XI CH - 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division

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Chapter – 10 DPP


1. All cells reproduce by dividing into _ _ 5. An average duration of yeast cell cycle
_ _ _ , with each parental cells giving is-
rise to_ _ _ _ _ cells each time they A) 60 minutes
divide. B) 90 minutes
A) One ; four daughter C) 20 minutes
B) Two ; two daughter D) One day
C) One ; two daughter 6. Cell cycle is divided into how many
D) Two ; four daughter basic phases
A) One
10.1 Cell Cycle B) Two
C) Four
2. A cell cycle comprises all the listed D) Six
events, except: 7. Which of following is/are enlisted as
A) Cell growth basic phases of cell cycle?
B) DNA replication A) G0 phase
C) Transcription B) S phase
D) Cell division C) Interphase
3. Consider the following statements- D) Metaphase
Statement-I : cell growth (in terms of 8. The phase of cell cycle during which
cytoplasmic increases) is a contingent mitosis occur is-
process which occur during cell cycle. A) Interphase
Statement-II : DNA synthesis occur B) M-phase
only during one specific stage in the C) G-phase
cell cycle. D) S-phase
Statement-III : The event of cell cycle 9. The phase between two successive M-
are under genetic control. phase is-
A) Statement-I is false & statement-II A) Interphase
and III are true B) G-phase
B) Statement-I and II are false & C) S-phase
statement-III are true D) M-phase
C) All statement are true 10. The time span of interphase and M-
D) None of the above stated statement phase is an average human cell cycle
are true. is-
A) 12 hours each
10.1.1 Phases of Cell Cycle B) 95% M-phase & one hour
4. Cell of human divide once in C) 8 hour M-phase & 16 hour
approximately- interphase
A) 60 minutes D) One hour M-phase & 23 hour
B) 90 minutes interphase
C) 24 hours 11. The correct sequence of cell is-
D) None of these A) M -> G2 -> S -> G1
B) S -> G2 -> G1 -> M
C) M -> G1 -> G2 -> S
D) G1 -> S -> G2 -> M
Chapter – 10 DPP

12. The process which mark as start & 18. What would be amount of DNA (C) and
usually end of M-phase are- number of chromosome (N) in animal
A) Division of cytoplasm & cell just after completion of S phase if
Karyokinesis respectively the initial amount is 2C and 2N?
B) Cytokinesis and division of A) 2C and 2N respectively
cytoplasm respectively B) 4C and 4N respectively
C) Separation of daughter C) 4C and 2N respectively
chromosome & cytokinesis D) 2C and 4N respectively
respectively 19. Duplication of centriole occur in-
D) Karyokinesis & karyokinesis A) M-phase
respectively B) G2-phase
13. Resting phase of cell-cycle is- C) S-phase
A) M-phase D) G0-phase
B) Interkinesis 20. The S-phase of animal cell maked by-
C) G1 & G2 phase A) DNA replication
D) Interphase B) Centriole duplication
14. Interphase is divided into_ _ _ phases C) Cell growth and protein synthesis
further. D) A & B
A) 4 21. The G2 of cell cycle is pronounced by-
B) 3 A) Cell growth and division
C) 2 B) Cell duplication
D) 5 C) Protein synthesis & centriole
15. Which of following stage corresponds duplication
to the interval between mitosis & D) Cell growth & protein synthesis
initiation of DNA replication? 22. Find mismatch column.
A) S-phase Column-I Column-II
B) G2-phase
C) M-phase A) Karyokinesis Separation of
D) G1-phase daughter
16. Select the correct statement about G1 chromosome
phase- B) cytokinesis Division of
A) Cell is metabotically inactive cytoplasm
B) DNA does not replicate
C) DNA replicate C) Interphase Smallest phase
D) Chromosome number is doubled of cell cycle
17. Correct sequence of phase of M-phase
is- D) M-phase Mitosis phase
A) Cytokinesis -> Prophase -> 23. The inactive stage of cell cycle is-
Metaphase -> Anaphase -> A) Quiescent stage
Telophase B) G0
B) Prophase -> Anaphase ->
C) S – Phase
Metaphase -> Telophase -> D) A & B
C) G0 -> G1 -> S -> G2
D) None of these
Chapter – 10 DPP

24. Choose the correct statement with A) a – iv), b – ii), c – i), d – iii)
respect to G0 phase: B) a – i), b – ii), c – iv), d – iii)
A) Also known as quiescent stage and C) a – iv), b – iii), c – i), d - ii
start after G2 phase D) None of these
B) Cell of this stage remain unactive
and no longer proliferation 10.2 M – Phase
C) Cell of this stage remain active but
no longer proliferation unless 29. M – phase refer to –
called to do so depending on the A) Metaphase
requirement of organism B) Meiosis
D) Cell of this stage remain active and C) Karyokinesis
proliferation till death without any D) A & B both
condition 30. Equational division refer to –
25. How many chromosome does onion A) Meiosis
somatic cell have – B) Mitosis
A) 12 C) Number of cell chromosome in
B) 14 parent & progeny cell is same
C) 16 D) B & C
D) 20 31. Karyokinesis of mitosis is divided into
26. What number of chromosome does ________ stages
onion somatic cell have in G, S, G2 & A) 2 B) 3
M – phase respectively C) 4 D) 8
A) 32, 16, 16, 32 32. Correct order of mitotic Kinetochores is
B) 16, 32, 16, 16 –
C) 16, 16, 16, 16 A) Metaphase→ Anaphase→
D) None of these Prophase→ Telophase
27. Mitotic division occur in – B) Prophase→ Metaphase→
A) Diploid somatic cell Anaphase→ Telophase
B) Haploid male honey bee C) Anaphase→ Telophase→
C) A & B Metaphase→ Prophase
D) Gametes D) Telophase→ Prophase→
28. Match the following column: Anaphase→ Metaphase

Column – I Column – II 10.2.1 Prophase

a) G1 Phase i) Metabolically 33. Select the correct option:
active cell, do I) Prophase is first stage of
not proliferate Karyokinesis
II) It occur after completion of
b) S Phase ii) Content of
protein synthesis during cell
DNA doubled
c) G0 phase iii) Protein A) Both (I) & (II) are true
synthesised B) Both (I) & (II) are false
C) (I) is true but (II) is false
d) G2 Phase iv) Metabolically D) (I) is false but (II) is true
active cell
Chapter – 10 DPP

34. During prophase, which of the 39. What difference would indicate early
following occurs? prophase & late prophase of animal
A) Condensation of chromosomal cell
material Early Late Prophase
B) Chromosomal material become Prophase
tangled A) Nucleolus & Nucleolus &
C) Centrosome duplication nuclear nuclear
D) Movement of both centriole at one membrane membrane are
pole of cell present absent
35. Mitotic apparatus consist of –
A) Four asters with spindle fibres B) Chromosomes There is no
B) One asters with spindle fibres are highly condensation
C) Two asters with spindle fibres condensed of chromosome
D) Centrosome with their
C) Nucleolus & Nucleolus &
microtubules without spindle
centrosome centromere are
are present absent
36. How many of following structures are
observed when cells are viewed under D) Other Other
the microscope at end of prophase organelles like organelles like
Golgi body, ER, Nucleolus, Nuclear ER, golgi body ER, golgi
envelop, centrosome complexes are complex are
A) Zero not observed observed.
B) One
C) Three
D) All of these 40. Identify correct stage of given diagram.
37. How do the chromosome appear
during prophase of animal cell during
A) Consisting of four chromatid
which remain attached to
B) Consisting of two chromatid which
A) Late Early prophase
remain attached to centromere
C) Consisting of four chromatid
B) Early Late prophase
without centromere
D) As chromatin material without any
C) Metaphase Prophase
defined structure
38. Asters formed during prophase are – D) Prophase Metaphase
A) Composed of microtubules
originate from centromere
B) Composed of protein which
secreted by golgi body 10.2.2 Metaphase
C) Highly condensed area of
chromosome 41. The complete disintegration of nuclear
D) None of these envelop marks start of
A) Late prophase
B) Metaphase
C) Anaphase
D) None of these
Chapter – 10 DPP

42. Identify stage of given diagram A) Some chromosomes coming to lie

at the pole
B) One chromatid of each
chromosome connected by its
centromere to spindle fibres from
one pole
C) Sister chromatid connected by its
kinetochore to spindle fibres from
opposite poles
A) Early prophase, metaphase D) All of these
B) Late prophase, transition to 48. Identify stage
C) Early prophase, transition to
D) Late prophase, metaphase
43. Which stage of cell cycle is best to
study chromosome morphology
A) Late prophase
B) Early prophase
C) Anaphase
D) Metaphase
44. Condensation of chromosome is A) Transition to metaphase
completed in – B) Anaphase
A) Stage where centrosome is C) Metaphase
duplicated D) Telophase
B) Stage where DNA content doubled
C) Stage where complete integration 10.2.3 Anaphase
of nuclear envelope occurs
D) Stage where complete 49. At the onset of anaphase, each
disintegration of nucleus envelope chromosome split into –
occurs A) One chromatid
45. Metaphase chromosome is made up of B) Four daughter chromatids
– C) Two daughter chromosomes
A) Two non – sister chromatid which D) Eight chromatids
are held together by centromere 50. Anaphase is characterised by –
B) Four sister chromatid which are i) Migration of daughter chromatid
held together by centromere toward equator.
C) Two sister chromatid which are ii) centromere of each chromosome
held together by centromere remain directed toward pole
D) Four non – sister chromatid which iii) centromere of each chromosome
are held together by centromere remain directed toward equator
46. Kinetochores are iv) Chromatid split and centromere
A) Precursors of microtubules separate
B) Sites of attachment of spindle v) Chromatid separate after
fibres centromere split
C) Site for origination of spindle fibres A) i, ii, v
D) Small disc – shaped structure at B) ii, v
telomere of chromosome C) iii, v
47. Metaphase is characterised by – D) ii, iv
Chapter – 10 DPP

51. Identify stage – A) a-iii, b-ii, c-i

B) a-ii, b-iii, c-i
C) a-i, b-ii, c-iii
D) a-ii, b-i, c-iii
54. Cell plate represent –
A) Primary lamella
B) Middle lamella
C) Both
D) formation of plate by lysosome

10.3 Significance of Mitosis

55. Mitosis usually results in

A) Anaphase
A) haploid daughter cells with identical
B) Telophase
genetical complement
C) Interphase
B) growth of multicellular organism
D) Metaphase
C) diploid daughter cells without
identical genetical complement
10.2.4 Telophase
D) haploid daughter cells without
identical genetical complement
52. During telophase
56. The growth is plant is/are contributed
(i) Chromosome cluster at opposite
spindle poles
A) Mitotic division in apical meristem
(ii) Two daughter nuclei formed
B) Meiotic division in lateral meristem
(iii) Chromosomes lose their
C) Meiotic division in apical meristem
D) A & B both
(iv) It is reversal of prophase
57.a) The nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio in
(v) Nucleolus is not reformed
organism is restore by mitosis
Choose the incorrect statement:- b) The cells of the upper layer of the
epidermis, cells of lining of gut,
A) i), (ii) and blood cells are being
B) (iii), (iv) constantly replaced by Mitotic
C) (v) only division.
D) none of these
Choose the correct option from
10.2.5 Cytokinesis : following :-

53. Match the following column – (A) Statement (a) is true but (b) is false
(B) Statement (b) is true but (a) is false
Column I Column II (C) Statement (a) & (b) are true
a Syncylium i Divide the (D) Statement (a) & (b) are false
cytoplasm of 10.4 Meiosis
animal cell
b Cell-plate ii Occur in 58. Meiosis result in
liquid A) production of gametes
endosperm of B) reduction in number of
coconut chromosomes
c Cell furrow iii Method of C) introduction of variation
cytokinesis in D) all of these
plant cell
Chapter – 10 DPP

59. Meiosis ensure the production of 65. Identify correct sequence of prophase-I
…………… phase in life cycle of A) leptotene, Diplotene, Zygotene
sexually reproduction organisms B) Zygotene, pachytene, leptotene
whereas fertilization restore ……….. C) Diplotene, Zygotene, Pachytene
phase. D) None of these
A) haploid & haploid respectively 66. Choose the correct option with respect
B) haploid & diploid respectively to leptotene
C) diploid & diploid respectively (i) It is the foremost and the short-
D) diploid & haploid respectively lived stage of prophase
60. Which of the following statement is (ii) It begin when the process of
correct? compaction of chromosome is
A) Meiosis involves single cycle of accomplished
nuclear and cell division (iii) chromosome become visible
B) Doubling of chromosomes occur under light microscope
once during s-phase (iv) It followed by zygotene
C) Recombination between sister A) One statement that is (ii) is
chromatid of non-homologous incorrect
chromosome B) i, ii and iii are correct while (iv) is
D) Pairing of homologous chromosome incorrect
61. At the end of meiosis-II, how many C) iii & iv are correct while i, ii are
haploid cells are formed incorrect
A) one D) All statement are correct
B) two 67. Zygotene is characterized by –
C) zero (i) chromosome start pairing
D) four (ii) non-homologous chromosome
62. Recombination occurs between – paired
A) sister chromatid of non-homologous (iii) synapsis occur between non-
chromosome homologous chromosomes
B) non-sister chromatid of non (iv) formation of synaptomeal
homologous chromosome complex in homologous
C) sister chromatid of homologous chromosomes
chromosome (v) formation of synaptomeal
D) non-sister chromatid of homologous complex in non homologous
chromosome chromosomes
A) i, ii, v
10.4.1 Meiosis-I B) i, iii, iv
C) i, iv
63. Longest phase of meiosis is : D) i, ii, iii, v
68. Bivalent stage is -
A) Prophase-I
A) complex formed by a pair of
B) Prophase-II
synapsed homologous chromosomes
C) Metaphase-I B) complex formed by a pair of
D) Telophase-II synapsed non-homologous
64. Prophase-I of meiosis is divided into chromosomes
…………. Phase based on chromosomal C) complex formed by four pair of
behaviour synapsed homologous chromosomes
D) complex formed by four pair of
A) 2
synapsed non-homologous
B) 3 chromosomes
C) 4
D) 5
Chapter – 10 DPP

69. Crossing over occurs in - 73. Diplotene is not characterized by

A) leptotene A) Dissolution of synaptonemal
B) zygotene complex.
C) Pachytene B) Tendency of recombined
D) diplotene homologous chromosomes of
70. Pachytene is stage that is/are :- tetrad to separate from each other,
A) long lived than zygotene except at sites of crossover
B) two chromatid of each bivalent crossovers.
chromosomes becomes distinct C) Formation of chiasmata
C) short lived than leptotene D) Tendency of recombined non
D) long lived than leptotene & short homologous chromosome of
lived than zygotene bivalent to separate from each
71. Choose the correct statement from other, except at sites of crossover.
74. Chiasmata is –
A) Pachytene is characterised by
A) X – shaped structures
appearance of recombination
B) Formed by recombined
chromosome yet to be separated
B) Recombination nodule is site of
C) Site of cross over
crossing over
D) All of these
C) Both A & B
75. Which stage of Meiosis – I last for
D) Recombination nodule formed in months or year in some vertebrate
diplotene oocytes?
72. Given below are statements (I - VI). A) Diakinesis
Choose correct set with respect to B) Diplotene
crossing over. C) Pachytene
I) It occurred between sister
D) Zygotene
chromatid of homologous
chromosomes. 76. Diakinesis marked by –
II) It is enzyme mediated process. A) Terminalisation of chiasmata
III) Recombinase enzyme involved in B) Chromosomes are fully condensed
C) Meiotic spindle assembled
IV) It occurs at recombination
nodules. D) All of these
V) It occurs between non sister 77. Meiotic spindle assembled to prepare –
chromatid of non-homologous A) Non homologous chromosome
VI) It occurs between sister chromatid
of non-homologous chromosomes. B) Formation of aster ray.
A) I, II, III & IV C) Homologous chromosome
B) V, II, III & IV separation.
C) II, III, IV & VI D) Both B & C
Chapter – 10 DPP

78. Match the following 81. Identify stage

Column I Column II a b

I Leptotene a Compaction of

II Zygotene b Separation of
except at

III Pachytene c Terminalisation

of chiasmata

IV Diakinesis d Appearance of
of nodules A) a = Anaphase I, b = Anaphase I
B) a = Anaphase II, b = Anaphase II
V Diplotene e Synapsis C) a = Anaphase II, b = Anaphase I
D) a = Anaphase I, b = Anaphase II
82. dyads of cells are formed in –
A) I-a, II-e, III-d, IV-c, V-b A) Telophase – I
B) I-a, II-b, III-d, IV-c, V-e B) Telophase – II
C) I-c, II-d, III-a, IV-e, V-b C) Diakinesis
D) None of these D) Both A & B
79. Identify stage
10.4.2 Meiosis - II

83. Meiosis – II initiated immediately after

A) Telophase – I
B) Prophase
C) Cytokinesis – I
D) Chromosome have fully elongated
84. Which of the following resembles with
normal mitosis-
A) Meiosis – I
A) Homologous chromosome B) Meiosis – II
separate, while sister chromatid C) Both
remain associated at centromere.
B) Homologous chromosome along D) None of these
with sister chromatid separate. 85. In the beginning of Meiosis – II, a cell
C) Spindle attached to Kinetochore in contain four chromatid. What number
this stage. of chromatid is expected to be in each
D) This stage followed by diakinesis. daughter cell at end of telophase – II
80. Spindle fibre attache to kinetochores of A) 4
homologous chromosome in – B) 2
A) Metaphase – I of meiosis
C) 8
B) Metaphase – II of meiosis
C) Both A & B D) 16
D) Anaphase of mitosis
Chapter – 10 DPP

86. Find mismatched column

Column I Column II 87. Movement of chromatid toward
opposite pole is achieved by-
A Metaphase – Chromosomes A) Shortening of microtubules
II align at attached to centromere
equator and B) Shortening of microtubules
microtubule attached to kinetochores
from opposite C) Elongating of microtubules
poles of attached to kinetochores
spindle get D) Elongating of microtubules
attached to attached to centromere
of non-sister
10.5 Significance of Meiosis
88. Conservation of specific chromosome
B Prophase – II Nuclear number of each species is achieved
membrane across generations in sexually
disappear reproducing organism is done by –
A) Mitosis
C Telophase – II Formation of
B) Meiosis only
tetrad of cells
C) Meiosis & Mitosis
D Anaphase – II Splitting D) None of these
centromere 89. Choose the correct statement about
which hold meiosis
sister A) Increase genetic variability of an
chromatid individual of an organism
together, allow B) decrease genetic variability of an
them to move organism from one generation to
toward other
opposite pole C) Reduction of chromosome by one-
of cells fourth
D) Play an important role in evolution
Chapter – 10 DPP


Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans B C A C B B C B A D
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans D C D B D B D C C D
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans D C D C C C C A C D
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans C B A A C B B D A B
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans B D D D C B C A C B
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans A C B B B A C D B D
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans D D A D D A C A C A
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans C D D D B D C A A A
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
Ans D A C B B A B B D

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