January, 2020
ROWLAND NNA with Registration number MOUAU/CMP/15/82980 in the Department of
Computer Science, College of Physical and Applied Sciences, Michael Okpara University of
Agriculture, Umudike under the supervision of Engr. Dr. Mrs. Nnochiri Ifeorna U. The literature
review in this report has been duly acknowledged in the text and a list of references provided.
- O/ - 2
Ek a Rowland Nna Date
7.. -ZQZO
vIarc N. Ogbuagau (PhD) Date
\Uead of Departrnen
I also express my gratitude to my Supervisor and Lecturer Engr. Dr. Mrs .Nnochiri Ifeoma U. for
her diligent reviews and useful comments which have added to the quality of this research; Also
to my indefatigable lecturers of the Computer Science Department (MOUAU) mostly my I-lead
of Department (H.O.D) Marc N. Ogbuagau (PhD) and the Dean of COLPAS for their tireless
effort in the knowledge they imbibed in me, I acknowledge my Course Adviser Dr. Obinna
Beloved, Miss Chioma, Mr. Charles Osadeke, Mr. Etuk Emmanuel, Mr. Ihejirika.
My Heartfelt appreciation goes to my beloved parents Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Ekpo who is the brain
store of my academic pursuit for their financial support, parental advice and spiritual aspirations
to me. I am also indebted to my lovely siblings: Ijeoma Ekpendu, Glory Ogbonna, Theresa
Rowland, Josiah and Pleasure Rowland and my entire friends who have in one way or the other
contributed to my welfare while in school I say a very big thank you to you all.
Management of prisons in Nigeria has long been a neglected area which has recently been
incorporated in the 20-20 vision document under the e-governance. Currently, prisoner's records
are maintained in a very rudimentary way in the form of manual files and registers. This method
of data management often results in human error, delay to retrieve information etc. Thus, A
Computerized Prison Information Management System was designed and implemented to
manage prisoner's records for the Nigerian Prison Service Umuahia command. This project was
done using basic Html for visible web contents, PHP for server scripting and MySQL database
was used to store and manage the prisoner's records. Tools used to achieve this Project includes
Dreamweaver CS5 html editor, CSS3 for styling, Java Script, PHP Wamp5 server and MySQL.
The project was implemented successfully and the result obtained provides a single management
system which integrates all the information about a prisoner in a single profile and can easily be
accessed with improved the overall efficiency of prison management.
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 1
1.3 Aims and Objective of the study 2
1.4 Significance of the study 2
1.5 Scope of the study 2
1.6 Limitation of the study 2
1.7 Methodology of the study 3
1.8 Definition of terms 3
Table 4.5: Structure of the Admin table 28
Table 4.5.1: Structure of the Prisoners table 29
Table 4.7.1: Hardware requirements 31
Table 4.7.2: Software requirements 31
Table 4.8: Project costing 33
Figure 4.2: The input design shows the prisoner's registration form 25
Figure 4.3: the input design shows the Admin registration form 26
Figure 4.4: The input shows how to edit the prisoner's profile 27
In this information age, coupled with the increasingly large number of people that commit crime,
and are involved in other social vices. Places such as the prisons, are in dire need for acquisition
of appropriate information system to record, compute and store information and disseminate the
information for management use, towards affective prison management. Information is an
important resource in the effective management of any organization. Information is any fact or
set of facts, which is useful in making a specific decision among alternative courses of action.
The information potential of data is enhanced by refinement, which involves selection,
processing, sorting and re-organizing the Data into a usable form and transmission to the
appropriate end-users. Nigerian prisons are complex in terms of the organizational structure,
number, and rapid increase in inmate population. There is therefore the need for an effective
Management Information System (MIS) in Nigerian prisons, possible only through adequate
provision and effective use of important system.
1.7 Methodology Of The Study
The following methods will be used to acquire information for this project:-
V Articles on computerized prison information management system would be downloaded
from the internet.
/ Past and ongoing research work on computerized prison information management system
would be sourced from journals, books and the internet.
V Visits will be made to Umuahia prison to ascertain the lapses on the current mode of
capturing and storing activities of inmate and how it could be computerized. This will be
the bases for our proposed system.
/ Information on United Nations recommendation on prison.
V Propose a model for Umuahia Prison Information Management System.
V Implement the model.
2.1 Introduction
The criminal justice system runs on information about criminal incidents, people who are
incarcerated either serving their sentence or awaiting trial. There is information about the court
process including scheduled events and outcomes of past events. All of this information affects
the way people are treated in the system and perhaps impacts the final outcome of any individual
case. The quantity and timeless of information are crucial to participants in the system.
Information flows can also affect the way the entire system works. The efficiency of then system
and the quality of justice dispensed are highly inter-related. Administrators must be able to
understand the flow of cases through their system.
is more concerned with issues of social control or whether it is concerned with issues of social
inclusion? This depends on the nature and purpose of the instruments used to audit these
structures. It can also "create dilemmas for and conflict within organization over defining
objectives, choosing indicators, the attribution of causality and how to make comparisons'
(Clarke et al, 2000). These dilemmas are even more complex when one of the issues from a
health and/or justice perspective. There is a need to address the inefficient and the uncoordinated
use of resources within prison, between prison and community and within the comm1nity. This
appreciation of system service management should also include the judiciary who do not have a
responsibility for resources use or the means to determine sentencing guideline (Carter, 2003;
Law reform Commission, 1996). It may well be that as a result of closer official monitoring, the
individual client will become subject to a greater degree of social control. This may in turn lead
to the development of protocols which define values and explicitly state the limits of
unacceptable behavior or the definition of legitimate need. This repressive intent can be found
within the criminal justice system concepts of net widening and up-terrifying which relate to the
inappropriate inclusion of offenders in a form of punishment level based on social diagnosis,
which is higher than the one they would be allocated to were it not for the bureaucratic features
of the decision making structure.
as a society within a society" Once an inmate is surrounded by the prison walls,' he or she
becomes subject to the operation and function of the institution.
Database management systems (DBMS) are specially designed applications that interact with the
user, other applications and the database itself to capture and analyze data. A general purpose
database management system (DBMS) is a software system designed to allow the definition,
creation, querying, update and administration of databases. A database is not generally portable
across different DBMS, but different DBMS can inter operate by using standards such as SQL
and ODBC or JDBC to allow a single.
The aim of information system in immigration is improving the quality and accuracy of
information provided to all involved as well as assisting management in compiling and reporting
information. Computerization is a social process for providing access to and support for
computer equipment to be used in activities such as teaching, accounting, writing, designing,
circuits, file processing etc. computerization entails social choices about the levels of appropriate
investment and control over equipment and expertise, as well as choices of equipment.
Dunlop and king (1991), by the early 1990s, computing and telecommunications accounted for
half of the capital investments made by private firms. However, paper (1980), Feigenbaum and
McCorduck (1983) and Yourdon(1986) stated that the most fervent advocates of computerization
have argued that the actual pace of computerization in schools, factories and homes is too slow
king(1986), others emphasize a labour market pragmatism that we label 'vocational Matching'.
In this view, people will need computer skills, such as programming, to compete in future labour
markets and to participate in a highly automated society; a Responsible school will teach some of
these skills today. King (1986), advocate of computer based education promote a utopian image
of computer using schools as places where students learn in a cheerful, cooperative setting and
where all teachers can be supportive, enthusiastic mentors.
Database Management Systems (DBMS) have become a standard tool for shielding the computer
user from details of secondary storage management. They are designed to improve the
productivity of application programmers and to facilitate data access by computernaIve end
users. There have been several database models. Whichever conceptual model or database
management system is adopted, the use of a central database management system has a number
of advantages and some costs compared to the commonly employed special purpose data files. A
data file consists of a set of records arranged and defined for a single application system.
Relational information between items in a record or between records is not explicitly described
or available to other application systems. For instance, a file of project activity durations and
scheduled times might be assembled and manipulated by a project scheduling system. This data
file would not necessarily be available to the accounting system or to corporate planners.
> Enforced Data Security: Authorization to use information can be centralized.
For the purpose of project management, the issues of improved availability is particularly
important. Most application programs create and own particular data files in the sense that
information is difficult to obtain directly for other applications. Common problems in attempting
to transfer data between such special purpose files are missing data items, useable formats and
unknown formats.
As an example, suppose that the purchasing department keeps records of equipment ental costs
on each project underway. This data is arranged so that payment of invoices can be handled
expeditiously and project accounts are properly debited. The records are arranged by individual
suppliers for this purpose. These records might not be particularly useful for the purpose of
preparing cost estimates since:
An alternative arrangement might be to separately record equipment rental costs in (1) the
Purchasing Department Records, (2) The cost Estimating Division, and (3) the company
warehouse. While these multiple databases might each be designed for the individual use, they
represent considerable redundancy and could easily result in inconsistencies as prices change
over time. With a central DBM, desired views for each of these three users could be developed
from a single databases of equipment costs
A manager need not conclude from this discussion that initiating a formal database will be a
panacea. Life is never so simple. Installing and maintaining databases is a costly and time
consuming endeavor. A single database is particularly vulnerable to equipment failure.
Moreover, a central database system may be so expensive and cumbersome that it becomes
ineffective, we will discuss some possibilities for transferring information between databases in a
later section. But lack of good information and manual information management cin also be
One might also contrast the operation of a formal, computerized database with that of a manual
filing system. For the equipment supplier example cited above, an experienced purchasing clerk
might be able to immediately find the lowest cost supplier of a particular piece of equipment.
Making this identification might well occur in spite of the formal organization of the records by
supplier organization. The experienced clerk will have his/her own subjective, conceptual model
of the available information. This subjective model can be remarkably powerful. Unfortunately,
the mass of information required, the continuing introduction of new employees, and the need for
consistency on large project make such manual systems less effective and reliable.
extent that the norm for an exception remained true and effective. Since the environment turns
competitive and is ever changing, fixation of the norm for an exception becomes futile exercise
at least for the people in the high echelons of the organization. The concept was then evolved
that the system should be capable of handling a need based exception reporting. This need
maybe either of an individual or a group of people. This called for keeping all data together in
such a form that it can be accessed by anybody and can be processed to suit his needs. The
concept is that the data is one but it can be accessed by anybody and can be processed to suit his
needs. The concept is that the data is one but it can be viewed by different individuals in
different ways. This gave rise to the concept of DATABASE, and the MIS based on the
DATABASE proved much more effective.
Over a period of time, when these conceptual developments were taking place, the concept of the
end user computing using multiple databases emerged. This concept brought a fundamental
change in MIS. The change was decentralization of the system and the user of the information
becoming independent to computer professionals. When this becomes a reality, the concept of
MIS change to a decision making system. The job is a computer department is to iianage the
information resources and leave the task of information processing to the user. The concept of
MIS in today's world is a system which handles the databases, databases provides com-putting
facilities to the end user and give a variety of decision making tools to the user of the system.
The concept of MIS gives high regards to the individual and his ability to use information. An
MIS gives information through data analysis. While analyzing the data, it relies on many
academic disciplines. These include the theories, principles and concepts from the Management
Science, Psychology and Human Behavior, making the more effective and useful. These
academic disciplines are used in designing the MIS, evolving the decision support tools for
modeling and decision — making.
The foundation of MIS is the principles of management and if its practices. MIS uses the concept
of Management Information System can be evolved for a specific objective if it is evolved after
systematic planning and design. It calls for an analysis of a business, management view and
polices, organization culture and the culture and the management style. The information should
be generated in this setting and must be useful in managing the business. This is possible oniy
when it is in conceptualized as system with an appropriate design. The MIS, therefore, relies
heavily on the systems theory offers solutions to handle the complex situations of the input and
output flows. It uses theories of communication which helps to evolve a system design capable
of handling data inputs, process and outputs with the best possible noise or distortion in
transmitting the information from a source to a destination. It uses the principles of system
Design, ability of continuous adjustment or correction in the system in line with the
environmental change in which the MIS operates. Such design helps to keep the MIS tuned with
the management needs of the organization.
The concept, therefore, is a blend of principle, theories and practices of the Management
Information and System giving rise to single product known as Management Information System
(MIS). The Physical view of the MIS can be seen as assembly of several subsystems based on
the databases in the organization. These subsystems ranges from data collection, transaction
processing and validating, processing, analyzing and storing the information in databases. The
subsystem could be at a functional level or a corporate level. The information is evolved through
them for a functional or a department management and it provides the information for the
management of business at the corporate level.
due regard to the people in the organization the management functions and the managerial
The role of the MIS in an organization can be compared to the role of heart in the body. The
information is the blood and MIS is the heart. In the body, the heart plays the role of supplying
pure blood to all the elements of the body including the brain. The heart works faster and
supplies more blood when needed. It regulates and controls the incoming impure blood,
processes it and sends it to the destination in the quantity needed. It fulfills the needs of blood
supply to human body in normal course and also in crisis.
The MIS plays exactly the same role in the organization. The system ensures that an appropriate
data is collected from the various sources, processed and sends it further to all the need
destinations. The system is expected to fulfill the information needs of an individual, a group of
individuals, the management functionaries: the managers and the top management The MIS
satisfies the diverse need through a variety of systems such as Query System, Analysis Systems,
Modeling Systems and Decision Support Systems. The MIS helps in Strategic Planning,
Management Control, Operational Control and Transaction Processing.
The MIS helps the clerical personnel in the transaction processing and answers their queries on
the data pertaining to the transaction, the status of a particular record and references on a variety
of documents. The MIS helps the junior management personnel by providing the operational data
for planning, scheduling and control, it also helps them further in decision making at the
operations level to correct an out of control situation. The MIS helps the middle management in
short planning, target setting and controlling the business functions. It is supported by the use of
the management tools of planning and control. The MIS helps the top management in goal
setting, strategic planning and evolving the business plans and their implementation. The MIS
plays the role of information generation, communication, problem identification and helps in the
process of decision making. The MIS plays a vital role in the management, administration and
operations of an organization.
2.5 Review of Prison Management System: Automating and streamlining the process of
prisoner / visitor movement at Prisons. Followings are the accomplishment in this area of prison
• Establishment of LAN: Establishment of LAN connecting all prisons situated in a big
wide spread complex using 5,500 meters of Optical Fiber Cable (12 and 6 core)
Operated with one layer — 3 switch supported by 16 layer — 2 switches in the entire jail
complex. The network has 185 lOs and can be expanded to 300 nodes without any
additions/modifications/disruptions to the existing infrastructure. Surveys were
conducted and laying of OFC was found to be the best suitable option.
• Biometric Tools: The PMS has been integrated with biometrics tools, which stores
Inmate's biometric details at the time of entry and shall be used to authenticate him at
the time of their movement. The biometric based verification and authentication system
is installed in all 9 jails of Tihar Prisons Complex and at District Jail, Rohini and New
Delhi with facility to store prisoner photograph. Tihar Prisons was the first prison using
this technology for prisoner's identification and verification along with the phàtographs.
• Photo pass for visitors: Visitor's Management System (VMS) is implemented at the
Central Public Relation Office situated at Gate /3 and at Gate /4 of the Tihar Prisons.
All visitors coming to jail to meet their relative prisoners are first being photographed
and then they are issued photo pass. Details of the visitors are being kept in the database
and this information is shared with police for the investigation purpose.
• Cameras: Using analog and digital cameras security has been enhanced in the Tihar
Prison complex. Cameras have been installed at strategic locations within wards, inside
high security cells, at meeting points and at dheodi, where inmates are searched
whenever they are escorted out of jail or are brought inside the jail complex. Each and
every inmate can be watched from a video wall and surveillance brief is also sent to DG
(Prisons) in real time. These video graphed shots are produced in case of any disputes.
HRM has a variety of definitions but there is general agreement that has a closer fit with business
strategy than previous models, specifically personnel management. In all debates about the
meaning, significance and practice of HRM, nothing seems more certain than the link between
HRM and performance (HRM Guide October, 2006). Below are some of the definitions of
HRM, although it can be argued that these will only be ones of several possible definitions. De
Cenzo and Robbins (1996) defined HRM as the part of the organization that is concerned with
the people dimension and it is normally a staff or support function in the organization. HRM role
is the provision of assistance in HR1vI issues to line employees, or those indirectly involved in
producing the organization's goods and services. Acquiring people's services, developing their
skills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and ensuring their continuing mainteanace
and commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organizational goals .this is much
the case regardless of the type of organization, government, business, education, health,
recreation, or social action. The authors proposed an HRM specific approach as consisting of
four functions staffing, training and development, motivation, and maintenance.
In addition, Bratton and Gold (2003) define HRM as the strategic approach to managing
employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging people's capabilities is critical to
achieving sustainable competitive advantage. This is achieved through a distinctive set of
integrated employment policies, programs, and practices. The authors presented HRM functions
as planning, recruitment, and selections, appraisal and performance management, reward
management, development, employee relations, health and safety, and union management
relations. Moreover, to Alan price (2004) HRM aims at recruiting capable, flexible and
committed people, managing and rewarding their performance and developing key
Contributing to the working definition of HRM is Abecker et al.,(2004). They see HRM as a
strategic and target oriented composition, regulation and development of all areas that effect
human resources in a company. Efficient and effective management of these resources to a large
extend, affects human resource behavior, and consequently the performance of the organization
as a whole. Moreover, the authors identified HRIvI with the field it covers. These include
planning aspects personnel requirements analysis and personnel asset analysis, and change
aspects recruitment, personnel development and labor displacement.
Human Resources
L 9
Personal Personnel
Personnel Labour
Requirements Asset Recruitment
Development Displacement
Analysis Analysis
According to Torrington et al.,(2005) HRM is fundamental to all management activity and has
evolved from a number of different strands of thought. It is best described as a loose philosophy
of people management rather a than a focused methodology. Thus, distinction has been made
between HRM as a body of management activities on one hand (generically described as
personnel management) and then on the other as a particular approach to execute those activities
(carrying out people oriented organizational activities than traditional personnel management).
An organization gains competitive advantage by using its employees effectively, drawing on
their expertise and ingenuity to meet clearly defined objectives. Torrington et al., (2005)
identified the role of the human functions with four key objectives.
These four objectives are the corner stone of all HR activities. This includes staffing,
performance, change management and administrations. Staffing objectives focuses on finding the
appropriate pooi of human resources needed to ensure fully and timely supply of work force. It
therefore involves designing organizational structures, identifying working concitions for
different groups of employees followed by recruiting, selecting, and developing the personnel
required to fill the roles. Performance objective aims at ensuring workforce motivation and
commitment for effective performance.
3.1 Research Methodology
This section covers the actual process of sitting down and designing the website. The real
process of putting the pen to paper and the true process behind it is covered. It is the chapter's
intention to take the mystery out of designing any type of website. Methodology is the analysis
of the body of methods applied to a field of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of
methods and principles associated with branch knowledge. The methodology used is the
waterfall model.
Coding Testing
The figure 3;l illustrates the basic waterfall model, which is one of the main system development
models. In this model, stages were set as a series of sequential steps with flow of time and
information from left to right. The model defines the order of stages that will be delivered
completely to the management at the end of each stage. This is a long used tradition model and
all the plus points and the drawbacks have been identified clearly. It is the most widely used
methodology in the software development industry.
3.1.1 Advanced Waterfall Model
The new waterfall model, which is known as the Advance waterfall model have been explained
in the figure3.l .1. it allows returning to the previous stage when the need arises but this
provision should be used with care. This advantage is important in software developments as it is
considered a plus point of this model. It is undesirable to change the specification of the previous
phases to accommodate new requirements. However this model does allows this to provide the
flexibility to incorporate important requirements found later in the development process.
System Design
System Testing
Development II
=== Maintenance
identified. All the requirements for the system were gathered with employing techniques
such as questionnaires, interviews and survey. Interviews are done with key personals in
the agency and from other agencies to get a clearer idea of the industry and the business
activities involved. Questionnaires are given to their customers and survey is done during
their business process to understand the business needs.
> System design: This scheduled is followed by the next stage in the waterfall model,
which is the system design phase. In this part, requirements of the project will be
translated into detail design. The dataflow diagram (DFD) will be used to link the whole
system with this specification. As generally known, DFD will provide detailed
information regarding the flow between the information and the tables involved. This will
also give a clearer idea of the tables that is needed. This followed by the normalization
method. All the tables will be created and normalized to the third level to minimize its
dependency and redundancy. Primary and foreign keys in each table, a complete database
for the system will be created. The database design will be equipped with detailed
description of each attribute by field name, data type, data validation and description
respectively. Next part in the designing will be the Entity Re1ationship9(ER) diagram.
The relationship between every table in the database will be explained in this diagram.
The ER diagram also examines the relation and the dependency of the tables. Interface
design is the final stage in the designing. It is one of the main components in system
design. Only the necessary data should be provided in each page and confusing labeling
should be avoided. All the irrelevant information in a page should be avoided to reduce
mistakes made by the users. Not much graphical notation is required in this system since
most of the users assumed to be a computer literate.
> System Testing And Implementation:
The complete software will be also tested based on the functional and non-functional
requirements. Each components of the software will be tested separately to ensure error
free software and components integration. The testing activity includes the involvement
of computer technical people and customers. The testing log will include information on
the program, tested item and expected action or value and remark criteria. In tFis research
the testing will be done based on the actual data to know the system's performance in the
real life-working environment. In this phase the test reports are to be documented
The system implementation process concentrates on how the developed system plan to be
implemented in the advertisement agency.
3.2.1 Interviewing
In view to investigation, prison management staff was interviewed. This method yields the most
profitable result as it is obtained by physical contacts, hence a firsthand knowledge of the various
processes involved is obtain by speaking to the operator of the system. The essential element of
the interview is obtained directly and in a short time than when other methods are employed
since the interviewer is with the interviewed.
3.2.2 Observation
The method of data collection enables the researchers to witness a firsthand operation of the old
system or manual system. Direct observation is the surest method of learning as a scientist and
this method was richly employed.
+ Operational Feasibility: Here consideration is based on if the new system will be used
if developed or if there will be resistance from the users. Report from the investigation
however showed over 80% acceptance generally thus, it is operationally feasible.
+ Economic Feasibility: This work further considered the cost and benefits of the
proposed system and it was found to be considerably better than the current system.
4.1 System Design Overview
System design is the process of creating a blue print for the proposed system in other words a
prototype for the proposed system. The system is designed aimed at developing an online system
that can be used by Nigerian prison to keep track of prison records. Security of the database used
in the design was highly taken care of by the website developed. The objective of the design
+ Design software that can be used to store prisoner's information on database.
+ Structure a database system that will store all the information.
+ Design a query system to retrieve specified prisoners information.
+ Design a well formatted out put that will present information in a meaningful format.
+ Maintain a database for prisoner's jail term.
+ Ensure accuracy in the handling of the data.
User Name:
This design module when implemented would be used to verify and authenticate user's access to
the management system.
File No.:
Phone No:
Date In:
Next of kin:
Date Out:
Sign Up
Figure 4.2; The input design here shows that the prisoner should provide his or her full name,
phone number, before he/she can be registered.
4.2.3 Admin Registration
First Name:
Last Name:
User Name:
Email Add:
Fig 4.3: The input design here shows that the user slzo aid provide his or her full name, Login
ID before lie/she can be registered.
4.2.4 Edit Prisoner's Profile
Age: City:
Update Profile:
Fig 4.4: Input design here shows that the user who login can edit the prisoner 's inJbrrnation in
the database.
4.4. Output Design
+ In Fig 4.1: Once the User gains access, the system displays the admin page as n output.
+ In Fig 4.2: The system registers the prisoner and pops out a message "Successfully
Registered" as an output.
+ In Fig 4.3: The system registers the admin officer and pops out a message "Successfully
Registered" as an output.
+ In Fig 4.4: The Admin's log's in and edit the prisoner's profile and pops out a message
"Profile has been updated"
Admin table indicating field type, data type/size and Description which stores the admin first
name, last name, state and others in the field type.
4.5.1 Table 2: Structure of the Prisoner table
Field Name Data Type/Size Description
Id Int(1 1) Stores a unique id for each user
First name Varchar(20) Stores the first name for each user
Last name Varchar(20) Stores the last name for each user
File number Varchar(20) Stores the file number for each user
State Varchar(20) Stores the state for each user
Sex Varchar(20) Stores the sex for each user
City Varchar(20) Stores the city for each user
Phone number Varchar(20) Stores the phone number for each user
D.O.B Varchar(20) Stores the date of birth for each user
Age Varchar(20) Stores the age for each user
Date In Varchar(20) Stores the date in for each user
Date Out Varchar(20) Stores the date out for each user
Next of Kin Varchar(20) Stores the next of kin for each user
Email Varchar(20) Stores the email for each use
Information Varchar(20) Stores the information for each user
Prisoner table indicating field type, data type/size and Description which stores the prisoner's
first name, last name, state and others in the field type.
o Sign up System: The sign up system page layer helps the user to register him or behalf
into the system database.
o Contact us: The contact us page layer helps the user to contact the admin if him/her is
having a problem with the system.
o List of Prisoners: The list of prisoners page layer helps the user to view all the prisoners
in the database.
o Register prisoner: The register prisoner's page layer helps the admin user to register the
o Add User: The add user page layer helps the admin user to add another user.
o Edit Profile: The edit profile page layer helps the user to edit his/her profile e.g
Password, email address, and user name.
o Logout: The logout page layer helps the admin user to logout whenever he/she is done
with what she is doing on the admin page.
Whenever the user clicks on a particular navigation menu, it automatically links to the
page requested by the user. In its organization, search Engine giant, Google, was
incorporated in all the web pages for easy connection or log on to other websites all over
the globe.
4.7.1 System Requirements and Specification
Hardware Requirements:
System must have internet connection to run the application. Internet speed as low a 256Kbps
can run the application very well with great speed.
Component Requirement
Hard disk 10GB of hard disk space
Processor 3Hz or higher
Software Requirements
This application has been tested and is compatible with all web browser e.g. Opeia, internet
explorer. Mozilla Firefox etc.
4.7.2 Training of Staff
It is important to prepare training schedule for the staff before the new system is to be installed.
The user of the new system should be given specific time for training courses. This will enable
them fit into the new system. Also, user manual will be produced in regards to the operation of
the new system.
Maintenance would be seen in three areas in this research; corrective maintenance, preventive
maintenance and adaptive maintenance.
/ Corrective maintenance
Corrective maintenance is a maintenance task performed to identify, isolate and rectify a
fault so that the failed system can be restored to an operational condition within the
tolerances or limits established for in-service operations. Necessary corrections in the
form of removal, modification or addition of program modules should be prmitted by
the software to allow for optimal use of the application.
V Preventive Maintenance
This is a schedule of planned maintenance actions aimed at the prevention of breakdowns
and failures. The primary goal of preventive maintenance is to prevent the failure of
software before it actually occurs. It is designed to preserve and enhance software
reliability by replacing error-prone components before they actually fail. Recent
technological advances in tools for inspection and diagnosis have enabled more accurate
and effective software maintenance. Measures like regular diagnosis, database backups,
creating system mirrors preserve the integrity of information stored in the application. If
these are strictly followed, limited instances of such occurrences would be noticed in the
use of the software application.
V Adaptive Maintenance
This involves enhancing the system by adding features, capabilities and functions in
response to new technology, upgrades, new requirements or new problems. Since the
enviroment in which the application would be running is dynamic, it should be made to
suit whatever requirements that may change in the long run.
5.1 Summary
It is now imperative to say that it has become essential to embrace the new technologies in the
area of information and communication Technology (ICT) for the development, modernization,
advancement of prisons. Internetworking of all the jails across Nigeria for sharing of information
related to prison inmates who had been lodged in various jails of the country should improve the
law and order within the state. It is recommended that Umuahia Prisons be pioneer in this area
and they have shown it through IT setup, role model for other states and even other countries. It
is likely that this may be replicated in the whole country.
5.2 Recommendations
I recommend the followings
The following are recommendation that would enable improvement on the system;
7 There should be a way of limiting the amount of prisoners in the cell to avoid congestion
V' There should be a way to separate records of criminals and civilians
V There should be a means of adding finger print recognition to the project.
5.3 Conclusion
Management of prisons as well as prison records is a vital aspect in the national security which
becomes all the more important in the current volatile security situation. Prison Management in
Nigeria is still in a nascent stage using manual system of files and folders to store arid organize
prison record. This system is inefficient as well as looking up of specific information is
cumbersome and tedious. This greatly impedes the flow of critical information. All these
deficiencies are removed using the Computerized Prison Information Management System.
CPIMS effectively stores all the information in neat prison profiles which have all the necessary
information about a prisoner as well as his//her finger print signature and a passport photograph
be attached with the profile, ID numbers can also be used as a search key to identify prison
records by comparing them.
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Appendix A: Screenshots
- C C ims!host, - C
C C Cht
Ace: 45 years
LGA: ohinewa
.-°ddress: uinuokpo
List of in-mates
hdg'nzg hzghghd ga 8
Appendix B: Source Code
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bottom: 7px;color:#83 3 65c">
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"", false);
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Appendix C: Program Flow Chart
Input username, password
View prisoner
Register Prisoner
Add user
Edit Profile
Input username, password
ase login?
Input username, password
firstname, last name, password, state, city,
phonenumber, email, age, sex to table users