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SWFC Tyrant Isle

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Written by Shane Lacy Hensley
Art by Cheyenne Wright

An adventure for four to six adventurers of Seasoned Rank.

Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion are required to play.
Make your own characters or use the Fantasy Companion Archetypes,
available in print or at Pinnacle’s website.

Dedication: For Farrell, Oliver, and Peage,

who braved the first dungeons with me.


Savage Worlds, artwork, logos, and the Pinnacle logo are © 2022 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Savage Worlds,
all associated characters, logos, and artwork are Copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All other
trademarks and registered trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners.


Tyrant Isle is built to showcase roleplaying, mystery, deduction, and a little
horror as well as showing how Savage Worlds handles the beloved “dungeon
crawl” style adventure.
The adventure essentially unwinds in two phases. In the first, the player
characters arrive at the island, feel empathy for the embattled locals, and
sense something is off with the baron and his cronies but can’t prove it.
The second part of the tale takes place in the sea tunnels beneath the island,
some of which are flooded and require drinking potions of water breathing
given to them by the barons’ wizard, Karnak. Unfortunately, the potions have
a secondary effect—they transform the imbiber into a fish-person!
The heroes must race through the savage caverns, battling terrible creatures
and braving the strangling depths before finally coming upon the baron’s
dread secret.
The adventure is designed for a party of four to six Seasoned characters.
If you’re using the Archetype cards included with the Fantasy Companion
GameChanger campaign (and also available separately), any mix of those
characters will work fine.
Next you need to print out the tiles at end of this adventure and have them
on hand as your group ventures deeper into the caverns. Once they reach
the beach (page 11), lay out the first printed map, and ask them to place
their figures on it. Track their progress tactically if you’re so inclined from
this point forward.

The Wardens enter the sea caverns, and
encounter numerous terrifying creatures
Word has reached Queen Loranna of the such as giant crabs and a pair of particularly
Southern Isles that the new Baron of Coral vicious marine trolls.
Depths has become a tyrant. Traders report With the help of Karnak’s potions, the
having their goods confiscated and the Wardens swim through a long underwater
people are taxed beyond their means. cavern and emerge in a massive kelp
A group of heroes in the service of the garden protected by three young aboleths.
queen, “Wardens,” were sent to investigate.
They did not return, but the baron sent PART THREE
word that they had died attempting to rid After defeating these powerful terrors, the
his island of a vicious band of sahaugin. explorers find their way into a slave pen
Queen Loranna has asked the player situated above a giant, round shaft below
characters, trusted adventurers of the the baron’s keep. Sahaugin overseers herd
realm, to serve as her new Wardens and fish-men as they dredge up cargo and
investigate the new Baron’s claims. treasure from the sea-floor. The baron, a
prisoner claims, is using that treasure to
PART ONE fund his army and will ally with the Red
The heroes arrive and find that the baron Reavers to overthrow the Sea Queen!
is telling the truth about the sahaugin, or Worse, the fish-men are former villagers,
“sea devils,” and is beset by fierce pirates transformed by Karnak’s strange magic.
called the Red Reavers as well. He’s taken Dread realization comes over the player
drastic measures to stop these threats but characters as they realize the potions
his people are suffering. of water breathing contain the same
He asks the new Wardens to accomplish transformative mixture—they are rapidly
what the last group could not—enter the becoming mindless fish-men themselves!
sea caves beneath the island and chase out The Wardens must escape from their cell,
the shark-folk. His court wizard, Karnak, defeat the baron, Karnak, and the sahaugin
provides them with potions of water to retrieve the antidote and avoid becoming
breathing for those sections that might be yet another slave to the Baron of Tyrant Isle!


PART I: THE Queen Loranna has asked you to verify

the fate of her servants and report on
TROUBLE WITH the true state of affairs in Coral Depths,
especially as concerns the so-called
TYRANTS tyrant, Baron Gerald Dellacor.

The group arrives to “Tyrant Isle” (actually The Pegasus puts in at Coral Depths’
Coral Depths) via the Pegasus, one of the commercial harbor. The party sees a few
Sea Queen’s fastest ships, outfitted with cargo freighters and an impressive fleet of
bolt throwers and a brave crew of stout cutters at port, top of the line ships designed
sailors and marines. Read or paraphrase for ramming and boarding.
the following as they put in to the port one
sunny Autumn afternoon. You sail into the harbor around mid-
day. You see a half-dozen merchant
The queen tasks her Wardens with the ships, but more impressive are a fleet
most difficult assignments—protecting of brand new warships, each sporting
her people from savage orc raiders, a bright metal ram on its prow. Sailors
destroying foul necromancers in their toil away maintaining the vessels while
trap-laden tombs, and even overseeing companies of marines train vigorously
her own nobles when the need arises. aboard their decks.
It is now late Autumn, and you find
yourself aboard the Pegasus, a gleaming As the Pegasus puts, in, weathered dock
white clipper ship bound for the island of workers approach and throw ropes to the
Coral Depths. queen’s crew. Most seem tired and a bit
Rumors abound that the new Baron of thin, and stare with a mix of forlorn hope
Coral Depths is a tyrannical madman. at the newcomers.
A previous group of Wardens were The commander of the Pegasus is a half-
dispatched to check on his reign a month elf captain named Mera Marion. She hands
ago, but a courier from the baron claims the party a whistle made of white coral and
they were killed by savage creatures says the following as the party debarks:
lurking in caverns beneath the island.
“We’ll keep the ship here for a few
hours while you meet with the baron.
He should be expecting you. If there’s
CLEVER VILLAINS trouble, I have 109 sailors and marines
The three main antagonists in the ready to help. Just blow this whistle. I’ll
adventure, Baron Dellacor, Captain hear it. Trust me,” she winks.
Marchand, and Karnak the wizard, “If I don’t hear from you by twilight,
are all clever and deceitful. Dellacor is we’ll assume there’s trouble and come in
a master at looking humble, brave, or force. If you’re going to be longer, please
offended as needed. help me avoid an incident and send a
Karnak is haughty and distant, runner.”
unlikable but plays the “unknowable “If you’re going to stay longer, we’ll
wizard” card so that he doesn’t have to have to leave for at least two days. The
interact with the strangers. Red Reaver pirates are heavy in the
Marchand lies by omission. She says Southern Isles of late and it’s our job to
she hates the sahaugin and pirates (she send them to the depths.”
does) but she hates most everyone, so
the lie isn’t much of a stretch.

A few minutes later, five tough-looking If the adventurers want to stop and talk
warriors in chain mail with bright blue to any of the villagers, they can do so.
cloaks and tabards walk down the pier. The presence of Captain Marchand keeps
Iconic gold seahorses adorn their chests anyone from complaining too greatly,
and shield. however.
The dockhands clear the way or watch Use the list of villagers below to improvise
with barely-concealed malice. The leader whatever conversations occur:
of the warriors, Captain Marchand, is a
• Tarrus McKane is a fishmonger. His
human woman with long black hair and
stand has a few large fish and a number
a long facial scar visible even through her
of smaller, meager specimens, all at
three times the usual price. If asked
why, Tarrus doesn’t blame the baron
“Welcome to Coral Depths, Wardens. directly since the Sea Guard are nearby
We are Baron Dellacor’s Sea Guard. I and watching. He says simply that
am Captain Marchand, their captain. “times are tough, and what with all the
I trust you had a pleasant journey. As pirates and sea-devils about it’s hard on
you know the Red Reavers prowl these the fishermen.”
• Laural Hart sells fresh fruits, but today
After the strangers answer, Marhan has only dried plums and canned
responds with a grunt.

“Good enough then. Come along. The CAPTAIN LOUISE

baron has asked us to escort you to his

Captain Marchand escorts the Wardens
through the village of Coral Depths. Read
the following as they pass through the

At first glance, Coral Depths looks like

most island towns. The buildings are
colorful and adorned by shells, nets,
and the jaws of various predators. On
closer inspection you see it’s falling into
disrepair. Paint peels, vendor’s stalls are
empty, and the people seem quiet and
listless. Where you might expect curious
stares at your arrival, you instead catch
downturned heads and fleeting glimpses
as the people try to avoid your gaze—or
perhaps that of your escort.
In the distance, a mile or so inland, is
a low hill topped by a modest keep. It
flies blue banners the color of the Sea
Guards’ cloaks, and even from here you
can see they sport the symbol of a golden


apples. These prices are five times character notes they—like the new marines
normal. If asked why, Laural curtsies and sailors at the harbor—are most likely
and says the pirates have hurt local mercenaries rather than natives of Coral
trade, making it hard to import fresh Isle.
food from the mainland. The party passes through the keep’s
A few other shops sit empty and portcullis then a series of inner walls to
deserted. Mostly they are net-menders, the keep proper. Read the following as they
rope merchants, or vacant food stands, all approach the baron’s domicile:
selling wares at elevated prices.
Captain Marchand urges the guests You pass through the main portcullis
along if they talk to more than a few of and inner walls and into a larger
the vendors. “We should get moving. The courtyard filled with stacks of arms,
baron will be waiting.” boxes, barrels, crates, and supplies piled
high before it. Clearly, the baron is well-
BARON DELLACOR supplied despite the general poverty of
his island.
The Sea Guard escorts the party to the
keep on the hill. It’s a small, beige fortress If anyone asks Captain Marchand about
built from the local “coquina,” or hardened the supplies, he grumbles back. “Where else
coral. Flying high from the ramparts are would you put our island’s last stores when
blue banners with yellow-gold sea horses. there are pirates and sea-devils afoot?”
The walls are well-guarded and the Inside the keep, the party sees further
soldiers seem a sturdy lot. A Common evidence of hoarding. Fruit, vegetables,
Knowledge roll from a military-minded water, wine, ore, and more fill the halls such
that the group actually has to squeeze
through in single file in spots.
Finally, they arrive at a large and open
double door. Captain Marchand points
inside where the adventurers can see the
baron himself. Read the following as they

A stocky man in half-plate armor sits

on a wooden chair at the head of the
room. A large stack of papers, books,
charts, and other items covers a table to
his left. The man seems to be talking with
a group of fishermen. You overhear the
following as you approach:
“The eastern side of the island, you
say? Of course we will increase our
patrols there. Were there but a few or did
their numbers seem larger than usual?”


One of the fishermen responds. “We If the group likes, the baron is all too
saw but half a dozen, m’lord. But they happy to give them time to decide. In the
was accompanied by at least three meantime, he offers a modest meal of fish,
sharks. Man-eaters. Big ones. One of the fowl, and a few pieces of overripe fruit (he
fish-men dragged poor Amos off his boat knows how to make it look like this is the
and...well...” best they have while still reminding the
heroes of their “dire” situation).
The baron sighs and nods his head in If the team feasts, a runner from the
understanding. “Tis a pity,” he responds. Pegasus appears and says the ship has
“Perhaps if we had more resources...” then spotted the Red Reavers and must give
he notices the party. pursuit. The captain says they will return
This entire scene was carefully staged to as soon as possible.
occur as the heroes enter. Baron Dellacor The baron is an excellent actor and much
is as clever as he is greedy and knows to of his tale is true. The island is beset by
appear genuine when he needs to—such as pirates and the sahaugin rule the sea-caves
when confronted by the queen’s Wardens. beneath. He feels terrible for the state of his
subjects, but there’s little to be done until
“Ah, our guests! Perhaps some relief is those threats are defeated.
in sight, my friends.” The baron turns to
you. “Welcome, Wardens. We are glad
to see you.”

After pleasantries are exchanged, Baron

Dellacor relates the following:

“Our island is beset by pirates—the

so-called Red Reavers. Sadly, I must
tax our populace and control our trade
to pay for the ships and soldiers I need
to fight them.
This was a war we were winning, but
then disaster struck. A group of sahaugin The player characters may ask about
took up residence in the caverns beneath the previous Wardens. Here's what
our isle. They raid our shores at night, they would each know about them.
stealing men, women, children, and even Malchior the Wizard: A wise mage
livestock. from the northern lands. He was very
The pirates and the sea-devils are just diligent and loyal to Queen Loranna.
too much for a poor fishing island like Brandon the Fighter: A woodsman
ours, so I asked good Queen Loranna for fighter with a magical axe.
your aid. Morrow the Cleric: A priest dedicated
The Wardens who came before were... to the Lords of Justice.
less experienced, I believe. Perhaps you Cursan the Rogue: A shady but crafty
can succeed where they did not. We scoundrel who is said to have defeated
are building a fleet to fight the pirates, a sea troll single-handedly.
but even the stout soldiers I’ve hired Kimmy the Brave: A hearty shield
cannot fight in the close confines of the maiden from the north.
sea-caves. Too, they are likely flooded in
spots and while we do have potions that
allow one to breath underwater, we have
a very limited supply.
Will you help us, Wardens?”

Assuming the party eventually decides “I can also provide you with three
to undertake the baron’s request, he claps Valish lanterns. If you are unfamiliar
his hands and a wizened man with a long with them they are glass containers filled
black beared enters from a side-door. with luminous kelp fruits. They should
last about a day and help you find your
“This is my friend, the wizard Karnak. way in the darkness.”
He is a brilliant fellow, and created
wondrous potions that will allow you Valish Lanterns: The lanterns contain a
to breathe below the waves, should any half-dozen pale bulbs that give off a soft
portion of the sea-caves be flooded.” blue glow. They provide light in a Medium
The wizard carries a wooden box with a Burst Template.
vial for each of you inside. A dark green Potions of Water Breathing: The group
potion roils in each. “Drink these should is given exactly one dose per character, no
you encounter any flooded tunnels in more, no less. Once imbibed, Karnak says
the sea caves. They will last for several they allow the user to breathe underwater
hours and allow you to breathe both in for a day. In truth, they allow the user to
air and water.” breathe underwater forever! See the sidebar
for the details.

Captain Marchand and five Sea Guard
escort the Wardens to a beach a mile or so
distant on the western side of the island.
KARNAK’S POTIONS An old stone grist wheel about six feet high
The elixirs are indeed potions of blocks what is obviously a narrow cave
environmental resistance (water) with entrance behind it. Captain Marchand tells
extended Duration (24 hours), and the heroes she and her men will roll it aside
identify as such should someone use but must roll it back once they enter. “We
detect arcana on them. don’t want to give the sahaugin easy access
The potions contain another ingredient, to our fishers,” she warns.
however, that is not revealed with detect The soldiers push the stone aside with
arcana—aboleth slime. The slime smells great effort, let the adventurers in, then
slightly of sweet elder berries and gives roll it shut behind them. There’s no way out
the potion a slick, oily feel as it goes but forward. Even if the Wardens bang on
down the gullet. the stone or yell to be released there is no
The adventurers will smell and feel reply—Dellacor and her men have already
the slime again later in the adventure— left for the keep.
their first clue something is amiss. The If the party argues to keep the passage
full sinister truth is revealed in the final open, Marchand puts up a token fight,
act. shrugs, then leaves the beach. Half an hour
If the heroes don’t take the potion, later she and her guards return and push
perhaps because one of them has their the wheel back into place anyway.
own environmental protection spell, Baron
Dellacor and Karnak won’t overplay
their hand. They give them the potions
anyway “just to be safe” and wish them
good fortune, trusting at least some of
them will eventually require the elixirs
once they enter the sea caves.





This page shows the

order of the chambers
the party encounters
and their relative
relation to each other.
Connecting tunnels
between each section
are not shown.


• Ghost Crabs (5): The creatures hide
PART II: beneath the corpse pile.


Once the crabs are defeated, roll on the
Meager Treasure Table, with a minimum
The narrow passage beyond the entrance of one magic item.
forward a few feet before dropping so that
the water is knee-deep for most humanoids. GHOST CRABS
The smooth walls have been carved out by These creatures are pale white with a
the constant flow of the tides, leaving a few reddish tinges around the edges of their
shifting sandbars jutting above the water. shell and claws. Their back shell is about
two feet across.
1) CAVE ENTRANCE Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit
The passage drops beyond the first turn so d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
that the water is waist-deep before coming Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d6,
to a grisly blockage. Bobbing in the pool, Stealth d10
lapped by the tides and blocking the way Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11 (4)
forward, is a pile of water-logged corpses. Edges: Imp. Frenzy.
A Notice roll notes they are no more than Special Abilities:
a few days old. Some still wear bits and • Aquatic: Pace 8.
pieces of clothing and minor jewelry. (The • Armor +4: Ghost crabs have thick shells.
trolls in the next room have piled them • Claws: Str+d6, AP 1.
here to soak and tenderize.)
The half dozen bodies block the way
forward, and their constant movement in
the lapping, waist-
deep water should
keep the party on
The corpses are
not the true threat
here, however. The
real danger lies
in the ghost crabs
feast i ng w it h i n
the tangle of soft
flesh. They attack
once the moment
they’re disturbed,
perhaps w it h
surprise if whoever
investigated the
blockage wasn’t



Notice roll. One of the trolls distracts the

2) TROLL LAIR group, moving slowly around the eastern
The next chamber is divided by various side, grunting and sniffing quietly in the
stone and coral columns that run from the darkness. Once engaged, the other troll
floor to the ceiling. The Wardens’ blue light attempts to strike from behind, instinctively
reveals black splotches against the columns going after healers and spellcasters.
and walls. If they light a torch or produce
some other uncolored light source, the DMarine Trolls (2): Krrim and Brrak
stains are clearly layers and layers of blood, have grown fat off the corpses left for
both fresh and old. them by the baron. They’ve taken to use
anchors as weapons, causing dreadful
The pool wraps around a central island
damage to anyone struck by the heavy
and is filled with bobbing debris. Fish,
pieces of fish, and even a human hand
emerge as the Wardens press forward.
Have the party make Stealth rolls if The trolls sleep in the small cavern at the
they attempt to move quietly through the back of the chamber. A Substantial stash
chamber. The sea laps rhythmically at the of treasure is there, with a minimum of
rock columns here so there is some noise to magic item gathered from their numerous
cover their movements through the pool. victims. A Common Knowledge roll notes
Lurking in the chamber are two savage a symbol of Justice on a small amulet
marine trolls, Krrim and Brrak. They smell lying amid gnawed bones—the remains of
the heroes approach, but can’t strike with Morrow the Cleric. The previous Wardens
Surprise if the heroes beat their group battled through the trolls, but Morrow fell
and could not be recovered.

These terrible creatures have a strange mutation that allows them to emit an electrical
current, just like an eel. The two trolls encountered in the caves beneath Tyrant Isle are
Wild Cards.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d6
Pace: 4 on land, 6 in water; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 (2)
Edges: Imp. Sweep.
Special Abilities:
• Aquatic: Pace 6.
• Armor +2: Rubbery hide.
• Claws: Str+d6, AP 1.
• Electrical Attack: Anytime the trolls are dealt a face card in combat, they emit an
electrical attack in a Large Burst Template centered on them. This is a free action.
Everyone within must make a Vigor roll at –2 (–4 if wearing metal armor) or be Shaken.
• Fast Regeneration: Trolls may attempt a natural healing roll every round unless their
wounds were caused by fire or flame.
• Size +2: The marine trolls are just over 6’ high but incredibly fat and bulky.



scale the wall with an Athletics roll; others

3) THE POOL must be lowered or jump.
The tunnel from the marine troll lair Either way, the circling sharks must be
ascends upward before ending at a ledge dealt with once the explorers are in the
looking over a circular cavern and a large pool. Ranged attacks at the fish from above
pool. Murky shapes—clearly man-eating suffer a –2 penalty both to the attack and
sharks—prowl round and round within. damage rolls for the water. If a shark is
The remains of an old rope bridge are Shaken but not killed it dives deep enough
visible—one spike and a scrap of rope on that it cannot be targeted again until it
the heroes’ side and two spikes and three senses prey in the water.
feet of bridge with rope and boards on the
other. D Sharks (3): The man-eaters attack
anyone who enters the pool except
A passage extends beyond the remains of
the two marine trolls, who they’ve
the rope bridge on the opposite wall, but
recognized as alpha predators.
even from here it’s obvious the tunnel has
caved in. The locals used that passage long
ago, but the sahaugin collapsed it to ensure
Anyone who enters the water gets an
air-breathers couldn’t enter the tunnels
automatic Notice roll to detect glints of
silver and gold at the bottom of the pool—
The ledge is 20’ above the pool and the the—corpse of Brandon the Fighter, who
cliff is sheer. A Notice roll detects claw perished saving his friends from the coral
marks from the marine trolls leading down sharks. A Substantial treasure with at least
into the depths. Characters with claws or one magic item lies with him—if the team
a bonus to Athletics (Climbing) can can defeat the sharks to get to it!

The locals call these large, aggressive fish
“coral sharks.” These three were lured Note: This long, winding tunnel isn’t depicted
here by the sahaugin as a ward against in the printed tiles.
interlopers from the island above. The The sunken passage dives deep before
trolls occasionally try to catch the sharks, rising swiftly once more. It’s wide enough
but they’re too fast for Krrim and Brrak for two human-size swimmers to travel side
and know to stay away from such alpha by side most of the way, with an occasional
predators. choke point. Make sure to ask for marching
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), order to keep the players nervous!
Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10 The passage is about two hundred yards
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice long. Those who don’t drink the potion
d12, Stealth d8 must make three successive Vigor rolls at
Pace: —; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 –4 to reach the end by holding their breath.
Edges: — Each roll failed results in Fatigue. If this
leads to Incapacitation, the victim drowns.
Special Abilities:
• Aquatic: Pace 10. Note that it is possible to swim the length
of the cavern without taking a potion!
• Bite: Str+d8.
This requires some foresight the Wardens
• Size 2: Coral sharks average 11’ long.
shouldn’t have at this point, however.
Assuming a light source, a submerged
Along the way are three piles of thick silt
cavern is just visible about six feet below
obscuring shells, bones, seaweed, and other
the water line on the opposite wall. This is
detritus. Searching a pile takes 10 minutes
the only egress from the room.
and requires a Notice roll at –2 for the silt
Anyone who peers in sees a long, dark stirred up when digging.
tunnel running out of sight of any light
Failure finds a young ghost crab burrowed
source or darkvision.
into the silt. It pinches the character’s
hand and causes Fatigue from Bumps
and Bruises that last for the duration of
the adventure. Success finds a randomly
determined potion, and a raise finds a ring.
If more than one character searches, give
the results to the two highest success totals

This is the time for the party to use Karnak’s potions of water breathing. Those
who do so taste a sweet, fruity mix that leaves an oily coating on their mouth
and throat. It works exactly as advertised, and allows the characters to breathe
both above and below water.



The sahaugin dragged numerous ships and
The long passage from the shark pool parts of ships from the open ocean through
ascends to a very large cavern filled with this passage and into the shaft beyond. The
swaying kelp. The group notices many Wardens won’t know this yet, but they may
things as they emerge. Notice the trail they left in their wake as
they explore further:
The passage turns and you begin to see
blue light from up ahead. You continue • The chamber empties into the open
forward and emerge from the side of a ocean on your left. Cold water rushes
massive cavern filled with swaying kelp in and out, driven by currents and the
and an obvious current from the open waves above.
ocean. • The water is filled not only with bits
The kelp is covered in glowing blue of kelp, but also shards of lumber and
balls—luminescent sea fruits, perhaps. scraps of sail cloth. Some of it is clearly
They light the entire chamber in very old, but some of it seems very
shimmering, scintillating bands of white recent as well.
and blue. • The kelp in the middle of the garden
The water is murky throughout has been ravaged, as if something heavy
the cavern, filled with tall kelp and was dragged through it. Coins and other
broken strands that swirl about in debris lie on the seabed. Collecting
some unknown and seemingly random them nets 150xd6 gold pieces worth of
current. The water also tastes funny— various mundane treasures.
almost sweet. And has an oily texture.
Anyone who breaks the surface for a better Soon after any of the heroes swims past or
vantage point sees the following: climbs onto the island with Malchias’ body,
those still in the water feel a rush of current
You swim up into open air and find and sees the kelp forest shake violently.
yourself treading water at one end of a Those who make a Notice roll see a flash of
large, oblong cavern lit by the blue light something large and green, and those who
of the glowing kelp fruits. Several rock get a raise see trailing tentacles as well.
columns form islands in the middle of The aboleth is kept here by the sahaugin,
the chamber. On one of them is what both to guard the sea entrance from
looks like a corpse with several items intruders and to reap the slime so crucial
scattered about. At the far end of the to Karnak’s insidous potion!
cavern, a massive iron portcullis blocks The abomination senses prey the
a wide exit. moment the party arrived and waits for an
opportune time to strike.
Have each character make a Notice roll.
Whoever rolls highest sees an obvious DAboleth: The creature is young but
scroll case jutting from the corpse’s bony still hundreds of years old. It remains
hand. Inside is a letter from Malchias the hidden to cast protection and deflection,
Mage, one of the queen’s previous Wardens. then attempts to puppet a spellcaster or
healer. If successful or spotted, it then
Anyone who swims to the island may
tries to grapple the strongest fighter
open the scroll case, which contains two
into the water with it to drown and tail
randomly generated scrolls and Handout:
slap any character proving particularly
Malchias’ Report (page 28). The body
annoying or dangerous.
also has an item of magical jewelry,
generated from Table F: Magic Jewelry
in the Fantasy Companion.




If the aboleth is killed, its rubbery belly On the opposite side of the garden is a huge
splits open and the bones of Kimmy the iron gate. A chain and pulley system on the
Brave spill forth—along with a Substantial other side and well out of reach is the only
treasure and at least one magic item. way to open it. Beyond is a wide passage
with dim light at the other end. Those who
D ABOLETH (YOUNG) listen carefully hear distant noises—mostly
These 18’ long horrors of the deep have banging and indecipherable orders—can be
gaping maws with spiny teeth and long heard somewhere in the distance.
arms they use primarily for locomotion, Seemingly stuck, the Wardens eventually
but can also be used to slap and stun spy a crack in the wall about six feet above
their prey. This creature made a bargain the waterline. Water drips constantly
with the sahaugin, enjoying the easy and from it, meaning the crevice must lead
interesting meals they often send its way. somewhere. Climbing up the grotto crevice
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12(A), is slow but relatively easy. The group must
Spirit d8, Strength d12+4, Vigor d10 go one at a time, maneuvering their bodies
through a few feet at a time. Plate and chain
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d12, Notice
armor cannot be worn, but must be put in a
d10, Stealth d10
bag and dragged noisily behind.
Pace: 1; Parry: 8; Toughness: 14 (2)
The grotto ascends nearly 30’ before finally
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic),
opening in the floor of a small cave—a
Arcane Resistance, Calculating, Elan,
prison cell for the villagers of Coral Depths!
Strong Willed.
Powers: Deflection, protection, puppet. Power
Points: 40.
Special Abilities: Inside the cave are five fishermen, sitting
• Aquatic: Pace 12. with their backs against the side wall. They
• Armor +2: Thick, rubbery skin. become excited and panicked when the
heroes emerge from the crack, shrinking
• Bite: Str+d10, AP 2. The aboleth may
back into a mob at the opposite end of the
bite any creature it grapples.
cell. They gurgle and babble, but can’t seem
• Mucus Cloud: The aboleth gives off a
to form actual words. (The fishermen are
sweet-tasting mucous that obscures its
transforming into fish-men!)
form as long as it’s in the water, making
Fish bones and bowls of water lie about the
it –2 to be hit by both ranged and melee
middle of the room, tainted sustenance for
attacks. (This stacks with its deflection
the prisoners to aid their transformation.
• Size 5 (Large): The young aboleth is 18’ To the front of the cell is a relatively new
long and can take an additional Wound. iron gate. A short ledge runs in front of the
cell and continues on to the left and right
• Tail Slap: The aboleth can slap with
around a large, circular, lighted shaft.
its tail as an action. Anyone hit by it
(See The Prisons on the map on page
takes the creature’s Strength in damage
@@.) Occasional yells, the crack of whips,
and then must make a Vigor roll or be
deconstruction, and splintering wood
comes from the large chamber below, but
• Tentacles: The aboleth has two tentacle
the party can’t make out the scene until
actions and adds +2 to grappling
they move further in to peer out over the

OLD AMOS They should quickly realize Karnak’s
One of t he men is feig n i ng his potions of water breathing contain the
transformation. He figured out Karnak same noxious slime they tasted in the
was poisoning them and had managed Garden. If they ask Amos how long it takes
to keep from eating or drinking the last to transform, he shrugs and says
several days. Once he sees the heroes are
here to help, he moves away from his less- “Seems different for each person.
fortunate companions, hands open and Sometimes a day, sometimes a few
palms out. hours. Say...your eyes look kinda...fishy.
That wizard feed you somethin’...?”
“Hello, friends. I ain’t like them, so...
don’t get nervous and don’t hurt me. My The excitement and strain of the previous
name’s Amos. I was just makin’ sure you few hours have indeed expedited the
wasn’t dangerous or somethin’. poison’s effect. Those heroes who imbibed
My friends here didn’t believe me when can feel their skin starting to itch. If they
I told ‘em the food was poisoned. It turns look closely, they can see it’s starting to
you into them...things.” turn scaly and green. The air feels...dry...
and they crave a fresh drink of sea-water.
Amos walks over to the cell door and Time is running out!
points down into the circular shaft. The The obvious question remains...Amos
adventurers can now see the disturbing volunteers this information if no one asks.
scene below. Lay out the final tile and place
all the figures before Amos’ whispers the “I’m...sorry, friends. I think there’s
following tale: an antidote though. That wizard comes
outta the big cave sometimes drippin’
“The fish-folk are slaves. The sahaugin wet, like he’s been out in the ocean.
are the overseers. They’ve been draggin’ Then he drinks from a flask he keeps in
wrecks in here off the sea floor and a satchel on his bag. I was eyein’ it myself
salvaging everything they can from ‘em. in case I figured out a way outta here and
I reckon it’s the baron’s doin’. Somehow got tricked into takin’ their poison.”
he and his pet wizard are transformin’
the people of Coral Depths into fish-folk
and makin’ ‘em salvage all the wrecks
The prison door is too strong to be
‘round these parts. That’s how he’s been
destroyed by even the strongest warrior,
buildin’ all those pretty ships you saw
but the lock can be picked at a –2 penalty
down at the docks.
to Thievery. Failure gives the guards below
He comes down and rants at us now an’
a group Notice roll at –2 to see the thief
then. Says he’s gonna join forces with the
attempting the task.
Reavers and overthrow the Sea Queen
The narrow ledge in front of the prison
cells has no natural steps. Instead, a single
This should be more than a little disturbing ladder leads down to a narrow strip of
for the Wardens, especially those who have beach below.
vowed their service to Queen Loranna! Silence and caution should be rewarded
here. There are a lot of foes in the final
KARNAK’S SCHEME REVEALED fight, and the party should have a plan
If the players haven’t already figured it out, before confronting the baron and his many
have them make Notice rolls. The highest minions.
roll notes the fish guts lying in the center
of the cell have a distinctive smell—of


PART THREE: DThe Sea Guard (5): Not all the Sea
Guard are corrupt or in on the baron’s

SIC SEMPER scheme, but these five villains are. They

should be placed at the spots marked

DScratt the Sea Troll: This voracious
creature is devouring the carcass of a
Sitting on a sandy island at the center of an fish-man at the spot marked MT.
open air chamber is the broken front of a • Sahaugin Warriors (8): Five sahaugin
gleaming white ship—the Pegasus, dragged stand in the water near the shipwreck
in through the Garden. (marked SW). Another three ride coral
A Common Knowledge roll recognizes sharks in the channel that surrounds
the damage was caused by the distinctive the island.
mark of a steel ram. Numerous heavy • Fish-Folk (12): The transformed
ballista bolts jut from the prow, evidence it villagers can be scattered around the
was sunk by hostile action. wreck and cargo pallet, hauling useful
Dozens of half-human, half-fish prisoners loot from the Pegasus.
tear the ship apart under the eyes of
sahaugin guards, unloading what cargo
The Game Master should prod the party
or treasure remain and even stripping
gently. If any of them used Karnak’s potion,
the bodies of unfortunate sailors of their
they’re rapidly transforming into fish-folk.
personal jewelry.
There’s no telling how long that will take,
The treasure and cargo are being sorted but it should instill a sense of urgency. Still,
in one pile, then stacked neatly in another the heroes need to plan carefully, both to
before being loaded onto a wooden lift. The breach the gate somehow and then consider
platform is attached to a winch high above how they’re going to attack.
that leads directly into the baron’s keep.
Here are a few factors you might want to
Baron Dellacor, the wizard Karnak, point out as they discuss their plan.
Captain Marchand and her hand-picked
Sea Guard oversee the noisy operation. • If the Baron, Karnak, and the Sea Guard
Around the island where the Pegasus is are given the chance, they can ride
being disassembled is a kind of moat. Five the lift to the top and leave the party
sahaugin ride coral sharks around the trapped down here. Preventing them
flooded ring, occasionally poking one of from doing so and protecting the lift
their black coral spears into the rubbery must be a top concern.
flesh of a fish-man to make him move faster. • The wizard must not be allowed to
Devouring the corpses on an island near escape since he’s the only one who
the ladder to the prisoner’s ledge is another might have an antidote to the potions
terrible sight—a marine troll, even larger of water breathing.
than even the engorged twins the party • The fish-folk are obviously slaves,
saw earlier. mostly mindless, likely transformed
DBaron Dellacor: Baron Dellacor stands villagers, and no threat. They should
at the point marked BD on the map. be protected as much as possible.
DKarnak: Karnak can be found at the • This is a tough fight. The baron, the
point marked K on the map. sahaugin and their pet coral sharks, the
large marine troll, the wizard, and the
D Captain Marchand: The wily captain
Sea Guard are all serious threats.
oversees the slaves from the point
marked CM.

The baron was sent to this distant island
to keep him out of his constant scheming, VILLAINOUS
but it only gave him the resources to pose
a far more serious threat to the kingdom.
He plans to overthrow the Sea Queen by When Dellacor is attacked, he can’t help
aligning with the powerful Red Reaver but gloat to the servants of the hated Sea
pirates then become the King of the Queen. Work in the following taunts as
Southern Isles. they’re dramatically appropriate.
Dellacor is good with a fencing weapon
“You! Haven’t transformed yet, I
and excellent with a crossbow. He and
see. Well it’s only a matter of time.
Karnak try to stay behind the Sea Guard
But if you prefer a faster end we’re
and attack at range as long as possible. If
happy to provide!”
things start going badly, they make for the
elevator and Dellacor screams for someone “This is the best the Sea Queen
above to haul them up. has? Perhaps I don’t need half the
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit force I’ve built to overthrow her! HA
d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8 HA HA!”
Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d8,
Fighting d10, Investigation d8, Notice d8, “Want to know why the sea-devils
Persuasion d10, Stealth d8, Shooting d10 serve me? Because I promised them a
Pace: 6; Pa r r y: 7, 8 wit h saber; feast! When we leave this backwater
Toughness: 10 (4) place to capture Loranna’s palace
Hindrances: Greedy, Ruthless (Major), Vow there will be no one to protect these
(Major—Become King of the Southern ignorant fishmongers from the
Isles). sahaugin! Bon appetite, I say!”
Edges: Attractive, Elan, Luck, Marksman. Here are some of the things Karnak
Gear: Chain mail +1 (+4), fencing saber might say:
(Damage Str+d4, Parry +1).
“Please! Kill all the shark-men you
B KARNAK THE SORCEROR like! Their savage king has promised
Karnak is a clever sorcerer and alchemist
me an endless army of the stupid
who discovered a combination of rare
ingredients—primarily aboleth mucous
and other reagents—could transforom a “Fish-men! Attack!” (They don’t,
human into a fish-like humanoid. but he wants to trick the heroes into
He and the baron concocted their scheme attacking the transformed villagers!)
to turn the people of Coral Island into
pitiful fish-folk to serve the local sahaugin. Marchand focuses on fighting, but
The slaves would comb the sea floor fort might say the following once the
he sea-devils and gather enough treasure fighting breaks out and she wants to
to build a navy to challenge the Sea Queen make use of her Command ability:
herself. Those left behind would become a “Rally to me, Sea Guard. No
feast for the insatiable shark-folk. quarter, no mercy.”
Remember that as a sorcerer, Karnak has
“Surround that one and strike as
Armor Interference (Minor), is Fatigued,
Stunned, and Corrupted on an arcane skill
Critical Failure, and may spend additional “Kill the healer first.”
Power Points after rolling to add +1 per
point to the total!


Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit change, sound/silence, summon monster.
d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Power Points: 25.
Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d6,
Fighting d10, Notice d8, Occult d10,
Captain Liza Marchand might have been
Persuasion d10, Research d8, Stealth d8,
a hero once, but the failures of previous
Shooting d10, Spellcasting d10
rulers have made her cynical. She’s now
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8
out for herself, believing that to be the only
Hindrances: Can’t Swim, Greedy, Vow rational way to survive.
(Major—Become Vizier of the Southern
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Edges: Arcane Background (Sorcerer),
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d10, Notice
Power Points.
d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6, Shooting d6
Enchanted staff (Str+d6, AP 1, Parry +1,
Pace: 6; Parry: 10 (with shield); Toughness:
Fighting +2), Cloak of Major Protection
9 (3)
(+2), power stone, recharge potion.
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean.
Powers: Arcane protection, barrier (coral),
Edges: Block, Command, First Strike, Hold
blast, blind, burrow, deflection, disguise, dispel,
the Line.
drain Power Points, entangle, protection, shape

Gear: Plate mail (+4), long sword (Str+d8), medium shield, crossbow (Range 15/30/60,
Damage 2d6, AP 1).
Most of the Sea Guard are locals who genuinely believe they’re fighting the sahaugin.
These five, however, were brought with Baron Dellacor from his previous lands and serve
him loyally—for a generous share of his ill-gotten gains.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6, Shooting d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (with shield); Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean.
Edges: Block.
Gear: Plate mail (+4), long sword (Str+d8), medium shield, crossbow (Range 15/30/60,
Damage 2d6, AP 1).
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 6
Gear: Coral spear (Str+d6, Parry +1).
Special Abilities:
• Aquatic: Pace 8.
• Shark Control: Each sea-devil can control
up to four sharks within 50 yards.
The sahaugin ride specially bred coral
sharks which are larger and more
ferocious than most.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit
d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Notice
d12, Stealth d8
Pace: —; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
Edges: Frenzy (Imp)
Special Abilities:
• Ampullae: These creatures have been bred
with enhanced ampullae, highly-developed electro-
receptors that help them anticipate and avoid
incoming blows. Subtract 2 from any direct attacks
made against them.
• Aquatic: Pace 10.
• Bite: Str+d8.
• Size 2: Coral shark mounts are just under 12’







To Her Majesty, the Sea Queen of the Southern Isles, Aria Loranna,
Your faithful Wardens sailed aboard the Summerlin from your court to the island of Coral
Depths, as directed. It was a harrowing trip, for the pirates called the “Red Reavers” have grown
greatly in power in the last few months. Those we spoke to claim they have captured or sunk
dozens of tradesmen and even several of Her Majesty’s warships.
The islanders confirm they have been suffering under heavy taxes, and that the baron has taken
control of all trade in or out of the port as was rumored. They also claim that while the pirates
have devastated their trade, the real danger is from below the depths. They say dozens of residents
have been devoured by a band of sahaugin who have taken up residence in the cavernous spaces
beneath the island. The shark-men also seem to have some sort of “fish folk” slaves, and are
performing some sort of excavation at the island’s interior.
We finally obtained audience with Baron Dellacor. He did not deny the reports, and indeed said
he regretted the harsh measures he’s enforced. He repeated that the Red Reavers have prevented
trade and that the raids of the sahaugin have ruined the fishing fleet that once thrived here.
He claims to have put all his family’s wealth into a powerful fleet, including a complement of
mercenary marines, to patrol his coasts for sea-devils and clear the sea lanes of pirates.
Our small party has agreed to enter the caves beneath Coral Depths, rescue any survivors, and
evict the blood-thirsty shark men. Dellacor’s wizard, Karnak, has created potions of water
breathing should we encounter any flooded sections.
So far, then, it must be acknowledged, the baron’s words have proven true.
Only one thing seems strange. Spice traders we spoke with said they saw Karnak’s private sloop
anchored off Slaughter Bay about two months ago—perhaps a week before the sahaugin raids
began. As Her Majesty is no doubt aware, a large city of the shark-folk lies somewhere in that
area. When I casually asked the wizard if he had ventured abroad lately, he lied.
We head now into the caves beneath “Tyrant Isle.” May your reign continue for eternity.
Your most dedicated servant and Warden of the Southern Isles,
Malchior the Mage


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