Nutrigenetics and Personalised Nutrition
Nutrigenetics and Personalised Nutrition
Nutrigenetics and Personalised Nutrition
g The Authors 2009 First published online 27 February 2009
The Summer Meeting of the Nutrition Society was held at the University of Nottingham on 30 June–3 July 2008
Nutrigenetics and personalised nutrition are components of the concept that in the future geno-
typing will be used as a means of defining dietary recommendations to suit the individual. Over
the last two decades there has been an explosion of research in this area, with often conflicting
findings reported in the literature. Reviews of the literature in the area of apoE genotype and
cardiovascular health, apoA5 genotype and postprandial lipaemia and perilipin and adiposity
are used to demonstrate the complexities of genotype–phenotype associations and the aetiology
of apparent between-study inconsistencies in the significance and size of effects. Furthermore,
genetic research currently often takes a very reductionist approach, examining the interactions
between individual genotypes and individual disease biomarkers and how they are modified by
isolated dietary components or foods. Each individual possesses potentially hundreds of ‘at-
risk’ gene variants and consumes a highly-complex diet. In order for nutrigenetics to become a
useful public health tool, there is a great need to use mathematical and bioinformatic tools to
develop strategies to examine the combined impact of multiple gene variants on a range of
health outcomes and establish how these associations can be modified using combined dietary
Nutrigenetics refers to the interaction between genetic genotype determines food choice, appetite and satiety, and
make-up and dietary components to influence metabolism, therefore nutrient intake(1,2).
health status and risk of diet-related diseases. This inter- In addition to providing considerable mechanistic insight
action is complex, with the influence of genotype on pheno- into the aetiology of disease and the influence of nutrition
type known to be affected by numerous environmental on metabolic processes, the aim of ongoing nutrigenetics
components, including diet (Fig. 1). Similarly, the influ- research is to ultimately use genetic profiling for the earlier
ence of altered dietary composition on physiological pro- detection of disease risk and the personalisation of dietary
cesses and health status is in large part determined by recommendations provided to individuals or population sub-
an individual’s genetic make-up, which can impact on the groups (Fig. 2). It is hoped that such an approach, along
digestion, absorption, metabolism and partitioning, and with increasing consumer motivation to adapt lifestyle
cellular responsiveness to dietary components. Although a changes, will increase the physiological benefit afforded to
relatively new area of research, it is also recognised that the individual.
Health status order to progress this area of research into a public health
However, with increasing availability of published data the Wellcome Case-Control Consortium, has dramatically
comes the realisation of apparent inter-study incon- increased genomic discoveries. In these studies genetic
sistencies in the strength and direction of observed geno- variation in O80 % of the human genome is assessed using
type–diet–phenotype associations and the complexity of typically between 100 000 and 1 000 000 marker SNP and
nutrigenetic interactions, with a large number of environ- information on linkage disequilibrium from the HapMap
mental and physiological factors and other gene variants project(14). To date, using GWA approaches, O100 sus-
(epistatic interactions) influencing nutrigenetic associ- ceptibility gene loci for a range of chronic diseases have
ations(3–6). been confirmed, identified and replicated(15–21). Thus far,
Here, using a number of gene variant–nutrient inter- these studies have contributed little to the understanding
actions relevant to CHD as examples, in particular the of diet–genotype interactions, as most of them have not
apoE genotype, which to date represents the most-widely- captured any information on the habitual diet of the study
investigated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), the participants. However, current and future application of
complexity of nutrigenetic interactions will be addressed GWA to cohorts such as the Framingham Heart Study
along with some insights into steps that need to be taken in (, European Prospective
Health maintenance
Generalised diet and Diagnosis
Clinical evidence of disease Often generalised therapy
other lifestyle
approaches Risk biomarkers
Fig. 2. Scheme of the potential of genetics, nutrigenetics and pharmacogenetics in health maintenance and treatment of
diseases. The potential advantages of genotype-based personalised nutrition are: start early; personalised therapy;
improved motivation.
164 G. Rimbach and A. M. Minihane
Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (, the meta-analyses(45–47). Data from fourteen published obser-
Nurses’ Health Study ( vational studies were summarised in the first of the meta-
and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (www.hsph. analyses, with carriers of the e4 allele having an overall, for which dietary data are available, OR for CHD of 1.26 (95 % CI 1.13, 1.41) and a non-
is likely to result in substantial advancement in current significant OR of 0.98 (95 % CI 0.85, 1.14) evident in e2
nutrigenetics knowledge. carriers(47). This finding is in agreement with a more recent
meta-analysis that includes data from 15 492 CHD cases
Candidate-gene studies and 32 965 controls. Overall OR of 1.42 (95 % CI 1.26,
1.61) and 0.98 (95% CI 0.66, 1.46) were observed in e4
Applying candidate-gene approaches to case–control and e2 carriers(46). In the most recent and comprehensive
and cohort studies have thus far provided the vast amount analysis, which included 121 studies (37 850 cases and
of available information on genetic–disease associ- 82 727 controls), a more modest effect of the e4 allele and
ations(11,22–28) and how they are influenced by diet and a protective effect of the e2 allele is reported, with OR of
other environmental factors(29–32). In contrast to the 1.06 (95 % CI 0.99, 1.13) and 0.80 (95 % CI 0.70, 0.90)
GWA studies, which are not hypothesis driven, traditional respectively(45). Examination of individual studies included
candidate-gene studies focus on gene loci for which bio- in these meta-analyses demonstrates the extent of hetero-
logical function is known and relevant to the phenotype of geneity in the observed associations. In the second of
interest. the meta-analyses it was reported that mean OR values
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
Table 1. The adjusted OR for cardiovascular events in the Framingham Offspring Study according to apoE genotype in males and
females (adapted from Elosua et al.(48) and Lahoz et al.(49))
Prospective study n Total events* OR1† 95 % CI P OR2‡ 95 % CI P
E3 1097 139 – –
E2 216 40 1.65 1.10, 2.50 0.017 1.79 1.15, 2.77 0.010
E4 355 66 1.61 1.15, 2.27 0.006 1.63 1.13, 2.34 0.009
E3 1097 74 – –
E2 216 13 0.75 0.40, 1.38 0.354 0.79 0.42, 1.48 0.456
E4 355 34 1.54 1.00, 2.38 0.052 1.56 0.99, 2.45 0.054
E3 874 23.8 – –
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
genotype, with particularly-sensitive individuals suffering association in E3/E4 and E4/E4 subgroups was not found
from premature mortality not represented. to be replicated in a subsequent more comprehensive
It is likely that the observation of a greater effect analysis (n 22 915)(65).
of apoE genotype in normal individuals v. overweight A review has been conducted of a number of interven-
individuals(57) is also attributable to the masking effect tion trials that have examined the impact of dietary total
of the obesity phenotype on apoE genotype–CHD associ- fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content on blood lipids
ations. according to apoE genotype(29). The results from these
trials are highly variable, with many failing to report a
significant genotype–diet interaction. Variable intervention
Behavioural mediators of apoE genotype–phenotype lengths, dietary manipulations and subject groups are likely
associations to explain, to a large extent, the lack of consistency. Fur-
The apoE genotype interacts with diet and other behav- thermore, the majority of these studies were not designed
ioural factors to influence risk of disease. Numerous to examine nutrigenetic interaction, with genotyping being
environmental factors have been shown to influence the conducted retrospectively as an afterthought. As a result
effects of apoE genotype on both coronary risk and risk many of the studies were underpowered to detect inter-
of age-related cognitive decline, including exercise(58,59) genotype difference in responses, with the distinct possi-
alcohol intake(60,61) smoking status(32,62) and dietary fat bility that a failure to detect significance is attributable to
composition(29), and the interactions have been recently small group sizes in the rare allele genotypes rather than a
reviewed(30,39). lack of a ‘real’ biological effect.
A limited number of epidemiological studies have Of the eleven (of thirty-six studies) that demonstrated
examined apoE genotype–dietary fat–phenotype associ- significance, six included more than fifty participants, with
ations. In a Costa Rican case–control study genotype– an additional study that included forty-five participants
saturated fat interactions were found, with the impact of a (fifteen each in E3/E3, E3/E4 and E4/E4 subgroups) pros-
high-saturated-fat diet on myocardial infarction risk and pectively recruited on the basis of apoE genotype(66).
LDL-cholesterol more evident in the presence of the e2 In this latter study reductions in LDL-cholesterol of 5%,
and e4 alleles(63). Similar greater responsiveness of LDL- 13% and 16 % for E3/E3, E3/E4 and E4/E4 individuals
cholesterol to saturated fat in individuals with the apoE4 respectively were reported following 8 weeks of interven-
genotype was evident in an initial analysis of a subsample tion with a modified National Cholesterol Education
(n 132) of the EPIC Norfolk cohort(64); however, this Programme diet.
166 G. Rimbach and A. M. Minihane
Thus, available data are suggestive that individuals highly-active area of nutrigenetic research. Although the
with the E4 genotype (25 % of the UK population) may PLIN gene locus has not been associated with obesity
represent a large population subgroup that is particularly incidence in GWA studies, evidence from candidate-gene
sensitive to dietary total and saturated fat and should studies indicates that it may be an important factor deter-
be specifically targeted with advice to reduce overall mining obesity risk and responsiveness to weight-loss
consumption. However, there is great need to consolidate programmes. The heterogeneity of these associations re-
existing analysis using meta-analytical approaches ported in the literature provides another insightful example
(although variation in study design makes this task diffi- of the complexity of genotype–phenotype associations.
cult) and to conduct adequately-powered trials with pro-
spective recruitment by genotype and detailed analysis of Physiological mediators of perilipin genotype–phenotype
the blood lipid profile in order to conclusively address this associations
wide public health issue.
In addition, recent evidence is suggestive that indi- A recent review has indicated that gender may be an
viduals with the apoE4 genotype are more sensitive to important determinant of the penetrance of the PLIN
the lipid modulatory effects of the fish oil fatty acids EPA genotype(5). In a Spanish adult population OR for obesity
and DHA. Although there are numerous well-described of 0.58 and 0.56 were evident in female carriers of the
cardioprotective actions of these fatty acids(67,68), increases PLIN1 and PLIN4 rare alleles, with no effect of genotype
in LDL-cholesterol in the 5–10% range are commonly on BMI or waist:hip ratio in men(80). Although no impact
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
evident following high-dose (>2 g/d) EPA + DHA of these particular SNP was evident in a US cohort, PLIN5
intakes(69,70). In an initial study conducted in individuals and PLIN6 SNP have emerged as significant predictors of
with an atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype retrospective percentage body fat and waist circumference in females
genotyping has indicated that the LDL-cholesterol-raising only, with 7–11% higher percentage body fat and waist
effects observed following supplementation with 3 g circumference in the homozygous rare allele v. wild-type
EPA + DHA/d were associated with an apoE4 geno- carriers(81). In a recently published analysis of the impact
type(71,72). Two further studies with prospective recruit- of PLIN genotype on postprandial TAG metabolism both
ment according to genotype have: (a) reconfirmed this PLIN1 and PLIN4 rare alleles were shown to be associated
association; (b) indicated that it is the DHA rather than with a more effective postprandial TAG clearance(82).
EPA that is the hypercholesterolaemic agent; (c) high- However, no gender · genotype effects were evident.
lighted no genotype · LDL-cholesterol interaction at in-
takes of < 2 g EPA + DHA/d. Modest 3–4% increases in Perilipin genotype and response to dietary and
LDL-cholesterol were found to be evident in both E3 and pharmacological interventions
E4 subgroups following supplementation for 8 weeks at
doses of 0.7 and 1.8 g EPA + DHA/d(73)(E Olano-Martin, Research in this area is currently limited to a small number
E Anil, MJ Caslake, CJ Packard, D Bedford, G Stewart, of studies, with available evidence suggesting that rare
D Peiris, CM Williams and AM Minihane, unpublished allele carriers of PLIN4 are resistant to weight loss fol-
results). lowing dietary restriction and are less prone to the weight
Overall, it appears that with intakes at the current UK gain typically associated with the administration of the
recommendation of 450 mg EPA + DHA/d there is little insulin-sensitising glitazones(83,84). Furthermore, an obser-
evidence of apoE genotype-mediated differences in the vational study has indicated that the genotype–diet associ-
LDL-cholesterol response. However, at intakes in the re- ations may be gender specific(85). In Asian women, but not
gion of those prescribed as hypotriacylglycerolaemic men, the PLIN4 genotype was shown to influence the
agents (2–4 g/d(74)) EPA-rich oil rather than DHA-rich oil association between saturated fat and insulin-resistance
may afford greater cardiovascular benefits in individuals measures (homeostatic model assessment of insulin resist-
with an E4 genotype, as a result of the LDL-cholesterol- ance), with a deleterious impact of high saturated fat only
raising effect of DHA. evident in minor allele homozygotes(85). Thus, early indi-
cations are that the PLIN4 genotype may be an important
determinant of the response of adiposity measures (and
its related phenotype) to behavioural changes. However,
Perilipin genotype and obesity risk much more evidence is needed in order to draw firm con-
Adipocyte-derived perilipin (PLIN) is a phosphoprotein clusions.
that coats intracellular lipid droplets. It has emerged as a
key regulator of adipose tissue TAG metabolism, hormone-
Nutrigenetics and postprandial lipaemia
sensitive-lipase-mediated lipolysis and body fat accumu-
lation(75–77). In experimental animals PLIN knock-out is The extent and duration of the postprandial TAG response
associated with increased basal lipolysis, leanness and is recognised to be an important determinant of CHD
resistance to diet-induced obesity(78) and in human subjects risk(86–89), with ever-increasing population incidence,
PLIN levels are elevated in obese individuals(79). given its strong association with excess body weight. The
With the rising global burden of obesity and over one impact of an exaggerated postprandial lipaemic response
billion individuals worldwide being either overweight or appears to be more evident in women relative to men. In
obese identification of genetic determinants of body-weight the Copenhagen City Heart Study adjusted hazard ratios
regulation and response to intervention is becoming a of myocardial infarction for women and men of 5.4 and
Nutrigenetics and personalised nutrition: progress 167
interaction can be derived from these studies. However, the
2·0 most recently published study, which included 153 males
and 109 females, provides strong indications of an impact
1·5 of gender on the association between the - 1131C allele
and apoA5*2 haplotype and TAG metabolism (Fig. 4)(28).
1·0 A significant impact of genotype was only evident in males
29 g fat (corrected for baseline levels; P = 0.007). It is speculated
0·5 49 g fat that this finding may be in part attributable to the known
impact of oestrogen on many stages of TAG-rich lipopro-
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 tein metabolism, which may mask the deleterious impact
Time interval (min) of the apoA5 mutant.
In accordance with other gene variants that modulate
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
TAG (mmol/l)
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
Time interval (min)
4·5 4·5
4·0 4·0
3·5 3·5
TAG (mmol/l)
TAG (mmol/l)
3·0 3·0
2·5 2·5
2·0 2·0
1·5 1·5
1·0 1·0
0·5 0·5
0 0
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
Time interval (min) Time interval (min)
Fig. 4. Impact of apoA5 T–1131C genotype on the postprandial plasma TAG response. (a) All subjects: (&–&), TT (n 214);
(L– –L), TC (n 42); ( ), CC (n 3); P = 0.002. (b), Females: (&–&), TT (n 92); (L– –L), TC (n 16); P = 0.280. (c) Males
(&–&), TT (n 122); (L– –L), TC (n 26); P = 0.007. Values are means with their standard errors represented by vertical bars.
(Adapted from Olano-Martin et al.(28).)
In observational studies a lack of consistency may be a associations, and consideration of these apparent incon-
result of small group size, experimental error associated sistencies can be very insightful and provide information
with inaccurate assessment of the phenotype of interest or, about the relative importance of gene variants in particular
more commonly, a result of inaccuracies and bias as- population subgroups. A consensus relating to standardi-
sociated with the recording of dietary intake. It is highly sation in the capture of such information would greatly
likely that the reliability of dietary information may assist in study interpretation and amalgamation of datasets
depend on factors such as age, ethnicity, gender and health to allow larger meta-analyses.
status, which could introduce a considerable amount of Human intervention studies overcome, in part, inac-
error in the assessment of genotype–diet–phenotype– curacies in dietary assessment, as the investigator is sup-
associations. The quantification of biomarkers of dietary plying a known quantity of the food or food component
exposure in accessible biofluids holds great potential as a of interest. However, in the past many studies in this area
dietary assessment tool. To date few reliable dietary bio- have been of dubious quality, with short intervention
markers are available, with the exception of a number of periods, small numbers of participants and retrospective
micronutrients and specific fatty acids (e.g. EPA and DHA genotyping (as these trials were designed for purposes
and trans-fatty acids). Metabolomic profiles in biologi- other than to study nutrigenetic interactions) resulting in
cally-accessible tissues holds some potential. However, inadequate power to detect subtle nutrigenetic interactions.
it is difficult to assess at present its future role in the Prospective recruitment by genotype, with equal numbers
assessment of dietary exposure. in genotype subgroups of interest overcomes this problem.
As evidenced in the present review, perceived incon- Such approaches are however expensive and logistically
sistencies between studies often reflect the impact of phy- difficult to conduct and should be reserved to validate
siological (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity, health status) and nutrigenetic interactions reported in observation trials or
environmental factors on the direction and size of genetic in intervention studies with retrospective genotyping.
Nutrigenetics and personalised nutrition: progress 169
Furthermore, much more attention needs to be given to the UK Food Standards Agency (N02028). The authors
identifying the functional gene variants and the metabolic report no conflict of interest. Both authors contributed to
basis for nutrigenetic interactions. Current candidate-gene the research included and the writing of the manuscript.
or GWA studies provide information on which SNP are
associated with, and are in linkage disequilibrium with, a
particular phenotype, but do not necessarily identify the
precise SNP. Such information, along with adding authen- References
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