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Bootstrapping Blockchains

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Lecture 17: Bootstrapping Blockchains

Principles of Blockchains, University of Illinois,

Professor: Pramod Viswanath
Scribe: Suryanarayana Sankagiri
March 25, 2021

In the lectures so far, we have studied the security and performance of blockchains in a
steady state, i.e., when the participation is steady and engaged. In this lecture, we study the
transient phase of blockchains: how to securely and efficiently bootstrap blockchains via careful
incentives and design choices. We discuss several practical approaches to bootstrapping PoW
and PoS blockchains. We also discuss popular methods to start new blockchains piggybacking
off existing blockchains, especially Ethereum.

Today, we take the security of well-established blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum for granted.
Partly, this assurance is based off of the past track record of the blockchains; there has not been
any fatal attack on them so far. Additionally, we have provable guarantees, based on mathematical
models, that show that if an adversary wants to attack the system, they must control close to 50%
of the mining power in the system. In Bitcoin, currently, the total mining power in the system
is enough to compute more than 1020 hashes per second. To compare, a good GPU today could
compute around 108 hashes per second. Thus, it seems economically infeasible for an adversary
to own that much computing power. Put differently, Bitcoin’s security comes from the extensive
computing power already invested into the system.
In its initial days, Bitcoin did not have such a strong level of security, simply because there
were a much smaller number of miners in the system. In those days, the Bitcoin hash rate was
close to 106 hashes per second (the mining difficulty has changed by around fourteen orders of
magnitude to keep the mining rate constant). Matching this hash rate would not have been hard
for an adversary (even if they were limited to the computers of 2009). Even today, a new blockchain
would presumably start off with a much smaller total computation power than what Bitcoin and
Ethereum have today. How, then, do we preserve security of these blockchains? In this lecture, we
will explore some methods to ‘bootstrap’ blockchains, first for Proof-of-Work systems and then for
Proof-of-Stake systems. Finally, we will look at methods of piggybacking of existing blockchains.

Bootstrapping PoW Blockchains

We discuss a few different principles to bootstrap Proof of Work blockchains. These principles are
complementary, and multiple of them can be applied simultaneously to the same system.

Incentives via block rewards

The first security measure we discuss is an incentive-based one, which argues that miners are likely
to be rational; they would not attack the system if they would hurt themselves economically by doing

Lecture 17 Principles of Blockchains

so. In an incentive-compatible blockchain system, it’d be extremely unlikely that a set of miners
controlling a majority of the mining power would collude together to attack the system, since doing
so would hurt them economically. It does not provide any security guarantees if indeed, for some
reason, a 51% adversary does attack the system.
We know that, in steady-state operation, mining rewards in PoW blockchains provide an incentive
to miners to behave honestly. In fact, these rewards can incentivize miners to act honestly in the
initial phases of the blockchain too. One way to do so is to give early miners an extra incentive in
terms of greater mining rewards, as was done in Bitcoin. Here, the mining reward began with 50
bitcoins per mined block. It is reduced by half every few years (210, 000 blocks), and is currently at
6.25 bitcoins per block. Thus, early miners had an extra incentive to remain honest.
In terms of its dollar value at that time, the initial block rewards were not worth much. However,
it was believed that the price of Bitcoin would increase once it gained greater acceptance; indeed,
this belief has been validated. A miner with significant mining power would stand to gain a lot
in the future if it helped maintain Bitcoin’s security, and thereby, its reputation, by following the
protocol. If, instead, it performed a double spend attack, it would get a one-time gain from the
attack. As a penalty, it would lose the value of all its mining rewards, as the attack would drive the
price of Bitcoin down to zero very fast. Thus, correct incentives helped maintain Bitcoin’s security
in the initial years.

A second method of bootstrapping PoW blockchains is to employ a checkpointing mechanism.
Broadly speaking, this method employs a trusted party (or a group of parties) that checkpoints
blocks at regular intervals, and new blocks must be mined below the latest checkpoint to be con-
sidered valid. Users can use the checkpoints as a basis of confirmation: i.e., they confirm blocks up
to the last checkpoint. The checkpointing mechanism is essentially a BFT (permissioned) consensus
protocol, executed by a special set of checkpointers.
In the previous lecture, we saw that checkpointing (via a finality gadget) can help secure the
longest-chain protocol under periods of asynchrony. Similarly, the checkpointing mechanism can
also act as a guard-rail against an adversary with more than 50% mining power, as long as the
checkpointing mechanism acts correctly. The important point to note here is that the checkpointers
are not chosen via mining. Rather, they are a set of entities (corporations, foundations, etc.) with
some credibility who are appointed just for the sake of securing a PoW blockchain in its initial
stages. Thus, it is fair to assume that a majority (or super-majority) of them will be honest.
Let us examine the security of such a checkpointing based protocol under the presence of an
adversary with majority mining power. The safety of the protocol is easy to argue; it follows
from the safety of the checkpointing mechanism. However, liveness is harder to achieve. A simple
implementation of a checkpointing system could lead to poor liveness guarantees (e.g., see this
work). Figure 1 shows the variation of the chain quality, a metric of liveness, with epoch length and
adversarial mining power.
Liveness is important to have in order to incentivize honest nodes to stay in the system. Indeed,
if honest blocks do not get included in the ledger, honest miners will not be able to accrue any
reward, and will therefore leave the system. In earlier checkpoint-based protocols, we were willing
to forego liveness when the network was asynchronous. This is because periods of asynchrony are
typically small and infrequent. Here, ensuring liveness is important because an adversary may retain
a mining majority until a large number of users join the system, which could take time.
There are two major principles to have a liveness-guaranteeing checkpointing mechanism (under
> 50% adversary). The first is that the checkpointers should generate a fresh random string with
every new checkpoint, and this random string should be included in all descendants of the checkpoint
block. Such a mechanism ensures that all blocks below a checkpoint block must be mined after the
block has been marked as a checkpoint. The adversary cannot take undue advantage of its mining

Lecture 17 Principles of Blockchains

Figure 1: Chain Quality degrades sharply with an increase in the adversarial mining power, and
with an increase in the epoch length (period between checkpoints)

power by mining many blocks beforehand; the counter of blocks is set to zero with every checkpoint
The second principle is for checkpoints to introduce reference links to blocks that are not on the
main chain, which are likely to be honest blocks. The main idea is that honest blocks are produced in
proportion to the honest mining power, but they may not be on the main chain due to the adversary
ignoring them. These reference links point to honest blocks and bring them into the ledger, leading
to a chain quality that is equal to the honest mining power. The idea of using reference links to
improve chain quality was also used in FruitChains. An entire system, with both these principles,
is illustrated in Figure 2.
Historically, in Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto used to issue checkpoints at regular intervals. This
practice was discontinued in 2014, presumably once they realized that Bitcoin has sufficient mining
power to be secure on its own. In this case, it was a single trusted honest party that was issuing
checkpoints. A more robust method would be to have a permissioned set of users doing so.

In the world of blockchains, a hard fork (or hardfork) is a point in the blockchain where the protocol
undergoes a major change, and these changes are incompatible with the previous version. Blocks
produced as per the new protocol will be deemed invalid as per the old protocol and vice-versa.
A hard fork could be used to introduce new features into the blockchain, in order to improve its
security or performance. Hard forks could also be used to correct security bugs in the existing codes.
This happened with Ethereum in the case of the DAO vulnerability.
To understand hard forks better, consider the following example. Suppose the miners of Bitcoin
decide that they would like to increase the mining rate of Bitcoin by a factor of ten, in order to
increase its throughput. To increase the mining rate, they would have to lower the difficulty of
the blocks. In essence, the block difficulty adjustment formula must be changed from the current
version. If all nodes agree to undertake this change simultaneously, then the protocol will make a

Lecture 17
Advocate Principles of Blockchains

Adversarial block
𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 1 − 𝛽 ∀ 𝛽
3 1 Honest block

Checkpointed block
5 2 0
Parent link
Reference link
4 2
Checkpointing link
6 Ledger 6
7 8
8 5
10 9

Figure 2: The Advocate system, which provides optimal chain quality even in the presence of an
adversarial majority. Such a system provides a useful checkpointing mechanism to bootstrap PoW

smooth transition to the new version. However, this is not possible in a decentralized system. Some
nodes will be unaware of the new changes for a while and therefore they will ignore blocks produced
by the new rule, treating them as invalid. Because of this, there will be a major fork in the system;
this phenomenon gives rise to the term hard fork.
In some cases, all nodes eventually agree to the software update. In this case, the fork with the
older format of blocks gets stalled, while the fork with the newer format continues to grow. However,
there are instances when some nodes prefer the updates, while others do not. In this case, two forks
continue forever. In essence, the fork with the updated protocol is a new cryptocurrency/blockchain.
The (hard) fork marks the beginning of the new system. Some nodes migrate to the new system,
while others remain in the old one. Note that this is not a security vulnerability; once a node clearly
decides which version of the software it wants to follow, the blockchain continues to guarantee
security. Many cryptocurrencies have been launched in this way, the most popular being Bitcoin
Cash, which is a hard fork from Bitcoin. The history of hard forks from Bitcoin can be found here.
A cryptocurrency that is launched as a hard fork from an established blockchain retains the
distribution of coins (or more generally, the state of the system) as recorded in the last block before
the fork. If the new system is appealing, it very quickly gathers a large number of miners (i.e., a
large computing power) since miners in the old system can seamlessly transit to the new system.
This gives the system a strong security backing, as it starts in a fairly decentralized fashion. In
addition, the new system inherits most of the security features from the existing blockchain; only
the new features must be verified.

Soft Forks
Soft forks, in contrast to hard forks, are software updates that are backward compatible. In such
an update, even those who have not updated their software will treat new blocks as valid. It is

Lecture 17 Principles of Blockchains

possible that those following the new update treat the old blocks as invalid. In this case, as long as
a majority of miners upgrade their software, the blockchain continues to function smoothly; blocks
produced by the old software will quickly get stale. Compared to a hard fork, a soft fork allows
users to slowly transit to the new system. However, for the soft fork to come into effect, a majority
of the miners should be running the updated software. Just like hard forks, soft forks are also used
to include better features to an existing system.
In Bitcoin, new transaction types (or new scripts) have been introduced as soft forks. A prominent
example of this is the SegWit update, which stands for segregated witness. Recall that in Bitcoin,
blocks have a maximum size of 1M B. This places a limit on the number of transactions that can
be included in a block. SegWit is a proposal that reduces the size of transactions in Bitcoin, which
allows one to include more transactions per block while still obeying the 1M B limit. The basic idea
of SegWit is to keep the signatures on transactions outside the main block. As such, all transactions
in Bitcoin must be signed. However, the signature can take up to 65% of the space in a transaction.
Separating the signature reduces the transaction size separately. The signatures are still present;
they are just moved to an additional part of the block that does not count as part of the 1M B
limit. The phrase “segregated witness” reflects this design principle (the term witness refers to the
signatures here).

Proof-of-burn is a method by which users can migrate from an established blockchain system like
Bitcoin to a new one. To burn coins, nodes send Bitcoins to a verifiably unspendable address (say, an
address with a fixed public key for which it is virtually impossible to come up with a corresponding
secret key). In exchange, they receive a reward in the native currency of the new blockchain. Users
may also receive mining rights proportional to the amount of coins they have burned. In effect,
this creates a new system where the mining power is proportional to the money one has burned.
Compared to Proof-of-Work, this method is less resource intensive, and equally secure. It piggy-
backs off an established blockchain. You can read more about this idea here.

Bootstrapping PoS Blockchains

In any Proof of Stake system, block proposers are chosen based on the stake that nodes have
recorded in the ledger. Thus, for a PoS system to get started, some amount of stake (coins) must
be distributed amongst the initial participants. Moreover, this initial stake distribution must be
recorded in the genesis block (unlike a PoW blockchain where the genesis block can have no record
of coins and ownership, as in Bitcoin). Whatever be the initial distribution, a Proof-of-Stake system
could suffer from a rich-get-richer phenomenon. Those with higher stake are more likely to mine
blocks, and thereby accrue block/transaction rewards. This would then increase the chance of them
mining future blocks.
If left unchecked, the compounding of wealth could lead to extensive centralization. One way to
reduce the compounding of wealth effect is to start off with a large amount of initial stake distributed
fairly uniformly across nodes. Here, the initial stake is large relative to the block/transaction rewards.
A second way to reduce this effect is to re-design the mining rewards with time: if rewards increase
with time, the stake distribution after some time is likely to be more uniform than the case where
rewards remain constant (or decrease).
There are different ways to gather an initial set of stakeholders. These strategies could be used by
any cryptocurrency, even a PoW based one; however, they are essential for a PoS based blockchain to
get off the ground. One method could be a proof-of-burn strategy, where one must pay in some form
to gain coins of a new system. A different method could be to just distribute a small amount of coins
for free to as many different users as possible. Many companies offer rewards on their service upon

Lecture 17 Principles of Blockchains

joining or to existing users for giving referrals. Others simply give out freebies. This marketing
ploy, when adopted by cryptocurrencies, is called an airdrop. For example, one could gain some
coins upon tweeting about the new currency. Apart from gaining an initial base of stakeholders, the
currency also gains more visibility/popularity.
A popular term used during the launch of a new cryptocurrency is that of an ICO, which stands
for initial coin offering. This is modeled (and named) after the concept of an IPO (initial public
offering). Here, new tokens are offered for a fixed price in some fiat currency (dollars). ICOs are
often used as an investment opportunity by users, but they carry the same risks as a company IPO;
arguably, they are riskier.

Bootstrapping via Layer 2 Solutions

Today, many new tokens are launched on the Ethereum Virtual Machine Platform. This platform
is extremely flexible, and supports a wide range of functionalities. Such tokens take the Ethereum
ledger’s security (based on Nakamoto consensus) for granted, and are built for very specific appli-
cations. Each new token is essentially a new cryptocurrency, which can be used for its own specific
purpose (e.g., it can be used only on Walmart). By piggy-backing off of Ethereum, it derives many
of the basic safety features for free.
A vast majority of tokens on Ethereum are “ERC-20” tokens. ERC-20 is a standard for tokens,
which sets some basic rules, such as how tokens can be transferred, how new tokens can be generated,
etc. Having a common set of rules ensures these tokens are compatible and can be exchanged with
each other easily. Moreover, they are also compatible with the backbone Ethereum system (e.g., all
gas fees in ERC-20 tokens are denominated in ETH, the native token of Ethereum).
Once we have a token on the Ethereum system, one can employ creative ways to get people to
adopt the token, via smart contracts. A bonding curve contract is a special contract that adjusts
the price of a token (in terms of ETH or Dollars) based on its demand. As the popularity of a
contract soars, its price increases. Thus, early participants get better deals. Similarly, ICOs can
also be automated via smart contracts.

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