Prelim Paper 23-24

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Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune

Department of Civil Engineering

Prelim Paper
TE (Civil) AY 2023-24 (Semester - I)
301002: Water Supply Engineering (2019 PAT)
Time: 2.5 Hour Max. Marks: 70
Div- A
Instructions to the candidates
1) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary:
2) Assume suitable data if necessary:

Q1) a) Explain various filter troubles. How are they rectified? 6

A clariflocculator is to be designed for an average flow of 50 MLD. Assuming,
inlet velocity as 1.2 m/s, and detention time in flocculator and clarifier as 30 min
b) and 120 mins, respectively, surface overflow rate in clarifier as 40 m3/m2/d, G 6
in flocculator 40 s-1, and depth of flocculator basin as 2.5 m, determine diameter
of inlet pipe, flocculator and clarifier.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using natural coagulants over
c) 6
synthetic ones in water treatment?

Q2) a) Differentiate alum and ferric salts as coagulants in water treatment. 6

A filter unit is of size 4m X 8m. After filtering 8000 m3/day in 24 hr period, the
filter is back washed for 30 minutes at the rate of 10 lit/m2/sec for 10 minutes.
b) Compute the average filtration rate, quantity and percentage of treated water 6
used in washing and the rate of wash water flow in each trough. The unit has 4
collecting troughs.
What do you understand by loss of the head and negative head in a rapid sand
c) 6
gravity filter? What are the permissible values?

Q3) a) Explain in brief the criteria for selecting a disinfectant. 5

b) Write in detail the concept of "break point chlorination." 6

The water works of a town of population 25,000 has to meet its water demand at
the rate of 135 l/c/d. If the disinfection is to be done by bleaching powder having
c) 6
45% available chlorine, determine the quantity of bleaching powder required per
year. The required dose of chlorine at the water work is 0.3 ppm for disinfection.
Provide an overview of the lime-soda process for water softening and its key
Q4) a) 5
b) Write with a neat sketch a detailed note on Reverse Osmosis 6
What is Residual Chlorine? Find the dose of chlorine and chlorine demand for
c) water quantity of 40,000 m3/day. Chlorine used is 15 kg per day and residual 6
chlorine after 10 minutes of contact time is 0.2 mg/ lit.
Q5) a) Designed demand of a town is 3 MLD. It is pumped into an elevated service
reservoir at a uniform rate from 5 am to 9am and 5pm to 9pm. The variation
in demand of water is given below.
Period 5 am to 9 am to 5pm to 9 pm to 12 am 6
9 am 5 pm 9 pm 12 am to 5 am
demand 40% 15% 30% 10% 05%
Determine the balancing Capacity of the reservoir.
Describe the considerations and design elements for a roof-top rainwater
b) 6
harvesting system.
c) Illustrate use of GIS and drone technology in water management 6

Explain in detail: leak detection techniques as an important tool in water supply
Q6) a) 6
b) What is meant by balancing capacity of reservoir? How it is determined? 6

c) What are the different methods used for Water distribution? 6

Q7) a) Write a note on: 1) Gate valve, 2) Pressure relief valve 5

b) Explain in detail Packaged WTP. 6

c) Explain with neat sketch: one pipe system partially ventilated 6


Q8) a) Write a note on: 1) Reflux valve, 2) Air relief valve 5

b) Explain in detail with neat sketch: two pipe system. 6

Enlist initiatives taken by Government in water infrastructure. Explain
c) 6
one of them in detail.

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