Llamas, Joshua C. m1 Completion
Llamas, Joshua C. m1 Completion
Llamas, Joshua C. m1 Completion
1. What is a research?
Research is used to establish facts and information, to reaffirm or validate the
findings of other works or to reject them. A research study may also be an
expansion or improvement of an earlier piece of work in the field or body of
2. Discuss the importance of research
Research is crucial for advancing our understanding of various phenomena and
developing solutions to complex problems. It enables us to new knowledge, and
improve our lives. By conducting research, we can identify gaps in our current
knowledge and develop new theories, concepts, and methodologies to fill those
3. Enumerate the four frameworks of the research process. Discuss how these
frameworks are related to each other.
There are four frameworks of the research process which are as follows:
• The conceptual framework outlines the researcher's understanding of the
problem being studied, including the key concepts, variables, and
relationships among them.
• The theoretical framework builds upon the conceptual framework and
provides a broader perspective on the problem being studied. It draws on
existing theories and research to guide the research design and analysis.
• The methodological framework outlines the specific procedures and
techniques that will be used to collect and analyze data. It includes details
on the research design, sampling methods, data collection instruments, and
data analysis techniques.
• The analytical framework outlines how the data will be analyzed and
interpreted. It includes the techniques that will be used to analyze the data
and the criteria that will be used to evaluate the findings.
Chapter 2
1. Enumerate and explain the five fundamental key abilities that a researcher
should possessin making research.
To conduct effective research, a researcher should possess five
fundamental key abilities: critical thinking, problem-solving,
communication, time management, and ethical awareness. These abilities
are essential for producing successful and meaningful research outcomes.
4. Explain the differences between research aims and research objectives and
how it will help you in the process of a research study?
Research aims provide a broad statement of the research study's overall
purpose, while research objectives are specific, measurable, and achievable
goals derived from the research aims. Together, they provide a roadmap
for the research study, ensuring that it is well-defined, achievable, and
focused, and has the potential to make a meaningful contribution to the
5. How will the literature help the researchers in the study?
The literature helps researchers by identifying research gaps, providing
background information, developing hypotheses and research questions,
identifying appropriate research methods, analyzing results, and providing
support for arguments. By drawing on the literature, researchers can ensure
that their study is informed, well-planned, and makes a meaningful
contribution to the field.
6. What are the aspects that research should take into consideration in
searching related literature to their study?
When searching for related literature, researchers should consider the
relevance, currency, credibility, diversity, accessibility, and limitations of
the literature. By being aware of these aspects, researchers can ensure that
their study is well-informed, grounded in existing knowledge, and makes
a meaningful contribution to the field.
8. What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is the act of using or presenting someone else's work or ideas as
one's own, without giving proper credit or attribution. This can include
copying and pasting text directly from a source without citation,
paraphrasing text without proper attribution, and using someone else's
ideas or research findings without giving credit.
Chapter 3
1. Why is ethics valuable in research?
Ethics in research is valuable because it ensures that research is
conducted in a responsible, transparent, and ethical manner. It protects
participants, maintains integrity, builds trust, and adheres to legal and
professional standards.
Chapter 4
1. What is the meaning of the word philosophical framework relative to
social research?
The "philosophical framework" in social research refers to the
underlying assumptions, beliefs, and values that shape the researcher's
perspective and approach to understanding the social world. It includes
the researcher's ontological and epistemological assumptions and
ethical and political commitments. Stating the philosophical framework
can enhance the rigor and validity of the research and provide
transparency and clarity about the researcher's biases and assumptions.
Chapter 5
1. How to elaborate idea and explain extensively the good question in
refining ideas?
When refining ideas and formulating a research question, it's important
to take a systematic approach. Start by defining the problem you want
to address. Next, identify the key variables and factors that contribute
to the problem. Then, create a clear and targeted research question that
is specific enough to guide your research but broad enough to be
relevant to the existing knowledge in the field.