Course Objectives

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Program : Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course Code : 5037 Course Title: Synchronous Machines Lab

Semester : 5 Credits: 1.5

Course Category: Program Core

Periods per week: 3 (L:0 T:0 P:3) Periods per semester: 45

Course Objectives:

 To identify the parts, nameplate data and connection terminals of synchronous

 To develop performance characteristics of synchronous generator.
 To synchronize synchronous generator to the utility grid.
 To identify the parts, nameplate data and connection terminals of synchronous motor.
 To develop performance characteristics of synchronous motor.

Course Prerequisites:

Topic Course name Semester
Electrical & Electronics
Knowledge of measurements 3
Measurements & Instrumentation
Electrical and Electronics
Knowledge of measurements 3
Measurements Lab
Knowledge in machines DC Machines & Traction Motors 3
Knowledge in machines DC Machines Lab 3
Knowledge in machines Induction Machines 4
Knowledge in machines Induction machines lab 4
Knowledge in machines Synchronous Machines 5

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

COn Description Cognitive level
Identify the parts, nameplate data of
CO1 6 Applying
synchronous generators.
Develop the performance characteristics of
CO2 15 Applying
synchronous generators
Apply various methods to synchronize three
CO3 9 Understanding
phase alternators to busbar
Develop performance characteristics of
CO4 9 Applying
synchronous motor
Lab Exam 6

CO-PO Mapping:

CO1 2
CO2 3
CO3 3
CO4 3

3-Strongly mapped, 2-Moderately mapped, 1-Weakly mapped

Course Outline:

Module Duration
Description Cognitive level
Outcome (Hours)
CO1 Identify the parts, nameplate data of synchronous generator.

i. Identify and collect the name plate details

M1.01 of synchronous generator. 3 Applying
ii. Identify the parts of synchronous generator.
Apply constant field current to run an
M1.02 alternator at different speeds and observe the 3 Understanding
frequency and voltage.

CO2 Develop the performance characteristics of synchronous generator.

Develop a circuit and run a synchronous

M2.01 generators at rated speed and plot the open 3 Applying
circuit characteristics
Apply load on alternator and determine
M2.02 3 Applying
regulation at various power factor
Develop a circuit for pre-determine regulation
M2.03 of three phase synchronous generator at 3 Applying
various power factor by EMF method
Construct a circuit for pre-determine
regulation of three phase synchronous
M2.04 3 Applying
generator at various power factor by MMF
Identify and implement the procedural steps of
M2.05 3 Applying
ZPF method.
Series test - I 3

CO3 Apply various methods to synchronize three phase alternators to busbar.

Develop a circuit to setup the synchronization

M3.01 of alternators or Synchronize alternator to bus 9 Applying
bars using various methods.

CO4 Develop performance characteristics of synchronous motor

i. Identify and Collect nameplate data of

M4.01 synchronous motor 3 Applying
ii. Identify the parts of synchronous motor

Develop a circuit for plotting ‘V’ and’ inverted

M4.02 V’ curves of a synchronous motor at various 6 Applying
load conditions.

Series test - II 3
Text / Reference:

T/R Book Title/Author

T1 BL Theraja. Electrical technology. Vol- II: S Chand & co.
R1 JB Gupta. Theory and performance of electrical Machines: S. K. Kataria & Sons
R2 SK Sahdev. Electrical Machines. Cambridge university press

Online Resources:

Sl.No Website Link

Student Activity

Suggested Open-ended Experiments:

Students can do open ended experiments as a group of 3-5. There is no duplication in

experiments in between groups. This is mainly for the purpose of continuous internal
evaluation and a score of 15 marks. Students should prepare a separate report on open ended
experiment of their choice.

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