Fee Schedule Notice of Intent-Template
Fee Schedule Notice of Intent-Template
Fee Schedule Notice of Intent-Template
Jane Marie Dodd ©, American State National
Secured Party Lien Creditor, Authorized Representative for
JANE M. DODD ©, Ens Legis
Without Prejudice
A living woman affirmed before me, a Recording Secretary/Notary, on this 19th day of April,
2021, that Jane Marie Dodd, personally appeared and known to me to be the woman whose
name is referenced within the instrument and acknowledged to be the same.
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Notice of Intent- Fee Schedule
These fees will be mandated upon the informant listed on the traffic citation ticket(s), arrest
warrants, detention orders, seizure orders.
a. Name $ 50,000
e. Fingerprinting $ 200,000
f. Photographing $ 200,000
g. DNA $ 5,000,000
a. Citations $ 60,000
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Notice of Intent- Fee Schedule
i. Fraud $ 1,000,000
k. Larceny $ 250,000
Use of trade name protected material under threat, duress, and/ or coercion:
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Notice of Intent- Fee Schedule
a. My Appearance
b. Voluntarily $ 10,000/hour
a. Name
b. Voluntarily $ 10,000
b. Drivers License
b. Voluntarily $ 10,000
b. Voluntarily $ 10,000
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Notice of Intent- Fee Schedule
a. 30 minutes
b. Voluntarily $ 10,000
d. Voluntarily $ 20,000
b. 90 minutes or more
b. Voluntarily $ 30,000
Trespass-Fee Schedule
e. Silence/Dishonor/Default $ 5,000
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Notice of Intent- Fee Schedule
s. Fraud $1,000,000*
t. Racketeering $1,000,000*
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Notice of Intent- Fee Schedule
** All claims are stated in US Dollars which means that a US Dollar will be defined, for this purpose as a
One Ounce Silver Coin of .999 pure silver or the equivalent par value as established by law or the
exchange rate, as set by the US Mint, whichever is the higher amount, for a certified One Ounce Silver
Coin (US Silver Dollar) at the time of the first day of default as set forth herein; if the claim is to be paid in
Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve Notes will only be assessed at Par Value as indicated above.
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Notice of Intent- Fee Schedule
Total damages will be assessed as the total amount of the damages as set forth herein times three (3)
for a total of all damages as set forth in subsections a-w added to three (3) times the damages for
punitive or other additional damages.
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