Deep Learning

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European Radiology (2020) 30:2021–2030


Deep learning: definition and perspectives for thoracic imaging

Guillaume Chassagnon 1,2 & Maria Vakalopolou 2 & Nikos Paragios 2,3 & Marie-Pierre Revel 1

Received: 10 July 2019 / Revised: 22 October 2019 / Accepted: 30 October 2019 / Published online: 6 December 2019
# European Society of Radiology 2019

Relevance and penetration of machine learning in clinical practice is a recent phenomenon with multiple applications being
currently under development. Deep learning—and especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs)—is a subset of machine
learning, which has recently entered the field of thoracic imaging. The structure of neural networks, organized in multiple layers,
allows them to address complex tasks. For several clinical situations, CNNs have demonstrated superior performance as com-
pared with classical machine learning algorithms and in some cases achieved comparable or better performance than clinical
experts. Chest radiography, a high-volume procedure, is a natural application domain because of the large amount of stored
images and reports facilitating the training of deep learning algorithms. Several algorithms for automated reporting have been
developed. The training of deep learning algorithm CT images is more complex due to the dimension, variability, and complexity
of the 3D signal. The role of these methods is likely to increase in clinical practice as a complement of the radiologist’s expertise.
The objective of this review is to provide definitions for understanding the methods and their potential applications for thoracic
Key Points
• Deep learning outperforms other machine learning techniques for number of tasks in radiology.
• Convolutional neural network is the most popular deep learning architecture in medical imaging.
• Numerous deep learning algorithms are being currently developed; some of them may become part of clinical routine in the
near future.

Keywords Machine learning . Deep learning . Lung . Thorax

Abbreviations GAN Generative adversarial neural networks

AI Artificial intelligence GPU Graphic processing unit
CAD Computer-aided diagnosis NIH National Institute of Health
CNNs Convolutional neural networks PACS Picture archiving and communication systems
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease RNN Recurrent neural networks
CT Computed tomography SVM Support vector machine
EGFR Epithelial growth factor receptor

* Marie-Pierre Revel
[email protected]
The term “machine learning” was introduced in 1959 by
Service de Radiologie A, Radiology Department, Groupe Hospitalier
Arthur L. Samuel, who designed the first program for the
Cochin Broca Hôtel-Dieu, AP-HP, Université Paris Descartes, 27 game of checkers [1]. Machine learning is a subset of methods
Rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris, France of artificial intelligence (AI). Its aim is to develop algorithms
Center for Visual Computing, Ecole CentraleSupelec, 3 Rue Joliot that learn interpretation principles from training samples, and
Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France apply them to new data from the same domain to make in-
Pépinière Paris Santé Cochin, TheraPanacea, 27 Rue Faubourg Saint formed decisions. Deep learning—a subset of machine
Jacques, 75014 Paris, France learning—has recently become a hot topic in radiology.
2022 Eur Radiol (2020) 30:2021–2030

Indeed, deep learning for a specific class of problems has been datasets, which is the case for chest radiograph interpretation.
shown to outperform other machine learning methods, In the context of radiology, its goal is to develop algorithms
allowing the creation of models that perform as well or even and tools for the automated processing, analysis, and under-
better than humans [2, 3]. Such a revolution was driven from standing of digital images towards reproducing the human
the increasing availability of large datasets, and high comput- visual perception system.
ing capacity of graphic processing units (GPU), even though The term CAD (computer-aided diagnosis) is a generic
there were also algorithmic and mathematical progresses in term encompassing various mathematical methods not limited
neural network learning. to deep learning [5]. For thoracic imaging, the most prominent
Machine learning is especially relevant for image interpre- application refers to lung nodule diagnosis. This includes
tation. It adopts an evidence-driven concept where the under- CAD for detection, named CADe, and CAD for characteriza-
lying decision process is very different from one traditionally tion, named CADx, used to evaluate the probability of malig-
adopted by radiologists. The objective of this review is to help nancy. Some CADs combine both tasks [6].
readers to become familiar with the methods and their poten- Radiomics is another popular research direction, relying on
tials, and to report current and future developments applied to more traditional machine learning tools, with some recent de-
thoracic imaging. This article will mainly focus on models velopment exploiting deep learning methods. The objective is
commonly used in radiology and especially on a specific type to determine imaging features of various complexities, which
of deep learning networks, the convolutional neural network are invisible to the human eye, in order to establish correla-
(CNN). tions with clinical outcomes. Classical machine learning algo-
rithms are usually using three different categories of features:
morphological features such as shape, volume, and diameter;
Terminology image features or first-order features such as histogram, kur-
tosis, and mean values; and textural features (higher order
In order to understand machine learning, the first important features) including co-occurrence of patterns and filter re-
step is to understand the different terms being used. sponses. These features are extracted and analyzed to be used
In 1959, Arthur Samuel defined machine learning as a for classification purposes (is the nodule benign or malig-
“Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn with- nant?), for quantification (what is the degree of severity of this
out being explicitly programmed” [1]. bronchial disease?) [7], or for prognosis, response to treat-
Conventional programing relies on a logic that is intro- ment, or correlation with other clinical or biological bio-
duced during its conception and does not change. Machine markers. There are many applications of radiomics in thoracic
learning applies a different principle where the behavior of oncology, such as discriminating adenocarcinoma from squa-
the program changes according to the training data. It can mous cell carcinoma [8], predicting lung adenocarcinoma in-
generate systems that are able to automatically learn from vasiveness [9] or epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR)
the available data, without “being explicitly programmed.” mutation [10], linking the tumor “radiomics phenotype” and
Both classical machine learning methods and deep learning the tumor genotype [11], or predicting response to treatment
methods use optimization algorithms during training. The [12]. However, a recent study evaluating 77 articles reported a
main difference is that classical machine learning methods mean radiomics quality score, a metric evaluating the validity
require the selection of image features beforehand, while the and completeness of radiomics studies, of only 26.1% and
deep learning ones generate these features during training. concluded that the overall scientific quality of radiomics stud-
Among various algorithms usually used in machine learn- ies was insufficient [13].
ing, neural networks are designed to mimic the way the human
brain processes information. In brief, successions of simple
operations—mimicking the way neurons behave—are used
to treat the information. Each neuron (formal neuron) process- Main concepts regarding machine learning
es part of the signal. The composition of these processes is algorithms
used to build the decision algorithm, also called the model.
Deep learning refers to deep neural network, which is a Types of algorithms
specific configuration where neurons are organized in multi-
ple successive layers [4]. The increase of layers improves the Machine learning algorithms can be categorized into three
expression power and performance of these methods and main groups: supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised
could produce higher level of abstraction [3]. Deep learning algorithms. Algorithms based on supervision rely on samples
currently represents the most advanced machine learning tech- with annotations provided by clinical experts, which will be
nique for a variety of high-level tasks and applications, espe- used for training. Supervised learning algorithms can be
cially for problems involving large structured training trained for classification tasks, such as to the presence or
Eur Radiol (2020) 30:2021–2030 2023

absence of disease or anomaly, or for regression tasks, for The next level of annotation usually refers to a sparse way
instance to provide a severity score or a prognosis. of providing information [17] or with boundary boxes indicat-
Recently, semi-supervised methods have emerged which ing the regions of interest [18]. Segmentation tasks require the
combine annotated and non-annotated data. In this setting, highest level of annotation which consists in contouring/
algorithms learn progressively through a better exploitation delineating the anomalies on each image. This type of anno-
of the non-annotated data. Reinforcement learning is a typical tation allows building more precise algorithms but is tedious
example of semi-supervised learning [14]. and time-consuming. Such datasets are generally smaller and
Conversely, algorithms based on unsupervised learning do more difficult to generate.
not involve human intervention. Clustering is the most repre-
sentative example, where the objective is to group samples
into homogeneous subpopulations, like, for example, to iden- Database/dataset
tify different chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
phenotypes. The performance of unsupervised algorithms is For machine learning methods including deep learning, the
often lower than the one achieved with supervised techniques. quality of data is essential and could be even more important
than the learning algorithm itself. It guarantees the capacity for
the model to perform equally well on cases not seen during
Data annotation training. For obtaining a generalizable model, it is important to
have a dataset that is representative of the disease and also
Supervised and semi-supervised algorithms rely on annotated representative of the different acquisition techniques. In radi-
data. There are different types of annotations depending on the ology, datasets must include the different acquisition protocols
task that the algorithm seeks to address (Fig. 1). For classifi- and the various forms of the evaluated disease and also in-
cation tasks (presence or absence of anomaly or disease), im- clude examinations from disease-free subjects. A model for
ages are simply labeled with two (disease positive or negative) lung fibrosis detection should be trained using a dataset
or more labels. For instance, chest X-ray 14 database [15] reflecting the heterogeneity of lung fibrosis patterns but also
contains around 112,000 chest radiographies labeled as con- including normal CT scans, and CT images acquired on vari-
taining one or more of 14 common anomalies such as atelec- ous CT equipment. If the training dataset only contains a
tasis, cardiomegaly, effusion, infiltrates, mass, nodule, pneu- unique fibrosis pattern or acquisitions all performed on the
monia, and pneumothorax. same CT unit with the same reconstruction protocol, the risk
Since annotations of large datasets are generated by auto- for the model to be poorly generalizable is high.
mated extractions from the reports, it is important to test the The dataset is usually split in three subcategories: training,
accuracy of the automated labeling, which is usually done by validation, and testing. The training set—usually correspond-
comparison with radiologists’ annotation on a subset of radio- ing to 60% of the database—is used to train variant versions of
graphs [16]. the model with different initialization conditions and
The exact localization of the anomaly is not provided with- hyperparameters (these will be defined in upcoming section).
in the image. This is also referred as a weakly annotated da- Once the models have been trained, their performance is eval-
tabase. Even though the annotation does not include exact uated using 20% of the remaining data, composing what is
localization, some algorithm might automatically learn to pre- called the validation dataset. The model with the best perfor-
dict the anatomical position of the anomaly. mance on the validation dataset is selected. This model is

Fig. 1 Different types of annotations. In weak annotation, images are simply labeled (nodule = yes or no) and exact localization of the anomaly is not
provided. In sparse annotation, a bounding box is drawn around the nodule, whereas in segmentation, the nodule contour is delineated (white area)
2024 Eur Radiol (2020) 30:2021–2030

finally evaluated using the last 20% of samples, which were CNNs which are composed from only convolutional
never previously used and compose the test dataset. layers. These architectures are mainly used for segmenta-
An alternative to the dataset splitting between training and tion purposes.
validation is the method of k-fold cross-validation which al- 2. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are used to jointly
lows training and validating using the entire dataset. This ap- solve different, interdependent problems, such as detec-
proach is especially useful when the number of cases is limit- tion and characterization of nodules. The network is or-
ed. It consists of splitting the training and validation sets to ganized in closed loops rather than in a sequence of oper-
several random splits and then using different combinations ations like CNNs [23]. These loops allow solving the
for training and validation. The average performance of the interdependency of tasks. Another application of this ar-
model on these splits is taken into account to judge the model chitecture is the ability to encode temporal information
performance and acceptability. and deal with dynamic data, for instance enhancement
after contrast administration [24].
Data preprocessing 3. The last class refers to generative adversarial networks
(GANs) [25], where during training of the algorithm, in-
Data preprocessing is not limited to the decomposition of the formation coming from images is combined with a statis-
dataset into training, validation, and test. Although in real life tical predictor, jointly determining the outcomes. For in-
the radiologists need to analyze images acquired with different stance, lung nodules are generally spheroid in shape, and
techniques (machines, dose, slice thickness, pixel size, recon- the statistical component of the GAN for a lung nodule
struction algorithms) and nevertheless make useful compari- detection algorithm will reinforce this condition for the
sons, it is desirable to “normalize” images before feeding them final prediction. Such methods are used when plausibility
into the deep learning algorithm. Various degrees of prepro- of the deep learning result is important to consider. Other
cessing can be applied, such as normalization of the physical architectures do not explicitly provide a statistical inter-
resolution involving slice thickness and voxel size and/or nor- pretation of the results. Compared with CNNs and RNNs,
malization of the gray-level distributions to follow predefined GAN architectures are the hardest to train.
distribution and/or image denoising [19]. Preprocessing is ab-
solutely essential for radiomics studies involving feature se-
lection, which is either selected by humans with traditional
machine learning techniques or automatically identified when
using deep learning. On the former case, the preprocessing Hyperparameters, loss function, and optimization
step also involves the choice of image features, among all 3 strategy
categories previously described, to feed the algorithm Among
these features, the algorithm will select the most prominent The term hyperparameter refers to all parameters which are
ones with respect to the task, using different possible tech- defined before training the algorithm, by opposition to those
niques such as random forest, Lasso, SVM, and logistic which will derive from learning. Number and type vary ac-
regression. cording to the deep learning architecture. Hyperparameters
include the number of layers, the learning rate which depends
Deep learning architectures on the loss function and optimization strategy.
The loss function is an important concept to understand. It
In radiology, three architectures are predominantly used. corresponds to the metrics used by the algorithm during train-
ing to test its performance. It quantifies the gap between the
1. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the most pop- prediction by the algorithm and the ground truth given by the
ular ones because they are robust and easy to train expert annotation/label. The objective of any deep learning
[20–22]. They rely on the succession of simple algorithm is always to minimize its loss function, until the
convolution/deconvolution operators at different scales discrepancy between the prediction by the network and the
(Fig. 2). Convolution consists in aggregating information ground truth vanishes. The loss function varies according to
from voxels grouped together, through the application of the task which is addressed, such as the Dice similarity index
different filters (Fig. 3). The filters differ from one layer to loss [26] for segmentation tasks or the log loss for detection
the next and their application generates the input to the and classification tasks.
subsequent layer. Two main types of convolutional neural Several strategies can be used to optimize the loss function
networks are very popular for thoracic applications: (i) the during training. The most commonly used is the stochastic
fully connected CNNs which are a mixture of gradient descent [27]. Gradient descent methods rely on an
convolutional and fully connected layers mainly used iterative process where every iteration allows moving closer
for classification purposes and (ii) the fully convolutional to the optimal model. Stochastic gradient descent allows
Eur Radiol (2020) 30:2021–2030 2025

Fig. 2 Illustration of a
convolution/deconvolution neural
network. The convolution part of
the network applies convolution
operators at different scales. Scale
reduction (downsampling) be-
tween each layer is usually ob-
tained by using max-pooling
function. Then, the deconvolution
part applies deconvolution opera-
tors and progressively restores the
initial scale of the image

random perturbation of the model that instantly could degrade predictions on the training set, but fails to reproduce them
its performance but finally converge to a better solution. on new unseen cases. This can be observed when the training
The learning rate and the number of epochs are also impor- set is not well balanced or when the number of samples is not
tant optimization parameters. The learning rate controls the sufficient. In this situation, it may happen that the algorithm
amount of improvement of the network between two itera- finds an association of features and considers it as relevant for
tions. Low learning rates guaranty improvements, but of mar- the outcome, while it is only the result of fortuitous feature
ginal importance. High learning rates refer to more unstable combinations learned from a non-representative dataset. This
models where improvement from one iteration to the next association would disappear when using a larger or different
could be more significant, associated with the risk of sample. Overfitting problems are common with deep learning
degrading the overall performance. Epoch is a different con- algorithms containing many layers generating lots of variables
cept, which refers to the number of times where the entire to learn (from several hundred to several millions) from small
training set has been revisited to update the model parameters. training sets.
A highest number of epochs guaranties better performance on Another problem that can be seen during training is
the training set, at the cost of increasing computation com- underfitting. It occurs when the model fails its adaptation to
plexity as well as the risk of overfitting, by selecting features both training and validation sets. The reasons of underfitting
which are only specific to the training dataset and are poorly can be multiple. In presence of multiple subpopulations within
generalizable. the training set, models with an insufficient number of param-
eters will fail to encompass the entire population. Another
Overfitting and underfitting possible explanation for underfitting relates to the nature of
the model that has been chosen for the prediction. For exam-
Overfitting is the situation where the trained model performs ple, when the notion of time is critical for diagnosis (delayed
very well on the training dataset but fails on the testing set. enhancement), a model that ignores this information will most
Overfitting occurs when the model performance keeps im- inevitably fail even if the number of parameters is sufficient.
proving in the training cohort but decreases in the validation In summary, overfitting is characterized by a high perfor-
cohort. In other words, the model generates accurate mance on the training dataset contrasting with a poor

Fig. 3 Example of convolution

with Sobel filter to highlight
edges on the horizontal direction
2026 Eur Radiol (2020) 30:2021–2030

performance on the validation dataset, whereas underfitting is normal chest radiographs and 35,613 with abnormal find-
characterized by poor performance in both training and vali- ings. The algorithm demonstrated significantly higher per-
dation datasets (Fig. 4). formance than non-radiology physicians, board-certified
radiologists, and thoracic radiologists. These three categories
of human readers improved when using the algorithm as
second reader [2]. These impressive results at first glance
Perspectives for thoracic imaging should be tempered by the fact that the X-rays used to
compare the model and human performance contained
The World Health Organization suggests that two-thirds of the only 1 of the 4 target diseases, which corresponds to the
global population lack access to radiology diagnostics [28]. concept of “narrow AI.” The performance of the algo-
There is a shortage of experts who can interpret X-rays, even rithm for detecting the same anomalies when associated
when imaging equipment is available, which opens avenues with others was not evaluated and might be lower than
for machine learning applied to thoracic imaging [29]. that of human readers.
Chest radiography is an excellent candidate for developing The use of CNNs for CT images is more complex due to
computer-aided automatic interpretation solutions. It consists the 3D nature and high number of images, and the smaller
of 2D images and several billions have already been stored on size of annotated datasets. Despite these difficulties, results
hospital’s picture archiving and communication systems are promising and here again CNNs prove superior to clas-
(PACS) and linked to radiological reports. As previously sical machine learning methods. For the 2017 Kaggle Data
underlined, a large amount of data is essential for supervised Science Bowl, whose objective was to predict the cancer
learning but images have to be extracted and annotated. risk at 1 year, based on lung cancer screening CT exami-
Several large databases of annotated chest radiographies are nations, frontrunner teams all used deep learning. The use
already publicly available for developing research projects. of deep learning is not restricted to nodule evaluation but
Among them, we already mentioned chest X-ray 8 [15] from can also apply to the detection of emphysema [34] or the
NIH with 8 possible labels, secondarily extended to 14 differ- detection and quantification of infiltrative lung diseases on
ent labels. CheXpert is another large dataset containing CT (Fig. 5) [35].
224,316 chest radiographs used for competition for chest X- Deep learning can also be used to predict non-small cell
ray interpretation [16, 30] lung cancer genotype from CT images, especially EGFR mu-
Among the numerous studies performed on automated tation. Wang et al [36] trained a deep learning algorithm for
chest X-ray reading, some studies on dedicated tasks have predicting EGFR mutation on a cohort of 603 patients. They
demonstrated the superiority of CNNs over classical ma- used a 24-layer CNN and pre-trained the first 20 layers on
chine learning techniques. For the detection of tuberculo- natural images from the ImageNet dataset, before training
sis, the deep learning–based algorithm developed by the 4 remaining layers using 14, 926 CT images from wild-
Lakhani et al [31] reached an AUC of 0.99 compared with type and EGFR-mutated lung adenocarcinomas of the training
0.90 at best for prior studies using classic machine learn- cohort. The developed algorithm was validated on an external
ing methods [32, 33]. Hwang et al developed a deep cohort of 241 patients and reached and AUC of 0.81. Deep
learning–based algorithm able to distinguish normal and learning using RNN can also be used to predict lung cancer
abnormal chest radiograph results, including malignant response to treatment from serial medical imaging [37]. The
neoplasm, active tuberculosis, pneumonia, and pneumo- model was predictive of survival and cancer-specific out-
thorax. The algorithm was trained on a dataset of 54,221 comes, with an AUC of 0.74 for 2-year overall survival.


The major advances of machine learning and in particular

deep learning might change the landscape of radiology.
Numerous algorithms are being currently developed; part of
them might be used for the clinical routine in the coming
years. They may assist radiologists for a number of tasks such
as detection or characterization of radiological abnormalities,
Fig. 4 Underfitting and overfitting. Underfitting is characterized by a
high loss in both training and validation datasets, whereas overfitting is
or for prognostic purposes. For detection tasks, human valida-
characterized by a low loss in the training dataset contrasting with a high tion by visual confirmation is possible, which is not the case
loss on the validation dataset for characterization tasks or prognostic prediction. Who will
Eur Radiol (2020) 30:2021–2030 2027

Fig. 5 Interstitial lung disease segmentation in a patient with idiopathic bronchiolectasis with subpleural predominance. b ILD segmentation
pulmonary fibrosis using a deep learning–based tool developed at our (red). c Combination of ILD (red) and lung (blue) segmentations allowing
research laboratory. a Unenhanced CT scan axial transverse image calculating the volume of diseased lung on CT
through the lung bases demonstrates ground glass, reticulations, and

take the responsibility for the wrong predictions remains an specific tasks such as tuberculosis
open question. diagnosis or pneumonia detection,
Before the introduction of such tools in clinical practice, it which is defined as narrow or
is important to understand the associated terms and concepts, weak AI. They do not allow the
the strengths, and the limitations in order to all together be- detection of all potential
come “augmented” radiologists, not overwhelmed abnormalities (e.g., general AI) as
radiologists. a human reader would do.
CAD (computer-aided a domain that exploits algorithms
Funding Information The authors state that this work has not received diagnosis) derived from artificial intelligence
any funding.
to provide indicators and assist
clinical experts in diagnosis.
Compliance with ethical standards CADe CAD developed for a detection
Guarantor The scientific guarantor of this publication is Pr. MP Revel.
CADx CAD developed for a
Conflict of interest Pr. N Paragios is an employee of TheraPanacea characterization task.
(Paris, France). Classification task assignment to an input signal (an
image) a label from a predefined
Statistics and biometry No complex statistical methods were necessary set of categories (disease or no
for this paper. disease), by mean of a machine
learning algorithm.
Informed consent Written informed consent was not required for this
study because this is a review. Cross validation a statistical method used to
estimate the performance of the
Ethical approval Institutional Review Board approval was not required machine learning algorithm by
because this is a review. exploiting various partitions of the
data between training and testing.
Methodology Convolution mathematical operator that creates
• Review
a new value from an input signal
(for instance a group of voxels)
after modification by another
Glossary value which acts as a filter. For
example, averaging mean density
Algorithm a mathematical model that is values within a patch of voxels.
applied to data (input) and provide Convolutional neural deep neural network which is
an output in order to solve a spe- network (CNN) based on a sequence of
cific problem. convolutional operations.
Artificial intelligence a scientific domain that creates Deep learning (= deep part of the broader family of
algorithms allowing machines to neural network) machine learning, individualized
mimic human cognition or human by specific configuration of neural
performance on a dataset. network organized in multiples
Currently, AI algorithms address
2028 Eur Radiol (2020) 30:2021–2030

layers, emulating the human Hyperparameters parameters which control the

learning approach and increasing training process of the algorithm
the ability to address complex and are defined before training,
problems. Deep learning networks such as the number of layers and
are iterative methods that learning rate, among others.
propagate information, training Labeling/annotation process of allocating ground truth
their features automatically by associating a label to an image.
through gradient-based optimiza- Loss function when training and optimizing the
tion methods and algorithm, it quantifies the gap
backpropagation. between predictions and ground
Epoch indicates the number of times the truth.
entire dataset has been used during Machine learning a scientific field that gives
the iterative optimization of the computers the ability to
network. automatically learn without being
Features image characteristics which are explicitly programmed, by relying
invisible to the human eye. Three on sample data, known as
categories of features are used by “training data,” used to make
classical machine learning predictions.
algorithms: morphological Neural network machine learning algorithm made
features such as shape, volume, of a succession of formal neurons.
and diameter; first-order features Overfitting characterizes algorithms that
such as histogram, kurtosis, and perform well on the data on which
mean values; and textural features they have been trained but fail to
including co-occurrence of pat- perform equally well on unseen
terns and filter responses. data.
Formal neuron (= artificial mathematical function mimicking Radiomics a field of medical imaging that
neuron) the architecture of biological aims to extract features from
neurons. medical images, for tasks such as
Fully connected CNNs variation of CNNs which consists characterization or prediction
of connecting all the elements of (prognosis, response to treatment,
one layer with all the elements of genotype).
the next one. Fully connected Recurrent neural networks a class of neural networks that
CNNs are used for classification (RNN) integrate interdependencies
problems (does this chest between different tasks using the
radiograph contain signs of same data (detection and
tuberculosis?). characterization) or between
Fully convolutional variation of CNNs which are different data (temporal post-
CNNs composed from only contrast enhancement).
convolutional layers. Fully Regression task process of associating input data
convolutional CCNs are used for with a continuous outcome (for
segmentation tasks (is this pixel instance survival).
located in a fibrotic area?). Semi-supervised class of machine learning
Generalization capacity for a model to maintain learning techniques that learns from
capability its performance when applied to annotated data in order to generate
new cases, unseen during training. their model and improves its
Generative adversarial a neural network that combines performance using the non-
neural network (GAN) two subnetworks, one generating annotated ones
hypotheses and another evaluating Supervised learning class of machine learning
their likelihood. techniques requiring labeled
Ground truth refers to the label assigned by the training data in order to generate
expert or another reference their model.
method such as pathology. Semantic segmentation process of associating every voxel
with a specific label/class, for
Eur Radiol (2020) 30:2021–2030 2029

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