Numeracy SIP 2021.2022
Numeracy SIP 2021.2022
Numeracy SIP 2021.2022
Year 1 of 3
Overall targets for the three-year period 2021-2024: (targets set June 2021)
● a 3% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR overall - from 69% to 72% (new baseline)
● a 3% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the number strand - from 77% to 80% (new baseline)
● a 3% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the measures strand - from 65.5% to 68.5% (new baseline)
● a 3% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the problem solving strand - from 67% to 70% (new baseline)
Specific targets 2021-2022
● a 1% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR overall - from 69% to 70%
● a 1% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the number strand - from 77% to 78%
● a 1% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the measures strand - from 65.5% to 66.5%
● a 1% increase in the percentage of pupils scoring above the 50th PR in the problem solving strand - from 70% to 71%.
Domain 2 Objectives
● Pupils understand and explain the purpose of the maths learning tasks they are engaged in.
● Pupils are able to report on, present, and explain the process and outcome of maths learning activities to a competent level.
● Pupils ask questions and suggest possible mathematical solutions confidently. They are willing to risk incorrect responses and accept that
mistakes are part of the learning process.
● Pupils assess their progress and are aware of their strengths and areas for development as learners.
● Pupils make meaningful connections between learning in maths and other areas of the curriculum and between school-based learning
and learning that takes place in other contexts.
● Pupils are aware of the key skills underpinning the maths curriculum and of their relevance to present and future learning and real-life
2. To improve the pupils’ ability ● Brief tables sessions per day: All teachers Ongoing ● Weekly tables (timed) tests [ ]
to memorise and recall maths Use of a variety of tables games and teacher observation
tables swiftly, without having and activities.
to count ● Addition and subtraction tables
to be learned by end of 2nd
multiples by end of 3rd and
multiplication and division by
end of 4th class