Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Sarthak Mittal * 1 2 Korbinian Abstreiter * 3 Stefan Bauer 4 5 Bernhard Schölkopf 6 Arash Mehrjou † 3 6
Abstract shapes (Cai et al., 2020), and audio (Chen et al., 2020b;
Diffusion-based methods, represented as stochas- Kong et al., 2021). Two promising approaches apply step-
tic differential equations on a continuous-time wise perturbations to samples of the data distribution until
domain, have recently proven successful as non- the perturbed distribution matches a known prior (Song &
adversarial generative models. Training such Ermon, 2019; Ho et al., 2020). A model is then trained to es-
models relies on denoising score matching, which timate the reverse process, which transforms samples of the
can be seen as multi-scale denoising autoencoders. prior to samples of the data distribution (Saremi et al., 2018).
Here, we augment the denoising score match- Diffusion models were further refined (Nichol & Dhariwal,
ing framework to enable representation learning 2021; Luhman & Luhman, 2021) and even achieved bet-
without any supervised signal. GANs and VAEs ter image sample quality than GANs (Dhariwal & Nichol,
learn representations by directly transforming la- 2021; Ho et al., 2021; Mehrjou et al., 2017). Further, Song
tent codes to data samples. In contrast, the in- et al. showed that these frameworks are discrete versions of
troduced diffusion-based representation learning continuous-time perturbations modeled by stochastic differ-
relies on a new formulation of the denoising score ential equations and proposed a diffusion-based generative
matching objective and thus encodes the infor- modeling framework on continuous time. Unlike generative
mation needed for denoising. We illustrate how models such as GANs and various forms of autoencoders,
this difference allows for manual control of the the original form of diffusion models does not come with a
level of details encoded in the representation. Us- fixed architectural module that captures the representations
ing the same approach, we propose to learn an of the data samples.
infinite-dimensional latent code that achieves im- Learning desirable representations has been an integral com-
provements on state-of-the-art models on semi- ponent of generative models such as GANs and VAEs (Ben-
supervised image classification. We also compare gio et al., 2013; Radford et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2016;
the quality of learned representations of diffusion van den Oord et al., 2017; Donahue & Simonyan, 2019;
score matching with other methods like autoen- Chen et al., 2020a; Schölkopf et al., 2021). Recent works
coder and contrastively trained systems through on visual representation learning achieve impressive perfor-
their performances on downstream tasks. Finally, mance on the downstream task of classification by applying
we also ablate with a different SDE formulation contrastive learning (Chen et al., 2020d; Grill et al., 2020;
for diffusion models and show that the benefits Chen & He, 2020; Caron et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2020c).
on downstream tasks are still present on changing However, contrastive learning requires additional supervi-
the underlying differential equation. sion of augmentations that preserve the content of the data,
and hence these approaches are not directly comparable to
representations learned through generative systems like Vari-
1. Introduction ational Autoencoders (Kingma & Welling, 2013; Rezende
et al., 2014) and the current work which are considered
Diffusion-based models have recently proven successful
fully unsupervised. Moreover, training the encoder to output
for generating images (Sohl-Dickstein et al., 2015; Song &
similar representation for different views of the same image
Ermon, 2020; Song et al., 2020), graphs (Niu et al., 2020),
removes information about the applied augmentations, thus
Equal contribution, † Senior authorship, 1 Mila 2 Université de the performance benefits are limited to downstream tasks
Montréal 3 ETH Zürich 4 Helmholtz AI 5 Technical University of that do not depend on the augmentation, which has to be
Munich 6 Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. Correspon- known beforehand. Hence our proposed algorithm does
dence to: Sarthak Mittal <sarthmit@gmail.com>, Arash Mehrjou not restrict the learned representations to specific down-
stream tasks and solves a more general problem instead. We
Proceedings of the 40 th International Conference on Machine provide a summary of contrastive learning approaches in
Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. PMLR 202, 2023. Copyright Appendix A. Similar to our approach, Denoising Autoen-
2023 by the author(s).
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Denoising score matching Conditional score matching 1.1. Diffusion-based generative modeling
Representation learning
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Figure 2. Results of proposed DRL models trained on MNIST and CIFAR-10 with point clouds visualizing the latent representation of
test samples, colored according to the digit class. The models are trained with Left: uniform sampling of t and Right: a focus on high
noise levels. Samples are generated from a grid of latent values ranging from -1 to 1.
the unconditional score and the score of the classifier, that Hence, the loss is invariant to the intermediate values of
is, ∇xt log pt (xt |y) = ∇xt log pt (xt ) + ∇xt log pt (y|xt ). the noise schedule. However, the weight functions λ(·) is
We take motivation from an alternative way to allow for still an important hyper-parameter whose choice might be
controllable generation, which, given supervised samples affected by the non-vanishing constant in Equation 6.
(x, y(x)), uses the following training objective for each time
To the best of our knowledge, there is no known theoretical
justification for the values of σ(t). While these hyperpa-
JtCSM (θ) = Ex0 {Ext |x0 [∥sθ (xt , t, y(x0 )) rameters could be optimized in ESM using gradient-based
(5) learning, this ability is severely limited by the non-vanishing
− ∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 )∥22 ]}.
constant in Equation 6.
The objective in Equation 5 is minimized if and only
Even though the non-vanishing constant in the denoising
if the model equals the conditional score function
score matching objective presents a burden in multiple ways
∇xt log pt (xt |y(x0 ) = ŷ) for all labels ŷ.
such as hyperparameter search and model evaluation, it
provides an opportunity for latent representation learning,
2. Diffusion-based Representation Learning which will be described in the following sections. We note
that this is different from Sinha et al. (2021); Mittal et al.
We begin this section by presenting an alternative formu-
(2021b) as they consider a Variational Autoencoder model
lation of the Denoising Score Matching (DSM) objective,
followed by diffusion in the latent space, where their repre-
which shows that this objective cannot be made arbitrarily
sentation learning objective is still guided by reconstruction.
small. Formally, the formula of the DSM objective can be
Contrary to this, our representation learning approach does
rearranged as
not utilize a variational autoencoder model and is guided by
JtDSM (θ) = Ex0 {Ext |x0 ∥sθ (xt , t) − ∇xt log pt (xt )∥22
denoising instead. Our approach is similar to Preechakul
et al. (2022) but we also condition the encoder system on the
+ ∥∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 ) − ∇xt log pt (xt )∥22 }.
time-step, thereby improving representation capacity and
leading to parameterized curve-based representations.
The above formulation holds, because the DSM objec-
tive in Equation 4 is minimized when ∀xt : sθ (xt , t) = 2.1. Learning latent representations
∇xt log pt (xt ), and differs from ESM in Equation 3 only
Since supervised data is limited and rarely available, we
by a constant (Vincent, 2011). Hence, the constant is equal
propose to learn a labeling function y(x0 ) at the same time
to the minimum achievable value of the DSM objective. A
as optimizing the conditional score matching objective in
detailed proof is included in the Appendix B.
Equation 5. In particular, we represent the labeling func-
It is noteworthy that the second term in the right-hand side tion as a trainable encoder Eϕ : Rd → Rc , where Eϕ (x0 )
of the Equation 6 does not depend on the learned score func- maps the data sample x0 to its corresponding code in the
tion of xt for every t ∈ [0, T ]. Rather, it is influenced by the c-dimensional latent space. The code is then used as ad-
diffusion process that generates xt from x0 . This observa- ditional input to the score model. Formally, the proposed
tion has not been emphasized previously, probably because learning objective for Diffusion-based Representation Learn-
it has no direct effect on the learning of the score func- ing (DRL) is the following:
tion, which is handled by the second term in the Equation
J DRL (θ, ϕ) = Et,x0 ,xt [λ(t)∥sθ (xt , t, Eϕ (x0 ))
6. However, the additional constant has major implications (7)
for finding other hyperparameters such as the function λ(t) − ∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 )∥22 + γ∥Eϕ (x0 )∥1 ]
and the choice of σ(t) in the forward SDE. As (Kingma
where we add a small amount of L1 regularization, con-
et al., 2021) shows, changing the integration variable from
trolled by γ, on the output of the trainable encoder.
time to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) simplifies the diffusion
loss such that it only depends on the end values of SNR. To get a better idea of the above objective, we provide an
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Figure 3. Results of proposed VDRL models trained on MNIST and CIFAR-10 with point clouds visualizing the latent representation of
test samples, colored according to the digit class. The models are trained with Left: uniform sampling of t and Right: a focus on high
noise levels. Samples are generated from a grid of latent values ranging from -2 to 2.
intuition for the role of Eϕ (x0 ) in the input of the model. formation channel that controls the amount of information
The model sθ (·, ·, ·) : Rd × R × Rc → Rd is a vector- that the diffusion model receives from the initial point of the
valued function whose output points to different directions diffusion process. With this perspective, any deterministic
based on the value of its third argument. In fact, Eϕ (x0 ) or stochastic function that can manipulate I(xt , x0 ), the
selects the direction that best recovers x0 from xt . Hence, mutual information between x0 and xt , can be used. This
when optimizing over ϕ, the encoder learns to extract the opens up the room for stochastic encoders similar to VAEs
information from x0 in a reduced-dimensional space that which we call Variational Diffusion-based Representation
helps recover x0 by denoising xt . Learning (VDRL). The formal objective of VDRL is
We show in the following that Equation 7 is a valid repre- J V DRL (θ, ϕ) = Et,x0 ,xt [Ez∼Eϕ (Z|x0 ) [λ(t)∥sθ (xt , t, z)
sentation learning objective. The score of the perturbation
kernel ∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 ) is a function of only t, xt and x0 . − ∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 )∥22 ] (8)
Thus, the objective can be reduced to zero if all information + DKL (Eϕ (Z|x0 )||N (Z; 0, I)]
about x0 is contained in the latent representation Eϕ (x0 ).
When Eϕ (x0 ) has no mutual information with x0 , the ob- 2.2. Infinite-dimensional representation of data
jective can only be reduced up to the constant in Equation
6. Hence, our proposed formulation takes advantage of the We now present an alternative version of DRL where the
non-zero lower-bound of Equation 6, which can only vanish representation is a function of time. Instead of emphasizing
when the encoder Eϕ (·) properly distills information from on different noise levels by weighting the training objective,
the unperturbed data into a latent code, which is an addi- as done in the previous section, we can provide the time t
tional input to the score model. These properties show that as input to the encoder. Formally, the new objective is
Equation 7 is a valid objective for representation learning.
Et,x0 ,xt [λ(t)∥sθ (xt , t, Eϕ (x0 , t))
Our proposed representation learning objective enjoys the
continuous nature of SDEs, a property that is not available − ∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 )∥22 + γ∥Eϕ (x0 , t)∥1 ] (9)
in many previous representation learning methods (Radford
where Eϕ (x0 ) in Equation 7 is replaced by Eϕ (x0 , t). In-
et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2016; Locatello et al., 2019). In
tuitively, it allows the encoder to extract the necessary in-
DRL, the encoder is trained to represent the information
formation of x0 required to denoise xt for any noise level.
needed to denoise x0 for different levels of noise σ(t). We
This leads to richer representation learning since normally
hypothesize that by adjusting the weighting function λ(t),
in autoencoders or other static representation learning meth-
we can manually control the granularity of the features en-
ods, the input data x0 ∈ Rd is mapped to a single point
coded in the representation and provide empirical evidence
z ∈ Rc in the latent space. In contrast, we propose a richer
as support. Note that t → T is associated with higher levels
representation where the input x0 is mapped to a curve in
of noise and the mutual information of xt and x0 starts to
Rc instead of a single point. Hence, the learned latent code
vanish. In this case, denoising requires all information about
is produced by the map x0 → (Eϕ (x0 , t))t∈[0,T ] where the
x0 to be contained in the code. In contrast, t → 0 corre-
infinite-dimensional object (Eϕ (x0 , t))t∈[0,T ] is the encod-
sponds to low noise levels and hence xt contains coarse-
ing for x0 .
grained features of x0 and only fine-grained properties may
have been washed out. Hence, the encoded representation Proposition 2.1. For any downstream task, the infinite-
learns to keep the information needed to recover these fine- dimensional code (Eϕ (x0 , t))t∈[0,T ] learned using the ob-
grained details. We provide empirical evidence to support jective in Equation 9 is at least as good as finite-dimensional
this hypothesis in Section 3. static codes learned by the reconstruction of x0 .
It is noteworthy that Eϕ does not need to be a determinis- Proof sketch. Let LD (z, y) be the per-sample loss for a
tic function and can be a probabilistic map similar to the supervised learning task calculated for the pair (z, y) where
encoder of VAEs. In principle, it can be viewed as an in- z = z(x, t) is the representation learned for the input x at
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
40 AE
30 SimCLR-Gauss
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Time Time Time
Figure 4. Comparing the performance of the proposed diffusion-based representations (DRL and VDRL) with the baselines that include
autoencoder (AE), variational autoencoder (VAE), simple contrastive learning (simCLR) and its restricted variant (simCLR-Gauss) which
exclude domain-specific data augmentation from the original simCLR algorithm.
time t and y is the label. The representation function is also classification in Section 3.2.
a function of the scalar t that takes values from a closed
subset U of R. For any value s ∈ U , it is obvious that 3. Results
mint∈U LD (z(x, t), y) < LD (z(x, s), y). (10) For all experiments, we use the same function σ(t), t ∈
[0, 1] as in Song et al. (2021b), which is σ(t) =
Taking into account the extra argument t, the representa- t
σmin (σmax /σmin ) , where σmin = 0.01 and σmax = 50.
tion function z(x, t) can be seen as an infinite dimensional Further, we use a 2d latent space for all qualitative experi-
representation. The argument t actually controls which rep- ments (Section 3.3) and 128 dimensional latent space for the
resentation of x has to be passed to the downstream task. downstream tasks (Section 3.1) and semi-supervised image
The conventional representation learning algorithms corre- classification (Section 3.2). We also set λ(t) = σ 2 (t), which
spond to choosing the t argument apriori and keep it fixed has been shown to yield the KL-Divergence objective (Song
independent of x. Here, by minimizing over t, the passed et al., 2021a). Our goal is not to produce state-of-the-art
representation cannot be worse than the results of conven- image quality, rather showcase the representation learning
tional representation learning methods. Note that LD (·, ·) method. Because of that and also limited computational
here can be any metric that we require, however gradient- resources, we did not carry out an extensive hyperparameter
based learning and optimization issues can still affect the sweep (check Appendix D for details). Note that all experi-
actual performance achieved . ments were conducted on a single RTX8000 GPU, taking
The score matching objective can be seen as a reconstruction up to 30 hours of wall-clock time, which only amounts to
objective of x0 conditioned on xt . The terminal time T 15% of the iterations proposed in (Song et al., 2021b).
is chosen large enough so that xT is independent of x0 ,
hence the objective for t = T is equal to a reconstruction 3.1. Downstream Classification
objective without conditioning. Therefore, there exists a
We directly evaluate the representations learned by different
t ∈ [0, T ] where the learned representation Eϕ (x0 , t) is the
algorithms on downstream classification tasks for CIFAR10,
same representation learned by the reconstruction objective
CIFAR100, and Mini-ImageNet datasets. The represen-
of a vanilla autoencoder. The full proof for Proposition 2.1
tation is first learned using the proposed diffusion-based
can be found in the Appendix C
method. Then, the encoder (either deterministic or proba-
A downstream task can leverage this rich encoding in var- bilistic) is frozen and a single-layered neural network is
ious ways, including the use of either the static code for a trained on top of it for the downstream prediction task.
fixed t, or the use of the whole trajectory (Eϕ (x0 , t))t∈[0,T ] For the baselines, we consider an Autoencoder (AE), a
as input. We posit the conjecture that the proposed rich Variational Autoencoder (VAE), two versions of Denois-
representation is helpful for downstream tasks when used ing Autoencoders (DAE and CDAE) and two verisons of
for pretraining, where the value of t could either be a model Contrastive Learning (SimCLR(Chen et al., 2020c) and
selection parameter or be jointly optimized with other pa- SimCLR-Gauss explained below) setup to compare with the
rameters during training. We leave investigations along proposed methods (DRL and VDRL). Figure 4 shows that
these directions as important future work. We show the DRL and VDRL outperforms autoencoder-styled baselines
performance of the proposed model on downstream tasks in as well as the restricted contrastive learning baseline.
Section 3.1 and also evaluate it on semi-supervised image
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
40 AE
30 SimCLR
20 DAE
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Time Time Time
Figure 5. Comparing the performance of the proposed diffusion-based representations (DRL and VDRL) with the baselines that include
autoencoder (AE), variational autoencoder (VAE), simple contrastive learning (simCLR) and its restricted variant (simCLR-Gauss) which
exclude domain-specific data augmentation from the original simCLR algorithm.
Standard Autoencoders— Standard autoencoders (AE and stricted the transformations used by the simCLR method
VAE) rely on learning of representations of the input data to the additive pixel-wise Gaussian noise (SimCLR-Gauss)
using an encoder in such a way that it can be reconstructed as this was the only domain-agnostic transformation in the
back, using a decoder, solely based on the representation SimCLR pipeline. The original SimCLR expectedly out-
learned. Such systems can be trained without any regulariza- performs the other methods because it uses the privileged
tion on the representation space (AE), or in a probabilistic information injected by the employed data augmentation
fashion which relies on variational inference and ultimately methods. For example, random cropping is an inductive bias
leads to a KL-Divergence based regularization on the repre- that reflects the spatial regularity of the images. Even though
sentation space (VAE). Figure 4 shows that the time-axis is it is possible to strengthen our method and autoencoder-
not meaningful for such training, as expected. based baselines such as VAEs with such augmentation-based
strategies, it still doesn’t provide the additional inductive
Denoising Autoencoders— While the problem of reconstruc-
bias of preservation of high-level information in the pres-
tion is easily solved given a big enough network (i.e. capable
ence of these augmentations, which SimCLR directly uses.
of learning the identity mapping), this problem can be made
Thus, we restricted all baselines to the generic setting with-
harder by considering a noisy version of the data as input
out this inductive bias and leave the domain-specific im-
with the task of predicting its denoised version, as opposed
provements for future work.
to vanilla reconstruction in standard autoencoders. Such
approaches are referred to as Denoising Autoencoders, and It is seen that the DRL and VDRL methods significantly
we consider its two variants. In the first variant, DAE, a outperform the baselines on all the datasets at a number
noisy version of the image is given as input xt (higher t of different time-steps t. We further evaluate the infinite-
implying more noise) and the task of the model is to predict dimensional representation on few-shot image classification
the denoised version x0 . Since larger t implies learning of using the representation at different timescales as input.
representations from more noise, we can see a sharp decline The detailed results are shown in Appendix E. In summary,
in performance of DAE systems with increasing t in Fig- the representations of DRL and VDRL achieve significant
ure 4. The second variant, CDAE, considers xt as the noisy improvements as compared to an autoencoder or VAE for
input again, but predicts the denoised version based on a rep- several values of t .
resentation of xt combined with a learned time-conditioned
Overall the results align with the theoretical argument of
representation of the true input Eϕ (x0 , t), similar to the
Proposition 2.1 that the rich representation of DRL is at
DRL setups. This approach is arguably similar to DRL with
least as good as the static code learned using a recon-
the sole difference being that Eϕ (·, ·) in DRL had the incen-
struction objective. It further shows that in practice, the
tive of predicting the right score function, whereas in CDAE
infinite-dimensional code is superior to the static (finite-
the incentive is to denoise in a single step. As highlighted
dimensional) representation for downstream applications
in Figure 4, the performance increases with increasing t
such as image classification by a significant margin.
because the encoder Eϕ (·, ·) is useless in low-noise settings
(as all the data is already there in the input) but becomes As a further analysis, we consider the same experiments
increasingly meaningful as noise increases. when the DRL models are trained on the Variance Preserv-
Restricted SimCLR— While we compare against the stan-
dard SimCLR model, to obtain a fair comparison, we re-
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
LaplaceNet Ours
Pretraining None DRL VDRL
Mixup No Yes No Yes No
Dataset #labels
CIFAR-10 100 73.68 75.29 74.31 64.67 81.63
500 91.31 92.53 92.70 92.31 92.79
1000 92.59 93.13 93.24 93.42 93.60
2000 94.00 93.96 94.18 93.91 93.96
4000 94.73 94.97 94.75 95.22 95.00
CIFAR-100 1000 55.58 55.24 55.85 55.74 56.47
4000 67.07 67.25 67.22 67.47 67.54
10000 73.19 72.84 73.31 73.66 73.50
20000 75.80 76.07 76.46 76.88 76.64
Mini ImageNet 4000 58.40 58.84 58.95 59.29 59.14
10000 66.65 66.80 67.31 66.63 67.46
Table 1. Comparison of classifier accuracy in % for different pretraining settings. Scores better than the SOTA model (LaplaceNet) are in
bold. “DRL” pretraining is our proposed representation learning, and “VDRL” the respective version which uses a probabilistic encoder.
ing SDE formulation (Song et al., 2021b). of classification. Note that pretraining the classifier as part
1 p of an autoencoder did not yield any improvements (Table
dx = − β(t)x dt + β(t) dw, (11) 4 in the Appendix). Combining DRL with mixup yields
inconsistent improvements, results are reported in Table 5
Figure 5 shows that even in this formualtion, DRL and of the Appendix. In addition, DRL pretraining achieves
VDRL models outperform their autoencoder and denoising much better performances when only limited computational
autoencoder competitors and perform better than restricted resources are available (Tables 2, 3 in the Appendix).
constrastive learning, showing that this approach can be
easily adapted to various different diffusion models. 3.3. Qualitative Results
3.2. Semi-Supervised Image Classification We first train a DRL model with L1 -regularization on the
latent code on MNIST (LeCun & Cortes, 2010) and CIFAR-
The current state-of-the-art model for many semi-supervised 10. Figure 2 (left) shows samples from a grid over the latent
image classification benchmarks is LaplaceNet (Sellars space and a point cloud visualization of the latent values
et al., 2021). It alternates between assigning pseudo-labels z = Eϕ (x0 ). For MNIST, we can see that the value of
to samples and supervised training of a classifier. The key z1 controls the stroke width, while z2 weakly indicates the
idea is to assign pseudo-labels by minimizing the graphical class. The latent code of CIFAR-10 samples mostly encodes
Laplacian of the prediction matrix, where similarities of information about the background color, which is weakly
data samples are calculated on a hidden layer representation correlated to the class. The use of a probabilistic encoder
in the classifier. Note that LaplaceNet applies mixup (Zhang (VDRL) leads to similar representations, as seen in Fig.
et al., 2017) that changes the input distribution of the clas- 3 (left). We further want to point out that the generative
sifier. We evaluate our method with and without mixup on process using the reverse SDE involves randomness and thus
CIFAR-10 (Krizhevsky et al., a), CIFAR-100 (Krizhevsky generates different samples for a single latent representation.
et al., b) and MiniImageNet (Vinyals et al., 2016). The diversity of samples however steadily decreases with
In the following, we evaluate the infinite-dimensional repre- the dimensionality of the latent space, shown in Figure 7 of
sentation (Eϕ (x0 , t))t∈[0,T ] on semi-supervised image clas- the Appendix.
sification, where we use DRL and VDRL as pretraining Next, we analyze the behavior of the representation when
for the LaplaceNet classifier. Table 1 depicts the classifier adjusting the weighting function λ(t) to focus on higher
accuracy on test data for different pretraining settings. De- noise levels, which can be done by changing the sam-
tails for architecture and hyperparameters are described in pling distribution of t. To this end, we sample t ∈ [0, 1]
Appendix G. such that σ(t) is uniformly sampled from the interval
Our proposed pretraining using DRL significantly improves [σmin , σmax ] = [0.01, 50]. Figure 2 (right) shows the re-
the baseline and often surpasses the state-of-the-art perfor- sulting representation of DRL and Figure 3 (right) for the
mance of LaplaceNet. Most notable are the results of DRL VDRL results. As expected, the latent representation for
and VDRL without mixup, which achieve high accuracies MNIST encodes information about classes rather than fine-
without being specifically tailored to the downstream task grained features such as stroke width. This validates our
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
hypothesis of Section 2.1 that we can control the granu- representation uses the natural diffusion process that is em-
larity of features encoded in the latent space. For CIFAR- ployed in score-based models as a continuous obfuscation
10, the model again only encodes information about the of the information content. Moreover, unlike the loss func-
background, which contains the most information about the tion of the contrastive-based methods that are specifically
image class. A detailed analysis of class separation in the designed to learn the invariances of manually augmented
extreme case of training on single timescales is included in data, our method uses the same loss function that is used to
Appendix H. learn the score function for generative models. The repre-
sentation is learned based on a generic information-theoretic
Overall, the difference in the latent codes for varying λ(t)
concept which is an encoder (information channel) that con-
shows that we can control the granularity encoded in the
trols how much information of the input has to be passed
representation of DRL. This ability provides a significant
to the score function at each step of the diffusion process.
advantage when there exists some prior information about
We also provided theoretical motivation for this information
the level of detail that we intend to encode in the target
channel. The algorithm cannot ignore this source of infor-
representation. We further illustrate how the representa-
mation because it is the only way to reduce a non-negative
tion encodes information for the task of denoising in the
loss arbitrarily close to zero.
Appendix (Fig. 6).
Our experiments on diffusion-based representation learn-
We also provide further analysis into the impact of noise
ing methods highlight its benefits when compared to fully
scales on generation in Appendix I.
unsupervised models like autoencoders, variational or de-
noising. The proposed methodology does not rely on ad-
4. Conclusion ditional supervision regarding augmentations, and can be
easily adapted to any representation learning paradigm that
We presented Diffusion-based Representation Learning
previously relied on reconstruction-based autoencoder meth-
(DRL), a new objective for representation learning based
on conditional denoising score matching. In doing so, we
turned the original non-vanishing objective function into one
that can be reduced arbitrarily close to zero by the learned Acknowledgements
representation. We showed that the proposed method learns
SM would like to acknowledge the support of UNIQUE’s
interpretable features in the latent space. In contrast to some
and IVADO’s scholarships towards his research. This re-
of the previous approaches that required specialized architec-
search was enabled in part by compute resources provided
tural changes or data manipulations, denoising score match-
by Mila (mila.quebec).
ing comes with a natural ability to control the granularity
of features encoded in the representation. We demonstrated
that the encoder can learn to separate classes when focusing
on higher noise levels and encodes fine-grained features
such as stroke-width when mainly trained on smaller noise
variance. In addition, we proposed an infinite-dimensional
representation and demonstrated its effectiveness for down-
stream tasks such as few-shot classification. Using the rep-
resentation learning as pretraining for a classifier, we were
able to improve the results of LaplaceNet, a state-of-the-art
model on semi-supervised image classification.
Starting from a different origin but conceptually close, con-
trastive learning as a self-supervised approach could be com-
pared with our representation learning method. We should
emphasize that there are fundamental differences both at
theoretical and algorithmic levels between contrastive learn-
ing and our diffusion-based method. The generation of
positive and negative examples in contrastive learning re-
quires the domain knowledge of the applicable invariances.
This knowledge might be hard to obtain in scientific do-
mains such as genomics where the knowledge of invariance
amounts to the knowledge of the underlying biology which
in many cases is not known. However, our diffusion-based
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
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Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Proof. It was shown by (Vincent, 2011) that Equation 4 is equal to explicit score matching up to a constant which is
independent of θ, that is,
Ex0 {Ext |x0 [∥sθ (xt , t) − ∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 )∥22 ]} (12)
= Ext ∥sθ (xt , t) − ∇xt log pt (xt )∥22 + c.
As a consequence, the objective is minimized when the model equals the ground-truth score function sθ (xt , t) =
∇x log pt (x). Hence we have:
Ex0 {Ext |x0 [∥∇xt log pt (xt ) − ∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 )∥22 ]} (14)
= Ext ∥∇xt log pt (xt ) − ∇xt log pt (xt )∥22 + c
= c. (16)
Combining these results leads to the claimed exact formulation of the Denoising Score Matching objective:
JtDSM (θ) = Ex0 {Ext |x0 [∥sθ (xt , t) − ∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 )∥22 ]} (17)
= Ext ∥sθ (xt , t) − ∇xt log pt (xt )∥22 + c
= Ext ∥sθ (xt , t) − ∇xt log pt (xt )∥22
+ Ex0 {Ext |x0 [∥∇xt log pt (xt ) − ∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 )∥22 ]}
=Ex0 {Ext |x0 [∥∇xt log p0t (xt |x0 ) − ∇xt log pt (xt )∥22
+ ∥sθ (xt , t) − ∇xt log pt (xt )∥22 ]}.
C. Representation learning
Here we present the proof for Proposition 2.1, stating that the infinite-dimensional code learned using DRL is at least as
good as a static code learned using a reconstruction objective.
R We assume that the distribution of the diffused samples at time t = T matches a known prior pT (xT ). That is,
p(x0 )p0T (xT |x0 ) dx0 = pT (xT ). In practice T is chosen such that this assumption approximately holds.
Now consider the training objective in Equation 9 at time T , which can be transformed to a reconstruction objective in the
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
following way:
h i
λ(T )Ex0 ,xT ∥sθ (xT , T, Eϕ (x0 , T )) − ∇xT log p0T (xT |x0 )∥2 (21)
" #
x0 − xT
=λ(T )Ex0 ExT ∼pT (xT ) sθ (xT , T, Eϕ (x0 , T )) − 2 (22)
σ (T ) 2
h i
=λ(T )σ −4 (T )Ex0 ExT ∼pT (xT ) ∥Dθ (Eϕ (x0 , T )) − x0 ∥2 (23)
h i
=λ(T )σ −4 (T )Ex0 ∥Dθ (Eϕ (x0 , T )) − x0 ∥2 , (24)
0 D (E (x ,T ))−x
where we replaced the score model with a Decoder model sθ (xT , T, Eϕ (x0 , T )) = θ ϕσ2 (T ) and replaced the
x0 −xT
score function of the perturbation kernel ∇xT log p0T (xT |x0 ) with its known closed-form solution σ2 (T ) determined by
the Forward SDE in Equation 1. Hence the learned code at time t = T is equal to a code learned using a reconstruction
We model a downstream task as a minimization problem of a distance d : Ω × Ω → R in the feature space Ω between
the true feature extractor g : Rd → Ω which maps data samples x0 to a features space Ω and a model feature extractor
hψ : Rc → Ω doing the same given the code as input. The following shows that the infinite-dimensional representation is at
least as good as the static code:
inf min Ex0 [d(hψ (Eϕ (x0 , t)), g(x0 ))] ≤ min Ex0 [d(hψ (Eϕ (x0 , T )), g(x0 ))] (25)
t ψ ψ
Figure 6. Samples generated starting from xt (left column) using the diffusion model with the latent code of another x0 (top row) as input.
It shows that samples are denoised correctly only when conditioning on the latent code of the corresponding original image x0 .
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Figure 7. Samples generated using the same latent code for each generation, showing that the randomness of the code-conditional
generation of DRL reduces in higher dimensional latent spaces.
not change any of the hyperparameters of the optimizer. Depending on the dataset, we adjusted the number of resolutions,
number of channels per resolution, and the number of residual blocks per resolution in order to reduce training time.
For representation learning, we use an encoder with the same architecture as the downsampling block of the model, followed
by another three dense layers mapping to a low dimensional latent space. Another four dense layers map the latent code
back to a higher-dimensional representation. It is then given as input to the model in the same way as the time embedding.
That is, each channel is provided with a conditional bias determined by the representation and time embedding at multiple
stages of the downsampling and upsampling block.
Regularization of the latent space For both datasets, we use a regularization weight of 10−5 when applying L1-
regularization, and a weight of 10−7 when using a probabilistic encoder regularized with KL-Divergence.
MNIST hyperparameters Due to the simplicity of MNIST, we only use two resolutions of size 28 × 28 × 32 and
14 × 14 × 64, respectively. The number of residual blocks at each resolution is set to two. In each experiment, the model is
trained for 80k iterations. For a uniform sampling of σ we trained the models for an additional 80k iterations with a frozen
encoder and uniform sampling of t.
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
30 SM SM
28 VAE 37 VAE
Accuracy in %
Accuracy in %
24 34
22 33
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
t t
(a) 100 labels (b) 1000 labels
Figure 8. Classifier accuracies for few shot learning on given 8-dimensional representations learned using DRL (SM), VDRL (VSM),
Autoencoder (AE) and Variational Autoencoder (VAE).
CIFAR-10 hyperparameters For the silhouette score analysis, we use three resolutions of size 32 × 32 × 32, 16 × 16 × 32,
and 8 × 8 × 32, again with only two residual blocks at each resolution. Each model is trained for 90k iterations.
CIFAR-10 (deep) hyperparameters While representation learning works for small models already, sample quality on
CIFAR-10 is poor for models of the size described above. Thus for models used to generate samples, we use eight residual
blocks per resolution and the following resolutions: 32 × 32 × 32, 16 × 16 × 64, 8 × 8 × 64, and 4 × 4 × 64. Each model
is trained for 300k iterations. Note that this number of iterations is not sufficient for convergence, however capable of
illustrating the representation learning with limited computational resources.
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
60 20
50 14 Model
15 DRL
40 10 AE
10 SimCLR
8 SimCLR-Gauss
20 4
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Time Time Time
Figure 9. Comparing the low-data regime (1000 labels) downstream performance of the proposed diffusion-based representations (DRL
and VDRL) with the baselines that include autoencoder (AE), variational autoencoder (VAE), simple contrastive learning (simCLR) and
its restricted variant (simCLR-Gauss) which exclude domain-specific data augmentation from the original simCLR algorithm.
50 20 VDRL
20 AE
40 15 15 SimCLR
30 10 10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Time Time Time
Figure 10. Comparing the low-data regime (5000 labels) downstream performance of the proposed diffusion-based representations (DRL
and VDRL) with the baselines that include autoencoder (AE), variational autoencoder (VAE), simple contrastive learning (simCLR) and
its restricted variant (simCLR-Gauss) which exclude domain-specific data augmentation from the original simCLR algorithm.
50 25 VDRL
20 AE
20 VAE
40 SimCLR
15 15 SimCLR-Gauss
30 10 10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Time Time Time
Figure 11. Comparing the low-data regime (10000 labels) downstream performance of the proposed diffusion-based representations (DRL
and VDRL) with the baselines that include autoencoder (AE), variational autoencoder (VAE), simple contrastive learning (simCLR) and
its restricted variant (simCLR-Gauss) which exclude domain-specific data augmentation from the original simCLR algorithm.
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Pretraining using
Dataset #labels No pretraining Improvement
CIFAR-10 100 64.12 69.79 +5.67
500 86.24 88.28 +2.04
1000 87.48 88.56 +1.08
2000 89.99 89.52 -0.47
4000 90.15 91.13 +0.98
CIFAR-100 1000 45.14 48.04 +2.90
4000 59.86 60.34 +0.48
10000 64.83 65.80 +0.97
20000 65.77 66.39 +0.62
MiniImageNet 4000 47.18 50.75 +3.57
10000 58.66 58.62 -0.04
Table 2. Classifier accuracy in % with and without DRL as pretraining of the classifier when training for 100 epochs only.
Results with Limited Data We perform additional experiments where the encoder system is as before and kept frozen,
but the MLP can only access a fraction of the training set for the downstream supervised classification task. We ablate over
three different number of labels provided to the MLP: 1000, 5000 and 10000. The results for the different datasets can be
seen in Figures 9-11 which shows that the trends are consistent even in low data regime.
Evaluation with limited computation time In the following we include more detailed analysis of the scenario of a few
supervised labels and limited computational resources. Besides LaplaceNet and its version without mixup, we include an
ablation study of encoder pretraining as part of an autoencoder using binary cross-entropy as a reconstruction objective. In
addition, we propose to improve the search for the optimal value of t by the model selection, since the gradient for t is usually
noisy and small. Thus we include additional experiments where we chose the initial t based on the minimum training loss
after 100 epochs of supervised training. The optimal t is approximated by calculating the training loss for 11 equally spaced
values of t in the interval [0.001, 1]. The results are shown in Table 3. While mixup achieves no significant improvement
in the few-label case trained using 100 epochs, we can see that a simple autoencoder pretraining consistently improves
classifier accuracy. More notably, however, our proposed pretraining based on score matching achieves significantly better
results than both random initialization and autoencoder pretraining. In the t-search, we observed that for all datasets, our
proposed method selects t = 0.9, however it moves towards the interval [0.4, 0.6] during training. While this shows that
the approach of selecting t based on supervised training loss is not working, it demonstrates that the parameter t can very
well be learned in the training process, making the downstream task performance robust to the initial value of t. In our
experiments the final value of t was always in the range [0.4, 0.6], independent of the initial value of t.
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
Table 3. Comparison of classifier accuracy in % for different pretraining methods in the case of few supervised labels when training for
100 epochs only.
Table 4. Classifier accuracy in % for autoencoder pretraining compared with the baseline and score matching as pretraining. No mixup is
applied for this ablation study.
Table 5. Evaluation of classifier accuracy in %, including the setting of using mixup during pretraining (right column). DRL pretraining is
our proposed representation learning, and ”Mixup-DRL” the respective version which additionally applies mixup during pretraining.
”VDRL” instead uses a probabilistic encoder.
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
0.2 0.08
Silhouette score
Silhouette score
0.1 0.06
0.0 0.02
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
t t
(a) MNIST (b) CIFAR-10
Figure 12. Mean and standard deviation of silhouette scores when training a DRL model on MNIST (left) and CIFAR-10 (right) using a
single t over three runs.
Table 6. FID for different initial noise scales evaluated on 20k generated samples.
we measure how well the latent representation encodes classes, ignoring any other features. Note that after learning the
representation with a different distribution of t it is necessary to perform additional training with a uniform sampling of t
and a frozen encoder to achieve good sample quality.
Figure 12 shows the silhouette scores of latent codes of MNIST and CIFAR-10 samples for different values of t. In alignment
with our hypothesis of Section 2.1, training DRL on a small t and thus low noise levels leads to almost no encoded class
information in the latent representation, while the opposite is the case for a range of t which differs between the two
datasets. The decline in encoded class information for high values of t can be explained by the vanishing difference between
distributions of perturbed samples when t gets large. This shows that the distinction among the code classes represented by
the silhouette score is controlled by λ(t).
Diffusion Based Representation Learning
(a) tinit = 0.5 (b) tinit = 0.6 (c) tinit = 0.7 (d) tinit = 0.8 (e) tinit = 0.9 (f) tinit = 1.0
(g) tinit = 0.5 (h) tinit = 0.6 (i) tinit = 0.7 (j) tinit = 0.8 (k) tinit = 0.9 (l) tinit = 1.0
Figure 13. Generated image samples for different values of tinit . Top row ((a)-(f)) uses the Gaussian prior, bottom row ((g)-(l)) uses the
version with an additional uniform random variable in the prior.