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Pemetaan Kapasitas SDM

Pariwisata Hijau Bagi Desa

Wisata Menuju Ekonomi Sirkular
Basuki Antariksa
Pusat Riset Kebijakan Publik –BRIN

Diskusi Terpumpun
“Pemetaan Kapasitas SDM Pariwisata Hijau (Green Human Resources
Management in Tourism Sector) Bagi Desa Wisata Menuju Ekonomi Sirkular”
Direktorat Kajian Strategis - Kemenparekraf
Bogor, 16 Agustus 2023

• The key principle for any tourism policy is that it

should ensure that the nation (region or locality)
would benefit to the maximum extent possible from
the economic and social contributions of tourism.
The ultimate objective of a tourism policy is to
improve the progress of the nation (region or
locality) and the lives of its citizens (Biederman
dalam Edgell & Swanson, 2013).
• …the negative impacts that inevitably accompany
an ever increasing number of international and
domestic tourists are borne by local residents
(Joppe, 2018).
• It is widely acknowledged around the world that in
developing tourism, the well-being of destination
residents should be paramount (UNWTO dalam
Mak, 2008).
• Well-being general health and happiness
(Oxford Dictionary, 2000)
• Government policy objectives reflect its
responsibility and ideology (Scott, 2010).
“it will be clear that where tourism succeeds or fails is largely a function
of political and administrative action and is not a function of economic
and business expertise”.
(Liasidou, 2019)
Kebijakan Wisata di Perdesaan?
• “Wisata alternatif tematik yg menyajikan aktivitas perdesaan & kearifan
lokal masyarakat sbg atraksi” (Pedoman Desa Wisata, 2021).
• Sering dikaitkan dg “quality tourism”, “slow tourism”, “sustainable tourism”,
“green tourism”, “community-based tourism” dll.
• Filosofi:
ü Fenomena kepariwisataan saat ini sudah seringkali tdk berkelanjutan (Zekan et al., 2022;
Higham et al., 2021; Manniche et al., 2021; Sørensen & Grindsted, 2021; Joppe, 2017;
Friedl, 2021; Whitford & Ruhanen, 2010; Fusté-Forné and N. Michael, 2021; Higgins-
Desbiolles, 2020; Benjamin et al., 2020).
ü Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan pelajaran ttg pentingnya kualitas hidup & mengurangi
ketergantungan kpd kuantitas wisatawan (Loehr & Becken, 2021; Farkic et al., 2021,
Antariksa et al., 2022).
ü “…holiday destinations are not paradise: they are where other people live and work.
Attempting to balance the demands of the tourist (the consumer with money), the needs
of the environment and the social and economic needs and rights of the local people
constitutes a difficult task for any authority or organization” (Nagle dlm Antariksa, 2016).
ü Desa adl pusat kearifan lokal, ketahanan pangan, forest bathing, mencari ketenangan, dll.
(Ndhlala et al., 2011; Farkic et al., 2021; Ikeda & Song, 2007; Farkic et al., 2020).
• Indikator dasar, a.l.: Jumlah wisatawan? Diversifikasi produk & aktivitas
pariwisata? Amenitas pariwisata? – industrialisasi di perdesaan melalui
Ekonomi Sirkular?
• Definisi: sistem ekonomi yg menerapkan prinsip
“mengurangi, menggunakan kembali, mendaur
ulang, melindungi/menyelamatkan bahan-bahan
utk produksi & konsumsi” (Marrucci et al.,
• Economic growth (increase in quantity) vs
economic development (improvement in quality
of life) (Scott, 2011).
• Slow travel, FFFV (farming, fishing, forestry
village), indigenous tourism, foraging tourism,
archeo-tourism dll. = wisata di perdesaan =
ekonomi sirkular
• “Tourism administrations are guided by two key
performance indicators: volume of
(international) tourists and volume of
expenditure. Until their mandate changes, and
they are required to develop metrics of success
aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals
and the Paris Agreement, any change will only
happen as a result of other government
departments” (Higham et al., 2021).
Green Human Resource Management
• Definisi: “the incorporation of green
management elements into job design,
staffing, training and development, motivation,
and maintenance functions of human resource
management (HRM) to improve employee
pro-environmental behavior, meet employee
expectations, and achieve organizational
objectives” (Shah, 2019).
• To execute green strategies, organizations
should be equipped with green employees
(Abdeen & Ahmed, 2019).
• Dalam Ekonomi Sirkular, pegawai hrs mjd
Duta Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Manniche
et al., 2021).
• Desa Wisata dpt mjd “pilot project”
implementasi GHRM mengingat
karakteristiknya yg seharusnya “hijau”.
• Diperlukan indikator utk mengukur kinerja
GHRM di Desa Wisata – kearifan lokal sbg
Catatan Penting
• Terbentuknya Indikator Kinerja GHRM di Desa Wisata bukan akhir segalanya.
• “…whether hotel guests actually demand circular or sustainable hotel and tourism
products and services?…only few tourists today emphasize environmental factors in
their choice of accommodation, compared to traditional factors such as price,
convenience and location”.
• “Much of guests’ interaction takes place with (relatively) low-paid staff such as cleaners”
• “Individual tourism businesses are limited by the societal systems within which they
operate and there should be no doubt, that to stay within the limits of our planet’s natural
systems, concerted policy, entrepreneurial and social actions at multiple levels, as well
as changes in consumption patterns, are required” (Manniche et al., 2021).
• Salah satu faktor paling penting utk mewujudkan STD adl perubahan perilaku
wisatawan, a.l.:
ü Perjalanan jarak pendek & lbh banyak menggunakan kendaraan non-pesawat terbang
atau kapal pesiar.
ü Tinggal lbh lama di destinasi pariwisata.
ü Bersikap pro perlindungan lingkungan.
ü Gerakan flightshame.
ü Slow mindset dll.
• Intervensi Pemerintah/Pemda utk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Desa
Wisata (melalui kepariwisataan) perlu dibatasi.
• Bagaimana kebijakan Kemenparekraf/Pemerintah mengantisipasi hal-hal ini?

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