Ijtsrd 19061
Ijtsrd 19061
Ijtsrd 19061
1 author:
Rajathurai Nishanthi
Bharathidasan University
All content following this page was uploaded by Rajathurai Nishanthi on 08 December 2018.
In today’s global world, the importance of English the help of emerging technology, English has been
cannot be denied and ignored since English is the playing the main part in several sectors including
greatest common language spoken universally. To medicine, engineering, and education, etc. English is a
learn English requires constant practice and patience. vital language for all kinds of professional and
The kind of feeling that succeeds among students is personal goals.
that it is not possible to achieve fluency or mastery
over the English language. This kin d of tendency HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ENGLISH:
prevents students from learning English. Most of the English was initially the la nguage of England, but
students study English from the examination
n point of over the historical efforts of the British Empire, it has
view, so they are not able to produce even a single developed the primary or secondary language of
sentence without the grammatical error. Furthermore, numerous former British colonies such as the United
sufficient practice is not given to students to learn a States, Canada, Australia, Sri Lanka, and India etc.
language. Knowledge of English is necessary if one Currently, English is the primary language of not only
wants to come up in life. It is the major window of the countries actively touched by British imperialism, but
modern world. This is all the more true where the also many business and cultural spheres dominated by
advanced countries have opened their doors for those countries. In another word even outside of
recruiting technically qualified persons. Only those countries like the U.S. and th eU.K., many people can
who have a command over the Englis hlanguage are speak and understand English It is the language of
given a job. Hollywood and the language of international banking
and business. As such, it is a useful and even
KEY WORDS: English, greatest common language, necessary language to know. An estimated 1 billion
major window of the modern world people worldwide speak English On top of this, 67
countries have English as their official language and
INTRODUCTION there are 27 countries that have English as their
Language is our significant source of communication. secondary official language. Why is this? It all has to
It's the way through which we share our ideas, do with history and the key is the British Empire.
feelings, views, and thoughts with others. Language
separates us from animals and makes us human. There SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
are thousands of languages in this world. Each English is the most commonly spoken language in the
Country has their peculiar nationwide language in world. One out of five people can speak or at least
addition to a multiplicity of local languages spoken understand English. It is also called the major window
and understood by their people in different regions. on the world, which means that English gives us the
Some languages are spoken by millions of people, view of the various progress taking place in the world.
others by only a few thousand. Majority of Sri Lanka and Indian students,
particularly from rural area considers the word of
In today’s global world, the importance of English English as a magical and a mystical word.
cannot be denied and ignored since English is the
greatest common language spoken universally. With