Computational Survey of Two Specific Chalcone Derivatives To Study Their Structural, Electronic, and Chemical Behavior
Computational Survey of Two Specific Chalcone Derivatives To Study Their Structural, Electronic, and Chemical Behavior
Computational Survey of Two Specific Chalcone Derivatives To Study Their Structural, Electronic, and Chemical Behavior
1 Department of Chemistry, Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir´s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Manmad
(Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune), Nashik 423104, Maharashtra, India; ra-
[email protected] (R.A.S.); [email protected] (B.S.D.)
2 Departamento de Química, División de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Campus Guanajuato,
Universidad de Guanajuato, Noria Alta S/N, Guanajuato 36050, Gto., Mexico [email protected]
(T.J.P.); [email protected] (D.B.P.)
3 Department of Chemistry, Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir´s Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Arts, Science and
evident examples of DFT applications. [15–18] DFT calculations are useful for determining
the structure and other important properties of molecules. DFT/B3LYP method utilizing
different basis sets has been observed to be extremely crucial for researching chemical,
electronic, thermodynamic and quantum chemical parameters. Also, bond lengths, bond
angles, dipole moment, charge distribution, reactive sites, and other features could be in-
vestigated using the DFT method based on a computational study. The Computational
study can be used to perform spectroscopic examinations such as IR, UV/Visible spectra,
Raman, and NMR. In addition, DFT computations can also predict frontier molecular or-
bital energies and thereby the electronic excitation energy. [19–21] In continuation of our
previous work and by considering these essential aspects, here we present a successful
attempt to investigate structural parameters such as total energy, charge density, absolute
electronegativity (χ), softness (σ), hardness (ɳ), and electron transferred (ΔN), the electron
density in highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular
orbital (LUMO), of two previously synthesized arylidene indanones.
2. Methodology
2.1. Materials and Methods
The high-purity chemicals were purchased from a local distributor. The compounds
were used exactly as they were received, with no further purification required. The melt-
ing point was investigated by the uncorrected open capillary. FT-IR spectra were obtained
using potassium bromide pellets, while 1H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded with
Bruker using CDCl3 as the solvent. Thin-layer chromatography with aluminum sheets and
silica gel 60 F254 was used to monitor the reaction (Merck).
Figure 1. The optimized molecular structures of TMDHI and PMDHI at DFT B3LYP/6-311G(d,p)
basis set.
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Table 1. Optimized geometrical parameters of TMDHI by DFT/B3LYP with 6-311G (d,p) basis set.
Table 2. Optimized geometrical parameters of TMDHI by DFT/B3LYP with 6-311G(d,p) basis set.
Table 3. Optimized geometrical parameters of PMDHI by DFT/B3LYP with 6-311G (d,p) basis set.
Table 4. Optimized geometrical parameters of PMDHI by DFT/B3LYP with 6-311G (d,p) basis set.
ETotal (a.u.) −1013.08 −670.25
EHOMO (eV) −6.23 −5.81
ELUMO (eV) −2.40 −2.12
I (eV) 6.23 5.81
A (eV) 2.40 2.12
ΔE (eV) 3.83 3.69
3.2.3. Mulliken Atomic Charges and MESP Analysis TMDHI and PMDHI
The Mulliken population analysis [23] gives rise to Mulliken’s charges. It explains
how to use computational simulations to calculate partial atomic charges. Mulliken’s
charges are those that are based on charge density. Tables 7 and 8 show the Mulliken
atomic charges of TMDHI and PMDHI, respectively. The graphical presentation of Mul-
liken´s atomic charges in Figure 3 revealed that all hydrogen atoms in both compounds
have a positive charge. The most negative and positive carbon atoms in TMDHI, accord-
ing to Mulliken’s population analysis, are C17 (-0.289104) and C9 (0.229276), respectively.
On the other hand, C2 (−0.212715) and C1 (0.233053) are the most negative and positive
carbon atoms in PMDHI. Also, Figure 4 characterizes the Molecular Electrostatic Surface
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Potential plot (MESP) and Contour plot of TMDHI and PMDHI. MESP correlates a mole-
cule’s total charge distribution with its dipole moment, electronegativity, partial charges,
and chemical reactivity site which provides a visual technique for understanding a mole-
cule’s relative polarity and can be used to illustrate hydrogen bonding, reactivity, and the
structure-activity relationship. It’s a proton’s potential energy at a specific position near a
molecule. Different colors correspond to different values of the electrostatic potential at a
molecule’s surface. In general, locations with attracting potential are red, whereas those
with repulsive potential appear blue. In the title compounds, the negative potential is lo-
cated around oxygen atoms.
10 O −0.318016 24 H 0.230848
11 C 0.027235 25 H 0.096810
12 N −0.397939 26 H 0.096999
13 C 0.169697 27 H 0.107705
14 C −0.130779 - -
Figure 4. Molecular electrostatic surface potential plot (MESP) and Contour plot of TMDHI and
4. Conclusions
In conclusion, we have studied two chalcone derivatives of 2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-1-
one: (E)-2-(thiophen-2-ylmethylene)-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-1-one (TMDHI) and (E)-2-
((1H-pyrrol-2-yl)methylene)-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-1-one (PMDHI). Using DFT at
B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) basis package, a detailed structural study has been performed by ex-
act molecular structure, bond length, and bond angle. Both compounds have C1 point
group symmetry, meaning that the compounds are overall asymmetric. The unavoidable
charge transfer phenomenon occurs in both compounds. The carbonyl bond length in
TMDHI (C9-O14) and PMDHI (C1-O10) is nearly 1.26 Å . The olefinic in both TMDHI (C10-
C15) and PMDHI (C2-C11) is exactly the same which is 1.3552 Å . Other bond lengths are
also in agreement with the optimized structures. Bond angle data of both compounds are
also in good agreement. PMDHI (4.97 Debye) appears to be more polar than TMDHI (4.28
Debye) based on the dipole moment data. The augmentation in the dipole moment in
PMDHI is obviously due to the presence of a more electronegative nitrogen atom. The
total energy of TMDHI is less than PMDHI compound suggesting that TMDHI compound
is less reactive and more stable. The Mulliken’s atomic charges analysis revealed that all
hydrogen atoms in both compounds have a positive charge. The Mulliken’s atomic
charges analysis revealed that all hydrogen atoms in both compounds have a positive
charge. The most negative and positive carbon atoms in TMDHI, according to Mulliken’s
population analysis, are C17 (−0.289104) and C9 (0.229276), respectively. On the other
hand, C2 (−0.212715) and C1 (0.233053) are the most negative and positive carbon atoms
Acknowledgments: The Authors acknowledge the central instrumentation facility (CIF), Savitribai
Phule Pune University, Pune for the spectral analysis and CIC, KTHM College, Nashik for FT-IR
spectral analysis. The authors are also grateful to A. B. Sawant for the Gaussian study. Aapoorva P.
Hiray, Coordinator of M. G. Vidyamandir institute is gratefully acknowledged for the Gaussian
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