Numeracy SIP 2021.2022

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Year 1 of 3
Overall targets for the three-year period 2021-2024: (targets set June 2021)
● a 3% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR overall - from 69% to 72% (new baseline)
● a 3% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the number strand - from 77% to 80% (new baseline)
● a 3% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the measures strand - from 65.5% to 68.5% (new baseline)
● a 3% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the problem solving strand - from 67% to 70% (new baseline)
Specific targets 2021-2022
● a 1% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR overall - from 69% to 70%
● a 1% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the number strand - from 77% to 78%
● a 1% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the measures strand - from 65.5% to 66.5%
● a 1% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the problem solving strand - from 70% to 71%.

The staff has decided to focus on the following domains-

Learner Outcomes (Domain 1) and Learner Experiences (Domain 2)
Domain 1 Objectives
● Pupils demonstrate mathematical knowledge, appropriate to their stage of development, as individuals and as members of a group. They
apply this knowledge to learning in maths lessons and in other curriculum areas.

Domain 2 Objectives
● Pupils understand and explain the purpose of the maths learning tasks they are engaged in.
● Pupils are able to report on, present, and explain the process and outcome of maths learning activities to a competent level.
● Pupils ask questions and suggest possible mathematical solutions confidently. They are willing to risk incorrect responses and accept that
mistakes are part of the learning process.
● Pupils assess their progress and are aware of their strengths and areas for development as learners.
● Pupils make meaningful connections between learning in maths and other areas of the curriculum and between school-based learning
and learning that takes place in other contexts.
● Pupils are aware of the key skills underpinning the maths curriculum and of their relevance to present and future learning and real-life

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Targets Specific Actions Personnel Timing Monitoring √
1. All teachers to use RUDE ● Teacher teaches each strategy by All teachers Ongoing ● Teacher Observation [ ]
approach to problem solving. modelling. ● Outcomes of Sigma-T
● RUDE strategy poster/slide to be ● Teacher
displayed in each classroom. Observation-Tracker
● Problem of the Day/ Week children’s results noted.
challenge. ● Pupil profiles
● Feedback from Staff
2. Improve the children’s own ● Students requested to explain All teachers Ongoing ● Feedback from pupils [ ]
ability to explain the process they how they got their answer. Teacher observation
used, when solving a problem/ ● Students invited up to the
completing a maths task, drawing whiteboard to demonstrate.
from the maths language and ● High level of discussion - Maths
strategies developed year on year. Talk resources shared in Drive
● Problem of the week challenge
3. Consolidate the methodologies ● Develop Maths Language Charts Class/ SEN staff September - ● Teacher designed tests [ ]
and language used in the teaching in every room. This is to be ongoing ● Pupil profiles
of maths. added to throughout the year. ● Maths Wall visible in each
● Continue to display maths classroom and updated
operation words in every room. regularly
4.Use of Izak 9 by teachers in ● CPD for senior class teachers Michelle Sept 2021 Feedback from staff and pupils [ ]
4th-6th in order to develop and ● Teachers share the Izak account Ongoing involved (June2022)
improve pupil’s processing and Minimum Usage: Senior class
problem skills and to improve their ● Fourth class - 2x term teachers
communication skills and their use ● Fifth - 1x month
of the language of maths through ● Sixth - 1x fortnight
collaborative, open-ended
5.Use “Ready Set Go Programme” ● To use the RSG materials Jun/ Sen Ongoing Teacher observation [ ]
as the main resource in the Junior regularly to support the teachers/ SEN
School (and complement this with implementation of this team
Planet Maths) programme in the Junior School.
● Sept-Jan (M-F) JI/ SI

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● Teachers to follow Ready Set Go
Programme as set out in
Resource Book and year plan.
● Differentiate for higher ability
students. Accelerate to SI/1st
Power Hour if necessary.
6. Maths Recovery strategies ● Training for staff MM & other staff ongoing ● Feedback from trained [ ]
extension throughout the school (focus on Rang 3 staff) teachers
through the OBT Mata Project. ● Rang 3 activities in class –
Focus on Rang 3 this year. strategies to be decided in Term
1 once staff is trained.
(implementing stage PIEW)
● Resources to be sourced and MM & OBT
organised through OBT
1. Develop facility in Mental ● Teachers to use appropriate All teachers Ongoing ● Record Activities in C.M [ ]
Maths. Continue the 10 mental maths/place value throughout the ● Teacher observation
minute mental maths/place warm-up activities year ● Feedback at staff meeting
value activity time at start of ● Activities to be planned and ● Improvements in speed and
each maths lesson throughout referenced in cuntas míosúil accuracy of computation
the school (eg Counting Choir- to be used skills (again observed by
as an oral Maths Activity.) teachers and noted when
● Shared Drive folder for Maths Michelle necessary)
Talk/ Mental Maths activities

2. To improve the pupils’ ability ● Brief tables sessions per day: All teachers Ongoing ● Weekly tables (timed) tests [ ]
to memorise and recall maths Use of a variety of tables games and teacher observation
tables swiftly, without having and activities.
to count ● Addition and subtraction tables
to be learned by end of 2nd
multiples by end of 3rd and
multiplication and division by
end of 4th class

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3. Improve the pupil’s knowledge ● Teaching of measures to be Class / Sen staff Ongoing ● Outcome of Sigma-T [ ]
of the relationship between postponed until fractions, throughout the ● Teacher observation &
fractions and decimals (and decimals (if applicable) and year teacher designed tests
percentages when appropriate) percentages (if applicable) have
particularly in the context of been taught.
measures. ● Increase use of concrete
materials and purchase more if
● Fraction, decimals and
percentage equivalents to be
learned by heart and it is
mandatory to display a chart
detailing these on the maths
display in the relevant classes.
● Incorporate fractions, decimals
and percentages into the 10
minute mental maths session at
appropriate class level.
4. Maintain a Numeracy Power Use a range of non-count by 1 All teachers in Ongoing ● Feedback/Test outcomes. [ ]
Hour Programme (based on the strategies as follows: PH team and throughout the ● Teachers Observation
Maths Recovery Station teaching ● Facility with adding and subtraction class teachers year (recorded on checklist).
Model) as follows using ten as a base involved ● Pre and Post Power Hour
● Doubles./ Near doubles.
● 1st 1: Sept. – mid Nov ● Making a 10/100/1000. Assessment (based on
● 1st 2: mid Nov - Feb ● Compensation for addition/ subtraction. Maths Recovery Screeners)
● Sen. Inf. 1: Mar. & April ● Commutative Assessment 1.1 at beginning
● Using addition for sub. & vice versa.
● Sen. Inf. 2: May & June and end of each term,
● Horizontal algorithm to solve every day.
● Using multi. for division and vice versa administered by SEN staff
(See pg. 24 of Maths Recovery Folder) involved.
● Use of M/R arrays for multiplication and ● Results collated
● Feedback from
● Administer MR pre- screeners to
group the pupils.
● SEN staff –written review
● Information meeting to be held
pre-Power Hour for parents of
pupils in classes new to P. Hour

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Develop the skills of INTEGRATING & CONNECTING
1. Integrate the use of maths skills ● Integration between maths and Class teachers Ongoing Feedback from staff and pupils [ ]
and knowledge into other other curriculum areas (eg throughout the
curriculum areas. science/ PE) to be noted in CM year
● Teachers link to skills in other
subjects (BBU/ science skills etc.)
● Related skills in Maths/ Science/
BBU chart for staff MM, BK, MG June 2021
2. Explicitly teach and name the ● Use of WALT and WILF All staff ongoing Feedback from staff/ pupils [ ]
maths skills. posters/slides on IWB Mangahigh reports
Improve pupils’ ability to identify ● Teachers name maths skills and
their strengths and weaknesses in identify with pupils
relation to these skills and the ● Pupils use WALT/ WILF for self/
lesson objectives. peer assessment.
Improve pupils’ ability to assess ● Mangahigh targets
their own learning and progress.
3. Develop students’ confidence ● Build a positive classroom All staff ongoing Feedback from pupils/ staff/ [ ]
and capacity. culture where ‘we learn from parents
mistakes’ and a growth mindset
approach of ‘I can’t do it YET.’
● Teacher emphasises where
pupils have the first few steps in
a process right, modelling that
mistakes are okay etc.
● Shared Drive folder with Math Michelle
Anxiety resources for teachers
4. Organise a series of activities ● Maths trails and integrated Michelle and Sept/ Oct 21 Feedback from pupils/ staff/ [ ]
during maths week that integrate activities to be organised teachers parents.
the use of maths into other subject ● Maths Week: October 16th-24th
areas and promote the enjoyment in conjunction with EU Coding Michelle/ Alia
of maths. Week October 9th -24th 2020 (10
weeks of coding 4th-6th -DL plan)
To involve the parents in maths ● Arrange maths for fun activities
activities. with parents HSCL

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Differentiated Support
1. Implement Maths Recovery Identify & withdraw pupils from 1st Maths Recovery Daily -3 pupils ● Maths Recovery assessment [ ]
Programme with targeted pupils in class needing Maths recovery trained staff per term who pre and post support for
senior infants and first class. will receive 40 children.
Term 1: 1 to 1 support sessions ● Teacher progress
Term 2 & 3: 1 to 2 support
2. Provide Learning Support in the ● Identify those pupils who Class/ SEN Ongoing ● Outcome of Sigma-T [ ]
form of withdrawal or in-class for require additional School teachers ● Teacher observation &
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,5th, 6th classes and support or School Support Plus. teacher designed tasks
in class support for Junior/senior ● Class Teachers & relevant SEN
infants team to meet regularly to plan
programme & teach lessons as a
differentiated in-class lessons in
2nd to 6th in strands where
appropriate (measures/data etc)
4. Additional SEN teacher to be ● 1 LS group, 1 smaller maths class teachers & Ongoing ● Outcome of Sigma-T [ ]
timetabled for 4th class maths to group and 2 class groups. 2 SEN teachers ● Teacher observation &
target pupils affected by COVID 19 teacher designed tasks
closures. ● Staff feedback
5. Stream pupils in fifth & sixth ● Differentiated programmes to be class teacher & Term 1,2,3 ● As above [ ]
class into 3 groups. provided to pupils in fifth/ sixth. SEN staff
6. Accelerate children deemed to ● Pupils to be identified in June. Class teachers June 2021 ● As above [ ]
be exceptionally able at Numeracy ● Reviewed on an annual basis as
to capability for acceleration.
● Teacher observation is a key tool which will be used in monitoring the progress of this numeracy strategy. Key observations will be noted and
discussed at the whole staff level.
● Staff to use cúntas míosúil to note specific activities in relation to all targets
● Discussion at staff meetings - re: feedback and the identification of new strategies and approaches
● CPD will be sought and staff encouraged to attend, to further develop teacher knowledge and skills and to keep abreast of best practice
● Pupil feedback will be sought at regular intervals throughout the year.
● Parental and pupil feedback will be sought through questionnaires, focus groups, information sessions and at parent/teacher meetings
● Standardised Sigma T test will be given at the end of each year and results will be discussed to further develop our 3-year plan.
● Teachers will carry out assessments at the end of topics and record the results in their assessment folder.

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Success Criteria/Evaluation
● Overall increase in numeracy scores over the three years
● Problem Solving, Number and Measures scores will improve over the three-year period.
● Teacher observations will be noted and collated
● Class conferencing between teacher and pupils, pupils and pupils to gauge feedback
● Standardised testing at end of each year – data will be analysed over the three years to track performance of pupils’ problem solving
● Pupil questionnaires will be analysed to gauge how pupil feedback altered over the three-year period
● Review of children’s work samples, maths projects etc.

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