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2021 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica
Optimum values:
0 V=172-184V
HD : 1388-1430 W
MD2 : 1127-1311 W
MD1 : 1124-1318 W
LD : 0-787 W
Authorized licensed use limited to: Yildirim Beyazit Univ. Downloaded on September 12,2023 at 13:26:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2021 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica
Authorized licensed use limited to: Yildirim Beyazit Univ. Downloaded on September 12,2023 at 13:26:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.