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oat CBAT 19 English Corponttion Anower Sheet for Diagnostic Test ‘Tea Diagnaati Test that fatlows s¢ digesta help yu dsewver your strength suid weaknesses His moet after the Achievement Test in English Compeeitaon. but it camtaine fewer quretne Ale Usugh the Achievenwes Twat usally eanuises of thrvw tot af & poe ble Gnur aub-testa, the Diagoetic Test crntainn ll fur parte. Alm, it is rat timed tort. Following the 20 questions are an answer hey wid so explanation of the unewers I yea carefully examine each part of the Dingnnetic Feet, ou will learn em which parta of the Stuy Guide yont ened to concentrate, even though vou shoal not igure any sec- lion of the Guide. The Diagmastic Test will lo» help to prepare the sway for the practic tests that ere found in thie book, I x peta ta take all ax practice examinations, since they provide an excellent Feeparation for whichever English Achseyeruat Teal you elect to take, Laaeae FasO08 Meee Waene Lasers TeeOee Rear iaenee Laacee & Dasere duarse 9 Maeee i aaeoe 10 ih eae Diagnostic Test areas, Some ofthe wetrce ben con lan rrvor in pramnar, asagr, and elo, a [Sine Other rentences are correct Barts of cork estmce are snderlined avd Ietterad. The eer, there da one, 42 contained 0m one of the lunderfuned purse of the eentenor. Annune that (6 ther pars of the eenteme are correct and Seance he chenged Fur each sentence, eect the tear underlined pact that reset be changed 82 Inunke the sentence corret and meh Ay tarot Sove antier sheet If there as no errer im a tenieece, mark answer space E. Mo tenlesct Containe mave than ane errr, 1. You may fel that theres wnly tre en a ae B.The book studied! in Mr Brown's Em a lish clas ie ment certainly dierent a B frum the ene being examines in Me. Smith's grep No errr D “es Diceetuna: The sentences below oy conta Jokes tm grammar, wise, ward choi, Ientencecoastruction. ol puntsaten, Part a it of mack pontence te wrserlinad Felina teach nenoner yon will nt fine wae 4p tng th drip, Anno che (A! cays regents the erigunal wietertined sect, The athe fuse anemer chares ave all diferwal

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