Requirements For Discharge Permit Application

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For Discharge Permit:

1. Engineer's Report with at least containing the following:

o - Signed by PME/ChE/Sanitary Engr./Accredited PCO
o - Name of project or business;
o - Brief description of manufacturing process involved;
o - Production capacity, quality or volume and the generic name
of the products;
o - The nature and character of the applicant's wastewater and
its physical and chemical composition;
o - Total daily volume of discharge of raw wastewater;
o - Treatment process and estimated treatment efficiency; The
expected quality of the effluent and other discharge shall
meet the Effluent standards of the DENR;
o - The total daily volume of water consumption and discharge
of final treated wastewater effluent;
o - The name of receiving body of water and its official water
classification and in case of land discharge, the nearest
receiving body of water and its official water classification;
o - Information on flow measurement equipment and procedure;
o - Pollution prevention/Environmental Management System plan
or program;
o - DENR ID Number as hazardous waste generator (if
applicable); and
o - State the cost incurred in the installation and maintenance
of wastewater treatment facility; if any
2. Drawing requirements in 50cm x 90cm paper signed and sealed by
the PME/ChE/Sanitary Engr.
o - Vicinity Map of the Plant;
o - The wastewater line layout from the wastewater sources to
the WTF; and
o - Plan and elevation drawings of the WTF as built with
complete specifications.

 Official Receipt for Application Fee

 Notarized Application*

 ECC or CNC*
 PCO Accreditation / Appointment letter *

 Other Documents

 Official Receipt for Wastewater Discharge Fee

 Plumbing and Drainage Layout*

 Nature of Project / Business*

 Total Volume of Discharge*

 Receiving Body of Water / Classification*

 Certificate of Interconnection*

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