ve long felt the need for a boak
—vn English Grammar and Composition which would meet the re-
quirements of students.
The Gramma
al problems that generally cause students
have been thoroughly dealt with in this book. Anmple number of
exercises have been set on each chapter giving the student a lot of
practice, for it is only with practice that he will learn. The number
of sentences in each exercise has been limited to suit the amount of
work that a student can manage within one class period, giving the
teacher enough time to put his corrections on the blackboard. A
sufficient number of exercises have been set enabling the teacher
to give his pupils homework from the book.
The exercises in this book are the
experiments with different classes of students. All the exercises
in this book have been tried out on our students and we
found them very practicable. Very
been given to the construction of se
this book are written with the a
they deal with common everyd:
the world.
result of years of practical
careful consideration has
ntences. The sentences in
im of helping the students and
lay English that is used all around
A novel feature of this book is the very simple notes that
follow all the examples befor an exercise begins. These notes are
addressed to the student. We have found that sometimes explain-
ing isn’t cnough, students need some examples that they can refer
to. The notes have been writter simple English and our students
have found them very helpful.
‘Teachers will find the Revision Exercises very useful. Being
teachers, we full appreciate the value of revis
on Work at the end
of a term. We have tried i much as possible not to repeat the