Poem Equality

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Mark Christian v.

Grade 11 ict torres
I.Background Informations
In The poem ‘EQUALITY’ BY Maya Angelou that themes of
EQUALITY.racims and discriminations are conveyed through the
use of repitition and methaphor….this show that she is against
racism and wants everyone to be treated the same and that she
will continue to spread the message until it is resolved.
A.Information about the work
2.AUTHOR:Maya Angelou
3.Porpose of poem.provide evidence extract lines from
poem:Angelou use methaphor imaginary repititions and
notabewords creats a significants and and noticeable
atmosphere that stays with the readers long after the poem
has been read..
4.Themes:in equality maya angelouy itt is trying to address
the importance of equality and freedom wwithout
segregations discriminations.
II.Summary-write the issue being raised in the poem:
About how some people lack and act indifferently to things
such as treating others equally. Others act as if this is a trivial
matter, its not, from as far as I can recall there was never a time
where I believed that everyone in the world was equal. The fact
of the matter is, there is no equality, just discrimination and
III:Interpretation and evaluatins
A.Discuss the style of the author in presenting the
issues: The author conveys her message in a way that
captivates the readers, to be able to enable them into
visualizing her words into images. With the use of metaphors,
imagery and repetition.
B. Discuss if the was author successful in persuading the
audience regarding the issues: Because of the author’s
simplistic but alluring way of expressing herself into the poem,
it is safe to say that the message she was trying to convey got
through her readers. She was able to make use of the words to
make a message about the discrimination and racism around
the world in which had clearly pierced the hearts of many.

IV.Reflection: How the issues presented affect you?

The issue in the poem gave me insight just how bad this
problem is for everyone. Nevertheless, it made me happy to
think that were are still good people around the world, that
strive for this kind of life. A life where everyone is equal.

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