MedComm Oncology - 2023 - Chen
MedComm Oncology - 2023 - Chen
MedComm Oncology - 2023 - Chen
DOI: 10.1002/mog2.48
Billroth II Braun, distal gastrectomy, gastric cancer, meta‐analysis, reconstruction,
Defei Chen, Chenglin Tang, and Fan He contributed equally to this study.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. MedComm – Oncology published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Sichuan International Medical Exchange & Promotion Association
treatment for cancer located in the distal stomach. search. After reviewing the publications, the full text
Reconstruction of the digestive tract after gastrectomy is of 11 studies was further assessed. Of these, three
one of the most important aspects of surgery. The goal of papers did not meet the criteria and were excluded.
optimal reconstruction is maintenance of satisfactory Finally, one randomized controlled trial (RCT) 14 and
nutritional status and quality of life, with the simplest seven nonrandomized observational clinical studies
techniques available while reducing postoperative morbidity (OCS) 15–21 with a total of 910 patients were consid-
as much as possible. ered for the meta‐analysis (Figure 1). The population
The main reconstruction methods for DG include characteristics of each study are shown in Table 1. A
Billroth I (BI) reconstruction,3 Billroth II (BII) reconstruc- total of 518 and 392 patients were included in the BB
tion,4 Billroth II Braun (BB) reconstruction,5 Roux‐en‐Y (RY) and RY groups, respectively. Studies were conducted
reconstruction,6 and uncut RY (URY) reconstruction,7 BI in South Korea (four studies)14–17 and China (four
reconstruction has specific requirements in terms of gastric studies). 18–21 Quality scores of each included article
cancer location while the other reconstructions have broader were between 6 and 9, indicating sufficient study
indications. BI and BII retain intestinal continuity and are quality (Table 1).
easier to perform while other reconstructions are technically
challenging and alter the intestinal anatomy, however, the
chronic bile reflux into the stomach may cause remnant 2.2 | Comparison of perioperative
gastritis with a potential risk for gastric metaplasia.8,9 BB outcomes between BB and RY
reconstruction was designed specifically to reduce the flow of
bile into the stomach and URY is a modification of the BB To compare the feasibility of BB and RY, perioperative
anastomosis in which a jejunal occlusion is fashioned.5,7,10 outcomes including operation time, anastomosis
RY reconstruction addresses the problem of alkaline time, intraoperative blood loss, harvested lymph
bile reflux in BI and BII reconstruction but it leaves the nodes, length of hospital stay, and time to first flatus
patient prone to RSS.11,12 URY reconstruction can effectively or defecation were evaluated (Table 2). Eight
prevent reflux gastritis and is superior to RY in preventing studies 14–21 reported operation time and the meta‐
RSS after DG,10,13 however, it is more complex and expen- analysis showed operation time was lower in the
sive compared with BB and RY. Compared with BII BB group (weighted mean difference [WMD],
reconstruction, BB reconstruction has a supplementary −21.06 min; 95% confidence interval [CI], −31.50
Braun anastomosis, through which the bile can flow into to −10.63; p < 0.0001; Figure 2A). Among the two
distal jejunum directly, so it can reduce the bile reflux studies reporting anastomosis time18,20 anastomosis
theoretically.4,5 Everything considered, BB and RY seem to time was lower in the BB group (WMD, −8.65 min;
be the preferred reconstruction method after DG. 95% CI, −9.20 to −8.10; p < 0.00001; Figure 2B).
BB and RY reconstruction are similar anatomically, both Eight studies 14–21 reported intraoperative blood
of them have an anastomosis of stomach and jejunum plus loss and the meta‐analysis revealed the value was
an anastomosis of jejunum and jejunum, but which one is similar in the two groups (WMD, −13.44 mL;
superior remains controversial. Therefore, we performed this 95% CI, −28.67 to 1.78; p = 0.08; Figure 2C). The
meta‐analysis to compare the safety and efficacy of BB and number of harvested lymph nodes was reported in
RY reconstruction after DG for gastric cancer. Finally, eight seven studies 15–21 and was similar between the two
studies with a total of 910 patients were considered for the groups (WMD, 0.50; 95% CI, −1.71 to 2.71; p = 0.66;
meta‐analysis and we found that BB has the advantage of Figure 2D). No significant difference was observed
reducing operative time, anastomotic time, intraoperative between the two groups in terms of hospital stay
blood loss, overall postoperative complications, and delayed (WMD, −0.02; 95% CI, −0.19 to 0.14; p = 0.77;
gastric emptying. RY has the advantage of preventing bile Figure 2E) and time to first flatus or defecation
reflux and gastritis after surgery. (WMD, −0.09; 95% CI, −0.27 to 0.09; p = 0.35;
Supporting Information: Figure S1A).
2.3 | Comparison of postoperative
2.1 | Studies with sufficient quality complications between BB and RY
were selected for meta‐analysis
To compare the safety of BB and RY, postoperative
To search for all eligible studies for the meta‐analysis, complications were evaluated (Table 2). The overall
125 publications were selected during the initial postoperative complications were reported in eight
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CHEN ET AL. | 3 of 13
studies.14–21 There was no significant difference in the p = 0.74; Supporting Information: Figure S2F) was
risk of total complications (odds ratio [OR], 0.68; 95% similar between the BB and RY groups.
CI, 0.46 to 1.00; p = 0.05; Figure 3A). Four stud-
ies 15,17,20,21 reported postoperative complications ac-
cording to the Clavien–Dindo classification22 and risk 2.4 | Comparison of postoperative
of total complications (OR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.40 to 0.99; functional findings and nutritional status
p = 0.04; Supporting Information: Figure S2A) was a between BB and RY
lower in the BB group. However, subgroups of grade
Grades I–II (OR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.40 to 1.09; p = 0.11; To compare the efficacy of BB and RY, postoperative
Supporting Information: Figure S2B) and Grades functional findings and nutritional status were
III–IV (OR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.24 to 1.58; p = 0.31; assessed. Three studies 15,16,20 reported postoperative
Supporting Information: Figure S2C) did not differ functional findings including residual food, gastritis,
between groups. Delayed gastric emptying was re- and bile reflux; the results of the meta‐analysis are
ported in five studies 16,17,19–21 and the BB group had a shown in Table 2. No difference was found in the risk
lower risk (OR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.18 to 0.89; p = 0.02; of residual food (OR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.39 to 1.16;
Figure 3B). The risk of other complications, including p = 0.16; Figure 4A) and gastritis (OR, 4.63; 95% CI,
anastomotic leakage (OR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.09 to 2.58; 0.92 to 23.29; p = 0.06; Figure 4B) between BB and RY
p = 0.39; Figure 3C), ileus (OR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.19 to groups. Risk of bile reflux was significantly lower in
1.84; p = 0.36; Figure 3D), postoperative pancreatitis the RY group (OR, 4.77; 95% CI, 1.23 to 18.53;
(OR, 4.33; 95% CI, 0.96 to 19.49; p = 0.06; Figure 3E), p = 0.02; Figure 4C). Postoperative nutritional status
duodenal stump leakage (OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.25 to 1 year after surgery was reported in two studies
3.76; p = 0.95; Supporting Information: Figure S2D), (Table 2).15,19 No significant between‐group differ-
intra‐abdominal abscess (OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 0.24 to ences were observed in body weight (WMD, 1.64; 95%
4.59; p = 0.94; Supporting Information: Figure S2E), CI, −0.52 to 3.80; p = 0.14; Figure 4D), hemoglobin
wound problem (OR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.45 to 3.12; (WMD, 2.01; 95% CI, −1.29 to 5.31; p = 0.23;
| 4 of 13
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CHEN ET AL. | 5 of 13
Figure 4E), or albumin (WMD, 0.27; 95% CI, −0.68 to p = 0.06) and bile reflux (I² = 82%; p = 0.02). Sensitivity
1.23; p = 0.58; Figure 4F). analysis of intraoperative blood loss showed heterogene-
ity was reduced to 44% after excluding the study by
Yalikun et al.,20 but the difference was not significant
2.5 | Sensitivity analyses of outcomes (p = 0.58) (Supporting Information: Table S1). Sensitivity
with high heterogeneity analysis of incidence of gastritis and bile reflux indicated
the heterogeneity was decreased to 8% and 0% respec-
To explore the source of heterogeneity, sensitivity tively after excluding the study by Yalikun et al.,20
analyses were performed. The results of the meta‐ moreover, a significantly lower risk of incidence of
analysis revealed significant heterogeneity in some gastritis (p < 0.00001) and bile reflux (p < 0.00001) was
outcomes, such as operative time (I² = 75%; p < 0.0001), found in BB group after excluding the aforementioned
anastomosis time (I2 = 89%; p < 0.00001), intraoperative study (Supporting Information: Table S1). However, a
blood loss (I² = 73%; p = 0.08), harvested lymph nodes thorough review of this study revealed no reason for
(I2 = 66%; p = 0.66), and incidence of gastritis (I² = 86%; exclusion.
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6 of 13 | CHEN ET AL.
F I G U R E 2 Meta‐analysis of surgical outcomes. (A) Pooled data on operation time, (B) pooled data on anastomosis time, (C) pooled data
on intraoperative blood loss, (D) pooled data on number of harvested lymph nodes, (E) pooled data on length of hospital stay. BB, Billroth II
with Braun; CI, confidence interval; RY, Roux‐en‐Y; SD, standard deviation.
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CHEN ET AL. | 7 of 13
F I G U R E 3 Meta‐analysis of postoperative complications. (A) Pooled data on total postoperative complications, (B) pooled data on
delayed gastric emptying, (C) pooled data on anastomotic leakage, (D) pooled data on postoperative ileus, (E) pooled data on postoperative
pancreatitis. BB, Billroth II with Braun; CI, confidence interval; RY, Roux‐en‐Y; SD, standard deviation.
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8 of 13 | CHEN ET AL.
F I G U R E 4 Meta‐analysis of postoperative functional findings and nutritional status. (A) Pooled data on residual food, (B) pooled data
on gastritis, (C) pooled data on bile reflux, (D) pooled data on postoperative body weight, (E) pooled data on postoperative hemoglobin,
(F) pooled data on postoperative albumin. BB, Billroth II with Braun; CI, confidence interval; RY, Roux‐en‐Y; SD, standard deviation.
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The incidence of postoperative complications is distance between the gastrojejunostomy and Braun
often used to assess the safety of a surgical procedure. anastomosis was increased by 10 cm compared to
In this meta‐analysis, despite the lack of statistical conventional BB reconstruction, and for this reason,
significance (p = 0.05), BB reconstruction was associ- bile reflux and gastritis were reduced in their BB group.
ated with reduced overall postoperative complications. Therefore, BB is inferior to RY in terms of preventing
Furthermore, the groups differed significantly (p = 0.04, bile reflux and gastritis, but hopefully, by modifying
Supporting Information: Figure S1A) when only the BB reconstruction, this drawback can be remedied.
studies categorizing complications according to the Only two studies reported changes in nutritional
Clavien–Dindo classification were included. Thus, BB status at 1 year of follow‐up after surgery. This meta‐
is associated with lower risk of overall postoperative analysis revealed no significant difference in body
complications, possibly because of the need to cut off weight, hemoglobin, or albumin levels between the two
the bowel and separate part of the mesentery in RY, groups, however, body weight was higher in the BB
which disrupts intestinal continuity and physiology group than in the RY group. Therefore, postoperative
leading to more trauma than BB. nutritional status could not be fully assessed due to lack
The incidence of delayed gastric emptying (DGE) was of sufficient data. Consequently, further studies with
2.3% and 5.7% in the BB and RY groups, respectively and larger samples, including more nutritional indicators and
risk was significantly lower in the BB group (p = 0.02, longer follow‐up are needed to address this question.
Figure 3B), consistent with a previously published This meta‐analysis has several advantages. First, it is the
analysis27 that reported a higher incidence of DGE after first study comparing BB with RY anastomosis. Second,
RY reconstruction (known as RSS). RSS is characterized unlike the comparison of the procedures in previous reports,
by abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea after oral our study focused on a comparison of BB and RY and
intake of food. RSS appears to be associated with provides relevant evidence‐based findings. Third, all the
functional rather than mechanical obstruction of the extracted data were cross‐checked and sensitivity and
“Y” limb. The possible mechanisms of this syndrome subgroup analyses were performed to improve the credibility
include the altered electrical stimulation and retrograde of our results. However, there are several limitations to this
peristalsis of the “Y” limb caused by the altered intestinal study. First, all the included studies were conducted in Asian
continuity and intestinal innervation. Although these countries, probably because the incidence of gastric cancer is
factors may lead to delayed gastric emptying, the higher in East Asia than in most Western countries,1,30
incidence and cause of RSS are not yet clearly elucidated. making the results more generalizable to East Asia than
The incidence of anastomotic leakage was similar other populations. Second, there was potential selection bias,
between the two groups, consistent with previous findings.28 given that the included studies are mostly observational.
No significant difference was found in postoperative Third, although we included all relevant studies, the sample
complications including anastomotic leakage, ileus, pancrea- size may not be sufficient. Hence, additional RCTs and large‐
titis, duodenal stump leakage, intra‐abdominal abscess, or scale studies are needed. Nonetheless, our study provides
wound issues between the two groups. This may be because clinical evidence of the optimal reconstruction for surgeons,
of the small difference between the two groups, and another which we hope is useful for surgeons worldwide.
reason to explain this is that postoperative complications
such as surgical site infection have been reduced with the
development of surgical technique and the using of 4 | CONCLUSIONS
antimicrobial prophylaxis these years,29 which make it
difficult to observed the difference between the two groups BB has the advantage in shortening the operative time,
with the small sample size of the included studies. anastomotic time, and intraoperative blood loss, and
Three studies15,16,20 reported postoperative functional reducing overall postoperative complication and delayed
findings using RGB classification. A significant difference gastric emptying. RY has the advantage of preventing bile
was observed only for bile reflux (p = 0.02) with high reflux and gastritis after surgery.
heterogeneity (I2 = 82%) when including all three studies
(Figure 4C), however, when excluding the study by
Yalikun et al,20 a significantly lower risk of bile reflux 5 | MATERIALS AND METHODS
(p < 0.00001) and gastritis (p < 0.00001) was observed in
the RY group with low heterogeneity (Supporting The study protocol was registered on PROSPERO
Information: Table S1), similar to previous reports.15,16 (Registration Number: CRD42022331178). The study
Interestingly, we noticed that Yalikun et al.20 used a was performed according to assessing the methodological
modified BB reconstruction technique, in which the quality of systematic reviews (AMSTAR) guidelines and
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CHEN ET AL. | 11 of 13
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews using the same or similar terms. Residual food, gastritis,
and Meta‐Analyses (PRISMA).31,32 and bile reflux as evaluated by the postoperative endo-
scopic findings 1 year after surgery and based on food
residue, gastritis, and bile reflux classification (RGB score),
5.1 | Literature search strategy score ≥ grade 1 were regarded as positive findings.33 Body
weight, hemoglobin, and albumin were defined as the
The PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane data measured 1 year after surgery reported in the study.
Library databases were searched for primary studies
published between 2000 and October 2022. Search terms
included the following MeSH terms (Medical Subject 5.4 | Quality assessment
Headings) and their combinations: “Billroth” (tiab) AND
“Braun” (tiab) AND “Roux en Y” (tiab) with no language The quality of the selected studies was assessed by two
restriction. To search for additional potentially eligible authors independently. The nonrandomized OCS was
studies, all references of the retrieved studies were evaluated using the Newcastle‐Ottawa Quality Assess-
reviewed. Both RCT and OCS were included in the study ment Scale and the RCT was assessed using the Jadad
and all titles and abstracts were extracted and evaluated. scoring system.34,35
The eligible studies were assessed and research data were
extracted by two reviewers independently. In there was
any disagreement, consensus was reached after discuss- 5.5 | Outcomes of interest
ing with a third researcher.
Perioperative outcomes, postoperative complications,
postoperative functional findings, and nutritional status
5.2 | Inclusion and exclusion criteria were evaluated. The main perioperative outcomes were
operation time, anastomosis time, intraoperative blood
All studies that met all of the following criteria were loss, harvested lymph nodes, hospital stay, and time to
included: (1) patients with gastric cancer who underwent first flatus or defecation. Postoperative complications
DG; (2) study compared BB and RY reconstruction; (3) study included anastomotic leakage, ileus, postoperative pan-
included at least one of the surgical outcomes mentioned; (4) creatitis, duodenal stump leakage, DGE, wound problem,
original research with ≥ 10 patients; and (5) study was and intra‐abdominal abscess. Postoperative functional
published in English. If two or more articles were published findings included residual food, gastritis, and bile reflux
by the same study group, institution, or used the same data which were endoscopically proven 1 year after surgery
set, the article with the largest sample size or the longest using RGB score. Postoperative nutritional status
follow‐up was selected. Any study that met one of the included serum hemoglobin, total protein, albumin
following criteria was excluded: (1) article type was abstract, levels, and body weight.
case reports, review articles, expert opinions, basic research,
animal experiments, or letters. (2) study without available
data or full text; (3) study including patients with benign 5.6 | Data extraction
disease; (4) sample size <10; or (5) study published
before 2000. Two authors collected the data from each of the selected
research papers independently, and disagreements were
discussed before a final decision was made. Outcomes of
5.3 | Definitions interest as well as population characteristics of each
study were collected carefully. The population character-
Perioperative outcomes included operation time, anasto- istics included author name, study period, geographical
mosis time, intraoperative blood loss, harvested lymph region, operation type, sample size, mean age, sex, tumor
nodes, hospital stay, and time to first flatus or defecation stage, body mass index, and American Society of
as defined as reported in the studies using the same or Anesthesiologists (ASA) score.
similar terms. Total complications were defined as all the
postoperative complications reported or categorized ac-
cording to the Clavien–Dindo classification.22 Anasto- 5.7 | Statistical analysis
motic leakage, ileus, postoperative pancreatitis, duodenal
stump leakage, DGE, wound problems, and intra‐ Review Manager Version 5.4 software (Nordic Cochrane
abdominal abscess were defined as reported in the studies Centre; Denmark) was used to conduct meta‐analyses. The
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