DLL Mapeh Oct 17-21
DLL Mapeh Oct 17-21
DLL Mapeh Oct 17-21
Date: October 17, 2022 October 18, 2022 October 19, 2022 October 20, 2022 October 21, 2022
The learners demonstrate Art elements and processes by The learner understands the The Learner…
understanding of 20th century synthesizing and applying prior guidelines and criteria in the -Demonstrates understanding
A. Content Standard music styles and knowledge and skills selection and evaluation of of lifestyle and weight
characteristic features. health information, products, management
and services. to promote societal fitness.
The learners create Performs/participate competently in The learner demonstrates The Learner…
particular styles of the 20th a presentation of a creative critical thinking and decision- -Maintains an active lifestyle
B. Performance century. impression (verbal and non-verbal) making skills in the selection, to influence the physical
Standard from the various art movements evaluation and utilization of activity participation of the
health information, products and community to society.
Perform music sample The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner:
from the 20th century 1. Answer long quiz with speed and 1. Practice for the performance 1. Create a formation and 1. Answer long quiz with speed
(MU10TC-Ib-5) accuracy of “Galaw Pilipinas” dance. perform Galaw Pilipinas and accuracy
Evaluate music and 2. Exhibit honesty and self-reliance 2. Grasp the criteria for grading DEPED National 2. Exhibit honesty and self-
music performances during the test the dance performance. Calisthenics Dance Exercise reliance during the test
using guided rubrics 3. Perform “Galaw Pilipinas” with proper execution of steps
C. Learning Dance with energy and 2. Show interest and
Learning Objectives:
Competencies enthusiasm participate actively in
1. Apply the Characteristics
(write the LC th presentation of culminating
of 20 Century Music of
Code) activities in Galaw Pilipinas
Electronic Music, Chance
Music. DEPED National
2. Create musical Calisthenics Dance Exercise.
compositions of Electronic
Music and Chance Music
Perform a short musical
A. References P. E and Health 10 Learner’s
Module and Curriculum
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Horizon’s Music and Arts
Materials Appreciation for Young
pages Filipinos
3. Textbook pages p.25-28
4. Materials Test paper Music, speaker Test paper
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning Speaker, Materials for Laptop, Speaker
Materials Chance Music, Gadget for
Electronic Music
Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer
Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings
Checking of attendance Checking of attendance Checking of attendance Checking of attendance
Checking of attendance
Classroom cleanliness Classroom cleanliness Classroom cleanliness Classroom cleanliness
Preliminary Classroom cleanliness
Reminders of Health Protocols Reminders of Health Reminders of Health Reminders of Health
Activities Reminders of Health
Reminders of classroom house Protocols Protocols Protocols
rules Reminders of classroom Reminders of classroom Reminders of classroom
Reminders of classroom
house rules house rules house rules
house rules
Static Stretching
A. Reviewing What is our last topic in Short review before the test The teacher will Inform students Inform students to prepare Short review before the test
previous lesson Music all about? to prepare themselves for themselves for culminating
and presenting culminating activity in Galaw activity in Galaw Pilipinas.
new lesson Pilipinas.
Short recap about the different Short recap about the
step pattern in Galaw Pilipinas different step pattern in
DEPED National Calisthenics Galaw Pilipinas DEPED
Dance Exercise. National Calisthenics Dance
B. Establishing a Preparing the students to Prepare the class by asking students Get Ready Giving instructions regarding Prepare the class by asking
purpose for the perform by reminding some to arrange their chairs, pick up the to the mechanics and criteria students to arrange their chairs,
lesson rules during and after the pieces of paper. The students will do warm up to their culminating activity. pick up the pieces of paper.
performance. exercise for 3 minutes.
C. Presenting Preparation/Setup of Giving instructions before the test. Get Set Explained to the students the Giving instructions before the
examples/instanc Props or Electronic importance of physical test.
es of the lesson Gadgets Students familiarizes activity and health benefits in
Run-through choreography and poshing dance performing Galaw Pilipinas
steps of “Galaw Pilipinas” DEPED National Calisthenics
Dance. Dance Exercise.
D. Discussing new The students will proceed to Test proper Students practice the dance of Informed students to maintain Test proper
concepts and their performance after “Galawa Pilipinas” Dance by cleanliness inside tennis court
practicing new reminding to remain counting the steps. area and maintain their line
skills #1 disciplined while enjoying properly before and after the
their performance. activity
E. Discussing new Students practicing the dance
concepts and steps of “Galawa Pilipinas”
practicing new Dance with music.
skills #2
F. Developing Presentation per groupings Students practicing the dance By section, the grade 10
mastery (lead to will perform their own steps of “Galaw Pilipinas” Dance students will be able to
formative composed/arranged chance or with music. perform and present Galaw
assessment 3) electronic music with proper Pilipinas Calisthenics Dance
application of its Exercise with formation,
characteristics and using proper execution of steps and
different medium to perform choreography.
the music.
G. Finding Base on the statement Let’s Go How can you relate dancing
practical “MUSIC CAN HEAL OUR in real life situation?
application of SOULS” (Forda Galaw Pilipinas ang
concepts and How can music heal the soul? mga Ferson) Why is it important for you to
skills in daily participate in a culminating
Students performing final dance
living activity?
of “Galaw Pilipinas” dance
guided by the criteria given by
the teacher.
I. Evaluating Criteria Checking of papers Criteria for the “Galaw Criteria Checking of papers
learning MASTERY--------------30% Recording of scores Pilipinas” Dance Performance: Mastery and timing----30% Recording of scores
CONTENT------------- 30% Choreography--------- 30%
CREATIVITY----------30% Performance------------30%
EXECUTION-----------10% Mastery/Content - 40 Facial Expression------10%
100% Creativity - 30 100%
Choreography - 20
Participation - 10
Total – 100 points
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who acquired
additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encountered
which my principal can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Checked by:
MT-1, MAPEH Department