ENGLISH 3 October Pre Examination
ENGLISH 3 October Pre Examination
ENGLISH 3 October Pre Examination
I. Multiple-Choice Test
Directions: Choose the correct answer and write in the blank.
_____ 2. It contains two simple sentences that are connected by “and,” “but,” “for,” “nor,” “so,” “or,” or
A. Simple Sentence C. Proper Noun
B. Compound Sentence D. Common Noun
_____ 7. A written personal record of personal experiences, events, thoughts and feelings. It can be
considered as a friend with whom you can be yourself and share your intimate thoughts and
A. Compound Sentence C. Diary
B. Paragraph D. Love Letter
_____ 10. The specific name of a person, place animal, object, or event. It begins with a capital letter.
A. Proper Noun C. Imperative Sentence
B. Common Noun D. Exclamatory Sentence
_____ 11. It does not express a complete idea and it does not end with a punctuation mark.
A. Proper Noun C. Phrase
B. Common Noun D. Sentence
_____ 12. It expresses a complete idea and end with a punctuation mark.
A. Phrase C. Common Noun
B. Sentence D. Proper Noun
II. Identification Test (2 points)
Directions: Identify what is being asked on the following questions. Choose your answers on the box.
Write your answer in the space provided.