2017 EPCOT Code Supplement To 2015 Edition
2017 EPCOT Code Supplement To 2015 Edition
2017 EPCOT Code Supplement To 2015 Edition
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(c) A fire alarm detection and evacuation system in (b) Other vertical openings shall be enclosed as
accordance with NFPA 72 shall be installed in all specified in Table 6.2 and Section 703.
Exception: A shaft enclosure is not required for
Exception: A fire alarm detection and evacuation automobile ramps in open and enclosed parking
system is not required in Group A-7, R-3, S-1, S-4, S- garages constructed in accordance with Section
5, S-6 and S-7 occupancies, temporary occupancies 508.5 and other structures with a minimum 50%
less than 300 occupants, construction trailers for the openness to the exterior on all sides.
duration of the construction project, and
manufactured buildings less than 3,200 square feet.
BS17 - 06
(d) Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in all
occupancies, including temporary structures, in Proponent: Jonathan Cantwell, Fire Protection Engineer
accordance with NFPA 10.
508.5 Open Parking Garages.
Exception: S-6 Occupancies. (a) Except where specific provisions are made in the
following sections, other requirements for Group B shall
(e) Where required by occupancy, design or other apply in open parking garages.
provisions of this Code, the following systems and
services shall be installed: (b) An open parking garage is a structure of Type I, II,
III or IV construction more than one tier high when at
1. Automatic sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, fire least 50 percent of the perimeter is open, and when the
alarms, standpipes, water supply and hose connections structure is used exclusively for parking or storing
shall be installed as required in Section 715. passenger motor vehicles (see Table 5.3).
2. Air-conditioning systems, chimneys, flues, vents and 1. At least 50 percent of the clear height between
heat-producing equipment shall be designed as floors shall be open to the atmosphere for the full
specified in the EPCOT Mechanical Code, and the length of at least two exterior walls, excluding
applicable requirements of the EPCOT Plumbing Code required stair and elevator walls and structural
and the EPCOT Fuel Gas Code. columns.
3. Service of hazardous utilities shall be as specified by Where a skin structure or exterior façade uses
Subsection 708.3. perforated or slotted openings applied to the
required clear area, the skin or façade must be a
4. Every building shall have an approved outside gas minimum of 40% open to contribute any amount to
shutoff valve. the overall openness calculation. The skin structure
or façade shall be set out a minimum of 18 inches
5. Electrical installations shall be as specified in the from the exterior wall surface.
EPCOT Electrical Code.
2. The distance from any point on any floor level to an
6. Elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, manlifts and open exterior wall facing on a street, or to other
transporting assemblies shall be installed, tested, permanently maintained open space at least 20 feet in
inspected, maintained and operated in accordance with width extending full width to a street, shall not exceed
the requirements of EPCOT Standard 5-1. 200 feet.
7. Except where prohibited, the storage of flammable 3. When such structures are within 10 feet of a common
materials shall comply with the requirements of EPCOT property or building line, they shall be provided with an
Standards 5-4, 5-5 and 5-6. enclosure wall along the line of not less than 1-hour fire
resistance without openings therein, except door
8. Blower and exhaust systems, where required, shall openings meeting the requirements of Subsection 704.3
be installed as specified in EPCOT Standard 5-7. shall be permitted.
(c)508.6 Enclosed Parking Garages. Enclosed and Proponent: Jonathan Cantwell, Fire Protection Engineer
basement public parking decks shall be provided with a
mechanical ventilation system capable of providing six 511.7 High-Piled Stock.
air changes per hour for each level in accordance with (a) Buildings used or intended to be used for the
the EPCOT Mechanical Code. Enclosed garages shall storage of high-piled stock as defined in Paragraph (b)
be provided with automatic sprinklers in accordance shall comply with the requirements of this Subsection.
with Section 715.
(b) High-piled stock shall be combustible commodities
508.76 Prohibited Uses. The following uses are not or packaging materials that are placed in closely
permitted within parking garages. packed piles more than 125 feet high, that are stored on
pallets or racks more than 12 feet high, or that are
(a) Automobile repair work. highly combustible materials placed in piles, stacks or
racks more than 68 feet high.
(b) Loaded commercial trucks and similar vehicles.
Combustible commodities include the following
(c) Partial or complete closing of required openings in classifications:
exterior walls by tarpaulins or any other means. 1. Manufactured combustible materials.
2. Wrapped or packaged in or protected by combustible
(d) Dispensing of fuel. materials.
3. Stored on combustible pallets or racks.
508.87 Helistops.
Highly combustible commodities include the following:
1. Rubber goods.
BS17 - 07 2. High-hazard foam plastic products.
3. Other materials that are subject to rapid combustion.
Proponent: Jonathan Cantwell, Fire Protection Engineer
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BS17 - 10 shall be installed in a gasketed frame so that the
framing system deflects without breaking (loading)
Proponent: Jonathan Cantwell, Fire Protection Engineer the glass before the sprinkler system operates.
Where glass doors are provided in the glass wall,
715.4 Where Automatic Sprinkler Systems are they shall be either self-closing or automatic-
Required. closing.
(c) Sprinkler protection shall be required on every floor
of any enclosed exit stairway and in closets and 2. A glass-block wall assembly in accordance with
bathrooms of Group R-1, R-2 and R-3 occupancies. EPCOT Standard 1006.-2.301.6 and having a ¾-
hour fire protection rating.
1. .. 3. The adjacent spaces of any three floors of the
2K. atrium shall not be required to be separated from
3K. the atrium where such spaces are accounted for in
4K. the design of the smoke control system.
6. Open parking garages meeting the requirements of
508.5. BS17 - 12
Proponent: Alta Polanco, Plans Examiner Proponent: Jonathan Cantwell, Fire Protection Engineer
804.11 Fire Doors in Heater and Equipment Rooms. 808.3 Discharge Areas. A horizontal exit shall lead to a
See Subsection 503.17(e).503.18(e). floor area having capacity for an occupant load not less
than the occupant load served by such exit. The area
into which the horizontal exit leads shall be provided
BS17 - 15 with exits other than additional horizontal exits, as
required by Section 803. The capacity shall be
Proponent: Jonathan Cantwell, Fire Protection Engineer determined by allocating 3 square feet of net clear floor
area for each occupant. ambulatory occupant and 20
806.12 Stairway Construction, Exterior. Exterior exit square feet for each nonambulatory occupant. The area
stairways shall not be used as an element of a required into which the horizontal exit leads shall be provided
means of egress for Group D occupancies. For with exits other than additional horizontal exits, as
occupancies in other than Group D, exterior exit ramps required by Section 803.
and stairways shall be permitted as an element of a
required means of egress for buildings not exceeding Exception: The net floor area allowable per occupant
six stories above grade plane or having occupied floors shall be as follows for the indicated occupancies:
more than 75 feet above the lowest level of fire
department vehicle access. 1. Six square feet per occupant for occupancies in
Group D-1.
Exterior exit ramps and stairways serving as an element
of a required means of egress shall be open on at least 2. Fifteen square feet per occupant for ambulatory
one side. An open side shall have a minimum of 35 occupancies in Group D-3.
square feet of aggregate open area adjacent to each
floor level and the level of each intermediate landing 3. Thirty square feet per occupant for
shall be not less than 50 percent open, whichever is nonambulatory occupancies in Group D-2.
greater. The required open area shall be located not
less than 42 inches above the adjacent floor or landing
level. B17 – 17
(a) Exterior stairways shall be constructed as required Proponent: Jonathan Cantwell, Fire Protection Engineer
in Chapter 6 of noncombustible materials, except that in
Type II buildings of not more than three stories and in New Section
Type III, IV, V and VI buildings, stairways may be of
wood of not less than 2-inch nominal thickness. 518 Special Construction
(b) Exterior stairways shall be protected as required for 518.1 Children’s Play Structures. Children’s play
exterior walls where there is exposure to adjacent structures installed inside all occupancies covered by
structures or to property lines. this Code shall comply with the following:
(c) Exterior stairways shall not project into an area (a) Materials. Children’s play structures shall be
where openings are required to be protected. constructed of noncombustible materials or of
combustible materials that comply with the following:
(d) The walls and soffits of enclosed usable space
under exterior stairs shall be protected by 1-hour fire- 1. Fire-retardant-treated wood.
resistance-rated construction or the fire-resistive rating
of the stair enclosure, whichever is greater. Access to 2. Light-transmitting plastics complying with Section
the enclosed usable space shall not be directly from 1008.
within the stair enclosure.
3. Foam plastics (including the pipe foam used in soft-
(e) Exterior stairways shall be arranged to avoid any contained play equipment structures) having a
impediments to their use by persons having a fear of maximum heat-release rate not greater than 100
high places. Exterior stairways more than 36 feet above kilowatts when tested in accordance with UL 1975.
the finished ground level, other than previously
approved existing stairs, shall be provided with an 4. Aluminum composite material (ACM) meeting the
opaque visual obstruction not less than 48 inches in requirements of Class 1 interior finish in accordance
height. with Section 711 when tested as an assembly in the
maximum thickness intended for use.
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5. Textiles and films complying with the flame
propagation performance criteria contained in NFPA
Fire Prevention
6. Plastic materials used to construct rigid components
of soft-contained play equipment structures (such as FPS17 - 01
tubes, windows, panels, junction boxes, pipes, slides
and decks) exhibiting a peak rate of heat release not Proponent: Jonathan Cantwell, Fire Protection Engineer
exceeding 400 kW/m2 when tested in accordance with
ASTM E1354 at an incident heat flux of 50 kW/m2 in SECTION 1418.1
the horizontal orientation at a thickness of 6 mm. 1418.1 Fire Alarm Detection and Evacuation
Systems. A fire alarm detection and evacuation system
7. Ball pool balls, used in soft-contained play equipment in accordance with NFPA 72 shall be installed in all
structures, having a maximum heat-release rate not occupancies.
greater than 100 kilowatts when tested in accordance
with UL 1975. The minimum specimen test size shall be Exception: A fire alarm detection and evacuation
36 inches by 36 inches by an average of 21 inches system is not required in Group A-7, R-3, S-1, S-4, S-
deep, and the balls shall be held in a box constructed of 5, S-6 and S-7 occupancies, temporary occupancies
galvanized steel poultry netting wire mesh. less than 300 occupants, construction trailers for the
duration of the construction project, and
8. Foam plastics shall be covered by a fabric, coating or manufactured buildings less than 3,200 square feet.
film meeting the flame propagation performance criteria
of NFPA 701.
(b) Fire Protection. Children’s play structures shall be Proponent: Kenny Locke, Chief Technical Inspector
provided with the same level of approved fire
suppression and detection devices required for other Chapter 2
structures in the same occupancy. Definitions
(c) Separation. Children’s play structures shall have a AIR. All air supplied to mechanical equipment for
horizontal separation from building walls, partitions and combustion, ventilation, cooling, etc. Standard air
from elements of the means of egress of not less than 5 is air at standard temperature and pressure,
feet. Children’s playground structures shall have a
namely 6070°F and 29.92 inches of mercury.
horizontal separation from other children’s play
structures of not less than 20 feet.
AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Any system of ducts,
plenums and air-handling equipment that circulates air
(d) Area Limits. Children’s play structures shall not
within a space or spaces and includes systems made
exceed 300 square feet in area, unless a special
up of one or more air-handling units.
investigation has demonstrated adequate fire safety.
ASTM D1929-1996 (2001 e1) (Note: change in
installed in a ceiling membrane of a fire-resistance-
Referenced Standard.)
rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assembly to limit
automatically the radiative heat transfer through an air
inlet/outlet opening.
BS17 - 18
ENVIRONMENTAL AIR. Air that is conveyed to or from
Proponent: Jonathan Cantwell, Fire Protection Engineer occupied areas through ducts which are not part of the
heating or air-conditioning system, such as ventilation
5-1.401.13 Escalator and Moving Walks. The for human usage, domestic kitchen range exhaust,
eExterior of trusses shall be enclosed with a 1-hour fire- bathroom exhaust, domestic clothes dryer exhaust and
rated material. noncombustible materials. parking garage exhaust.
5-1.401.13.1 Escalator Guardrails. Escalators shall be IDLH (IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS TO LIFE OR
provided with guardrails that comply with Section HEALTH). The maximum concentration of refrigerant
Subsection 503.11. from which one could escape within 30 minutes without
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any escape-impairing symptoms or any irreversible (a) ANSI/ASHRAE 15, Safety Code for Mechanical
health effects. Refrigeration.
(b) ASHRAE Handbook, HVAC Systems and
(IDLH). The concentration of airborne contaminants that (c) NFPA 90A, Installation of Air-Conditioning and
poses a threat of death, immediate or delayed Ventilating Systems.
permanent adverse health effects, or effects that could (d) NFPA 90B, Installation of Warm-Air Heating and
prevent escape from such an environment. This Air-Conditioning Systems.
contaminant concentration level is established by the (e) NFPA 214, Water-Cooling Towers.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) based on both toxicity and flammability. It is 302.4 5 Electric Duct Heater Safety Controls. Electric
generally expressed in parts per million by volume (ppm duct heaters shall be listed; bear the seal or mark of an
v/v) or milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3). approved testing agency; and be equipped with an
approved automatic reset, air outlet temperature limit
INTERLOCK. A device actuated by another device with control that will limit the outlet air temperature to not
which it is directly associated, to govern succeeding greater than 200°F. The electric elements of the heater
operations of the same or allied devices. A circuit in shall be equipped with fusible links or a manual reset
which a given action cannot occur until after one or temperature limit control that will prevent outlet air
more other actions have taken place. temperature in excess of 250°F.
OCCUPANCY. The purpose for which a building, or 302.5 6 Equipment Installed Outdoors. Heating and
portion thereof, is utilized or occupied. cooling equipment, when installed outdoors, shall be
listed for such use in accordance with UL 1955.
PLENUM. Air compartment or chamber to which one or
more ducts are connected and form part of an air SECTION 303
distribution system. INSTALLATION OF HVAC
PLENUM. An enclosed portion of the building structure,
other than an occupiable space being conditioned, that 303.1 Listed Equipment. When the requirements for
is designed to allow air movement, and thereby serve listed appliances and their accessories are different
as part of an air distribution system. from the requirements of this Section, such listed
appliances shall be installed in accordance with the
TOILET ROOM. A room containing a water closet and, conditions specified in their listing. Listed appliances
frequently, a lavatory, but not a bathtub, shower, spa or and their accessories, installed or used not according to
similar bathing fixture. the conditions specified in their listing and all appliances
not listed, shall conform to the requirements of this
MS17 - 02
303.2302.7 Accessibility for Service.
Proponent: Kenny Locke, Chief Technical Inspector
Note: Renumber remaining sections moving all of
302.2 Manufacturer’s Operating Instructions. 303 into 302.
Permanent factory-applied instructions for ignition,
operation and shutdown shall accompany the New Section 303
equipment. The manufacturer’s operating instructions
shall remain attached to the appliance in a position to SECTION 303
be easily read during the life of the appliance. NFPA 96
302.3 Listed Equipment. When the requirements for 303.1 General. Commercial kitchen ventilation hoods,
listed appliances and their accessories are different ducts and exhaust equipment shall comply with NFPA
from the requirements of this Section, such listed 96 and this Code. Where conflicts between NFPA 96
appliances shall be installed in accordance with the and this Code exist, the most stringent standard shall
conditions specified in their listing. Listed appliances be applied as determined by the Building Official.
and their accessories, installed or used not according to
the conditions specified in their listing and all appliances
not listed, shall conform to the requirements of this MS17 - 03
Proponent: Kenny Locke, Chief Technical Inspector
302.3 4 National Standards. Unless otherwise
specified in this Chapter, air-conditioning equipment 505.1 Termination. Exhaust outlets for ducts conveying
shall comply with the following standards: noxious gases, flammable vapors, corrosive vapors,
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and ducts serving commercial food-cooking and necessary to maintain the fire-resistance rating of the
processing equipment, shall terminate outside the assembly.
building; shall be located 10 feet from any adjacent
building, parking area, adjacent property line, window, 2. Where exhaust duct penetrations are located within
door or air intake opening; and shall be located a the cavity of a wall and do not pass through another
minimum of 10 feet above the adjoining grade level. dwelling unit or tenant space. Duct shall be a minimum
Every exhaust outlet that is located above the roof shall 26 ga. Sheet steel and penetrations of top/bottom
terminate a minimum of 40 inches above the roof plates are properly fire caulked. (Provide penetration
surface. The airflow from exhaust outlets conveying details on plans.)
grease-laden vapors shall be in a vertical direction
away from the roof surface in accordance with NFPA
96. Where this is not possible, a metal pan a minimum MS17 - 05
of 1 inch deep shall be provided on the roof surface to
catch grease residue. Horizontal exhaust outlets Proponent: Kenny Locke, Chief Technical Inspector
conveying grease-laden vapors shall comply with NFPA
96. New Section
3. The duct shall not exceed 4-inch nominal 802.1.7 Commercial Dishwashing Machines. The
diameter and the total area of such ducts shall not discharge from a commercial dishwashing machine
exceed 100 square inches for any 100 square feet shall be through an air gap or air break into a waste
of the floor area. receptor in accordance with Subsection 802.2.
4. The annular space around the duct is protected 802.1.8 Food Utensils, Dishes, Pots and Pans Sinks.
with materials that prevent the passage of flame Sinks, in other than dwelling units, used for the
and hot gases sufficient to ignite cotton waste when washing, rinsing or sanitizing of utensils, dishes, pots,
subjected to ASTM E 119 or UL 263 time- pans or service ware used in the preparation, serving or
temperature conditions under a minimum positive eating of food shall discharge indirectly through an air
pressure differential of 0.01 inch of water at the gap or an air break to the drainage system.
location of the penetration for the time period
equivalent to the fire-resistance rating of the
construction penetrated.