WHQ Settlement Events LM (Rev 2.2)
WHQ Settlement Events LM (Rev 2.2)
WHQ Settlement Events LM (Rev 2.2)
This supplement is filled with appropriate events when divided into the sections listed above in the Contents.
Warriors are visiting Settlements in the Warhammer Unless any rules specify otherwise, you should follow all
World and is designed to replace the Settlement Events of the other normal rules for visiting a Settlement and
in the Warhammer Quest Roleplay Book (pages 26-28). rolling for Settlement Events.
These new tables provide a much needed expansion to
Settlement Events since gamers will most likely
exhaust all of the original ones after just a few OUTSIDE THE GATES
Adventures. These new events will not only offer more Special Events have been included for the time when
variety, but can add some depth and plot hooks for your Warrior is waiting for their companions outside of
Gamemasters! All of the original Settlement Events the Settlement. The original concept by a WHQ fan
appear in this supplement, some with minor changes in (author unknown) was presented as “The Sticks.” I
order to flow with the theme and essence of this work. have taken that concept and tried to improve upon it by
The beauty of a digital expansion such as this one is the filtering and editing some of the original ideas while also
ability to alter, revise and expand upon it in the future. creating new ones. Some of the events are fairly
Some of the Settlement Events are my ideas mysterious while others are downright nasty! Warriors
exclusively, while others were adapted from various be warned: avoid being Outside the Gates at all costs!
resources. I have carefully crafted these events to be
well-suited to the Warhammer World. Some of the rules AN ADVENTURE!
and events from the wonderfully written Citadel Journal
Down Town article by Andrew Meredith were modified Up until now, your Warriors have arrogantly just
and incorporated into this collection. assumed that a new Adventure was waiting for them
when they were finished visiting a Settlement. With
these new rules, that is no longer the case. This
SETTLEMENT SIZE supplement provides the possibility that a Warrior will
roll on a Settlement Event titled “An Adventure!” This
One of the exciting aspects of travelling to a Settlement
indicates that the Warrior has dubiously come across
in Warhammer Quest is deciding whether to journey to
someone or something that leads to an adventure in a
a Village, Town or City. Ideally, of course, a City is
dungeon somewhere. This event can occur more than
always a Warrior’s first choice as there is so much more
once and each time it does the Warrior who rolled it
available to them in regards to the stock at traders as
should consult the Ultimate Adventure Book to see
well as successfully finding Special Locations. This
exactly what type of exploit the Warriors could
supplement has gone a step further and been designed
participate in next. The Warrior need not do anything
so that your Warrior can have different experiences
else for the day.
depending on what size Settlement they are visiting.
Larger Settlements have more activity and it is less All of the new material which the Ultimate Adventure
likely that a Warrior will have an Uneventful Day. Larger Book introduces, such as Adventures, Board Sections,
Settlements have opportunities to earn more gold but Treasure Cards, Special Cards, Counters and the
are also rife with more crime. Larger Settlements are Themed Event Decks, can be found on Littlemonk’s
also more likely to be more welcoming to strangers and Custom Board at:
are less superstitious than smaller communities. Of
course the longer your Warrior stays the more likely http://bwarhammerquestcustomized.runboard.com
something bad will eventually happen to them no
matter what size the Settlement is!
From now on, depending upon what size Settlement
your Warrior is visiting, they should roll on the
corresponding Events Table. For example: if they are in
a City, they should roll on the City Events Table. If they
are in a Town, they should roll on the Town Events
Table. And so on. Settlement Events in this work are
There may come a time when your Warrior is penniless and unable to afford a meagre meal or the comfort of a bed in a
Settlement. Perhaps there was an incident and your Warrior was asked to leave (or they were forcibly removed). Since
they cannot reside in the Settlement any longer, they must wait for their companions Outside the Gates. It’s also
possible that your Warrior feels that they have accomplished everything they have set out to do in the Settlement and
visited all the locations they had wished to. They decide to wait Outside the Gates, paying no living expenses as they
live off the land. This would be ill-advised as being Outside the Gates will likely cost your Warrior more than just a few
gold pieces. Outside the Gates is the last place a budding hero wishes to be. Any person left outside of the settlement
walls are at the mercy of the elements, enemies, wild animals and who knows what else!
Just outside the safe confines of every Settlement is where an unhealthy mixture of the desperate and the destitute
gather. They are peasants and paupers, vagrants and vagabonds, thieves and thugs. Laws scarcely exist and murder is
a form of local currency. One who finds himself in such a lowly place as Outside the Gates will most likely spend their
days in squalor and boredom if they’re lucky.
For each day that your Warrior is Outside the City Gates roll 1D6. On a score of 4, 5 or 6, your Warrior spends their
day without incident. On a score of 1, 2 or 3, you must roll D66 below:
The City Watch is responding to citizen reports of particularly Argil Fendlepetter, a dishevelled travelling purveyor of salves
aggressive vagrants and brazen pickpockets outside the and unguents, has set up shop here for the day. Your Warrior
Settlement gates. Your Warrior is among those who are may purchase Argil’s wares by following all of the normal rules
detained by the angry (and extremely corrupt) guards. One of visiting a Trader in the Settlement.
item of Treasure or piece of Equipment is confiscated as a
“stolen” article (determined at random) and your Warrior is Cost
brutally flogged and must deduct 1D3 from their Starting ITEM Stock Buy Description
Wounds permanently. Liniment 5 25g Heals 1D3 Wounds.
Tonic 6 50g Heals 1D6 Wounds.
Balm 9 100g Restores 1 point to any
Statistic that has previously
been reduced for any reason.
Home Brew 10 150g Heals Warrior to full.
Quicksilver 11 175g Gives your Warrior double
Attacks for 1 Turn.
In an act of revenge for the loss of one of their leaders, a
When using any of Argil’s items roll 1D6. If the score is 1
group of vicious bandits emerge from the hills on horseback,
your Warrior loses 1 Wound permanently and the item has no
raiding and looting the helpless peasants outside the
effect. If the score is a 2 or 3 your Warrior loses 1 Wound
Settlement. Your Warrior must roll 1D6 on the table below:
permanently but the item works as stated. On a score of 4, 5
1 Your Warrior is soon targeted by the bandits who or 6 the item works as stated with no side effects.
overpower them by sheer numbers. They steal all of
their gold and 1D3 items of Treasure (your choice)
before the Settlement soldiers are able to drive them
back into the hills.
2-3 The attack catches everyone by surprise and, despite Your Warrior cannot hide their heroic stature and dozens of
the Warrior’s best efforts to defend their belongings, peasants soon surround them begging for money and food.
the bandits make off with one item of Treasure (your When the finally breaks free of the groping vagabonds they
choice). find that half of all the Provisions they were carrying are gone
4-5 Your Warrior hides behind the makeshift tents, quietly (rounded down) and they are 1D6x20 gold lighter!
slashing bandits as they ride by. When the Settlement
soldiers arrive, they reward your Warrior with 1D6x25
gold for helping to defend the Settlement inhabitants.
6 With a dramatic leap off a thatched roof, your Warrior
attacks the largest, most powerful bandit in the group,
killing him outright. The leaderless attackers are easily
routed by the Settlement soldiers. The Settlement
leaders reward your Warrior with 1D6x50 gold for their
role in the fight and they are allowed entry into the
A colourfully-dressed minstrel who is heading toward the There is an outbreak of Tyrant’s Fever and your Warrior
Settlement gates notices your Warrior. With a look of quickly becomes bed-ridden, their face becomes red and
recognition he excitedly approaches your Warrior, loudly painfully swollen. They must roll 1D6 at the beginning of each
strumming his instrument and singing a ballad all about your day on the following table adding +1 to the score each
Warrior’s exploits. Roll 1D6 below: subsequent time (remembering the Rule of 1 and 6).
1-2 While the lyrical poet relates all of the interesting 1 The fever has taken a turn for the worse and your
exploits of your Warrior, a small crowd gathers around, Warrior can only moan in pain, unable to leave their
excitedly. A young lout suddenly lashes out, stabbing bed. Your Warrior is -1 to Strength or Toughness
your Warrior with a poisonous dagger! He happens to (your choice) for the next Adventure. If their Strength
be the offspring of a criminal who your Warrior once or Toughness ever reaches zero, they are dead.
brought to justice. The young scamp is quickly 2-5 The fever runs high and your Warrior is bedridden in
subdued by the other peasants and your hero is their makeshift hovel. Whilst laid up, your Warrior does
rushed to a wise man who manages to remove much not need to roll for Outside the Gates Events.
of the venom. Your Warrior’s life is saved but must
deduct -1 Wound from their Starting Wounds score 6 The fever breaks and your Warrior returns to normal
permanently. by the end of the day.
3-6 The bard’s music focuses on all of your Warrior’s good
deeds and heroics! Soon your Warrior is mobbed by the
many pitiful masses Outside the Gates and they spend
the rest of the day giving blessings and allowing the
wretched to kiss their boots and touch their sweat- While your Warrior is busy relieving himself in a make-shift
soaked handkerchief. latrine, a horse thief makes off with their mount. If your
Warrior has a horse, mark it off your Adventure Record Sheet
along with anything that was attached it, such as a cart. If
your Warrior has no mounts, treat it as an Uneventful Day
Your Warrior sees a wagon filled with hay enter through the
Settlement gates, presumably to feed the various animals
inside. A second hay wagon can be seen approaching from a
distance and your Warrior has the crazy idea that they could
possibly steal away inside the wagon in order to get back into Stoked by the words of a few malcontents the lowly
the Settlement. If your Warrior chooses to do so, roll 1D6 on inhabitants who dwell outside of the Settlement have had
the table below: enough of their impoverished situation. A small gathering has
erupted into a dangerous riot pitting the peasants against the
1 Injured! As the wagon reaches the Settlement Gate, it local Watch. Roll 1D6 on the table below:
is stopped by the guards who begin stabbing their
swords randomly into the hay pile. As one of the 1 Your Warrior is arrested and charged with inciting a
sword thrusts penetrates your Warrior’s stomach, riot They (or their companions) must pay 1D6x200
they let out a blood-curdling cry! Roll another 1D6 and gold in fines and bribes to clear up the matter. If they
if the score is a 1, your Warrior expires on the spot and cannot pay they are hanged in the center of the
is removed from the game. On any other score they Settlement in 1D6 days as a warning to the other
survive although they must deduct -1 Wound vagabonds Outside the Gates.
permanently from their Starting Wounds score. Your 2-3 Your Warrior is beaten terribly by the Watch and
Warrior spend the next 1D6 days in jail, is fined 100 thrown into jail. They must pay 1D6x100 gold. If they
gold and is thrown back out of the Settlement. cannot pay they must spend the next 1D6 days in jail
2-3 Caught! An observant gate guard sees your Warrior’s before they are thrown back Outside the Gates.
foot sticking partially out of the hay. Your Warrior is 4-5 Joining the rioters, your Warrior strides steadfastly
wrenched from the wagon and thrown into a jail cell into the Settlement where the angry mob demands
for 1D3 days. They are fined 100 gold before being ample sustenance, clean water and access to medical
thrown back outside the gates. treatment. The Settlement officials eventually agree to
4-5 Unnoticed! The hay wagon passes through the gates a compromise and each peasant, including your
with your Warrior hidden in the hay and no one is the Warrior, is given 1D3 Provisions, 1D3 Bandages and
wiser! A few moments after it stops, your Warrior 1D6x5 gold.
hops out unobserved. Your Warrior may now follow all 6 Organizing the rioters, your Warrior marches the pack
the normal rules for staying in a Settlement. of peasants into the Settlement demanding to meet
6 Spotted! Your Warrior hides in the hay wagon and with high officials. The terrified authorities quickly
enters the Settlement unnoticed. When they feel it is meet the demands of your Warrior and the peasants
safe, they leave their hidden spot only to discover that are given access to food, clean water and medical
the wagon is parked in front of the jail! Standing next facilities. The peasants and your Warrior are each
to your Warrior is the captain of the watch who eyes given 1D6 Provisions and 1D6 Bandages. Your Warrior
them suspiciously. “No time for napping!” he snorts. also receives 1D6x50 gold in payment as a negotiator
“This hay needs to get delivered to the animal pens.” and for keeping the peasants from using violence to
The captain hands your Warrior 1D6x10 gold coins and solve the matter.
sends them on their way! Your Warrior may now
follow all the normal rules for staying in a Settlement.
A masked criminal, the Black Tiger, sneaks into your Warrior’s A pack of hungry, wild animals rampage Outside the Gates
makeshift camp in the middle of the night. He steals from the attacking the peasants. Your Warrior must roll 2D6. This is the
rich and gives to the poor. If your Warrior has more than 100 number of animals attacking them. Roll another 1D6 and add
gold, the outlaw steals half. If your Warrior has less than 100 your Warrior’s Battle-level, the score being the amount of wild
gold, the outlaw does nothing. If your Warrior has no gold at animals your Warrior kills. If any animals remain, your Warrior
all, the Black Tiger slips 100 gold pieces into your Warrior’s injures their hand in the skirmish and is -1 Weapon Skill for the
purse. In any case, the outlaw leaves a piece of parchment next Adventure.
with a tiger’s paw print on your Warrior’s chest which they
find in the morning upon waking.
Note: if the Bounty Hunter rolls this Event, immediately roll up
a new Outlaw following all the normal rules. This Outlaw also
has the Vanish 5+ Ability in addition to any others. (See the
Bounty Hunter Revision by Littlemonk).
An influential noble and his entourage are galloping through See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit
toward the Settlement gates and soon a small crowd has the Warriors might participate in next!
blocked their way to beg for food and coin. The noble
inexplicably spots your Warrior amongst the crowd and points
a finger at them. Roll 1D6 one the following table:
1 The noble is extremely irritated that the crowd has
stopped him. It is obvious to him that your Warrior, Your Warrior is adopted by a small dog. It follows them around
being stout and strong compared to the frail beggars, everywhere, skulking in the shadows while the fighting goes
is the one in charge. He directs his guards to surround on and then emerging after the adventure is completed to
your Warrior aggressively and they drag them in front shower its new master with adoration. Roll on the Pet Dog
of the noble for a severe beating. Your Warrior must Event Table (page 24) to see exactly which type of canine has
deduct -1 Wound permanently from their Starting attached itself to you.
Wounds score. Your Warrior can kill the dog if you want, but it would be a
2 The greedy noble eyes one of your Warrior’s item f cruel and heartless thing to do and it will cost them 1,000 gold
Treasure (determined at random) and sends his to pay for a decent burial for the hound!
lackeys to obtain it. Upon pain of death, your Warrior If your Warrior already has a pet dog, roll on this table
reluctantly hands over the item. again. If not, name it and note it down on your Warrior's
3 The noble is suspicious of your Warrior and calls for Adventure Record Sheet.
the Watch to apprehend and interrogate them. For
1D3 days your Warrior is grilled and beaten until
eventually being fined 1D6x10 gold for loitering (your
Warrior must sell items or equipment if necessary).
They are then thrown Outside the Gates once again.
Lepers begging for food accost your Warrior. The lepers will
4 Among all of the wretched beggars the compassionate approach your Warrior each day until your Warrior gives them
noble has chosen you as the recipient of 1D6x10 gold. food, until your Warrior departs for the next Adventure, or
5 The noble keenly observes that your Warrior may be of until your Warrior contracts their horrid affliction.
some use for a particularly important task. He offers Each day the lepers approach to beg for food, your Warrior
to hire them for the day, paying them 1D6x20 gold to must roll 2D6. If both dice come up the same number your
watch his horse while in the Settlement. In addition, Warrior has contracted their foul disease and they are -1
your Warrior may visit any Location not previously Movement from now until the end of the next Adventure.
visited during this stay in the Settlement and must pay
Living Expenses as normal. Your Warrior returns
Outside the Gates at the end of the day.
6 The noble calls out your name and beckons you over.
Familiar with your recent heroic undertakings he
A deranged lunatic approaches your Warrior and lunges
wishes to donate 1D6x100 gold to your cause. If your
forward with a knife! Your Warrior deals him a fatal blow in a
Warrior was not allowed into the Settlement for any
clear act of self-defense. Rummaging through the deceased
reason, he berates the watch commander and
man’s belongings your Warrior realizes that the man’s
Settlement officials who immediately apologize to your
necklace bears the crest of Duke Hilderwhelm. Months ago,
Warrior for any misunderstandings and allow them re-
the Duke’s nephew was rumoured to be missing and this must
entry. You may treat this as a new visit to the
be him! Roll 1D6 to see the result of your Warrior’s actions:
Settlement and your Warrior may visit Traders and
Special Locations even they had done so previously in 1 The authorities are furious and accuse your Warrior of
this Settlement. murder! They are thrown into jail and scheduled to be
executed in 10 days. At the end of each day that
passes, including this one, roll 1D6. If the result is a 6,
it means that a witness to the incident has come
forward to exonerate your Warrior. Your Warrior is
Mischievous wild animals sneak into your Warrior’s camp and then immediately escorted outside the Settlement
pilfer some of your Warrior’s possessions. Roll 1D6 to see gates. If no witness comes forward by the end of the
what they have taken: tenth day, your Warrior is beheaded in the center of
the Settlement before a large, jeering crowd.
1 An item of Treasure (determined at random). 2-3 In order to avoid any public embarrassment about his
2 A Potion (determined at random). deceased nephew’s state of mind, Duke Hilderwhelm
3 A Rope. has your Warrior arrested on trumped up charges. He
will only drop the charges if your Warrior agrees to pay
4 A Bandage. a fine and keep quiet about the entire incident. These
5 A Provision. negotiations take 1D6 days and cost your Warrior
1D6x50 gold. If your Warrior does not have the
6 Nothing.
amount (after selling any Equipment or Treasure to
cover the cost) then the Duke takes whatever gold
If the Warrior has such as item they must discard it. If they they have and drops the charges.
don’t have it, they does nothing. In any case, roll again. If you
4-5 The influential Duke Hilderwhelm has your Warrior
roll lower than your first score to see what the animal stole,
arrested claiming that your Warrior killed his nephew
the animal also stole the second item too, and so on. As soon
during a duel. Your Warrior spends 3 days in jail while
as you roll the same number again or higher, stop rolling.
authorities determine if the duel was proper.
6 Duke Hilderwhelm, well aware of his nephew’s
deteriorated mental state, pays your Warrior 1D6x100
gold to keep silent about the entire incident.
Villages in the Old World tend to be places governed by superstition and a healthy distrust of strangers. Word travels
quickly in these close-knit communities and unusual events rarely stay secret for long. What little wealth may be in a
village is seldom flaunted and opportunities for work are few and far between…
Your Warrior's wild behaviour attracts the attention of the Your Warrior is accused of witchcraft, and is chased through
Settlement authorities and there are thrown out of town. They the streets by an angry mob. Roll 1D6 on the following table
must wait outside the Settlement gates for the other Warriors. (the Witch Hunter may add +1 to his score):
See the Outside the Gates rules (page 3).
1-3 Your Warrior escapes by jumping over the Settlement
In addition, roll 1D6. On a score of 1 your Warrior is fleeced wall and into the filthy water of the moat. Pelted with
by the gate guards as they are thrown out and have all their eggs and rotten fruit, they stagger out onto the far
gold stolen! side, and out into the sticks. See the Outside the Gates
rules (page 3).
4-5 Your Warrior ducks down a side alley and escapes, but
from now on must wear a disguise when out in public!
6 Your Warrior turns angrily on the mob, demanding an
See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit explanation. Shouting down the leader of the mob,
the Warriors might participate in next! they establish their authority over the crowd, who
sheepishly return to their hovels, pausing only to give
your Warrior 100 gold as way of compensation.
Strolling alongside a dilapidated old house your Warrior spies An item of Treasure that your Warrior is carrying (determined
an old, stone well. Your Warrior casually tosses in 1 gold coin. randomly) is identified by a wealthy, influential member of the
Roll 1D6 on the table below: local citizenry as his family heirloom, stolen last year by
wanton burglars. The local Watch confiscates the item and you
1 A creepy, guttural moan echoes upward in an must discard it immediately. If your Warrior has no Treasure
unknown tongue. A terrible sense of dread items, the wealthy local accuses your Warrior of hiding it and
overwhelms your Warrior and they are -1 Luck for the demands 1D6x50 gold in restitution instead. If they cannot
next Adventure. pay, then your Warrior is thrown Outside the Gates.
2-5 Nothing happens and your Warrior is now carrying one
less gold piece.
6 A high-pitched squeal and soft giggling can be heard at
the bottom of the well. Your Warrior gains +1 Luck for
next Adventure! While walking along the main street, your Warrior hears a
disturbance just around the corner. A moment later a huge
runaway bull charges down the street, wrecking market stalls
and causing panic. Your Warrior can let it pass by hiding down
a side alley, or try to stop the enraged animal. If your Warrior
hides down the alley and lets the bull pass, roll 1D6 on the
following table:
1-3 Your Warrior skulks in the shadows, waiting for the
action to die down. As they peep round the corner, a
mugger's metal bar hits them over the head. When
they regain consciousness, your Warrior’s purse is 100
As your Warrior strolls through the village centre it is abuzz gold coins lighter.
with the preparations for tomorrow’s festival. Roll 1D6 to see 4-6 After waiting nervously in the dark for a few minutes,
what festival is being celebrated and another 1D6 to see what your Warrior sees the bull roar past and career off
effect it has on ALL of your Warriors. down a side street. The danger is passed and your
Warrior may carry on about their business.
1D6 Festival
1 A Beer festival If your Warrior tries to stop the bull, roll 1D6 on the
following table:
2 A Food festival
3 A festival for the Deceased 1-2 Your Warrior waves the passers-by aside and leaps
out in front of the bull, sword drawn. The bull
4 A Religious festival hesitates for half a second or so, and then tramples
5 A Music festival them into the dirt before carrying on its way. The
6 A Cultural festival crowd then stomps all over your Warrior in the rush to
follow the bull, leaving them to nurse their injuries
alone in an empty street.
1D6 Effect 3-4 A single sword thrust stops the bull dead in its tracks
1 In recognition of the festival, all locations will be literally. As its carcass twitches spasmodically, the
closed for the next 1D6 days. Warriors who are crowd roars in approval and showers your Warrior
training will find their instruction interrupted during with 100 gold. Then the bull's enraged owner arrives,
the period and they must add on those extra days to and relieves them of 150 gold – it was his prize stud,
their training time. and he wanted it stopped, not slaughtered!
2 In recognition of the festival, all traders will close up 5-6 Your Warrior gives the bull a hard stare and it skids to
shop for the next 1D3 days. a halt, snorting and pawing the ground. Putting a rope
around its neck, they lead it back to its stall. The
3 The population of the Village will double as it
crowd cheers and showers them with 150 gold.
welcomes visitors from the surrounding region. For
the next1D3 days all Warriors must roll on the Town
Events Table instead of the Village Events Table. In
addition, Warriors may make all stock rolls as if in a
Town (2D6).
4 Vendors, merchants and traders will make their way A terrible illness strikes the Settlement, and your Warrior falls
to the Village tomorrow and any Warrior may visit the prey to it. They must spend the next two days in bed, paying
Peddler, who is treated exactly as the Peddler from 10 gold per day for medication as well as the normal Living
the Roleplay Book (page 15) or the new, expanded Expenses. While your Warrior is in bed, you do not have to roll
Travelling Hazards by Littlemonk (page 8). Visiting the for Settlement Events.
Peddler takes an entire day during which a Warrior
may do nothing else except roll for Settlement Events.
5 In celebration (but mostly to lure in new customers)
all locations will offer one item in stock at 50%. This
sale is offered tomorrow only. See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit
6 In celebration (but mostly to lure in customers) all the Warriors might participate in next!
locations will offer 10% off all items in stock. This sale
is offered tomorrow only!
Much taken with the teachings of the local priest, your Warrior As your Warrior helps an old crone to cross the busy main
pledges 1D6x50 gold to his cause, selling equipment if street, a beer wagon unexpectedly crashes into them. She
necessary to meet the cost of the donation. The next time carefully peels them off the heavy, iron-shed wheel, and takes
your Warrior is in a fight and fails to hit their opponent, the them to the infirmary to be patched up. Your Warrior cannot
sect's deity shines on them and they may re-roll the attack. buy anything or visit any Special Locations for 1D6 days while
They may only do this once for each donation they make (i.e., they recover. While they are recovering you do not have to roll
each time they roll this result on this table). for Settlement Events.
Your Warrior overhears that the local fisherman are Seeing them armed and battle-hardened, a pacifist approaches
complaining of a giant aquatic monster that has been your Warrior, attempting to convert them to the ways of non-
terrorising them down by the river. Upon investigation your violence. The young lady is passionate and convincing and you
Warrior discovers a massive creature that has somehow must roll 1D6 and add your Warrior’s Willpower. Look up the
managed to find its way inland. After a few patient hours your result on the table below to see what effect her words have on
Warrior spots the beast and a small battle for water rights your Warrior.
ensues. Roll 1D6 on the table below: 2-4 Your Warrior takes the words of the woman to heart
1 The strange creature is too much for your Warrior. and they vow to relinquish one of their weapons
Razor-sharp teeth and a piercing snout tear at your (your choice). Discard it immediately.
Warrior and soon they are running from the river at 5-6 Your Warrior is thoroughly convinced by the words of
top speed, much to the chagrin of the locals. Your the young woman and in the next Adventure they
bested Warrior is -1 Toughness for the next promise that, aside from their regular Attacks, they
Adventure. will not use any special skills or abilities that cause
2-3 The mighty fish tosses your Warrior about and leaves Damage.
them on the bank in a heap. Their hand is badly injured 7-8 Your Warrior deeply considers the words of the
in the struggle and they are -1 Weapon Skill for the young woman and in the next Dungeon they refuse
next Adventure. to make an Attack in the first Warriors’ Phase of
4-5 Your Warrior thrashes about in the water as the each combat.
creature snaps and stabs at them with its long duck- 9 or Your Warrior is unaffected by the words of the young
like bill. Eventually your Warrior drives the creature more lady.
away and returns to the applauding fishermen who
thank them with 1D6x25 gold.
6 As the giant fish leaps out of the water, your Warrior
fells it with one swift and accurate blow. The
fishermen are ecstatic as they haul the beast out of As your Warrior rushes through the busy streets, their money
the water. They regard your Warrior as a hero and give pouch is stolen.
them 1D6x50 gold. In addition, they use the creature
to prepare 1D6 Provisions for your Warrior. Treat them Your Warrior loses 1D6x20 gold.
like normal Provisions from the General Store.
As your Warrior heads back to the inn for a bit of relaxation, Your Warrior visits a local inn and gets involved in a dubious
they encounter a villager who welcomes them to the game of dice. Roll 1D6 on the following table:
Settlement heartily and insists on taking them to the nearest
tavern for a drink. Roll 1D6 on the following tables: 1 Your Warrior loses badly, and must forfeit one item of
Treasure of your choice.
1D6 The person is the Village… 2 Your Warrior loses 1D6x20 gold.
1 Idiot 3-4 Your Warrior comes out of the game even.
2 Drunk 5 Your Warrior wins 1D6x10 gold.
3 Loudmouth 6 Your Warrior wins 3D6x10 gold.
4 Bard
5 Gate Guard
6 Elder
Now roll another 1D6 and add the number rolled above. Your Warrior is accosted by beggars and, overwhelmed by the
Look up the result on the table below: sadness of their plight, gives each of the 1D6 pitiful wretches
5 gold. If your Warrior cannot pay they are a beggar
Total Result themselves, and you must roll 1D6 on the following table:
2-3 Upon entering the tavern, your Warrior is
1 Your Warrior is thrown out of the Settlement – see
immediately surrounded by ruffians. They find out
Village Event 11.
that the villager owes a huge debt to the owner of
the establishment and he was told not to return 2-6 Your Warrior gains 1D6x5 gold by begging.
until his debt was paid in full. Before being thrown
out with their new friend, your Warrior is relieved of
1D6x50 gold. If they do not have that amount, the
owner takes one item of Treasure (determined at
random) as compensation.
As you wander through the Village your Warrior comes upon
4-5 As your Warrior struts into the tavern with the some bare-knuckle pugilists competing with one another.
villager it is apparent that they are not welcome Catching sight of your Warrior’s garb and equipment they
here. After being roughed up and thrown out, your immediately hail you to join them in a friendly bout, albeit with
Warrior finds out that one of the enforcers made off much public jeering and taunting. Your Warrior has no choice
with one item of Equipment (determined at but to uphold their reputation by accepting the locals’
random). Discard it immediately. challenge.
6-8 Your Warrior spends the next few hours politely Stepping up to meet your Warrior is Bamwig, local
listening to the boring history of the settlement champion and prize fighter. The protocols for such a bout here
after which the villager leaves them to foot the bill, are unfamiliar to your Warrior so they are given a list of rules
which amounts to 1D6x10 gold. and regulations that they must adhere to.
9-10 As your Warrior and the villager walk through the Add your Warrior’s Strength and Toughness together and
door, the other patrons cheerfully greet them (the then factor in their Alehouse modifier (see your Warrior’s
villager is apparently a bit of a celebrity). Your Rulebook). This is your Warrior’s Fight Total. The local
Warrior and the villager are given free food and champion’s Fight Total is 8.
drink. Your Warrior does not need to pay for living
Each round you must roll a 1D6 for your Warrior and
expenses today.
another 1D6 for Bamwig. Deduct your Warrior’s score from
11-12 The villager is well known and well respected. their Fight Total and then deduct Bamwig’s roll from his. Keep
Seeing your Warrior with him, the villagers in the a running total on a piece of paper and the first contender
tavern pay all of the Living Expenses for the rest of whose Fight Total reaches zero (or below) is the loser. If both
their stay in the Settlement and donate 1D6x25 gold contestants’ score reach zero or below at the same time the
toward their next Adventure. higher score prevails. In case of a tie, continue another round
until one of them is the winner.
If your Warrior wins the match they receive one item of
Dungeon Room Treasure. If they are defeated, the local
champion and his cohorts relieve them of half their gold!
See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit
the Warriors might participate in next!
A head villager approaches your Warrior and informs them A colourfully-dressed minstrel notices your Warrior as they
that a distant relative has just passed away and has left them pass by. With an exasperated laugh he follows your Warrior,
an inheritance. Roll 1D6 to see what the inheritance is: loudly strumming his lute and singing a ballad all about your
Warrior’s exploits. Roll 1D6:
1 The inheritance is a debt and the head villager has
come to collect! Your Warrior must forfeit 1D6x25 gold 1-2 The raucous tune is an insulting account of all of your
selling Equipment and Treasure if necessary! Warrior’s follies; from their missteps in combat to
2-3 The inheritance is actually a pet dog (see Event 63). If spilling their drink at the tavern. The bard also sings of
your Warrior already has a pet dog, treat this as a roll the unfortunate encounter with the miller’s daughter
of 1 above. down by the river which angers some of her close male
relatives. They wait for your Warrior around a corner,
4 The inheritance is a small sum of money to the amount throw a sack over their head and beat them severely.
of 1D6x25 gold! Your Warrior is -1 Strength for the next Adventure.
5 The inheritance is a small sum of money to the amount 3-4 The ballad is all about your Warrior’s exploits but no
of 1D6x50 gold! one seems to even notice or care.
6 The inheritance is an item of Dungeon Room Treasure! 5-6 The bard embellishes all of your Warrior’s good deeds
and heroics to such degree that even your Warrior is
impressed with himself. A large group quickly gathers
and gives three cheers! Your Warrior’s inner spirit is
bolstered and they are +1 Strength for the next
Your Warrior must discard any one purchase they have made Adventure.
in this Settlement, as it was a fake and is worth nothing! If
your Warrior has not yet made any purchases in this
Settlement, treat this as an Uneventful Day.
Your Warrior is employed by a local farmer to carry bales of Your Warrior is carrying an item of magical Treasure
cotton to the riverside area for the day. This task earns them (determined randomly) that the villagers perceive as unlucky,
20 gold. unholy or taboo. The local Watch is immediately summoned
and your Warrior must either leave the Settlement immediately
or surrender the item to the authorities (after which it is
properly destroyed in a ceremony involving a bonfire, a
catapult, a ten pound hammer and a large squash).
As your Warrior passes by a small house they see smoke
seeping out from under the front door. Rushing inside they
drag out the unconscious inhabitants. Almost the entire village
turns out to fight the blaze and the house is saved with no
casualties. Your Warrior is being congratulated as a hero,
especially from the surviving family who make a gift of
1D6x20 gold in thanks.
Towns contain a greater diversity of people: craftsman, artisans, traders and such. Unfortunately, that also means they
contain more grifters, frauds and criminals. Larger and more spread out than villages, many more things can happen in
a town and so Warriors can expect a greater spread of events and encounters. However, townsfolk can still be a little
superstitious so visitors would be wise to watch their step and not upset the locals…
Your Warrior's wild behaviour attracts the attention of the See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit
Settlement authorities and there are thrown out of town. They the Warriors might participate in next!
must wait outside the Settlement gates for the other Warriors.
See the Outside the Gates rules (page 3).
In addition, roll 1D6. On a score of 1 your Warrior is fleeced
by the gate guards as they are thrown out and have all their
gold stolen! As your Warrior passes by a small house they see smoke
seeping out from under the front door. Rushing inside they
drag out the unconscious inhabitants. Almost the entire village
turns out to fight the blaze and the house is saved with no
casualties. Your Warrior is being congratulated as a hero,
Strolling alongside a dilapidated old house your Warrior spies especially from the surviving family who make a gift of
an old, stone well. Your Warrior casually tosses in 1 gold coin. 1D6x50 gold in thanks.
Roll 1D6 on the table below:
1 A creepy, guttural moan echoes upward in an
unknown tongue. A terrible sense of dread
overwhelms your Warrior and they are -1 Luck for the
next Adventure.
2-5 Nothing happens and your Warrior is now carrying one
less gold piece.
6 A high-pitched squeal and soft giggling can be heard at
the bottom of the well. Your Warrior is +1 Luck for the
next Adventure!
As your Warrior retires for the evening they fall into a deep
slumber. They begin to dream that they are fighting a
terrifying gorgon; her hair composed of vicious snakes and a
gaze which can turn a person to stone. With a horrendous
scream the gorgon attacks! Roll 1D6 to see how the dream
1 No matter how many times or how hard your Warrior
strikes the creature with their weapon, the beast
seems invulnerable. With a terrifying scream the
gorgon shoots an arrow directly into their heart!
When your Warrior wakes, they find that they have
permanently lost 1 Wound! If your Warrior’s Starting
Wounds is ever reduced to zero because of this
dream, they are dead.
Tomorrow night the nightmare returns and they must
roll on this table again. Make a note on your
Adventure Record Sheet to remind you. An item of Treasure that your Warrior is carrying (determined
randomly) is identified by a wealthy, influential member of the
2-5 The battle is brutal and neither your Warrior nor the
local citizenry as his family heirloom, stolen last year by
creature seems to get the upper hand. Your Warrior
wanton burglars. The local Watch confiscates the item and you
wakes in a cold sweat.
must discard it immediately. If your Warrior has no Treasure
Tomorrow night the nightmare returns and they must items, the wealthy local accuses your Warrior of hiding it and
roll on this table again! Make a note on your demands 1D6x50 gold in restitution instead. If they cannot
Adventure Record Sheet to remind you. pay, then your Warrior is thrown Outside the Gates.
6 Your Warrior courageously stands their ground and
strikes the wretched beast down! A sense of relief fills
your Warrior and they sleep better than they have in a
long time.
When your Warrior awakens they discover that they As your Warrior helps an old crone to cross the busy main
are +1 to his Starting Wounds! The nightmare ends street, a beer wagon unexpectedly crashes into them. She
and they do not have to roll on this table again (unless carefully peels them off the heavy, iron-shed wheel, and takes
they encounter this Settlement Event again)! them to the infirmary to be patched up. Your Warrior cannot
buy anything or visit any Special Locations for 1D6 days while
If your Warrior leaves the Settlement before the dream they recover. While they are recovering you do not have to roll
concludes, the nightmare temporarily ends. At the next for Settlement Events.
Settlement, however, it returns to haunt the Warrior again.
Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet.
Taken with the joys of hot food and a comfortable bed after so
long out in the wild, your Warrior overspends on such luxuries
by 50 gold.
As your Warrior passes by a potter’s store, a woman comes Your Warrior is adopted by a small dog. It follows them around
running out hollering about a poisonous snake that has slipped everywhere, skulking in the shadows while the fighting goes
in. She immediately hires your Warrior to rid her shop of the on and then emerging after the adventure is completed to
snake, but she warns them not to break any of her pottery shower its new master with adoration. Roll on the Pet Dog
which is on display throughout the shop. Roll 1D6 below: Event Table (page 24) to see exactly which type of canine has
attached itself to you.
1 The snake is much harder to catch or kill than
anticipated and your Warrior practically tears the shop Your Warrior can kill the dog if you want, but it would be a
apart before finally corralling the reptile. Angrily, the cruel and heartless thing to do and it will cost them 1,000 gold
shop owner demands 1D6x50 gold for her loses. to pay for a decent burial for the hound!
2-3 Just as your Warrior slips the snag into a burlap sack, If your Warrior already has a pet dog, ignore this event and
they stumble backward into a rare and expensive pot roll on the Town Events table again. If not, name it and note it
which falls to the ground with a loud crash. After down on your Warrior's Adventure Record Sheet.
deducting their pay for catching the snake, your
Warrior owes the potter 1D6x10 gold for the damage.
4-5 Stepping into the potter’s shop your Warrior spies the
cold-blooded creature coiled up in the rafters. They
manage to bring it down along with a few cups Your Warrior must discard any one purchase they have made
hanging on the wall. The potter is elated and, after in this Settlement, as it was a fake and is worth nothing! If
deducting for damage, pays your Warrior 1D6x10 gold. your Warrior has not yet made any purchases in this
6 No sooner than your Warrior enters the shop do they Settlement, treat this as an Uneventful Day.
pounce upon the terrifying reptile, snatching it with
their bare hands. When they bring the beastie back
out, the potter is elated that nothing was damaged.
She pays your Warrior 1D6x25 gold for their services.
Your Warrior spends the rest of their day in the heady Your Warrior is accosted by beggars and, overwhelmed by the
atmosphere of a steam bath, sweating off the after effects of sadness of their plight, gives each of the 1D6+4 pitiful
last night's sojourn at the tavern. They emerge feeling far wretches 5 gold. If your Warrior cannot pay they are a beggar
healthier than they have for a good while, and they may add themselves, and you must roll 1D6 on the following table:
+1 Wound to their Starting Wounds score permanently.
1 Your Warrior is thrown out of the Settlement – see
Town Event 11.
2-6 Your Warrior gains 1D6x10 gold by begging.
Your Warrior hears a loud cry from for help from around the
corner and when they go to investigate they see that a wagon
cart has turned over and is crushing a local boy. Your Warrior
runs over to try and push the cart off the young lad. Roll 1D6 A colourfully-dressed minstrel notices your Warrior as they
and add your Warrior’s Strength then look up the result below: pass by. With an exasperated laugh he follows your Warrior,
loudly strumming his lute and singing a ballad all about your
6 or As your Warrior lifts the cart up they lose their grip! Warrior’s exploits. Roll 1D6:
less The cart falls back on to the boy, maiming him! The
boy’s family demands restitution for the accident and 1-2 The raucous tune is an insulting account of all of your
your Warrior must give up half their gold or be sent to Warrior’s follies; from his missteps in combat to
prison for 1D6 weeks! If your Warrior has no gold, they spilling his drink at the tavern. The bard also sings of
must give the family 1D3 Treasure Items (your choice) the unfortunate encounter with the miller’s daughter
instead. down by the river which angers some of her close male
7 Your Warrior manages to move the cart, but the boy is relatives. They wait for your Warrior around a corner,
injured in the process. Your Warrior feels so terrible throw a sack over his head and beat them severely.
about the situation that they give 1D6x50 gold to Your Warrior is -1 Strength for the next Adventure.
cover the cost of medical treatment. 3-4 The ballad is all about your Warrior’s exploits but no
8-9 Your Warrior shifts the heavy cart enough for one seems to even notice or care.
someone to pull the boy out, thus saving his life. His 5-6 The bard embellishes all of your Warrior’s good deeds
father, a local merchant, is so grateful that he gives and heroics to such degree that even your Warrior is
your Warrior 1D6x50 gold. impressed with himself. A large group quickly gathers
10+ In a heroic feat, your Warrior hauls the massive cart and gives three cheers! Your Warrior’s inner spirit is
off the boy and he escapes unscathed. The onlookers bolstered and is +1 Strength for the next Adventure.
cheer buoyantly and the boy’s family, who are rich
nobles, gives your Warrior 1D6x100 gold and an Item
of Dungeon Room Treasure in gratitude!
A City is bustling with excitement and your Warriors will find a whole array of things to do! There will be more
commerce, more trade but also more crime. There will be more chances of something great happening but also more
opportunities to get into trouble. There will be more entertainment and more people to meet. A crowded city will also
mean that your Warriors will need to watch their backs a bit more…
Your Warrior's wild behaviour attracts the attention of the As your Warrior rushes through the busy streets, their money
Settlement authorities and there are thrown out of town. They pouch is stolen.
must wait outside the Settlement gates for the other Warriors. Your Warrior loses 1D6x50 gold.
See the Outside the Gates rules (page 3).
In addition, roll 1D6. On a score of 1 your Warrior is fleeced
by the gate guards as they are thrown out and have all their
gold stolen!
Your Warrior spends the rest of their day in the heady
atmosphere of a steam bath, sweating off the after effects of
last night's sojourn at the tavern. They emerge feeling far
healthier than they have for a good while, and they may add
+1 Wound to their Starting Wounds score permanently. In
addition, they are +1 Initiative for the next Adventure.
Your Warrior is invited by a group of locals to go on a Studying the weapons on display in the local smithy, your
nocturnal hunt. Warrior feels a steel gauntleted hand upon their shoulder. It is
Meeting them just before sunset, they are informed that the Marshal of the Watch and your Warrior is accused of a
tonight's prey is the great Quarg - a beast of fearsome temper crime they did not commit!
and foul disposition. Your Warrior’s task in the group is to Your Warrior is arrested and thrown upon the mercy of the
take the hunting tools – a net, a small pole with a bell on it and courts. Your Warrior must roll once on each table below to see
a bag full of garlic - and wait in the middle of the woods while what crime they are accused of and what their sentence is.
the rest of the hunters spread out into the forest and drive the
Quarg towards them. As the sun rises the next morning, and 1D6 Crime
the owls return to their nests, there is still no sign of the 1 Troublemaking
Quarg, your Warrior begins to wonder if someone is being
2 Robbery
made a fool of...
3 Forgery
4 Arson
5 Treachery
6 Murder
Your Warrior is captivated by a particular brilliant team of
street artists, who are performing their own rendition of a
popular and contemporary play. 1D6 Sentence
The play your Warrior is watching is called (roll once on each 1 Innocent
of the tables below): 2 A stern warning!
1D6 Result 3 1000 gold fine
1 Death of… 4 Lose a limb*
2 The Lost Love of… 5 10 years in jail**
3 A Return To… 6 Death by (roll on the Execution Method Table)
4 No Solace For…
5 Cursed Be… 1D6 Execution Method
6 Drunken As… 1 Burning
2 Beheading
1D6 Result 3 Impalement
1 …the Emperor. 4 Drowning
2 …a Love Struck Wastrel! 5 Torture
3 …Solitude. 6 Firing Squad
4 …the Creeping Dead.
5 …the Sylvanian Counts. *Lose a Limb
6 …the Ever-hungry Halfling! The authorities decide to chop off one of your Warrior’s limbs
as punishment. You may choose which. If they lose a leg, your
Roll another 1D6 to see how good the actors were: Warrior’s Movement is halved and their Escape from Pinning
roll is always a 6+. If they ever lose another leg they may not
1 Appalling! Your Warrior has never seen such rubbish move at all. If they lose a hand, then they are -2 on all To Hit
in their life and pelts the unfortunate actors with rolls and they may never use missile weapons or cast spells. If
rotten vegetables! they ever lose another hand they may not fight at all.
2-5 Entertaining! Your Warrior gives the actors 10 gold x
the total of the numbers rolled on the tables above. **10 Years in Jail
6 Splendid! Your Warrior is captivated and showers the This effectively means your Warrior is out of the game (as
actors with well-earned praise and a lot of gold too! indeed does ‘sentenced to death by…’). However, at the start
Your Warrior gives the actors 50 gold x the numbers of every Adventure from now on, roll 1D6. On a score of 5 or 6
rolled on the tables above. your Warrior escapes, together with all their gear, and may
rejoin their fellow Warriors.
“The Slammer” has come to town and he is taking on all A colourfully-dressed minstrel notices your Warrior as they
challengers in a ‘friendly’ wrestling match! Boasting a perfect pass by. With an exasperated laugh he follows your Warrior,
record, the Norseman wagers 500 gold pieces to anyone in the loudly strumming his lute and singing a ballad all about your
crowd who defeats him in unarmed combat. At the urging of Warrior’s exploits. Roll 1D6:
the crowd your Warrior accepts the challenge, roll 2D6 and
apply their Alehouse modifier (see your Warrior’s Rulebook). 1-2 The raucous tune is an insulting account of all of your
Look up the result on the table below: Warrior’s follies; from his missteps in combat to
spilling his drink at the tavern. The bard also sings of
2-3 In the first few seconds, The Slammer picks your the unfortunate encounter with the miller’s daughter
Warrior up and promptly smashes them to the ground. down by the river which angers some of her close male
The sickening thud of your Warrior hitting the ground relatives. They wait for your Warrior around a corner,
sends a shudder through the crowd. Moments later throw a sack over his head and beat them severely.
your Warrior is carted off on a wooden plank. Not only Your Warrior is -1 Strength for the next Adventure.
is your Warrior 500 gold pieces lighter, but The 3-4 The ballad is all about your Warrior’s exploits but no
Slammer helps himself to one item of Treasure one seems to even notice or care.
(determined at random) your Warrior was carrying.
5-6 The bard embellishes all of your Warrior’s good deeds
4-5 After a nifty maneuver, The Slammer grabs your and heroics to such degree that even your Warrior is
Warrior in a bear hug that feels like they’re being impressed with himself. A large group quickly gathers
squeezed by… well, a bear. With eyes bulging your and gives three cheers! Your Warrior’s inner spirit is
Warrior gives up just prior to slipping into bolstered and is +1 Strength for the next Adventure.
unconsciousness. With terribly bruised ribs and an
even more bruised ego your Warrior forfeits 500 gold.
6-8 After a grueling 15 minutes of dirt-eating exchanges
between The Slammer and your Warrior, the match is
called a draw. Your Warrior gains nothing but the
knowledge that they lasted longer than most and has As your Warrior strolls about the civic district they are
lost nothing more than a few teeth… approached by a city employee who demands payment for the
new ‘Adventurer’s Tax’ which amounts to 10 gold per
9+ With all the focused fury of a hungry Halfling in a pie Treasure item that they are carrying. Your Warrior must either
shop your Warrior meets The Slammer head on. After pay or the local Watch will remove them from the City
several minutes of intense combat your Warrior takes immediately (see the rules for Outside the Gates).
the measure of his foe and slams the Norseman to the
ground! Standing triumphant amidst a cheering crowd,
your Warrior dusts off their clothing before marching
off with 500 more gold pieces in their pocket.
Your Warrior bumps into a thief who has just robbed the
jeweller’s store. Roll 1D6 on the table below:
1 The culprit escapes as the shop owner emerges and
accuses your Warrior of the theft! He immediately
summons the Watch who throw your Warrior in jail for
1D3 days and fine them 1D6x100 gold!
2-3 The robber throws some jewels at your Warrior, yelling
“Thief! Thief!” and then escapes down a dark alley.
Townsfolk come running out of the surroundings
buildings and surround your Warrior, screaming for the
Watch. After repeated pleas of innocence, your Warrior
is fined 1D6x50 gold for failing to stop the crime.
4-5 Your Warrior instinctively knocks the culprit down,
forcing him to drop all of his loot. They nimble thief
manages to regain his feet and climb over a wall and
out of sight. A local who witnessed everything
corroborates your story to the shopkeeper and the See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit
Watch when they arrive. The owner rewards your the Warriors might participate in next!
Warrior with 1D6x25 gold for saving his merchandise.
6 Your Warrior grabs the thief, slamming him to the floor
and sits on him until the Watch arrive. The shopkeeper
lauds your Warrior as a hero and rewards them with
1D6x50 gold! In addition, they are given a bronze Mungo and his Amazing Monkeys are performing in the street
pendant with an ancient rune of fortune inscribed and your Warrior laughs heartily as the creatures leap onto
upon it. Each time your Warrior visits a Settlement the their back and scurry around their legs. Flipping a gold coin to
pendant allows you to re-roll one Settlement Event. the trainer your Warrior leaves the area. About an hour later
You must accept the result of the second roll. your Warrior realizes that they are missing one item of
Treasure (determined at random)!
An old woman bumps into your Warrior on the city street. She
explodes in excitement at the sight of their face and claims
they are her distant relative. Before they can say a word, the
excited lady drags your Warrior home with her where they are
welcomed by all the family members and fed to their heart’s
content. Your Warrior graciously accepts their hospitality,
which includes a package of food upon their departure.
Your Warrior does not have to pay living expenses for this
day and you may add 1D3 Provisions to your Adventure
Record Sheet.
If you roll the ‘Pet Dog Event’ in a Settlement, roll 2D6 on the Table below to determine exactly what kind of dog has
adopted your Warrior. Unless the dog description specifies otherwise, having a pet dog increases a Warrior’s Living
Expenses by 1 gold per day.